Datalife engine section printable version. Everything for DLE, Datalife Engine, DLE

The visual editor is a convenient tool for quickly adding and editing various information on a website. It allows you to view and edit HTML content without editing the HTML code. In it, to edit text or image, you do not need to write tags or other formatting elements, you just need to press the corresponding function button.

The visual editor in DLE is a window containing a control panel and a work area. The control panel contains most of the buttons identical to any text editor. The visual editor control panel looks like this:

Let's take a closer look at the control panel.

The button located in the upper left corner of the panel has the function enable full screen mode. You can use this mode if you are more comfortable working with just the text editing window. You can return to normal mode by pressing the same button. To the left of it are standard buttons for working with text: cut And copy. Next are the buttons accordingly insert, paste as simple text and paste fromWord. The text insertion functions differ in that in MS Word, when generating text, additional codes are created that are saved when text is copied and which DLE may not recognize correctly. Unfortunately, the copy, cut, paste buttons are not available in all browsers. In such cases, you must use the standard keyboard shortcuts for the operating system installed on your computer.

Using the buttons - "Find" And - "Find and Replace" You can search or search and replace the text you type in the visual editor.

Buttons "Ledge" And "Indentation" shift the text left and right respectively. Like any text editor, the DLE visual editor has keys "Cancel" And "Return", allowing you to undo recent actions.

There are special buttons on the toolbar for inserting links, and the button allows insert protected link. It is used if you need to insert a link and at the same time visually hide its url; in the editor it will look like this: . When the button is pressed “Insert/edit link”, a dialog box will open, with which you can change the link address, set the method of opening the link (in the same or in a new window), specify the title and change the style of the link.

In order to insert any file into the news (for example, a pdf file or an image), you must first upload it to the server. To do this, use the button. Moreover, all files downloaded for this news are deleted along with the news. You can also post files in news, do not upload them to the server, but simply indicate their URL.

Button "Insert/Edit Image" allows you to place a picture in the news. To do this, upload the image to the server and then insert it into the news. By clicking on this button, you can describe the image, assign it a title, set alignment, dimensions, vertical and horizontal padding, and frame thickness. You can also set the image to be replaced when you hover the cursor over it. When uploading photos to the server, use the automatic image reduction function, because this helps improve the design of your news and creates convenience for the user, who can quickly view all the photos and view in detail only the ones he likes.

You can insert a media file into the news; to do this, you need to upload it to the server or specify the URL, then use the button "Load/edit attached media file", you can make settings: select the file type, adjust the size to customize the proper appearance of the news, set horizontal and vertical indentation, etc. When adding a media file to a news story and adjusting its settings, remember that all users have different viewing capabilities for such a file, different Internet speeds and different browsers.

You have the opportunity to insert video files by clicking on the button "Insert Video" and entering its URL. Remember, if you want to attach a file from your computer, you must first upload it to the server for this news. The same goes for the following function "Insertmp3", which allows you to add an audio file in mp3 format.

The use of emoticons is currently popular. The DLE visual editor also provides the ability to use emoticons by clicking the button "Emotions" In some cases, it becomes necessary to insert hidden text, for this you can use the button "Spoiler". When you click this button, tags are inserted into the news, which make all the text contained in them hidden. When the news is published, a link will appear in place of this text "Show/Hide text", when clicked, the text will become available, and when clicked again it will be hidden again.

The button allows insert videoYoutubeorRutube, to do this, enter the video URL when you click this button.

If you need to format any text as a quote, or directly insert quote, use the button. The system will insert tags that make the text contained within them appear like this:

Using the button, you can paste source code. If it is necessary that part of the html code you entered should not be converted, then select the desired text (code) and click on this button, for example: text

DLE has the ability to insert hidden text. This function can be used if it is necessary to hide text from unregistered users. To use this feature, click the button "Insert hidden text". Button "Inserting a Page Break" allows you to start a new page from the place where this tag is inserted.

Using the button "Insert a link to a page", you can insert a link to any page into your news, this will help present your material in more detail without publishing it several times, and this feature also makes navigation easier.

On the next line there is a button for the standard “Print” function.

Next are buttons for working with the table, using them, you can insert a table, and by setting certain parameters for it, such as a title, indents in cells, background image, frames, scrolling, etc. There are also separate buttons for formatting rows and columns. For them, you can also set the background, alignment, writing direction, etc. using convenient buttons, you can add and delete rows and columns by pressing the corresponding key as many times as columns or rows you need to insert or delete. The functions of merging and splitting cells are also provided separately.

Function "Change styleCSS» allows you to customize styles. This way you can format the text, customize the background image, however, in some cases you will need knowledge of html. In the block tab, you are offered the opportunity to configure line spacing, character spacing, text indentation, etc. In the Box tab you can configure settings for the workspace. The Border tab contains functions for customizing the width, style, and color of the border. In the “List” tab, you can customize the display of the list in the form you prefer. Also, the “Change CSS Style” function allows you to adjust positioning.

The DLE visual editor has the ability to work with image layers; the “Add new layer”, “Go forward”, “Go back” and “Enable absolute positioning” buttons are responsible for this function.

The remaining functions of the DLE visual editor are identical to text editors and do not require special description:

Subscript, for example: subscript

Superscript, for example: superscript

Inserting a special character, in the window that opens you can select the character you want to insert.

Inserts a horizontal line of a specified width.

Enable Ruler Guides/Invisible Elements

Inserting the current date

Insert current time

Bold text, for example: text

Italics, for example: text

Underlined text, for example: text

Strikethrough text, for example: text

Left alignment

Align Center

Right alignment


Bulleted list, for example:

  • text
  • text
  • text
  • text

A numbered list, for example:

  1. text
  2. text
  3. text
  4. text

Text color

Background color

Clear Text Formatting removes all formatting and hyperlinks from selected text.

Cleaning text from unnecessary code

HTML code, inserting or changing directly the HTML code of the page, if you know HTML and want to insert a tag that is not in the visual editor, then click this button and the window that opens will display the current HTML code of the page that you can change.

The article will help users who are still quite unfamiliar with Dle templates and tpl files in particular. The article will help you understand what their main purpose is and how to work with them.
People who are familiar and not very familiar with HTML and CSS can easily master working with dle template files.

So let's start with templates with the *.tpl extension, there are standard and required template files that must be present there. If one of the files is missing, the system will report a bug, in some cases the Internet portal will not work at all.
Details about each DataLife Engine template file

addcomments.tpl- Form for adding comments only in the full news.

addnews.tpl- A form for adding a publication to a web resource, for filling out data about the news: title, news category, short and full news, fields for the tag cloud and various administrative functions.

comments.tpl- Responsible for the formatting of comments, both in the full publication and the latest comments.

feedback.tpl- Basic design of the feedback form with a fill field.

fullstory.tpl- Template file design of the full news, date of publication, author, number of comments, display of similar news, etc.

info.tpl- An error page message form on a web resource appears, for example, if the authorization is incorrect.

informer.tpl- File for designing the output of an informer (partners or, for example, Yandex news, etc.) on a blog.

login.tpl- Main design file of the Authorization form, Admin panel

lostpassword.tpl- A password recovery form (if lost) is displayed only for unauthorized users.

main.tpl- The main design file for the main page for displaying information on the DLE blog, to which other templates are connected.

navigation.tpl- Design template for page navigation, page navigation.

offline.tpl- Page of a disabled site during technical work, if it is necessary to make global changes to a web project. It will be visible to everyone except the administration of the Internet source.

pm.tpl- The form for processing Sending, Incoming and Sent messages on the Internet portal is responsible for processing the user’s personal messages.

preview.tpl- CSS styling settings for the preview window when adding a news story, which includes the design for short and long news.

print.tpl- Printout pages for the printer.

profile_popup.tpl- A pop-up modal window when the AJAX script is enabled, which appears when the user’s login is selected with the mouse. Responsible for designing the POP-Up window with brief information about the user.

registration.tpl- The new user registration form, after accepting the rules, issues a form with fields to fill out and register.
PS. The rules of the Internet portal are in a static page and are not present in this template.

relatednews.tpl- Registration form Displays similar news.

search.tpl- Displays a simple search page for a web resource, which includes a field to fill in and the Search and Advanced Search buttons.

searchresult.tpl- The search result form, and when you select Advanced Search, displays fields to fill out.

shortstory.tpl-An important template carries out the design of a short news story.

speedbar.tpl- This file displays a full link to the category in which the news was published, and is responsible for quickly moving to the desired section (breadcrumbs).

static.tpl- This template file is responsible for the design and output of static pages created in the Dle admin panel.

static_print.tpl- Used to design a static page Print version

stats.tpl- Design of web resource statistics, with the output of all information.

tagscloud.tpl- Tag cloud design template.

topnews.tpl- Used to design popular news.

userinfo.tpl- A form for creating a profile of information about users, as well as a POP - Up window for subsequent editing of data, opens if the user is registered on the web project.

vote.tpl- Used to format the output of voting results as All polls on DLE or Total voted.

At the moment, the main tpl files of the Dle template are listed; with the release of new versions, changes and additions of new TPL templates for the DataLife Engine are possible.

In addition to the main TPL templates in DLE, any user can add their own for convenient design, improvement and installation of third-party modules on a web project!
To do this, create the template itself, for example:

leftblocks.tpl (the left block of the web project) to which design elements are added.

Attention! For normal operation, the file must be located in the folder with the main templates in the same place as main.tpl!
To connect such a block, use the (include) tag. For example:
Which is inserted in the right place main.tpl

(include file="leftblocks.tpl")

In addition to this insert, there is another option for connecting short news using templates, for example:

shortstory-1.tpl Short news in which design elements are added. Insertion example:


In main.tpl we insert a tag with settings:

(custom category="2,3" template="shortstory-1" aviable="global" from="0" limit="5" cache="yes")

As a result, if you insert such an insert, for example: into the right block, a link and title of the latest news of categories 2 and 3 will appear, as on our website section News "DLE Modules", etc., where

custom category="2,3" (the categories from which the news is taken can be added separated by a comma)
template="shortstory-1" (template name)
aviable="global" (global for everyone, you can set main instead of global, information will be displayed only on the main page)
limit="5" (number of publications)
cache="yes" (Enable/Disable caching)

The templates also contain standard folders:
bbcodes (Folder with image files for editing such as Smileys, HTML colors and BBcodes)
dleimages (Folder with image files for rating, bookmarks, watermark, etc.)
images ((Folder with image files for template design. May have different names)
js (Folder with JS script files, etc.)
style (Folder with style cascade files for designing templates)

Attention! The scripts must be located in the JS folder, which must contain a .htaccess file to protect against various types of threats; if there is no such file, the script will not run (the Dle protection system will work).
Attention! All template folders must also have a .htaccess file
An example of a .htaccess file with data inside:
Order Deny,AllowAllow from all

Attention! In the template, in the same place as main.tpl, there should be a .htaccess file with the following code:
Order allow, deny Deny from all

The .htaccess file can be downloaded from the DataLife Engine distribution template

The following changes were prepared and implemented:

1. Added full automatic support viewing your website from smartphones. When you visit your site, the script will automatically detect that the site was accessed from a mobile phone and switch the script template to a specially prepared lightweight version of the template, and, if necessary, remove all images from the news to save traffic. To support mobile versions of the site, you must have a special smartphone template folder. At the moment, almost all known models are supported; if your smartphone is not detected by the script, then you need to report it on the forum. You can check whether your phone is supported or not on this site by going to http://site from your mobile phone. If your phone has not been identified and you do not see the mobile version of the site, then write information about your phone according to the instructions on forum in .

2. A new section has been added to the script settings, in which you can configure your site to automatically support smartphones. In this section, you can enable or disable automatic support for smartphones, as well as enable or disable images in news when viewing your site on a mobile phone.

3. Added feature nesting spoilers within each other.

4. Added the ability to bulk upload files also specify various parameters on the file upload page. You can specify what size to create a reduced copy, which side to reduce it on, whether to create a reduced copy, etc.

5. Added keyword output from tag cloud to meta tag title, when viewing all news for this keyword.

6. Added improved and full support for Adobe Flash Payer 10.

7. Added full compatibility module for bulk uploading files to the server with Firefox, Opera and Chrome browsers.

8. Added the ability to group settings prohibit certain groups from uploading avatars to the server. To do this, in the settings for the maximum avatar size, specify 0 or -1.

9. Added tag support text in static pages.

10. The link has been removed from the calendar on the website for months that have not yet arrived, which prevents the appearance of non-existent pages when the site is indexed in the Google search engine.

11. Added preview function when creating and editing static pages, as well as site rules.

12. Added support for print versions for static pages. To view the printable version, use the template static_print.tpl. Tags are used to form a link to a printable version in a static page template text.

13. Added the ability to download for static pages, not only images, but also various other files, the extensions of which are specified in the script settings.

14. When viewing a static page The script provides search engines with the date of creation of a static page, or the date of editing of the page as the date of creation of the HTML document.

15. The principle of creating a “print version” has been changed for news. If a big news story is divided into pages, then in the print version the entire news is displayed, and not just one page as before.

16. Added the ability to group settings indicate the maximum number of characters in the signature that a visitor can add on the site. 17. Added the ability to group settings indicate the maximum number of characters in your brief information about yourself.

18. Improved IP address change control system. When this control is enabled, the script controls the IP address that has not changed, but controls the subnet, thus if you have a dynamic IP and the Internet connection is interrupted, then after reconnecting and receiving a new IP address from your provider from the same subnet, the script will not carry out automatic logout on the site. Automatic logout will only occur if the subnet changes.

19. New preventive measures have been added to eliminate “garbage” from comments and user profile. If the group settings prohibit the publication of clickable links or pictures in comments or in the profile, then if the user still adds them using tags or , in this case the comment will be rejected completely, and the information added to the user’s profile will also be rejected. The “Full name” and “Place of residence” fields are also filtered for invalid characters. 20. Added a new ability to activate the script manually, for example, if outgoing connections are prohibited on your website and the script cannot automatically connect to our server for activation. Now you don’t need to send us a request to activate the script, the script will offer you all the necessary instructions for activation yourself and you can receive a special site code, by entering which your script will be activated if there is no Internet connection to our server. In other words, having the Internet to activate the script is no longer a requirement for the script.

21. Prevented from appearing in the tag cloud those tags assigned to news that have not yet been moderated and published on the site.

22. Added to tag cloud displaying a hint when you hover over a tag about how many news items belong to this tag.

23. Added keyword output from the tag cloud in site search results. To do this in the template searchresult.tpl tags used: (tags)
24. Added information about news editing when displaying site search results. To do this in the template searchresult.tpl added use of tags: text displays text if the news has been edited, (edit-date) displays the date the news was edited, (editor) displays the login of the user who edited the news, text displays text if the reason for editing was specified when editing, (edit-reason) displays the reason for editing the news.

25. Reduced load on the server when viewing the latest comments on the site, provided that there are no sections hidden for viewing for the group.

26. Added selection to the "Search and Replace" module search and replace keywords from the tag cloud.

27. Added alphabetical sorting in the "Word Filter" module for a more convenient and quick search for the desired word in the list, with a large number of words in the filter.

28. Added support for playlists when playing videos in a flash player in .flv format, to publish several videos that will be played one by one, simply list their URLs separated by commas, for example: Attention: This feature is not supported for AVI files. Also in the player, automatic downloading of the video is disabled when visiting the page, if the visitor does not click to watch the video.

29. Changed the player for playing audio files in MP3 format, now a similar player is used as for playing videos. An example of a player can be viewed at.

30. Added support for playlists when playing audio files in MP3 format, so you can create and publish your own podcasts. To publish several audio files that will be played one by one, simply list their URLs separated by commas, for example:
31. Added pagination of news according to the script settings when viewing the user’s profile and his news awaiting moderation.

32. The principle of operation of the setting has been changed"Automatic resizing for deleted images." This setting is now applied not to all images located in the tag, but only to images located on other people’s servers, and not on our own.

33. Improved script compatibility with various server software settings, in particular regarding magic quotes settings.

34. Updated WYSIWYG editor to the latest version. This version fixes some bugs in the editor.

36. Problem fixed in which, on some encodings and with certain server settings, there could be a problem with escaping quotes when adding or editing using AJAX technology.

37. Problem fixed in which the user did not automatically authorize on the site immediately after his registration.

38. Problem fixed, in which guests could not change the template on the site, the default template was automatically returned.

39. In the module for creating sitemaps for Google and Yandex Fixed a problem where links to news appeared in the map, the publication date of which had not yet arrived, if they were published for a future time.

40. All previously discovered and reported minor errors in the script have been corrected.

DataLife Engine 8.3


1. Added a new player for playing flv videos.
- 2. Added the ability for site visitors to subscribe to comments
- 3. The administrator has the ability to unsubscribe all users from all news
- 4. Added the ability, when connecting third-party modules in site templates, to pass the results of executing template script tags as a parameter to the modules.
5. The ability to select an action has been added to the word filter if a word is found in the added text. You can choose an action in which the word in the text will be replaced with the specified one, or you can choose an action in which the addition of text is completely rejected, and the news or comment will not be added to the site, and the user will be given a corresponding notification that his text contains words that are unacceptable for publication.
6. For additional fields of user profiles, a new field type “List (select)” has been added, which allows visitors to select additional information about their profile from a specific list. For example, choose your gender, etc.
7. Added support for connecting third-party modules not only in standard template files, but also in third-party template files that you include in the main files. For example: in the main.tpl template you can connect a third-party template (include file="mytemplate.tpl"), and in a third-party template file you can connect third-party modules (include file="engine/modules/mymod.php").
8. Added support for the "gallery" mode when displaying deleted images published in the tag, which were automatically reduced according to the script settings.
9. Added output of annotations and descriptions when enlarging smaller deleted images published in the tag. Annotations are displayed in the same way as for loaded images in the tag.
10. Full support for the PHP line of versions 5.3.x and higher has been added; obsolete PHP functions that are no longer supported by new versions of PHP have been replaced with similar current functions.
11. Added output of keywords from the tag cloud for news when viewing news that is in the visitor’s bookmarks. And also added in these news is the date of editing and reasons for editing, if any.

12. A new section for setting up video players used on the site has been added to the admin panel. In this section you can configure the sizes of the players, as well as customize the color scheme of the flash player designed for playing flv and mp4 formats

13. A new player has been added for playing mp3 audio files; the color settings that were set for the video player also apply to this player.

14. In the script settings for more convenient visual perception, a display of the current server time has been added, taking into account the correction when specifying the time zone correction settings.

15. Added support for multicategories when processing the text tag and viewing the full news. If the news is published in several categories at the same time, then when checking the text tag, all categories of the news will be taken into account, and not just the first category in the list as before.

16. Changes have been made to the logic of the addcomments.tpl template to make the creation of this template easier. Added a new tag (editor) that displays the entire BBCODES or WYSIWYG editor according to the script settings. The .editor class has been introduced to design the BBCODES editor. Accordingly, processing of tags (wysiwyg), (bbcode), , (text) has been removed from the template.

17. Similar to comments, for personal messages (template pm.tpl), the use of a tag (editor) has also been introduced to display an editor with which personal messages will be written.

18. In the group settings, the ability has been added to specify for the avatar sizes not only the maximum size of any of the sides, but also to directly indicate the width and height of the loaded avatar, for example 100x100, while the avatar will be proportionally cropped when loading directly to the specified side sizes.

19. Added the ability to reset the blocking via IP when recovering a password from a website. Previously, IP blocking was removed simultaneously with password recovery and reset. Now, when you reset your password, you receive two links by email: one to reset the password, the other to reset the IP blocking set in the profile settings and to reset the blocking, you no longer need to reset the password at the same time.

20. After the visitor has restored and generated a new password, the site has added sending the user an E-Mail message containing his new data: login and new password. Now the visitor does not have to immediately copy a complex password somewhere or remember it.

21. Removed the display for selecting news sorting when viewing a user profile.

22. The ability to enable or disable the merging of comments from one user added by the user to one news one after another has been added to the script settings.

23. Added the ability to delete a user directly when editing his data, thus in order to delete a user you do not need to go to the user editing section, and you can delete him by calling his profile from any section of the site where this is provided.

24. Added the ability, when sending messages via feedback, to also send text containing HTML tags; previously the script automatically deleted any HTML. In this case, text formatting is not performed and the message is in a regular text format, so this innovation will be useful if site visitors report any problems and it is necessary to describe, for example, HTML.

25. When editing news in the admin panel of the script, the ability to search for news that does not belong to any category has been added.

26. The ability to allow or block the use of HTML code when adding news from the site has been added to group settings. Despite the fact that the script does not allow malicious code to appear in news, many site owners do not want to see HTML code in the design of news. If prohibited, users can format news exclusively using BB tags, and all formatting done using HTML will be deleted.

27. Added the ability to set different designs when displaying the user group name. To do this, a prefix and suffix of the group name have been added to the group settings, which will be displayed before and after the group name, respectively. This setting allows the use of HTML code to set formatting.
- 28. Added support for new formatting rules for RSS "Yandex News", according to the new rules, the formatting of the full news for the yandex:full-text tag is no longer deleted, but only correctly screened.
- 29. A new text tag has been added to the short and full news templates, which displays a link to all news published on the same day as this news. For example, this tag can be used in conjunction with the (date) tag.
- 30. Added support for custom sorting of news when the user views his bookmarks.
- 31. Added support for tags (date), (date=date format), (views)
- 32. Added check for adding duplicate names for static pages
- 33. When creating a database backup from the admin panel, a unique prefix has been added to the generated name of the backup file, which makes it impossible to search through files with database backups in the folder where they are located.
- 34. When updating the site map for Google and Yandex search engines, the update and news editing dates were also added, instead of the news creation date.
- 35. Updated to the latest version of the WYSIWYG editor list of changes to: .
- 36. Fixed a problem in which, when deleting a news item, it was not deleted from the user’s bookmarks, as a result of which this information was unnecessarily accumulated in the database.
- 37. Fixed a bug where the tag was processed incorrectly when editing a news story if the BBCODES editor is enabled and automatic line wrap is disabled.
- 38. Fixed a problem with the use of the tag (%user%) when using it in mass mailing, in which the script addressed the visitor using one name.
- 39. Fixed a problem with publishing quotes when adding descriptions to thumbnail copies of images.
- 40. Fixed a problem with the inability to edit a user when editing news if the login consists of Russian characters.
- 41. Fixed the problem of incorrect automatic generation of keywords for meta tags if the text has undergone typographic processing.
- 42. Previously discovered and reported minor errors in the script have been corrected.

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Dear friends,

The main stage of development of version 12.0 has been completed, the release is in testing and pre-release preparation, but in the meantime we invite you to familiarize yourself with the information about what awaits you with the release of the new version.

The following changes were prepared and implemented:

1. Added a completely new control panel design. We tried to make this design more modern, readable and contrasting. In addition to visual changes, the new design also has a number of functional features. The new control panel features not one, but ten color schemes, plus one special night scheme, designed in dark colors, for comfortable work in the dark. Also added is the ability to control the width of the side menu sections, and the overall width of the control panel. And when working on devices with small screen sizes, the ability to switch to full-screen mode has been added, hiding the browser bar and tabs to increase the working space of the panel. Each user of the admin panel has the opportunity to independently customize for themselves how the panel will look, its parameters and color scheme. In this case, a special double system for storing settings is used to save panel parameters. Settings are saved both on the server and in the browser's local storage. Which provide unique opportunities when using control panel settings. This way, server-based saving of settings allows you to avoid the “flickering” effect when applying the user-selected design, and when using another browser, also use automatically selected settings. And saving settings in local storage allows you to restore selected settings when the settings on the server are completely reset, for example, in the case of reinstalling the script or when updating it globally, for example, to new versions. We hope you enjoy using the new control panel. You can watch a short demonstration of the new panel in the video above.

2. In the script control panel added a brief preview of the latest received personal messages on the site. Thus, the user will be able, if necessary, to quickly go to the desired message directly from the control panel.

3. In the admin panel, when adding publications to the site, immediately after adding a publication, the ability to select the next action has been added. You can choose from: “Add another publication”, “Go straight to editing the newly added publication”, “Go to the list of publications”. This way you can quickly jump to the most common actions in one click.

4. In the admin panel, when editing a publication, immediately after its successful saving, the ability to select: “Go to the list of publications” or “Continue editing this publication” has been added. Thus, users who periodically save a publication, in case of editing, can quickly proceed to continue the editing they have started.

5. In the admin panel in the section for managing static pages, added saving the status of where the user is before editing or adding a page, and after editing the page he will return to the same place he was. This innovation is convenient if you have a large number of pages, and, for example, if you set any search parameters, the user, upon returning after editing, will not have to search or go to the desired page again.

6. In the admin panel when adding a static page, immediately after saving it, the ability to select has been added: “Add another page”, “Go straight to editing the newly added page”, “Go to the list of previously added pages”. This way you can quickly jump to the most common actions in one click.

7. In the admin panel also when editing a static page, immediately after saving it, the ability to select: “Go to the list of pages” or “Continue editing this page” has been added. Thus, users who periodically save a publication, in case of editing, can quickly proceed to continue the editing they have started.

8. In the admin panel when selecting publications, comments, static pages, etc., to perform mass actions on them, highlighting of selected elements has been added. This way you can conveniently see which elements you have selected.

9. Profile editing has been completely redesigned users in the control panel. Now in the admin panel you can edit all user parameters that were previously available only in editing profiles on the site.

10. Added a new module "Metatags". This module allows you to reassign meta tags title, description, keywords for certain pages of the site in the admin panel. The DLE script generates these meta tags for all pages of the site automatically, but sometimes it is necessary to set your own separate values ​​for certain pages, for example, to make sure that the feedback page uses not the standard script settings, but those defined only for this page. Now, using this module, you can do this in the admin panel of your site. In this module, you specify the URL of the page for which you want to reassign meta tags, and set new values ​​for these tags. After that, the values ​​you specified will be applied to this page. You can reassign all fields for a given page, as well as individual ones. For example, if you leave the keywords field empty, the default values ​​for that field and for this page will be applied. You can directly specify the address of the page for which you want to change the meta tags, and you can also specify a group of links using the "*" symbol, which means searching for any character, for example, by specifying /page/*/ the specified meta tags will be used for /page pages /1/, /page/2/, /page/any text/, etc.

11. Added the ability to export users from the site. If you use third-party services or programs to organize mailings of messages to users, then using export you can quickly generate the necessary data. Users are exported in the admin panel in the user editing section. You can export both all users and those meeting certain criteria. Export is carried out either in CSV or Excel format to choose from. 12. Added the ability to transfer publications to other categories when a certain time comes. To do this, when adding or editing a publication, in the “Expires until” setting, you can select the “Move to another category” action, and assign one or more categories to which the publications will need to be moved when the specified date arrives.

13. Added the ability to exclude certain news from site search. When adding or editing news in the admin panel, you can set the "Exclude from search" option for each publication separately. By doing this, you can exclude from the search news that you do not want to be included in the site search.

14. Added the ability to assign a password to each news or a list of passwords required to view this publication. If the publication has a password, then if you go to the full news, the user will be asked to enter a password, and the publication will be shown only if the correct password is entered. The entered password will be valid until the user closes the browser, and within one session of working with the site, the password will not be requested again.

15. Added the ability to exclude certain static pages from site search. When adding or editing a page in the admin panel, you can set the "Exclude from search" option for each static page separately.

16. Added the ability to assign each static page the password or list of passwords required to view this static page. If a password is set for a page, then when going to this page, the user will be asked to enter a password, and the page will be shown only if the correct password is entered. The entered password will be valid until the user closes the browser, and within one session of working with the site, the password will not be requested again.

17. For additional fields, having the “cross-references” type, the output of auto-suggestions has been added when adding and editing publications, in the form of a list of words already existing in the database. This makes it easier to fill out these fields, and also reduces the likelihood of filling out a field by mistake.

18. Added the ability for the redirect module using masks to set a template for making redirects. To do this, when specifying the URL from which you want to redirect, use the “*” symbol, which means that instead of “*” any set of characters can be found in the URL. For example, you can set /page/*/, where a redirect will be made from all pages, such as /page/1/, /page/2/, /page/text/, etc.

19. In the admin panel, in the user editing section, added the ability to quickly jump to editing a specific user’s group.

20. For static page templates (static.tpl and others assigned to the page), added support for a new tag text, which displays the text enclosed in them as a link to edit a static page, for user groups that are allowed to edit static pages. This facilitates a quick transition to editing the desired page, with a large number of static pages.

21. For a custom publication tag (custom....) a new publication sorting parameter "id_as_list" has been added, which works in conjunction with the "id" parameter and sorts publications as they are indicated in the list. For example, the tag (custom id="3,4,1,2" order="id_as_list") will first display news with ID 3 then 4 then 1 then 2. This innovation is useful when you want to display the desired publications in a strictly specified order.

22. For the custom comments tag (customcomments ....) a new publication sorting parameter "id_as_list" has also been added, which works in conjunction with the "id" parameter and sorts the displayed comments as they are indicated in the list. For example, the tag (customcomments id="3,4,1,2" order="id_as_list") will first display a comment with ID 3 then 4 then 1 then 2. This innovation is useful when you want to display the necessary comments in a strictly specified order.

23. Added the ability to user group settings include permission to post videos in comments using tags. Thus, you can allow or deny for each group of users whether they are allowed to post videos in the comments of a post or not.

24. Added the ability to user group settings include permission to publish media widgets using tags in comments. Thus, you can allow or deny for each group of users whether they are allowed to post media widgets in comments or not.

25. Changes have been made to the work of quick editing publications on the site. Now, when quickly editing, only those fields that were previously filled in when adding a publication or full editing are shown. This applies to both the short and full text fields for publication. If the Short Description or Long Description fields were left blank, they no longer appear in Quick Edit. This innovation will be useful for those who use only additional. fields for publication, they will not see unnecessary fields when quickly editing on the site.

26. Added the ability to remove publications from the adding template the site has such fields as “short” and “full” description, while maintaining all other functionality, for example, editors. This innovation will be useful for those who add publications exclusively using additional fields.

27. Added a new global tag for templates (category-id), which displays the ID of the category the site visitor is viewing. This tag will be useful when organizing a menu on a website, as well as when you need to quickly reassign any CSS classes or the template file names themselves, when designing publication output templates.

28. Added a new global tag for templates (category-title), which displays the name of the category the site visitor is viewing. This tag will be useful when you need to separately display the name of the category you are viewing on your site.

29. For categories, the ability to specify a full brief description has been added. The description is created in the admin panel when adding or editing categories in the corresponding section. In the category description, you can use both BBCODES tags and HTML tags. To display a description on the site, a new global tag for templates (category-description) is used, which displays the specified description when the user views this category; the output is also available when displaying full publications. Thus, using a simple construction, for example: (category-title)
(category-description) you can automatically display the category name and its brief description in the right place. Using additional tags, you can limit the display of this information, for example, only on the first page of the category.

30. For the category menu output tag (catmenu ...), for its parameter "subcat" the ability to use a new value "only" has been added, which means that only subcategories from the specified category should be displayed. For example, when using the tag (catmenu id="1" subcat="only"), only subcategories belonging to the category with ID "1" will be displayed. This innovation is useful when, when visiting a certain category, you need to display a list of its subcategories. For example, using a simple design (catmenu id="(category-id)" subcat="only") You can automatically display a list of subcategories for the category you are viewing on the site.

31. In the category settings in the control panel, added the ability to exclude the selected category from the search. Thus, for each category you can set whether it will participate in the search on the site. If a category is excluded from the search, then when searching for publications on the site, news from this category will not be displayed in the results found.

32. For additional fields of the "Image Gallery" type, added the ability to display downloaded images separately. To do this, the templates use the tag, where "X" is the name of the additional field, and "Nr" is the number of the image from the gallery. For example, when using Image number two will be displayed, loaded into an additional field named "test". Thus, you can use one field, and at the same time display a gallery preview from one picture in short news, and the entire gallery when viewing full news.

33. Added the ability to safely use a tag (title) in HTML attributes when displaying publications. For example, you can use alt="(title)" и текст будет сохранять валидность документа, если в заголовке есть кавычки.!}

34. Support has been added for the tag publishing videos and posts from Facebook.

36. Added automatic browser cache reset for CSS and JS files, used by the script when updating the script to a new version. This innovation will allow the browser, when updating the script, to immediately download the latest files from the new version, rather than using old ones from the cache.

37. Added tag support (THEME) in the preview of advertising materials in the script control panel.

38. When adding any data to the admin panel, added visual highlighting of how many characters have been added to this field, and how many more characters can be added. This innovation allows you to visually see how much more you can enter so as not to exceed the field length restrictions.

39. If the protocol of your site is not specified in the script settings, starting from this version, DLE will use a secure SSL connection and will generate links to the https protocol.

40. Added preventive measures to protect the site from “endless” redirects, if the script settings enable the use of only the HTTPS protocol, but the server is not configured correctly and does not transmit information about the protocol used by the site.

41. In the admin panel, for the word filter section, added preventive measures to protect against accidental deletion of a word from the word filter. Now this action will need to be confirmed.

42. For pages of personal bookmarks of publications, added sending 403 HTTP code (access denied) to the browser if an unregistered user visits the bookmark address. Thus, these pages will be prohibited from indexing for search engines, and they will not mistakenly index this page with one single message about a section access error.

when showing the latest comments on the site, for sites with a large number of comments.

44. Optimized display of the tag cloud block, on databases with a large number of publications on the site. The database query has been improved and accelerated.

45. Added support for curly braces ( and ) in the "Word Filter" module, you can now use words containing these characters in the filter.

46. ​​Added automatic exclusion of publications from the site map for search engines, if in the publication itself in the “Access” tab viewing of the publication for guests was prohibited.

47. Visual editors Froala and TinyMCE have been updated to the latest versions. Previously discovered operational problems have been corrected in these editors.

48. HTML code parser has been updated to the latest version for publications added to the site.

49. Problem fixed, associated with incorrect notification of search engines via Cron about updating the sitemap, if the site name in the script settings was specified without specifying the protocol.

50. Problem fixed, in which visual editors might not be displayed on the page for adding a publication on the site if there were custom tags on the same page.

51. Problem fixed, in which the visual editor might not load when quickly editing on the site, if the output of publications on the site is used only by the tag (custom ...), without using the main tag (content).

52. Problem fixed, in which continuous text without line breaks was sent in E-mail notifications about new comments or personal messages.

53. Problem fixed, in which line breaks were lost in empty unfilled lines when using the TinyMCE editor in news.

54. Problem fixed, in which some template tags for static pages were displayed incorrectly when displaying static pages in search results.

55. Previously discovered and reported minor errors in the script have been corrected.