Punto switcher does not work in outlook. Punto Switcher: description and program settings

1. To use effectively Punto Switcher , configure and use hotkeys.
2. The fastest way to correct an already typed piece of text is to select it using the arrow keys, holding Ctrl and Shift, and then press the hotkeys.
3. Add to autocorrect words that you often write - e-mail addresses, initials, company name, etc. After that, you can either use shortened versions of these words, or use a hotkey to display a menu containing them, and insert long phrases with one click!
4. You can remove the default language indicator by right-clicking on it, selecting Properties, and unchecking the "Show language indicator in the taskbar" checkbox. PS can completely replace it.
5. Switching the layout by one key is very convenient, for example, by “right Ctrl”. You can enable it on the "General" tab.
6. Those who want to reduce memory consumption can turn off sounds.
7. To set up transliteration rules PS for yourself, edit the text file translit.dat located in the directory PS .
8. When navigating through the help, highlight items with the cursor keys and press Enter to display them.
9. If the sound of keys bothers you in some programs, you can temporarily turn off all sounds.

Possible problems and their solutions.

There may be conflicts with software products from the following companies:
- Macromedia
- Adobe

With programs:
- Lingvo
- YandexMoney wallet
- Mousotron 4.1
- Sound Forge 4.5
- Friendly Net Viewer
- Auto Cad 2000
- PLSQL Developer 5.0

No. Problem Cause Solution
1. When the program starts, it displays a message related to the MFC42.DLL library. The version of MFC42.DLL is old or missing. Get the MFC42.DLL library version no less than 6.0 (see the "version" tab in the file properties) or download it from here.
2. The program is trying to connect to the Internet. Checking for updates or sending Favorites is enabled. Turn off these options if you don't need them.
3. The program blocks some keys on the keyboard. In the hotkeys, this key is selected without Ctrl, Alt, Shift or Windows. Set up hotkeys.
4. Converting selected text does not work in some programs. Programs do not support copying to the clipboard by Ctrl+C and insertion by Ctrl+V. If possible, configure this program for these combinations.
5. The program does not start without displaying any messages, or displays the message “Version mismatch between correct.dll and ps.exe.” It is possible that correct.dll was not overwritten when installing over a previous version. Uninstall the current version of the program and reinstall the program.
6. When typing text, press Enter or Tab twice. Application implementation features.

Try to find out which applications are conflicting with Punto Switcher , look at what is loaded with it when the system starts.

If the conflict is not detected, put in the dialog "Options" on the tab "Troubleshooting" checkbox "Do not translate using Tab and Enter".

7. The layout does not always switch, or the first letter is not corrected. Conflict with type switches RusLat or Switch It!, other programs like Lingvo or Socrates.

Leave the switch that suits you best. For other programs, write to the developers of these programs and the developers PS .

Also try changing the position of the "Alternate keyboard interception" switch on the "Troubleshooting" tab.

8. The layout does not switch to FAR and other console applications. This feature is only available for NT systems. Consider upgrading to a modern OS.
9. No layout switching in the console Tab And Enter. Switch by Tab And Enter only works in GUI. PS not oriented to work in the console. Some of its support has been introduced at the request of users.
10. Automatic layout switching does not occur in DOS applications Windows NT, the indicator shows the layout change, but the input language does not change . Only 32-bit console applications are supported. In the case of DOS applications, the current layout of the DOS emulator changes, but not the program. The days of DOS are gone forever. Punto Switcher will not support DOS applications.
11. The program does not start from startup or starts but does not work. Uncheck the "Start at startup" checkbox in the settings and place the program shortcut in Startup manually. Try also changing the position of the "Alternate keyboard interception" switch.
12. Punto Switcher often corrects abbreviations you use. Absence of these abbreviations in the dictionary. Try adding them to the dictionary and sending them to the developers. You can also enable the "Do not correct abbreviations" option.
13. Another problem. Write a letter to the developers.

This is not only an automatic keyboard layout switch, but also your secret agent and an irreplaceable assistant!

In this article I will tell you and show you all the hidden potential of this small, wonderful, and free program. Of course, this is not a rare program, and 75% of PC users actively use it. However, 60% of them use this program only as an automatic switch, from Russian to English and back. This is its original purpose.

I’ll tell you right away how this auto-switching works: Let’s say you sit and write some kind of scientific work, and rarely glance at the monitor, and after some time, glancing at the work done, you suddenly discover with horror that you have more than half of the text Some kind of abra-kadabra was typed. Like this one: ghbdtn vtyz pjden lbvf z )

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