How to find out RAM resolution in Hertz. How to find out the frequency of RAM

Many users have a question about how to find out the frequency random access memory their computer, puts them in a difficult situation, and they do not know how to perform this action. Meanwhile, there is nothing complicated about this, and we will try to convince you of this in this article.

Frequency is one of the main parameters of a computer’s RAM, which significantly affects its performance. Information about this RAM parameter may be needed for various purposes. For example, you want to know the performance of your computer. Or you want to know the parameters of the RAM module that is at your disposal.

It should be borne in mind that there are several types of RAM frequency - firstly, this is the real frequency of the RAM module, and secondly, its effective frequency. The first parameter represents the frequency at which the memory bus operates, and the second essentially represents the memory performance. If you compare two RAM modules with the same effective frequency, the module developed using more advanced technology will usually have a higher effective frequency.

There are two main ways to find out the memory frequency, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. First, you can see what is written on the memory module itself. And secondly, in order to find out the frequency, you can use special information programs.

Method for obtaining information from the inscription on a RAM module

Let's first consider the first method - reading the information indicated on the module. Its main advantage is its versatility, since it can be used even if for some reason you cannot run information program and even the computer itself.

Information about the parameter we need can be indicated in two ways - firstly, directly, in the form of a number indicating the number of megahertz for which the module is designed, and secondly, in the form of a speed standard.

As a rule, the parameter value in megahertz (usually the effective frequency, and not the actual memory bus frequency) is indicated immediately after specifying the memory type. An example of the first method of presenting information can be seen in the picture below:

IN in this case the number 1333 is the value of the parameter we need.

However, looking at your module, you may exclaim: “Excuse me, but my designation looks completely different! And the memory frequency in megahertz is not clearly indicated on it.”

In such a case, most likely you are dealing with the second type of designation by specifying the standard corresponding to the peak data transfer rate in MB/s. Below we present the characteristics of frequency standards for DDR2 and DDR 3 memory modules:

Standard name Bus frequency, MHz Memory type designation
PC2-3200 200 DDR2-400
PC2-4200 266 DDR2-533
PC2-5300 333 DDR2-667
PC2-5400 337 DDR2-675
PC2-5600 350 DDR2-700
PC2-5700 355 DDR2-711
PC2-6000 375 DDR2-750
PC2-6400 400 DDR2-800
PC2-7100 444 DDR2-888
PC2-7200 450 DDR2-900
PC2-8000 500 DDR2-1000
PC2-8500 533 DDR2-1066
PC2-9200 575 DDR2-1150
PC2-9600 600 DDR2-1200
PC3-6400 400 DDR3-800
PC3-8500 533 DDR3-1066
PC3-10600 667 DDR3-1333
PC3-12800 800 DDR3-1600
PC3-14400 900 DDR3-1800
PC3-16000 1000 DDR3-2000
PC3-17000 1066 DDR3-2133
PC3-19200 1200 DDR3-2400

Here is an example of memory with similar markings:

As we see, given memory has the designation PC2-5300, which corresponds to a bus frequency of 333 MHz.

However, many manufacturers have their own own systems designations that are not very easy to understand, and which do not have obvious indications of one of the parameters - the number of megahertz or the speed standard. What, for example, can such an inscription as Corsair XMS2 CM2X1024-6400C5 mean? Intuitively one can guess that we're talking about about memory of the PC2-6400 standard, but in such cases it is best to look at information about the manufacturer’s designation system on its website.

Obtaining information using information programs

This method, in addition to the fact that in many cases it is much simpler to directly inspect the memory module, also has the advantage that it allows you to determine the actual frequency of the RAM, and not just the one for which a particular module is designed.

There are a huge variety of programs that provide information about almost any detail. hardware computer. Therefore, we will look at how we can find out the information we need using the example of just one program, which, nevertheless, is among the most common and convenient - CPU-Z. This program is completely free and can be downloaded without any problems.

Information about RAM can be viewed on two tabs of the program - SPD and Memory. The first tab displays information received from the SPD chip, including the modes in which the memory module can operate, and the second tab displays the actual parameters. The parameter we need can be seen in the Dram Frequency line. It should be borne in mind that the value indicated in this line shows the frequency of the memory bus, and the effective frequency of the RAM is usually twice the specified value.


Exist various ways find out the frequency of the computer's RAM. The main methods include inspecting the RAM module and obtaining necessary information from the inscription with which it is equipped, as well as the use of special information programs.

In this article, I will tell you how to find out the frequency of RAM using at least two available methods.

The performance of the computer depends on what RAM is installed in the computer. And almost all users know this. What matters is not only the volume, but also the clock frequency of the boards themselves. Speeds that are too slow can have a significant impact on how quickly your computer will boot up, launch programs, or perform certain tasks.

In addition, if you install two RAM sticks with at different speeds, then they will be supported with less frequency, which may make it pointless to use a higher quality fast board. However, not all users know how to find out this very frequency. Therefore, below I will give two simple and feasible methods for everyone.

Note: It is also worth knowing that almost all programs for collecting computer characteristics provide such information. However, they may be too complex for ordinary users, so I did not describe them in the article.

Find out the clock frequency of the RAM from the sticker on the board

It is worth knowing that manufacturers often indicate special markings on the sticker of the RAM board. And from this marking you can find out clock frequency fees.

You need to look at the board and find there a phrase like " DDRx - xxxx", Where

DDRx- This is the generation of RAM. Today there are DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4 and DDR5 (the first two are almost impossible to find anymore). Each of these technologies supports certain range frequency In this case with the picture it is "DDR3".

xxxx- this, in fact, is the clock frequency of the RAM. In this case, it is 1333 MHz.

Sometimes, the combination with DDR is not present on the sticker. In this case, you can simply write down the name of the board and look up its characteristics on the Internet.

It is worth admitting that this method may not be suitable for everyone (although it does not require installation of programs), since it is not always possible to twirl the board in your hands. Therefore, I turn to an alternative, simpler option.

How to find out the RAM frequency using CPU-Z

First of all, you will need to install the CPU-Z program. By the way, very functional and useful program, which allows you to quickly find out the main characteristics of your computer. So I recommend not deleting it; it may still be useful to you when solving other problems.

Launch the program and then open the "Memory" tab. There, in the area called "Timings" there is a field "DRAM Frequency", which will display the real (physical) frequency of the RAM. It differs from what is stated in the characteristics. The latter is the effective frequency, which can be 2 or more times greater. The bottom line is that more operations can be performed in one clock cycle. Therefore, in order not to enter additional codes For marking, the real frequency is simply multiplied by this coefficient. For example, for DDR3 this coefficient is 2. Thus, with an actual frequency of 667 MHz, the effective frequency is 1333 MHz. And if we look at the example from the picture, then the real RAM frequency is “798.2 MHz,” that is, approximately 800 MHz, which corresponds to a DDR3-1600 board.

Note: Important point, manufacturers usually indicate the effective frequency.

Below is a table of frequencies for the generation operational boards DDR3:

Real memory frequencyEffective (double) frequencyStandard name for RAMPeak Data RateModule name
400 MHz 800 MHz DDR3-800 6400 MB/s PC3-6400
533 MHz 1066 MHz DDR3-1066 8533 MB/s PC3-8500
667 MHz 1333 MHz DDR3-1333 10667 MB/s PC3-10600
800 MHz 1600 MHz DDR3-1600 12800 MB/s PC3-12800
933 MHz 1866 MHz DDR3-1866 14933 MB/s PC3-14900
1066 MHz 2133 MHz DDR3-2133 17066 MB/s PC3-17000

If you are using a different generation of DDR boards, then you need to look at the corresponding table (the DDR number is indicated in the same tab in the “General” area in the “Type” field).

The computer's RAM has its own capacity and frequency(speed) work that determines the performance of the operating system. The higher these indicators, the more efficiently the system will work. If the volume of operational memory Many users know that the operating frequency is not known to everyone. Meanwhile, this is quite easy to find out.

You will need

  • Computer, RAM, screwdriver, CPU-Z program, Internet access.


1. The fastest way to find out frequency operational work memory, without resorting to the use different programs, – look at the module itself memory. To do this, remove the cover system unit by unscrewing the two fixing screws on the back of the computer case. On some cases the cover can be secured with latches. Further on the motherboard you will find the inscription DDR. There will be ports nearby for installing modules memory. Remove one of the modules memory. To do this, easily push down the latches on both sides of the port.

2. Now discover on memory DDR inscription. Operating frequency memory will be written next to it. For example, DDR-400 MHz or DDR2-800 MHz. The number at the end of the line is an indicator of the operational frequency memory. Please note that on some modules memory You can find the PC string, and after that the numbers, say, PC2-6400. All PC values ​​correspond to a certain operating frequency memory. Let's say PC2-6400 means the RAM runs at 800 MHz. If you have on the module memory PC inscription, find the operational collation table on the Internet memory. In this table you can easily see what frequency value memory matches your PC.

3. If you do not want to open the cover of the system unit, you can use the CPU-Z program. You can download this utility for free. Install the program on your computer, and then run it. After the first launch, the program will take a few seconds to collect information about the system. When you get to the main menu, select the Memory tab. After this, find the Dram frequency line. The indicator, on the contrary, is the frequency of operation of the operational memory. At the top of the program window information about the type of operating system is indicated. memory .

On forums and other web sources you can often find user questions about how to determine frequency memory. A similar interest is due, before anyone else, to the fact that this parameter naturally affects the efficiency of the computer. Finally, the speed of data exchange with RAM depends not only on the real (and, accordingly, highly efficient) frequency, but also on latency and timings. However, it is the frequency that arouses keen interest. However, there is quite a huge amount of software available to satisfy the public's curiosity.

You will need

  • Personal computer, Cpu-Z program


1. Pay attention to the information that appears when you turn on the computer. For many users, frequency data can be viewed there. Optimal program to determine frequency memory is the program "Cpu-Z". It shows the real data of any PC. Download the utility to your computer. At the top you can select all sorts of options. There is information about your computer, software. To find out frequency memory, go to the “Memory” section. You can refer to the section called “SPD”. There you will see available modes works by default.

2. To diagnose your computer, you can use Everest program. After installing it, you will view the information that concerns you. Click on the Menu tab. This section is located on the left. A whole list will appear in which you will find a section called “Computer” and “Over clock”. Data will appear in the center of the program window. There will also be information about the frequency memory. The program interface can even be configured into Russian.

3. There is a program called OCCT Perestroika. It also allows you to determine frequency memory, processor data. Launch the program on your computer. Select the "Memtest" section. A list of data appears. There you will read what the frequency is memory used on a computer.

4. You can install the AIDA32 program on your computer. Its interface is similar to Everest. Go to the “Computer” section and select the “Summary” option. The data will appear in the center of the window. You can set the language to Russian to make your work easier.

5. Frequency information memory you can find out from the EasyTune program. At the top of the window that opens upon startup, select the “Memory” option. Well, all that remains is to read. Everything will be described there in detail. The utility allows you to find out the current state of all components of the computer.

Video on the topic

Remove the system unit cover only when the computer's power is turned off!

- Faster, even faster, please speed up, at least a little, otherwise I’ll be…

– I can’t, dear Gamer, because I’ve reached my maximum clock frequency.

The dialogue of a Gamer, for whom every fraction of a second counts, could look something like this.

The clock speed of random access memory (RAM) is the second most important parameter after volume. The higher it is, the faster the data exchange between the processor and RAM occurs, the faster the computer works. RAM with low clock rates can become a bottleneck in resource-intensive games and programs. And if you don’t want to ask the capricious piece of hardware to speed up a little every time, always pay attention to this characteristic when purchasing. Today we’ll talk about how to find out the frequency of RAM based on the description in store catalogs, as well as the one installed on your PC.

How to understand what kind of “beast” a store offers

In the description of RAM modules on online store websites, sometimes not all of them are indicated, but only certain speed characteristics. For example:
  • DDR3, 12800 Mb/s.
  • DDR3, PC12800.
  • DDR3, 800 MHz (1600 MHz).
  • DDR3, 1600 MHz.

Some might think that this example is about four different slats. In fact, this can be used to describe the same RAM module with an effective frequency of 1600 MHz! And all these numbers indirectly or directly point to it.

To avoid any further confusion, let’s figure out what they mean:

  • 12800 Mb/s- This throughput memory, an indicator obtained by multiplying the effective frequency (1600 MHz) by the bus width of one channel (64 bits or 8 bytes). Bandwidth describes maximum amount information that the RAM module is capable of transmitting in one clock cycle. I think it’s clear how to determine the effective frequency from it: you need to divide 12800 by 8.
  • PC12800 or PC3-12800– another designation for the throughput of a RAM module. By the way, a set of two strips intended for use in dual-channel mode has 2 times higher bandwidth, so its label may indicate PC25600 or PC3-25600.
  • 800 MHz (1600 MHz)– two values, the first of which indicates the frequency of the memory bus itself, and the second - 2 times larger - its effective frequency. How are the indicators different? Computers, as you know, use DDR type RAM - with double the data transfer rate without increasing the number of bus cycles, that is, in 1 clock cycle not one, but two conventional pieces of information are transmitted through it. Therefore, the main indicator is considered to be the effective clock frequency (in in this example– 1600 MHz).

The screenshot below shows a description of the speed characteristics of the RAM from the catalogs of three computer stores. As you can see, all sellers designate them differently.

Different RAM modules within the same generation - DDR, DDR2, DDR3 or DDR4 - have different frequency characteristics. Thus, the most common DDR3 RAM in 2017 is available with frequencies of 800, 1066, 1333, 1600, 1866, 2133 and 2400 MHz. Sometimes it is designated as such: DDR3-1333, DDR3-1866, etc. And this is convenient.

Not only the RAM has its own effective frequency, but also the device that controls it - the memory controller. In modern computer systems, starting from generation Sandy Bridge, it is part of the processor. In older ones - as part of the components north bridge motherboard.

Almost all RAM can operate at lower clock speeds than specified in the specifications. RAM modules with different frequencies, provided that other parameters are similar, are compatible with each other, but can only function in single-channel mode.

If your computer has several sticks of RAM with different frequency characteristics, the memory subsystem will exchange data at the speed of the slowest link (with the exception of devices). So, if the controller frequency is 1333 MHz, one of the strips is 1066 MHz, and the other is 1600 MHz, the transmission will proceed at a speed of 1066 MHz.

How to find out the frequency of RAM on a computer

Before learning how to determine the frequency indicators of RAM on a PC, let’s figure out how the computer itself recognizes them. It reads the information recorded in the SPD chip, which is equipped with each individual RAM stick. What this microcircuit looks like is shown in the photo below.

SPD data can also be read by programs, for example, the well-known utility, one of the sections of which is called “ SPD" In the screenshot below we see the already familiar characteristics of the speed of the RAM strip (field “ MaxBandwidth") - PC3-12800 (800 MHz). To find out its effective frequency, just divide 12800 by 8 or multiply 800 by 2. In my example, this figure is 1600 MHz.

However, in CPU-Z there is another section - “ Memory", and in it - the parameter " DRAMFrequency", equal to 665.1 MHz. This, as you probably guessed, is actual data, that is, the frequency mode in which the RAM actually operates. If we multiply 665.1 by 2, we get 1330.2 MHz - a value close to 1333 - the frequency at which the memory controller of this laptop operates.

In addition to CPU-Z, similar data is shown by other applications used to recognize and monitor PC hardware. Below are screenshots of the free utility

RAM is used to temporarily store data necessary for the operation of the operating system and all programs. There should be enough RAM; if there is not enough, the computer starts to slow down.

The board with memory chips is called a memory module (or stick). Memory for a laptop, except for the size of the slots, is no different from memory for a computer, so when choosing, follow the same recommendations.

For office computer One 4 GB DDR4 stick with a frequency of 2400 or 2666 MHz is enough (costs almost the same).
RAM Crucial CT4G4DFS824A

For multimedia computer(movies, simple games) it is better to take two 4 GB DDR4 sticks with a frequency of 2666 MHz, then the memory will work in a faster dual-channel mode.
RAM Ballistix BLS2C4G4D240FSB

For gaming computer In the middle class, you can take one 8 GB DDR4 stick with a frequency of 2666 MHz so that in the future you can add another one, and it would be better if it is a simpler running model.
RAM Crucial CT8G4DFS824A

And for a powerful gaming or professional PC, you need to immediately take a set of 2 DDR4 8 GB sticks, and a frequency of 2666 MHz will be quite sufficient.

2. How much memory is needed

For an office computer designed for working with documents and accessing the Internet, one 4 GB memory stick is sufficient.

For a multimedia computer that can be used to watch high-quality videos and undemanding games, 8 GB of memory is sufficient.

For a mid-range gaming computer, the minimum option is 8 GB of RAM.

A powerful gaming or professional computer requires 16 GB of memory.

A larger amount of memory may only be needed for very demanding professional programs And ordinary users not needed.

Memory capacity for older PCs

If you decide to increase the memory on your old computer, be aware that 32-bit versions of Windows do not support more than 3 GB of RAM. That is, if you install 4 GB of RAM, the operating system will see and use only 3 GB.

As for 64-bit versions of Windows, they will be able to use all installed memory, but if you old computer or there is old printer, then they may not have drivers for these OS. In this case, before purchasing memory, install 64 bit version Windows and check if everything works for you. I also recommend looking at the website of the motherboard manufacturer and seeing what volume of modules and total amount of memory it supports.

Please also note that 64-bit operating systems consume 2 times more memory, for example, Windows 7 x64 takes about 800 MB for its needs. Therefore, 2 GB of memory for such a system will not be enough, preferably at least 4 GB.

Practice shows that modern operating rooms Windows systems 7,8,10 are fully expanded with a memory capacity of 8 GB. The system becomes more responsive, programs open faster, and jerks (freezes) disappear in games.

3. Memory types

Modern memory is of the DDR SDRAM type and is constantly being improved. So DDR and DDR2 memory is already obsolete and can only be used on older computers. DDR3 memory is no longer advisable to use on new PCs; it has been replaced by the faster and more promising DDR4.

Please note that the selected memory type must support the processor and motherboard.

Also, new processors, for compatibility reasons, can support DDR3L memory, which differs from regular DDR3 in reduced voltage from 1.5 to 1.35 V. Such processors will be able to work with ordinary memory DDR3 if you already have it, but processor manufacturers do not recommend this due to increased degradation of memory controllers designed for DDR4 with an even lower voltage of 1.2 V.

Memory type for older PCs

Outdated DDR2 memory costs several times more than more modern memory. A 2 GB DDR2 stick costs 2 times more, and a 4 GB DDR2 stick costs 4 times more than a DDR3 or DDR4 stick of the same size.

Therefore, if you want to significantly increase the memory on an old computer, then perhaps more the best option there will be a transition to a more modern platform with a replacement of the motherboard and, if necessary, a processor that will support DDR4 memory.

Calculate how much it will cost you; perhaps a profitable solution would be to sell the old motherboard with old memory and purchase new, albeit not the most expensive, but more modern components.

The motherboard connectors for installing memory are called slots.

Each memory type (DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4) has its own slot. DDR3 memory can only be installed in a motherboard with DDR3 slots, DDR4 - with DDR4 slots. Motherboards supporting old memory DDR2 is no longer produced.

5. Memory characteristics

The main characteristics of memory on which its performance depends are frequency and timings. Memory speed does not have as strong an impact on the overall performance of the computer as the processor. However, you can often get faster memory for not much more. Fast memory needed primarily for powerful professional computers.

5.1. Memory frequency

Frequency has highest value on memory speed. But before purchasing it, you need to make sure that the processor and motherboard also support the required frequency. Otherwise, the actual memory operating frequency will be lower and you will simply overpay for something that will not be used.

Inexpensive motherboards support lower maximum memory frequencies, for example for DDR4 it is 2400 MHz. Medium and high class can support memory with more high frequency(3400-3600 MHz).

But with processors the situation is different. Older processors with DDR3 memory support may support memory with a maximum frequency of 1333, 1600, or 1866 MHz (depending on the model). For modern processors that support DDR4 memory, the maximum supported memory frequency may be 2400 MHz or higher.

Intel 6th generation and higher processors and AMD Ryzen processors support DDR4 memory at 2400 MHz or higher. At the same time, in their model range there are not only powerful expensive processors, but also mid-range and budget-class processors. Thus, you can build a computer on the most modern platform with an inexpensive processor and DDR memory 4, and in the future change the processor and get the highest performance.

The main memory today is DDR4 2400 MHz, which is supported by the most modern processors, motherboards and costs the same as DDR4 2133 MHz. Therefore, purchasing DDR4 memory with a frequency of 2133 MHz today does not make sense.

You can find out what memory frequency a particular processor supports on the manufacturers’ websites:

By model number or serial number it is very easy to find all the characteristics of any processor on the website:

Or just enter the model number in the search engine Google system or Yandex (for example, “Ryzen 7 1800X”).

5.2. High Frequency Memory

Now I want to touch on another interesting point. On sale you can find RAM at a much higher frequency than can be supported by any modern processor(3000-3600 MHz and above). Accordingly, many users are wondering how this can be?

It's all about the technology developed by Intel, eXtreme Memory Profile (XMP). XMP allows memory to run at a higher frequency than the processor officially supports. XMP must be supported by both the memory itself and the motherboard. High frequency memory simply cannot exist without support for this technology, but not all motherboards can boast of its support. These are mainly more expensive models above the middle class.

The essence of XMP technology is that the motherboard automatically increases the frequency of the memory bus, due to which the memory begins to operate at its higher frequency.

AMD has similar technology called AMD Memory Profile (AMP), which was supported by older motherboards for AMD processors. These motherboards usually also supported XMP modules.

Purchasing more expensive memory with a very high frequency and a motherboard with XMP support makes sense for very powerful professional computers equipped with a top-end processor. In a middle-class computer, this will be wasted money, since everything will depend on the performance of other components.

In games, the memory frequency has a small impact and there is no point in overpaying; it will be enough to go for 2400 MHz, or 2666 MHz if the difference in price is small.

For professional applications, you can take memory with a higher frequency - 2666 MHz or, if you want and have funds, 3000 MHz. The difference in performance here is greater than in games, but not dramatic, so there is no particular point in pushing the memory frequency.

Let me remind you once again that your motherboard must support memory at the required frequency. In addition, sometimes Intel processors become unstable at memory frequencies above 3000 MHz, and for Ryzen this limit is around 2900 MHz.

Timings are the delays between read/write/copy operations of data in RAM. Accordingly, the fewer these delays, the better. But timings have a much smaller impact on memory speed than its frequency.

There are only 4 main timings that are indicated in the characteristics of memory modules.

Of these, the most important is the first number, which is called latency (CL).

Typical latency for DDR3 1333 MHz memory is CL 9, for higher frequency DDR3 memory is CL 11.

Typical latency for DDR4 2133 MHz memory is CL 15, for DDR4 memory with higher frequencies is CL 16.

You should not purchase memory with a latency higher than specified, as this indicates an overall low level of its technical characteristics.

Typically, memory with lower timings is more expensive, but if the price difference is not significant, then memory with lower latency should be preferred.

5.4. Supply voltage

Memory may have different supply voltages. It can be either standard (generally accepted for a certain type of memory), or increased (for enthusiasts) or, conversely, decreased.

This is especially important if you want to add memory to your computer or laptop. In this case, the voltage of the new strips should be the same as the existing ones. Otherwise, problems may occur, since most motherboards cannot display different voltage for different modules.

If the voltage is set to a level with a lower voltage, then others may not have enough power and the system will not work stably. If the voltage is set to a level with a higher voltage, then the memory designed for a lower voltage may fail.

If you are collecting new computer, then this is not so important, but to avoid possible compatibility problems with motherboard and replacing or expanding memory in the future, it is better to choose sticks with a standard supply voltage.

The memory, depending on the type, has the following standard supply voltages:

  • DDR - 2.5 V
  • DDR2 - 1.8 V
  • DDR3 - 1.5 V
  • DDR3L - 1.35 V
  • DDR4 - 1.2 V

I think you noticed that there is DDR3L memory in the list. Is not new type memory, but regular DDR3, but with a reduced supply voltage (Low). This is the kind of memory needed for Intel processors 6th generation and above, which support both DDR4 and DDR3 memory. But in this case it is better to assemble the system using new memory DDR4.

6. Marking of memory modules

Memory modules are marked depending on the type of memory and its frequency. The marking of DDR memory modules begins with PC, followed by a number indicating the generation and speed in megabytes per second (MB/s).

Such markings are inconvenient to navigate; it is enough to know the type of memory (DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4), its frequency and latency. But sometimes, for example on ad sites, you can see markings copied from the strip. Therefore, so that you can get your bearings in this case, I will give the markings in classic look, indicating the memory type, its frequency and typical latency.

DDR - obsolete

  • PC-2100 (DDR 266 MHz) - CL 2.5
  • PC-2700 (DDR 333 MHz) - CL 2.5
  • PC-3200 (DDR 400 MHz) - CL 2.5

DDR2 - obsolete

  • PC2-4200 (DDR2 533 MHz) - CL 5
  • PC2-5300 (DDR2 667 MHz) - CL 5
  • PC2-6400 (DDR2 800 MHz) - CL 5
  • PC2-8500 (DDR2 1066 MHz) - CL 5

DDR3 - obsolete

  • PC3-10600 (DDR3 1333 MHz) - CL 9
  • PC3-12800 (DDR3 1600 MHz) - CL 11
  • PC3-14400 (DDR3 1866 MHz) - CL 11
  • PC3-16000 (DDR3 2000 MHz) - CL 11
  • PC4-17000 (DDR4 2133 MHz) - CL 15
  • PC4-19200 (DDR4 2400 MHz) - CL 16
  • PC4-21300 (DDR4 2666 MHz) - CL 16
  • PC4-24000 (DDR4 3000 MHz) - CL 16
  • PC4-25600 (DDR4 3200 MHz) - CL 16

DDR3 and DDR4 memory may have a higher frequency, but only top processors and more expensive motherboards can work with it.

7. Design of memory modules

Memory sticks can be single-sided, double-sided, with or without radiators.

7.1. Chip placement

Chips on memory modules can be placed on one side of the board (single-sided) or on both sides (double-sided).

This doesn't matter if you are purchasing memory for a new computer. If you want to add memory to an old PC, then it is advisable that the arrangement of chips on the new stick be the same as on the old one. This will help avoid compatibility issues and increase the likelihood of memory operating in dual-channel mode, which we will talk about later in this article.

Nowadays you can find many memory modules with aluminum radiators various colors and shapes.

The presence of heatsinks can be justified on DDR3 memory with a high frequency (1866 MHz or more), since it heats up more. At the same time, ventilation must be well organized in the housing.

Modern DDR4 RAM with a frequency of 2400, 2666 MHz practically does not heat up and the radiators on it will be purely decorative. They can even get in the way, because after a while they become clogged with dust, which is difficult to clean out of them. In addition, such memory will cost slightly more. So, if you want, you can save on this, for example, by taking excellent memory Crucial at 2400 MHz without heatsinks.

Memory with a frequency of 3000 MHz or more also has an increased supply voltage, but it also does not heat up very much and in any case there will be heatsinks on it.

8. Memory for laptops

Memory for laptops is different from memory for desktop computers only by the size of the memory module and is marked SO-DIMM DDR. Just like for desktop computers, memory for laptops has DDR types, DDR2, DDR3, DDR3L, DDR4.

In terms of frequency, timings and supply voltage, memory for laptops does not differ from memory for computers. But laptops only come with 1 or 2 memory slots and have stricter maximum capacity limits. Be sure to check these parameters before choosing memory for specific model laptop.

9. Memory operating modes

The memory can operate in Single Channel, Dual Channel, Triple Channel or Quad Channel mode.

In single-channel mode, data is written sequentially to each module. In multi-channel modes, data is written in parallel to all modules, which leads to a significant increase in the speed of the memory subsystem.

Single-channel memory mode is limited only to hopelessly outdated motherboards with DDR memory and the first models with DDR2.

All modern motherboards support dual-channel memory mode, while three-channel and quad-channel modes are supported only by a few models of very expensive motherboards.

The main condition for dual-channel mode operation is the presence of 2 or 4 memory sticks. Three-channel mode requires 3 or 6 memory sticks, and four-channel mode requires 4 or 8 memory sticks.

It is desirable that all memory modules are the same. Otherwise, dual-channel operation is not guaranteed.

If you want to add memory to an old computer and your motherboard supports dual-channel mode, try to choose a stick that is as identical in all respects as possible. It is best to sell the old one and buy 2 new identical strips.

In modern computers, memory controllers have been moved from the motherboard to the processor. Now it is not so important that the memory modules are the same, since the processor will still be able to activate dual-channel mode in most cases. This means that if you want to add more memory in the future modern computer, then you won’t have to look for exactly the same module; it’s enough to choose the one with the most similar characteristics. But I still recommend that the memory modules be the same. This will give you a guarantee of its fast and stable operation.

With the transfer of memory controllers to the processor, 2 more modes of dual-channel memory operation appeared - Ganged (paired) and Unganged (unpaired). If the memory modules are the same, the processor can work with them in Ganged mode, as before. If the modules differ in characteristics, the processor can activate the Unganged mode to eliminate distortions in working with memory. In general, the memory speed in these modes is almost the same and makes no difference.

The only downside to dual-channel mode is that multiple memory modules are more expensive than one of the same size. But if you are not very strapped for money, then buy 2 sticks, the memory speed will be much higher.

If you need, say, 16 GB of RAM, but you can’t afford it yet, then you can buy one 8 GB stick so that you can add another one of the same kind in the future. But it is still better to purchase two identical strips at once, since later you may not be able to find the same one and you will encounter a compatibility problem.

10. Memory module manufacturers

One of best ratios price/quality today is the memory of the impeccably proven Crucial brand, which has modules from budget to gaming (Ballistix).

Competing with it is the well-deserved Corsair brand, whose memory is somewhat more expensive.

As an inexpensive but high-quality alternative, I especially recommend the Polish brand Goodram, which has bars with low timings for low price(Play line).

For an inexpensive office computer, a simple and reliable memory made by AMD or Transcend. They have proven themselves to be excellent and there are practically no problems with them.

In general, the Korean companies Hynix and Samsung are considered leaders in memory production. But now modules of these brands are mass-produced in cheap Chinese factories, and among them there are a lot of fakes. Therefore, I do not recommend purchasing memory from these brands.

An exception may be Hynix Original and Samsung Original memory modules, which are manufactured in Korea. These strips are usually blue, their quality is considered better than those made in China and the guarantee for them is slightly higher. But in terms of speed characteristics, they are inferior to memory with lower timings from other quality brands.

Well, for enthusiasts and fans of modding there are affordable overclocking brands GeIL, G.Skill, Team. Their memory is distinguished by low timings, high overclocking potential, unusual appearance and costs a little less than the popular Corsair brand.

There is also a wide range of memory modules on sale from the very popular manufacturer Kingston. Memory sold under the budget Kingston brand has never been of high quality. But they have a top-end HyperX series, which is deservedly popular, which can be recommended for purchase, but is often overpriced.

11. Memory packaging

It is better to purchase memory in individual packaging.

Usually she is more High Quality and the likelihood of damage during transportation is significantly lower than with memory that comes unpackaged.

12. Increase memory

If you are planning to add memory to an existing computer or laptop, then first find out what the maximum memory capacity and total memory capacity is supported by your motherboard or laptop.

Also check how many memory slots are on the motherboard or laptop, how many of them are occupied and what kind of memory sticks are installed in them. It's better to do it visually. Open the case, take out the memory sticks, examine them and write down all the characteristics (or take a photo).

If for some reason you don’t want to get into the case, you can view the memory parameters in the program on the SPD tab. This way you won't know if the stick is single-sided or double-sided, but you can find out the memory characteristics if there is no sticker on the stick.

There is a base and effective memory frequency. CPU-Z program and many similar ones show base frequency, it must be multiplied by 2.

Once you know how much memory you can increase, how many free slots are available, and what kind of memory you have installed, you can begin to explore the possibilities of increasing memory.

If all memory slots are occupied, then the only way to increase memory is to replace existing memory sticks with new ones of larger capacity. And old planks can be sold on an advertisement site or exchanged at a computer store when purchasing new ones.

If there are free slots, then you can add new memory sticks to the existing ones. In this case, it is desirable that the new strips be as close as possible to the characteristics of those already installed. In this case, you can avoid various problems compatibility and increase the chances that the memory will work in dual-channel mode. To do this, the following conditions must be met, in order of importance.

  1. The memory type must match (DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR3L, DDR4).
  2. The supply voltage for all strips must be the same.
  3. All planks must be single-sided or double-sided.
  4. The frequency of all bars must match.
  5. All strips must be of the same volume (for dual-channel mode).
  6. The number of strips must be even: 2, 4 (for dual-channel mode).
  7. It is desirable that the latency (CL) matches.
  8. It is desirable that the strips are from the same manufacturer.

The easiest place to start choosing is with the manufacturer. Choose in the online store catalog strips of the same manufacturer, volume and frequency as installed in yours. Make sure that the supply voltage matches and check with your consultant whether they are single-sided or double-sided. If the latency also matches, then generally good.

If you were unable to find strips from the same manufacturer with similar characteristics, then choose all the others from the list of recommended ones. Then again look for strips of the required volume and frequency, check the supply voltage and check whether they are single-sided or double-sided. If you are unable to find similar planks, then look in another store, catalog or ad site.

Always the best option This means selling all the old memory and buying 2 new identical sticks. If the motherboard does not support the brackets of the required volume, you may have to buy 4 identical brackets.

13. Setting up filters in the online store

  1. Go to the “RAM” section on the seller’s website.
  2. Select recommended manufacturers.
  3. Select the form factor (DIMM - PC, SO-DIMM - laptop).
  4. Select the memory type (DDR3, DDR3L, DDR4).
  5. Select the required volume of slats (2, 4, 8 GB).
  6. Select the maximum frequency supported by the processor (1600, 1866, 2133, 2400 MHz).
  7. If your motherboard supports XMP, add higher frequency memory (2666, 3000 MHz) to the selection.
  8. Sort the selection by price.
  9. Consistently look through all items, starting with the cheapest ones.
  10. Select several strips that match the frequency.
  11. If the price difference is acceptable to you, take sticks with a higher frequency and lower latency (CL).

Thus, you will get the optimal price/quality/speed ratio of memory at the lowest possible cost.

14. Links

RAM Corsair CMK16GX4M2A2400C16
RAM Corsair CMK8GX4M2A2400C16
RAM Crucial CT2K4G4DFS824A