MMS works. Can I send MMS messages in Russian? MMS

Hello! Today I will tell you about MMS messages, their development and future prospects.

MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) is a service for sending multimedia messages (pictures, video and audio files) using mobile network. Messages can be sent not only from phone to phone, but also from phone to E-mail. Cellular operators have limits on the size of MMS. For example, Megafon maximum size messages is 300 kB, for Beeline - 500 kB, for MTS - 500 kB.

It is clear what to send high quality photo Or the video won't work. Therefore, MMS is more of an entertainment that allows you to please friends cool picture, a new ringtone or a short video.

The MMS service was developed by an international organization Open Mobile Alliance, which includes such eminent companies as IBM, Nokia, Vodafone, Motorola and some others. If you look at the history of the launch of MMS in the world, you can see that the first country where this service became Norway (July 2001). After that, cellular operators in other countries began to provide subscribers with the opportunity to send multimedia messages.

In Russia, Megafon became the pioneer of MMS (October 2002). MTS followed in May 2003. A little later, all Russian mobile operators began to include the option of sending MMS in their tariffs.

The very idea of ​​transferring multimedia files from phone to phone looked very interesting and tempting. At that time, he had already gained his cruising speed. SMS service. Against the backdrop of the popularity of short text messages new service MMS was to become nice addition to the usual way of sending SMS. It was supposed to develop rapidly, BUT ... The plans remained just plans, because MMS messages did not find their mass application. Why?

I was lucky to use the MMS service on my first phone. Based on my experience and my observations, I will tell you the reasons why subscribers did not like MMS.

1. Expensive. At that time, when one SMS message cost from 50 kopecks to 1 ruble, the cost of MMS seemed very high - as much as 7-8 rubles!

2. There is nothing to send. It would seem that mobile multimedia content should be popular ... But now we think so. 10 years ago it was possible to send a fragment of a MID or MMF tune, a small picture in GIF or JPG format, and a short 3GP video clip of terrible quality via MMS.

At first it was fun and cool. But very soon I got tired of sending pictures and melodies just like that. A photo? The ability to take a photo was not on all mobile phones. And on those where there was a camera, the quality of the photos left much to be desired ... Send a beautiful melody with a signature? Once or twice you can, but constantly - meaningless and expensive.

3. Complex settings. In order to customize your phone MMS I had to go to the operator and ask for help. I didn’t feel like digging into the phone’s settings myself, prescribing an IP address there (which is initially unknown), I didn’t want to enter any more data. This later changed the situation - it was only necessary to send SMS to operator on the short number, and the settings came automatically. And in those wild times, this was not the case.

4. Slow speed. To send one MMS message, containing a picture weighing ten kilobytes, had to wait several minutes. Against this background, which were sent instantly, seemed superfast. To receive MMS, it was necessary to wait no less.

5. No delivery report. Has the message been delivered? One can only guess about this. If the person I'm sending MMS to doesn't have this service configured on their phone, they won't be able to view my picture or video. Instead, a link comes, by clicking on which, you can see the message. And if the Internet is also not configured? Well then, excuse me...

Now many shortcomings and problems of the MMS service have been fixed. Sending multimedia messages just got easier. The capabilities of cameras in phones have grown, MP3 tunes have appeared, and the speed of data transfer over a cellular network has increased. Almost everyone has cell phones, and MMS is configured automatically. In addition, many operators provide packages of free MMS at a reasonable price. I don't want to use!


I know very few people who send MMS (it's amazing that they send them at all). And I myself last time sent MMS many years ago… What's the matter?

Answer: SMARTPHONES and SOCIAL NETWORKS are “to blame” for everything.

At a time when using the MMS service was becoming more convenient and cheaper, the first smartphones were already appearing and the Internet was beginning to develop rapidly. Modern smartphones with mobile apps for social networks allow you to instantly share photos High Quality, videos and music. It's faster and easier than sending MMS, which are already obsolete.

It is difficult to find a person who has not sent or received SMS messages. This is one of the oldest ways communication on a mobile phone - he is already over twenty years old. In today's issue of "How it works" - a story about SMS and MMS technologies.

SMS service short messages(Short Messaging Service), which transmits a small amount of data on the network cellular communication. The SMS concept was developed by Friedhelm Hillerbrand and Bernard Gillebert in 1984. They proposed to transfer data between phones at a time when resources GSM networks are idle. The message length was limited to 128 bytes. standard size signal package.

A test SMS message was transmitted in 1992 on the network of the British operator Vodafone. In 1993, subscribers of cellular operators in Sweden, the USA, Norway, Great Britain and Finland began to send the first messages. Nokia was the first phone to support SMS. Now SMS is supported by all types of cellular networks: GMS, 3G, NMT, CDMA, UMTS and others.

One SMS message can send 160 characters in 7-bit encoding (Arabic numerals and Latin alphabet), 140 characters in 8-bit encoding (French and German) and 70 characters in 16-bit encoding (Cyrillic and hieroglyphs). Along with the text, other information is transmitted in SMS: sending time, recipient and sender numbers, encoding scheme, protocol identifier, delivery message, and so on. This data allows you to address the message to the correct recipient and ensure the readability of the message.

When transmitting more data, the text is split into several messages. Each of them contains Additional information about the number of text segments and the segment number.

After sending from the phone, the SMS message goes to the server, where it is stored until it is delivered to the recipient. The server finds out if the recipient is online and where. When the location is determined, the message is sent to base station, to which this moment the subscriber is connected, and from there - to his phone. SMS will come even if the subscriber is talking on the phone or consuming Internet traffic. The scheme seems simple, but in fact, almost all elements of the cellular network are involved in it.

You can send an SMS even if the recipient's phone is turned off - the message will come when it appears on the network. Since SMS sending uses a band with a lower priority than the channels for voice channel and Internet traffic, the message may be delivered to the recipient with a long delay or not delivered at all. A small percentage of messages are lost even if normal functioning networks.

Many mobile applications(for example, instant messengers and banking) use SMS to register users, social media(Twitter, Facebook, VKontakte) and mail services- for two-factor verification and password recovery.

Since 1998, there has been SMS-billing - debiting money from the subscriber's account after sending SMS to a short number. This type of payment is used when collecting donations, voting, paying for virtual or real goods or services. It has a number of disadvantages that scammers use: indicate a low price for an SMS message or write that it is free, issue a long-term subscription without the consent of the subscriber, send SMS covert ways etc. This type of fraud is even beneficial for operators - their commission is about half the cost of SMS. Now SMS-billing is being replaced by "operator billing" - debiting money from a subscriber's account without using SMS. This type of payment allows you to exclude dubious intermediaries, large trading platforms cooperate directly with operators.

MMS - service of multimedia messages (Multimedia Messaging Service). It can be used to send to phones or email photos, videos or sound files. An MMS message consists of two parts: SMS standard length and multimedia file, which is stored on the operator's WAP server. If the recipient's phone does not support media download, a link to the file will be shown. MMS specifications limit the size of an attachment to be sent to 999 kilobytes, Russian operators set a limit of 300 kilobytes. Usually, send MMS costs much more than SMS, incoming messages of both types are not charged in Russia.

SMS and MMS are a complex, expensive and unreliable method of delivering messages, but it works on all mobile phones and does not require per kilobyte Internet, so it will be able to compete with free messengers for a long time to come.

Articles and Lifehacks

At one time, such simple technologies as SMS and MMS managed to gain immense popularity. Let's figure it out what is mms in phone, and also talk about the principle of its operation and features of use.

MMS in the phone: what is it?

The abbreviation MMS can be deciphered as a multimedia messaging service. The transfer takes place in cellular networks. The peculiarity of MMS is that messages can be sent not only to mobile device but also by e-mail.

Unlike SMS technology, it has no restrictions on the type and size of the information that is transmitted. Through MMS we will be able to send not only text, but also various files multimedia - voice and music recordings, videos, photos, etc.

This standard assumes the ability to process any kind of attachments. Although manufacturers still adhere to certain rules to avoid data inconsistencies, it is expected that they will be supplemented in the future. Theoretically, there are no limits on the size of MMS messages. However, restrictions may be imposed by the mobile operator itself. In addition, some mobile devices also allow you to send no more than 100 kilobytes of information.

So, we figured out what mms is on the phone. The content of such messages is stored on the operator's WAP server. It consists of 2 parts, one of which is SMS. As a rule, such messages are free for the recipient.

How to use MMS on your phone?

How to get the MMS settings? To do this, you can call the support service of your mobile operator and ask a specialist to send automatic settings. After that, you should save them. If our device does not support MMS, we will simply receive a web link where we can view the sent message.

The processing and transmission of messages is handled by the switching center. He also connects with others mobile operators. The WAP gateway is responsible for the delivery of the multimedia part of the MMS message, and the SMS center is responsible for the delivery of service data and reports.

If we send an MMS from our device to an e-mail, it will be sent to the addressee as a regular letter. There are also gates with which we can send a letter that will arrive on our phone.

The Beeline operator today offers such a service as the “Package of three services”. It includes MMS, GPRS Internet and WAP. To connect this proposal you can dial the request *101*181#, or call 06709181. You can also separately activate MMS.

Very easy setup services are offered by the operator Megafon. You can connect MMS by dialing the request *105#, or through the Service Guide.

(MMS 2.0 standard). The operator can impose its own restrictions on the size of the transmitted message.

Principle of operation

An MMS message consists of two parts. The content of the message is stored on a special WAP-server of the operator. The second part is a special SMS message that is sent to the recipient. If the recipient's phone supports MMS, then a notification about an incoming MMS message and an offer to download the main part usually appears on the screen. If the phone does not support MMS, then most often the usual SMS message with a WAP link to the main part.

Very often, the phone provides the ability automatic download MMS messages. It is also possible to disable downloading MMS in roaming, where payment is usually charged for traffic and not for one message.

Thus, MMS is an add-on that combines SMS and WAP services. The differences are only in the positioning of the service and in a separate billing. MMS are most often paid by the sender at a fixed price, excluding traffic, and they are free for the recipient. However, while in roaming traffic may be charged.

see also


  • Le Bodick G. Mobile messages: SMS, EMS and MMS services and technologies. Per. from English. - M. KUDITS-OBRAZ, 2005. - 448 with ISBN 5-9579-0057-5
  • Specification 3GPP TS 22.140 MMS. Stage 1
  • Specification 3GPP TS 23.140 MMS. functional description. stage 2.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "MMS" is in other dictionaries:

    MMS- (el. mms) sb., MMS'en, MMS'er, MMS'erne, i sms. MMS, fx MMS besked … Dansk ordbog

    mms- (el. MMS) sb., mms'en, mms'er, mms'erne, i sms. mms, fx mms besked … Dansk ordbog

    MMS- UK US noun COMMUNICATIONS [U] ABBREVIATION FOR Multimedia Messaging Service, a way to send text, pictures, and sound to and from mobile phones: »MMS messaging is now experiencing an even stronger surge than texting. [C] a message sent using… … Financial and business terms

    MMS- may stand for: In science and technology: Multimedia Messaging Service, a standard for telephone messaging systems The Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, a four satellite NASA mission Manufacturing Message Specification, a networking standard… … Wikipedia

    MMS-〈f.; ; unz.; EDV; Abk. für engl.〉 Multimedia Messaging Service, mithilfe eines Handys verschickte u. empfangene Kurznachricht, die Grafiken, Fotos u. mündliche Mitteilungen enthalten kann * * * MMS: Abk. fur Methylmethioninsulfonium chloride. * * ... Universal-Lexikon

    MMS- (el. mms'e) vb., r, de, t ... Dansk ordbog

    mms'e- (el. MMS'e) vb., r, de, t ... Dansk ordbog

    MMS- es una sigla que significa: Sistema de mensajería multimedia (del inglés multimedia messaging system), un sistema para enviar mensajes multimedia entre teléfonos móviles. Microsoft Media Services, un protocolo para hacer streaming de contenidos… … Wikipedia Español

    MMS- es una sigla que significa: ● Sistema de mensajería multimedia ( inglés Multimedia Messaging System), un sistema para enviar mensajes multimedia entre teléfono móviles. ● Microsoft Media Services, un protocolo para hacer streaming de… … Enciclopedia Universal

    MMS-〈f.; Gen.: ; Pl.: unz.; EDV; Abk. für engl.〉 Multimedia Messaging Service, mithilfe eines Handys verschickte u. empfangene Kurznachricht, die Grafiken, Fotos u. mündliche Mitteilungen enthalten kann … Lexicalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

    MMS- |ememiesse| s. 2 g. 2 num. 1. Serviço que permite o envio de mensagens multimédia para telemóveis. 2. Cada uma dessas mensagens. ‣ Etimologia: sigla do inglês Multimedia Messaging Service, serviço de mensagens multimédia … Dicionario da Lingua Portuguesa


  • MMS: Breakthrough. The Miraculous Mineral Remedy of the 21st Century, Not Only for the People of Africa, But for the World, Jim Humble. Jim Humble, an American inventor, has discovered a remedy whose application promises the almost unbelievable: many of the diseases of mankind can be defeated with the help of his drug called ...

Mms had to lose their former popularity. But this did not happen due to different reasons: firstly, not all people have access to the Internet, and secondly, sending mms messages is much faster than in any messenger.

Benefits of MMS

mms on android

With operating system Android in most cases support data transfer when IMC assistance. Just need to set it up. You can change the configuration on android using auto tuning, you can immediately contact your mobile operator, set it up manually or order settings on the operator’s website.

Automatic MMS setting

This method very convenient, because the technique will do everything itself instead of the user. The probability of making a mistake or harming a mobile device tends to zero. The only negative: you can use automatic configuration only once (when you first register on the network mobile operator). How to set up MMS automatically:

  1. Install a SIM card.
  2. Launch your mobile device and enter a pin code if required.
  3. Receive settings in the form of SMS messages from a mobile operator.
  4. Run the configuration and wait for the installation to complete.
  5. Now you can read sent messages.

Asking for help from the operator

Unlike the previous method, you can ask for help from the operator an unlimited number of times. But here the user will have to follow the instructions clearly in order to achieve positive result. Each mobile network operator has its own free number technical support. You need to ask to send MMS settings to number mobile phone:

  • MTS - 0890;
  • Megafon - 0550;
  • Motive - 111;
  • Beeline - 0611.

After ordering the settings, you must accept them, and then restart the device in order to start using and sending messages. It happens that the service does not connect the first time and requires additional activation. In this case, you need to call again technical support and ask to enable the service for given number cell phone. After all the manipulations, graphic messages will be activated.

Setting MMS manually

If it is impossible to get through to the operator, and the MMS service is needed any minute, then you will have to install it on your own. Instruction:

The next steps depend on the operator. Only some columns are the same for users of Beeline, Megafon, MTS, Tele 2, Motive. These are the “access point type” - mms and the “MMS port” - 8080 (there is an alternative code 9201 for MTS and Tele 2 subscribers). An example of settings for the Beeline mobile operator.

Username can be any(use the characters of the Latin alphabet). The access point is The login, or username, will be beeline and the password matches it (also beeline). Enter http://mms/ in the MMSC field. The IP address for this mobile operator is

You only need to enter specified information and leave the rest of the graphs unchanged. After that, you only need to save the entered data and restart the mobile device.

Order settings on the operator's website mobile communications:

  1. Go to the website of the mobile operator.
  2. Choose among the listed model of your cellular device, enter your mobile phone number.
  3. Press "send".
  4. After some time, the phone will receive settings that will need to be set.
  5. Reboot your device when installation is complete.

If it was not possible to succeed, then the problem is most likely in the user's actions or in the settings of the phone itself. If fix the problem impossible on your own, you should contact service center mobile operator.

Picture messages open in the same way as text. If the sent file is not displayed, you need to look additionally at the settings for receiving and transmitting MMS messages.