Monitor screen resolutions. Optimal monitor screen resolution

Addressable number of pixels (image elements). For an LCD panel, resolution is the operating mode at which best quality Images. If the computer's video mode does not match the actual panel resolution, then the monitor... ... Glossary of terms for household and computer equipment Samsung

This term has other meanings, see Permission. Resolution is a value that determines the number of points (elements bitmap) per unit area (or unit length). The term is usually applied to images in digital... ... Wikipedia

graphic resolution- Screen resolution, which characterizes the degree of detail of the image. The higher the screen resolution, the better the detail. Topics information Technology overall EN graphics resolution...

Or the ratio of frame width to height (English aspect ratio) is a concept in photography, cinema and television. In cinema, the designation of screen aspect ratio is used, which is different from photography and television, in which the ratio ... ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Shooting. This term has other meanings, see Reshoot. Screen shooting, reshooting is the process of copying a cinematic, television, or less often photographic image... Wikipedia

Comparison of resolution of 4K, 2K and HDTV 4K is a designation of resolution in digital cinema and ... Wikipedia

a high resolution- The ability of a monitor, printer, or scanner screen to present images with high degree detail individual elements. High-resolution graphic displays are capable of displaying 1024x1024 pixels or more on the screen; printers have... ... Technical Translator's Guide

TELEVISION RESOLUTION LIMITS- measured by horizontal (line) resolution, usually expressed in the maximum number of lines along the height of the image (screen) distinguished on a test pattern using the IEEE 208/1960 standard or any equivalent of this standard... Dictionary of concepts and terms formulated in regulatory documents Russian legislation

Keyless PDA Casio Cassiopeia E 125 Casio Cassiopeia trademark Casio company, under which a number of pocket watches were produced personal computers(K... Wikipedia

iPad- Internet tablet produced by the company Apple Internet tablet presented by Apple in January 2010. The second version of the tablet was introduced in March 2011, the third version ( The New iPad) in March 2012, fourth (iPad with display... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

IN modern world everything is changing rapidly. Cameras of all models, from the cheapest point-and-shoot cameras to professional DSLRs, can shoot HD quality videos. This video is also possible for expensive models mobile phones. DVD video standards are a thing of the past.

Film studios are making new spectacular films with previously unavailable effects. The requirements for video and television equipment standards are also growing. Viewers want films made in more high-quality image, - they want to view them on wide screens, and not just on a computer monitor.

What is screen resolution TV 1920x1080

Screen resolution is what affects the clarity of the image. This is the quality of the pictures and text messages. Unit of measurement of resolution - responsible for the formation of the image on the screen. Today, when purchasing a TV with a plasma or LCD screen, you will probably come across the term Full HD - 1920x1080, which the seller will definitely tell you about.

These TVs are now in everyone big store, they are affordable, which is what buyers are looking for now. If you answer that you do not know this term, the seller will add that this sign is best recommendation for a TV, and a resolution of 1920x1080 is an indicator High Quality Images.

How to choose a TV

When you are choosing a TV, pay attention to the measurements measured in inches. One inch is about two and a half centimeters. But monitors with big screen demanding on the video card. That is, if you bought a modern twenty-four-inch diagonal monitor, then expect that your iron horse will slow down slightly.

Budget 18-19 inch monitors are only good for their price. And for those who love battle scenes on big screen, monitors with 27 inches diagonal are suitable.

Some people are now wondering why modern monitors so narrow and elongated. There is an explanation for this. For modern films there are standards for the shooting format. They are filmed like this, with an elongated and narrow image. If you watch a new movie or play a modern game on an old square-shaped monitor, the picture will be small, and not everyone will like it.

FullHD or HD Ready

On the packaging boxes of TVs, in addition to the FullHD inscriptions, you often find other inscriptions - HD Ready.

What's the difference?

In 2005, the European Association of Telecommunications Technologies and Information Systems adopted standards for new TV models that will display video with high quality parameters. They are divided into two categories: HD Ready and FullHD.

HD Ready supports the minimum resolution for this class - 720 lines, and FullHD, where the screen resolution is 1920x1080, is capable of handling video with 1080 lines.

This name was picked up by the Japanese company Sony when, in 2007, it named a number of its products as the FullHD brand. Other companies in this market segment began to call their products the same way.

Therefore, most of the liquid crystal and plasma television receivers of the FullHD class sold nowadays (translated from English as “ full resolution 1920x1080") screens have a screen aspect ratio of 16 by 9 and support videos with 1080 lines of image. Such images compare favorably in quality to a simple DVD; they are clearer and of higher quality.

So what is screen resolution, how do screen settings affect the picture we see on the monitor?

The TV screen, whatever it may be, plasma or liquid crystal, is a matrix that consists of pixels located horizontally and vertically of the screen. Their number is called matrix resolution. Screen resolution comes in many types, but the most famous ones are 1024x768, 1366x768, and many others.

Types of television signals

The most a high resolution now it is Full HD - 1920x1080.

Television signals also have a resolution that has not yet reached a common standard throughout the world. In the USA, for example, the type is called NTSC (with a resolution of 640 by 480 pixels). In European countries, PAL signals and SECAM signals with a resolution of 720 by 576 pixels are used.

The signal may also differ in frame rate: fifty or sixty hertz.

In every modern TV there is a processor that converts incoming signals to the standard that the TV matrix corresponds to. If the incoming signal and the matrix had the same standard pixel resolution, then the image would immediately be clear and of high quality. But, since signal standards are different in types, parameters and matrices, the TV must independently convert the signal in order to show a clear image.

Progressive and interlace scanning

The range in which TV channels broadcast is small. There is not enough space for everyone. The image transmitted by the channel can be formed in two ways. Progressive, which displays all frames completely (where the lines - even and odd - follow one another), and interlaced.

To save space on air, a scan was invented that reduces the frame rate by half. It was called interlaced. First, the first half of the frame is transmitted in odd lines, then the second half in even lines. Interlaced scanning would look blurry if there was no way to restore image quality.

In order to explain the method that forms the image, after the number of lines the initial English is written: “p” or “i”. For example: a resolution of 1920 x 1080p indicates that the picture was generated in a progressive way. And the 720i marking will mean that the video has 720 lines. And the letter i stands for the interlaced method. In order to indicate the format, the second-by-second frame size is indicated. When they say 1080p30, this means that there are thirty frames in this video, running per second. The higher the number of frames, the better and more detailed the picture looks.

Full HD requirements

TVs last generations display images of both scan types. Thus, a screen resolution of 1920x1080 and an aspect ratio of 16:9 must be present in Full HD TV. These are the standard requirements for this type to display the incoming video signal.

Therefore, a resolution of 1920x1080 would mean that the TV has 1920 horizontal dots and 1080 vertical dots. Such TVs will catch high quality signals accepted in the world (HDTV standards).

Tricolor TV, a commercial TV operator, has been offering a package since 2012 that includes twenty-five HD quality channels. Someday, such channels may be free for everyone.

If you have problems with your monitor, font or image is not clear, you need to understand that this changes due to the resolution value. For example, when the resolution is set to a high value, say 1920x1080, then objects will be clear. And a larger number of them will fit on the monitor. And with a low resolution, say 800 by 600, fewer objects will fit on the monitor, but they will look larger.

But this does not mean that you can set the screen resolution you like to 1920x1080. It may not be supported by your monitor or TV model. CRT monitors support a resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels or 800 by 600 and are suitable for all types. LCD monitors and laptop screens support high resolution. And they work with the look that is suitable only for their model.

Monitor big size corresponds to the same high resolution. It improves clarity and reduces image size.

How to adjust monitor resolution in Windows 7

To do this, go to the "Start" menu, then go to the "Control Panel", and then go to "Appearance" and "Personalization". Then go to the “Resolution Settings” of the monitor. Now expand the list next to “Resolution”, use the slider to set the resolution you need, then click the “Apply screen settings” button.

Late models of monitors, on liquid crystals, work with own resolution. It does not need to be configured - it is already recommended for this type. Such monitors are divided into two types: with a ratio of 16:9 and 16:10 and standard with a ratio of 4:3. If you compare them, widescreen has a larger width and horizontal resolution.

If you don’t know the monitor resolution, you can find it out from the reference book, on the manufacturer’s website, or from the EDID.

What is EDID

There is a data standard that provides information about the monitor and its parameters, where it was made, its resolution, size, color quality characteristics, and so on.

If you can’t find out by EDID, then how to set the screen resolution

What should you do if, when you connect a TV receiver with a large screen, the image does not fit and looks cut off at the edges? To solve the problem, you need to update your computer's video card drivers. After this, specify your model in the computer settings as the base, or main monitor. Then you need to make sure that the TV is connected to the computer via a digital connection, and also that there are no restrictions on it.

Install the Moninfo EDID program (it is available on the Internet). After that, check the resolution of your TV in it. If it is supported, that's good. If not, then you will have to edit the EDID and set the resolution yourself.

If the image does not fit

To deal with this problem, you need to turn off the Overscan option on your television receiver.

If this is a computer, then after the obligatory video card you need to click right click mouse on the desktop. If you have GeForce video card, then after that go to settings NVIDIA programs. If you have Radeon video card, then go to the Catalyst program Control Center. Then adjust the parameters using the slider in the “desktop” settings to the required value.

How to adjust resolution

First you need to disable EDID.

Then set the resolution to 1920x1080 in the screen properties.

Reinstall the video card driver (remove the old driver).

If the previous measures did not help, try reinstalling Windows.

I would like to hope that after this information, questions about how to set the screen resolution to 1920x1080 will be easier to solve.

What is screen resolution, what types exist and how do they differ.

Screen resolution is one of the most important characteristics, which should be taken into account by every person trying to buy an LCD TV in a store household appliances. Resolution, which undoubtedly affects cost, is measured in pixels. The resolution designation is the ratio of the number of vertical pixels to horizontal pixels. Modern manufacturers invest huge amounts of money in the development of LCD TVs, whose screens would have the highest possible resolution.

Note that the manufacturer of the TV will not necessarily be the manufacturer of liquid crystal matrices. Different companies can purchase screens from the same manufacturing company, as a result of which we can observe the same matrices in different models.


Of course, manufacturing companies must coordinate developments in terms of increasing the resolution of matrices. This is the only way to achieve stable operation television broadcasting in all regions. This, in turn, allows manufacturers to sell their products in different countries Oh. To this end, international organizations have developed specialized standards for the development of technologies for television. high definition, and these standards are mandatory for all manufacturers and developers.

Resolutions of modern TV models

Standards for high-definition television were developed by the European international organization ETSI and the American international organization ATSC. In accordance with these standards, which allow TVs based on LCD technology to be compatible with all international regions, the following resolutions of LCD TVs are distinguished:

1. 720 rub. A standard for a resolution of 1280*720 pixels, characterized by an aspect ratio of 16:9, frame rates of 50 and 60 Hz, and progressive scan.

2. 1080i. Standard for 1920*1080 pixel resolution, 16:9 aspect ratio, interlaced scanning, and frame rates of 25 and 30 frames per second.

3. 1080r. Standard for 1920*1080 resolution with frame rates from 24 to 60 Hz, 16:9 aspect ratio and progressive scan.

Main Differences

As you understand, modern standard decompositions TV signal for different countries were created in an effort to achieve maximum image quality when transmitting a signal over a distance. The main characteristics of signal decomposition are the type of frame scanning, frame frequency and number of lines.

Among the main television standards For television signal transmission, the European standards PAL/SECAM can be particularly highlighted. Valid in the USA NTSC standard. The European standard provides 625 lines, and the American standard provides 100 lines less. It is necessary to take into account that the standards were developed even when the first CRT televisions for mass consumption appeared. For example, on CRT TVs All 625 lines of the generated image are not used. In a system of deflecting coils, it is necessary to provide not only the time during which the beam travels to the source, but also the reverse time of the beam's movement, so the visible frame is actually formed from only 576 lines. This fact formed the basis for standardized permission for digital television, whose value is 720*576.

If we talk about the frame rate, then for old television receivers it was determined by the frequency of the current in the electrical network of a certain region. So, in America the frequency of the current was 60 Hz, while in Europe it was 50 Hz. This fact greatly facilitated the work on creating television scan generators.

Despite the fact that the standards were developed a long time ago, they are still adhered to today, since new TVs must be compatible with older models. For digital television receivers, that is, for LCD and plasma televisions, no restrictions are required, which is explained by certain design features. So, new standard HDTV, designed for high definition television, is based solely on digital transmission TV signal. To create service pulses, it does not need to use lines, as a result of which the number of lines in the name of the standard determines the number of lines forming the image. The HDTV standard can be generated with 720 or 1080 lines, with progressive or interlaced scanning and frame rates of 50 and 60 Hz.

Standards are indicated by an entry that specifies the number of signal lines, interlaced (i) or progressive (p) scanning, as well as the frame rate, which can be written separated by a slash.

Interlace scanning - preliminary updating of even lines with subsequent updating of odd lines in another half-frame. Progressive scan – recording all lines of an image on one screen simultaneously. As you can imagine, progressive scan produces higher quality images.

The following types of television signal decomposition are distinguished, which have been used since the beginning of the development of modern television:

1. Low-definition television LDTV, standard 240p and 288p;
2. Standard definition television SDTV, standard 576i for PAL and 480i for NTSC;
3. High definition television EDTV, standards 480p, 576p and 720p;
4. High-definition television HDTV, 1080i and 1080p standards;
5. Ultra high definition television UHDTV, standard 4320p.

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Modern market computer peripherals and components is ready to offer consumers a great variety of monitor models. All of them may differ in the type of matrix, type of backlight or aspect ratio. Also, different monitors may have different resolution screen. Modern models They can easily support even 4K resolution. But will it suit your monitor? This is a big question. As a rule, manufacturers indicate only the maximum value that the device’s display is capable of. They tactfully omit the optimal figure. So what screen resolution is best for a monitor? This will be discussed in the material.

What determines the choice of resolution?

It depends on many factors. When choosing the optimal resolution, it is worth taking into account the screen diagonal, aspect ratio, matrix type and the “Hertz” of the monitor. Although the last parameter was applicable to CRT displays. Modern LCD panels do not require fine tuning"hertz". However, other characteristics affect the screen resolution for the monitor. Which one is better? We will understand this with the help of He alone is effective in in this case. Also, do not forget that screen resolution directly depends on the capabilities of the operating system. For example, Windows OS does a very poor job of scaling text and icons to 4K resolution. While in Linux-like operating systems (Ubuntu, Mint) there are no such problems.

Selection based on matrix type

What screen resolution is best for a TN+Film monitor? Let us consider this option, since this type of matrix is ​​dominant in budget models. For such a monitor, the optimal resolution will be Full HD (1920 by 1080 pixels). Even if it is designed for 2K. The fact is that in such matrices the distance between the pixels is quite decent. Therefore, you should not get carried away when setting the resolution. But with IPS panels it’s a completely different matter. Here you can display at least all 4K. But again, we should not forget about the scaling capabilities of the operating system. In general, let’s look at the screen resolution parameters for monitors with different diagonals. Let's start with the smallest - 17 inches.

Monitors 17"

So, what screen resolution is best for a 17 inch monitor? First you need to study the documentation for the device and determine the maximum resolution that the screen is capable of. For seventeen-inch devices, the standard resolution is 1024 by 768 pixels. This is according to the manufacturers. But have you seen how bad everything looks at this resolution? Here. But the producers apparently didn’t see it. If the screen is widescreen, then you can safely set the resolution to Full HD. If it is supported. It's easy to check. Right-click on the desktop and select “Screen Resolution” from the menu that appears. The parameter selection window will appear. Here it is necessary to calculate the extreme limits of resolution. To do this, you need to move the slider all the way. If the monitor supports Full HD, then feel free to set this value. You will see how much the picture will change.

Monitors 17" CRT

If you are still using an old CRT "semnashka" (you never know, then you first need to set the flicker frequency (the notorious "hertz"). This can be done using the same algorithm as setting maximum resolution. Only in the window should you click “Advanced”, go to the “Monitor” tab and select the required number of hertz in the “Screen refresh rate” list. Optimal - 75-85.

Now you can start choosing a resolution. For a CRT, the optimal screen resolution is 1280 by 1024 pixels. It is at this resolution that there will be no problems with displaying icons and text. You can, of course, set more, but then you won’t be able to see anything. This is not an LCD panel. The text will be blurry.

So, we have already figured out which screen resolution is best for a 17-inch monitor. Let's continue. And next in line - 19 inches.

Monitors 19" CRT

No matter how crazy it may sound, among 19-inch monitors there are also CRT models with an aspect ratio of 4 to 3. Let’s start with them. So, what screen resolution is best for a 19 inch monitor? In the case of a CRT, again you need to start tuning with the screen refresh rate. And then just go to setting the resolution. No matter what computer gurus write in their public pages, standard definition for the "nineteen" CRT - 1600 by 1200 dots. Let it stay that way. If you set it higher, using the monitor will be uncomfortable. And if lower, then the components (icons and fonts) will be very large. Be that as it may, 19-inch CRTs with an aspect ratio of 4 to 3 are extremely rare. But there are also LCD panels with the same 4 to 3 diagonal. Oddly enough, the standard screen resolution for them is exactly the same.

Monitors 19"

What about 16 to 9? What screen resolution is best for a 19 inch monitor? A widescreen monitor has a slightly different structure. Therefore, the resolution will be different. However, most manufacturers advise using Full HD resolution (1920 by 1080 pixels) on 19-inch “widescreens”. It is this that is most comfortable for work. Moreover, if the user sits at the computer for days, then with this resolution the strain on the eyes will be minimal. And this is important, since the wrong resolution can seriously damage the user’s eyes. Now let's move on to larger toys. Next up are the giants with a 22-inch screen diagonal.

Monitors 22"

Well, with such a diagonal, thank Gates, only LCD panels are available. That's what we'll talk about. What screen resolution is best for a 22 inch monitor? It's not that simple here. Devices with this diagonal have both IPS and TN matrices. But this is not the main thing. And the main thing is that there are models with both declared Full HD resolution and 2K. And if your monitor supports 2K resolution, then it is not a fact that it will be comfortable for work. Here you will have to select the resolution “by eye”. Play with the settings, move the sliders. Try it on various options. There are cases when a Full HD image looked better on such a monitor than the “native” 2K one. However, you shouldn’t get too carried away. There is no need to lower the screen resolution “below the plinth”. This won't make the image any better.

You can also read the accompanying documentation for the device. Maybe there will be recommendations on what resolution is best for the monitor. But it is not a fact that they will coincide with your preferences. In general, screen resolution is a rather abstract value. Each user customizes the computer for himself, including the monitor. One thing is certain: this component must be configured in such a way that the user can work with it as comfortably as possible. Because it is through the monitor that tons of information is transmitted. And if you sit for a long time at an incorrectly configured display, you can go blind. Do you need it?

Okay, now let's move on to the really big toys. Next up are 23-inch monitors.

Monitors 23"

These devices are still positioned as screens for home use. However, placing them on the desktop is already a little problematic. But some manage. What screen resolution is best for a 23 inch monitor? But it’s better to look at the accompanying documentation of the device, because these displays can support both Full HD, 2K, and 4K. The optimal resolution for a screen of this size would be 2K resolution. If your device is designed for it, then feel free to install it. But with 4K it’s better to slow down for now. This resolution is still a fairly new feature. Therefore, not all operating systems and programs are adapted to it. But work is underway. Do not forget that in order to set this resolution, you need a special driver from the monitor manufacturer. It can be downloaded from the official website or installed from the disk that comes with the device.

Please note that monitors 23" and larger have increased danger for the eyes when the resolution is set incorrectly. It's up to you to decide which screen resolution is best for your monitor. But it would be a good idea to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. The specifications indicate exactly those resolutions that were tested under various operating modes. It was on these numbers that the monitor showed best results. Therefore, you should not neglect the advice of the manufacturing company’s engineers. Sometimes they contain very useful information. In the meantime, we are moving to an even larger diagonal - 24 inches.

Monitors 24"

These devices are not very different from the previous ones. And therefore working resolution they are similar. So, what screen resolution is best for a 24 inch monitor? Answer: exactly what it is designed for. Everything here is exactly the same as in previous model. But due to the non-standard aspect ratio, you will have to adjust the resolution manually, “by eye”. In 24-inch monitors, the aspect ratio is 16 to 10. That is why you will have to select a resolution that is comfortable for the eyes. By the way, 24-inch monitors are not as frequent guests on users’ desks as their 23-inch counterparts. Apparently, users are quite conservative and do not want to suffer with a non-standard aspect ratio. However, the market share of these monitors is still very high. The next monitor we'll look at is a real giant - a 30-inch screen.

Monitors 30"

It is extremely rare to see such monsters on users' desktops. Unless professionals in some field will purchase such a display. Or a crazy gamer. The average user will never buy anything like this. In a standard apartment there is simply no place to put this monitor. It's easier to connect your computer to the TV. The effect will be the same. But such boxes exist, and you have to put up with it. So, what screen resolution is best for a 30 inch monitor? Again, this all depends on the manufacturer's specifications. But if you look purely at the diagonal, then you can safely set it to 4K. If the monitor supports this resolution. There is no point in betting less. Icons and text will look poor at lower resolutions.

Some "thirties" are also designed for 2K resolution. This is also normal. But under no circumstances try to install Full HD. Nothing good will come of this. What screen resolution is best for a monitor, in this case the manufacturers know better. Therefore, it is worth following their recommendations. However, thirty-inch models can only be used by professionals. And in this case, the more, the better. This is especially true for designers and those who work with images. There is not much text there, but the image quality will increase noticeably at high resolution.

If the maximum resolution is not set

This common problem for those who just sat down at the computer. If in the operating system settings it is impossible to set the resolution to more than 600 by 800 pixels, then this means that there are not enough drivers in the system. And it’s not at all a fact that drivers are needed specifically for the monitor. It is much more likely that a novice user simply forgot to install software for a video card. Then such tricks are possible. If the drivers for it are 100% correct, then it makes sense to check their version. It also happens that "firewood" old version do not want to define new monitors. Therefore, it is highly advisable to update the video card software to the latest version.

If the monitor shows nothing at all

There are several options here. First: you didn't plug it into the outlet. Check the power and connecting cord. Second: you need special drivers for this monitor. The last problem often occurs in devices with G-Sync support. You just need to install the software from the CD that came with the monitor. Option three: if you have a CRT monitor, then you have set the “Hertz” to an unacceptably high level. Wait a minute and the image will return.


So, what is the best resolution to set for your computer monitor? As you already understand, this parameter directly depends on the diagonal, monitor type and matrix type. Therefore, you should first take into account all the features, and then set required resolution. You can also pick it up by eye. Leave it as comfortable as you like. Personal preferences also play an important role here. In any case, you will have to read the accompanying documentation for the device. Often the specifications offered by the manufacturer are the most correct. But you should not abuse documents. You never know what they can write? You can't believe everything.

We have already dealt with folders and files. Now it's time to learn how to configure your computer, and we'll start with the screen resolution. This concept applies not only to computer monitor, but also to the TV.

What is screen resolution

Screen or display resolution is one of the most important characteristics that affects image quality. If the resolution is not set correctly, the icons on the desktop will have an elongated or flattened appearance.

Any image on a TV or monitor screen consists of dots called pixels. These dots are very small and arranged in a grid pattern. Each pixel has its own color and intensity. We see only the whole image consisting of these pixels.

Screen resolution is the number of pixels per unit area. The higher the density of these pixels, the clearer the picture. Resolution is measured in height and width. For example, a resolution of 1280 x 800 means that there are 1280 pixels from the left to the right edge of the screen, and 800 pixels from the bottom to the top.

The best monitor resolution setting is those parameters that are indicated in the passport of your monitor.

How to change resolution settings in operating system Windows 10, read.

Before changing the resolution settings, remember or write down the old settings, because there are monitors that if you do not set correct settings resolution, your screen will become dark. Don't be alarmed. In this case you will have to take your own system unit, take it to a neighbor or friend, and set the correct settings.