Alphabetical arrangement. How to alphabetize last names in Word

Almost all more or less active users of this program know that you can create tables in the Microsoft Word word processor. Yes, everything here is not as professionally implemented as in Excel, but for everyday needs the capabilities of a text editor are more than enough. We have already written quite a lot about the features of working with tables in Word, and in this article we will look at another topic.

How to sort a table alphabetically? Most likely, this is not the most popular question among Microsoft users, but not everyone knows the answer to it. In this article, we'll show you how to sort the contents of a table alphabetically, as well as how to sort a specific column.

1. Select the table with all its contents: to do this, place the cursor in its upper left corner, wait until the sign for moving the table appears (a small cross located in a square) and click on it.

2. Go to the tab "Layout"(chapter "Working with tables") and click on the button "Sorting" located in the group "Data".

Note: Before you start sorting the data in the table, we recommend cutting or copying the information contained in the header (first row) to another location. This will not only make sorting easier, but will also allow you to keep the table header in its place. If the position of the first row of the table is not important for you, and it should also be sorted alphabetically, select it too. You can also simply select the table without a header.

3. Select the required data sorting options in the window that opens.

If you want the data to be sorted relative to the first column, in the Sort By, Then By, Then By sections, set Columns 1.

If each column of the table should be sorted in alphabetical order, regardless of the other columns, you need to do this:

  • "Sort by"— “Columns 1”;
  • "Then by"— “Columns 2”;
  • "Then by"— “Columns 3.”

Note: In our example, we only sort the first column alphabetically.

In the case of text data, as in our example, the parameters "Type" And "By" for each line should be left unchanged ( "text" And "paragraphs", respectively). Actually, it is simply impossible to sort numerical data alphabetically.

The last column in the window " Sorting" is actually responsible for the sorting type:

  • "Ascending"— in alphabetical order (from “A” to “Z”);
  • "descending"- in reverse alphabetical order (from “Z” to “A”).

4. After setting the required values, click "OK" to close the window and see the changes.

5. The data in the table will be sorted alphabetically.

Don't forget to return the hat to its place. Click in the first cell of the table and click "CTRL+V" or button "Insert" in Group "Clipboard"(tab "Home").

Sort a single table column alphabetically

Sometimes you need to sort data in alphabetical order from only one column of a table. Moreover, this must be done in such a way that the information from all other columns remains in its place. If it concerns exclusively the first column, you can use the method described above, doing it exactly the same way as we did in our example. If this is not the first column, do the following:

1. Select the table column that you want to sort alphabetically.

2. In the tab "Layout" in the tools group "Data" click the button "Sorting".

3. In the window that opens, in the section "First by" select initial sort option:

  • data of a specific cell (in our example this is the letter “B”);
  • indicate the sequence number of the selected column;
  • repeat the same step for the “Then By” sections.

Note: Which sort type to choose (parameters "Sort by" And "Then by") depends on the data in the column cells. In our example, when the cells of the second column contain only letters for alphabetical sorting, it is enough to simply indicate in all sections "Columns 2". In this case, there is no need to perform the manipulations described below.

4. At the bottom of the window, select the option switch "List" to the required position:

  • "Title Row";
  • "No title line."

Note: The first parameter “attracts” the header to sorting, the second allows you to sort the column without taking into account the header.

5. Click the button below "Options".

6. In section "Sort Options" check the box next to the item "Columns only".

7. Closing the window "Sort Options"(“OK” button), make sure that the checkbox next to all sorting type items is checked "Ascending"(alphabetical order) or "descending"(reverse alphabetical order).

8. Close the window by clicking "OK".

The column you select will be sorted alphabetically.

That's all, now you know how to sort a Word table alphabetically.

Quite often, working with documents in the Word office program involves compiling lists in alphabetical order. Students need to prepare a list of references when completing essays and coursework. This function allows secretaries and managers to compile lists of employees.

For ease of work, it would not hurt to find out how you can automatically make a list alphabetically in Word. In fact, everything is quite simple here. This article will describe how you can create simple and numbered lists, which are based on dividing the text into paragraphs.

Preparatory stage

Before you start creating an alphabetical list, you need to prepare the list as well as the necessary materials. They must meet one simple requirement: each subsequent position must be separated from the previous one by a paragraph mark. Your materials at this stage will already be a list. However, it will lack structure. The most common mistake when making a list is adding extra paragraphs. Thus, each position will represent not one line, but a paragraph with a complex structure. It's quite easy to miss an extra paragraph mark. This error can lead to the program recognizing both parts of the list as independent and making different positions out of them.

Thus, in an alphabetical list, these elements will be far from each other. Another common mistake is missing paragraph marks at position boundaries. There may be another sign instead. Quite often it happens that a paragraph occupies a line, and the transfer to a new one is not forced, but automatically, by pressing the Enter key. Then Word will not separate the list items and will sort the stuck together items by the first one. Before compiling an alphabetical bibliography in Word, you need to turn on the display mode for non-printing characters and make sure that each future position is separated from the next one using a paragraph mark. In addition, the paragraph should not contain unnecessary divisions.

How to sort alphabetically?

To sort the list alphabetically, you need to select its name and go to the “Home” tab, go to the “Paragraph” tab, and then use the “Sorting” button. In the window that appears, in the left field, you must select the “Paragraph” option, and in the right field, the “Text” option. Thus, for a program, the criterion for separating one fragment from another will be a paragraph. Word will treat the paragraph as a list unit. Sorting will be carried out not by number or date, but by letters. It should also be noted that Word allows you to sort in ascending and descending order. You just need to make the appropriate choice. After clicking OK, your list will be sorted alphabetically.

Common Mistakes

Students and authors are also often interested in how to make an alphabetical list that includes numbering. It's quite simple, especially if you avoid one common mistake. The program can sort by letters and numbers. It's not uncommon to see a user manually number a list and then try to format it. This path is wrong. How to create a numbered list in alphabetical order? Let's figure it out.

In order for the list to be sorted alphabetically and at the same time be numbered, it is necessary to format it as numbered. To do this, find the “Numbering” button on the “Home” tab and click on it. As a result, each paragraph will be assigned its own number. An alphabetically numbered list is created in the same way as an unnumbered one. When sorting, the numbering will change automatically.

How to continue the list

It is useful to know not only how you can make an alphabetical list in Word, but also how you can continue it. If it is necessary to supplement the alphabetical list with one or more items, the user does not necessarily need to look for the corresponding place for them. It will be enough to simply enter them in separate paragraphs, and then select the entire list and sort it again. The program will find appropriate places for new list elements. The numbering will be automatically updated.

Formatting Features

In some cases, difficulties arise in that a list sorted alphabetically in Word 2010 does not automatically format when new items are included in it. The most common cause of this problem is that the program does not number the added elements and moves them outside the boundaries of the general list when updating the sorting. To avoid this, you need to not only add new paragraphs at the end of the list, but also include general numbering.

Word is a very finicky application, so at this stage it may turn out that the inserted elements will be numbered, but their formatting will be different from the rest of the positions. Therefore, it is necessary to include new elements in the general numbering using the “Format by Sample” button, which is located on the “Home” tab. You just need to place the cursor on the numbered part of the text, select one of the paragraphs, completely including the non-printing character, and double-click on the “Format Painter” button, then select new paragraphs of the list.

As a result, they will be included in the general list. Now you can select the list and sort it again. As you probably already understood, the story of how to sort a list in Word alphabetically turned out to be much more complicated than the procedure itself. You just need to go through all the steps once, and sorting the list alphabetically will no longer be difficult for you.

Sorting in Word. Anyone who often has to write lists in Word has probably wondered more than once how to make sure that after writing the lists, they can be sorted? Sorting in Word - dream or reality? No, not a dream. There is such a function in Word, but many do not even suspect it and suffer, sorting huge lists manually, cursing everything in the world. How to do sorting in Word?

I like the Word text editor. It's a pleasure to work there.

In each version of the text editor, sorting occurs the same way, but the function itself is called differently in each version.

Sorting in Word 2003

Create the required list. Select it and select from the menu " Table» — Sorting -.

The window “ Sorting text " Select the sort type and click the button " OK ».

The list is sorted.

Sorting in Word 2007/2010

In a text editor Word 2007 And 2010 You can call the same sorting window from the menu home– icon Sorting .

So you have created a sort in Word. As you can see, everything is very simple and fast. Now this process will not cause you hostility and despair.

The sorting function is very useful and necessary. If it is difficult for you to immediately remember everything you need, then it is better to get a notebook and write down all these lessons there.

I do this myself because some functions are used very rarely, and at the right time you cannot always remember what is needed at that moment.

It is not necessary to write everything that is written in the article. It is enough to write the title and menu tabs in the order in which they are used. But then you will save a lot of time and nerves.

I'm still planning to write a small brochure on a text editor, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. As soon as I get ready, I will let you know about it. And you subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss this moment.

Video^ Sorting in Word 2010.

In this material we will consider the question of how to sort a list alphabetically in Word. An application created by Microsoft does not have the full range of capabilities to strictly organize the data that the user enters. However, documents often require the development of alphabetical lists. Therefore, the program has the ability to sort strings. Let's discuss it.


First, to solve the question of how to sort alphabetically in Word, we launch a text editor. You can also open a previously created document. Place the cursor in a suitable location.

The list appears as a separate paragraph of text. Therefore, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of separating the selected fragment from the previous one.


We move on to the next stage of solving the question of how to sort alphabetically in Word. Enter the list lines. In this case, we do not pay attention to the order of occurrence. We finish each of the points by entering the character responsible for the “carriage return”. In other words, press Enter. We move on to the next stage of solving the question of how to sort alphabetically in Word. Select the list lines and open the dialog box. Thanks to it, you can customize text sorting. To call this tool, use the button that shows the letters “A” and “Z”, as well as a downward arrow.

This function is located in the main Word menu on the “Home” tab. In the “First by” column, “paragraphs” are displayed. We leave it unchanged. Adjustment of the adjacent “Type” list is necessary if numbers or dates are used. A little to the right there are a couple of fields that specify the sorting direction. Select the appropriate option by clicking on it with the mouse. To solve the question of how to sort alphabetically in Word, one important circumstance should be taken into account.

If a document fragment, in addition to lines, includes a heading, you must check the box next to the corresponding inscription. It is located at the bottom of the window. Initially, sorting is carried out without taking into account the case of letters.

You can make sure that the list starts with uppercase lines first, then lowercase ones. To do this, we use additional settings. Click the “Options” button, it is located in the window with basic settings.

Complex structure

Now we will tell you how to sort alphabetically in a Word table. It is not difficult. Select the table. Go to the “Layout” tab. Click the “Sort” button. It is located in the "Data" group. In the window that opens, select the necessary parameters. If it is necessary for the data to be distributed relative to the first column, in the “Sort by” section, set “Columns 1”. You can make the elements independent. Set the required values. Click OK. This will allow you to see the changes.

The data is sorted alphabetically. The hat must be returned to its place. Click on the first cell of the table and use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+V. You can also sort a single column in alphabetical order. All other information should remain in place. You can use the instruction described above if the process touches the first column.

The Word text editor is a very interesting and useful program. With its help, the user can work with documents, carefully processing and preparing them. Considering its accessibility and simple interface, it may seem that Word is poor in features, but this is not the case. The developers made it multifunctional and thoughtful, and accordingly, there are a huge number of possibilities here.

In previous articles I have already told you about some of them (search, etc.), this will not be an exception. Since this text editor is very often used by students, the function that I will discuss below will be very useful for them. However, it will also be useful for accountants and related professions, whose work includes sorting information. So, next I will talk about how to make an alphabetical list in Word.

When can you use an alphabetical list?

I'll start by saying that you can start working with the alphabetical list at any time. That is, it doesn’t matter whether you have already written the text or whether you are just writing it and are going to make a list as you work. If you are working with a ready-made text, all that is required of you is to put italics in the right place, where your list will begin.

How to make a list alphabetically

Now, in fact, let’s move on to the process of creating a list by alphabet:

  1. Open the Word document in which you want to sort the information.
  2. Next, which needs to be sorted. To do this, hold down the right mouse button at the beginning of the fragment and drag the mouse to its end.
  3. Now open the “Home” section, in it there is the “Paragraph” subcategory, and there is a button with a down arrow and the letters “A” and “Z” on it.
  4. After clicking on it, a new window will open. In the “By First” field it says “Paragraph”, do not change this inscription. Nearby there is another field - “Type”, in which you can select a number, text or date. Next, you can choose the sorting option: ascending or descending.

Please note that if you have selected not only the list, but also the title, you need to check the box next to the corresponding line. Applying the specified settings will allow you to easily and quickly manage your lists. From now on, you can easily sort them as you wish, in this case, do it according to alphabetical order. I think this function will be in great demand, because it will be useful for students, office workers, and those who work with documentation, write articles, etc.