Difference between operating system and software. Linux and Windows: comparative characteristics

February 27, 2015

A lot has already been written on this topic on the Internet, both in the form of articles and in live discussions. Why else?

There are two reasons. Firstly, what I personally read on this topic contains a lot of emotions and little accurate information. Secondly, very often comparisons and contrasts are made completely unprofessionally, on the principle of what is better - hot or green.

For a correct comparison, you first need to clearly define what is better for? In what aspect of computer use do these operating systems compare?

Since I work mainly with the sphere " desktop computers“, I know it well, and also because this area of ​​​​use is the largest, I will make my comparison in relation to it.

First, we need to define the term “desktop computer.”

It's not literally a computer standing or lying on a table. It can be under the table, on your lap, on the bed, it doesn’t matter where, but it is used to work with text documents, spreadsheets, unprofessional or semi-professional processing of photo or video materials, browsing Internet sites, communicating via the Internet. In general, what is popularly called “Internet, Word, Excel.”

That is, it is a computer or laptop used at home or in the office for a fairly wide range of simple tasks. Excluding highly specialized and highly professional areas such as engineering design or video production. In the West, this segment of the computer market is called the “SOHO (small office, home office) sector.”

Differences between Linux and Windows

It is necessary to begin the comparison by describing the fundamental differences between the MS Windows and GNU/Linux operating systems. To accurately understand who is who.

Commercial and free software

The first difference is that the operating system (hereinafter abbreviated as OS) MS Windows is developed and supported by one single company - Microsoft Corporation. She also owns the copyright to this product, and she also charges a fee for using the Windows OS. Free using Windows Microsoft company does not allow. That is, if you want to use this OS, you must pay Microsoft (not directly, of course, but through sellers of its products). In other words, in order to use Windows you must buy official copy this OS in the store. An official copy means a disk and accompanying documents produced by Microsoft.

GNU/Linux is an OS developed and supported by dozens, if not hundreds of companies in different countries world and thousands of programmers. The rights to this OS have been transferred to public ownership. And although there are many companies in the world that provide paid technical support for this OS, the use of GNU/Linux itself is not covered. financial conditions. That is, you do not have to pay anyone anything in order to have the right to use Linux. Although there are some distributions that are only available for money, most Linux distributions are completely free.

Graphical User Environment (GUI)

The second fundamental difference is that in Windows the graphical user environment is an integral part of the OS. That is, Windows simply does not exist without a graphical environment (console mode).

While GNU/Linux is a text (console) mode OS and a graphical environment is a separate software product, like text editor or video player. There are more than 10 programs that implement a graphical environment for the GNU/Linux operating system, but only two are the most widely used - GNOME and KDE.

Why am I focusing on this aspect? The fact is that the graphical user environment is a necessary and important part of the OS for desktop computers. And when comparing the two operating systems from a GUI point of view, it is important to understand that we are not comparing Windows with Linux, but with one of the graphical shells, for example with KDE.

What is in the box"?

The third difference is that Windows OS, as a final product, consists of the OS itself and a small set of application programs that have very modest functionality. In other words, when installing Windows, you only get an OS and in order to solve some practical problems you will need to additionally find and install application programs.

GNU/Linux in its pure form, as an OS, is distributed only in highly specialized areas of application. And in relation to the segment of the computer market I am considering, so-called Linux distributions are used. A distribution kit is a set consisting of the GNU/Linux OS, a graphical user environment and a set of application programs. That is, by installing a Linux distribution, you get a ready-to-use practical use a system to which you may not need to add anything else.

Well, since Linux does not belong to anyone in particular and there are different graphical environments and different application programs, as a result of this, hundreds of companies or even just groups of individuals offer dozens of Linux distributions. Some of them are almost like twins, others are very different. And in the world Windows differences consist only in versions of the Windows OS itself and these versions are smaller than Linux distributions.

Linux distributions differ in their sets of application programs and drivers. The best distributions in Russian:

Linux vs Windows

Now I move on to the actual comparison, and I will do this by simply listing the pros and cons of each operating system.

MS Windows OS, pros

Windows equipment

Supports a very large range computer equipment. Whatever exotic hardware you come across, you will almost certainly be able to use it under Windows. Although you may need time to find the right driver program.

Programs for Windows

A huge number of application programs, today it is already more than a hundred thousand titles (perhaps more than 200 thousand - no one knows the exact figure). For any application task, there are at least several dozen on the Windows platform; for popular tasks, there are hundreds of programs. There is plenty to choose from. For every taste and color.

Windows Specialists

A large number of specialists who know the Windows OS family more or less well. That is, if you need help, you will find it easily and at a reasonable price.

MS Windows OS, cons

Windows cost

Relatively high cost. In the cheapest version, it costs more than $50, despite the fact that such “cheap” Windows, purchased with a new computer, is “tied” to this computer. It is called OEM license- a copy of Windows that is installed on new computer, the manufacturer of this computer. More often OEM Windows installed on laptops. This means that if you change your computer, you will have to spend money on Windows again.

Windows options that can be installed on any computer are priced at over $100 and up. It is called retail license(in stores, such copies of Windows are usually called boxed copies, Box). And this is the cost of Windows for one computer. And if you need an OS, for example, for five computers that you already have (not new ones), then you will have to pay for five copies of Windows from 500 to a thousand dollars.

Viruses and Windows

A very large number of malware (so-called computer viruses). For Windows, this is a particularly serious problem; for example, in 2017 and early 2018 in Russia there was an epidemic of Windows infections with an encryption virus. Many people then lost their files stored on Windows disks. And this problem forces the end user to bear additional costs. Either to purchase a good anti-virus program or to contact specialists in cases where malware makes it impossible normal work Windows OS. But this problem can be reduced through skilled configuration of the Windows OS and its careful use in risk situations, the main one of which is the Internet.

Windows Developer Dependency

Strict dependence on the developer. Windows OS is distributed only in binary form, which is difficult to change, but moreover, Microsoft generally prohibits making any changes to the working codes of Windows OS. So if you need some functionality that is not currently available in Windows, then you can only hope that Microsoft will implement this functionality someday or look for some “patches” in the form of application programs from third party developers. However, for the average user this is an insignificant drawback.

GNU/Linux OS, advantages

Linux cost

Relatively low cost. Now, high-speed Internet has become widespread and therefore there is no problem in downloading 1 or 2 gigabytes - this is the average size Linux distribution(maximum 4 GB). Most Linux distributions are freely available on the Internet. That is, the cost of Linux is, roughly speaking, the cost of Internet traffic and the price of a blank DVD on which you need to burn the downloaded file. Or the cost of a flash drive (you can also write the distribution onto a flash drive).

Viruses for Linux

There is virtually no malware, at least to date, for this platform. This allows you to avoid additional costs to prevent or eliminate damage from malware.

Linux developer independence

Developer independence. If you need some functionality that is missing in the Linux OS, you can add it on your own, of course, if you know how to program. This possibility exists due to the fact that the Linux OS is distributed not only in binary form, but also in source code, and there are no prohibitions on modifying these source codes.

However, such a feature is unlikely to be needed in the SOHO segment. But it is there. If you need (or want) you can conduct a security audit for your Linux distribution. Or make your own changes to the program code.

GNU/Linux OS, cons

Linux hardware

Support for computer equipment, especially external ones, such as printers or USB devices. Perhaps the worst situation is with USB scanners and printers. It is quite possible that you will not be able to use some equipment under Linux. But the problem can be largely solved through a more careful approach to the selection of equipment. Before purchasing a piece of hardware, you can search the Internet for information about the possibility of its operation under Linux. And the situation with drivers for Linux is improving every year, as Linux spreads more and more throughout the world. Today, in 2018, the most popular Linux distributions usually “pick up” all hardware out of the box.

Programs for Linux

The number of application programs is significantly smaller than for the Windows platform. Moreover, if we are talking about some programs - undisputed leaders in their applied areas, then under the Linux OS there are neither corresponding versions of these programs themselves, nor other programs comparable in functionality. To such application programs include Adobe products, engineering design program AutoCAD, text recognition programs (FineReader). Of course, under Linux OS there is also graphic editor and modeling/design programs, but they are far behind the leaders.

In particular, there is no version of MS Office for Linux. For Linux there is a package similar in purpose office programs- LibreOffice (format OpenOffice documents). However, there is not 100% compatibility between these packages. MS Office cannot work with OpenOffice format documents at all. And although LibreOffice can read and edit Word and Excel files, it does not provide full compatibility. Especially for complex Excel tables.

However, level programs Adobe PhotoShop or AutoCAD are not necessary for everyone. For common cases, programs for Linux OS are quite sufficient. This disadvantage can be partially compensated for by the fact that some Windows programs can be run on the Linux platform. This is not possible for all Windows programs, but it may be that the Windows program you need will work under Linux. Eat special program for Linux, called Wine, through which you can run Windows programs.

Linux Specialists

The number of good or decent specialists is smaller than for the Windows platform. That is, if you need help, it will not be so easy to find someone who is well versed in Linux. It is quite possible that the cost of such a specialist’s services will be higher than in the case of Windows.


As you can see, the pros and cons of the two operating systems are opposite.

I specifically did not consider, in the context of opposition, differences in graphic environments Windows platforms and Linux, since there are no conceptual differences between them. A caveat needs to be made here. When I say there are no differences, I mean the “Linux” graphical environments GNOME and KDE and the “original” graphical environment of the MS Windows OS family.

Of course, there are differences between them, but they are not fundamental, and therefore any person who is confident enough in one of these three graphical environments will be able to understand the other two. For example, if you are a confident Windows user, you will not have any difficulty getting comfortable with the KDE or GNOME GUI shells. It also uses windows, buttons and menus.

I also left out various myths that arise almost every time when it comes to comparing the Linux and Windows platforms. Like those that Linux is difficult to configure, and Windows is an unstable and insecure OS. Both are incorrect, as is much else that is said and written on this topic. In general, the topic of myths about Windows and Linux is very interesting, but a separate material should be devoted to this.

The pros and cons that I have listed are actual disadvantages and advantages. What you really need to think about when deciding which OS to use. And I believe this information is quite enough for you to figure out what will be best for you, in your particular situation.

Personally, I think the main disadvantage of MS Windows is its high price and the main advantage of Linux is its low cost. Everything else can be neglected.

In other words, if cost is not critical for you, use Windows. And if every ruble counts, then think about Linux.

I myself treat both operating systems without the fanaticism characteristic of many fans of both operating systems. In my daily work I use both operating systems. Depending on what I need to do. For example, I often use Linux as a “portable” mobile OS - I plug a flash drive into someone else’s computer, turn it on, and in a minute or a minute and a half I have a ready-made, fully functional OS. The Internet, documents, some system tasks - all this is accessible from any computer, even if it itself does not have any OS.

So, I can say with full responsibility that they are both suitable for the “desktop computers” segment. But if you decide to use Linux, then you just need to remember about the existing bottlenecks of this OS.

But before deciding to use Linux, I advise you to accurately determine:

  1. What hardware will you use? Not only the hardware of the computer itself, but also peripheral equipment.
  2. What applications will you need?

And then find out if it is supported on any Linux distribution.

Choosing an operating system is an issue that you have to understand thoroughly. A few years ago this problem did not exist. But now all PC users can choose which OS to install on their computer. A lot depends on this. "Linux" or "Windows" - which is better? This question will be answered further. What should users pay attention to? Which operating system should be preferred in this or that case? What do users say about them? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of each operating system from all sides.

Operation speed

It's no secret that the first parameter of any operating system is its performance. I don't want to use the slow one software, it brings a lot of problems to users.

"Linux" or "Windows" - which is better? If we evaluate operating systems by performance, then it is Linux that allows you not to worry about the speed of processing commands and operations. Even Microsoft says that Windows is a very slow OS. Yes, you can make it work quite quickly, but Windows still cannot compare with the previously mentioned system. It is significantly slower in terms of speed. Especially some builds like Vista.

PC requirements

"Linux" or "Windows" - which is better to choose? It's difficult to decide. You should pay attention to such a feature as the computer hardware requirements. This parameter All operating systems and software have it.

Windows is a fairly demanding product. Some versions of systems will not run on older computers. To ensure minimum performance, you will have to make sure that the PC is very powerful by modern standards. But there are exceptions. For example, Windows 10 should now run on weak computers. It was for such purposes that it was created.

Linux is an operating system that is suitable for any computer. The distribution, compared to Windows, cannot be called demanding. It will run on both weak and powerful PCs. With all this, as already mentioned, the user will receive OS performance.


Which is better - Linux or Windows 10? Many PC users ask a similar question. In particular, if they don't have too much powerful computers. You have to pay attention to many nuances and features.

A distinctive feature of Linux is that all the settings in this operating system are located in one place. The interface is clear; you don’t need to search for this or that item all over your computer. No numerous windows, utilities or drop-down menus. Everything is extremely simple and clear. A few mouse clicks - and all the operating system settings are at your fingertips.

Windows 10, like all other versions of the Microsoft OS, has a confusing settings menu. Each point is located in a separate place. To find this or that setting, you always have to wade through numerous dialog boxes, submenus and lists. The settings in Windows cannot be called clear. Therefore, it will be easier for novice users to set certain OS parameters in Linux.

Software installation

But that's not all. "Linux" or "Windows" - which is better? To understand the answer to this question, the user must pay attention to the numerous pros and cons of each operating system.

The OS itself is an environment for installing utilities and programs. Accordingly, it is important for each user to initialize the software necessary for work. In Windows, doing this is not as easy as it seems. This is despite the fact that the process of searching and installing applications is familiar to many users. Initially, you need to go through the following steps:

  • search for the creator/developer’s website (or another place where you can download the installation file);
  • checking the utility for viruses;
  • analysis of the nuances of installing the program (each software may have its own characteristics).

In fact, modern users are nothing special about this process do not see. Yes, Windows 10 has a specialized application called Windows Store, which makes searching for certain programs somewhat easier. But at the same time, the utility has a meager selection of software. For now there is no hope for it.

With Linux, the process of installing programs is simplified. In this operating system, you can find almost all the software in specialized application. It's built into the system. Just 2 clicks - and required program will be installed. None additional search, downloads and security checks!


"Linux" or "Windows" - which is better to choose? It all depends on the user's preferences. The operating system interface plays an important role. After all, people, both advanced and novice users, should be comfortable working with the software.

In Windows, as already mentioned, it is not easy to find certain settings. In particular, because of the interface. One day, the developers removed the only menu item that “saved” users and allowed them to work normally with the OS. It's about about "Start". Fortunately, this component was returned.

If we talk about Windows interface in general, users are already accustomed to it. But in the “top ten” there are a lot of restrictions and incomprehensible elements. Some people are ironically happy that in Windows 10 they are allowed to change the color of window panels and the Start menu, as well as set wallpaper on the desktop. Unfortunately, there are more and more restrictions in Windows.

But Linux has a simpler and more understandable interface. Here, according to users, you are your own boss. You can instantly change the interface the way you want. For example, in Linux Mint it is proposed to zoom in using special settings environment for Windows or MacOS. Very comfortably. And this despite the fact that a user accustomed to Windows notices that Linux’s “appearance” is not the most convenient. But you can get used to everything.

About security

Which is better - Linux or Windows 7? An important point is to ensure data privacy, as well as the security of the operating system. What can you say about the OS data?

A lot can be said about the situation with Windows of any version. In short, Windows is constantly under threat of infection by some kind of virus. It could be a harmless browser hijacker or a serious Trojan. Also in Windows 10, for example, the operating system collects user data and sends it to Microsoft, thereby putting the information at risk and violating privacy. It is difficult to “wean” the operating system from such actions. Among other things, official Windows updates sometimes cause a lot of problems for users. This is no secret to anyone.

In Linux similar problems are missing. Some people say that very few viruses are written for Linux. Therefore, we can call the OS as safe as possible. In addition, the distribution does not collect any user data. Confidentiality is fully ensured here. You may not even need antivirus programs!

Availability and choice

"Linux" or "Windows" - which is better? The availability of a particular product plays an important role. After all, the user must purchase this or that software before use.

Windows is inferior to Linux in this area. There are not many versions of Windows known in the world, some of them are not in demand (like Vista), some have already gone out of fashion and are not used at all (for example, Windows 98). Accordingly, most often users choose between XP, Windows 7, 8, 10. And even then support for the first OS has been discontinued.

Windows can be called affordable - the operating system can be found in any store, on almost every computer. Both in the form of already installed software and separate installation disks. Just to use it you will have to purchase the system for money. You can download a pirated copy, but this is not the most The best decision. So "Linux" or "Windows"? Comparing these systems will help you decide on the answer. What can you say about each of them?

Linux is a free distribution in principle. The operating system has many different versions that are freely available. Installation discs or the system is also sold as software already installed on the computer. But most often Linux is positioned as a free OS with wide choice versions.


"Linux" or "Windows" - which is better for games and other purposes? Based on all of the above, we can come to the conclusion that it is the first operating system that is in the lead. And indeed it is. Many people say that it is best to give preference to Linux. However, gamers should take into account that most games still run primarily on Windows. But developers are struggling with this problem.

"Linux" or "Windows" - which is better? User reviews are divided. This is an eternal debate in which it is impossible to come to a common opinion. According to statistics, about 90% of users work with the usual Windows, despite the numerous shortcomings of the system. But Linux is also being adopted with great success.

What to choose? It all depends on the personal preferences of users. Can work on any operating system. But Linux has a number of advantages that are unlikely to be realized in Windows. This should always be remembered.

What are the main differences between the two popular operating systems Windows and Linux? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail from a technical point of view.

Read more about how to choose an OS for running a server on our blog.

The first point we will look at isoperating system kernel. The kernel is the most basic and significant component of any OS. Linux kernel is monolithic, consists of one single file; if it is necessary to expand the functionality, special modules are additionally used.

Programs communicate with the kernel using system calls. They are standardized, which means that the same software can function on different platforms running Linux.

Drivers are built into the kernel. A large number of programs are located in user space, given graphical shell. This kernel structure is much safer, because if you disable module support at the kernel build stage, it will be impossible to run your code at the kernel level.

Windows has a radically different type of kernel. It consists of many small parts of dll libraries, each of which is responsible for its own function. System calls are not applied at all. In exchange for this user programs they access the libraries user32.dll, gdi32.dll, kenel32.dll, advapi32.dll, which call functions from ntdll.dll (directly related to the kernel).

The hal.dll library manages drivers that are connected to the kernel separately. The user mode of the kernel makes it possible to simply adapt the system to any software. But this comes at the expense of system performance.

Second point - differences in file system and disks.

Linux OS differs from Windows OS in the file system structure and this is not at all difficult to notice. The Linux file system starts from the root, that is, from the main directory system partition, and already there all other drives will be connected in the necessary subdirectories.

Files are sorted into directories that depend on the type: executables in /bin/, settings in /etc/, and resources in /usr/.

Linux storage devices are located in alphabetical order, and sections on them using numbers. The Windows operating system presents everything as an abstraction. Considering that disks and partitions have a similar classification as in Linux, but all this is hidden by the OS itself. The user sees only drives C:, D:, E:, F:, etc. Each of them represents a partition on the hard drive, and detailed information hidden, which is even better for inexperienced users. If we consider file distributions, then separate program is located in one folder, with all the files, settings and resources that are executed.

Storing OS settings and data.

How are Linux settings saved? This happens in regular files in the file system. Global files are located in the /etc/ folder. They apply to all users who use this PC. Settings for user programs are located in hidden subdirectories of the user's home directory.

This is quite convenient, especially when transferring files to another PC. Programs create their own configuration files, which have their own syntax and are edited manually. Settings can be made using the graphical interface, however, this is not always clear to the user, so the manual option is more acceptable and simpler.

Unlike Linux, the Windows operating system retains everything necessary settings V Windows registry. They are divided into special branches and keys, and access to them is fast.

This method is safe and provides the function remote change settings using graphics programs. This has its drawbacks: the settings are not transferred to another PC if centralized system settings are damaged, this harms the entire system. The software fills up the registry quite quickly and takes up a lot of space. Therefore, deciding which is more convenient, Linux or Windows, is a matter of personal preference of users.

Users and rights. What are the management features? Linux is a multi-user system. Three levels of file access: owner user, user group and others. There are three access options: read, write and execute. ACLs, SELinux, and AppArrmor are designed for security, but they are not very popular. Many users are afraid to use Linux due to inexperience; we tried to dispel all the myths about this OS in the article.

Windows was designed and designed for only one user, and this entailed problems with system security. Multi-user systems were added a little later. It includes, in addition to the owner, group and others, detailed ACL lists access. Therefore, this difference between these two operating systems is not too significant.

Features of program and update management.

At this point there is a big difference between the Windows and Linux operating systems. Let's look at why.

Linux has software package repositories. There is no particular need to download programs from the Internet. And this means safety, reliability and the ability to update. The update process occurs conveniently using one command for the entire system at once at a time convenient for the user.

Windows doesn't have repositories. The necessary software must be downloaded and installed yourself. Programs update themselves like the OS, sometimes at a very inconvenient time for the user. And to update, you need to reboot the system.

As you can see, the differences between these two popular operating systems are significant. But the choice of OS is a matter of taste. Some users like Linux, others cannot imagine their life without Windows. The use of a particular OS depends, first of all, on the goals and objectives that the user pursues. On our virtual servers you can choose one of the operating systems described above. Are you looking for where to order Windows VDS? with server capabilities and OS versions on .

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An operating system is a complex of interconnected system programs, the purpose of which is to organize the user’s interaction with the computer and the execution of all other programs. The operating system acts as a link between the computer hardware and the programs it runs, as well as the user.

The most popular operating systems in the world are Microsoft operating systems. Their share is 95% among all operating systems. The most stable systems of this company are based on NT technology (Windows NT/2k/XP). Over the past six years, the popularity of an operating system called Linux has been increasing.

Both of these operating systems are multi-user, multi-tasking. They have extensive network support, data protection, and many other similar functions. As a result of this, they have the same areas of interest regarding the consumer, which served as the basis for the conflict that flared up both between fans of the OS and between their creators.

I will not focus special attention on the Windows OS, since almost anyone who uses a computer probably uses Windows as their desktop operating system. But not everyone is familiar with the Linux OS, so I will take a closer look at this OS.

Database Management Systems

The MySQL DBMS, the most popular among web application developers, is available for both operating systems, but given the popularity of the “classic” PHP + MySQL combination, it can be considered a little closer to Linux. Moreover, the connection is from MySQL, PHP language and the Apache web server is today the “standard” LAMP server software package for the Linux OS.

MS SQL DBMS, often used by developers of complex corporate portals with increased requirements for reliability and stability, works only in Windows environment. The same applies to Microsoft Access databases.

Classic comparison point by point



  • Most Linux distributions are free and can be used freely and freely. Based program code Both Linux itself and the programs included in it can create your own products. Supplied with a standard set of application software.
  • In Linux, the user can choose the distribution that is most suitable for solving his problems, and then also optimize the system for himself.
  • The existence of a graphical interface frees you from the need to edit configuration files in an inconvenient way.
  • The security landscape of Linux is generally very similar to Mac OS X. They are very high level on both systems and is significantly ahead of Windows.


  • The result of the GPL policy is that there are now over a thousand different Linux distributions. Not all of them are worthy of attention; it is difficult for the user to sort through so many versions and choose what he needs.
  • In addition, free implies almost complete absence technical support users.
  • Despite the very large amount of software written for Linux, users migrating from Windows will find that some of the software will be unfamiliar to them. Not all programs are cross-platform and have versions for both Windows and UNIX systems. Biggest problems arise with specialized professional software, much of which is written only for Windows systems.
  • There is no equivalent replacement for some applications in Linux. This, for example, is the well-known Photoshop, AutoCAD, video editing programs, as well as locally oriented software created taking into account Russian legislation (accounting software, legal reference databases).
  • For the youth audience, a serious drawback is the inability to run some modern games in a Linux environment, and here Windows is huge an advantage over both Linux and Mac OS X, since the PC gaming industry is primarily focused on Windows.


  • There are a variety of custom Linux operating systems available for different user needs. For example, for working with multimedia (Ubuntu Studio, JackLab Audio Distribution, 64 Studio...), for educational institutions(Edubuntu, Skolelinux, NauLinux...). Special mention can be made of commercial distributions. They are not free. These are mainly enterprise or special variants of Linux. Money in such distributions is mainly taken for technical support.
  • One more important thing Linux difference from Windows is that Linux distributions come with large set application software. That is, after installation on your computer, you have a completely ready-to-use system and you don’t have to look for application software or think about paying for a license.
  • Most Linux operating systems by default use one of two graphical interfaces - GNOME or KDE, so even when changing one Linux distribution to another, no problems arise for the user, he gets into the familiar graphical environment. Both interfaces have approximately the same distribution. To describe them very briefly, KDE looks like a desktop Windows table, and GNOME is working Mac table OS X
  • To solve problems of incompatibility between applications on different operating systems, the Wine project was created. This software is used to work with Windows applications and to run Windows games on Linux. Wine is an alternative implementation of the Windows API for UNIX-like systems.


Main Windows feature- its widespread distribution. This is due to the fact that this is an operating system created for users, it does not force the user to adapt to the system, it adapts to his needs.

It is the most widely used operating system in the world, despite the fact that public opinion it is the most “buggy”, “unstable”, unreliable” and besides... .


  • Guaranteed 100 percent support for any hardware, there is a driver for any device for this OS, and it itself contains many pre-installed drivers for quick hardware recognition.
  • There are a lot of professional application programs, full-featured analogues of which are not available in other operating systems, for example, Promt and Photoshop.
  • Simplicity and clarity of the interface, which makes it accessible for use by anyone, even without primary computer skills.
  • Applications Microsoft Office have already become standards for office work. The user can receive any support or advice regarding his licensed Windows OS.


  • This OS is very demanding on the computer's hardware resources, especially on the amount of RAM.
  • Its graphical interface, although beautiful and convenient, is cumbersome and clumsy. As a result, many people disable its many graphical bells and whistles.
  • This system is considered more vulnerable than others. This is due to the security structure itself, for example, the ability to always work with administrator rights (which was partially solved in the latest Vista). At the same time, the system must run thousands of older applications that were written for XP and other versions of Windows. The user is forced to give permission to launch each such “old” program. In addition, the dialog box itself asking whether to launch a particular program provides users with too little information to make a decision.
  • Another inconvenience: even to remove a shortcut from the desktop, you need to confirm your intentions three times. This is annoying and leads to the fact that the “Allow” and other buttons are simply pressed thoughtlessly - the effectiveness of the entire protection mechanism is practically reduced to nothing. As a result, we have to deal with a huge number of viruses that use the vulnerabilities of a given OS to penetrate, including user errors which she provokes.
  • The system is paid, its price exceeds the cost of purchasing or downloading a freely distributed OS.


It is important to understand that organizations choose Linux because of the facts, not because of these comparison tables. Coming back to the topic of Linux facts, Linux is indeed a reliable, flexible and highly efficient OS. Here are some typical application examples:

  • The department needs a Web or e-mail server and Linux allows the use of unnecessary 386 machines for this purpose.
  • Team (for example, in production computer graphics for the film Titanic) cost-effective calculations are required, for which a highly efficient computing complex is being created.
  • Engineers who spend long hours at the keyboard are switching from NT to Linux, annoyed by the constant need to reboot.
  • Internet service providers (ISPs) are migrating from NT to Linux because of the latter's better manageability, 24x7, while serving tens of thousands of users.

NT, on the other hand, has traditionally held the crown when it comes to ease of use, ease of installation, predictable maintenance, and number of applications. But these differences seem to be blurring. Many organizations prefer the support provided by Red Hat or any other Linux vendor to that of Microsoft.

Now Linux is better How NT handles installing plug-and-play devices. Worker Linux table Not only can it be customized to look like Windows, but it can also run application packages that are functionally equivalent to Microsoft Office. Implementation of new standards and protocols occurs earlier in Linux. This is due to the fact that source Easily available, patches for hardware defects for Linux are sometimes released on the same day.

NT remains preferred in many cases. For organizations that are comfortable with it, those with compatible or powerful enough hardware, and especially those that rely on ActiveX or other Microsoft proprietary protocols, Linux will not provide much benefit.

For example, the development team Wired HotBot has confirmed that they sacrificed reliability and efficiency in the recent transition to NT, but in doing so gained access to a number of new NT technologies. NT boasts directory service replication, an export-licensed cryptographic API, transaction processing, and a number of other new features.

An operating system is a set of software that manages computer resources and provides general maintenance of computer programs. Such a substance is a vital component of system software. Any application programs, as a rule, require an operating system, since it is this that ensures their functioning.

OS differences

Types of operating systems differ from each other in their ability to schedule tasks, as well as some other factors. For functions such as memory allocation, the OS acts as a link between programs and the computer's hardware. Although application code typically runs directly on hardware, it constantly makes general calls to OS functions. Different kinds operating systems today can be seen on any device containing installed applications - from cell phones And game consoles to supercomputers and web servers. Examples of popular operating systems today include Android, BSD, IOS, GNU / Linux, OS X, Microsoft Windows, Windows Phone and IBM Z/OS. All of the above OS, for except Windows and Z/OS, are based on UNIX.

What is UNIX

Unix was originally written in assembly language. Previously based on BCPL, it was later rewritten in C and evolved into a large and complex family of interconnected operating systems that have become part of history. Types of operating systems such as Unix have several large subcategories and include System V, BSD and Linux. All operating systems in these subcategories run on a wide variety of computer architectures. They are widely used for servers in business, as well as workstations in scientific and engineering environments. Free options UNIX - Linux and BSD - are popular today in all areas. OS X (formerly "Mac OS X") is an open, graphical user interface operating system developed and introduced by Apple. Some types of operating systems of this type are loaded by default on all manufactured Macintosh computers today. OS X is the successor to the original Mac OS, which has been Apple's main operating system since 1984.

What is Linux

Linux (or GNU/Linux) is a Unix-like shell that was developed without any Unix code, unlike BSD and its variants. It can be used on a wide range of devices - from supercomputers to wristwatch. The Linux kernel is distributed under an open license, so anyone can read and change its code. Speaking of how to remove an operating system, this type stands out for its ease of use. Even though current estimates show that Linux is used on only 1.82% of all PCs, it has gained widespread use in embedded systems (e.g. Cell phones) and servers. Linux has supplanted Unix in most areas and is used on 10 of the most powerful supercomputers in the world.

A little about Windows

Microsoft Windows is a family of proprietary operating systems developed by Microsoft Corporation and primarily aimed at Intel architecture for computers. Researchers estimate that its usage accounts for 88.9 percent of the total share of web-connected computers. Many people consider it to be the best operating system available these days.

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