Development of a Web-oriented information system for an IT enterprise. How web-based systems differ from other EDMS

Currently, the number of websites providing various services for accessing dynamic data is rapidly increasing. Such websites are no longer just a structured set of static information, but information systems of varying degrees of complexity, which we will call web-oriented, i.e. using the web interface as the main means of interaction with the user.

The purpose of this work is to analyze web-based information systems to highlight common approaches to their development.

The main general task of information systems is the creation, processing and storage of information related to a certain subject area. Most information systems use relational databases as a means of storing information. For web-based information systems, this method of storing data is also preferable. Therefore, the first necessary component is a database in which the data and meta-data of the information system itself are stored.

Next common feature web-oriented information systems is that users must have different rights to perform various operations with information system data. In most web-based information systems, all users can be divided into two categories - registered and unregistered. Unregistered users are typically associated with the one user on the system who has the least privilege. Therefore, the second necessary component of a web-based information system is the authentication subsystem, which performs the following main tasks.

Primary user authentication is performed by the user by entering his username and password.

Automatic authentication. After initial authentication, the user is given a session identifier (token). On subsequent requests, this token will automatically authenticate the user.

Thus, the authentication subsystem represents the basis for limiting user access to information circulating in the system. Therefore, the third common component of a web-based information system is the access control subsystem, which must perform the following main tasks:

Determining the rights of the current user;

Setting up user rights;

Automatic change of rights when certain events occur.

Currently, a combination of functional and modular approaches is mainly used to implement the access control subsystem. Different categories of information from the subject area are processed by separate scripts (modules) of the system and implement the entire necessary set of functions for manipulating data of one category. In this case, the access control subsystem that implements a certain security policy is “spread out” across source codes information system.

Many web-based systems tend to expand, and often the development process goes on continuously for quite a long time, parallel to the functioning of the information system. But it is not always possible to immediately predict and foresee possible development paths. Therefore, it is preferable that the system can be expanded relatively easily. Unfortunately, the above approach makes the expansion process very difficult.

For solutions specified problem The following approach is proposed. Let us introduce the concept of an information object, which is a set of data and methods related to one instance of a certain class (information category) and is a unit of application of security policy rules, i.e. an information object is the basic unit of the level of access control implemented in the information system. Then all other components of the web-oriented system can be attributed to the information management subsystem, presented in the form of information objects.

This concept lays a powerful foundation for the self-development of the information system.

Thus, based on the analysis of general approaches to the development of web-based information systems, it is possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the development and further development of these information systems, reduce maintenance costs and obtain a system with the ability to flexibly implement a security policy of the required complexity.

1. Braude E. D. Software development technology. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004, – 656 p.

And the functions of updating and maintaining it lie with the operating system supplier. The application logic is centered on the server, and the browser's function is mainly to display information downloaded over the network from the server and transmit user data back. One advantage of this approach is the fact that clients are independent of the user's specific operating system, and web applications are thus cross-platform services. Because of this versatility and relative ease of development, web applications became widely popular in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Technical features

A significant advantage of building Web applications to support standard browser functionality is that the functionality must run independently of the client's operating system. Instead of writing different versions for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems, the application is created once for a randomly selected platform and deployed on it. However, various implementations of CSS, or Java applets to fully or partially implement the user interface. Since most browsers support these technologies (usually through plugins), Flash or Java applications can run with ease. Because they give the programmer more control over the interface, they are able to work around many incompatibilities in browser configurations, although incompatibilities between Java or Flash client-side implementations can lead to various complications. Due to the architectural similarity to traditional client-server applications, in some way “thick” clients, there is controversy regarding the correctness of classifying such systems as web applications; alternative term "Rich Internet Application" Rich Internet Applications ).

Web Application Device

The web application receives a request from the client and performs calculations, then generates a web page and sends it to the client over the network using a database protocol or another web application located on another server. A striking example of a web application is the content management system for Wikipedia articles: many of its participants can take part in the creation of an online encyclopedia, using the browsers of their operating systems (be it Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux or any other operating system) and without downloading additional executables modules for working with a database of articles.

Currently, a new approach to web application development called Ajax is gaining popularity. When using Ajax, web application pages are not reloaded entirely, but only download the necessary data from the server, which makes them more interactive and productive.

A variety of technologies and programming languages ​​are used to create server-side web applications

On the client side it is used:

  • Flash
  • ActiveX

see also


  • How Microsoft lost the API war - Discussion of replacing traditional Windows applications with web applications
  • Web Applications 1.0 documenting the operation of web applications.
  • The Other Road Ahead - An article that states that the future lies with server-based, not client-side applications


  • Marco Bellignaso Development of Web applications in the ASP.NET 2.0 environment: problem - project - solution = ASP.NET 2.0 Website Programming: Problem - Design - Solution. - M.: “Dialectics”, 2007. - P. 640. - ISBN 0-7645-8464-2
  • Olishchuk Andrey Vladimirovich Development of Web applications in PHP 5. Professional work. - M.: “Williams”, 2006. - P. 352. - ISBN 5-8459-0944-9

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what a “Web-oriented interface” is in other dictionaries:

    This article may contain original research. Add links to sources, otherwise it may be set for deletion. More information may be on the talk page. (May 25, 2011) ... Wikipedia

    User interface (UI English user interface) is a set of means by which the user communicates with various devices, most often with a computer or household appliances, or other complex tools (system). Interface... ... Wikipedia

Currently, it is impossible to imagine a company that would not have a purchasing department in one form or another. It can be either a department with a large number of employees, its own regulations, a strategy, or additional functionality that rests on the shoulders of specialists of a different profile. Whatever structure the holding has, this process must go through a certain number of stages, regardless of the volume of goods or services purchased, the specifics of the industry, terms of payment, and delivery. These stages are formed under the influence of regulations issued by the state, as well as the existing image of the division of power, as well as the transfer of powers in business practice. The objective of this thesis project is the process of developing an information system that allows you to structure incoming information and direct it along a proven route in order to complete and correctly carry out the procurement cycle, starting from the occurrence of a request, ending with the formation of an archive card containing all the details of the transaction, as well as the history approvals within the company. The importance of this information cannot be overestimated during internal and external audits, inspections by tax authorities, problems arising after delivery, as well as during repeat purchases.
This thesis examines the automation of the procurement process in the field of high-tech technical equipment, software, and accompanying services. The chosen area will undoubtedly bring its own specifics to the procurement automation system being developed.
The goal of the diploma project is to create an automated information system for managing procurement activities in the field of information technology, which includes user, network, server technical equipment, as well as related services, works, and software. The developed system allows you to submit a request for a requirement, send it for examination to technical departments, go through a predetermined approval route that meets the company’s internal regulations, issue it, and also track the current status of fulfillment of the requirement, namely: a request for a budget estimate, selection of a supplier, registration stages deliveries, transfer to the warehouse, reflection of the requirement card in the archive.
The objectives of the diploma project are: 1. Design of a database model; 2. Construction of a site management automation complex;
3. Implementation of the operation of the fundamental software modules of the system;
4. Increasing the efficiency of site administration; 5. Determination of the main cost items for system design, as well as identification of human working conditions in office premises; 6. Regulation of the duration of work, as well as rest when working directly with computer equipment, as well as software solutions.
The information system developed as part of the diploma is created on the basis of the internal regulations of the procurement activities of the Closed Joint Stock Company “Investment Holding “FINAM” for 2014.
THEIR "FINAM" has one of the frequently encountered principles of organizational structure - the functional principle of formation, where the main governing body is the Board.

After studying existing solutions on the market for automation of procurement activities, it was concluded that the cost of their acquisition and maintenance is high, the complexity of integration into the company’s information systems, the presence of unnecessary functionality, and the lack of ease of convenience in approving purchase requests, which is one of the most important functions for large organization.
the methods used, as well as design tools, as well as development, the results of the survey of the subject area should be given:
1.1. Information systems theory
In accordance with the international standard ISO/IEC 2382-1 for information reliability, developed jointly by the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission, the term “Information system” is defined as follows: “an information processing system working in conjunction with organizational resources such as people, technical means, and financial resources that provide, also distribute information." In accordance with Russian GOST RV 51987, an information system is defined as an automated system, “the result of the functioning of which is the presentation of output information for subsequent use.”
It is believed that within the holding there should be a unified corporate information system that satisfies all the information needs of employees. In practice, companies usually operate several different information systems that solve separate groups of problems: management, reliability assurance, financial and economic activities, and the like. Some problems are solved through the simultaneous use of several information systems, while some tasks are not automated. This use of information solutions is called “patchwork automation” and is also quite common for many enterprises.
Information systems can be classified according to the degree of automation of incoming processed information, as well as by scope of application.
Information Systems
Classification by degree of automation of processed information Classification by scope of application
Manual – characterized by the fact that all data processing operations that occur must be performed by a person. Decision support systems. Designed to automate the activities of scientific workers, thoroughly analyze syntactic information for managing experiments.
Automated - characterized by the fact that some of the control functions, as well as data processing, are subject to automatic control, and some by humans. Computer-aided design systems. Designed to automate the activities of design engineers and developers.
Automatic - characterized by the fact that all available control functions, as well as processing of input data, are implemented by technical means without human intervention. Organizational management systems. Designed to fully automate the functions of management personnel.
Technical process control systems. Designed to optimize a wide variety of technological processes.
The following processes are carried out in information systems:
collecting the necessary information;
storage of collected information;
processing of available information;
issuing the requested information.
These processes are carried out by various components of the information system. Automated means are possible, but most often the collection and delivery of information occurs using a user interface with human participation. A user interface is nothing more than a certain set of elements, also program components, that can influence the user’s interaction with information software. The process of storing existing information is nothing more than long-term storage of data on various media, as well as in the form of data arrays with a specific structure. In modern practice, databases are most often used to store information. A computer system's databases can be defined as a logical collection of interrelated data used by users, also stored with controlled redundancy. The stored data is independent of user programs; a general control method is used to modify the adjustment process. Information processing consists of obtaining some “information objects” from other “information objects” by implementing certain algorithms; it is also one of the defining operations performed on stored information.
The main existing procedures for processing available information are:
Creation of new data;
Modification of created data;
ensuring data integrity;
searching for the necessary information;
making decisions;
creation of required reports and documents.
Consequently, an information system most often consists of three components:
user interface;
software tools for processing existing data.
All the types of information systems discussed above, regardless of their scope of application, contain the same set of necessary components. The decomposition of the information system is as follows:
Information system
Functional components Data processing system components Organizational components
Functional subsystems Information support New organizational structures forms
Functional tasks Technical support Personnel
Models, also algorithms Legal support
Linguistic support
The following is an explanation of each component that makes up the information system:
Functional components are understood as management functions, which represent a complete set of management activities interconnected in time and space required to achieve business goals.
Decomposition of information systems according to functionality includes the separation of its individual parts called functional subsystems. The functional sign determines the purpose of the system, as well as the main tasks performed. Modern automation and design systems include models and algorithms, of which the most effective ones are determined during the process of developing an information system.
The next level of information system structure is a set of data processing system components. The data processing system is designed to provide information services to specialists from various management bodies of the holding company. The main function of the data processing system is to implement the collection, registration, and transfer of information to computer media, namely:
Transfer of information to places where it is stored and processed;
Creation and maintenance of an information base;
Processing existing information on a computer (Filling, sorting, adjusting, sampling, arithmetic, and logical processing) to solve functional problems of the system (subsystem), object management;
Output of information in the form of videograms, signals for direct control of technical processes, information for communication with other systems;
Organization and administration of the computing process in local and global computer networks.
Data processing systems can operate in three fundamental modes:
Real time.
Processing results are given to users after completing so-called batches of tasks - typical for batch mode. For example, statistical reporting systems. The negative aspect of this mode is the user’s remoteness from the direct process of information processing, which reduces the efficiency of decision-making.
In interactive or dialog mode, messages are exchanged between the system and the user. For example, instant resource usage tasks.
Real-time mode is used to control fleeting processes. For example, processing and transmission of banking information in global international networks.
Information support is nothing more than a set of methods, also means of placement, and organization of information, including classification systems, also management, unified systems of documentation, rationalization, document processing, also forms of documents, methods of creating an information base of an information system.
Software is a set of software tools for creating data processing systems using computer technology.
Technical support is a complex technical means used for the operation of a data processing system, also includes a device that implements standard data processing operations both outside the computer and also on computers of various classes.
Legal support is a set of legal norms regulating the creation and functioning of an information system. Legal support developed by the IP includes regulations of contractual relationships between the customer and the developer of the information system, legal regulation of deviations.
Legal support for the functioning of data processing systems includes:
Conditions for recognizing legal force for documents obtained using computer technology. Rights, duties, and responsibilities of personnel, including for the timeliness and accuracy of information processing.
The rules for using information, as well as the procedure for separating the parties regarding its reliability.
Linguistic support is a set of language tools used at various stages of creation and operation of a data processing system to improve the efficiency of human communication, including computers.
Structure of a web-oriented information system
This thesis presents a Web-oriented information system, implemented as a client-server application in which the client is a browser and the server is a web server.
This organization provides some advantages: a web browser is a built-in system in most operating systems, which allows the functions of development, installation, updating, and client-side support not to fall on the developer of the information system. The logic of the information system is concentrated on the server. Also, clients may not depend on the user’s specific operating system, which allows the information system to be cross-platform. System functions are implemented once, instead of developing different versions for different operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Linux.
Some limitations in the functionality of the interface provided by a web browser can be overcome by using Adobe Flash or Java applications. Such applications are usually called rich internet applications.
To create a variety of web applications on the server side, the following popular technologies and programming languages ​​are used:
ASP, ASP.NET (Active Server Pages is a technology for creating web applications, also web services from Microsoft. It is an integral part of the Microsoft .NET platform, also a development of the older Microsoft ASP technology. At the moment, the latest version of this technology is ASP .NET 4.5.1)
Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language - “a practical language for data extraction and reporting”)
PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor - “hypertext preprocessor”; originally Personal Home Page Tools - “Tools for creating personal web pages”;)
Python ([ˈpʌɪθ(ə)n]; in Russian the name python is common) is a high-level general-purpose programming language aimed at increasing developer productivity and code readability.)
Ruby ((English ruby ​​- ruby, pronounced [‘ru:bɪ] - ruby) is a dynamic, reflective, interpreted high-level programming language for fast, also convenient object-oriented programming.)
1.2. Analytical review of existing automated information systems
One of the most extensive and popular procurement automation solutions is
Oracle® Sourcing (Electronic Marketplace). This is nothing more than an application that is designed to improve the efficiency of strategic supplies in holdings. It is a key component of the integrated Oracle Advanced Procurement application suite, which significantly reduces supply management costs. Its main functions:
Automatic generation of an optimal list of suppliers; Staged completion of projects; Flexible document design style; Access control for multiple organizations; Center for Professional Customers; Registration of potential suppliers;
Numerous types, also matching templates; Internal messaging system for supply specialists; Reliability of supply specialists; Lists of Price factors (fixed and also variable costs); Price calculation based on time intervals; Lists of completed transactions with the possibility of reuse; Rank list of indicators; Multi-language support
Consolidated search for approvals; Early closure/manual approval; Notifications about the occurrence of events; Corporate rules, also standards; Amendments to approvals; Setting the price through an intermediary; Supplier response using the supplier website; Supplier profile management; Compare reports online; Automatic configuration of a comprehensive system for determining performance indicators; Joint Comprehensive determination of performance indicators; Formation of lots; Setting the principles for determining the effectiveness indicators of offers (not only price, but also additional attributes); Selection of suppliers; Many graph formats, also tables
Analysis scenarios; Creation of purchase orders; Coordination of binding applications.
The well-known company Oracle has launched Oracle Sourcing On Demand, a new SaaS service for the procurement of goods and services, which can be accessed on a subscription basis.
It is integrated with existing ERP systems, as well as those of competitors, allowing the cost to be set at $850 per month for one user. The new service is designed for large companies with a huge supply turnover.
The price may seem high, but even large companies usually have no more than twenty purchasing specialists on their staff. By comparison, Oracle CRM On Demand SaaS, priced at $100 per month, is used by thousands of sales managers.
Oracle Sourcing On Demand is intended primarily for the procurement of technical equipment. For many companies, it is more profitable to pay $850 per user per month instead of investing in creating similar software on their website.
Below are some typical screen forms of the Oracle Procurement Management program:
Trading operator home page.
Tender tracking via the Interactive Console.
Various presentation of supplier offers.
Library of Contract Conditions.
Purchase order form.
Supplier home page.
Form for sending Advance Delivery Notice (ADN).
Invoice creation page.
The form of an intuitive Web interface, also familiar to fans of online shopping.
A form for providing extended information about products, which gives users the opportunity to make an informed choice.
A form for quickly viewing an application, approval, and order status.
Type of supplier management workplace.
A simpler and cheaper application for domestic procurement activities. Main features of the “Procurement Register” program: Planning of purchases according to 44-FZ, 223-FZ; Control of purchases from a single contractor; Maintaining a register of failed purchases; Generation of statistical reports: 1-contract, 1-purchase; Directory, also limits on funding sources; Maintaining a procurement register; Analysis on KOSGU, also financing; Maintaining additional agreements to procurement; Uploading data to format Microsoft Excel; Loading specification items from Microsoft Excel format; Registration of subcontractors; Classifiers OKPD, OKVED, OKDP, OKEY; Statistical reports 1-Contract, also 1-Purchases.
The cost of acquiring the right to perpetual use of the “Procurement Register” program is when using basic version 10800 rub. per workplace, when purchasing the extended version 60,000 rubles per workplace, also an unlimited number of customers. For the thesis project under consideration, only the extended version is applicable, because the number of customers is more than one.
Below are typical screen forms of the Procurement Register program:
"Procurement register". List of completed purchases.
"Procurement register". Generating report 1-Contract.
"Procurement register". Editing a schedule position.
"Procurement register". Analysis of purchases according to KOSGU.
"Procurement register". View purchases by funding sources.
"Procurement register". Uploading the schedule in a structured format for environmental protection.
"Procurement register". Summary of methods for determining a supplier.
"Procurement register". Generating the Procurement Register report.
"Procurement register". One of the report forms is the Procurement Register.
"Procurement register". Editing a purchase item with choosing the basis for implementation.
"Procurement register". Editing purchase specification items.
"Procurement register". Directories, also classifiers.
"Procurement register". Possibility of working with plans and schedules – batch editing of positions.
"Procurement register". Possibility of working with schedules - batch editing of positions.
"Procurement register". Determination of homogeneity of NMCC - calculation of the coefficient of variation.
The new solution from Supplier Relationship Management is a full-scale project to provide large organizations and their partners with a full-fledged service for managing relationships with suppliers. The Supplier Relationship Management solution is based on the SAP NetWeaver platform, which reduces the company's need for individual integration of disparate applications thanks to new capabilities for combining and coordinating employees, information, and processes at all technological and organizational levels. The main supply processes that are automated using this system:
Strategic procurement, also selection of supply sources.
Operational supply.
Cooperation with suppliers.
Directory management.
The process of developing a holding's supply system is a complex multi-stage process, consisting of a constant analysis of the holding's purchasing activities, analysis of the quality of work of suppliers, maintaining negotiations with potential suppliers, agreeing on contracts, selecting the optimal supplier to meet the holding's needs for materials or services. The focus of the Strategic Sourcing component in the SAP Supplier Relationship Management solution is shifting towards establishing long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with partners. In addition to analyzing the price conditions in suppliers’ offers, the emphasis is on finding the best delivery conditions from those that in the future will provide stable savings with a high level of quality and service. This component was developed to help buyers and analysts effectively assess the needs for goods and services, control the procurement market, and identify new sources of supply in full accordance with the strategic goals of the holding and its partners.
Contracting and contract management capabilities make it possible to simplify negotiations by supporting them in terms of information preparation. Centralized maintenance of the contract database, search for the required contract, reuse templates, also forms, control of deliveries under the contract, management of supplies within the holding, obtaining the necessary analytical information. The solution allows automatic mode track active contracts, providing the latest information about the status and use of the contract.
Operational supply.
The SAP Supplier Relationship Management solution allows you to create purchase requests for required materials or services at corporate portal, selecting purchases from internal or external catalogs.
Employee self-service.
The system supports production-driven purchasing planning. To effectively manage this process, the solution offers close integration of procurement processes, as well as systems that control production, planning, and logistics network management, and also provides the following basic capabilities for managing planned purchases:
1. creating a purchase request; 2. Management of services procurement operations; 3. Registration, also maintaining a register of suppliers; 4. Joint processing of orders; 5. Data integration software applications etc.
The requisition may well be created manually by employees in the SAP solution or automatically received from various existing systems; integration with budgeting systems is provided; integration with various service systems; integration with interconnected project management systems; registration of goods receipt at warehouses; control of invoices received from suppliers; the ability to automatically create invoices according to the completed documents for the receipt of goods at the warehouse; tracking the status and flow of logistics documents; customizable flow of actions for approving purchase requests; choosing the best supplier; conducting competitive procurement procedures.
An important and, as a rule, very expensive issue of integrating data from software applications is resolved as follows: If various stages of a business process are implemented in heterogeneous systems, then inverting these systems to support a changing business process can be resource-intensive. The Exchange Infrastructure component, based on open data transfer standards, can significantly reduce integration costs and also eliminate any barriers to it. The exchange infrastructure stores all the information necessary to access business application functions, integrate systems, and execute business processes in a single, shared knowledge base.
2.1. Characteristics of the procurement department of IT equipment, as well as software of the Investment Holding "FINAM", as well as determination of the requirements for the IS of the procurement department.
In many companies, the role of the IT equipment procurement department is still limited to a narrow set of routine operations, such as the acquisition of software, equipment, components, and services. In some companies, procurement and supply management departments are taking their activities to a whole new level. By working more closely with internal customers, some procurement departments have successfully achieved significant cost reductions in areas that are not traditional for them (for example, marketing attitudes) - where efforts to optimize costs have not previously brought tangible results. Other purchasing management departments go even further, including production issues and administrative functions in their range of interests. Finally, still others are changing procurement so that it becomes a testing ground for innovation: by attracting new suppliers of tangible and also intangible goods, these units contribute to the expansion of activities in the field of development new products. Accordingly, the information system of the purchasing department should allow prompt adjustments to its work in accordance with experimental innovations of management.
The result of the work of the IT equipment procurement department is the delivered goods, which are transferred to the disposal of the technical department employees for subsequent installation and configuration. The sequence of the following actions leads to it:
1. Registration of the occurrence of a requirement
2. Technical expertise during which the need for material resources is determined:
verified, the specification is also agreed upon, and the required procurement period is determined. To agree on the specification, it is necessary to assess the possibility of purchasing from several alternative sources.
3. choice of procurement method
4. establishing an acceptable price, as well as delivery conditions;
5. monitoring the product until the moment of its delivery;
6. Supporting the receipt of goods by the warehouse department by signing closing documents, as well as transferring them to the accounting department.
7. completion of the procurement cycle by sending the application to technical. department for further preparation of equipment for use or for the customer. This operation should simultaneously send the application to the register of completed purchases.
Closed with parameter
Closed with further direction.
2.1.2. Management structure of the Investment Holding "FINAM".
The information system developed as part of the diploma is created on the basis of the internal regulations of procurement activities of the Closed Joint Stock Company “Investment Holding “FINAM” for 2014.
THEIR “FINAM” has one of the frequently encountered principles of organizational structure - a functional principle of formation, where the main governing body is the Board.
The functional principle of management implies that the structure is formed on the basis of the division of the organization according to the characteristics of the activities of all divisions. For example, regulation of activities is carried out for each resource separately: the human resource is under the control of the personnel department, there are separate accounting, financial, security, marketing departments, and the like. This scheme assumes centralization of management decision-making and hierarchy in subordination. The main disadvantage of the functional diagram is that the control center is at the very top, and the chain of command is “stretched” vertically. For this reason, it is difficult to implement solutions that affect several departments at once. To solve problems associated with this feature of the functional principle of the holding organization, each purchase is approved by the curator of the customer unit, who is a member of the Management Board.
2.2. Selection of tools
When designing the system, it was decided to use the ERwin 7 software product, and to implement the system platform, WAMP technology was used, where the Windows operating system, Apach web server, MySQL is a DBMS, and the program language world - PHP. Let's consider the factors that determine the choice of these software products.
2.2.1. Justification for the choice of design tools
ERwin is a modern CASE tool - computer system database modeling that meets the following requirements (stands for Computer Aided Software Engineering):
Provides the developer with the opportunity to concentrate on modeling rather than on resolving issues related to the graphical display of the diagram. The tool can automatically place entities on a diagram, and also allows you to use effective, easy-to-manage visualization tools, as well as create types of model representations.
The tool can check the diagram for logical consistency, automatically determines, and also eliminates inconsistencies. At the same time, the tool has the ability to provide the developer with some freedom of action, and also the right to allow the existence of inconsistencies or some deviations from the methodology.
The simulation tool can provide both logical and physical simulations.
An important property of the tool is that it allows you to automatically generate a DBMS.
ERwin 7 is an easy-to-use database design tool. The successful development of a computer system database model for this work consisted of two stages: compilation of a logical model and generation of a physical model on its basis. ERwin carries out this process, it has two representations of the model: physical and also logical. The developer is given a unique opportunity to build only a logical database model, without thinking about various details of physical implementation, i.e. paying attention to the requirements for input information, as well as existing business processes that will be automated by the database being developed. ERwin has a fairly convenient user interface that allows you to present the database in various aspects. Let's give an example: ERwin has such visualization tools as “subject area”, as well as “stored display”. Stored views easily allow you to create many variations of the model view, which can highlight necessary details that would cause the visual model to become oversaturated if would be depicted in one performance. Subject areas provide invaluable assistance in that they distinguish from a complex, also difficult to perceive model, individual fragments that relate to only one area, from among those that surround working information model.
Using the ERwin model for logical and physical representation of data allows you to obtain a fully documented model. ERwin has the ability to connect to a DBMS, obtain information about the structure of the database, and also present it in a graphical interface. This allows you to migrate an existing data structure from one existing platform to another.
The ERWin CASE tool as a tool for designing a computer system database will allow us to use its following functions:
1. creation of a computer system database based on the model, also reverse generation. models based on the existing database for 20 types of DBMS;
2. methodology of structural modeling;
3. reuse of components of previously created models;
4. transfer of the structure of a computer system database from a DBMS of one type of DBMS to another;
5. documenting the database structure;
6. use of databases at all stages: design, development, testing, and support;
The BPwin system will help optimize management processes. For this work, this tool is indispensable due to its following distinctive characteristics:
1.Developed modeling methodology based on IDEF0;
2. Editors for describing operations and connections;
3. Hierarchical structure of diagrams;
4. Decomposition diagrams to describe the features of the interaction of processes;
5.Support for IDEF3 methodology;
6.Integration, also connection with ERwin (IDEF1X methodology).
2.2.2. Justification for the choice of means for implementing the system
PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a programming language created for generating HTML pages on a web server, as well as working with databases.
The advantage of PHP is nothing more than providing web developers with the ability to create dynamically generated web pages. You can embed PHP code into an HTML page, which will be executed every time you visit it.
The PHP language is characterized by simplicity. There is no need to load libraries. PHP executes the code inside the delimiters. Everything that is outside the limits is output without changes. This is very convenient for inserting PHP code into an HTML document.
The PHP language is characterized by efficiency. PHP is independent from browsers, because... Before being sent to the client, PHP scripts are compiled on the server side.
The factors listed above determine the choice of PHP as the main scripting language in this system being developed.
Web database architecture
Let's look at the external construction of a Web database system, as well as its development methodology.
The architecture of the site, which includes a database, is somewhat more complex than that used when sending single-page requests.
The Web database applications that are being developed in this project have a global Web database structure shown in Fig. 2.6.
Fig. 2.6 Basic architecture of a Web database that includes a Web browser
Web server, script engine, also database server
A typical Web database transaction consists of the following steps, indicated by numbers in Fig. 2.6.
1. The user's Web browser sends an HTTP request for a specific Web page.
2. The Web server receives a request for results.php, accepts the file, and also sends it to the PHP mechanism for further processing.
3. The PHP engine, after receiving the data, begins a detailed parsing of the script. The script definitely contains a command for connecting to the database and also executing the required query in it. PHP opens a new connection to the MySQL server and also sends the necessary request to it.
4. The MySQL server accepts the request to the database, processes it, and then sends the results back to the PHP engine.
5. The PHP mechanism, after all of the above, completes the execution of the script, formatting all the results of the request in the form of HTML, and then sends the results to the Web server in HTML format.
6. The Web server, in turn, sends the HTML to the browser.
MySQL is a free relational database management system. MySQL can be freely distributed under the terms of the GPL (General Public License). This means nothing more than that anyone can apply it, and anyone can change it. MySQL is also the most suitable for use in web database management systems. For all these reasons, MySQL is recognized as the world standard in the field of database management systems for the web. Also, it is worth mentioning that it is developing capabilities for use in any critical business applications, that is, it competes on equal terms with such well-known DBMSs as Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, and is also absolutely free.
Apache HTTP server (short for a patchy server) is a free web server.
The advantages of Apache are reliability and configuration flexibility. Allows you to connect external existing modules for complete data provision, use database management systems for user authentication, etc.
2.2.3. Justification for the choice of technical means
This system uses two types of technical means for its functioning. To use the existing user part of the system, you need a touch terminal; for the administrator part, you need a PC.
The touch terminal consists of the following parts:
Computer block,
Touch monitor,
Administrator's PC
Windows is an integrated environment that provides the most efficient, continuous exchange of graphic, sound, text, and video information between programs.
For full operation of the ISS, the following HDPE technical equipment will be required:
Processor, Random access memory (RAM, RAM), Hard disk drives, Video card, Monitor.
2.3. Analysis of the subject area, as well as business processes of the Investment Holding "FINAM"
The main processes in the procurement department of the Investment Holding "FINAM" are the processes of approval, budgeting, and execution of applications for the purchase of IT equipment, as well as software. (Figure 2.7).
Fig. 2.7. General structure of the main business processes in the procurement department of the Investment Holding "FINAM"
When studying the subject area of ​​the enterprise under consideration, four main business processes can be identified (Fig. 2.8.):
1. processing requests;
2. carrying out expert assessments in the field of determining the product, as well as its cost;
3. coordination of requests;
4. execution of deliveries.
At the enterprise in question, three main types of requests can be distinguished:
a. request for the purchase of IT equipment;
b. request for the purchase of intangible assets (software, certificates);
c. request for the purchase of services also works.
Fig. 2.8. Decomposition diagram A0 of the purchasing department of the Investment Holding "FINAM"
Considering these types of requests, the business process “Processing requests” includes the following work (Fig. 2.9.): An employee of the holding company places a purchase request in the system. Since three types of requests are possible, and an ordinary employee cannot always competently qualify his request, the application undergoes a preliminary analysis by employees of the procurement department, during which additional information is determined specific information on the request, the type of request is determined (equipment, intangible assets or services, also work) , and also, the main selection is carried out for the correctness of sending the application to the procurement department of IT equipment, as well as software. For example, a request from a holding employee to purchase CDs will be rejected, because The economic department deals with such purchases. After determining the type of purchase, the application is sent to one of the employees of the procurement department involved in the relevant equipment or ordering services.
Fig. 2.9. Presentation of the decomposition of the business process “Request Processing”
The next stage of processing the application is sending it to the technical department for technical examination. During the technical examination it becomes clear:
a) availability of the required equipment in the warehouse or the ability to perform work by technical department employees.
b) adequacy, also the necessity of the requirement.
c) correct, also complete specification for the required equipment, or technical specifications for performing the work.
d) if necessary, the technical specialist may request additional information.
In case a, b, and d, the application with the purchase requirement is returned to the customer with the appropriate comment.
In the case of issuing a specification or technical task, the application is sent to the procurement department for the issuance of an economic examination, during which the estimated procurement budget must be indicated. When performing a budget assessment, there are two possible application routes:
1) issuance of an exact specification indicating the cost for which it is possible to purchase the required product/service.
2) refusal to issue a budget estimate due to the removal of equipment from production, the absence of contractor companies providing the required services, the presence of alternative solutions proposed by the supplier, etc. in this case, the application is returned to the technical department with the appropriate comment, and also undergoes technical examination again.
Fig. 2.10 Business process “technical expertise”
Next follows the business process “Approval of the application” (Fig. 2.11) during which the application containing complete and correct information about the name, the cost of the required equipment, and services is sent to the member the board responsible for the direction for which the purchase is planned to be made. He, in turn, can request additional approval from any employee of the holding. If a member of the board refuses to approve the purchase, the application is returned to the customer with the appropriate comment.
In case of a positive response, the application is sent to the treasurer for approval of the allocation of funds in the appropriate amount. In case of refusal to allocate funds, the application is sent to the customer with the appropriate comment. Also, the treasurer can send an application for additional approval to any employee of the holding. Upon approval of the application, it is sent to the procurement department for execution of the purchase in accordance with the regulations of the procurement department (Fig. 2.12).
Fig. 2.11 Presentation of the decomposition of the business process “Application approval”
In accordance with the regulations of the purchasing department, the holding has adopted three procedures for selecting a supplier. The required procedure is selected depending on the purchase amount:
Amount, rub. Responsible for choosing a supplier Selecting a supplier Making a purchase
100-50000 Purchasing department employee Receiving and comparing prices from suppliers’ price lists;
Obtaining prices, as well as information about the availability of equipment on Internet resources (websites of online stores, equipment suppliers)

50001-300000 Treasurer
Curator Request by email for a commercial proposal for specifications of equipment/services according to the list in Appendix 2a, but to at least 2 suppliers* (+ request for analogue equipment in the suppliers' warehouse)
Processing of received proposals, as well as compiling information into a single table in the form specified in Appendix 3
Sending the table to management for supplier approval via email. mail or messaging/voting information system
Account. The need to conclude an agreement is agreed with the Treasurer, also the Customer.
300001, also above Treasurer
Curator Conducting an open request for proposals in accordance with Order 284 dated September 12, 2011, subject to the possibility of conducting it. Agreement
Fig. 2.12 Presentation of the decomposition of the business process “Fulfillment of an order”
2.3.1.Development of a structural diagram of an information system
The web-based system designed in this work is created in order to ensure timely updating of data on the web portal of the Investment Holding "FINAM", as well as to facilitate high-quality response to changes in information in the database of the procurement department of IT equipment, as well as software.
The input information for the developed system in this case is data on the necessary equipment requirements, intangible assets, as well as the purchase of relevant services (network, server, user equipment, etc.) software, purchase of certificates for services, technical support, updates, related work), which can be both approved and executed, and also rejected.
Thus, a real information system should contain the following subsystems:
1. subsystem for managing information about material assets;
2. subsystem for managing information about intangible assets;
3. subsystem for managing information about services and work.
In turn, in the subsystem for managing data on material assets, three more subsystems included in it should be distinguished:
1. subsystem for managing information about server equipment;
2. subsystem for managing information about network equipment;
3. subsystem for managing information about user equipment;
4. subsystem for managing information about spare parts.
The data management subsystem for intangible assets also includes additional subsystems:
1. subsystem for managing information about perpetual software licenses;
2. subsystem for managing information about software licenses with a limited validity period;
3. certificate information management subsystem;
The subsystem for managing information about services and work is divided into two parts with different essences:
1. subsystem for managing information about one-time services;
2. subsystem for managing information about ongoing services
The system for combining the listed subsystems is responsible for working with the database, as well as for updating data on the portal. The block diagram of the information system is shown in the figure below (Figure 2.18.).
Fig. 2.18.. Block diagram of the information system
2.3.2.Development of a functional diagram of an information system
Information has been one of the most important resources in the world for many decades. Commercial enterprises are no exception. In order to improve the quality of services and structure your work, you need a system that could ensure fast work with data, as well as their updating on the portal, so that the client user always has access to the ability to access only the latest information.
The information system must perform the following tasks:
1. instant update of data on the portal;
2. adequate response to changes in the database.
The general functional diagram of such a system is presented below (Figure 2.19.).
Figure 2.19. General functional diagram of the information system
2.3.3.Development of a conceptual model of an information system
In order to develop a conceptual model of the system, it is necessary to select information objects. In this case it is:
server equipment;
network equipment;
user equipment;
perpetual software;
software with a limited period of use;
spare parts;
ongoing services, also work;
one-time services, also work;
application number;
customer personnel number;
the amount of the budget estimate;
material assets;
intangible assets;
services, also works;
In the diagrams we will display entities in squares, and attributes in ovals (Fig. 2.20.). The “one-to-many” relationship between the objects “Spare parts”, “server equipment”, “network equipment”, “user equipment”, as well as “material assets” is explained by the fact that, for example, each type of material ogo asset may eventually possess different specifications for different types of equipment.
Fig. 2.20. Conceptual model of an information system
As for the “one-to-one” connection between the objects “Budget Estimate Amount”, also “user equipment”, “server equipment”, etc., this connection is established here, since any type of purchase can have only one specification, also a budget estimate.
2.3.3. Development of logical and also physical models of the system
The objects of our model, represented at the logical level, are called entities, also attributes. The logical data model, as a rule, is universal and is also in no way connected with the specific implementation of the DBMS (Fig. 2.21).
The physical data model, on the contrary, depends on the specific DBMS, being in fact a mirror image of the designed system directory. The physical data model contains information about all existing database objects. Since there are no standards for computer system database objects, the physical model depends each time on the specific implementation of the DBMS. From this it follows that the same logical data model may well correspond to several different physical data models. If in the logical model it does not really matter what type of data the attribute has, then in the physical data model it is extremely important to describe complete information about physical objects - tables, columns, procedures, etc. indices (Fig. 2.22).
The names of our tables and columns are generated on the basis of existing attributes, as well as entities of an already created logical model, and it is important to take into account the syntactic restrictions imposed by the DBMS, for example, the maximum length name A space in the name of an entity, also an attribute, is replaced by the character “_”. It is important to understand that changes made are not reflected in the names of attributes or entities. The reason for this is that information in ERWin at the logical and physical levels is stored separately.
The main table is the “Application” table. It includes three key fields: application number; customer personnel number; contractor's personnel number.
The “Executors” table stores information about the contractor’s personnel number. The “customers” table stores information about the customer’s personnel number. Tables “experts”, “curators”, “treasurer”, also “add. “approving” also stores personnel numbers of employees performing the corresponding roles.
The “examination result” table contains information about the exact specification of equipment or services that need to be purchased.
Fig. 2.21. Logical model of the developed information system
Fig. 2.22. Physical model of the information system being developed.
2.4. Information flows at the enterprise
In the work of the procurement department, four fundamental processes can be distinguished:
acceptance of purchase applications;
approval of purchase requests;
budget determination of performance indicators;
direct purchase.
Thus, the purchasing department of an enterprise can be considered as an information center in which a large amount of information is processed.
Information is the only type of resource available to humans in the world, which not only is not depleted, but also increases, while being improved, and also contributes to the most rational and effective use of other resources.
Fig. 2.23. Information flows in the enterprise.
2.4.1 Modern model for managing enterprise information flows
Collection, processing, application, and transmission of information have always been an element of successful entrepreneurial activity. In addition to external factors, the success of an enterprise depends on the forces within the organization, including goals, objectives, structure, technology. Management of information flows can be safely divided into external and also internal.
The enterprise has always been a subject of activity with greater freedom of action, for this reason its control by external systems is limited to a certain number of situations.
The essence of external control is that the enterprise finds itself in a certain given situation. The daily activities of a holding employee include: goal setting, forecasting, planning, organization, control, regulation, performance evaluation, motivation, stimulation, interpretation of results.
Every step of an employee’s activity is accompanied by the adoption of some kind of management decision.
To make an effective management decision, a manager must purposefully collect all information about the state and operating conditions of his enterprise. The company's competitors are in the same information field, therefore, the better the effective search system is organized, as well as the acquisition of information flows, the higher the competitiveness of the holding.
When preparing a management decision, the limitations imposed by control systems must be taken into account. The degree of restrictions depends on the type of control system.
The rights of systems can be unconditional (state bodies), or conditional (voluntary interaction with partners), or mixed (conditional before interaction, also unconditional after interaction with partners - contractual relations).
Direct and constant control over the conduct of the enterprise is exercised by the state.
In order to recognize all control information flows, the chief manager can and must also use the information potential of his team members, as well as other specialists.
The lack of information products directly affects the amount of economic damage caused.
Specialized information service systems (ISS) outside and also within the enterprise help in solving this problem of acquiring information flows.
Making management decisions is the most basic and also responsible function of a manager. Violation of the rules of conduct in this direction leads the enterprise to economic losses, making its activities meaningless.
2.5. Local network structure
A local network (local computer network, LAN) is a set of equipment and software that provides transmission, storage, and processing of information.
The purpose of a local network is to provide one-time shared access to the necessary data, installed programs, and equipment available at the enterprise. The local network (LAN) includes the following equipment: Active equipment – ​​switches, routers, media convectors; Passive equipment – ​​cables, mounting cabinets, cable ducts, patch panels, data sockets; Computer and peripheral equipment – ​​servers, workstations, printers, scanners. Depending on the requirements for the designed network, the composition of the equipment used during installation may vary.
Speed ​​is the most important characteristic of a local network; Adaptability is the ability of a local network to expand and also install workstations where it is required; Reliability is the property of a local network to maintain full or partial functionality, regardless of the failure of some nodes or end equipment.
The topology (layout, configuration, structure) of a computer network usually refers to the physical location of computers on the network relative to each other, as well as the method of connecting their line mi connections. It is important to note that the concept of topology refers primarily to local networks, in which the structure of connections can be easily traced. In global networks, the structure of connections is usually hidden from users, and is also not too important, since each communication session can be carried out along its own path.
The topology determines the equipment requirements, the type of cable used, the acceptable ones, as well as the most convenient methods of managing the exchange, reliability of operation, possibilities for expanding the network. A network user rarely has to learn about the topology; it is necessary to know about the features of the main topologies, their advantages, and disadvantages.
Bus (bus) - all computers are connected in parallel to one communication line. Information from each computer is simultaneously transmitted to all other computers (Fig. 2.24).
Fig. 2.24. Network topology bus
Star (star) - there are two main types:
Active star (true star) - other peripheral computers are connected to one central computer, and each of them uses a separate communication line. Information from a peripheral computer is transmitted only to the central computer, from the central one - to one or several peripheral ones. (Fig. 2.25) Active star
Fig. 2.25. Active star
A passive star that only looks like a star in appearance. Currently, it is distributed much more widely than the active star. Suffice it to say that it is used in the most popular Ethernet network today.
In the center of a network with this topology, there is not a computer, but a special device - a switch or, as it is also called, a switch, which restores incoming signals and also forwards them directly to the recipient Liu (Fig. 2.26.). This is exactly the network topology that is present at the enterprise Investment Holding “FINAM”
Fig. 2.26. Passive star
Ring - computers are sequentially combined into a ring.
The transmission of information in the ring is always carried out in one direction only. Each computer transmits information to only one
to the computer following it in the chain, and only receives information
from the previous computer in the chain (Fig. 2.27)
Fig. 2.27. Network topology ring
There are two types of local networks: Peer-to-peer local networks - networks where all computers are equal: each computer can also be a server or a client. Local networks with centralized management. In centrally managed networks, the security policy is common to all network users. This is exactly the type of local network available at the enterprise Investment Holding “FINAM”.
2.6. Test example of project implementation, as well as its description
2.6.1. Database characteristics
The system uses MySQL DBMS. The computer system database consists of 6 tables. The connection diagram of the computer system database tables is shown in Figure: 2.29
Fig. 2.29 Database table connection scheme
The database contains tables, the characteristics of which are given in the tables below:
Table 2.1 “MANAGER” table
Field Type Value Note
IDMAN Int(5) Manager number Key, auto-fill
SURNAME Char(25) Last name
NAMEM Char(25) Name
Login Char(20) Login
Password Char(10) Password
Table 2.2 “KLIENT” table
Field Type Value Note
IDPOK Int(5) Client number Key, auto-fill
SURNAMEK Varchar(50) Client's last name
NAMEK Char(50) Client name
PATRONYMIC Char(50) Client's middle name
TELEFON Char(16) Telephone
EMAIL Varchar(50) Client's email address
CITY Char(25) City
Table 2.3 Table “ZAKAZ”
Field Type Value Note
IDZ Int(11) Order number Key, auto-fill
DATE DATE Order date
IDNAME Char(10) Client number
SET1 INT(11) New car
SET2 INT(11) Used car
SET3 INT(11) Spare parts
Primech TEXT Note
Table 2.4 “NEW” table
Field Type Value Note

GRUPPA Char(25) Group
GVIPUSK YEAR(4) Year of manufacture

DVIGATEL Char(20) Engine
CVET Char(20) Color
KABINA Char(20) Cabin type
KP Char(20) Gearbox type

CENA Int(10) Price

Table 2.5 Table “BY”
Field Type Value Note
ID Int(5) Service number Key, auto-fill
NAME Char(50) Name of service
GRUPPA Char(25) Group
GVIPUSK YEAR(4) Year of manufacture
KOLES Char(10) Wheel shape
DVIGATEL Char(20) Engine
CVET Char(20) Color
KABINA Char(20) Cabin type
KP Char(20) Gearbox type
STRANA Char(15) Country of origin
CENA Int(10) Price
KOLVO Int(11) Quantity in stock
PROBEG Int(11) Mileage
Table 2.13 “ZAPCHAST” table
Field Type Value Note
ID Int(11) Key number, auto-fill
NAME Char(50) Name
GRUPPA Char(25) Group
CENA Int(50) Price
ARTICUL Char(50) Article
KOLVO Int(11) Quantity
2.6.2. Structure of the implemented website.
The implemented Internet site, thanks to the use of PHP languages, also HTML has a pleasant, user-friendly interface, and a clear structure
Figure 2.30 shows the manager authorization window at the SINTEZ LLC enterprise.
Fig.2.30 Manager authorization
In Fig. 2.31. a menu for selecting actions is presented, namely registering a new client, placing an order, a catalog of cars (new, also used), a catalog of spare parts, customer computer system databases, price lists in EXCEL, also exit, which leads to manager authorization.
Fig.2.31. Main menu of the site
In figures 2.31-2.32. Examples of registering a new user are presented, as well as automatically adding him to the database of the MYSQL computer system Fig. 2.33
Fig. 2.31.Adding a new user
Fig.2.32 Successful addition of a new client
Figure 2.33.Adding a new user to the database
The ordering menu is shown in Figure 2.34.
Figure 2.34. Placing an order
In Figure 2.35. a window for selecting a registered client is presented
Fig.2.35.Selecting a client from the database
Figure 2.36 shows the search, as well as the selection of the client, in this case there is a client with the same name, therefore we select and also click on the client we need.
Figure 2.36. Search, also customer choice
Figure 2.37 shows the successful selection of this client
Fig. 2.37. Client's choice
Figure 2.38 shows a selection of new cars:
Fig.2.38. New cars
Fig.2.39. Choosing a new car
The display of new cars in the database is shown in Figure 2.40
Fig. 2.40. Display of new cars
An example of the final formation of an order with a selected client, also the choice of new equipment, and a manager is presented in Figure 2.41.
Fig.2.41. Order form for printing
An order for the purchase of spare parts, also used equipment, is placed in the same way.
You can then print out your order and return to the main page of the site for further work.
Below is an example of downloading a price list from the website (new cars) Figure 2.43.
Fig.2.43. Displaying a window for saving and also viewing the price list
The second chapter describes in detail the essential process of system development, as well as the implementation of an automated information system. During the implementation of this work, the current database of the system's computer system was completely designed and implemented, and the interface part of the system was carefully developed.
The implemented computer system database meets all the necessary structural design requirements, as well as normalization standards.
The implemented system interface is designed in an intuitive and understandable form and also fully meets the ergonomic requirements.
The purpose of creating an ergonomic interface was to display information as effectively as possible for instant human perception, and to systematically structure the display on the display in order to Pay attention to the most important units of information provided.
The main goal of the development was also to minimize the overall information displayed on the screen, and to present only what may be necessary for a possible user.
In the second chapter, the system was developed using such tools as the PHP programming language and the MySQL DBMS.
3.1. Enterprise risk management
The economic reliability of a holding or in other words - the economic reliability of a business - is a stable state of a holding, characterized by the level of its efficiency, as well as operational stability through constant monitoring, as well as providing information, investment, financial, intellectual, personnel, logistics, industrial, and other types of security .
The economic reliability of the holding includes the best use of resources, the prevention of threats to its activities, as well as the creation of conditions for stable, efficient functioning, as well as making a profit.
The economic reliability of the holding includes mandatory monitoring of the state of the entire reliability system, timely, professional, and adequate response to failures in its functioning.
Prompt resolution of various issues in order to organize the reliability of business processes, high-quality encryption of information or the implementation of expensive antivirus protection have become an inevitable daily practice for many companies. It is worth mentioning that solving individual information security issues cannot solve the problem of ensuring the information reliability of a business as a whole, but creates the illusion of reliability for its owners.
The security of a company's (holding) business is achieved by obtaining, double-checking, accurately determining performance indicators and analyzing those developed in the company based on quality indicators (characteristics, parameters).
It is important to note that effective management of the holding must first of all ensure the economically secure existence of the business. The concept of “risk management” has been defined as a thorough process of preparation and implementation of measures that reduce the risk of making an erroneous management decision.
The risk management subsystem is built on a hierarchical principle. The risk management process takes place at two subordinate levels – executive and coordinating. At the executive level, two main functions are performed: monitoring the level of risk arising in the process of functioning of the holding, and managing the level of risk associated with the preparation of decisions at all levels.
The holding's management plays a key role in resolving risk management problems, as it approves the implementation of risk reduction programs and makes management decisions on the start of implementation.
3.2. Cost calculation for system development
Calculation of development costs is necessary to justify the economic efficiency of the system. Planned development costs include all expenses, regardless of the source of their financing. Determination of development costs is carried out by calculating the planned cost.

1. basic salary of information system developers;
2. additional salary for information system developers;
3.calculation of costs for computer depreciation;
4. overhead costs;
5. costs of electricity used in the development of the information system;
6. social insurance contributions;
Let's consider each of the cost items.
Cost calculation for basic salaries for developers
Remuneration represents the totality of funds paid to employees in cash and in kind both for time worked, work performed, and also in the manner prescribed by law for time not worked.
The additional payment is calculated on top of time-based earnings at the rate of 20% of the tariff rate of a time worker.
The costs of basic wages (Zosn.) with a time-based form of remuneration are calculated according to formula (1):
Zosn.=Omes.*Trab.*Kd/Dr.months., (1)
Omes. — monthly salary of the program developer;
Other months — average number of working days in a month;
Trab. — actual time of participation in the development of the program;
Kd is a coefficient that takes into account additional payments to the basic salary.
At the same time, the ratio Om./Dr.m. characterizes the average daily salary of a developer.
Let's accept in our project:
Omes. engineer-programmer = 100,000 rub.
Other months = 21 days;
Kd = 1.2.
The results of calculating the costs of the basic salary of program developers are presented in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1. Calculating the cost of basic developer salaries
Performers Working hours, number of days Average daily salary Om./Dr.m., rub. Salary costs, rub.
Software engineer 15 4761.90 85714.29
Total 85714.29
Calculation of additional salaries for program developers
The article “Additional wages” plans and takes into account payments provided for by labor legislation or collective agreements for time not worked at production (non-attendance): payment for regular and additional vacations, compensation for unused vacation, payment of preferential hours for teenagers, payment for time associated with the performance of state and public duties, etc. It is determined as a percentage of the basic salary.
Healthy = Kdop. * Zosn. (2)
where: Kdop. — coefficient that takes into account the amount of additional salary of program developers. Let's accept Kdop. equal to 0.25 Based on formula (2), we determine:
Healthy = 0.25 * 85714.29 = 21428.57 rub.

In accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation on pensions, on employment, on health insurance, and on state social insurance, employees of enterprises are subject to compulsory social insurance and security.
Social insurance contributions include (as a percentage of the amount of basic and additional wages): Table 3.2
social insurance 3.2%
health insurance 2.8%
pension fund 20.0%
employment fund 0%
tax on the maintenance of educational facilities 0%
transport tax (on the balance sheet of the car and individuals - Vlad car) 1.0%
TOTAL: 27.0%
Thus, social insurance and security contributions included in production costs are calculated using the formula:
Os.s.o. = Ks.s.o. * (Zosn. + Zdol.) (3)
Ks.s.o. — a coefficient that takes into account contributions to the social insurance fund, pension fund, health insurance, and state employment fund. Based on formula 3, we determine:
Os.s.o. = 0.27*(85714.29+ 21428.57)= 28928.57 rub.
Calculation of depreciation costs of computers used in the development of an analysis system educational process in secondary school
Depreciation is the process of gradual wear and tear of fixed assets and transfer of their cost to manufactured products (work, services) according to established standards.
When calculating depreciation charges, you should be guided by PBU 6/01 “Accounting for fixed assets”.
Accrual of depreciation of fixed assets according to established rates is called depreciation charges. Depreciation rates are set as a percentage of the book (original) cost of fixed assets.
The depreciation rate is calculated based on the useful life of the fixed asset. Depreciation rates may be adjusted depending on deviations from the standard conditions for the use of fixed assets. The useful life of an object is determined based on the Classification of fixed assets included in depreciation groups, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 1, 2002. Depreciation is calculated monthly.
The depreciation rate is calculated using the formula under the condition Cper = 100%:
For=First/useful life (%) (4)
Calculation of equipment depreciation costs is carried out as follows:
Deputy=First*(On/100) * m * (twork/Fd.o.) (5)
First - the initial cost of the computer used in developing the program;
Na is the depreciation rate;

trab. - computer operating time;
Fd.o. — actual annual fund of computer operating time.
Let be:
First = 27,000.00 rub.,
On = 22.8%,
m = 1 piece,
trab. = 15 days * 8 hours = 120 hours,
Fd.o. = Number of work days * Number of shifts * Length of shifts =
= 252 days* 1 shift* 8 hours = 2016 hours
Based on formula (2.5) we determine:
Deputy = 27,000.00 * (22.8/100)* 1 *(120/2016) = 366.43 rub.
The results of calculating the costs of computer depreciation used in developing the program are presented in Table 3.3.
Table 3.3. Calculation of computer depreciation costs

Pentium IV 1,120 22.8 366.43
Calculation of the cost of electricity used by the computer during program development
Electricity costs (Zel.en.) are calculated using the formula:
Zel.en.=Tse. * P * m * tr (6)
P is the power of the computer used in developing the program;
tr is the computer operating time used in program development;
m is the number of computers used;
Tse. — price of 1 kWh of electricity.
Let be:
P = 300 W;
tp = 120 h;
m = 1;
Tse. = 1.9 rub/kW (Other other consumers, including State Unitary Enterprise Mosgorenergo)

Zel.en. = 1.9*0.3*1*120= 68.4 rub.
The results of calculating the costs of electricity used in the program development process are presented in Table 3.4.
Table 3.4. Calculation of electricity costs
Name of equipment Number of equipment units m, pcs Equipment operating time tр., h Equipment power, kW Electricity costs, rub.
Pentium IV 1 120 0.3 68.4
Overhead calculation
The item "Overhead" includes management and maintenance costs. This article takes into account the salaries of the management staff and general economic services, the costs of maintaining and routine repairs of buildings, structures, equipment and inventory, depreciation charges for their complete restoration and overhaul, costs of labor protection, scientific and technical information, invention and rationalization. The amount of overhead costs is determined as a percentage of the basic and additional wages.
Overhead costs (Рncl.) are calculated using the formula:
Rnakl.=Kn * (Zosn.+Zdop.) (7)
Кн — overhead cost coefficient. Let's take Kn equal to 1.1. Based on formula (7) we determine:
Rnakl. = 1.1 * (85714.29+ 21428.57) = 117857.15 rub.
We summarize the results of calculating the costs of developing an enterprise information system in Table 3.5.
Table 3.5. Cost estimate for system development

to the end
1 Basic salary of developers 85714.29 33.51%
2 Additional salary for developers 21428.57 8.38%
3 Social insurance contributions. 28928.57 11.31%
4 Depreciation charges 366.43 0.62%
5 Electricity costs 68.40 0.11%
6 Overhead costs 117857.15 46.07%
Total: 254363.4 100.00%
Development costs 254363.4 100.00%
Calculation of system operating costs
The purpose of calculating operating costs is to obtain the necessary data to determine the annual economic effect from the implementation of the developed system. The operating costs of the developed system include all costs associated with its operation throughout the year.
The cost estimate includes the following items:
basic salary of system maintenance personnel;
additional wages for system maintenance personnel;
social insurance contributions;
calculation of computer depreciation costs;
expenses for electricity used in operating the information system;
For calculations we use the same formulas as in the previous section.
Calculation of costs for the basic salary of program service personnel
Let's accept in our project:
Omes. system engineer operating the information system = 100,000 rubles.
Other months = 21 days;
Kd = 1.2.
The results of calculating the costs of the basic salary of information system maintenance personnel are presented in Table 3.6.
Table 3.6. Calculation of costs for basic staff salaries
Personnel Working time, days Average daily salary Om./Dr.m., rub. Salary costs, rub.
System engineer 220 4761.90
Total 1257141.6
Calculation of additional salaries for program service personnel
Healthy = 0.25 * 1257141.6 = 314285.4 rub.
Calculation of contributions for social insurance and security
Os.s.o. = 0.27*(314285.40+1257141.6)= 424285.29
Calculation of depreciation costs for computers used in system operation
Let be:
First =19,000 rub.,
At = 18.3%,
m = 1 piece,
trab. = 220 day * 8 hours = 1760 hours,
Fd.o. = 2016 hours
Based on formula (5) we determine:
Deputy=19,000 * (18.3/100)* 1 *(1760/2016) = 3035.48 rub.
The results of calculating computer depreciation costs used in developing the program are presented in Table 3.7.
Table 3.7. Calculation of computer depreciation costs
Name of equipment Number of equipment units m, pcs Equipment operating time twork., h Depreciation rate, % Depreciation costs, rub.
Pentium IV 1 1760 18.3 3035.48
Calculation of the cost of electricity used by the computer during the operation of the program
Let be:
P = 250 W;
tp = 1760 h;
m = 1;
Tse. = 1.9 rub/kW. (for budget organizations)
Based on formula (6), we determine the Green energy:
Zel.en. = 1.9 *0.25*1*1760= 836 rub.
The results of calculating the costs of electricity used during the operation of the program are presented in Table 3.8.
Table 3.8. Calculation of electricity costs
Name of equipment Number of equipment units m, pcs Equipment operating time tр., h Equipment power, kW Electricity costs, rub.
Pentium IV 1 1760 0.25 836
Overhead calculation
Rnakl. = 1.1 * (314285.4 +1257141.6) = 1728569.7 rub.
Enter the results of calculating the costs of operating the system in Table 3.9.
Table 3.9. Cost estimate for operating the system
No. Cost items Costs, rub. %
to the end
1 Basic salary of service personnel 1257141.6 33.6%
2 Additional wages for service personnel 314285.4 8.39%
3 Social insurance contributions. 424285.29 11.34%
4 Depreciation charges 3035.48 0.37%
5 Electricity costs 836 0.10%
6 Overhead costs 1728569.7 46.2%
Total: 3728153.47 100.00%
Operating costs 3728153.47 100.00%
Calculation of the selling price of the developed system
The selling price of the system being developed is determined as the sum of the total cost, planned profit and VAT.
The planned profit is 15% of the total cost.
VAT is 18% of the total cost and planned profit.
OT = Full + + VAT = 58838.41 + 8825.76 +12179.55= 79843.72 rub.
Calculation of economic efficiency
The total cost of the designed system Spr = 58838.41 rubles. Selling price of the designed OTspr system = 79843.72 rubles. Capital investments are equal to development costs and are:
KV=Full. = 58838.41 rub., (8)
Calculation of return on capital investments
Calculation of the payback of the HF is carried out according to the formula:
Current=KV/(R.P.*N) (9)
where Current is the payback period;
KV - capital investments; — planned profit;
N—planned annual sales volume, pcs.
Current = 58838.41 / (8825.76 * 10) = 0.67 years
The third chapter examined the main issues related to the organizational and economic process, as well as automation. Calculations were made for:
system development
developer salaries
additional salary
social insurance contributions, as well as security
computer depreciation
selling price of the system being developed
economic efficiency
return on capital investment
As a result of all the calculations, we received that the creation of this product requires 58,838.41 rubles. And the selling price is 79,843.72 rubles.
Based on the results obtained, we can conclude that the developed system is economically profitable.
4.1. Rationale for the need for ergonomic analysis
The use of the user's personal computer is a prerequisite for the need for a detailed consideration of their impact on human health.
An indisputable fact is that when working with a personal computer, the eyes receive the greatest load. The main role is given to the monitor, which displays information in the form of luminous dots. The dots do not have clear boundaries, which is the reason that the marks and lines have much less contrast than on paper. Their contrast is made even less by external lighting, without which, however, working on a personal computer is harmful.
Objects of visual work are located at different distances from the user’s eyes (from 30 to 70 cm), and it is also necessary to quite often move the gaze in the directions screen - documentation - keyboard (approximately from 15 to 50 times per minute). A bad factor in the light environment is a complete non-compliance with the standard values ​​of illumination levels for the working surfaces of the screen, table, and keyboard. As a result of these factors, rapid fatigue, blurred vision, and double vision of objects are noted.
Great importance is also attached to the correct working posture of the user. With an uncomfortable working position, a person inevitably begins to experience pain in the muscles, joints, and tendons. The reasons for the incorrect posture of personal computer users may be a consequence of the influence of such factors as: lack of a document stand, high keyboard position, incorrect monitor height, installation angle, insufficient legroom, incorrectly selected chair height.
It is impossible to organize a system that will meet all ergonomic and safety requirements, but the maximum of these requirements is quite feasible. Namely, you need to do:
protection of personnel from hazardous factors;
protection of personnel from force majeure situations;
stability of the system.
To meet these requirements, it is necessary to conduct a study of the existing conditions for the implementation of this software product for compliance with sanitary rules and standards. As a result, based on this analysis, it will be possible to present the requirements for the premises and technical support where the software product is planned to be used.
4.2.Workplace ergonomics
4.2.1. Recommendations for completing the technical equipment of the workplace
Most important part The personal computer user's workplace is a chair. The design of the working seat should allow for changes in body position and constantly ensure free movement of the body and limbs; The chair must allow height changes depending on the person’s height (from 400 to 550 mm); The chair should have a slightly concave surface and a slight tilt back.
In office spaces, where monotonous mental work is performed, which involves significant nervous tension, the walls should be painted in calm tones - shades of cool green or blue.
To reduce the negative impact electromagnetic radiation It is important to use certified equipment. The monitor screen should be no closer than 500 mm from the eyes of the user of the personal computer, at an optimal distance of 600 - 700 mm. For good productivity, it is important for a person to organize breaks every one and a half to two hours, lasting at least twenty minutes for each break or fifteen minutes for every hour of work.
It is advisable to choose a tilting and free-standing keyboard. This is necessary to provide the employee with the opportunity to choose a comfortable working position. The layout of the keys should make your work easier, not complicate it. Constant use of a keyboard can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.
It is necessary to take into account the distance between desktops with installed monitors when placing workstations. A minimum of 2.0 m is required for the distance between desks and a minimum of 1.2 m for the distance between the side surfaces of monitors.
To increase the stability of the system, the following tools are used: UPS and surge protectors - to smooth out power surges in the network for all workplaces.
According to SanPiN, the workplace should be located with its side facing the light opening so that the light falls from the right. The lighting of the room and workplace should create good lighting conditions, as well as a contrast between the screen and the surrounding environment. Natural lighting should provide a natural illuminance factor (DLC) of no less than 1.2% in areas with snow cover, and no less than 1.5% in the rest of the territory. Calculation of KEO for other light climate zones is carried out according to the generally accepted methodology in accordance with SNiP “Natural and artificial lighting”
4.3. Ensuring electrical reliability and fire safety
The room where the system operator works is classified as fire hazard category B premises, i.e. to fire hazards. Therefore, the premises must comply with the standards for equipment with fire protection devices, fire resistance, number of storeys, and building layout established for this category of premises. The operator’s premises must be equipped with I or II degree of fire resistance (see SNiP 2.01.02-85 “Fire safety standards”). These are the highest degrees.
The user's personal computer must be powered through a power supply network with a voltage of 220V and a frequency of 50 Hz.
It is also necessary to use protective grounding, which is connected to the computer. The layout of workplaces should be organized in such a way as to ensure easy access for employees to their places, and also to prevent the possibility of monitors tipping over during evacuation. It is important to eliminate the possibility of injuries and accidents during operation.
The thesis project focused on the process of developing a web-based information system for a developing company
The activities of this company are specific and also require a simple and fast functioning of the system, as well as a simple deployment system on any customer software platforms.
The process of developing an information system was carried out taking into account all the fundamental principles of designing systems of this kind.
The software implementation of the project was based on multifunctional and flexible programming languages ​​- PHP and My SQL. The symbiosis of these languages ​​allows you to create a reliable and also stable information system. Each of the languages ​​has fully implemented its main functions in similar information systems, and has also been steadily gaining popularity for several months.
In the process of completing the diploma project, the following results were achieved:
designed the database layout;
designed a logical layout for input and output of information for the database;
A site management automation complex was built and implemented;
a set of technical means, as well as software, on which the functioning of the site is implemented, as well as a site management system, has been selected;
the main software modules of the system have been implemented;
Summarizing all of the above, in this diploma project it was possible to create a multifunctional information system that contains the following software parts:
The main website of the holding, which has a pleasant, also non-irritating interface, also informs the user on all areas of the holding's activities.
The main site management system, which also has a nice interface, also has deeply thought-out functionality that will allow a person who does not have deep knowledge of web programming to manage the site.
Relational base data, storing the entire structure of the site, also the main news, also information content main pages of the website.
Software modules - scripts that automate the operation of the entire system as a whole, allow the information system administrator to flexibly and quickly change the content of the main pages of the holding website, also, if necessary, disable them, and also carry out routine maintenance, changing the content of the page with full confidence in the correct display of information in any browser, also on any operating system.
The economic part made it possible to effectively estimate the total cost of the system, as well as the associated costs of its operation in the enterprise.
The environmental part set the necessary requirements and conditions for comfortable and safe work of a person located in close proximity to constantly operating computers.

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From Web Sites to Web Applications

Part 1. Website or Web Application?

Make smart decisions by analyzing your web presence

Content Series:

In our world of iPads, iPhones, Androids, and app-focused devices, it's no longer modern to say, “I have a static Web site.” If you don't have a sophisticated search engine, at least three payment methods, and a couple of pages with tricky Ajax interactions, you might be called "stuck in the 1990s." Many developers have to make some tricks to satisfy management's requests: Add some interactivity! Keep up with or Bing or IBM! Make a Web site... a Web application. However, if you expand existing sites, the result may be a less focused and sometimes less functional Web presence.

Web sites are fundamentally different from Web applications. If you're building Web applications, you need to know what makes them different from average Web sites. And if you're used to creating static pages without using JavaScript, you may be pushed to turn your site into a Web application.

In this article, you'll learn how to make informed decisions that will help your Web projects achieve their goals. You will learn about the difference between Web sites and Web applications and how the two concepts differ from each other. Once you understand the key differences, you'll be ready to make (or at least influence) decisions about what your Web presence should look like.

Websites don't have to be Web applications

There are situations when you have a website and No good reason to convert it to a Web application. Or, sometimes people spend a lot of time creating and improving a Web application, but instead of improving it, they just run around in circles. Perhaps it would be better not to do all this work and stick to a fairly simple Web site. In this section, we outline the differences between Web sites and Web applications.

Websites are primarily for informational purposes

The simplest definition of a completely static Web site is the word informational. Classic example Such a site is Wikipedia, which was intended solely as an information site. The appearance of Wikipedia is not striking, it does not delight, it is not strewn with pop-up images and maps with scroll bars. As shown in Figure 1, its content is simply information presented in a slightly more complex form than a hyperlinked dictionary.

Figure 1. Example of a Wikipedia page

Often in the best possible way transferring information are simple static Web sites. If your goal is to disseminate information about a product, service, or information itself, then a Web site is a good starting point. Of course, Web sites have to deal with pushback. They are not noticeable, they are in no way connected to the world of Twitter. However, most people still turn to Wikipedia when learning about a new topic, so static sites can be valuable.

Websites can be dynamic

Most blogs are actually Web sites. Although blogs are managed by programs such as WordPress or Movable Type, they result in information sites consisting primarily of simple, non-interactive pages. This highlights an important distinction: a Web site is defined not by how it is generated, but by how the information and features it provides are used by its visitors. Understanding this difference can help you focus on what your Web presence looks like from a user's perspective.

In the early stages, you should focus on the user experience of the site. The user is not interested in what technologies your site is built on: HTML and CSS, ColdFusion, PHP or Perl. Users simply rate a site based on what they see. To understand what type of site you are creating or researching, you need to take a little break from programming. Just open your browser, visit your site and rate it.

Web applications are typically interactive

If your site is not informational, then most likely it is interactive. This means that the user is not a passive consumer, but an active participant in the site. The user searches, presses buttons, fills out forms, makes purchases, and generally works with the keyboard and mouse all the time.

A computer game can be considered the standard of interactivity. In the game, users constantly interact with the computer. Whether they're shooting zombies or walking through a minefield, players are constantly pressing buttons and making decisions that require them to press buttons again, and so on. Of course, most websites don't achieve this level of interactivity.

Most Web sites are hybrids to some extent. For example, take a look at the home page of, shown in Figure 2. is a hybrid that is an information site.

Figure 2.

The screen shown above provides a lot of information. Books, authors, prices and categories are all different types of information. However, on this page the main goal of the user is interaction. The user can go to any product category. Or he can familiarize himself with a book in detail and buy it. The user can search or see what is in his/her cart. All these are different types of interactions.

Since any website represents any information, you need to determine the balance between information and interactivity. What do you do more: read or interact? Do you spend 30 seconds or 10 minutes on one page? If you interact a lot and spend little time on each page, you have an interactive site.

What is the difference between informational and interactive sites?

So far, we've discussed a fairly simple way to evaluate websites. The site is either informational or interactive. Black or white.

Most interactive websites are actually hybrids. If there is no information, then it turns out that there is nothing with which it would be possible to interact. Imagine what it would be like if had nothing but buttons - no books, no DVDs. The site wouldn't make sense. You need to have some information to work with. Thus, even interactive sites are actually hybrids: a combination of information and interactions.

You may ask: why even think about the differences between interactive and informational sites? It is important to think differently about a site through which you want to provide information to users and a site through which you want to provide interactivity. These differences in vision will actually drive most of your major design decisions. Even though you will rarely create purely informational or purely interactive sites, it is important to determine what your site leans towards.

Information is best submitted without processing

If your site is more informational, this determines the scenario for its use: use it to convey information to your audience. After this, all that remains is to determine the means of implementation. Given that users need information, what is the best way to convey that information? What is the best way to present data, which is usually available in large quantities, for online reading?

At this point, the folks working on e-books, enhanced editions, and the next generation of publishing products are starting to wave their hands excitedly. Information should be conveyed to a new generation of readers using modern means, right? There are new ways to present information: floating annotations, pop-ups with additional information, and embedded videos.

Yes, there is a place for expanded information.

I'm not saying that you should avoid advanced publications or that you shouldn't try to push the boundaries of what's possible with a Web 2.0/3.0-style approach to information. However, such tools are not exactly designed to get information quickly and efficiently. Most of the new ways of presenting information are immersive and even entertainment applications. These methods not only transmit information, they change the mechanism of its perception.

The information site is not trying to be experimental. If the purpose of your site is entertainment, then you need an interactive site.

The problem with this kind of thinking is that it assumes that history matters little and that there is no degree of inertia in users. People got used to it read books, read dictionaries, read Wikipedia. They read by moving their eyes from the top of the page to the bottom and, in many languages, from left to right. They read a lot of text and tend to read it without being distracted. In fact, they want Read this information without distraction.

Informational sites shouldn't strive to be the flashiest, most attractive, and full-featured sites. At the same time, there are ample opportunities for using images for illustration; as examples, look at popular sites such as, Wikipedia and other text-heavy sites. It's definitely worth considering using different visual elements: try using different fonts and work on making your site navigation easy and clear. You provide access to information, so anything that distracts from it will ultimately work against you.

Interactivity is based on intermittent operation

What distinguishes interactive sites from sites that provide information? If informational sites try to distract the user as little as possible, then interactive sites try to do this as much as possible. Your site should constantly make users want to click, drag, or highlight something. You create an environment in which you can transfer information in one direction or the other. It is no longer enough for users to passively read text and view images; they need something do in order to move on.

Therefore, the key to interactivity becomes the implementation of these interrupts. You need to be intentional about creating touchpoints. If there are places on your site where you can go exclusively using hyperlinks, you may be doing a poor job of designing information and interactions. On the other hand, if the user needs to click a button, fill out a form, and then expand a section with the information they need, then you're probably moving in the right direction.

Another approach to solving the problem of embedding interactivity into a website is to build a sequence map. Take a screenshot of a specific page and then decide which one you would like to see next page of your website. Take another screenshot, then another, and so on, until you have four or five (or ten) screenshots illustrating the steps to get a user from point A to point B.

Determine how the user moves from screen to screen. Does he click on a regular link? Does he press the button? How much does he move the mouse? How much action happens on screen? What is the user does? This is a great way to determine what the interrupts should be. How often should the user be involved in deciding where to go next? How many interrupt options do you provide in case the user is not involved in the decision?

Example of an interactive site:

To see how useful a trail map can be, let's look at an example. Take a look at the sequence of screens on the Web site of one of the leading luxury car manufacturers. Since this site offers very expensive purchases, the site must lure and surprise the user.

Figure 3 shows the start page of the website. The site looks glossy even before you interact with it.

Figure 3. home page

The user can immediately begin interacting with the site. Figure 4 shows what the site looks like after a mouse click. Below the car there are several colored pieces, clicking on any of which instantly changes the color of the car. Without searching through menus or anywhere else, the user can instantly begin interacting with the page.

Figure 4. The image on the start page of the Audi website changes with a mouse click

At this stage, uses a lot of relatively old technology. Menus that drop down when you hover over them are nothing new; this was something that could be done with DreamWeaver a long time ago. However, Audi's website tries to be interactive. So instead of displaying menu items and clicking on any of them, they display full-fledged images, specification tables, and embedded pages.

Figure 5 looks more like an internal page rather than a home page. uses menus for much more than just navigation. When you hover your mouse over the menu, not just clickable items appear, but full-fledged images and lists of vehicle options.

Figure 5. When you hover the mouse over the menu, full images and lists of options appear

It's a smart approach to interactivity. Users don't have to click a lot, but the site provides them with rich, visual feedback. It seems to the user that there is a lot going on on the site. Interaction doesn't always involve complex Flash animations or joystick manipulation. Sometimes a well-placed image, like on the Audi website, is completely enough.

Figure 6 reveals another aspect of interactivity: simplicity. This is a regular text menu, appearance which is nothing extraordinary. However, the menu drops out very clearly, and the current item in it is highlighted in color. There's nothing revolutionary about this, but given the way the whole site works, it turns out that you spend minimal time reading and searching for things that interest you. You simply hover your mouse over the menu, move it to the desired item and click. There is simply nowhere to get confused. You are always sure that you will get what you want.

Figure 6. Navigation menus are simple and beg to be clicked.

Figure 7 shows the inside page. Sure, the inner page is a bit weaker and less immersive than a well-designed home page. There are many more options here, clicking each of which changes the car image in the center. Each model page has many images that change according to user actions. Selecting a color, wheel type or interior instantly changes the image.

Figure 7. Inside pages require more clicking than reading.

Obviously a lot of work from designers and programmers has been put into this site. It is not a model of interactivity that many sites will be able to use. However, the key here is that users must interact with the site in order to move on. Greater interactivity allows you to get more information from the site.

By printing screenshots, you can easily see how users interact with the site and what they get from those interactions. Take time to complete this exercise. It may seem stupid to someone to look at screenshots laid out on the floor, but this is better than having a website, upon entering which the user begins to get bored and quickly leaves it.

Adding interactivity is not that easy

With an interactive approach, the main question becomes where exactly There must be interaction on the screen. This is not just reasoning like “Should this widget be placed in the upper left corner? Or maybe on the right?” There are two basic approaches (one of which is not very good):

  • Interactivity does not have to be physically located in the center. It should be where the user's attention is directed. The user must interact with the site to proceed further.
  • Interactivity is placed everywhere there is information. The interactivity is impressive, but it's not necessary to move on.

The first approach is preferable. Interactivity cannot be “screwed on” to an existing site. Why? Interactivity doesn't fit well around information. Instead, it should be within the information itself. In the figures shown above, , , and interactions are tied to the information itself - menu items. You can't have one without the other.

Mixing information and interactions

Returning to the idea of ​​hybridization, even the most interactive sites must present information at some point. Consider video games, for example. Here and there in games there are pauses, during which the player is a passive spectator of scenes that provide the information necessary for the player.

On the other hand, most information sites must at some point allow the user to click or search for something. Imagine if all Wikipedia information was stored on one page! And even then, the user must scroll the page; and this is also an interaction. All sites are hybrids. Most sites do not have an overwhelming predominance of one of these aspects, for example, 90% information and only 10% interactivity (or vice versa). On most sites the ratio is around 75/25. You will need to make a decision about the amount of information on your interactive site, or the number of interactions on your informational site. Of course, these must be good decisions.

You can create amazing ways to interact, but you still need to be able to provide good information. You may have great information, but at some point you will need to provide some interactivity.

Creating hybrids is much more difficult

The crux of the problem is this: no matter how good you are at creating interactive experiences, you also need to be good at designing information. If you're the best information designer, you still need to learn how to create interactive experiences. It's not easy to do both well at the same time. Most people are good at one thing, causing their sites to stand out for what they are good at. The strangeness and irony here is that if a site is really good at one thing (interactivity or information), then, as a rule, other side of it is poorly developed. Of course, the goal is to do both well to end up with a very strong site or application.

The first and most important rule is that you should not work exclusively on interactivity at the expense of information, or vice versa. Most likely, you will be good at one thing and bad at another. Try to work hard on one and work on the other as needed. If you have adopted the 75/25 rule (about the ratio of informational and interactive content on the site), perhaps you should also distribute your time in the same proportion. This is definitely a good place to start.

The next step is to run the tasks again. Design sites and design interactions continuously. Designers who continue to create Web sites in their free time tend to become better designers over time than those who learn to play guitar in their free time.

And finally, you need to exercise and strengthen your weak spots. If you spend your days working on information-filled sites, look for where on the site you could add a little interactivity. Create collapsible areas using JavaScript or jQuery. Grow your information site to have a 60/40 ratio of information to interactivity. The opposite is also true. Look for ways to increase the amount of information on your interactive site. Create information sidebars that appear at the right time, displaying more information than you would normally provide. Strengthen your weak points.

Use your sites

Here you can roll your eyes and decide that they are telling you something completely obvious. Take your time to be surprised.

Use your websites. Often and a lot.

Sounds simple, doesn't it? However, just as actors don't want to watch their performances, or many musicians don't listen to their own CDs, many Web designers don't actually visit the sites they design. They write the code, do the design, upload the site and forget about it. They have no idea about the future fate of the site. They strive to complete a fictitious use case involving an invisible and non-existent user as quickly as possible. This is not a good habit.

So, you need to use your website. If you don't like it, your users might not like it either. Don't be so quick to dismiss problems with "well, it's just because I know how it works" or "none of the users are like me." A much better question to ask yourself is: “how can I improve the experience of the site, regardless of whether the site's users are similar to me or not?” This way of thinking can fundamentally change the way you think about your site.


The path to great Web design doesn't involve you quoting this article—or any other—over and over while you create page layouts and write JavaScript code. Instead, you should adapt the principles outlined in this article for yourself and then use them as a springboard to formulate your own principles. Your websites and apps will be better if you think about this article and don't just blindly apply it.

In this article, we introduced principles that can help you determine whether your Web presence is more like a Web site or a Web application. Whether you decide that your Web presence should be more informational or more interactive or that it's good the way it is is important. think out what you are going to do. Now you can make conscious, informed decisions.

Now is the time to break the rules or argue with the authors you read. This means you need to figure out what works best for you. Your situation is different from mine or anyone else's. You need to "write your own article" about what is right for you. This is a good thing. For now, I hope this article gives you some good thoughts. Leave a comment at the bottom of the article and let me know what I'm right and what I'm wrong. I'm interested in hearing about your situation and how your Web presence is evolving with it in mind.