Airplay works on apple tv 1. Wireless media: learning to use Airplay on iOS

Apple, like no other company, stands for wireless technologies and cuts the wires at the first opportunity. One of the most important and promising steps towards this was the announcement of AirPlay. What is this? How it works? And what is it for? These and many other questions arise for everyone who is at least a little familiar with Apple devices. In this material we will try to answer most of them.

AirPlay: what is it?

AirPlay is a technology for transmitting audio and video content from a computer, tablet or mobile phone for any external source, be it a TV screen or a stereo system. The technology has been developed by Apple together with the development team from BridgeCo. The technology was presented in 2010 at an event in September. then said about AirPlay that it is the most accessible and simplest streaming technology currently existing.

AirPlay works in automatic mode. To search for receivers and connect, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth is used (depending on the broadcasting device and receiver). Key device to work with AirPlay is Apple TV, but there are many other players that work with this technology.

How does AirPlay work on iOS?

Despite the simplest implementation of the function, many users still have questions about AirPlay. How can I enable it and in what modes does it work? On Apple mobile devices, the technology can operate in three different modes:

  • The first is showing an image from the screen. To enable this mode, you need to turn on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, then open the control center and select the AirPlay option. The device will go into search mode for receivers and show all available ones. In this way, you can broadcast games launched in And if the developer is concerned with full support for the technology, then there will be access to cooperative play and a modified interface.
  • The second mode is video demonstration on an external display. To do this, you will need to enable video on a mobile device that has built-in AirPlay support: iPhone or iPad. To get started, you should launch the video file on your phone or tablet, find the AirPlay logo at the bottom of the display, click on it and select the desired receiver.
  • The third mode is broadcasting audio to an external source. To do this, you need to open the control center, use a swipe gesture to go to the player screen, click on the AirPlay button and select the appropriate stereo system (the stereo system does not have to support AirPlay, Bluetooth version 4 is enough).

How does AirPlay work on Mac?

On desktop system AirPlay works on the same principles, in the same modes:

  • The first is showing an image from the screen. To enable screen sharing, you need to click on the AirPlay logo at the top of the display in the toolbar and select the appropriate receiver (Apple TV third or fourth generation).
  • The second mode is video demonstration on an external display. To do this, you need to launch the video in a program or resource that supports AirPlay (most popular sites, such as YouTube, already support this feature). Then you need to find the AirPlay logo in the player and select the appropriate receiver.
  • The third mode is broadcasting audio to an external source. This requires a player that supports this option. The broadcast can be carried out to Apple TV or a compatible stereo system (the stereo system does not have to support this particular protocol; Bluetooth version 4 is sufficient).
  • Fourth mode - Apple use TV as a second screen. After connecting to the TV, it can be configured as a second functional display, with its own desktops, “dock” and others like them.

AirPlay for Windows and Android

Apple developers do not like to share their technologies and very rarely open access to them. Fortunately, this does not apply to AirPlay technology. Such functions are alien to Windows, so you can only rely on third-party players. One of these is the PlayCast player, which works on both desktop and mobile Windows. The program is available in the store Windows applications and sells there for $4. Those who are not ready to pay can download official version iTunes from the Apple website and stream audio and video content to compatible receivers. There is an advanced solution for those who want to use Apple TV as a second display for Windows - the $13 AirParrot utility.

There are several for Android successful programs for broadcasting media content via the AirPlay protocol. One of these is free program AllCast.

Supported devices and software

To work with AirPlay, you need a mobile device (smartphone or tablet) running iOS 5 or later. Or computers:

  • iMac released in 2011 or later;
  • MacBook released no later than 2015;
  • MacBook Air released no later than 2011;
  • MacBook Pro released no later than 2011.

But any computer running on Windows based and supportive wireless network Wi-Fi (with appropriate software).

Instead of a conclusion

Now that you have information about how AirPlay works, what it is, what modes it works in and how to connect, you can seriously think about purchasing Apple TV or compatible player. This option expands the capabilities of your computer and mobile device, and also helps to create a unified home multimedia system.

Airplay is a technology that allows you to transfer sound and video from an iOS device to another audio system, such as a Mac or Apple TV. Airplay, which has enormous potential, is not very popular, partly due to the fact that users are not familiar with how it works. In this article we will tell you more about this unique technology and how to use it.

The first thing you need to understand is that Airplay is not Bluetooth, if only because Airplay can route audio streams via normal local network. Yes, and the wireless data transfer option of Airplay is head and shoulders above that of Bluetooth, due to working with the original level of quality of audio files, amplified signal and the ability to work with several receivers simultaneously.

All these advantages make AirPlay an ideal choice when creating a unified home multimedia system. Analogues exist, but they all require either the purchase of new devices for streaming, or an expensive receiver with support for this same AirPlay.

All you need to transfer image and sound from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch is Apple TV. So-called “streaming” will allow you to view pictures, enjoy your favorite games or listen to music directly from your TV or Mac.

Sound transmission

Let's start by looking at sound transmission. AirPlay is required for this. compatible receiver, which can be either a TV or a whole range of wireless speakers(with AirPlay support, of course).

If for some reason you definitely want to stream music to your favorite speakers, then there is a solution here. AirPort Extreme is an AirPlay receiver that allows you to stream any signal via a standard audio cable.

AirPlay-enabled speakers are very easy to set up - in most cases, you just need to connect your iOS device to them via USB, open the application and configure the necessary settings.

However, there are models that create a Wi-Fi network and offer to work with it. The process remains the same - connect to the network from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch and specify the parameters.

Now that we've sorted out the physical (or wireless) connection, it's time to proceed directly to transmitting sound. Applications that support AirPlay are distinguished by the presence of this icon

Clicking on it opens a list of available devices in the current AirPlay network, by selecting one of which you will start your “stream”.

If you are a happy owner of a Mac, you can transmit sound using iTunes help. To do this, you just need to click on the appropriate button in the program and select the desired receiver.

The best assistant for working with AirPlay on a Mac is the Airfoil utility ($25), which opens a whole range of fine adjustments, not available from the standard Mac OS X package.

Video transfer

In addition to sound, AirPlay easily copes with wireless video streaming. But the conditions here are more stringent: to get the result you will need the latest generation Apple TV.

In order to activate AirPlay on Apple TV, you need to go to Settings -> AirPlay and switch the switch to the on position. Here you can set a password to protect yourself from unauthorized access.

Apps like YouTube or Vimeo let you stream video to your Apple TV with just the press of a button and special problems does not cause problems in use.

The Video Replay feature, which gives you more than a simple broadcast of gameplay on your TV screen, is also not particularly difficult to set up, but there are some important points to learn.

So, for Video Replay to work you need:

1. iPhone 4S (or more later version), iPad 2 (or later), iPad mini or iPod touch(5th generation)

2. Apple TV (2nd or 3rd generation)

3. Wi-Fi network (802.11a/g/n)

Activating Video Replay on iOS 7 is as follows:

    Connect your iOS device and Apple TV to the same Wi-Fi network.

    Click AirPlay. A list of available Apple TV devices appears.

    Select the Apple TV on which you want to enable AirPlay video repeating, then click Video repeating. After turning on the video replay function, the image on the screen iOS devices will be duplicated on the screen Apple devices TV.

Many games, particularly simulations, support Video Replay in a special way. For example, in Real Racing 2, a map of the track is shown on the iPad screen, and in the flight simulator MetalStorm: Wingman the current state of the aircraft.

Using AirPlay, you can stream video from a Mac - just in iTunes (version 10.2 and higher) click on the already familiar icon and select the device to transfer data to.

AirPlay universal solution to create a powerful multimedia system in your home at no additional cost, rapidly gaining popularity around the world.

It can be argued that this technology has become fully entrenched in the Apple ecosystem. It was in iOS 7 that AirPlay was brought into the Control Panel, and when necessary equipment anyone has the ability to easily and painlessly transfer images from iPad screen(iPhone, iPod) to AirPlay compatible devices.

What is AirPlay?

Let's look at the definition from Wikipedia:

AirPlay is the name of the technology and protocol developed by Apple, which, when used, provides wireless streaming media data (audio, video, images) between devices. Through AirPlay, audio and video data can be transferred from a media player (for example, iTunes) to any devices compatible with the AirPlay protocol.

I will translate all this into simple language with concrete examples. AirPlay transmits video and sound over the air. In this case, nothing special is needed: the main thing is that the receiving device supports AirPlay technology. With AirPlay, the user can stream video and audio from iTunes to the TV, stream audio to Acustic systems wirelessly, transfer image and sound from iPad to computer, etc.

At the same time, audio and video transmission is carried out in real time without visible delays.

How to enable AirPlay in iOS 7

Let's test the function AirPlay in iOS 7. For it to work fully, you need to have a device that supports AirPlay technology (for example, Apple TV). But what to do if there is no such device?! No problem - we’ll use a computer or laptop. Let's try to make it AirPlay compatible and transfer the image from the iPad screen to the computer screen.

Download the Reflector program from the official website. Let's install it. Actually, this is enough to test the Air Play functionality in iOS 7.

1. Launch Reflector on your computer.

2. Open Control Center on iPad. And wait until AirPlay appears in the control center.

Important! Your computer and iPad must be connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

3. Click on AirPlay.

Select a computer from the drop-down list and click on it. Turn on “Video replay”. The Video Replay feature allows you to accurately mirror what you see on your iPad screen to your AirPlay device.

We see that an image of the iPad screen has appeared on the computer. Now, with any action on the iPad, the contents of the tablet screen are almost instantly displayed on the computer. Reflector, by the way, allows you to record an image (the program was created for this).

If you do not enable the Video Repeat function, then AirPlay only works for streaming in programs that support it. For example, standard application"Photo". When AirPlay is turned on, you will scroll through photos, and on the computer the photos will be displayed on the entire screen without frames or program menus...

Here we have shown an excellent example of using AirPlay on iPad.

If you have any additions to the article, write comments. On our part, we promise to supplement this material if necessary. suitable devices at hand.

Today, your smartphone is the center of your life. You can use it to chat, listen to music, and watch videos, and with its many apps, you can pay bills, track your expenses, and more. All in all, if you're smart, you can use a smartphone to make your life easier.

But some smartphones have a tiny screen and also have tiny speakers. Luckily, you can listen to music from your smartphone through speakers connected to your computer, and if you have an iOS device, it's super easy thanks to AirPlay.

What you will need: all you need is one desktop application and nothing else. Built in iOS support AirPlay will take care of the rest. And one more thing - the computer and iOS device must be connected to the same Wi-Fi networks.

How to enable AirPlay on Windows using Kodi (XBMC)

When you install this program, be sure to uncheck the “install Recoder-Feature” option. Otherwise, the program will record all the streamed music from your iOS device, which is probably not what you want.

When you run the program, it will appear in the system tray and will run in background. If necessary, you can change the Airport Name setting, which defaults to the computer name.

So, if Shairport4w is already running, open Control Center in iOS and under AirPlay select your PC name and then start playing. If the corresponding option (Track Info) is enabled, the application will show album covers and track metadata.

Unlike Kodi, Shairport4w does not support streaming video, this tool is exclusively for audio files.

Have a great day!

Apple TV looks the same as most set-top boxes, but it works this device not only with Apple technology, but also with other home devices. For example, with using Apple TV allows you to set up and control Hue lights, play games, download apps, and stream videos from your iPhone or Mac to your iPhone or Mac via AirPlay. big screen TV. Of course, Apple TV also has problems. We will talk about the most common of them in this article.

The essence of the fable is that Apple TV problems quite often arise even if the device is connected and configured correctly. These could be wifi connection failures, poor quality playback, or problems with the home theater. As a rule, the user can eliminate this kind of trouble himself. We will talk about what and how to do in each individual case. So:

Apple TV problems with WiFi

This is perhaps the most common category of problems that almost everyone complains about. Apple owners TV, but which in overwhelming cases arise through their own fault, and which can also be eliminated without much effort. Standard list complaints about so-called “wifi problems” in the case of Apple TV look something like this:

  • “does not find” the wifi network;
  • does not connect to home wifi network;
  • connects to wi-fi, but does not connect to the Internet;
  • Wi-Fi connection often disappears and turns on " Buffering«.

If your Apple TV suddenly behaved in a similar way, then the troubleshooting procedure should begin by checking the IP address. To do this, go to “ Settings ", then - in " Basic " and click " Net «.

  • if this same address is not displayed in the “IP address” line, then you must first turn off (from the outlet, and keep it turned off for at least 1 minute) the existing router, after which ( “Settings” -> “System” -> “Restart now” );
  • if the IP is displayed, the set-top box is connected to Wi-Fi, but the connection is constantly interrupted, then most likely there is weak signal. Try moving the Apple TV to another location, closer to the router, or, conversely, move the router closer to the set-top box.
Apple TV problems with AirPlay

Through AirPlay service, as you know, you can stream a picture from an iPad or to a TV screen. This service is very easy to set up and, of course, is very useful in itself. If it works well, which is not always the case. If AirPlay suddenly stops working, the first thing you need to do is check that Apple TV and the right smartphone, tablet or laptop were connected to one. If these devices “catch” different networks, or mobile device connected to the internet via a network mobile operator, then AirPlay will not work. One by one we open " Settings » in each of the devices and make sure that the name of your home wifi network is displayed in the corresponding sections.

It also often happens that AirPlay simply does not work. That is, you open a video application, get ready to turn on the stream, but for some reason the usual AirPlay logo is not detected. IN in this case It can be assumed that the application you selected does not support the AirPlay service. In addition, it may also be that such support is blocked. Some mobile and TV apps actually disable AirPlay support to prevent users from streaming certain video content.

But AirPlay may not work due to a normal glitch. So check it out Apple settings TV in such a situation will also not be superfluous. Open " Settings "and make sure that the AirPlay function is enabled. In addition, if AirPlay works, but is not stable and/or constantly lags, then also try moving your iPhone, iPad or Macbook closer to the console. If the problem was resolved in this way, then, obviously, the cause of the lags was the low quality of the streaming signal, and not AirPlay itself.

Apple TV - video problems

Sometimes Apple TV starts showing video without sound, or there is sound, but the picture disappears. In such cases, before taking any radical measures, just try restarting the stream. If restarting does not solve the problem, check. It must be well connected at both ends. If possible, connect your Apple TV using a different HDMI cable.

Plus, you need to check the resolution of the set-top box: “Settings” -> “Audio and video” -> “Resolution” . You will most likely see an option " Auto ", and that's okay. However, sometimes you need to manually set the resolution to what is supported.

Apple TV - Audio Problems

If the sound from the set-top box starts to glitch, then you should also start by checking the volume level. It can be disabled. If everything is fine with the volume, then we restart the stream as standard. Then we check the quality of the Apple TV connection to the TV (HDMI or optical cable, if one is used), as well as the quality of the connection to the audio receiver or. Carefully disconnect the cable and then connect it again. In the vast majority of cases, all “repairs” are limited to this.

Apple TV problems with the remote control

Without Apple remote control TV is just a black box, beautiful and almost useless. Almost - this is because if there is something wrong with the standard console remote control, then you can use it instead. But only if you have previously installed and configured mobile app « Remote control » (Remote App). That's one thing.

As for the problems with the remote control, the most common one is the failure of pairing this device with the set-top box. That is, it simply does not connect, and “ “. In such a situation, you must first check the battery charge of the remote control. If it is discharged, then put the remote control on charge for at least half an hour. Then we bring it close to the body of the console (at a distance of no more than 5-7 cm), simultaneously pressing the buttons " Menu " And " Increase volume "and hold them like this for at least 5 seconds (the pairing process will begin). After the set-top box “sees” its remote control, disconnect it from the network. We wait a minute, turn it on and test the quality of the remote control.