The network is working. CPA networks: the whole truth from a marketer

A detailed analysis of the concept of a CPA network with a description of all the features of advertising affiliate programs, their pros and cons, and ways to make a profit from them. Video materials on the topic with expert opinions.

What is a CPA network: definition

CPA networks are a kind of exchanges that act as intermediaries between advertisers and webmasters who place advertising offers on their websites. CPA stands for Cost Per Action. This translates as “pay for action”. The action could be:

  • Follow the link to .
  • Watch the video.
  • Downloading a file.
  • View price list.
  • Filling out the form.
  • Purchasing goods in .
  • Order a service from the website.
  • Registration on the site.
  • Ticket registration.
  • Online loan application.
  • Registration in an online game.
  • and etc.

To put it simply, a CPA network is an affiliate program where one party orders advertising and receives clients or customers from it, and the second party places it on its website and receives profit for targeted actions.

How does the CPA network work?

It is easier to consider the work of a CPA network using the example of an online store that acts as an advertiser.

The advertiser contacts the CPA network, which creates an advertising offer and places it in its catalog. A web developer acting as the site owner comes to the CPA network website and selects an offer that best suits the topic of his resource. Then it places advertisements on certain pages. Visitors see it, click on it and go to the advertiser’s page. For this action (following a link), the web developer receives a certain amount of money.

There is another option you can consider.

The owner of an online store leaves an offer in the CPA network, and the owner of a suitable website places a link to the store. A site visitor follows a link, makes a purchase from an advertiser, and the site owner receives a certain percentage of the purchase price. This advertising model is called CPS.

CPA networks are configured to serve tens of thousands of webmasters in bulk, so the offers that are present there are configured specifically for this. A very rare offer that hundreds of webmasters work on.

As a rule, each webmaster finds his own offer and works with it.

Denis Kuchumov – chief analyst at AdvAction

Advantages and disadvantages of the CPA network

Benefits for the advertiser

  1. Fixed costs for advertising on the Internet.
  2. Automatic placement of advertisements and links on thematic sites. There is no need to directly communicate and negotiate with site owners.
  3. you can outsource and not take any part in it.
  4. The cost of advertising in CPA networks is lower than in networks.
  5. Website promotion costs are lower than traditional SEO.
  6. Advertising works only for the target audience (potential clients, buyers).

Benefits for website owners

  1. The best conditions for site monetization, as they are more profitable than search engine advertising networks.
  2. Optimization of income due to the ability to switch between offers that are of interest to site visitors.

Disadvantages for the advertiser

  1. CPA networks work with advertisers only with the conclusion of an official contract.
  2. CPA networks are only interested in advertisers who can pay a lot, regularly and for a long time.
  3. High competition with other advertisers and constant struggle for thematic sites, with an increase in the duration of payments and their sizes.
  4. It is necessary to independently monitor the receipt of high-quality traffic, since unscrupulous site owners can register in CPA networks.
  5. You need to spend a lot of time to find a good affiliate program that has a strict policy towards site owners.

Disadvantages for website owners

  1. Possible failures in payments of earned money.
  2. Opacity of relations between CPA network partners even when concluding an agreement.

How to make money in CPA networks

There are 3 methods of making a profit from CPA networks:

Placement of banner advertising and affiliate links on the site

A web developer registers in the CPA network, selects suitable advertising materials and places them on the pages of his website. Visitors follow a link or banner to the advertiser’s resource, and the web developer receives a certain amount or percentage of the sale of the advertiser’s goods or services.

Development of a showcase website

Here, a web developer creates a showcase website, fills it with partner products and receives a fixed percentage of each sale. That is, he does not sell on his own, but is only an intermediary. Products will be sold exclusively by advertiser stores. All you need to do is attract visitors to your showcase website and promote it in search engines.

Traffic arbitrage

Here, earnings come from reselling traffic. This type of work is suitable for arbitrageurs. These specialists know how to buy cheap traffic and redirect it to the necessary sites or individual pages. Profit in this case is the difference between the cost of cheap traffic and the profit of the CPA network. They buy traffic mainly from Yandex.Direct, social networks and any other sources allowed by the CPA affiliate program.

CPA Marketer's Dictionary

Advert is a specialist in making money in CPA networks.

Landing page – a one-page product website.

Layer – an intermediate page where information or description of the advertised product is placed with a link to it.

Profit is profit.

Ratio – the ratio of the number of actions to clicks on a link or banner to the advertised site.

Traffic – the number of visitors to the site.

Hold – withholding payments from the CPA network to check the quality of traffic from the advertiser, cheating or using methods prohibited by the network.

In conclusion, let's summarize. A CPA network is a place where business owners can advertise their products and services, and website owners can earn money by advertising.

Hello, dear readers!

Every day hundreds of thousands of people around the world are looking for new ways to make money. Some to improve their financial situation, others for the purpose of self-realization.

Today I will tell you about making money on CPA affiliate programs.

CPA affiliate programs are huge web directories containing a lot of all kinds of affiliate programs.

Nowadays, many people easily earn quite a lot of money on these services. Not hundreds of thousands a day, of course, but you can really earn 500-1000 rubles a day. But before we talk about making a profit, let's take a closer look at what it is?

What are CPA affiliates?

In essence, CPA affiliate programs are standard ones, but with payment for a specific action of the attracted user, and not just for the sale of some product or service.

Can be paid:

  • Downloading a trial version of an application;
  • Loan applications;
  • Orders of trial samples of products of any brand;
  • Filling out a questionnaire on the advertiser’s Internet resource
  • registration and so on.

Pros of CPA affiliate program

The main advantages of this type of affiliate program:

  1. You don't have to sell anything. Choose an affiliate program where you will be paid for performing actions.
  2. All affiliate programs in one directory. To work with several advertisers at once, you register in one account on the CPA resource. This saves you time and eliminates the need to search for each site individually.
  3. Everything you earn from several affiliate programs is credited to one wallet, which is very convenient.

How to make money on CPA affiliate programs?

So, we’ve sorted out the concepts and advantages, now let’s talk about how to make money using CPA affiliate programs. Earning money consists of attracting clients to offer sites. So:

  1. Select a suitable CPA affiliate program and register in it. There are very, very many similar resources; below I will tell you only about those with which I myself have successfully worked. I included the best domestic and foreign projects in my list.
  2. Add your own platform from where you will attract visitors. If you don't have a personal website, you can attract clientele from social networks.
  3. Pass moderation - approved by admins.
  4. Select the offer that suits you from the CPA affiliate catalog.
  5. Attract customers' attention. You can attract by any available methods, which are indicated in the description of each offer.
  6. All that remains is to receive money for the actions of attracted visitors.

CPA affiliate programs

Dear readers of the VSetiRabota project, today I would like to touch on such a topic as making money on the Internet through CPA affiliate programs. This type of income appeared relatively recently, but has already gained enormous popularity. In our article we would like to discuss this type of earnings in detail and answer frequently asked questions from beginners. Earning money on CPA networks, with the right approach, can bring good profits, but often many users make a number of mistakes in which they can go into the red and waste their money. We will talk about what CPA networks are and what affiliate programs (offers) exist in this article.

SRA - what is it?

I would like to start with the definition of this concept. After all, many pass by this income without even figuring out what’s what. Let's give a definition and try to understand the basic terms that you need to understand if you decide to start your path to making money in this area.

CPA ( Cost per Action ) - translated from English as payment for action. You can also sometimes find the expression PRA ( Pay per Action ) - It is the same. From the definition it becomes clear that you will receive payment for certain user actions. Yes, you heard right: in this type of earnings, it does not matter how many clicks are made on the advertising banner and how much time the user spends on the advertised site. Here, your earnings will depend on whether the user performs certain actions on the advertiser’s website. If you want to make money by displaying commercial ads or make money by clicking on advertising banners, then you should pay attention to earnings from teaser advertising. In our case, you still have to try to convert traffic into various actions.

CPA network - a special Internet site that was created to make it easier for users and advertising companies to search. Each CPA network presents users with a list of offers that are available for connection, subject to the rules of the system. Simply put, a CPA network is a catalog of affiliate programs that are collected in one place. Here you can select a suitable offer(s) and start making money on it by advertising it.

Affiliate programs in CPA

It is also worth defining the concept of an affiliate program; they are also called offers. In this case, it has nothing to do with referrals, etc. Affiliate program (Offer) in CPA is a program that enters into an agreement with the user and provides him with the opportunity to drive traffic to his website and pay for active user actions. Simply put, you will be given a link (banner) that you need to place on your website, in a VK group, create an advertisement, and if the user who follows this link takes the necessary actions on the advertised site, you receive payment.

Let's give a graphic example of a user action. You have decided to join an affiliate program that pays for registrations on your site. You have placed an advertising banner on your website.

Now a user who clicks on the banner and registers on the site will bring you the income specified in this affiliate program. If the user simply clicked on the banner but did not register, then such an action will not be paid.

Depending on the chosen affiliate program, you will be paid for various user actions on the advertised site:

- Registration for the project

Purchase of goods

- Completed application

- Installing the application

- Filling out a form and much more.

At the same time, you can connect to a number of affiliate programs with different options. All affiliate programs in CPA networks provide two payment options for actions:

CPL (Cost per Lead ) - translated means payment for action (lead). Each affiliate program has its own conditions. Some pay simply for registration, and some require the user to be active on the site (fill out a form, upload a photo, play the game for several days, etc.)

CPS (Cost per Sales ) - translated means payment for a purchase. This type of payment is used by online stores and sites offering various Internet services (travel agencies, hosting providers, etc.). In this case, you will receive payment for the user’s purchase of certain goods on the site, registration of a tour, etc.

Each affiliate program in CPA networks has its own specific conditions that will be presented to the user. Before joining the program, you need to read all these conditions, because if they are not met, you will not receive payment. Basically, these conditions can be divided into several categories:

Geotargeting. Each affiliate program specifies the traffic sources that are allowed. Basically, the division is based on the country of residence of the user who followed the advertising banner (advertising link). One program can only accept traffic from Russia, while another can pay for traffic from the CIS.

- Traffic sources. You should also familiarize yourself with the traffic sources that are allowed in the affiliate program. Some allow you to link anywhere, but others have specific sources that are allowed. One affiliate program only allows their ads to appear on social media. networks, the other only on thematic platforms.

- Using safe words. Many affiliate programs prohibit the use of certain words in advertising their products. For example, you are going to advertise products from an online store Ozon . But the affiliate program prohibits using the words: ozone, Ozon,

Moreover, each affiliate program also has a list of rules that you will need to follow. All CPA networks provide the opportunity to familiarize yourself with them, and when you connect to a particular program, you agree to comply with them. If you violate these rules, the system may apply various sanctions to you: from refusing payments to completely blocking your account.

Many people will be interested in learning about how CPA networks work. Any CPA network serves as a kind of intermediary between the advertiser and users. For a clearer explanation, here is a small drawing.

The figure shows that the CPA network directly connects advertisers and ordinary users. The advertiser pays funds to the CPA network, and it, in turn, pays them to users, taking a certain percentage for itself.

Basic terms in CPA

We hope that you have a little understanding of the concept of CPA networks; in future articles we will describe in detail the options for making money on them and give specific examples. Well, in conclusion, I would like to provide a list of basic terms that are used in CPA networks.

eCPC- average earnings in the affiliate program from one click on an advertising link. Calculated in monetary terms. For example, eCPC =2.5 rubles - this means that on average, for each click on an advertising banner, users receive 2.5 rubles.

CR- average ratio of actions to transitions. That is, what percentage of those who follow an advertising link complete the actions necessary to pay.

Post Click cookie- lifetime of cookies. The time after which the action of a user who follows an advertising link will be paid.

SubID- a tool that allows you to assign a specific number to an advertising link. You can create several advertising links and see which one performs better.

Offer is an affiliate program that provides the user with advertising materials and pays for the actions of users who follow the link as specified in the conditions.

Hold - the time after which the payment will be credited to your account. Used by affiliate programs to avoid cheating. For example, you placed an advertisement for an online store, and someone clicked on it and made a purchase. The affiliate program must pay you 10% of the purchase price, but the buyer may refuse the product, so the money will be temporarily frozen and will be credited to your account after a certain period of time. This interval will be called Hold.

Hello, dear readers! Are you already in the New Year's mood? The holidays are very soon. The main problem that all Russians face during this period is how not to spend all the money on New Year’s Eve and live to see the advance payment? There is no need to deny yourself anything! I have prepared a review in which I collected the best CPA affiliate programs. Now you can earn money without interrupting your holiday feast! Interesting? Then continue reading and delving into it!

There is a huge selection of affiliate networks on the Internet. Why have CPAs become so popular? The main advantage of this type of affiliate program is that they are universal. It is in CPA that you will find the best offers for any audience. You have ample opportunities to increase your income by honing your traffic-driving skills. For experienced professionals, such affiliate networks have become not just a part-time job, but an entire business.

CPA networks operate according to the cost per action scheme, that is, “pay for action.” Most often, the following conditions are assumed to be met:

  1. following a link;
  2. registration on the site;
  3. filling out a form;
  4. purchasing goods or online courses;
  5. downloading a paid or free application;
  6. applying for a loan or issuing a bank card;
  7. registration of insurance.

The webmaster, who has registered on the service as a partner, must select and bring the target audience to perform the required actions. How to do this? Imagine walking through the city and seeing a man dressed as a teddy bear handing out flyers and luring passers-by to a toy store! Common situation? And how! Well, exactly the same thing happens online. I described tools for attracting traffic in detail in a previous article about. Don’t be lazy to read, because in making money online, like in war, all means are fair!

Have you figured out strategy and tactics? Then the only thing left is to choose a “battlefield”. I studied several Runet directories and a number of foreign sources, personally registered with a couple of aggregators and asked friends for their opinions before presenting to you my rating of CPA networks. The list turned out to be impressive.

  • Leadbit is an international partner service that has been operating for several years. Key areas of cooperation are beauty, health, weight loss products, enlargers and economizers. Payments in the system are made for applications processed by the Call Center.

For each commercial offer, advertisers pay money. For one attracted lead, the webmaster is transferred from 5 to 10 US dollars. To increase profits, users can connect to several offers, use contextual advertising and promotion on social networks.

The optimal option for withdrawing earned funds is to a Webmoney ruble wallet

  • — the affiliate program will not be a revelation for many, because it has been operating since 2016 and has become popular all over the world.

The program implements offers in the field of beauty and health and occupies top positions in the field of nutra.

Just recently was significantly updated. And these updates have benefited both manufacturers and partners.

Judge for yourself, the number of offers has almost quadrupled, and now there are about 2,000 of them. The choice is huge: products for weight loss, treatment of arthritis, to combat acne, age-related changes and general skin health, to improve potency in men and much more. more.

So, if you have somewhere to get traffic from, then you can easily find the optimal offer for one or more product categories to direct it to.

Due to the increase in the number of offers, the call center was also expanded. So now you don’t have to wait long for approval, the call process is much faster.

The geography has also expanded. And now the affiliate program is represented in more than 100 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and of course in the CIS. This cannot but rejoice, because, as we know, the popularity of any product comes in waves, sometimes increasing or decreasing in one region or another. And if Ukraine has not yet been hit by a tsunami of interest in miraculous dietary supplements for restoring hair structure, then in Russia this wave is already declining.

Therefore, for experienced arbitrageurs, expanding geo, of course, will only benefit you and help you earn even more. works only with proven products with a positive reputation, which are known throughout the world and do not raise doubts. In addition, we have our own production.

Developers are constantly improving the interface, increasing the quality of link conversions, and working on pre-monetization of traffic in order to create the best working conditions for their partners. Support works 24/7, and a personal manager is always in touch via Telegram, Skype or email.

On the website you will find ready-made cases for working with, which are also available to subscribers of the telegram channel, as well as a bunch of positive reviews from advertisers.

A convenient platform for analyzing data and receiving reports in any context, withdrawing funds twice a day without delay.

So, if you want to make money, have your finger on the pulse and want to get the most out of your traffic with minimal intervention, then this is the affiliate network for you.

  • AdmitAd– I have described this network more than once and consider it the best. Although in the CPA Inform rating it scored only 6.3 points out of 10. Admitad appeared in 2010, and 7 years of work were not in vain. There are a bunch of tools here to increase the conversion of your traffic - product feeds, promotional codes, widgets and much more. Instant withdrawals without commission with a minimum wage of only 300 rubles, an individual approach to each partner. There is a mobile application. You can find out more in the article. I highly recommend and assure you, no one paid me for this.
  • – the owners of this site spared no expense on creativity, because the name stands for Kiss My Ads. A very daring slogan, what do you think? Immediately after registering in the system, you receive a personal manager and 24-hour support service.

There are more than a thousand active offers here, and these are not only goods, but also various services, games, entertainment, innovations, in general, everything your heart desires. Payments are made upon request, the minimum amount is 2000 rubles, a huge selection of wallets, including Yandex.Money, PayPal, WebMoney, Qiwi, and others. In addition, you can transfer earnings to a bank card. Among the tools presented are the ability to park domains, create subaccounts to divide traffic into streams, and an API. Everything you need for complete happiness. My rating is 10 out of 10!

  •– this aggregator has been operating since 2010. Specializes in banking and financial offers. The site has its own system of user statuses from beginner to Platinum. You receive payments depending on your status - a couple of times a week or upon request. The higher the status, the more interesting offers you can receive. Beginners can improve their knowledge at the CPA school, which is on the website. In your personal account, you can view statistics in any convenient form - by offers, by days, by search queries, etc.

Average rates:

  • offers more than 1000 offers, most of which are product offers, but there are also other categories - finance, education, goods by mail, gambling (games), subscriptions. Everything you need for productive work is already here - exclusive offers, round-the-clock technical support, individual approach to partners, API, convenient personal account and progressive statistics.
  • is a CPA marketing agency that will be convenient for both advertisers and webmasters to work with. They develop their own products and promise large royalties for them. About 10 new offers are created every month. They have many call centers in different countries that help in obtaining order confirmation. Draws for cash prizes, Apple gadgets and cars are regularly held between active partners. Payments are made 3-4 times a day directly to the partner’s wallet. The site maintains a blog, which is updated a couple of times a week. There are good information materials, features and cases here. For the convenience of webmasters, you can download a mobile application with support for Android and iOS.

You are allowed to use various traffic sources: your own websites, contextual advertising services, social networks, teaser networks, and many other sources. As with all other affiliate programs, there are strict requirements for spam and pornography. Violators are subject to penalties in the form of withholding funds or blocking an account.

  • Where is the elephant? – the affiliate network cooperates with a large number of Russian and foreign online stores. Recently it has become increasingly popular and is gaining a leading position. The best tools for partners are collected here - return and redirection of traffic in case of termination of the affiliate program, 5 different subids for analyzing traffic conversion and receiving reports, uploading in XML format, the ability to use direct and affiliate links, a large number of connected payment systems. Network users are increasingly leaving positive reviews and have a positive impact on the affiliate’s rating.
  • CPAelectro– an interesting service for those who can drive traffic to offers in the field of gambling and binary options. Payments every day. Good technical support, training in the secrets of the skill, ready-made landing pages. Users praise it for its reliability. If there are delays in payments, they are small. There is no deception, you can really make good money. I would like to add a little more tools here, such as trafficback, for example, and you can aim for the top. I hope that the site creators will hear me!
  • CPApagetti– another lovers of creativity with proven recipes on how to make money on CPA. The program started in 2014 and in a short time has changed a lot for the better. The creators regularly replenish the user experience with advanced tools. A simple, intuitive interface, work all over the world, a large number of product offers, a flexible system of cooperation, instant daily payments without commission to the most popular wallets and bank cards. Personal managers will always help and advise. Join the system and grow with it.
  • Leadtrade. A good advertising network that contains a sufficient number of offers in all known areas from entertainment to finance. Choosing a priority one will not be difficult for you. Suitable for arbitrageurs. Permitted sources include your own websites, banner and teaser networks, contextual advertising, and social networks. Among the advantages, I would like to note that there is no shame in using doorways. All high-tech tools are at your service. On the main page there is an image of Comrade Rockefeller, who, like a machine gun, shoots quotes on the topic of success, business and personal growth. Very motivating, isn't it?

It’s not just that I asked you about the New Year’s mood at the beginning of the article. What's the best way to lift it? Of course, white fluffy snow! And if it’s snow on the slopes of the mountains, then you can’t think of anything better! What am I talking about? Moreover, on the LeadTrade website they are currently giving away a trip to the Alps! Join now and start working. Even 1 lead gives you the right to participate in the competition!

I really wanted to make the TOP 100, but, as always, I didn’t have enough time. I think that this brief review is enough to make your choice. If your colleagues are still undecided, be sure to give them a link to my article. Let them read and think about it, because all affiliate programs have different tastes and colors. I wish all readers fruitful work and stable payments! See you again, friends!

First, you need to register in any CPA network, select an affiliate product (offer) and direct traffic - paid and free (not very effective!) to the advertiser’s website using your affiliate link.

As you know, on the Internet you can attract a fairly large audience for a relatively small investment in advertising. Of course, to begin with, a beginner needs to thoroughly study the types of online advertising, the principles of high-quality setup, secrets and acquire the necessary skills.

Who can become a partner of CPA networks:

1. New to affiliate marketing.
2. A webmaster-arbitrageur who buys cheap traffic in one place, for example, in teaser networks and resells it to an advertiser of CPA networks.
3. Website/blog owner.
4. Doorway optimizer, who creates and optimizes a website for a specific type of product. Further, it attracts targeted traffic to it.

What is CPA marketing, principles of work, how to make money on CPA
CPA (Cost per Action) is an online advertising model, or better yet, an affiliate program with payment per action: lead (CPL), purchase of a product, click, view. CPA networks serve as a connection between the advertiser and the webmaster, receiving a percentage for this.

1. Traffic is visitors attracted to the advertiser’s (offer) website.
2. An offer is an advertiser who works with CPA networks.
3. A lead is an action on the advertiser’s website.
4. An advocate is a partner.

5. Hold is a delay in the payment of monetary rewards to the webmaster. The goal is to protect advertisers from dishonest webmasters. Typically, traffic quality is checked from 7 to 14 days, but it can be longer.
6. Conversion CR - the average number of conversions (actions) on the offer site. Example: 100 people were brought to the advertiser’s website. 10 - made an order in the online store or registered in the game. The conversion is 10%.
EPC is the average income of webmasters per 1000 visits to a partner site (offer). The higher this indicator, the better the offer.

CR and EPC offers

7. Landing is a landing page with an advertising offer.
8. CPS - payment per sale (product, loan processing), CPL - reward for lead (registration, subscription...), CPV - payment per view, CPC - payment per click.
9. A/B split test or testing - finding out the conditions for the best conversion.
10. ROI - efficiency or return of your money spent, for example, on an online campaign (advertising).

For what actions of attracted visitors does the advertiser pay the webmaster?

1. Purchase and registration in the online store. Large online stores can also pay for repeat orders.

2. For registration, for example, in an online game, as well as rewards are paid for the active player, for purchases and achievements of players.

3. For registering on a dating site + a percentage of additional payments (dating). For registration on hosting, etc.

5. For filling out a questionnaire or application for a bank card or loan.

6. For the purchase of information courses, CDs, goods, air tickets, hotel reservations, watching videos and other types of actions.

I think this question is clear. It turns out that the person who came through your affiliate link to the advertiser’s (offer) website must perform some specified action by the advertiser. Actions (lead) can be simple or complex.

Simple actions are associated with registration, subscription, purchase of goods, and complex ones with obtaining a loan, etc. Accordingly, the price per lead (action), depending on the complexity, will be different, this is logical. A beginner might want to choose offers with simple tasks, since expensive ones require high-quality paid traffic.

1. Webmaster’s own website or blog.

3. Purchased traffic: teaser, contextual and targeted, banner advertising.
How it works: The webmaster (partner) buys cheap traffic and sends it to the offer of the advertiser of CPA networks, in other words, this is traffic arbitrage (resale).

4. E-mail newsletter.
To take advantage of this traffic source you need a subscriber base. If it is, great! We compose an advertising letter, where we indicate the topic and benefits of your advertising offer. We send out using automated services. This scheme is known to every website owner. If you don’t have your own mailing list, it may take months to collect it.

Let's imagine that you are a partner in a CPA network. It's easy, register in Ad1 or another network. For a beginner, I will recommend

So, you have come to choosing an offer. Let's look at this process using the example of the Ad1 CPA network, which, in my opinion, is the best in RuNet. But this does not mean that other CPAs are worse!) Each network is unique, with responsive support service, constant updates of offers, statistics and its own advertising tools. A brief overview of CPA networks will be below.

How to choose a profitable offer
After registering in the Ad1 CPA affiliate program, you will need to select an offer. There are a huge number of them, each good in its own way. To do this, click on the top “Programs” tab.

Then, select a category and study in detail the terms of working with the offer. Where can it be advertised? In which country...? In the CIS, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan (geotargeting) and what source of traffic is allowed to attract, and also look at CR - this is the conversion of a given offer and EPC - average. revenue per click (action).

What types of traffic can you attract? We talked about this a little higher. The only thing you should consider is the compatibility of the selected offer - in which country you can advertise and what source of traffic you can attract.

Pay attention to the rating of the offer, goals (actions) and the rate for completing the task, look at the quality of the landing page, by clicking on the link and the lead form, as well as the topic, choose one that is familiar to you. You can read about the ideal landing page for sales here.

Next, choose tools for advertising, this can be a direct link for communities on the Internet (suitable for a beginner) or a paid source of traffic. Static banner for placement on your blog, feeds, dynamic pages. What should be taken into account is that each CPA network has its own advertising tools.

Leading CPA networks

CPA network

Today it is the most popular network in RuNet. A huge number of offers mainly include goods from online stores, insurance, banks, finance, travel services, online services and games. Quite high prices for the action performed.
Minimum weekly payments 300 rubles, to WebMoney wallet, PayPal, bank transfer.

CPA network Ad1 - the main topics of offers are online games, goods from online stores, banking services, training courses, goods by mail.
The minimum payment to the webmaster is 800 rubles, to a WebMoney wallet. is a very interesting CPA network. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is a CPA network and an offer at the same time. You can become an Aviasales partner if you have a website or blog about tourism, a travel agency, you are a specialist in attracting traffic and make money by selling budget air tickets and booking hotels. Aviasales is looking for plane tickets at Russian and foreign ticket offices. The webmaster receives 50-70% of Aviasales' income. The average bill is $15-20.

See even more CPA platforms here. Representative - allpp_ru
5.0/(1) Views (93) Transitions (35) Reviews(0) Representative - allpp_ru
5.0/(1) Views (66) Transitions (44) Reviews(0) No representative
4.8/(12) Views (7205) Transitions (1980) Reviews(47) No representative
4.7/(828) Views (2262) Transitions (4977) Reviews(1) Representative - Margo_admitad
4.6/(802) Views (13708) Clicks (9100) Reviews(6) No representative

4.5/(1303) Views (5492) Transitions (1617) Reviews(29) No representative
4.5/(3528) Views (12232) Transitions (4183) Reviews(44) No representative
4.4/(14) Views (1060) Transitions (367) Reviews(2) Representative - nk@drcash
4.3/(6) ​​Views (1608) Clicks (581) Reviews(24) Representative - webvork_support
4.3/(3) Views (379) Transitions (104) Reviews(0) Representative - Leadbit24

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CPA: the best affiliate programs
ProfitSocial CPA 5 Registration
Aliexpress CPA 4.48 4 Registration
MarketCall CPA 4.09 5 Registration
7offers CPA 3.96 3 Registration
Actionpay CPA 3.72 11 Registration
CityAds CPA 3.70 1 Registration
Admitad CPA 3.69 6 Registration
Advertise CPA 3.69 11 Registration

The following indicators serve as criteria:

The level of deductions, that is, the percentage due to the partner in case of successful completion of the sale or for any activity that promotes sales and is specified in the agreement;
Convenience of the payment system;
Efficiency of technical support service;
Number of offers and available landing pages.
You can make conclusions about whether an affiliate network is good or not based on a number of other indicators, including the concept of honesty (some participants seriously claim that they are sometimes deceived and underestimated their earnings), but in this case it is better to operate not with subjective, but with objective data .

Rating of CPA networks
The current year has not yet come to an end, and information from the past could be considered outdated, but judging by the preliminary results of surveys, the market situation has not undergone significant changes. The position in the list of some CPA networks may change slightly, but the overall composition of the best of them remains the same.

Logo Name Website Number of offers Traffic (per month) Rating
Admitad logo Admitad 1051 21 million 9.8
epn logo ePN 45 5 million 9.5
Doctor Cash logo Dr.Cash 2000+ 1.85 million 9
m1-shop logo M1-Shop 803 1 million 8.4
ad1 logo AD1 1318 880 thousand 8.4
Where is the Elephant logo Where is the Elephant? 281 390 thousand 8.3
Mixmarket logo Mixmarket 267,385 thousand 8.3
kma business logo KMA 574 365 thousand 8
actionpay logo Actionpay 1053 260 thousand 8
Lydia logo Leadia 10 220 thousand 8

everad logo Everad 95 170 thousand 7.5
sellaction logo SellAction 175 150 thousand 7.5
Traffic Light logo Traffic Light 351 145 thousand 7.5
MonsterLeads logo MonsterLeads 757 135 thousand 7.4
Leadtrade logo LeadTrade 357 135 thousand 7.3
CityAds logo CityAds 840 120 thousand 7.3
Saleads logo Saleads 84 100 thousand 7.1

Our TOP CPA networks for earning money are opened by the undisputed leader in the CIS countries. Cooperation with this network is to attract potential clients of online stores, banks and game users. Work on several advertising platforms at the same time (the more, the better) of different directions is allowed and encouraged, for which all conditions have been created and tools provided. This, according to many users, is the main advantage of Admitad.

In addition, the network’s assets include hundreds of advertiser sites with accessible landing pages and high traffic (400 thousand visitors per day). All these factors attract webmasters, of whom more than two hundred thousand are already participating in the program.

A CPA network that specializes in cooperation with the largest online stores in the CIS and China, including Aliexpress, Ozon, MVideo, Svyaznoy, Rozetka and many others. For webmasters, one of the advantages of working with the site is the ability to attract customers using cashback and coupons. The statistics are displayed correctly, there are no problems with payments. Among the disadvantages, we can note the long hold time for goods from the Aliexpress online store. But given the delivery time from China to Russia, this measure is justified.

The best affiliate program for working from the inside. The beauty and health niche is always in demand, which is what webmasters working with take advantage of. The site contains cases that will help even beginners make a profit. All offers are original and have no analogues in other CPA networks. Earned money is withdrawn without problems, payments are made 2 times a day (another unique feature of the affiliate program).

Exclusively product specialization with the provision of the most effective offers. On average, each confirmed order brings an M1-Shop partner 620 rubles in income.

The main advantage of the network, according to many participants, is that the platform provides partners with a large variety of tools, and also takes on a significant part of the risks, thereby insuring against possible losses. The most important advantage of AD1 is the presence of a rotator that automatically sets the sequence of publishing promotional materials and tracks traffic.

Where is the Elephant?
The network offers more than a hundred landing pages, which are pages of large online stores, both Russian and foreign. The number of product offers exceeded three million.

The advantages of the affiliate network “Where is the Elephant?” This includes a large selection of products, ease of setting up your own affiliate online store and accessible withdrawal systems.

The network cooperates with leading Runet advertisers. Indeed, among the many offers you can find quite well-known and popular platforms: World of Tanks,, Svyaznoy, Ozon and others. In general, Mixmarket is focused on e-commerce, tourism, and gaming topics. The site presents a selection of the TOP 10 most popular offers, which will help beginners decide on the choice of program.

A network popular among webmasters working with health-related offers. The assortment includes weight loss products that have been bringing profit to affiliate marketers for many years. There are other offers, such as a fuel saver, a breathalyzer, and car care products. In general, the choice is quite wide; the offer can be selected to suit any target audience.

The partner network has offices in the USA, Hungary, Ireland, India and Brazil. More than a thousand affiliates from all over the world work with her. Huge selection of mobile offers. The platform is characterized by high technology and customer focus. Actionpay is rightfully considered one of the leading companies on the Russian market.

A small number of offers should not mislead potential partners. CPA network Lydia is a leader in its niche. Each of you has seen a pop-up window on different websites offering a free consultation with a lawyer. This is exactly the main tool of the Leadia affiliate program. In addition to legal advice, offers are available on the topic of loans, real estate, medicine, etc.

One of the ten best CPA networks on the market, which is confirmed by almost all compiled ratings, although the line number may “float”. The highest (up to 90%) “approval” (a level of 45 – 50% is considered normal).

Help: approval is the percentage of paid orders out of the total. In other words, out of one hundred potential buyers, for example, thirty refused to purchase the product. The remaining 70 are “approved” (from the English approve - “approval”).

The site interface has been updated and now allows you to operate several affiliate programs at the same time, which is also a big plus of the Everad network.

The geography of received traffic is very wide - the CIS, USA, Europe, Latin America, Asia.

Traffic Light
This CPA aggregator has many unique original offers for any audience. High sales to webmasters are ensured by a 24-hour call center. Withdrawal of funds is almost instant, the support service is responsive and prompt. The selection of offers is varied: inflatable sofas, anti-smoking products, home equipment, car care products and much more.

This year the network celebrates its fifth anniversary, which indicates the reliability of the company. Among the product offers there are also unique ones, which have no analogues in RuNet. A 24-hour call center, the possibility of early payments and a wide geography for traffic allow MonsterLeads to occupy high places in various ratings.


An advertising network with a universal set of offers. Here you can find health and beauty products, children's toys, games for mobile phones and PCs, and men's products. We are also pleased with instant payments, prompt technical support and detailed statistics.

The affiliate program offers a huge number of offers, among which there are quite serious and monetary ones - loans, bank accounts, investments. The geography of traffic is wide. There are many interesting tools available for webmasters, the statistics are detailed and customizable using any filters. There are no problems with payments.