Difference between touchscreen and display. What is the difference between this repair

It is generally accepted by everyone to consider the terms “screen” and “display” to be similar words in relation to each other, while conveniently interchangeable in their formation, depending on the expression of a given nature. Actually this is not true. Let's do a little research on the controversial elements from their direct origin. Word display has English roots and translated into Russian means “ show" The very form displicare is derived from the Latin language, which literally sounded like “scattering” or “scattering.”

Word screen came to us from the French language, where it carried the use of semantic load as “fencing off”, “obscuring”. It is not without reason that in our technical language such a form of parts of a sentence as “screened” and “screened” has established itself, reliably conveying its true meaning.

Technical purpose

In terminology, a display is the concept of a device designed to display digital, symbolic or graphic information by electronic transmission. As an example, we can name the most frequent use of the term in models cell phones, laptops, navigators, payment terminals and other devices that are, by their design, an integral and integral part.

In technical terms, a “screen” is considered a surface onto which the projection of an image from other devices is transmitted. So, you can say – a monitor or TV screen. Or a well-known expression for fans of watching cinema on “ big screen", where the image is transmitted through a specially designed device called a projector.

In general, it would be appropriate to say that wherever the term “screen” is used correctly in its meaning, there must necessarily be a device or part of it called a projector. The axiom is that without projecting an image onto any separate surface, it is impossible to obtain it in the form of a screen. Another element, so to speak, is a type of display, this is a scoreboard. Very similar in its own way technical definition on the meaning of the word "screen". Its use can easily include such options as Digital Watch, "ticker". The term has long been outdated, and among the new generation it is not widely used in its true sense.

Surely you have heard such an expression as “ touch screen" The meaning of the contents of this value is extremely clear to everyone, although this phrase not entirely appropriate in everyday Russian language. It would be more correct, of course, to call such a device a touch display, and even then – in general outline, touching only on the spoken part of speech.

A touchscreen refers to all types of displays equipped with a control option using the touch of fingers or other elements (an electronic pen or stylus - a special device in the shape of a pointed stick that gives precision when pressing on a surface).
The touch display has several varieties, differing in their functionality and design. Let's look at the main examples:

  • Resistive display. This type of sensor reacts when pressed by any object due to a short circuit in the right point glass with a membrane, coated with a conductive layer.
  • Capacitive display. This type of touchscreen is divided directly into two - surface and projection. In general, the principle of their operation provides several main advantages, such as the use of multi-touch - the function of recognition by the device processor of multiple simultaneous touches of the screen (applicable only for projected capacitive displays) and the minimum applied effort required for touching. The main noticeable difference for the average user from the previous type of sensor is that capacitive displays operate almost exclusively from the touch of the fingers.
  • Touch-scanning display. It is impossible not to mention the use of so-called electronic ink displays in modern technology. The advantage of this application is a stable image that does not require any device power consumption and high-quality screen resolution.

Touchscreen on a smartphone


As you have already noticed, the concepts of “display” and “screen” are very closely intertwined in the interpretation of users modern technologies. We can confidently conclude that the display is still functional device with display and, in some cases, control of incoming information.

Well, the screen is just separate part, complementing such a device, in other words, a designated surface where an image can be transmitted. Therefore, it will not be surprising to hear the expression “watch on TV screens,” since this sentence implies and denotes the place where the picture itself is projected. Or the phrase “the display on the phone is broken” will be quite natural for the correct perception of information, since it explains in detail which function and part is faulty.

You can look at the screen of your tablet, but at the same time see the display. Perhaps, until now, people never cease to amaze with their multifaceted ability - to talk about one thing, while implying something completely different.

A display is a device that displays signals into video images or converts information that is entered into a computer or any other digital analog device. In this article we will learn more about what a display is and who invented it. It is known to us as a monitor that shows information to the user. We can say that the display is a key link in the chain of operation of the device. Liquid crystals were invented a long time ago by an Austrian scientist, and in the second half of the twentieth century, all their properties were studied, which made it possible to invent the first liquid crystal screen. Liquid crystals are what the display is made of. The crystals are located between glass plates, under which there are light sources that pass through these crystals. The display itself is not so harmful to the human eye and is more convenient to use. Therefore, displays are now replacing older analogues of such devices. Modern displays There are different ones, which differ in some of their functions and properties.

Types of displays

Retina display

One of the latest display types is retina display. What is this innovation? Fans of expensive brands of phones, namely the new model, will encounter such a display Apple iPhone 4. The creators claim that the retina of the human eye is capable of processing an image with a resolution of 300 pixels at a maximum distance of 30 centimeters. Other experts argue that the eye can perceive images with higher resolution just as effectively. The difference between this type of display is high resolution with small pixel size. Retina is made using the IPS system and has excellent viewing angles.

IPS display

IPS monitors were the first to help solve some existing problems quality and visibility on the screen. They ideally provide color rendition of a particular image. Let's find out their features, which will help us understand what it is IPS display. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the crystals in the panel cells are located in the same plane and are always parallel to the panel itself. This creates ideal visualization of the picture on the monitor.

Tft display

TFT display system is very widely used in display production. Not everyone understands what a TFT display is and how it differs from others. This is a liquid crystal display that is based on active matrix thin film transistors. The technology here is very high, because for each pixel there are three transistors responsible for different colors. TFT display has many advantages - a high-quality viewing angle, a short response time, and excellent contrast. But this type consumes significantly more energy and may fail more often, because If at least one transistor is damaged, dots or spots appear on the screen. But in general, such a display is very popular among manufactured devices.

Display QHD

It is also worth noting that the qhd display is also a commonly used screen in various models phones. This variety also differs in the type of matrix. The developers claim that this display is designed taking into account all the features of human vision, or rather its organs, which made it possible to select the most best option visualization of pictures. In this technology, unlike TFT, there are no pixels, which consist of three parts that are responsible for color. Here, each pixel can serve as a collection of several color points. This type caused mixed reactions from users.

In general, technology is constantly evolving; they continue to look for options for displays to further improve their structure and functions, and perhaps soon even more amazing models will be invented that will pleasantly surprise us.

What is the difference between a module and a touchscreen or display?

1. Touchscreen - also called sensor, glass, touch glass. If literally translated from English, you get a “touch-responsive screen.” It turns out the sensor is the one top part screen that responds to touch and allows you to control phone functions.

There are two types of sensors:

Resistive - this type of sensor reacts to the touch of any object (be it a stylus or a toothpick). This type of sensor is an endangered species, as it has very poor sensitivity feedback from pressing.

Capacitive screen - reacts only to the touch of a human finger or a capacitive stylus. This type of sensor is distinguished by better and more accurate work (all latest news on the market they make exactly this type of sensor)

When the touchscreen breaks down, chips or cracks appear on the outside of the phone, but the picture remains intact.

Important!!! In case of breakdown capacitive screens can continue to work either partially or completely. Resistive ones, when damaged, stop working completely.

Resistive touchscreen

Capacitive touchscreen

Broken touchscreen

2. The display is a screen, or more simply put, your TV on a phone or tablet, and has the function of transmitting pictures.

If damaged, the picture may disappear completely or partially (the screen may also transmit fuzzy colors that do not correspond to the original ones).

It is important to understand that a broken screen does not necessarily mean a failed touchscreen. If the device is pressed tightly, the touchscreen can withstand, but the internal screen can burst.


3. Module or display module called a prefabricated spare part, which consists of a display and a touchscreen. They are glued together at the manufacturer's factory with a special interlayer adhesive.

Statistics show that such global manufacturers as Samsung, Apple, Lenovo...etc. are increasingly switching to modular displays in their new devices. Consequently, if one of the spare parts (touchscreen or display) breaks down, you have to replace them in pairs, which of course increases the cost of repairs.

There is an alternative - sticking up a modular display, but for this several conditions must be met:

1) Only the touchscreen should be broken (the display should be intact)

The screen is an integral element of the design of a modern mobile phone. Long gone are the days when the “color” characteristic reflected all the advantages of the model and served as proof that the handset belonged to the upper segment and had flagship characteristics. Today's variety of screens mobile phones allows you to satisfy even the most demanding customers. Downside medal is the abundance of technologies and terms for their designation, among which it is sometimes very difficult for a non-professional to navigate. This article will help you understand all of them, introducing you to the main types of screens, their design and properties.

When characterizing the properties of an input/output device, which is touchscreen, the following parameters are taken into account:

  1. Screen dimensions, its diagonal (most often measured in inches, 1 inch is 2.5 cm).
  2. Resolution (the number of active points that form the picture).
  3. Pixel density indicator (expressed in DPI (dots per inch) or PPI (pixel per inch) - the number of dots per inch).
  4. Production technology (image quality and consumer properties of the product depend on it).
  5. Type of touchscreen design (touch covering that responds to touches).

It is these indicators that serve as criteria for choosing a phone. And now more details.

Most screen diagonal modern smartphones is within 4-6 inches (smaller sizes are traditionally installed on simple dialers, and tablet PCs start at the 6" mark).

Resolution and DPI

Screen resolution is one of the most important characteristics phone. It depends on it how high quality the picture on the phone screen will be. The higher it is, the greater the pixel density, and the more uniform the image will look. The combination of large dimensions and low resolution makes the picture “grainy” and fragmented. High separation ability, on the contrary, ensures uniformity and smoothness of shapes for the information on the screen. Modern Full-HD screens consist of elements that are indistinguishable to the naked eye, and make the image ultra-clear.

Term Retina display introduced Apple Corporation to refer to screens with a pixel density greater than 300 units per inch (for phones). In such devices, the human eye cannot distinguish individual elements screen and perceives the entire picture, like the real outlines of an object or its image on paper and canvas. Today, companies such as Samsung, Sharp and LG are engaged in the production of Retina display.

The most common display resolutions today are:

  1. 320x480 pixels - almost out of use, but still found in budget smartphones. It produces an overly grainy picture, which is why it is not popular. Denoted by the term HVGA.
  2. 480x800 and 480x854 (WVGA) are common resolutions among inexpensive phones. Looks normal with a diagonal of 3.5-4", on larger ones it gives an overly fragmented image.
  3. 540x960 (qHD) is a popular indicator for mid-budget smartphones. Provides acceptable image quality on screens up to 4.5-4.8 inches diagonal.
  4. 720x1280 – this is where HD smartphones start. Provides excellent picture detail up to 5.5", looks good on large displays.
  5. 1080x1920 – Full-HD matrices providing excellent image quality. Used in flagship models smartphones.
  6. Separately, it is worth highlighting the displays used in products Apple. They use non-standard resolutions: 640x960 at 3.5" ( iPhone model 4/4s), 640x1136 for 4" (5/5c/5s), and 750x1334 for 4.7" (iPhone 6).

When choosing a new smartphone, you should consider the display size and DPI. Buying a phone with a lower pixel density than its predecessor will take a long time to get used to, and at first it will cause discomfort to the eyes. If the dots per inch density is less than 200, it is possible that you will never be able to get used to it. Pay attention to this when purchasing a phone with a larger diagonal than the old handset: for example, a resolution of 480x800 gives about 233 DPI with a diagonal of 4", and with a 5" - only 186.

Production technologies, types of smartphone displays

Today we can distinguish two main directions in screen production technologies: liquid crystal matrices (LCD) and organic light-emitting diode (OLED) devices.

The first ones have become somewhat more widespread and are divided, in turn, into:

TN matrices are the most common displays for phones with touch screen. Their advantages are low cost, high speed response (pixel response time to voltage supply). The disadvantages of such matrices include insufficient color reproduction and a mediocre viewing angle.

IPS– the next step in the evolution of display devices. Due to its high cost, the technology was initially used only in professional monitors, but later came to the world of phones and smartphones. Allows you to achieve excellent color rendition, good viewing angles (up to 178 degrees), high definition and contrast. Such screens are more expensive, so they are almost never used in phones costing up to $200.

PLS– an attempt by Samsung to create a solution that is devoid of the disadvantages of TN matrices, but cheaper than IPS. In essence, it is a modification of IPS using compromise solutions to reduce production costs.

Organic displays (OLED, AMOLED) differ from LCDs in that instead of liquid crystals, the matrix consists of microscopic LEDs. Such screens make it possible to do without additional backlighting (LCD matrices traditionally use diodes installed around the perimeter of the screen, and the light from them is directed to the matrix using a layer of reflectors). Their energy consumption depends on the color transmitted image (dark shades more economical than light ones, which display energy consumption even higher than LCD).

Top super amoled
Bottom ips

Theoretically, such displays are superior to LCD in almost all respects, but in practice, it is not always possible to achieve an ideal picture. The disadvantages of the products include low reliability. Super AMOLED display– an attempt to develop a screen specifically for touchscreen smartphones. In it, the touchscreen is one with the display surface. By reducing the thickness, greater brightness is achieved, better color rendition and viewing angles, but the mechanical strength of the product is reduced.

Types of touch screens

The most common are two types of displays:

  1. Resistive.
  2. Capacitive.

Resist ones consist of two layers, on the surface of which transparent conductor tracks are applied. The coordinates of the press are calculated by changing the current resistance at the point of contact. Nowadays such screens are almost never used, their scope of use is limited budget models. The advantage of resistive touchscreens is their low cost and the ability to press with any object. Disadvantages - low durability, scratch resistance, loss of screen brightness.

Smartphone screen with capacitive sensor– characterized by greater brightness and scratch resistance (due to the use of glass), but is more difficult to manufacture and does not react to the touch of foreign objects. The technology is based on calculating the coordinates of current leaks when pressed with a finger. Such touchscreens consist of one layer of glass, on the inner surface of which a conductive layer is applied, or glass and a touch film.

IN Lately capacitive screens are equipped with special tempered glass, like Gorilla Glass, which allows you to achieve high resistance to mechanical damage. To prevent contamination, a special oleophobic coating is applied to the touchscreens of smartphones.

Display represents detail, to which image is projected. It’s not difficult to guess what exactly the display displays necessary information, bringing it to the owner of the device. If the display is damaged, the image is completely or partially missing, which is why you either see nothing or see black blots, streaks and uneven stripes.

Touchscreen is, in fact, touch glass. The way the touchscreen works is simple - touching it with your finger triggers some function or produces some action. A touchscreen malfunction is easy to detect: cracks on the surface that can be felt with your finger; loss of sensor sensitivity.

The wording “glass” is not relevant for all phones, but only for those that do not have a touchscreen. That is, their display is not protected by touch glass. It is important to consider that if you have a sensor on your phone, then, as a rule, there is no separate glass in it. The touchscreen does not have any protection in the form of glass; it cannot be purchased or installed. Even if it is damaged, but works perfectly, this does not mean that it does not need to be replaced, because the touchscreen is a single structure containing both the sensor and the glass.

If you went to service center In order to fix your device, avoid words like “screen”. Firstly, this is an unprofessional term. It means absolutely everything, right down to the body. Secondly, by using the term “screen” you mislead specialists, which is why they make an incorrect diagnosis. Therefore, if you are not sure what exactly is damaged - the display or the touchscreen - describe the problem in your own words: “Does not show the image”, “” and so on.

Over the past few years, manufacturers have begun to produce a prefabricated module consisting of a display and a touchscreen with glass assembly. These three elements are glued together with a transparent sealant. If such a collection is damaged, separate replacement of any part (for example, a touchscreen) is impossible; the entire module will have to be replaced. This is the most expensive part in a tablet or smartphone.

We hope we were able to help you understand these concepts. If you have The display or touchscreen is damaged, but you don’t know what exactly - they will instantly detect the damaged part and as soon as possible They will replace it with a 5 month guarantee!

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