Puppy linux installation. Installing puppy linux on your hard drive

Author Elena the beautiful asked a question in the section Other languages ​​and technologies

how to install linux puppy along with windows, provided that windows is already installed (so that when turned on you can select the OS and got the best answer

Answer from Gnome-forever[guru]
You can put puppy on a flash drive, 256 MB is enough. .
or install grub in mbr. .

Olga, in principle, the manipulations are simple, but without such experience, you can get problems..
It is important to write grub correctly into the partition with puppy, and then into the mbr of the disk and you will have to edit menu.lst (manually register puppy and Windows)
The slightest mistake and Windows or puppy will not boot, although everything can be fixed with the LiveCD Puppy...
In other more well-known distributions - Ubuntu, Mandriva, OpenSUSE, etc.
all this is done automatically..
If you have more time, let's talk in private, don't do anything for now, or try putting a puppy on a flash drive, you'll get a useful experience..
In general, google and read more here

Answer from Silencer[guru]
Just allocate space on your hard drive for Linux and install it. The Linux bootloader will do everything itself, it will add Windows to the boot.

The process of installing Linux Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 (Lupu-525) on a hard drive does not represent some kind of super task, however, some features of this process can confuse a beginner. Below, the installation of Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 will be described step by step, including the installation of the bootloader (Grub bootloader), with the reproduction of screen images issued by Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 during this process.

The operating system Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 has a data capacity of 128 mb on CD and is capable of working directly from a CD. Its distribution, distributed in the form of an iso file (CD image), is written to a CD, the CD is inserted into the tray, and the computer is restarted. If the BIOS shows the CD-ROM as the first boot device, the computer will “pick up” the CD, load the files into RAM, and after about 2 minutes, the Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 operating system will be ready to work, despite even being present on the hard drive a computer with a previously installed operating system.

Working with Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 in live-CD mode has such a significant advantage as reliable protection against viruses, since viruses are not able to get onto the CD. However, in this case you have to put up with a long computer startup (copying files from CD), which is a significant drawback. Installing Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 on your hard drive allows you to significantly speed up loading, and use Puppy like a regular “stationary” operating system, and at the same time it is very fast.

So, installation on the hard drive.

The installer is ready to go, you can launch it by clicking the “Install Puppy to sda1” button, but we won’t rush it. The hard drive was previously formatted in NTFS, and besides, it has only one partition. It is not good. Linux, including Lucid Puppy, has its own file system; in addition, it will be useful to reduce the living space for Puppy somewhat, without giving it the entire hard drive (in order to be able to install another operating system on the same hard drive, if in the future we will need this). Thus, now our task is to create a Linux partition on disk sda1 with a capacity of, say, 5 Gigabytes. (It is not recommended to create a partition of less than 2 gigabytes for Puppy - taking into account the installation of additional Puppy programs, there will not be enough space.) Accordingly, click on the "Filesystem in partition" button.

Since the sda1 hard drive was formatted by us, it is clear that there is no Hornbeam on it. How to install Hornbeam - see the material "Grab downloader for Lucid Puppy 5.2.5", which directly continues this article.

I have a rather "old" computer: ABIT ST6 motherboard; Celeron 1100 MHz processor, “overclocked” to 1463 MHz (FSB=133 MHz); RAM 512 MB; video card NVIDIA GeForce FX5200/128M; additional USB 2.0 PCI controller GEMBIRD UPC-20-2P (since the motherboard has USB 1.1 ports); PCI Intel 100 Mb network card; HDD SAMSUNG 200 GB; CD/DVD drive Optiarc AD-5170A; floppy drive; PSU DELTA ELECTRONICS DPS-300KBD. I will briefly describe the process of installing Puppy-420-ru version v6, in the frugal version, on this computer, perhaps this will help someone starting to learn Puppy Linux (forum materials were used when writing this article).

First, on a PC with Windows and Internet access, we need to do the following: download the ISO image of Puppy-420-ru, burn the CD in this way, thus obtaining a Live-CD, defragment the HDD on which we are going to install Puppy- 420-ru (this is for the case when this HDD has FAT or NTFS partitions, like mine), and also download a small mkswap file (after downloading, remove the txt extension from it).

In the Setup BIOS of the computer, we set it to boot from CD-ROM, boot from the burned Live-CD. Since the HDD I had had one NTFS 200 GB partition, the disk needs to be prepared accordingly. I decided to simply “cut off” from the existing partition - 9 GB for the system partition and 1 GB for the swap partition. To do this we go to "Menu" -> "System" -> "Gparted partition manager", mark our disk. Next, select our section, click "Resize or move", and reduce the size of the NTFS partition by 10240 MB by entering this number in the window "Free space after (MB)", press Enter, then "Edit" -> "Apply all operations", we wait. Now select the partition we created and have not yet marked up and click “Create”, select the file system type “ext3”, click the “+ Add” button, again "Edit" -> "Apply all operations", we wait. Make this partition bootable - right-click on it, select "Flag management" and check the "boot" box.

After completing this operation, we “cut off” 1024 MB in the same way, but from the created ext3 partition and get a 1 GB partition. Here's a small digression - Puppy-420-ru has a problem with the mkswap system utility, and first we need to solve it. Minimize GParted, go to “Files” (shortcut on the desktop), then go up one level, look for the /sbin folder, find the mkswap link file in it, delete it, and copy the mkswap file we previously downloaded to /sbin. Expand GParted, select a 1 GB partition, click "Create", select the file system type "linux-swap", click the "+ Add" button, then "Edit" -> "Apply all operations", wait, the swap partition has been created.

Now you need to install the GRUB boot loader on the boot ext3 partition. Let's go "Menu" -> "System" ->. Follow the prompts (simple -> standard -> enter your disk, for example, /dev/sda2 -> MBR -> enter /dev/sda), wait, the /boot folder will appear on the second partition. Next you need to edit the GRUB boot menu. Go to the /boot/grub folder, find the menu.lst file, open it, delete everything that is there, and insert the following lines:

timeout 10
color light-gray/blue black/light-gray

title Puppy Linux 420 frugal
kernel /puppy-ru-420/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd psubdir=puppy-ru-420 nosmp

title Puppy Linux 420 frugal
kernel /puppy-ru-420/vmlinuz pfix=ram pmedia=atahd psubdir=puppy-ru-420 nosmp
initrd /puppy-ru-420/initrd.gz

title Puppy Linux 420 frugal
kernel /puppy-ru-420/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pmedia=atahd psubdir=puppy-ru-420 nosmp
initrd /puppy-ru-420/initrd.gz

title Reboot

title Shutdown

The first point is a normal system boot (it will happen automatically after 10 seconds), the second point is booting with the parameter to check and eliminate errors in the file system, the fourth and fifth points are rebooting and shutting down the computer, respectively. In principle, you can add as many items to this menu as you like; I chose only those that I actually use.

Install Puppy-420-ru: create a folder /puppy-ru-420 on our second ext3 partition, and copy the files initrd.gz, vmlinuz and pup_420-ru-42.sfs from the Live-CD there, also create an empty one in this folder ATAHD file. That's it, the system is installed, reboot ( "Menu" -> "Shut down" -> "Computer Restart"), we refuse the offer to save the session in a file. In Setup BIOS we remove loading from CD-ROM, boot from HDD, after booting you can begin to master the system, after finishing work, when you select "Menu" -> "Turn off" turning off the computer or rebooting it, we agree to the proposals to create a save file (the so-called “saved file”), select the proposed size of 512 MB, if it is not enough, then in the future it can be easily increased. Now we have the operating system Puppy-420-ru version v6 installed in the frugal version.

One of the installation options for Puppy-420-ru is described here; it is also quite possible to use "Universal installer Puppy", located in "Menu"->"Settings". For beginners, it is worth noting that "Universal Puppy Installer" does not install the GRUB boot loader, and after it finishes you need to go to "Menu" -> "System" -> "Grub - setting up the Grub boot loader" and install the bootloader, and then insert the necessary items into its menu (edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst).

update: A small but important addition. In general, when installing Puppy Linux, it is not at all necessary to create a separate partition on your hard drive for it; you can install this system in a folder on an existing partition, and you only need to install and correctly configure the bootloader (GRUB, GRUB4DOS or some other). Creating a separate section is like a tradition, a classic method, which I used, talking about it in this article.

Works on the website "Electron55.ru"

4.1.1 Hard drives, partitions and file systems

The hard drive can be divided into several parts (partitions). In the operating system, each such partition looks like a separate hard drive. In Windows, each hard drive partition (as well as floppy drives and CD-ROM drives) has its own letter. Typically A: is the floppy drive, C: is the primary hard drive partition, D: is the CD-ROM drive, E: is the second hard drive partition, etc. Most often, Windows uses the NTFS or FAT32 file system.

On Linux, the primary partition is addressed as /dev/hda or /dev/sda. First letter ( h da) indicates the type of disk: “h” - idehd, “s” - satahd or flash, the second (h d a) the letter means: “d” - disk (disk), third (hd a) - disk number. For example, if your PC has a second hard drive, it is addressed as /dev/hdb or /dev/sdb. Sections are numbered in order, starting with one. The hard drive partition /dev/hda1 corresponds to drive C in Windows, partition /dev/hda2 corresponds to drive E (if D is a CD-ROM), etc. Linux can work with many different file systems, including ext2, ext3 or ReiserFS. These FS in Windows will not be read without special software, but Linux can freely work with Windows file systems. FAT32 is best supported in Linux, so for exchanging information and sharing data in Linux and Windows, it is best to use this FS. The main thing to remember is that you cannot place files on FAT32 if their size exceeds 4 GB..

4.1.2 Defragmenting the hard drive

Download the defragmentation program Defraggler. The good thing about the program is that it works faster than the built-in Windows defragmenter. Constantly updated and improved, unlike the last one. Russian interface is present. So there will be no difficulties when using it. Install Defraggler on your computer, launch it and first of all select the interface language:

After localization, select the disk that needs to be defragmented (1), click the Analyze button (2) and check the disk for fragmented (split into parts) files. Such files are displayed in red. If there are many such disk spaces and the disk size is large (40 GB or more), the defragmentation process may take a long time.

After reviewing the analysis results, click the Defragmentation button and wait for the operation to complete.

4.1.3 Creating partitions

Now you need to plan the number, size and type of partitions you will create. I recommend creating three more partitions in addition to the Windows partition. This example assumes that there is initially one Windows partition (drive C:). After partitioning, the hard drive will look something like this:

    Primary section: NTFS or FAT32 (Windows)

    Second section: ext2 or ext3 (we will install Puppy on this partition)

    Third section: Linux swap partition

    Fourth section: FAT32 (for file sharing between Windows and Linux)

We will leave Windows on the primary partition. The second partition will have a Linux file system (ext2 or ext3), here we will install Puppy. The third partition needs to be made slightly larger than the size of your computer's RAM and formatted for the Linux swap file system. This is the section for swap files. The fourth FAT32 partition will be intended for exchanging files between Linux and Windows; its recommended size is all the remaining free space.

You can familiarize yourself with the procedure for dividing a disk into partitions (preparing for installation) by watching the video. Video clip

Video size: 516 Kb

At the end of all procedures you should get the following:

Close GParted. Now you can proceed to installing PuppyRus on your hard drive.

4.2 Installation

4.2.1 Frugal installation using the "Universal Installer PuppyRus (Puppy Universal Installer)"

Frugal Installation copies the Puppy image file from the CD to your hard drive. When the system starts, Puppy is read into random access memory (RAM) in the same way as if you booted from a CD, but it happens much faster. Thus, this method combines the advantages of booting from a CD (protection from unwanted spyware) and booting from a hard drive (speed). Moreover, the procedure for migrating to a new version of Puppy is simplified - all you need to do is replace some files. ()

To get acquainted with the installation process, you can watch the video. Video clip will start playing after it is fully loaded. Depending on the size of the video, loading may take a long time.

Video size: 4.8 Mb

Click to download and watch a screencast created with Wink!

You can also download the video for local viewing on your computer: Archive with video (4.8 Mb)
To watch the video, unpack the archive into a folder and run the html file.

4.2.2 Manual Frugal installation / Puppy update

To use this option, a bootloader must be installed on your computer. If the boot loader is not yet installed, we recommend using the “Grub Boot Loader Configuration” ().

    Boot from the CD using the puppy pfix=ram option. Copy the files PUP_301.SFS ZDRV_301.SFS INITRD.GZ VMLINUZ

    to a Linux partition (ext2/ext3) or FAT32.
    If you are updating Puppy, overwrite the existing files. Configure the GRUB boot loader by editing the menu.lst file. It is usually located on the Linux partition in the /boot/grub directory.

    Add the following lines to the menu.lst file: title Puppy Linux 301 frugal (on / dev/ hda2) rootnoverify (hd0,1) kernel / vmlinuz pmedia =idehd initrd / initrd.gz

    Note: (hd0,1) indicates the hard drive and partition on which the GRUB files are installed. Depending on the device you are booting from, you will need to set the value pmedia on usbflash, usbhd, usbcd, ideflash, idehd, idecd, idezip, satahd, →

Modern Linux distributions are often too heavy-handed (LibreOffice, for example, requires a lot of memory due to the use of Java), so you can’t really get around on low-power computers. Fortunately, there are distributions that are as small as possible in size, but still contain everything you need for more or less comfortable work.


To begin with, it is worth giving a definition. A mini-distribution is a Linux distribution that can run on low-power hardware. Low-power hardware, as a rule, was released seven or more years ago and has 512 MB of memory, a 2.4 GHz processor and an integrated video card. Modern versions of full-fledged distros, of course, cannot be run on such hardware - they are too heavy. However, there is still a problem of what to deliver. Of course, you can install distributions from that time, but there will clearly be more errors there than in modern ones, and no one releases security updates for them anymore. There is an option to assemble everything yourself from scratch, but this is too radical. All that remains is to use mini-distributions. This article will describe four general-purpose mini-distros. But first, a short excursion into the history of distribution development. First, let's remember why distribution kits are needed at all. Initially, they were just a convenient tool with an installation script for combining programs. Then (due to the emergence of dependencies between programs) package managers emerged. Then came the current pillars of distribution and the desktop race. There have been numerous attempts to create a user-oriented distribution. And somewhere in 2000–2002, the first Live distribution kit appeared - Knoppix, which allows you to work without installation, and it became much easier to find out what Linux is. On the basis of Knoppix, the most popular mini-distribution was developed - Damn Small Linux. I think we can finish this short excursion and finally move on to mini-distributions.


If you specifically need an environment with a desktop other than KDE/GNOME, you can use Xubuntu.


There are three versions of this distribution: Core, TinyCore and CorePlus. The first one takes up 9 MB, but since this option contains only the command line, we are not interested in it. The second one already contains a GUI, which, with a volume of 15 MB, seems surprising by modern standards. However, it does not have non-English keyboard layouts, so only CorePlus is suitable for a Russian-speaking user. All three options run on the 3.16 kernel. When loading, a menu will appear in which there are as many as seven window managers to choose from. The default is FLWM - that's what we'll load. After launch, the desktop immediately appears. At the bottom there is a nice application launcher, from which you can launch the editor, control panel, application management utility, log out, install it and perform some other actions. Let's see what can be done from the application management utility. TinyCore boot menu When you launch it for the first time, you will be asked to look for the nearest mirror. This is the first window we see, so let's pay attention to the title. It looks like it came from the late nineties - the window control buttons are inexpressive and don’t stand out in any way. There is no system menu for windows at all. But let's get back to the content. After pressing the Yes button, a search for mirrors will be performed. At the end of it, you need to agree again, this time with the selected mirror. This point seems unnecessary - this is the second question that is not directly related to software management. But then we clicked OK, and the application selection window appeared. The left list, which is supposed to contain available applications, is pristine. You need to select the Cloud (Remote) submenu in the Apps menu and click the Browse button. A huge listing of applications will be displayed, sorted alphabetically and not distributed into categories in any way - the latter, of course, is a huge minus and sharply limits the users who can work with this distribution, despite the fact that, in principle, it is not positioned as a distribution for system administrators.
TinyCore package management utility Let's try to install AbiWord. There is no search as you type - which is quite logical, since the distribution is designed for low-power computers. After pressing the Enter key, the appropriate package will appear on the left side. By selecting it, we will get information about it on the left side. However, when you try to install it, it turns out that this is impossible - apparently, installing applications is not designed to work in Live CD mode. In this case, however, the question arises: why even give the opportunity to run this utility without an installed system? Let's try to install this distribution on the hard drive. The installation procedure consists of approximately six steps: selecting a hard drive, selecting a file system, bootloader options, selecting extensions to install, and confirmation. After installation and reboot, we tried to install AbiWord again, and again unsuccessfully - this time the program refused to start due to the inability to find the library.
Installing TinyCore on HDD One can say about the distribution that, unfortunately, it is clearly not suitable for novice users. Why, it’s not even for system administrators. It can be called a constructor for someone who wants to create some kind of analogue of Parted Magic. But it is not suitable for direct use.

Puppy Linux

The latest version of this distribution is based on Ubuntu 14.04, so programs from it are quite suitable. But, unlike Ubuntu, the size of the distribution's ISO image is just over 200 MB and uses its own package format and its own repositories. After launch, a nice desktop and an initial setup window will appear, in which you can select the language, time zone and monitor resolution. When you select the Russian language, a warning appears that a package is needed for localization. You have to install it manually, but it’s quite simple: click Install on the desktop, then on the Install applications tab select Puppy Package Manager and find the langpack_ru package. After this you will need to restart the X server.
Initial setup of Puppy Linux Let's look at the set of available applications and at the same time evaluate the GUI. Let's start with the last one. The default desktop is the JWM window manager. The title bar with buttons looks standard, there is no retro desktop feel, and the system menu is also present. By default, there are three virtual desktops; using the system menu, you can move windows to any of them. The developers managed to squeeze a lot of useful applications into 200 MB - from spreadsheets (Gnumeric) to a browser based on Firefox 24. There are even several entertainment programs. It is worth noting, however, that 256 MB of memory is not enough for the distribution - at first, of course, it works fine, but then the brakes begin. For comfortable work, therefore, you need at least 512. Let's move on to packages. The graphical package manager somehow supports not only Puppy Linux repositories, but also Ubuntu repositories, however, the standard apt-get is missing. That is, not only packages designed for it are available in Puppy, but also a complete list of Ubuntu packages. When installing a package, a console window appears, which displays all the commands being executed. After installation, another window will appear with a report on the work done. This seems pretty logical, but wouldn't it be better to display a message that the installation was successful somewhere in the corner?
Puppy Linux Package Manager Let's try to install the distribution on the hard drive. To do this, click “Install”, then Universal installer. The first installation steps are quite intuitive, but starting with partitioning, inexperienced users may have problems - it was not worth separating the partitioning program from the installation program. In addition, the idea of ​​a “simple” installation is certainly interesting, but it seems strange for installation on a hard drive. The idea is that it is not the executable files themselves that are installed, but the Squashfs images, and all changes are made not to them, but to a dedicated FS directory. This allows you to install Puppy even on FAT/NTFS partitions, which is extremely useful for installation on flash and other external drives, but somewhat confuses the user, since the latter is offered a detailed but rather unclear description of the proposed options. The translation into Russian, by the way, suffers from a huge... number of... ellipses. When you shut down, you will be prompted to select a location to save your persistent data. And everything would be fine, but the question arises: why can’t you remember the user’s choice in the installation program? But the ability to encrypt this storage is a separate plus - there are three options to choose from: without encryption, weak encryption and strong encryption.
The first step of installing Puppy Linux After rebooting and launching Puppy from the hard drive, for some reason you need to specify all the parameters again, although it would seem that they should be preserved, because it was not in vain that we set up persistent storage. However, apparently, there is some kind of flaw here, because the next time the work is completed, they will again ask about permanent storage. But then they won’t ask. Overall, the distribution looks like a smart choice for users with an older computer. Moreover, it is aimed specifically at users, which, combined with its size, looks extremely attractive. However, the distribution kit has a huge disadvantage - by default, the working user is root.


The ISO image size of the latest unstable version of this distribution is 42 MB. Kernel version - 3.2.53. During loading, a language selection menu will appear - unfortunately, there is no Russian in it. After the timeout expires, another menu will be offered, in which you can select the desired desktop option or start without it at all. After launch, the desktop will appear - OpenBox is used as such in the distribution.
The second menu that appears when loading SliTaz In general, the GUI does not stand out in anything special, but it does not give the impression of being too old-fashioned. The developers chose the option of placing the panel (and, accordingly, the main menu) at the top. It is approximately identical in functionality to JWM, and even surpasses it in the customizability of the title bar. There are not very many programs in the distribution, but still enough. In particular, there is a PDF reader and a music player. The default browser is some pathetic one that doesn't even support JavaScript. An alternative is the Midori browser, based on the WebKit engine. Unfortunately, when trying to open some pages, this browser automatically closed.
Midori browser TazPkg is used as a package manager, which is a script written in ash. The package format is a CPIO archive with an attached file cpio.gz and “recipes”, which include dependencies. It is not clear why it was necessary to reinvent the wheel - there are more than enough package managers, including lightweight ones. Installing a package looks extremely easy: # tazpkg recharge # tazpkg get-install mc Let's see how to install this distribution. In the application menu, select System Tools -> SliTaz Installer. A browser window will appear asking you to enter your username/password. After this, a web page will open asking you to install or update the distribution. When choosing an installation, you will need to partition it, for this purpose you need to run GParteed. After the split you can move on. The next page will have all the other options. Everything is very clear and precise, the only thing missing is the time zone selection.
One of the steps to install SliTaz After installation and reboot (note that the disk is not automatically ejected), the login screen will appear. This login window is perhaps the most minimalist I've ever seen - there's not even a mouse pointer during the login procedure. In the installed system, the Midori browser worked like a charm, but did not respond to the mouse wheel at point-blank range.
Login screen in SliTaz The distribution looks extremely interesting (perhaps its size/functionality ratio is close to the maximum), but the lack of Russian language is a rather significant drawback. Besides, having yet another package manager doesn't seem like a positive quality.


This distribution is available in two versions: Basic and Full. Version 11.1 (based on kernel 3.14.27) Basic takes up 70 MB, while Full takes up just over 370. When I tried to boot into a virtual machine with 256 MB of RAM, the Basic version refused to start. Therefore, the recommended minimum for this distribution is 512 MB. After launch, an editor window will appear in which you need to specify the locale of the window manager (by the way, specifying it does not affect anything - neither immediately after editing, nor after restarting the graphic system), and after closing it - a desktop with a bright background image and information about the system load. JWM is used as a window manager. There is a quick launch panel for applications at the top, the standard panel is located at the bottom, and there is a second panel on it, this time for quick access to settings. There are more than enough effects in this desktop, you can even turn on 3D - although why they are needed in a lightweight distribution is unknown. Among the available applications is the NetSurf browser on its own engine, originally developed for RISC OS. Unfortunately, Russian-language sites are not displayed correctly in it. In addition to the browser, there is also the Sylpheed email client and the MPlayer player. It is also possible to install, for example, Firefox or LibreOffice.
NetSurf Browser Again, the developers did not use any of the common package managers, but created their own - zk, an almost five-kilobyte script in ash. And everything would be fine, but this manager not only doesn’t support repositories - it doesn’t even support dependencies, which was bad manners back in 1995. In fact, it just unpacks tar.xz archives to the root and supports updating the distribution. To install, you need to select 4MLinux -> Installer in the main menu. A console will appear, where after pressing Enter there will be... an error. It says that no partitions were found. It is not difficult to create one, but the installation program must be designed for such cases. We created and ran the installer again... and again received an error - the partition cannot be mounted. After creating the file system and launching it again, we will be prompted - attention! - format the partition. This, in an amicable way, should have been suggested at the stage of the second error. Then the question will be asked: will this distribution be the only OS on the computer? Since it is better to install such things for the first time on a virtual machine (which is what we are doing), you can safely answer “Yes”. After this, a warning will appear that the system boot loader will be installed. This is not Grub2 or even regular Grub - LILO. And this is in 2015. There is nothing left to do but agree. The next step is to check if the details are correct. Here we boldly give a positive answer. And after that the installation will be carried out. The process takes less than a minute, then you need to reboot.
Partition selection stage when installing 4MLinux After the reboot, you will be prompted to set the root password. Next will be a text invitation to log in to the system, and, despite the preliminary setting of the superuser password, it will be allowed in without a password. No GUI is launched even after logging in - it must be launched manually with the startx command. After launch, everything looks absolutely identical to the Live CD. The distribution makes a very strange impression. Its graphical part looks very nice, but the fact that it is impossible to run on less than 512 MB of RAM (despite the fact that the image itself takes up only 70) is surprising. The range of available applications is also small - it feels like the developers, instead of useful programs, crammed in all sorts of effects. The management of so-called “packages” is also puzzling at best - the Red Hat distribution from 1995, I repeat, looks even more solid in this regard. The installation also brings back memories of the early days of Linux: not only is the installer unable to partition disks itself, but it also uses the ancient LILO bootloader.


It is possible to create a stripped-down version of FreeBSD for use on systems with limited memory. The NanoBSD script will help with this. Features of the resulting images:
  • packages (and ports) work absolutely identical to the original system;
  • unless otherwise specified when building the image, the functionality is also identical;
  • The root file system is mounted in read-only mode, which allows you to turn off the power without entering any commands.
This feature is used mainly for creating embedded systems, but you can also use it to create a minimalistic image.


Mini-distributions are quite useful things. Unfortunately, as you can see in this review, only a small part of them are truly suitable for the user, even despite their declared purpose. But those of them that are really convenient do not reach the usability level of full-fledged distributions. TinyCore is not suitable for either users or administrators - it is a distribution for specific purposes that requires manual modification. But the installer in this distribution is normal. 4MLinux looks like a beautiful wrapper with a very strange filling - not only are the “packages” in the understanding of this distribution just tar.xz archives, but LILO is also used as a bootloader. And there’s nothing to say about installation - if in eleven versions of the distribution the installation program has not acquired a graphical frontend, this means something. In addition, this is the only distribution in the review that could not start on 256 MB of memory. SliTaz can already be recommended to users - with a modest size (40 MB), it has a set of applications similar to that of 4MLinux. The package manager, although self-written, works as it should. The installation method is also interesting - via the Web-GUI. If it were not for the absence of the Russian language (including in the repositories), it could be safely recommended to not very experienced users with old hardware. Finally, Puppy. Despite some controversial issues (for example, not very intuitive installation and the inability to easily install packages from the command line), this distribution compares favorably with the number of programs - which, in general, is not surprising, since the size of the ISO image is more than 200 MB - and the presence of the Russian language. It is also the only distribution in the review that is at least somehow compatible with third-party repositories. To summarize: it all depends on how much time the user will take to tinker with the installation and initial configuration of the distribution (after all, in principle, if you really want to, you can use a minimal installation of the same Ubuntu). But all other things being equal, Puppy looks like the most preferable option.

2024 gtavrl.ru.