Let them speak the issue of April 26th. Is it easy to be with a young person? Is it easy to be with a young person: new love

The mother of the famous TV presenter Dana Borisova is in a panic: Ekaterina Ivanovna is sure that her daughter could die from drug use. A woman is sure that her daughter is possessed by demons. Ekaterina Ivanovna is very worried about her granddaughter Polina - Dana Borisova voluntarily gave her daughter to her father. Dana's mother is desperately looking for money for her daughter's treatment and is ready to mortgage her apartment to get Dana out of this trouble. Today, Dana Borisova’s mother came to “Let Them Talk” to tell the whole truth about her daughter. What's going on in the life of a TV star now?

“I am one hundred percent sure that my daughter is using drugs! - Ekaterina Ivanovna declares before the broadcast of the program. I just can't reach her. I’ve been going to the temple a lot lately, but Dana is still obsessed.” Dana Borisova's mother is horrified by what has been happening to her daughter lately. “Yesterday I even started securing my apartment in Crimea. To my shame I have to say that I am a doctor. I worked in an ambulance for 25 years, but I never met drug addicts in everyday life. In 2014, we had our first serious conflict and that’s when the late Tim Brik got my daughter hooked on drugs. Polya then went to first grade, and in the meantime, Dana apparently began to use something, plus she drank a lot of wine. It got to the point where she fell drunk on the beach and lay in the sun. And this has been going on for three years now!” the woman says with tears in her eyes.

“Why am I so sure that she is taking drugs? The thing is that I found a bottle of cocaine on my daughter. It was March 18th of this year. Polina called me and said that she had found a rolled-up straw and money sprinkled with white powder from her mother. I was shocked to hear this. When I began to ask Dana to come to her in Moscow, she answered unequivocally that she did not want me to come. Whenever we talked to her on Skype, she assured me that everything was fine, but I always felt something was wrong. Polechka began calling me often, despite the fact that Dana had cut off her Skype and mobile phone. She secretly called me when Dana was sleeping, and then deleted the calls from the phone. I am very afraid for Polya and I am afraid that my daughter will die from drugs. Lately I keep seeing her with a certain Ray.”

Further, in Let Them Talk, footage of the episode dedicated to Dana Borisova is shown. At that time, the TV star was already in a quarrel with her own mother and, as it now becomes clear, refused to admit that she was a drug addict. Andrey Malakhov: Now I understand what was really happening to her then. Of course, you have a difficult history of relationships with your daughter, but already at that time you sounded the alarm and tried to help Dana. We all remember how she got married to Andrei Troshchenko. But neither then nor now did she admit that she was sick. What could have happened that a popular TV presenter started using cocaine? At what point did Dana Borisova become a drug addict? This story begins with Dana's producer, Tima Brik, who tragically passed away last year. The official version of his death was the abuse of diet pills.

« Let them talk» with Andrey Malakhov: Is it easy to be with a young person? watch today's episode from April 26, 2016 online. Description of the show, possibility of online viewing and commenting.

Let them talk: show description

They say: “Words can’t help matters,” but the “Let Them Talk” program refutes this saying. Real, unfictional stories of people touch more than pretentious discussions on general topics, because when we bring up for discussion the private problem of an individual person, an individual family, we are talking about something that worries everyone without exception...

Conflicts between the parties, disputes, clashes of opinions - all this happens in the studio in front of the whole country. Everyone speaks - eyewitnesses, neighbors, distant and close relatives, opponents and supporters... Famous politicians say, the best psychologists, celebrities, show business “stars”, journalists... Ordinary spectators present in the hall say. People with extensive life experience speak. And all this makes the discussion in the studio as objective as possible.

The best ending to our programs is concrete help to people, correcting mistakes and finding compromises.

New items of the week:

  • Evening Urgant with Danila Kozlovsky and Dmitry Mashkov 04/22/2016;
  • Tonight with Andrey Malakhov: Natasha Koroleva 23.04.16 ;
In the release: Mikhail is from the village of Nizhneozernoye, Orenburg region, he is 48 years old, and his wife Olga is 16 years younger than him, she is 32 years old, she bore him five children. Three years ago, a young wife accidentally called her beloved husband Mikhail Seryozha in bed. She met someone on the Internet, and left home in the morning, leaving her 48-year-old husband for a 21-year-old guy. Today in the episode we will try to figure out why, having been married for 12 years and giving Mikhail five children, Olga decided to start life from scratch with 21-year-old Sergei.

48-year-old Mikhail Kolotilin from a village located in the Orenburg region is married to Olga, who is 17 years younger than him. The woman bore him five children. Three years ago, Olga accidentally called Mikhail Sergei in bed. And in the morning she left home forever, leaving her husband and children for the sake of a 21-year-old guy. Watch Let them talk 04/26/2016 - Is it easy to be with a young person?

“I bought her both candy and cakes,” says Mikhail Kolotilin before the program aired, “she could eat two cakes in a day! And then the Internet ruined her...I met someone there.” Ex-wife Olga admits that now she is truly happy: “Everything is fine with us! He doesn't blame me for candy or anything else. We are 10 years apart. What's wrong with that? Pugacheva and Galkin also live.” Today we have to find out why a woman, having been married for 12 years, decided to start life from scratch with 21-year-old Sergei Prytkov.

Let them say: is it easy to be with a young man?

The hero of the issue “Is it easy to be with a young man?” Mikhail Alekseevich Kolotilin came from the village of Nizhneozernoye (Orenburg region):

- I work as a hired slaughterer - I slaughter cattle. I bought a bird for the house and had to vacate one room for the chickens.

A man talks about his 32-year-old wife, who left him for a young lover:

“She didn’t think about anything... She knew that I would always provide for her, buy her sweets and cakes. I spent 300-400 rubles on cakes! And then she started going online. I don't understand it at all. He ruined her. Found someone there. I haven't seen her for 3 years now. He never calls me or the children. When she left me, she took all five children, but then I went to her. I was ready to forgive everything for the sake of the children!

“We didn’t have any conflicts for 10 years, but then my friends gave my children a computer. That's it... So she sat there, getting to know men. Now I live with children. First, my two sons left with me, and then she and her uncle sent me our other children.

And here’s what Olga says about life with her ex-husband:

— For the last 2-3 years, he began to drink vodka and moonshine. I started drinking more and more. He hid alcohol somewhere in the sofa and drank constantly. It was hell! I didn’t know how to behave: I was silent - I didn’t like it, I tried to say something - he didn’t like it either. He even tried to stab me! He slaughters cattle and fiddles with the blood all the time. The doctor told me that sooner or later he would kill us all.

“Lately he began to tell me that I was a dependent, and began to reproach me in a piece. He tried to gouge out my eyes! He called his daughter a swear word. My heart is bleeding (crying). I even wanted to commit suicide. I didn’t sleep at night, then I started to get distracted somehow, but it was still hard.

Mikhail Kolotilin:

“Wasn’t these years hell for me?!” Any person wants to relieve stress after work, and even more so after work like mine. I drank only 1.5 liters of beer, and the police are knocking on my door! Why she called the police, I don’t understand! If I beat her, why didn’t she film the beating?!

Here's what local residents say about Mikhail and Olga:

- Well, she’s not much of a mother, to be honest! We are used to seeing her always pregnant. I walked all the time, although with such a family you have to be at the stove all the time. Now that Mishka lives alone with the children, they look cleaner than when their mother lived with them. We've never seen Mikhail drunk! And he is doing the right thing in seeking to deprive Olga of parental rights.

— The guy is very hard-working, he takes on any job. When should he drink?!

Is it easy to be with a young person: new love

32-year-old Olga Kolotilina talks about her life together with her 21-year-old lover Sergei:

— I came to Sergei in Mednogorsk and at first he helped me look after the children, walked with them. And then they began to live together. With this man I learned what happiness is. He gives me flowers not only on holidays. There is a 10-year difference between us... but Pugacheva and Galkin live and nothing happens!

Olga came to Let Them Talk to tell the whole truth about her ex-husband:

- How do you manage to lie like that?! You beat the children and broke the phone so they wouldn't call me! They began to fear him. He took my children from me by deceit!

21-year-old Sergei Prytkov enters the hall:

— I work at a factory, trying to earn money to support my family. We plan to take all the children. I don’t earn less than 15 thousand. Our total family income is approximately 30 thousand rubles. But I think it won’t be difficult, everything will be fine. In our city, people earn even less than me: 7 thousand a month.

“Of course, my mother was against me living with Olya, but then I talked to her and realized that Olga is a normal girl.

Sergei’s mother - Evgenia Prytkova:

“I’ve known Olya for a long time; we lived in the same village. Of course, Mikhail is a little friendly and likes to drink, so she couldn’t live with him. Naturally, I was against my son dating Olga, but then I saw how he strives to work for the sake of his family. They are adults and are responsible for their actions.

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