The alien "wow" signal has been deciphered! The extraterrestrial WOW signal has been deciphered in Russia. The wow signal from space.

The signal characteristics (transmission bandwidth, signal-to-noise ratio) corresponded, in some interpretations, to those theoretically expected from a signal of extraterrestrial origin.

Amazed by how closely the characteristics of the received signal matched the expected characteristics of an interstellar signal, Eyman circled the corresponding group of symbols on the printout and wrote “Wow!” on the side. (“Wow!”). This signature gave the signal its name.

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    ✪ About the Universe and WOW signals

    ✪ The mystery of the extraterrestrial “WOW signal” was revealed in 2017!

    ✪ UFO, UFO. unknown. Wow signal, 1977. 18+


    ✪ Astronomers have discovered [Live signal from space]


    It’s not just Pelevin who has WOW signals, my friends. Sometimes WOWs come to us from space - far or near. One day, on August 15, 1977, at the Big Ear Telescope at Ohio State University, radio astronomers caught a signal from space - so powerful and obvious that some even wondered: are these little green men? At these words, a professional astronomer usually wakes up in a cold sweat: Screwed up? Did your competitors set you up? Abnormal? What's my problem?? However, then, as they say, on a sober head, astronomers nevertheless decided that the signals came from a pair of fairly close comets that had not yet been discovered at that time. The word WOW was written by astronomer Jerry Ehman, who saw something completely unusual on another printout of Big Ear. The VAU came at a frequency of 1420 MHz, which corresponds to a wavelength of 21 cm - hydrogen! At that time, it was believed that it was at the frequency of hydrogen - the most common element in the Universe - that aliens would definitely want to communicate with humanity. And besides the fact that hydrogen readily absorbs and emits photons, this wavelength perfectly penetrates through the Earth’s atmosphere right up to its surface. In fact, there is nothing to worry about - they said 21 cm, and that’s it! And since then, exactly 40 years, nothing like this has been observed again! The analysis revealed that this is not a satellite, and not a transmission from the Earth reflected back by the ionosphere. The intensity of the signal rose and fell with a period of 72 seconds - exactly the same amount of time that every piece of the rotating sky was in the field of view of the motionless Big Ear. This means the signal is definitely from space. But what is it? Antonio Paris from St. Petersburg College in Florida believes that the WOW signal came to us from one or even several comets, which we did not even suspect at that time. Perhaps these were 266P/Christensen and P/2008 Y2 (Gibbs). When moving around the Sun, comets release a lot of hydrogen - the ultraviolet light of the Sun breaks their frozen water into pieces, and hydrogen sometimes forms a large cloud elongated in space - the comet's tail. Paris traced the paths of these comets in time until 1977, and it turned out that, most likely, they were at that moment in the field of view of Big Ear! How to confirm? Check them out during a new approach to the Sun around January 7, 2018! But some scientists remain skeptical that comets create enough hydrogen to produce such a powerful signal. For example, James Bauer from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, says that ... "if these comets are really so bright at a wavelength of 21 cm, it is unclear why we do not see other comets at this wavelength?" . P.S. And now there’s nothing left of Big Ear - they’ve taken it apart...

Decoding the printout

Circled code 6EQUJ5 describes the change in received signal intensity over time. Each line on the printout corresponded to a 12-second interval (10 seconds of actual listening to the broadcast and 2 seconds of subsequent computer processing). In order to save space on the printout, intensities were coded using alphanumeric characters: a space meant intensity from 0 to 0.999..; numbers 1-9 - intensities from the corresponding intervals from 1,000 to 9,999...; intensity, starting from 10.0, was coded by letters (so, “A” meant intensity from 10.0 to 10.999…, “B” - from 11.0 to 11.999…, etc.). The letter "U" (intensity between 30.0 and 30.999...) was encountered only once during the entire operation of the radio telescope. Intensities in this case are dimensionless signal-to-noise ratios; The noise intensity in each frequency band was taken to be the average value over the previous few minutes.

The signal width was no more than 10 kHz (since each column on the printout corresponds to a 10 kHz bandwidth, and the signal is present in only one single column). Various methods for determining the frequency of the signal gave two values: 1420.356 MHz (J. D. Kraus) and 1420.456 MHz (J. R. Ehman), both within 50 kHz of the frequency of the neutral hydrogen radio link (1420.406 MHz, or 21 cm.)

Signal source position

Determining the exact location of the signal source in the sky was complicated by the fact that the Big Ear radio telescope had two feeds oriented in slightly different directions. The signal was received by only one of them, but limitations in the data processing method do not allow us to determine which particular irradiator recorded the signal. Thus, there are two possible values ​​for the forward ascension of the signal source:

  • 19 h 22 m 22 s ± 5 s (positive feed)
  • 19 h 25 m 12 s ± 5 s (negative feed)

Searching for signal repetitions

It was expected that the signal would be recorded twice - once by each of the irradiators - but this did not happen. For the next month, Eyman tried to re-register the signal using the Big Ear, but without success.

In 1987 and 1989, Robert Gray tried to detect the signal using the META array at Oak Ridge Observatory, but to no avail. In 1995-1996, Gray began searching again using the much more sensitive Very Large Array radio telescope.

Gray and Dr Simon Ellingsen looked for a repeat of the signal in 1999 using the 26-metre Hobart radio telescope at the University of Tasmania. Six 14-hour observations of the vicinity of the suspected source found nothing resembling a repeat of the signal.

Hypotheses for the origin of the signal

One possible explanation is the possibility of random amplification of a weak signal; however, on the one hand, this still does not exclude the possibility of an artificial origin of such a signal, and on the other hand, it is unlikely that a signal weak enough to not be detected by the ultra-sensitive Very Large Array radio telescope could be caught by the “Big Ear” even after such gain . Other assumptions include the possibility of rotating the radiation source like a beacon, periodically changing the frequency of the signal, or its one-time occurrence. There is also a version that the signal was sent from a moving alien starship.

Eyman expressed doubts that the signal was of extraterrestrial origin:

Later, he partially abandoned his initial skepticism when further research showed that such an option was extremely unlikely, since such a proposed cosmic “reflector” would have to meet a number of completely unrealistic requirements. In addition, the 1420 MHz frequency is reserved and is not used in any radio transmitting equipment. In his latest works, Eyman prefers not to “draw far-reaching conclusions from very limited data.”

American astronomers suggest that a possible source of the signal could be hydrogen around the nuclei of comets 266P/Christensen and P/2008 Y2 (Gibbs), discovered after 2005 and not taken into account as possible sources of the signal in earlier works. The transit of comets in the area of ​​the constellation Sagittarius occurred on July 27 and August 15, 1977. They were at a distance of 3.8 and 4.4 AU. e. from the Earth (comparable to the distance between the Earth and Jupiter during opposition). However, the article recognizes the need for further testing of the comet hypothesis, since a short-term burst of activity does not correspond to the behavior of long-lived sources. According to the American astronomer Antonio Paris, the version of the origin of the signal from comet 266P/Christensen can be considered proven, since he was able to detect several similar signals produced by comets 266P/Christensen, P/2013 EW90 (Tenagra), P/2016 J1-A ( PANSTARRS) and 237P/LINEAR.

However, this theory has come under severe criticism, including from members of the Big Ear telescope research team, as more detailed research showed that the comets mentioned by the theory's author were not in the telescope's field of view at the right time. According to SETI Institute astronomer Seth Shostak, comets do not emit brightly enough, and radiation from the hydrogen shells of comets in this radio range, according to him, has never been noticed. There is also no explanation why the signal was detected only on one of the two feeds.


see also

  • Perytons - signals caused by a microwave near a radio telescope


  1. Lisa Wood. WOW!(English) . Ohio Historical Society Collections Blog(3 July 2010). Retrieved February 21, 2018.
  2. Gindilis L. M., Rudnitsky G. M. Search for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations (undefined) . My universe. Archived from the original on June 6, 2012.
  3. Gindilis L. M. Radio search: Twentieth century. - In book: SETI: Search for extraterrestrial intelligence. (undefined) . . Archived from the original on December 2, 2013.
  4. Drake F. 1993 Bioastronomy Symposium: Progress Made in the Search for Extraterrestrial Life (undefined) . . Archived March 10, 2012.
  5. Vladimir Lagovsky. Scientists: “Alien messages? We have been intercepting them since 2007.” (undefined) . TVNZ(May 26, 2014). Retrieved November 4, 2015.
  6. Scientists will try to uncover the secret of the “alien signal” of 1977, RIA News(April 19, 2016). Retrieved November 18, 2018.
  7. Jerry Ehman. Explanation of the Code "6EQUJ5" On the Wow! Computer Printout(English) . Radio Astronomy and SETI - Big Ear Radio Observatory Memorial Website. Retrieved January 1, 2010. Archived March 10, 2012.
  8. Gray, Robert; Kevin Marvel. A VLA Search for the Ohio State "Wow" : [English] ]// The Astrophysical Journal. - 2001. - Vol. 546. - P. 1171–1177. - ISSN 0004-637X. - DOI:10.1086/318272.
  9. Seth Shostak. Interstellar Signal From the 70s Continues to Puzzle Researchers (English) , December 2002).

A sensational message was heard at the 15th scientific ufological conference held in Moscow: it was possible to decipher the strange “Wow!” signal received by the Ohio State University radio observatory (USA) on August 15, 1977. For more than 34 years the message remained unsolved. The meaning of the decrypted signal is not in favor of earthlings.

Answer from space

Russian researchers Yuri Grigoriev and Anna Azhazha made a report on their discovery. They were able to prove that the recorded signal “Wow!” is supposedly of unearthly origin and is a kind of test for people. It was sent by someone intelligent from outer space in response to a good

the famous radio message from earthlings, carried out from a radio telescope near the Puerto Rican city of Arecibo on November 16, 1974.
Today this radio telescope is considered the largest in the world. The observatory of the US National Center for Astronomy and Ionosphere is located here, and it was from there that a radio signal was transmitted in the direction of the M13 Hercules star cluster. The message lasted 169 seconds, wavelength - 12.6 cm.

The authors of the message were American astronomers Frank Drake and Carl Sagan. It consisted of 1679 digits, which encoded basic data about earthly civilization in the binary system. Including information about humans and the population of the Earth, about human DNA, the structure of the solar system, as well as other important information. information. To decipher it, the unknown recipients had to know the meaning of the binary code widely used in computer technology on Earth.
This message then caused a wave of discussion in society. Many scientists doubted that it could be deciphered by anyone at all. Essentially, it was a test of intelligence for hypothetical aliens.

However, they made some noise and forgot about the signal. However, the answer seems to have finally arrived - two years and nine months later. For the operator of the Ohio observatory, the received signal was so unexpected that he signed it with the exclamation “Wow!” (“wow” - Russian “wow!”). Under this name, the signal is captured in the history of the “Program for the Search for Extraterrestrial Civilizations” (SETI) as still not deciphered. Now the uncertainty can be removed.

A few words about the authors of the discovery. Spouses Yuri Grigoriev and Anna Azhazha, by the way, the daughter of the world-famous ufologist researcher V.G. Azhazha, are full members of the Academy of Informationological and Applied Ufology and have devoted about twenty years to studying the problem of UFOs and the search for extraterrestrial civilizations. Their scientific priority is the study of ancient texts using a comparative analysis of their symbolic language. Here, Russian scientists needed deep knowledge in various fields of linguistics, cryptography and symbolism. In Russia, their group “Heritage” discovered the “Linguistic Code of the Holy Scriptures”, with the help of which the “Unified Symbolic Language of World Culture” was revealed. Young scientists are confident in the promise of their scientific method of deciphering ancient texts, and their reading of the signal “Wow!” - a very important proof of its effectiveness.

"In the beginning was the word..."
The “Wow” signal consists of a set of symbols 6EQUJ5 and, at first glance, does not indicate anything extraordinary.

Having many years of experience in studying symbolic information, scientists say, we once became interested in the “Wow” signal and were quite surprised that, even though it contained clues for its decoding, it still remained incomprehensible.

We assumed that the combination of numbers and letters in the signal is most likely an alphanumeric code and can be recognized,” Grigoriev recalls about the beginning of the path to unraveling the meaning of the message. - Judging by the small number of characters that make up the signal, it is obvious that there is only one word hidden behind them. Which?

The first clue was provided by the analysis of the “message from Arecibo”. In fact, its introductory part, intended to teach aliens the binary code - the language of the message, was a test of their intelligence. It was logical to assume the answer in such a construction. This was confirmed by the presence in the 6EQUJ5 signal of the letter “Q” - the most direct clue to the abbreviation IQ (“IQ”), meaning Intelligence Quotient. Another clue was given by transcribing the letter E as i, and then the English abbreviation IQ was read completely transparently. But the numbers 65 from the signal, in accordance with the serial numbers of the letters of the Russian alphabet, also form the word “test”! After this, it became finally clear to scientists that earthlings were being tested.

The simplicity of reading the natural and main meaning of the message can be considered a friendly act of aliens towards earthlings, says Anna Vladimirovna. - The goal is to make searching for encoded information as easy as possible. We appreciated this and moved on with enthusiasm.

It turned out that the signal uses several different alphabets: English, Russian and even Burmese, which, judging by the writing of its constituent letters, can be called mirrored. Thus, writing the number “six” as part of a signal can easily be transformed into the word “test” if the letter “w” is reversed.

Another correspondence to the concept of the English abbreviation IQ was found in the German alphabet. The meaning of the letter "J" in the set 6EQUJ5 in the German alphabet is read as "yot", or Russian "y". Consequently, the characters “JUQ” read from the end in the set 6EQUJ5 in Russian transcription are read as “y-kyu”, which is equal to “ai-kyu”. Again the already familiar IQ!

Such erudition of the authors of the Message in knowledge of the peculiarities of earthly languages ​​delighted researchers. Indeed, as a result, the word “test” was duplicated in a short signal in seven different versions! As they say, if you don’t want it, you will understand. True, this still took people more than thirty years. Of course, the response signal also tested us for reasonableness. After all, writing the same word or concept several times, according to the rules of cryptography, should serve as a convincing fact for earthlings that the received “Wow signal” is of an artificial nature.

Doubts about the randomness of the set of characters in the signal disappeared one by one. It became clear that the alphanumeric set of the “Wow signal” is a multi-level duplicate recording of one important concept - the IQ test. This repeatability indicated the reasonableness of the signal. In addition, the presence of links to different languages ​​gave a hint that the signal might contain additional information. The researchers went further.

Pictographs in Hampshire

Here we should make a small digression.

On August 20, 2001, in a grain field in the English county of Hampshire near the village of Chimbolton, a drawing with strange content appeared overnight. The field was most likely not chosen by chance. An observatory is adjacent to it, and a mysterious pictogram appeared near the main telescope. Scientists have dubbed it “binary code.” It was very reminiscent of the “message from Arecibo.” They answered to us?!

Yuri and Anna managed to find a connection between the “Wow” signal received by the American radio observatory in Ohio and this pictogram.

Do you remember what a stir this drawing on the field caused in the world? - continues Yuri Gennadievich. - It was impossible to declare it a prankster's trick - the pattern was too complex. But no one officially decided to accept the pictogram as a message from aliens. Earthly science stubbornly does not recognize the existence of other civilizations in the Universe.

The Independent Center for the Study of Unexplained Phenomena (England) began deciphering the “binary code”. Upon closer examination, it turned out that there are still differences from the earthly message.

What is the difference?

In Chilbolton's “binary code,” DNA is represented graphically differently. According to the Center's specialists, this may mean that the DNA molecule of the “answerers” contains additional components or a different number of helix branches. The figures also differ significantly from each other. In the earthly message, this is a schematic drawing of a person. But the “alien” figure has a disproportionately large head and a short body. In addition, the data on body height and population size has been changed.

Further. In the "Arecibo message" the third planet from the Sun, Earth, was brought close to the feet of the human figure, showing a habitable planet. In the Chilbolton pictogram the third, fourth and fifth planets are close to the figure. Moreover, the fifth one is larger than the others. Experts believe that this is how the “responders” designated their planet of residence - Jupiter...

And one more difference. The Earth signal contained the atomic numbers of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus as the main elements on Earth. The “binary code” also adds a sixth element - silicon. By the way, this is consistent with the opinion that organic life on other worlds could exist on the basis of silicon. Summarizing the information about the Chilbolton “binary code,” Director of the Research Center Paul Vigay at one time emphasized that this pictogram could not be faked by people due to the complex structure and specifics of the information contained.

A year later, in the same county of Hampshire, near the village of Pitt, another image was discovered. It was about 110 m long and 76.2 m wide. It was the “face” of an alien. It was created from horizontal lines and resembles the “interlaced scanning” used in modern television.

Traditional science again ignored the message. Scientists still don't believe in aliens. Since then, such meaningful “field images” have not appeared. For now... Science has been silent on this score for 10 years, not reacting to the message in any way.

But why are earthly scientists so persistent in their opinion? The answer was again found in the 6EQUJ5 signal.

Test of reasonableness
When deciphering the signal, it became obvious to Russian researchers that the numbers 6 and 5 also carry some important meaning. The logic here is simple. If a signal repeats the word “test” so persistently, then for those who detect it, it is a test of intelligence. Then it is logical to assume that the number 65 is the aliens’ assessment of the level of intelligence of earthlings, especially since the recognizable letter Q is an abbreviation for the word “coefficient” in the abbreviation IQ.

That is, we can say with confidence that the hypothetical aliens who sent us a response signal assessed the intelligence of earthlings at 65 percent of the earth’s IQ scale,” explains Yuri Gennadievich. - In a mild formulation, this, alas, means “insanity.” And this is a reality that people should not be offended by. You just need to think about whether it is possible to somehow correct the situation.

By the way, this third-party assessment of the mental abilities of earthlings gives certain answers to our own questions:

"Why don't aliens make direct contact with us?

"Why haven't we discovered them yet?

Why do we still consider ourselves alone in the vastness of the Universe?

However, the IQ indicator indicated to earthlings actually means even more disastrous results. This indicator suggests that only two percent of the world's population with a level of intelligence corresponding to dementia are capable of at least somehow perceiving information from the outside in accordance with this level. It is within these 2% that the entire flower of human civilization, its progressive potential, is located. The best. No wonder the signal remained unrecognized for 34 years!..

Why, despite what seems to earthlings to be scientific, and therefore general, progress, do aliens have such an underestimation of their mental capabilities?

The fact is that earthlings confuse the concepts of erudition and intelligence, mistaking one for the other, says Anna Vladimirovna. - Erudition is the amount of knowledge acquired by a person, and intelligence is the ability to evaluate this knowledge from the standpoint of logic and analysis. A person may be erudite, almost encyclopedic, but he is not able to apply this erudition in practice. If we consider that the majority of the population live their days in an eternal consumer race, without increasing their erudition or developing their intellect, then a person’s so-called desire for a comfortable existence actually lowers him to the border of a severe degree of insanity. Agree, estimating earthly humanity at 65% IQ, aliens still give us a big discount...

Yes, technological progress in itself is in no way an indicator of the evolution of mankind. On the contrary, in isolation from an understanding of the processes of the world order and issues of spirituality, it only contributes to the acceleration of the degradation of people. That is why, in response to the “message from Arecibo,” where the binary system depicts an earthling, “whose entire strength is not in his head, but in his shoulders,” the aliens depicted their head as large, indicating superior intelligence.

Is everything so hopeless in the field of information exchange with extraterrestrial intelligence? The continuation of the dialogue depends on the intelligence of earthlings, and not least on Russia. It depends on how the country acts in circumstances when it depends on it to communicate to the earthly world that it is not alone in the Universe. There is still hope. So how many more years will it take before the discovery of Yuri Grigoriev and Anna Azhazhi is recognized as a truly scientific breakthrough?

edited news olqa.weles - 27-04-2012, 18:00

On August 15, 1977, as part of the SETI program in the United States, the Ohio State University radio observatory detected a cosmic signal, presumably of extraterrestrial origin. For the operator, the received signal was so unexpected that he signed it with the exclamation “WOW”. Under this name, the Signal was captured in the history of the “Search for Extraterrestrial Civilizations Program” (SETI), as still undeciphered.

Obviously, “ ” represents an alphanumeric order, which is the CIPHER for reading it.

Judging by the small number of signs that make up the SIGNAL, and the fact that they form a single row, we can assume that behind them there is only one WORD. What is its importance and how informative is it if, for comparison, the “Message from Arecibo” sent into Space in 1974, to which the “WOW Signal” could be an ANSWER, consists of 1679 characters?

As popular experience says, in order to reliably hide an object, you need to place it in the most visible place.

The desired hidden word, which they tried to detect in the “WOW Signal” symbol set, is located on its surface, among the letters of the signal record - 6EQUJ5. This word, or rather an abbreviation, is IQ (intelligence quotient, read “IQ”), which denotes an intelligence quotient test.

As can be seen from the transcript of the Signal recording (see figure) - 6EQUJ5, the word TEST is repeated in it in five different versions.

First of all, the hint was given in the most open form, through the English abbreviation - IQ - which can be seen through its transcription - iQ, and not through how it is depicted in the signal symbol set - EQ.
Such an (almost) direct indication of the essence of the Message can be considered a friendly step by the Aliens towards earthlings, in order to make the search for encoded information as easy as possible. In addition, the word TEST, or its information analogue, in the RESPONSE Signal should have been expected, in accordance with the form of the “Message from Arecibo”, in which earthlings put TEST of the binary code in the first position for aliens.

The presence of a combination of symbols similar to the designation of an IQ test should have primarily attracted the attention of earthlings as the most recognizable.
The remaining 4 variants of the “TEST” entry, in the 6EQUJ5 character set, are DUPLICATES of the recognizable entry – IQ. The discovery of writing the same word (concept) several times, according to the Aliens, and according to the rules of cryptography, should serve as a convincing fact for earthlings that the “WOW Signal” they received is of an artificial nature.

Along with duplicating the basic information - the abbreviation IQ and what is meant by it, 4 other forms of writing the word TEST are educational examples of the ways in which the “WOW Signal” is also encrypted.

1. Alphanumeric correspondence, in which the word hidden behind the number is determined by the sum of the ordinal numbers of the alphabet.
In the “WOW Signal” in the character set 6EQUJ5, the number 65, in accordance with the serial numbers of the letters of the Russian alphabet, is equal to the word TEST, which simultaneously confirms the concept of the discovered abbreviation IQ and indicates the main cipher alphabet - the alphabet of the Russian language, despite the fact that the number 65 also equals the word MOSCOW.

The keys to the next three ways of writing “IQ” were found in the Burmese alphabet. To some extent, the ubiquitous erudition of the Extraterrestrials is surprising and, at the same time, delightful, but the methods of Burmese writing can most clearly explain how the “WOW Signal” is encrypted.

All the other three ways of writing “IQ” to varying degrees and forms are based on mirror reading.

The first way, of the remaining three, is to consider a direct reference to the Burmese script.
Its features in the context of the “WOW Signal” cipher are as follows:
- there are no spaces between words;
- words are written in syllables;
- in syllables around the main letter, the rest can be located on its four sides;
- in different combinations the same sign is read depending on its location;
- alphabetic characters can form ligatures (a combination of two or more graphemes - letters);
From the Burmese alphabet itself it is clear that many of the letters in it are mirror records in relation to each other.
Aliens gave a link to this alphabet because it contains a letter-sign similar to the number “5” familiar to Europeans (see figure). In the Burmese language it denotes the short pronunciation of the letter “U is short” - EKYA (compare with AY KYU, and YKYU).

Such a mirror writing of one character in relation to the characters of its own or other (languages) alphabets is called HOMOGLYPH, i.e., when graphically identical or similar characters have different meanings.

Thus, by reference to the Burmese language, it was said that not all the signs of the CIPHER writing should be taken as those that are familiar and well known to us.
From the features of the Burmese letter, in relation to the “WOW Signal”, we can conclude:
1) the 6EQUJ5 character set is not continuous in nature and must be read in parts, the meaning of which is determined by the main word (or concept) - IQ;
2) hence the number “5” is, in fact, the (Burmese – EKYA (=U)) analogue of the Russian transcription of (English) IQ; and within the character set itself - additionally duplicating the English letter U;

Based on the visual clue of how the mirror way of reading information works, it follows that the second version of the three entries for the concept of IQ was hidden in the reverse reading of its pronunciation, recorded in Russian transcription.
IQ = "IQ";
the symbol “J” in set 6EQUJ5 has a similar spelling in the German alphabet, but a different reading - like “yot”, or Russian “y”;
therefore, the characters “JUQ” read from the end in the set 6EQUJ5, in Russian transcription are read as “Y-Q”, which is equal to “ay-Q”.

The third version of writing IQ is also based on visual similarities, but different readings of the number 6 and the abbreviation IQ.
But, before achieving visual similarity, it is necessary to build a logical sequence to transform one character into another. To do this you need:
1) – know the search context, - that the character set 6EQUJ5 means “test - IQ”, and is interchanged with the word TEST,
2) – see that the verbal representation of the number 6 – SIX is similar to the word TEST,
3) – to see and understand that the complete correspondence of the words SIX and TEST is hindered by only one letter (m) T, but which, fortunately, is a mirror spelling of the letter Sh.

Thus, the alphanumeric set of the “WOW Signal” 6EQUJ5 is a multi-level duplicate record of just one concept - an intelligence test - IQ.
And it is precisely this multi-stage nature: repeated repetition of the same information in different versions, with the corresponding laws embedded in the content of the signal - “from simple to complex”, which should first of all serve as proof of the reasonableness of the Signal.

Now that part of the “WOW Signal” has been announced, which is based on real facts and can be verified by anyone. You only need to “see” the discovered information in order to make the right decision on it.

Facts in this decoding refer to what actually exists in reality and can be verified without much difficulty - transcription of alphabetic symbols, methods of encrypting information and historical events. Each reader can follow the proposed logical path, find a weak point in the reasoning, or suggest his own path.

The WOW signal remained silent for 34 years.
The variety of CIPHERS mentioned above gives reason to assume that it still contains many mysteries, and that the decryption presented is just the beginning.

During the difficult times of the 2nd World War, when life-and-death circumstances required efforts to decipher enemy messages, outstanding minds were gathered to crack the Enigma code. Then there was a War, with its numerous victims, but even now the onset of an irreparable catastrophe is increasingly felt. And maybe it is precisely at this time that the ANSWER from other Worlds should be revealed - a Call for an offer of Friendship and Help.

The date of receipt of the “WOW Signal” was August 15, 1977. If it is calculated using the alphanumeric order of the Russian alphabet, indicated as the main one for decoding the Signal, and therefore, taking into account the fact that the information discovered in this way has the status of a Message to humanity, then it is worth thinking very seriously about the result obtained.

808 - August fifteenth, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven.
808 - The Higher Planes of Existence send their Representatives to the dying planes.

784 - August fifteenth, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven.
784 - we demand to immediately listen to Representatives from the Extraterrestrial Community.

For those who are not good at analogies: two similar numbers have information confirming each other. Therefore, we can say that when the Signal was received, it means that with this Signal, representatives of the Higher Powers were sent to Earth, to the dying plane, who are still signaling to earthlings that they are ready to lend a helping hand.

The fact that the Signal has been waiting in the wings for so long does not mean that its TIME has already been lost. Perhaps it has just started its course, and now the continuation of the dialogue depends on the SMARTness of the Earthlings, and first of all - on Russia - on how She will act in the circumstances that the message to the Earthly World that it is not alone in the Universe depends on Her .

Cryptographic analysis of the “WOW Signal” shows that it, received in Ohio in 1977, just 3 less than a year after the earthlings sent the “Aresib Message,” can be considered the FIRST “probing” RESPONSE from Extraterrestrial civilizations.

When comparing two signals - the earthly “Message from Arecibo” and the alien “WOW Signal” - they turned out to have the same origins. In both cases, the TEST was placed in first place.

Whatever you call the information sent to Other Worlds - a “message” or a “signal”, it is, in fact, a TEST of intelligence for those who discover it.

The first point of the earthly “Message from Arecibo” was a set of BINARY NUMBERS. He was the TEST and KEY to the whole Message. If the Aliens solve the initial TEST, then they will determine the KEY, which means they will read the entire Message.
Figuratively speaking, in the form of the first signs of the “Aresib Message” - in the alphabet of the BINARY CODE, a question from Earthlings to Aliens was written, which could sound like: “Do you understand us?”

That is, the Earthlings, when composing their Message, consciously or schematically, laid down such a logic for the sequence of its decoding, according to which the first point for the Aliens, inevitably, naturally and justifiably, turns out to be a TEST for their intelligence.

Thus, TESTING for REASONABILITY (adequacy), as the first point in Communication with an unfamiliar and, especially, an Alien interlocutor, is a natural necessity.

And, if this INITIAL point of communication - a TEST for intelligence, is a SYSTEMIC rule for all intelligent beings, then Earthlings, in response to the TEST placed at the beginning of their Message, should naturally expect a TEST addressed to them at the beginning of the Reply Message.

Now let’s think more carefully about the earthly TEST for Aliens, inserted into the “Aresib Message”, and into the response TEST for Earthlings, inserted into the “WOW Signal”.

According to its purpose, the BINARY CODE put by Earthlings at the beginning of their Message carries only the function of a KEY to the remaining 1679 symbols encrypted with its help, and for Aliens a TEST for their (IQ) intelligence is not. Although, in order to be the last to decipher the BINARY CODE of Earthlings, you must first KNOW the peculiarities of the decimal number system, and have an idea of ​​the purpose and structure of the BINARY CODE. It is to KNOW, and not just to GUESS (figure out) to compare a NUMBER with its BINARY notation.

In contrast to the BINARY CODE, which performs only the function of the KEY from the earthly “Aresib Message”, the Aliens, by placing the word TEST at the beginning of the “WOW Signal”, hidden behind the first symbol (the number “6”, see figure), already solve several problems with it alone :

The main task is to TEST Earthlings for their (IQ) intelligence, offering to recognize the SIGNAL by the hint included in it - the abbreviation IQ.
- through knowledge of what “IQ” and the Russian word “TEST” are, they show their awareness of the general level of intelligence of earthlings;
- indicate knowledge of earthly systems of writing and counting;
- they teach how to read encoded information using the example of ENCRYPTION methods KNOWN to earthlings used in their “Signal” (this is also IQ, not erudition):
-- a number can be replaced by a word,
-- the symbols (letters) that make up a word can be viewed graphically,
- mirror-rotational reading of the text,
-- a specific selection of words (TEST) to solve a specific information problem.

Such a set of embedded information, indeed, can be considered a voluminous TEST of Aliens on the intelligence of Earthlings, in comparison with our 10 symbols of BINARY CODE.

It is even visually clear (see figure) that for Earthlings the task of determining the INTELLIGENCE of the “WOW Signal” was made as easy as possible by its authors. It was enough just to determine the CIPHER-ALPHABET with which the “Signal” was encoded, and then, with its help, take 2 logical steps from the number “6” to the word TEST:
- write the number “6” in words – SIX,
- see the word TEST in the word SIX.
In addition, in the set of symbols of the “WOW Signal”, an explicit hint for the TEST was given through the abbreviation – IQ.
This set of TIPS speaks not of a spontaneous RESPONSE of the Extraterrestrials to the earthly Message, but of a desire to help us establish Contact, in response to our own request. But, due to reasons not yet realized by earthlings, Contact with the unknown Other World is always carried out through a certain form of TESTING it. In this form there is no bias, but only one rational precaution.

Despite HINTS as obvious as IQ, the “WOW Signal” was not recognized either by the party that received it or by other researchers from other countries.

Part of the reason lies in the disunity of researchers in different countries.
The essence is visible in the example of modern Russian research in the field of Contacts with Extraterrestrial Civilizations.
In fact, it turns out to be a paradoxical situation. When declaring the desire to “know the truth about UFOs and Other worlds,” in reality, it turns out that everything is the same - just words. Enthusiasts are simply interested, and the scientific world, or rather “responsible units of the scientific world,” prefer to engage in research on topics of global significance only on the scale of their offices and personal evaluative opinions.

In this regard, it is necessary to touch upon some key points of modern Russian research in the field of SETI using the example of their direct participants.
Not as a reproach to these “participants,” but for guidance and edification, as well as to inform the expectations of ordinary researchers who expect positive results from these individuals.

In Russia, work on Contacts with Extraterrestrial Civilizations is quietly carried out by only one person. It is clear that, in fact, he is not alone, but when official questions arise, the media “rests” on him.
This is the chief researcher at the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Alexander Zaitsev. He is also the main initiator and participant in sending the first Russian radio messages to Extraterrestrial civilizations.
This is how the hopes of earthlings that our Messages will be understood by the Other Side sound in his comments:

“For some reason we are confident (and what else remains to be done) that they will be able to:
(1) detect our signal,
(2) extract a binary stream from it,
(3) guess to display this flow as a product of two prime numbers 23*73 (Arecibo) or 127*127 (Evpatoria-99),
(4) perceive the resulting binary images,
(5) analyze these images step by step, and finally
(6) correctly understand what exactly we wanted to tell them.
It is possible that this will happen. In any case, I really want to believe this.

What they will actually understand is unknown, since so far we know only one civilization - the earthly one. We have to count on the fact that at the reception there will be someone at least a little similar to us and, moreover, at approximately the same level of technological development. Otherwise, by the way, there is no point in sending anything at all, since creatures with a completely different logic will not understand us anyway, and if they understand, they will not answer, and if they answer, then we will not understand them, and so on - into bad infinity. Willy-nilly you have to focus on yourself.”

I would like to note that it is unlikely that when assessing “someone who is at least a LITTLE similar to us and, moreover, is approximately at the same level” will be able to isolate from cosmic noise first the required SIGNAL, and then from it a BINARY stream.

It can be assumed that “approximately at the level of a person” will be able to “guess” the purpose of an elementary material object, but a radio signal and mathematical logic are not a visual comparison with a detected extraneous image of a person, similar to what was sent on the plate of the Pioneer probe. .

That is, earthlings, in this case, in the person of a special researcher, COMPLETELY BLIND, focusing only on their achievements and their understanding of the structure of Other Worlds and their inhabitants, hope to receive an ADEQUATE RESPONSE signal. This conclusion does not mean that it is necessary to stop further ATTEMPTES, but it would be better to KNOW FOR SURE in which direction to Other Worlds to make an offer for Contact, and at the same time consider ALL POSSIBLE OPTIONS for which an ANSWER may come from Them.

Next are the words of the same Russian chief specialist in sending Messages into Space in one of the comments to the question “about a mirror ANSWER to the Aresib Message formed in a field near the Chilbolton Observatory in 2001”:

“Well, as for UFOs, I’m not an expert on UFOs. Everyone must do their job. I am a specialist in radar research of planets and asteroids, and recently I have been using powerful asteroid and planetary radars to also transmit interstellar radio messages. I repeat - all my adult life I have been involved in radiophysical research of the Cosmos, and the Earth, including all sorts of mysterious phenomena observed on Earth, such as UFO or Crop Circle, has been studied by countless people. There is no need to disturb them. As they say: to each his own. And why are these spring schizoids pestering me with aggressive claims - well, I just can’t understand! ..who for some reason are sure that I owe them (and someone else???) something...”

One of the most famous radio telescopes in the world is Arecibo. This telescope is operated by an international team of astronomers, constantly monitoring the signals it picks up. Throughout its existence, the above telescope recorded a lot of signals of an unnatural nature. Some of them simply force us to believe that we are not the only intelligent civilization in the entire cosmos.

The nature of some of the signals that Arecibo picked up is so unusual that even the most skeptical scientists are beginning to think about alien civilizations and UFOs. Such signals are called “fast radio pulses” or “FRBs”. The first “FRB” was caught by the famous astronomer D. Lorimer. To be more precise, he found one signal that stood out from the crowd in that it was short, clear, and bright. Its duration was equivalent to several seconds. This happened in 2007, after which the Arecibo laboratory spent five years trying to understand what was causing such signals. Initially, they believed that the Arecibo system simply had problems. Over five long years, they were able to determine that Arecibo is working properly, and FRBs are not glitches, interference, malfunctions, accidents, or signals of natural origin.

The next “fast radio pulses” were recorded by D. Thornton in 2012. This British astronomer, using his radio telescope, managed to catch four “FRBs” at once. They all looked like Lorimer's FRB. By the way, “FRBs” are sometimes called “Lorimer pulses.”

It is also worth noting that outer space is literally overflowing with FRB data. Every 10 seconds, radio telescopes record at least one signal. The daily number of signals sometimes reaches 10 thousand. The most interesting thing is that the duration of each of them is precisely five milliseconds.

D. Thornton often said in his interview:

Initially, we tried not to notice the “FRBs”, since they seemed like interference and glitches to us. Therefore, we did not intentionally try to look for them. But when we started searching for “FRB”, it turned out that there was no need to look far for them. Space is literally full of these signals.

Scientists suggest that objects both in our galaxy and in others can emit “FRB”. Most of these signals came from the Magellanic Cloud and the Andromeda Nebula. It is impossible to accurately locate the transmitters because all FRBs are too short-lived. Perhaps radio telescopes simply end up on a cosmic “social network” in which extraterrestrial civilizations transmit specific messages.

How do aliens communicate with each other?

A couple of years before astronomers were able to obtain official confirmation that “FRBs” were artificial messages, the Benford twin brothers prophetically suggested how alien beings manifest their activity.

A highly developed civilization will never waste its potential on stupid undertakings, for example, sending signals to all ends of the Universe. As you know, our astronomers, when searching for extraterrestrial life, count on precisely such senseless actions. This means that we underestimate aliens, considering them complete idiots who have nowhere else to spend energy and material resources. Broadcasting signals around the clock requires an incredible amount of energy, which can be spent more efficiently.

The twin astronomers also say the following:

If our space neighbors want to somehow communicate about themselves to their brothers, they will send short, strong, impulsive “news.” You can compare them with those that we throw at each other on Twitter. You can catch such a signal by accident, which is what happened to D. Lorimer.

Independent American researchers carried out an experiment in which they proved that with a 900-meter antenna, we can flash our galaxy once a year with a series of short impulsive signals, and without much difficulty.

In 1967, the similarity of "FRB" caused false excitement in the world of astronomy, after which such signals were no longer taken seriously

It all started with the fact that a certain D.B. Burnell managed to catch a short-lived FRB. This graduate student worked as part of the group of British radiophysicist E. Hewish. Information about this was kept secret for several months. Scientists believed so much that this message was sent by an alien civilization that they even came up with the name “LGM 1”. The full name of the source stands for “Little Green Men.”

Unfortunately, it later turned out that the above signal message was sent by a neutron star. Radiation from such space objects comes in “beams” that sometimes fall within the range of telescopes. This is how the illusion of meaningful transmission arises. A year later, astronomers discovered the first pulsars, and in 1974 Hewish received the long-awaited Nobel Prize for them.

Thus, the sources of “FRB” will most likely turn out to be some stars or other space objects unknown to science, but this is only an assumption.

The mystery of “Wow!” "Signal"

In 1977, or rather on August 15, an incredible event happened: D. Eyman, working as part of the NETWORK project with the Big Ear radio telescope, recorded a strong signal with an amazing duration. In all respects it corresponded to an artificial radio signal. By the way, the title “Wow! Signal”, the signal described above was not given because this was the message that was conveyed to them. It’s just that the aforementioned scientist himself, after recording it, exclaimed “Wow!”

Forty years have passed since the signal was discovered. During this time, astronomers were unable to unravel its mystery. Any reasonable explanation regarding its sender never emerged. What is known is that no natural source even produces such signals.

"Wow!" thirty times higher than the background and had a frequency of 1.42 gigahertz. Its duration was equal to 72 seconds. The most popular hypothesis about the origin of the “Wow!” signal is the one that says he was sent from an alien spaceship.

Since the 60s of the last century, scientists from all over the world have been listening to signals coming from space in order to catch at least some message from an extraterrestrial civilization. There are now about 5 million volunteers participating in the Seti@home project, trying to decipher the billions of radio frequencies that are constantly detected in the Universe. This became possible thanks to a specially developed program that is installed on home computers. All information collected from the most powerful radio telescopes is sent directly to processors via the Internet.

The very first signal

In mid-August 1977, a truly incredible event happened. Dr. Jerry Eyman from Ohio State University, working on the SETI program on a radio telescope called Big Ear, received a signal from space. It turned out to be quite strong and long-lasting; all its parameters indicated that it was of artificial origin. Shocked by the sensational data he saw, the American exclaimed: “Wow! Signal” This is exactly what they later began to call the captured signal from space.

More than 35 years have passed, and its secret, unfortunately, has still not been revealed. Scientists have never given any intelligible explanation for its occurrence. Astronomers have no assumptions regarding the natural origin of this signal. Therefore, there are enough people who are inclined to believe that he was sent with

This version is also supported by the fact that the signal from space (1977) came from the area where it is located, but from an empty part of the sky. It should be noted that after so many years there were no other explanations.

Description of “Wow! "Signal"

The strength of this signal was 30 times greater than the background. Its frequency was 1.42 GHz, which corresponds to hydrogen. It was on it that scientists waited and are still waiting for at least some messages from extraterrestrial civilizations. This signal lasted 72 seconds - it should have had the same amplitude if it had been of artificial origin. The fact is that the Big Ear antenna is stationary and uses the rotation of our planet to scan the sky. Therefore, a possible signal source can only be listened to for 72 seconds. Of these, almost half of the time it gradually increases, and in the meantime the telescope aims at the source. Then, for the remaining 36 seconds, the signal from space gradually decreases. This is exactly what was recorded by the Big Ear radio telescope.

Benfords version

It must be said that the use of the social network Twitter to compose a message to alien “brothers in mind” looks symbolic against the backdrop of innovative ideas expressed by scientists participating in the SETI project. Gregory and James Benford, researchers from the University of California, believe that similar Twitter exists on other planets.

The principle of searching for other civilizations that exists in our time is based on the fact that the “brothers” also continuously send signals into space. But to send them far enough would require enormous amounts of energy, which is an unforgivable waste. Therefore, the Benfords believe that aliens can send their signal from space in the form of a short message, similar to the one that people leave on Twitter. According to these scientists, humanity could simply have missed a large number of such signals or caught them purely by chance, as happened with “Wow! Signal".


It is worth noting that not all scientists are enthusiastic about their colleagues’ attempts to contact alien civilizations. For example, Stephen Hawking, a famous British astrophysicist, is very disapproving of this idea. In his opinion, humanity needs to sit quietly and not attract unnecessary attention from aliens. He believes that the appearance of “brothers in mind” will be similar to the stay of Christopher Columbus on the American continent. And, as you know, it ended very badly for the Indians.

Stephen Hawking believes that alien races can live on board huge ships, since they have already exhausted the natural resources of their planets. Therefore, they may have a desire to rob the Earth. It is believed that aliens are now at a higher level of development than humanity, and they have the ability to roam the Universe in order to capture some planet suitable for them.

Signal 2010

In early September 1977, a spacecraft called Voyager 1 launched from the United States. A little later, another one followed him - his twin brother. The program, of which these devices were part, was designed to explore giant planets located far from Earth. According to the plan, the first of them was supposed to visit Saturn and Jupiter, and the second - Neptune and Uranus. In addition, with the help of the devices it was supposed to study their physical characteristics, as well as take photographs at close range.

On board both Voyagers there was a message for aliens, recorded on a gold record. It contained greetings in different languages, children's laughter and crying, various sounds of nature, etc. All this was intended to help our alien “brothers” understand what our Earth is like.

For more than 30 years, spacecraft have been flying around the Universe and transmitting nothing except the beating of their own electronic heart. But at the end of April 2010, a great event occurred - Voyager 2 sent a signal from space, which it managed to receive itself. It came from that part of the Universe about which the inhabitants of our planet still know nothing.

The news of this became a real sensation. Because of this, scientists were divided into two camps. Some are sure that this signal is a manifestation of hitherto unknown laws of the cosmos, while others consider it a response from “brothers in mind.”

Now the Voyager mission has already been completed, and they have gone beyond the solar system. NASA employees tend to explain strange signals from space by saying that their spacecraft have reached the end of their useful life and have simply broken down. In addition, they flew into such a distant space where other laws of physics may operate, completely unknown to our scientists.

New signal

NASA experts, together with the European Agency, made another sensational statement in the middle of last year. They reported that they had picked up a signal from space that came from the area where the constellation Perseus is located. It must be said that the distance between these celestial objects and our planet is about 240 million

According to scientists, the signal is an intense pulse that is in the wavelength range of X-rays. Its source has not yet been established, but it has been suggested that it may come from some “sterile neutrinos”, which are the foundation for the emergence of so-called dark matter. According to a theory popular in scientific circles, it occupies approximately 85% of the entire Universe, although the fact of its existence has not yet been scientifically proven. NASA assured that the mysterious signal from space in 2014 will still be studied in order to establish its source.