Working with windows movie maker. Advantages of the movie maker and features of working with it

Sometimes situations arise when you need to make a video, and not simply, but from certain photographs. How to make a video from photos and music yourself without certain knowledge and skills? At first glance, this process is complex, but everyone can master it. So, having decided to share your numerous photos with colleagues and friends, but in a convenient and beautiful view, worth taking advantage of special programs. With their help you can do wonderful video clip, with commentary, music, titles and special effects.

To begin with, it’s worth saying a few words about photographs. They must be pre-processed, for example, in Photoshop or any other photo editor. Since it is not recommended to insert images directly from the camera into the video due to their big size(about 2-3 MB), they must first be reduced to a size of 70-150 KB (approximately 650x500 pixels). Maybe a little less, maybe a little more. It should be remembered that the weight of each picture increases the weight of the entire video, but it will also contain music, titles, and special effects, and this is additional weight.

After processing the photo, you need to select suitable music or a song, think about future comments (they can be entered into the program during editing) and special effects that are available in the program. In addition, you can write voice speechcomments to photos, just thoughts or memories, regarding these photos.
You can experiment with all this to end up with an interesting video.

How to make a video from photos and music using DIY utilities and programs? Watch the video lesson for beginners.

After this, you should start mastering the program. Where can I find it and how can I make a video from photos and music using this program? It’s very simple - every computer already has one by default. She enters Windows composition– installed automatically with the system. The program is known as named Windows Movie Maker.

The program is easy to use, moreover, it is completely Russified, has intuitive and user-friendly interface . The principle of its operation can be stated as follows: “grab what you need with the mouse (photos or music files) and drag it.” To put it simply, you simply take the necessary ingredients and mix them together. in the right order. That's the whole working principle.

Finding a program on your computer is very easy. For example, in Windows XP, to do this, you need to log into the system, click the “Start” menu and select “All Programs” in the submenu that appears. After carefully looking through their list, you need to find Windows Movie Maker and launch it. And then – turn on your imagination and experiment.

How to make video from photos and music using this program, which, as it turned out, always rested peacefully in file system my operating system? :))) Now we will take a detailed look at the entire technology for creating a video clip from photographs with musical accompaniment.

The numbers mark the buttons for switching areas to different modes:
1 - operations / collections (collections); 2 - timeline/storyboard.
You can also set the desired mode in the View menu item by clicking on the desired option.

The process of working on a film consists of creating
- first the PROJECT, in which all changes are carried out. It can be saved (together with all the source materials, more conveniently in a separate folder) and changed endlessly;
- then SAVE THE FILM, which can no longer be changed using this program. The finished film does not require presence source elements and can be transported alone to any place.
The following table shows the differences between the project and the film.

The operations/collections area in the Operations mode (switching to this mode with the button or the menu item View - Operations/Taskbar) displays all the actions that can be used when creating a movie.
A collection (or Collection) is a set of clips, images and audio files for creating a movie, united by a common name into a folder. The collection does not contain copies of these files, but only links to them. It means that
1. when copying a project to another folder, be sure to copy all the source materials there,
2. when the content changes source files The clips in the project also change.
In the operations/collections area in the Collections mode, you can create, delete, copy, and rename collections of source materials for films. Sets of effects and video transitions also belong to collections.

The content area displays for selection:
- either original images, clips and audio for film editing,
- or options for effects superimposed on frames,
- or options for transitions between frames.

In the preview pane, you can preview clips, effects, and transitions by clicking them in the content pane. And also the film in the process of editing from the current frame, using the buttons - play and - pause (as in regular programs playing media files).

The timeline/storyboard area is used for editing the movie.
STORYBOARD mode is needed for insertion operations:
- personnel,
- effects,
- transitions,
- titles at the beginning of the film,
- credits at the end,
- titles between frames.
TIME SCALE mode is used when
- inserting music,
- records soundtrack,
- changing the duration of display of selected frames,
- insert text on the selected frame.

Preparing to make a film.

1. Create separate folder for a project, where to copy all the source materials necessary for the film: images, video clips, audio files.

2. If necessary, edit the source images (compress to required sizes, remove red eye, crop, adjust brightness/contrast, etc.) in any graphic editor. Audio and video files - in appropriate programs.
You can return to this point while working on the project.

Stages of working on a film.

I. Launch Windows Movie Maker:
Start - All Programs (Programs) - Windows Movie Maker

II. Create a new collection for the source clips from which the movie will be created:

1. Switch the Operations/Collections area to the Collections mode (button on the toolbar or menu item View - Collections)

2. Right-click on the Collections folder, select New collection, give it a name (or menu Tools - Create collections folder)

III. Switch this area to Operations mode (using the button or menu item View - Operations/Taskbar), and also switch the timeline/storyboard area at the bottom of the program window to Storyboard mode

IV. Add photos and other graphic files to the collection

1. In the Operations area, in the Import section, select Images/Import Images

2. In the window that appears, open the folder with the source materials created during the preparation stage.

3. Highlight necessary files:
- by clicking the mouse while pressing Ctrl, several non-adjacent files are selected
- by clicking on the first file, and then holding down Shift - on last file all files between them are selected

4. Click the Import button

V. Audio files are added in the same way - in the Operations area, select the Import sound or music item. And also video fragments - in the Operations area, select the Import video item

VI. Before editing the film or at any time during the process of creating a video sequence, you can change the duration of display of a static image in the film: menu item Tools - Options... - tab Extra options- Image duration. The new display time will be applied to those frames that are inserted after the change.

VII. Drag the images onto the frames in the Storyboard in the desired sequence. Frames are filled sequentially, empty ones are not left - they are automatically deleted. Filled frames can be dragged to another location in the video sequence, deleted, or inserted images between existing frames (then a frame between existing ones will be automatically added).

Removing a frame from a sequence:

VIII. Adding video effects to some frames:

1. In the Operations area, in the Editing (Film Editing) section, select Video Effects

2. Thumbnails of the effects appear in the content area, and when you click on the desired effect, you can view it in the viewing area on the monitor. Effects can be static (eg, grayscale, posterize, flip down) or dynamic (eg, fade to black, fade out). Dynamic ones can be viewed after pressing the button - play under the monitor in the viewing area.

3. Drag the selected effect to the desired frame. At the same time, the star in the corner of the frame becomes bright.

4. You can add several effects to the same frame that do not contradict each other. For example, you can “posterize,” “flip left to right,” and “weaken outward,” but you cannot “weaken outward” or “weaken inward.” In this case, either the effects do not work, or the frames may not be shown at all.

5. By right-clicking on the star in the corner of the frame, you can remove unnecessary or all effects.

IX. Create transitions between frames:

1. In the Operations area, in the Editing (Film Editing) section, select Video transitions

2. Thumbnails of transitions appear in the content area, when you click on the desired thumbnail, you can view it in the viewing area on the monitor after clicking the button - play under the monitor.

3. Drag the selected transition onto the rectangle between frames. There can be only one transition. If you drag another one onto the assigned transition, the later one will replace the previous one.

X. Add the title of the film at the beginning, credits at the end, and, if necessary, captions before the selected frames. In all these cases, additional frames will appear with text in the appropriate place

1. In the Operations area, in the Editing (Film Editing) section, select Titles and Credits. Next, select the line corresponding to the position of the title (at the beginning, at the end, before the selected clip)

2. Type the title text. Each title can be formatted by selecting from the menu items below the title text: Change title animation; Change the font and color of the text.

3. To finish working with the title and insert it into the movie, click “Finish”

4. Titles are also inserted at the end and titles between frames, only in the latter case you must first click on the frame before (or after) which you insert the caption.

5. You can apply effects to the resulting frames with text and insert transitions to the next frame.

XI. Inserting a name ON the selected frame differs only in that, as a result, after clicking “Finish”, the transition to the Timeline mode occurs. The program can report this: - click OK. Captions on frames are displayed in the Timeline mode at the bottom of the timeline in the Title Overlay line.

All names can be moved, deleted, changed - for example, using context menu(by right-clicking on the title). Or select the name, menu item Edit - Change name...

XII. We add music only in Timeline mode. Switching to it from the Storyboard mode - click on the Timeline button in this area

1. In the Operations area, in the Edit/Edit movie section, select the first item (Imported media clips/Display collections) - imported images and audio files are displayed in the content area.

2. Drag the audio file to the Timeline in the Sound or Music line at the very beginning of the line or under any frame from which it is desirable to start the sound of this file.

If the music turns out to be significantly longer than the video sequence, it needs to be trimmed. Using the buttons you can change the scale of time divisions on the time scale. To trim long music, reduce the scale. Click on the sound histogram in the audio track - it is highlighted with a black frame with triangular markers at the beginning and end. When you hover the mouse pointer over them, it takes the form of a red arrow. This means that while holding down the mouse button, you can trim the music to the desired duration from the end, or trim the beginning of a musical fragment.

4. You can add fade-in or fade-out effects to a sound fragment (especially if it has been cut). Right-click on the sound fragment in the timeline and click to check the desired effect.

5. You can insert several musical fragments sequentially.

XIII. Final processing - we adjust the video sequence to the sound of the music (or vice versa).

1. The duration of display of each frame can be changed:
- select a frame with a mouse click
- move the mouse pointer to the triangular marker on the right border of the frame selection
- while pressing the key, drag this border, focusing on the divisions at the top of the time scale (they are in the format H:MM:SS,00)

2. Click on the first or other frame and enable the Play button in the viewing area. If the match between music and video is not satisfactory, continue making changes on the timeline

XIV. The last step is to save (publish) the movie. Before publishing the film, you must save the project (in the same folder where the source materials for this project are collected). The finished film can be published (saved) as a file in any folder on your computer or removable disk, create a DVD video, post it on the Internet or send it via e-mail. You can publish a film from one project in different formats multiple times.
To save on your computer:

1. In the Operations area, in the Publish/Complete movie section, select Save on this computer

2. The Movie Creation Wizard window will open, where you need to enter a file name, by clicking the Browse button, select the folder in which you want to save the movie. Click Next button below

3. The next step is to define the parameters of the movie to be saved.

4. After this, the creation of the movie file will begin in specified folder, after completion of which you can immediately watch the movie if you do not uncheck (or check) the words “Play movie” on last step Wizard and click “Finish”

Sequence of work on creating a film:

1. Prepare a folder with source images and sound

2. Launch WindowsMovieMaker, create a new collection or clear the content area

3. Import original images and sound

5. In Storyboard mode, drag the images onto the timeline in the desired order. Save project

6. Drag effects to the desired frames. Save project

7. Add transitions between frames. Save project

8. Add titles, titles, captions to frames, if necessary. Save project

9. In Timeline mode, drag sound file in the line Sound or music. Trim off excess. Save project

10. Adjust the duration of displaying frames in accordance with the music. Save project

Points 5-10 can be repeated repeatedly in any order.

Video editing is a labor-intensive task; without special knowledge and skill, it’s not even worth talking about a serious product at the end. Professionals use for installation specialized programs, which are very difficult to understand on your own. But for ordinary people There are simplified analogues, one of them is Windows Movie Maker. This program is not suitable for modern special effects, but you can cut or splice videos and add simple transitions using it. Therefore, in this article we will understand how to use Windows Movie Maker.

Windows Movie Maker is a native video editor from Microsoft. The program is simple and easy to use, this is its main advantage. Of course, you can’t create cinematic-quality effects on it, but building a slide show on your knee or gluing several clips into one is just the thing. The program is not preinstalled on all operating systems, but only on three: Windows ME, Windows XP and Windows Vista. If you are not a user of one of them, then you can simply download it from the Internet installation file and install the application, fortunately it weighs only about seven megabytes.

There is also an updated version of the movie Maker -live or "Windows Movie Maker". This is a largely redesigned product that primarily focuses on ease and speed of installation for the most inexperienced user. In this version, the timeline was removed and additional settings and individual audio configurations and settings. Many users abandoned the updated interface precisely because of the lack of a timeline, only you can decide which version is right for you. Note: the application runs on operating systems ah, not older than WindowsVista.


We'll figure out how to work with the Movie Maker program a little later, but for now let's go through the interface elements. We will consider the classic interface, and all instructions will be based on it. IN live versions installation occurs in a similar way, but there are significant differences. Let's go in order, let's say a few words about each interface module separately.

IMPORTANT. If you use a program with an English interface, but are not very versed in the language, then install the localizer or use the provided screenshots to navigate.

Main menu

Program window

Everything is simple here - a regular main menu panel, like any other Widnovs program. “File”, “Edit”, “View”, “Tools”, “Clip”, “Playback”, “Help” - all this alternative ways interactions with the project, and not the most convenient ones. We won’t stop here for long and move on to the next point.


Let's go through all the buttons in order, from left to right.

  1. Creating a project.
  2. Opening a project.
  3. Saving the project.
  4. Action back.
  5. Action forward.
  6. Setting the display of the taskbar.
  7. Configuring the display of the collections panel.
  8. Drop-down list with the ability to switch between video transitions, video effects and collections (imported files).
  9. Additional list navigation buttons.
  10. Setting the type of display of selected elements.

Let's move on to the most used element, which makes the program incredibly convenient and easy to use.

Task bar

Using this panel we will add new files to the project, video effects and transitions. She is not the only way perform such actions, but it is much easier and simpler to use than searching for these functions in the main menu or toolbar.

Importing files

The points speak for themselves, let’s just list them and say a few words about each.

  • Import video
  • Importing images
  • Import sound or music

Import means copying a file from external media your computer into the program project. As we can see, you can choose the video you need or images and add music to them. After importing, all selected files will be added to the collections window, where we can work with them further.

  • Displaying collections
  • View video effects
  • View video transitions

Essentially, this is an analogue of a drop-down list on the toolbar, which transfers to windows with video transitions, video effects and collections.

  • Creating titles and credits
  • Creating a car movie

Interesting features that add beauty and convenience respectively. For a small home video, it would not be superfluous to add the title of the film at the beginning and credits at the end; such little things make the clip interesting and high-quality. The Auto Movie Maker feature loads all imported files into video and audio tracks in order. The function is suitable if you downloaded the files in the desired order or their order is not important.

  • Saving to computer
  • Sending to a digital video camera

Common functions for saving and visualizing the project.

All downloaded files, video effects or video transitions to choose from are displayed here. Switch via toolbar or taskbar.

Built-in player

Everything is as in a normal player, very convenient function for preview. You can rewind, pause and play; all actions are tied to the position of the slider on the timeline, which we’ll talk about later.

The bottom panel

The bottom panel can work in two modes - storyboard and timeline.

Storyboard mode is useful for adding transitions and video effects. The time scale allows you to trim and lengthen video fragments with great precision, which is extremely necessary during editing.

Installation process

How to work in Movie Maker? First, you need to open the program, it is located in the “all programs” of the Start menu. After launch, we decide on the idea of ​​the project and transfer all the necessary elements to the collections using the import module on the taskbar. After this, we move the elements in the desired sequence onto the timeline, adjust the duration of each and, if desired, add various effects between frames or elements. To add an image, video or sound, simply grab an object in the project window and drag it onto bottom panel. To lengthen or shorten an object, you need to “grab” one of the edges of the fragment and pull it in the desired direction. After all the manipulations with gluing, trimming and adding effects, it would be nice to add titles, everything necessary buttons located on the taskbar, you just need to follow the instructions of the wizard. We save the project or visualize it into a finished product.


So, we figured out the interface Windows programs Movie Maker, we also understand how to use it, all that remains is to gain experience, and this requires practice. Use the capabilities of the application as often as possible, and over time it will take you a few minutes to edit a simple video.

For those users who are looking for a simple and at the same time functional video editor, we can confidently recommend Movie Maker. Ever since Microsoft company, included it in standard set programs for operating rooms Windows systems better than this software, V free access didn't appear. However, after the release of Vista, the developers decided to move away from the usual name of the movie maker, renaming it “Film Studio”. The functionality remained the same, but the interface was transformed so much that working with it became slightly inconvenient.

That is why among fans of Windows 7 / 8 there are many who prefer the one they are used to Movie program Maker. What can I say? She has plenty of advantages!

Movie Maker's Arsenal of Possibilities

A special feature of Windows Movie Maker is that it allows you to create a full-fledged movie (video) with titles, subtitles, graphic effects, screensavers and music or voice accompaniment. Moreover, using such a program, you can easily edit a video fragment or image, record music for a film, trim an audio file, and then edit it into a video.

In addition, to work with it on Windows, you do not need to download any additional codecs or other software features: all the functionality is already included in Movie Maker itself. Another undeniable advantage is that the program allows you to make a choice:

In addition, dictionaries and translators are not required during the process of creating videos through Movie Maker. The fact is that the program interface is completely Russian, so you can safely refuse English courses if you plan to work with it. If you want to show off your polyglot skills, you can use the movie maker’s help section. Answers to frequently asked questions can be found there in French, English, and German.

Quick Start Guide for Users

What is it like to work on creating a film in Windows Movie Maker? As already mentioned, nothing complicated. For Windows instructions might look like this:

1. Create a name

To do this, go to the “Service” section, click on the “Title and credits” item in it and select the appropriate option from the proposed ones:

2. Add images/music/videos

In this case, select the corresponding item in the “Video Recording” section from the menu on the left, look for a folder with files suitable for us and copy them from Windows to our Movie Maker project. The trick here is that you can select not just one, but several media files at once. In this case, Ctrl will help us if we need to add a couple of photos / video clips / audio from hundreds of others, or combination Ctrl and A, if you want to import the entire contents of the folder.

3. Editing the film

Having the basis for a video, you can safely start creating it. To do this, drag photos and video files to the bottom bar in the order in which we would like to see them in our video and select the appropriate effect for them from the “Film Editing” section:

After that, drag the appropriate audio file into the same part of the editor. It can be trimmed if desired. To do this, it will be enough to pull the lever in the desired direction. At the same time, you can add and, accordingly, trim not one, but several music tracks.

In addition, you can choose to create a car movie. In this case, the program itself will apply effects and transitions, combining video, audio and photos.

4. Save the movie

Thus, it is very easy to make a colorful presentation, advertising video or a real film with your own hands. To do this, just install this on your computer free program, like Movie Maker, and in right moment take advantage of all its benefits. And they, as you yourself have already noticed, are through the roof.

It happens that due to the nature of your work or simply because you want to somehow surprise your relatives and friends, there is a need to create a video with a presentation or simply with a selection of photographs and video clips.

At the same time, I want the pictures or stitched videos to be accompanied by my favorite music or just a melody that is very suitable for the theme of the project and smooth transitions from one element to another.

This lesson is dedicated to the creation of such a video. Moreover, we will place emphasis on creating something truly neat and elegant, and most importantly, that all this can be done simply and free of charge, i.e. without the need for expensive software.

The software we need to create a high-quality video:

  • 1. Yourself main program There will naturally be an application called . For those who don’t know, let us remind you that this software is designed for creating videos. It should also be noted that Windows Movie Maker is one of the simplest and easiest to learn video editors that even an inexperienced user can easily understand.
  • 2. Unfortunately, simplicity is not always an advantage, so in order to be able to create an effective short film, we will also need a graphics editor that allows us to adjust pictures to each other, which, unfortunately, Windows Movie Maker cannot do. One of the good and free photo editors is program. Actually, we will use it to illustrate examples.
  • 3. We will also need an audio editor called .
  • 4. Another important utility that may be useful to us is one designed for converting audio and video formats.
  • 5. Well, and latest program, which may be useful is this. Essentially, this is a package of codecs that will allow the program to work without any problems Windows Movie Maker With various formats files.

All programs are easy to install, and thanks to simple interface It is quite easy to learn how to work in any of them.

We also note that if you have any problems with the video editor Windows Movie Maker, then to solve them we advise you to read the following articles:

Well, now that everything necessary programs downloaded and installed, let's get started creating your own video.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a video in Windows Movie Maker using some other programs:

1. Making a video plan

Many users underestimate the importance of this aspect and often go through the process of creating a video without any plan. Of course, such a decision is justified if the video is just something like an ordinary selection of family photographs, some of which you want to sign. Well, for high-quality presentations or educational video lessons, it’s still better to think through the plan and the very idea of ​​the video in advance, because this will save a lot of time.

Find all necessary information on the topic using search engines Google or Yandex. Give it a clear structure and sequence. At the same time, remember that the texts should be as brief and meaningful as possible.

2. Selection of audio, video and photographic materials

After the text has been at least roughly sketched out, it is necessary to select photos and video materials for it, as well as suitable music, which can also be easily found using the above search engines. Perhaps during your search you will come across nice images or videos that fit the theme of your project, but do not quite correspond to the text that you compiled. But it's okay. First, the text is written so that there is rough plan, but it can always be adjusted or supplemented.

By the way, you can make photo and video materials yourself, as well as audio accompaniment, for example, by capturing them on your digital camera or video camera. Well, in order to correct the found images and music, we will need programs and accordingly.

3. Photo processing in Paint.Net program

3.1. Cropping pictures according to a strict length-to-width ratio in Paint.Net

In order for your video to look solid, all the pictures need to be at least adjusted to at least a 4 by 3 format, i.e. The ratio of the length of the picture and its width must strictly correspond to the multiple of these numbers.

To do this, we will open a photo editor, load the necessary pictures into it by clicking on “File -> Open” in the main menu, and then press the “S” key to select the “Rectangular Area” tool. Next, in the Tools panel, we'll change the selection type from Normal to Preserved Aspect Ratio and set the Width to 4 and Length to 3.

Now we need to select a rectangular area in the image according to the given proportions, which we want to crop along the edges, and then we just need to click on the “Image -> Crop by selection” menu.

As a result, we will be able to avoid the fact that when adding pictures to the project that do not correspond in size to the 4 by 3 ratio, there will be no black background at their edges, for example, like this:

3.2. Creating a Background Image in Paint.Net

However, sometimes the caption text is hard to see in the pictures, or you just want to make everything stylish and beautiful and place the images on some beautiful background. But, unfortunately, the Windows Movie Maker program itself does not provide such a function, so the application is useful here too.

We just create a new one in this program graphic document, for example, 800 by 600 pixels in size if we need a high-quality video or with a resolution of 640 by 480 if standard quality is enough.

In order to create new document You need to select “File -> Create” in the main menu, then set the required dimensions and click on the “OK” button.

Now, if you do not have the “Palette” window open, then select “Window -> Palette” from the main menu or simply press the “F8” key. Then in the window that appears, select the background color that you like by clicking, for example, on a multi-colored circle.

Once you select a color, you will need to press the "F" key to activate a tool called "Fill". Now you just need to click on the working surface of your image (which by default when created has White color). After this, the color of the picture will change to the one you chose. Then press the “G” key to select the “Gradient” tool and click on the center of the image at the very bottom and, holding the button, move the cursor to its top center edge. As a result, you should end up with something like this:

Now, if you wish, you can also use some effect. For example, by selecting “Effects -> Distort -> Dents” and playing with the sliders, you can get a more interesting background:

You can also apply other effects, although there are not many of them in the program. But everything depends, first of all, on your imagination. After all, you can adjust one effect to another, which allows you to get a completely new result. Therefore the quantity possible combinations there can be much more background than the effects themselves.

For one video, you can make several background images at once, but in order for everything to look neat, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • First, all background images should be approximately the same color. Of course, in some cases, to emphasize the meaning of a main image, you can use a background with a different color, but this is best done extremely rarely.
  • Secondly, if you use several colors, it is better to stick to either only cool (purple, blue, cyan) or only warm (red, yellow, green) colors.
  • Third, to make the background more attractive, you should use the Gradient tool and/or special effects. In this case, the gradient can be applied not only from bottom to top, as we described above, but also vice versa, from top to bottom, as well as diagonally. In general, here you can just experiment.

3.3. Overlaying one picture on another in Paint.Net

So, when the background is ready, you will need to insert a picture onto it.

Let us remind you once again that if you are making a video of standard quality, then the image with the background must be strictly 640 by 480 pixels in size, otherwise, if the image is larger, the program will still change its quality and it is quite possible that it will not be the most in the best possible way, so it’s better to do everything right away in a photo editor.

When adding a main image, try to place it in the top half background image, if, of course, you want some credits to be shown for it.

To trim main picture to the desired size, you should simply open it in the same program (by clicking “File -> Open” and selecting the desired picture), then select the “Rectangular Area” tool by pressing the “S” key on the keyboard. Only now you don’t need to set proportions, widths and lengths when selecting, but simply roughly select a rectangle or square and click on the “Image -> Crop to selected edge” menu. Then you need to press Ctrl+A in the program to select the entire image and Ctrl+C to copy it. After that we open background picture and press the hotkey combination Ctrl+V to paste the image from the clipboard. Now you only need to place it in a convenient place by simply dragging it with the mouse and pressing the Enter key.

Everything should look something like this:

We do not recommend writing the text itself on the picture in a graphics editor, since it is not very convenient, because it can be added as titles in the Windows Movie Maker program. In addition, later it will be easy to correct and change it, as well as adjust effects on the appearance of text, etc.

4. Adding photos and videos to a Windows Movie Maker project

After you prepare photos and select the necessary videos, they will need to be added to the program Windows Movie Maker.

To do this, first open it, then click in the “Movie Operations” panel on the “Import Videos” and “Import Images” items. The files you select will appear in a panel called Collections. You can then drag them onto the timeline in the order you want them to appear.

It is worth noting that the storyboarding of videos when added to a project occurs automatically, i.e. the video is immediately cut into pieces and added to “Collections”, where you can take any desired piece or several and drag them onto the timeline. If you are not satisfied with this format of work, you can cut it out required fragment using another video editor, for example, such as .

5. Adding titles in Windows Movie Maker

Now for each picture and video added to the timeline, you can create one or more titles.

But there is one nuance here, which concerns the arrangement of the duration of the slide show on the timeline. After all, if you hastily add pictures and text to them, you may not correctly calculate the duration of their display. In this case, the slides will either be shown too quickly and viewers will have to stop the video to read the text for the illustrations, or too slowly and people who watch your video will have to waste time waiting for the next slide to be displayed.

Of course, it will be possible to set everything correctly in the project later, but for those people who have not tried to do this at least once for all frames in a large video project created in Windows Movie Maker (and due to inexperience, sometimes they have to adjust the display duration of all slides and titles several times), let's say right away that this is a very time-consuming and labor-intensive task.

Therefore, after you add a corresponding title to each photo or video segment on the timeline, it is recommended to immediately set the duration of its playback, as well as the duration of display of the photo or video segment itself. To do this, simply note how many seconds it takes to read the caption text, and in the case of text for pictures, add 2-5 seconds to this amount of time so that the viewer has the opportunity to look at the image itself.

Note that to compose the text you need to adhere to several rules:

  • 1. On a regular video with a resolution of 640 by 480 pixels, you can’t place as much text on each slide as you would like, and if the text goes as an addition to the picture, then you can add even less. Although, of course, it will be possible to simply change the text itself as the video that describes the picture plays, without replacing it, until all the information necessary for the correct perception of this block is conveyed to the end user. This can be done by adding several titles in a row to one image.
  • 2. When adding titles, remember that for the title (text in the first field) you can use about 128 characters with spaces or about 16 -20 words, and for the text below the title (in the second field) you can write about 96 characters with spaces or order 12-15 words

In order to add titles in Windows Movie Maker, you just need to click in the “Movie Operations” panel in the “2. Film editing” to the “Creating titles and credits” item.

Then select the appropriate option, for example, "Add a title on the selected clip in the timeline." Now you can write the desired text that will be displayed in your video. Please note that in this window, by scrolling the mouse wheel, you can also see options such as the ability to “Change title animation” and “Change font and text color”. By the way, you can easily see how all the changes made will be displayed, which you can view in the player located on the right top corner programs.

6. Adding effects and transitions in Windows Movie Maker

To add video effects and transitions in the program Windows Movie Maker First of all, you need to select from the taskbar an item called “View video effects” or “View video transitions”, respectively. Only after this you will be able to look at small thumbnails of transitions in the window that opens. In order to see how this or that effect or transition works, you just need to click on any thumbnail you like and it will automatically start the process of demonstrating the capabilities of this element in the built-in player. Well, to add an element you like, you just need to drag it onto the desired frame.

7. Processing audio files in Audacity

Once you've posted all your photos and videos, created titles for them, and set the optimal time intervals for displaying all these elements, you can see how long your video will take up overall.

Now, in order to add musical accompaniment that will play one or more melodies for the required amount of time throughout the entire video, you will need an audio editor called. It is worth noting that if you are unable to add any audio file to this program, then you will need an excellent converter that will help solve this problem. It is best to convert files directly to WMA format.

So, for example, your video is 5 minutes long, but the melody you want to accompany it is only 3.5 minutes long.

In order to “lengthen” a melody, you just need to open it in the program, then listen and find a segment or several of them that will total the missing 1.5 minutes and simply copy them using the hotkeys Ctrl+C and paste into the desired location using the combination Ctrl+V.

In order to simplify the process of searching for fragments, you can change the scale of the oscillation graph sound waves melodies using the Ctrl+1 (zoom in) and Ctrl+3 (zoom out) keys.

If it is difficult for you to search for fragments of a melody in this way and insert them into it, then you can simply copy the audio file with this musical composition, then delete everything unnecessary in it by selecting a fragment of music with the mouse and pressing the “Del” key, leaving soundtrack the required length. After which you can easily copy and paste the remaining fragments into a full duplicate of the original melody. To do this, you just need to press Ctrl+A to select the entire track and Ctel+C to copy it. Then we open original copy melody, we find the right place in it where we can paste our template and press Ctrl + V to paste it from the clipboard.

8. Adding Music to a Windows Movie Maker Project

After you have edited the melody, save it in WAV format and import it into Windows Movie Maker by clicking on the "Movie Operations" panel in the "1. Record video" to the "Import sound or music" item, and then drag it from the "Collections" panel onto the timeline at the very beginning.

9. Saving a project as a movie in Windows Movie Maker

The last step in creating a video in the program is Windows Movie Maker is to save it as a film.

For this you need the main thing Windows menu Movie Maker, click "File -> Save Movie File...", then click on the icon that says "My Computer". Then in the “Enter the file name for the saved movie” field that appears, you need to write the name for your video, and in the “Select a folder to save the movie” field, you need to select the folder where the movie file will be saved from the drop-down list. You can also select another folder that is not in the list by clicking on the “Browse...” button.

Then on the “Movie Options” page you can leave all the default settings and click on the “Next” button, after which you will need to wait until Windows Movie Maker will carry out the process of saving the video. Then just click on the "Done" button.

Bottom line

Your video is all ready. And its creation did not take that much time. However, at the same time, it should turn out to be of high quality and neat, which is what we tried to achieve.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave your comments, which we will try to answer.

Good luck with your installation!