Placing a page on the Internet hosting. The letter contains important information that you should save


Choose a free hosting provider such as Google Sites, People, Boom. Please note that almost all such services do not provide users with any content management system (CMS). There are few exceptions to this rule, in particular Ucoz. If you want to create a Wiki site, use the hosting provider Wikia or Wikidot. If you want to post only photographs or videos, an alternative to a regular website can be a channel on one or another photo hosting site (for example, Flickr, Picasaweb) or video hosting site (in particular, Youtube, RuTube, Bambuser).

Sign up for the service of your choice. You can skip this step if you already have an email mailbox on a server owned by the hosting owner. For example, if you have such a box on the Yandex server, then you can start creating a website now, using the free hosting services “People”. If you are not yet registered on the server, register in the generally accepted way: go to the hosting provider’s website, select “Registration” or similar, enter the desired third-level domain name and check for availability. If there is a choice between several second-level names, indicate which one to use. Enter your email address, password (it must be complex), password confirmation, other information, and the captcha solution. After registration, wait for a message with a link to arrive at your specified email address. Follow it.

Go again to the main page of the hosting provider’s website, click on the “Login” link, then enter your username and password. Go to the section called "Workshop" or similar. Create a new HTML file and name it index.html. To work on this file, you will need basic skills in creating pages in HTML markup language. The editor will open automatically directly in the browser. Place in this file brief information about the site, as well as links to other pages that are part of it. Then create these pages too, giving them appropriate names.

If you want to place an image on the site, click the “Browse” button, then select a folder, and then the file itself. Click the "Ok" button, and then click "Attach" or "Upload". If the image will be automatically renamed, then when using the tag indicate his new name.

When editing a page, open it in a nearby browser tab. After each change and saving of the HTML file, go to this tab and press F5. Check to see if the changes you made are displayed correctly. When all site pages have been edited, click on the “Exit” link. In the future, when you need to make new changes, log in again using your username and password.

When selecting a domain name, you must follow the following rules:

  1. The name must comply with technical requirements - it is allowed to use only Latin letters, Arabic numerals and a dash, which cannot be at the beginning or end. In addition, spaces are not allowed in the domain.
  2. It is better to opt for a short and easy-to-remember word (you can use abbreviations, combinations of words, abbreviations, transliteration from other languages, and so on).
  3. The name of the resource must be as informative as possible so that the user can guess the purpose of the website at one glance.
  4. If you plan to create an html portal for Russian-speaking users, then it is recommended to give preference to, but if the site will focus on a specific territory, then you can choose,, and so on.
After choosing a name, you need to check it for vacancy, for which there is a special form on the resources conducting registration.

How to place a website on the Internet: choosing a hosting provider

Hosting is a service of placing a website on a specialized server owned by a provider. A server is a high-performance computer that has a 24-hour network connection and a set of special software. The server must be characterized by reliable and uninterrupted operation, the availability of alternative power sources, modern components and professional maintenance. In addition, it must store a huge amount of data and resist attacks from viruses and hackers.
Today, web hosting services are offered by a large number of different companies. It is recommended to choose a provider based on the following characteristics:

  1. The company must have all the necessary licenses to operate.
  2. The company website must have all contact information, including a physical address.
  3. A large number of different payment methods should be available.
  4. It is recommended to look at reviews about the provider on specialized forums.
  5. The company's servers must meet all modern technologies and requirements - round-the-clock operation, support for the most common html languages ​​and modern CMS, work with database management systems, access via the FTP protocol, round-the-clock and competent technical support.

Choosing a tariff plan

The tariff plan for an html site should be chosen based on its focus and how many visitors are expected on the site at a time. It is better not to pay attention to very cheap hosting services, because in this case the website will most likely be hosted on an outdated server without sufficient technical maintenance, and there is no need to talk about support for such hosting from specialists at all.
You shouldn’t choose an expensive plan, especially for novice webmasters who are going to host their first html website. If there is a lack of resources, the tariff can always be changed.

Uploading site files to the hosting server

Once you have chosen a hosting provider and a tariff plan, you can begin uploading files to the hard drive of your server computer. In order to publish a website, it is recommended to use any available file manager that supports network access via ftp, and also follow the instructions posted on the provider’s website. Using ftp, you can upload a ready-made html site to the server.

So, you have decided to create your own website - for personal needs or for business. If you want the site to be seen by other users, you need to host it. Below are detailed instructions on how to properly place a website.

Determining the domain name

Before you host your website, you need to select a suitable domain name. The territorial coverage of the target audience depends on the domain (website address). A domain name in the .RU zone assumes that the site is aimed at a Russian audience, while in the .COM, .ORG, .INFO or .BIZ zones it is aimed at an international audience. Some companies register one website under several domains. An example is large clothing brands whose online stores have different domain names depending on the country (.ru; .by; .uz, etc.).

Among other things, a domain, also known as a unique website address, allows users to quickly find a resource in search engines. Almost all website builders offer to get a third- or fourth-level domain name for free, but they do not look professional and are only suitable for testing the capabilities of the service.

You can buy a professional domain of the first or second level on special websites - domain registrars or on the administrative panel in the designer.

What hosting should I host my website on?

A reliable provider must meet the following conditions:

  • Official registration of the company.
  • Availability of a license to provide relevant services.
  • Availability of an office. Not a mandatory requirement, but it will allow you to personally meet with the owners if questions arise.
  • Long working life. The longer a company has been on the market, the higher the chances that the services provided will be of adequate quality.

Why Hostland?

The main advantage of the Hostland provider is adaptation to the characteristics of a specific content management system (CMS). Any CMS has weaknesses that appear when more “fine” site settings are needed as a result of increased load on the server and other problems. Hostland offers optimal settings for each CMS. This is the perfect solution for forward-thinking, practical webmasters who don't know where to host their site.

Other advantages:

  • Uninterrupted and fast operation of the system.
  • Convenient to use. New additions, updates, plugins can be installed and configured without any difficulty.
  • Possibility to host a website for free for testing for 30 days.
  • Optimal ratio of cost and quality. At first glance, the cost of services may seem significant, but in the long term the provider provides maximum savings, because you do not need to pay for adapting the system or correcting errors.
  • Prompt technical support at any time of the day.

With Hostland it is easy to maintain the flawless operation of your website and optimize it to suit your needs.

How much does it cost to host a website? Selecting a tariff

To determine the optimal tariff, you need to know:

  • site size (how much disk space it will occupy);
  • what volume of the database is needed in the future;
  • number of sites requiring placement.

Hostland offers 6 tariffs: 3 high-speed and 3 tariffs with large disk space:

Host a website for free

Hostland provides free hosting for 30 days. After registration, the client’s account is credited with an amount equal to the payment for the monthly use of the selected tariff plan.

How to host a website on a server using Total Commander

First, let's register in the system. The process is simple and straightforward - no personal data or confirmation via mobile phone is required. Choose a tariff and enter your email address.

The account is activated instantly, and within a few seconds you receive an email with further instructions. The letter contains information about your test domain name, clicking on which takes you to the following page:

Select the required domain for yourself on the domain selection and registration page

The cost of the domain name will be displayed on this page.

Domain registration is a paid procedure. Top up your account balance with the required amount in your hosting control panel using any payment method convenient for you

All payment methods are listed on this page

After replenishing the balance with the required amount, to register a domain you need to fill out a form, so go to the “Domains” section, open the “Registration/renewal” tab and click “Create a new form”.

We enter our data.

We save the information and proceed to register a domain name by clicking “Register a domain”. In the tab that opens, enter the address of your website.

After registering a domain name, you need to create a site database. First, download the Total Commander FTP client and make the necessary settings in the application according to the instructions

Click “Connect” in Total Commander and add files from the site archive to the domain directory.

We create a database on the hosting. To do this, in the hosting control panel, open the MySQL tab and click “Add MySQL user”.

In the window that opens, enter your login in the first line, and the password sent to your mailbox during registration in the second line.

Then open the “MySQL Databases” tab and click “Add MySQL Database”.

In the window that opens, enter a name and select the last created user.

After opening, click the “Import” tab in the top panel. Click on “Select file” and click on the archive of your site located on your computer.

Click “Forward” and see a notification that the import was completed successfully.

At the final stage, you need to make an SQL request to change the old domain to a new one and change the password to the site’s administrative panel.

And finally, we make changes to the “.php” file according to the previously created database and transfer the file to the server.


Register on trackers. One way to exchange information is. On it you can find, view and any available information. Having obtained uploader rights, you can create your own . By selecting the appropriate material, you create a torrent file. After that, distribute it. Now your material is posted in .

Create your website. The process of creating a website is not very complicated. For easier creation, you can always use the engine. After that, publish your website on the Internet. Now you can post any information on your website. It will be available to users. However, do not forget to respect copyright when posting other people's content. If you want to share your articles and thoughts, then start your own blog.

There are also special thematic sites on the Internet where you can post certain material. For example, post music and your songs on music sites. Video hosting “YouTube” allows you to upload video materials. By posting information on popular thematic sites, you have the opportunity to quickly popularize your material.

With the advent of the personal computer, writing articles has become an easier process. And with the advent of the Internet, publishing your article will also not be difficult. It is only important to know how and where.


First of all, before you want to publish an article, you should consider that you can post any informational message/article on your personal blog. The most famous: Within these hosting sites there are thematic communities that are likely to match the semantic content of your website.

At the same time, social networks provide such an opportunity:,, etc. Social networks also have thematic communities - . Also, articles can be posted on any Internet forums and mass portals. Preferably themed, of course.

If you want to publish your article on a site where there is no access for anyone to publish, where the site administration is responsible for publication and strictly filters incoming information, then publishing the context will not be easy. First of all, having found a topical site and considering that your article is fully consistent with the content, you must find the administration’s email. As a rule, such sites have a special “contacts” section or simply have a postal address for communication at the bottom. After which you, via email, discuss the possibility of publishing the article on the site. And, if the article is completely suitable, the administration will post it.


Let's try to answer the question of where to publish the article? One of the promising players in the search engine promotion market is Miralinks. This player currently claims quite competitive advantages, and his steps provide broad prospects.

Helpful advice

How to get your article published. It is known that one of the most effective means of promotion in online business is writing free, useful, informative articles and their subsequent publication on the pages of the World Wide Web. And the space in their issues where an article can be posted is almost always limited to a certain number of characters.


  • publish an article on the website

More than 50,000 magazines are published around the world every year. About a third of them have a fairly serious circulation. And each of these publications constantly requires new topics, articles and authors. Therefore, you have every chance to publish your own article in any of these journals.

You will need

  • Love of journalism
  • Talent for writing articles


To publish your article, you need to write it. To do this, you need to choose a topic that interests you. Consider what you know and can do in this area. Explore opportunities to gather additional information on the topic and think about what might be of interest to readers.

Write the article itself. Don't get hung up on the first version of the text. Don't try to write the text. Make sure that the article matches the style of the publication in which you would like to publish it. Pay special attention to spelling and punctuation. So that the magazine editors focus specifically on the content of the article in order to get noticed.

To publish an article, the most important thing is to find out the contact information of the editor who is responsible for the selected topic. Call him or write an email. Send him a text telling him a little about yourself and wait for a reaction. Perhaps in a couple of months your article will be published.

Video on the topic

The Internet is a unique interactive space in which everyone can express their opinion and publish their point of view in authoritative sources, causing both approval and criticism of the reading public. Since publishing copyright materials on the Internet implies special responsibility and significance for the author, you need to be determined and go through all the stages that stand between you and your published article.


If you've never done online publishing, write a plan for future publishing in a notebook in advance. Start by thinking over the title - pay enough attention to developing the title, since in many ways the success of the article among readers depends on the title. Write down the key ones, determine the main idea contained in the article.

Then write briefly about yourself - try to fit your author’s biography into no more than 200 characters. A successful one will win over readers who are already interested in the headline, but have not yet read the article. In addition, in the biographical insert you can safely indicate a link to your personal website and thereby attract a new audience to it.

Write down the tags - you need a list of keywords by which your article can be found on the Internet. Think about what queries may become key, and in relation to which queries your article may become the result and the best answer.

In the introduction, introduce people to the topic of the conversation, define your goals and objectives, and intrigue the readers. In the main part, reveal the meaning of the article, share your point of view, describe your hypotheses and ideas.

Be concise and detailed at the same time - the topic should be covered in the main part. In the conclusion, you summarize your article - draw conclusions, reiterate some of the main points and theses of the text, help readers formulate what exactly they took away from your work, and collect the ideas of the article together.

Do not forget about the rules of spelling and grammar - the article must be literate, stylistically correct, and it must attract people with the ease and beauty of your written language.

Video on the topic

Post information in Internet It’s best on sites where there is a high concentration of the target audience to whom you want to convey this information. For example, on thematic resources, in diaries and social networks.

You will need

  • computer, internet, ad text, social network accounts, diaries


Create a text block to place information in. This could be in the form of an announcement, diary entry, short article or reference material. As a rule, the choice depends on the essence of the verbal message. Try to write to the point, start with the main thing, if the text is large, divide it into, each of which begin with a subtitle. In the last paragraph, be sure to include your contact information, unless, of course, separate fields are provided for them.

Come up with interesting promotions to promote cafes, restaurants, nightclubs and other leisure venues. Publish information about upcoming events in your diaries and community. Tell us about the events that took place. A good photo shoot from a party posted on the Internet will tell more about the establishment than pages of beautiful words. It is also appropriate on social networks to provide information about discounts provided by stores, beauty salons, and travel agencies. Invitations to concerts, performances or exhibitions look natural on their pages. You can get a good response by creating a community focused on lovers of books and films on a specific topic.


Information posted on the Internet may no longer be relevant. To avoid misunderstandings, it is better to delete purchase and sale advertisements and the like over time.

Helpful advice

There are several ways to post your article on the site. When posting an article, everything depends on the resource where you want to place it. The fact is that some sites allow all registered users to publish an article, while some do not have this function, and the placement of an article depends solely on the site administration.


The easiest way to post an article is any public resource with free registration. For example, network, etc. In principle, any article can be posted in such places, as long as its content is correct. Also, as a rule, there are thematic/groups on such resources, and if your article is relevant to the topic, there is a much greater chance that it will be read and appreciated properly.

It is more difficult to publish your article on a site where the posting of articles is strictly limited. On many thematic resources, news portals, etc. As a rule, a limited number of authors participate in writing an article. Perhaps, despite all the restrictions, you consider your article to be completely suitable for the topic of this site and want to publish it. To achieve this goal, you need to contact the site administration. As a rule, contact information for communicating with users is included in a separate section of the site “contacts”, “communication”, etc. If the administration likes the article, it may be published.

One of the professions that provides a stable income and does not require any effort other than careful monitoring of compliance with stated requirements is writing articles. You also need to have a degree in journalism or extensive experience in writing texts. But the most important condition is a thorough knowledge of the topic on which you are writing articles.


So, you have solved the article. The primary task for you - customers, both for writing and for articles. Register on,, periodically look through message boards such as It is more logical to order articles than to first write and then look for a buyer.

Once you receive your order, carefully study the topic. You must be clear about what you are writing about. Partial knowledge of the subject is unacceptable. In order to write a quality article, you must thoroughly study the topic of the article. The material must have a clearly defined introduction, main part and conclusion. The introduction is expressed in the announcement - it needs to describe the problems of the topic and its features. You should not briefly summarize the article, since the announcement should interest the reader, but not reveal the entire topic.

The main part and conclusion should form the body of the article. The main part should cover the topic of the article in accordance with the given task, without any digressions that are not related to the issue. The conclusion must be logical and be the result; sudden or illogical closure of the topic is unacceptable.

These instructions are of a recommendatory nature; they describe the logical structure of actions for writing articles in principle. When working to order, you should follow the instructions and wishes of the customer; they should become the main vectors for the author of the articles.

Video on the topic


  • I will write a unique text of 5000 characters

Copywriting is one of the types of earning money on the Internet. Its meaning is extremely simple - you write articles on a specific topic and sell it. To successfully implement this earning opportunity, it is enough to use a few simple recommendations.


Register for freelancers. They are exchanges on which they are posted, as well as profiles of customers and performers. They have a system for assessing activities using a rating method, by which they usually evaluate a potential performer. The most common of them are,, and On sites such as, there is the possibility of selling already compiled texts. Register in as many systems as possible, this will ensure a steady flow of orders. Once you’ve gotten your head around it, you can choose one site in order to do more work on it than on the others and thereby improve yours through positive reviews.

Look for customers directly, without intermediaries. For this purpose, there are message boards such as Keep in mind that customers rarely ask for copywriting services just once, so your goal when working with a client should be long-term cooperation. When working directly, be careful and check each customer for his integrity, so as not to be left without remuneration for the work done.

Register on the work process website. Please follow these instructions carefully to avoid any misunderstandings.

Video on the topic

Publishing scientific articles is a good opportunity for a scientist to quickly convey the results of his research to his colleagues and the public. After all, an article, unlike a monograph, is much easier to publish and prepare faster. But in order for the article to be published, preliminary preparatory work must be done.

You will need

  • - text of a scientific article.


Select the publication in which you would like to publish the article. If you need a publication to defend your candidate’s or doctoral dissertation, then it must be published in a journal included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC), which is responsible for awarding scientific degrees. In order to find out which publications are included in this list, go to the organization’s website, go from the main page to the “Reference Materials” section, and then to the “List of Leading Scientific Publications” subsection. This list contains not only Russian, but also foreign publications evaluated in the scientific world.

If you already have some research results, then you can also get the right to publish, but in a special student publication. This could be a collection of your scientific works. Also, in some cases, when participating in a student conference, it is possible to publish the abstracts of your report.

Once you have chosen a journal to publish, review its requirements. This can be done either on the publication’s website or by calling the publisher’s email address, which is usually indicated either on the back cover or on the title page.

Standard requirements include volume restrictions - usually up to two author's pages. Also, most often you need to write an announcement for the article in a few sentences, revealing its main content. There may also be special criteria for design, for example, footnotes at the bottom of the page.

Submit your article to a journal. Depending on the wishes of the publication, this can be done either by regular mail or by e-mail.

Wait for a response from the editors regarding your material. Typically, rejected manuscripts are not returned or reviewed, that is, the publication’s staff does not provide detailed explanations regarding the rejection of the material.

If your article is accepted, it will be published in the journal as planned. This will most likely happen within a few months of manuscript approval. You will also need to provide the editor with your bank details to receive the fee.

Video on the topic

The news page is the most dynamically developing element of the Internet resource. Since the full development of the site requires constant updating, news should be published at regular intervals. And most importantly, they must be published correctly. There are certain criteria for this.


Another important point in publishing news is its brief description. The main text should be summarized here. This allows the reader to determine whether the news is interesting to him or not. That is why, when approaching a short publication, you need to formulate and present the main essence of the article as interestingly as possible. This is a guarantee that the topic will interest the reader and he will read the main text of the news. At the same time, you should not disclose details and all the key points of the main text, giving the reader the opportunity to obtain this information from the news itself.

What is free hosting

Free hosting allows you to choose a third-level domain name for your website for free and put it on the Internet. Free hosting involves placing advertising on the site by the hosting provider, which “slightly” distorts the design of your site and the capabilities of the free option are limited. You will never have large traffic to a resource located on a free hosting, hence the impossibility of making money on such a site, if, of course, that is your goal.

What is a website domain name

The site's domain name is the name that you enter in the search bar of your browser, for example, or The first level domain name in this entry is, the second level is the previous name of the website: my1site. A third-level domain name that offers free hosting may look, for example, like this: or The third level of the domain name in this case is the name that precedes

What is paid hosting

Paid hosting gives you the opportunity to choose a first- and second-level domain name, which in total cost 4-12 USD. per year, but there are more expensive options. Paid hosting is when you pay 3-4 USD. per month for space for your website on the Internet, but at the same time you are the full owner of your resource, that is, no one will cover your site with advertising, neglecting the design.

Placing a website on the Internet on free hosting

1. The first thing you need to do is download FileZilla file download manager for free and install it on your computer - a characteristic icon will appear on your desktop.

2. Today there are many hosting providers providing free services. Let's assume we settled on Click Order Now!

3. Enter the data and create an account:

4. Now you need to check your email and follow the link to confirm your registration.

I received two letters in the mail. One had a link that I followed.

5. A page opened where I selected a free tariff plan for the site:

7. A notification about the deadline for creating an account will appear, but it will start working in 3-5 minutes.

Click View result:

By the way, another letter arrived in the mail with different data for different purposes. We will use this data below. In the letter we find a link to the control panel, click on it and find ourselves in the site administrator panel.

8. In the Profile that opens, at the very top, click on Panel and go to the accounts page.

By clicking on the subdomain (see illustration above), we will see a page with the message:

The message indicates that the site was successfully installed on hosting server. Now we need to delete the file default.php from the root directory, which is currently displayed, and, using an FTP client, for example, FileZilla, upload the files of our future site to the hosting, into the same root folder public_html. Below we will deal with this directly.

By clicking on Select (see step 8), we will find ourselves in the site control panel (CPanel):

Let's get started placing a website on the Internet on free hosting using FileZilla!

But! First, open the last letter that arrived in the mail and find the lines:

So we have an example:

a) full name of the FTP Server or Host →

b) FTP user or user name (login) →

c) FTP password (the one we entered in step 6) → [confidential information]

Attention! I didn't update the picture below. It shows the FTP name and user from my previously hosted site, but you are using your own details.

Launch FileZilla, enter data, connect to hosting (button at the top right):

Public_html is the root folder on the hosting. All folders and files of the site are stored here.

In the Host field, enter ftp.........., where instead of dots - your third-level domain name. In the User and Password fields, enter, respectively, the login and password that you received by email when registering your account. After filling out the fields, click the Connect button, indicated by the arrow in the upper right corner of the image. The names of fields and buttons may differ depending on the program language. Next, double-click the left mouse button to open the root folder of the public_html site on the hosting.

Find the necessary files on your computer, that is, index.html, other pages, files with the .css extension, if you use Cascading Style Sheets, images, or just one index.html (see how to create it). Drag all files or a file into the open root (main) public_html site folder while holding down the left mouse button:

Delete default.php, which is hosted on free hosting, in the root folder of the site.

As a result, we have our own website on the Internet:

By posting your first index.html on the Internet, you have discovered a new page for yourself, literally and figuratively. HTML lessons and CSS lessons will allow you to delve deeper into the study of website building.

FileZilla allows you to place a website on the Internet on paid and free hosting.

FileZilla is the best program for hosting a website on the Internet on paid hosting.

Cadmii I hope you liked it!