A wirewound resistor carries current.

Option 1
metal and the same length, but having half the cross-sectional area, and passed through
its current is half that. How will the voltage across the resistor and its resistance change? For
For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 2
Task 17. Current flows through a wire resistor. The resistor was replaced with another one, with wire from the same
metal and the same cross-section, but half the length, and passed through it half the size
current. How will the voltage across the resistor and its resistance change?
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 3
DC voltage. How will it change when the gap between the capacitor plates is reduced?
electrical capacity and amount of charge on its plates? For each value, determine the corresponding
nature of the change:
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 4
Task 17. A flat capacitor with an air gap between the plates is connected to a source
constant voltage. How will the field strength change in the gap between the capacitor plates and
the amount of charge on its plates if the gap between them is increased?
For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 5
Task 17. A charged particle of mass m, moving with speed v,
flies into the field of a flat-plate capacitor (see figure). Distance between
plates of the capacitor is equal to d, and the voltage value
electric field between the plates is equal to E. Having flown over the capacitor,
the particle deviates from the original direction by an angle a.
How will the velocity modulus of the emitted particle and the angle a change if the intensity value is reduced?
electric field between the capacitor plates? For each value, determine the corresponding
nature of the change:
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 6
Task 17. A charged particle of mass m, moving with speed v, flies into the field of a flat
capacitor (see picture). The distance between the capacitor plates is d, the length of the plates is l >> d, and

the magnitude of the electric field strength between the plates is equal to E.
Having flown past the capacitor, the particle deviates from the initial
directions to angle a.
How will the velocity modulus of the emitted particle and angle a change if
increase the speed of the particle at the entrance to the capacitor?
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 7
current with EMF resistor R1 and rheostat R2. If you reduce the rheostat resistance
R2 to a minimum, then how will the current in the circuit and the total
thermal power released in the external section of the circuit? Internal
Neglect the resistance of the current source.
For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 8
Task 17. The figure shows a circuit direct current, containing

how will the current through resistor R1 and the voltage on
resistor R2? Internal resistance neglect the current source.
For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 9
Task 17. A proton in a uniform magnetic field moves in a circle. To move in this field
along the circle with the same speed of the particle, the radius of the circle and the frequency of rotation of the particle along
compared to a proton should:
1) increase
2) decrease
3) don't change
Option 10 Task 17. A proton in a uniform magnetic field moves in a circle. To this
the field moved in a circle with the same speed of the particle, the centripetal acceleration of the particle and
its period of revolution compared to a proton should:
1) increase
2) decrease
3) don't change
Option 11

1) will increase
2) will decrease

3) will not change
Themes: electricity, sequential and parallel connection conductors,
diffraction grating, light refraction, electromagnetic vibrations,
Option 12
Task 17. A flat air capacitor with a dielectric between the plates is connected to
battery. Without disconnecting the capacitor from the battery, the dielectric was removed from the capacitor. How
will the capacitance of the capacitor and the potential difference between its plates change?
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 13
illuminated by a beam of light laser pointer, falling perpendicular to its surface through the side
vessel wall. How will the frequency of the light wave incident on the grating and the angle between the normal to
grating and direction to the first diffraction maximum when removing water from the vessel?
For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 14
Task 17. There is a diffraction grating in a transparent vessel filled with water. Lattice
illuminated by a parallel beam of monochromatic light incident perpendicular to its surface
through the side wall of the vessel. How will the length of the light wave incident on the grating and the angle between
normal to the grating and direction to the first diffraction maximum when replacing water in the vessel
transparent liquid with a high refractive index?
For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 15
resistor. How will the current in the circuit and
voltage across the resistor? For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 16
Task 17. Unbranched electrical circuit consists of a constant voltage source and
resistor. How will the power released change when the internal resistance of the source decreases?
on the resistor, and electromotive force source?
For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:
1) will increase

2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 17
will the frequency of the emitted waves and the wavelength of the radiation change?
For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 18
Task 17. When setting up oscillatory circuit radio transmitter, its inductance was increased. How
in this case, the period of oscillations of the current in the circuit and the wavelength will change electromagnetic radiation?
For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 19
Task 17. Current flows through a wire resistor. How will they change when the length of the wire decreases by 4?
For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 20
Task 17. Current flows through a wire resistor. How will they change when the length of the wire is reduced by 2?
times and doubling the current, the thermal power released by the resistor and its electrical
For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 21
Task 17. In the circuit shown in the figure, R1 > R2. What will happen to the ammeter readings and

1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 22

Task 17. In the circuit shown in the figure, R1< R2. Что произойдёт с показаниями амперметра и
voltmeter after switching key K from position 1 to position 2? For each value, determine
the corresponding nature of its change:
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Topics: electric current, series and parallel connection of conductors,
diffraction grating, light refraction, electromagnetic vibrations,
Option 23

drawing. How will the angle of refraction of light change as the angle of incidence decreases?
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 24
Task 17. The student conducted an experiment on the refraction of light, presented on
drawing. How does the angle of refraction of light change as the angle of incidence increases?
propagating in glass, and the refractive index of glass?
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 25
Task 17. When setting up the oscillating circuit of a radio transmitter, its inductance was reduced. How
did the period of current oscillations in the circuit and the wavelength of the radiation change?
For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:
1) increased
2) decreased
3) has not changed
Option 26
Task 17. When setting up the oscillatory circuit of a radio transmitter, the capacitance of the included
capacitor increased. How did the frequency of current oscillations in the circuit and the wavelength change?
For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:
1) increased
2) decreased

3) has not changed
Option 28
Task 17. A proton in a uniform magnetic field moves in a circle. How the radius will change
circumference and period of revolution of a proton if its speed decreases?
For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 29
Task 17. The figure shows a direct current circuit containing
a current source with emf E and two resistors: R1 and R2. If key K is closed, then
how the current through the resistor and the total thermal power will change,
standing out on the outer part of the chain? Internal resistance
neglect the current source.
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change
Option 30
Task 17. The figure shows a direct current circuit containing
a current source with emf E and two resistors R1 and R2. Initially key K
closed. If key K is opened, how will the total resistance
external section of the circuit and the voltage across resistor R1? Internal
Neglect the resistance of the current source. For each value
determine the appropriate nature of the change:
1) will increase
2) will decrease
3) will not change

Problems with solutions

1. The figure shows graphs of current versus applied voltage for three conductors. What is the resistance of the first conductor?

Answer: _____________________ Ohm.

Solution. According to Ohm's law for a section of the circuit

To find the conductor resistance from the graph, you need to take a point convenient for calculation (for example, ) and determine the voltage () corresponding to this current. We get Om.

Answer: 1 Ohm.

2. How much will the resistance of the circuit section AB shown in the figure change if key K is opened? The resistance of each resistor is 4 ohms.

Answer: at _________________ Ohm.

Solution. Before switch K was opened, no current flowed through two resistors located vertically in the figure and the resistance of the circuit was equal to Ohm. After opening the key, the vertical resistors can be considered as connected in parallel to each other, their total resistance is equal to . They are connected in series to a horizontal resistor, then the total resistance of the circuit is equal to Ohm.

Answer: 2 ohms.

3. A rheostat is connected to a current source with an internal resistance Ohm. The figure shows a graph of changes in current strength in a rheostat depending on its resistance. What is the emf of the current source?

Answer: ___________________ V.

Solution. According to Ohm's law for complete chain, where the source is the resistance of the rheostat. The graph shows that the current strength at the resistance of the rheostat Ohm is equal to . Having solved the resulting equation, we find the source emf.

Answer: 6 V.

4. Five identical resistors with a resistance of 1 Ohm are connected in an electrical circuit through which current flows (see figure). What voltage does an ideal voltmeter show?

Solution. The voltage shown by the voltmeter is equal to the sum of the voltages across the two resistors. Current flows through the first and voltage across it . At the node, the current is divided into two equal ones, because The branch resistances are the same. Current flows through the second resistor, so the voltage across it is equal. Thus,

Answer: 3 V.

5. Current flows through a wirewound resistor. How will the following values ​​change when the length of the wire is reduced by 4 times and the current is doubled: the thermal power released by the resistor, the voltage across it, its electrical resistance?

For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Write down the selected numbers for each physical quantity in the table. The numbers in the answer may be repeated.

Question 17 on Demidova

Task 17. Current flows through a wire resistor. The resistor was replaced with another, with a wire of the same metal and the same length, but having half the cross-sectional area, and half the current was passed through it. How will the voltage across the resistor and its resistance change?

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. Current flows through a wire resistor. The resistor was replaced with another one, with a wire of the same metal and the same cross-section, but half the length, and half the current was passed through it. How will the voltage across the resistor and its resistance change?

For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. A flat capacitor with an air gap between the plates is connected to a constant voltage source. How will its electrical capacity and the amount of charge on its plates change when the gap between the plates of the capacitor decreases? For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. A flat capacitor with an air gap between the plates is connected to a constant voltage source. How will the field strength in the gap between the plates of the capacitor and the amount of charge on its plates change if the gap between them is increased?

For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. A charged particle of mass m, moving with speed v, flies into the field of a flat capacitor (see figure). The distance between the plates of the capacitor is d, and the magnitude of the electric field strength between the plates is E. Having flown past the capacitor, the particle deviates from the original direction by an angle a.

How will the magnitude of the velocity of the emitted particle and the angle a change if the magnitude of the electric field between the capacitor plates is reduced? For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. A charged particle of mass m, moving with speed v, flies into the field of a flat capacitor (see figure). The distance between the plates of the capacitor is d, the length of the plates is l >> d, and the magnitude of the electric field strength between the plates is E. Having flown past the capacitor, the particle deviates from the original direction by an angle a.

How will the magnitude of the velocity of the emitted particle and the angle a change if the velocity of the particle at the entrance to the capacitor is increased?

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. The figure shows a direct current circuit containing a current source with an emf, resistor R1 and rheostat R2. If we reduce the resistance of rheostat R2 to a minimum, how will the current in the circuit and the total thermal power released in the external section of the circuit change? Neglect the internal resistance of the current source.

For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. The figure shows a direct current circuit containing a current source with emf E and two resistors: R1 and R2. If switch K is closed, how will the current through resistor R1 and the voltage across resistor R2 change? Neglect the internal resistance of the current source.

For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. A proton in a uniform magnetic field moves in a circle. In order for an a-particle to move in a circle at the same speed in this field, the radius of the circle and the rotation frequency of the a-particle compared to a proton must:

1) increase

2) decrease

3) don't change

Task 17. A proton in a uniform magnetic field moves in a circle. In order for an a-particle to move in a circle at the same speed in this field, the centripetal acceleration of the a-particle and its period of revolution compared to a proton must:

1) increase

2) decrease

3) don't change

Task 17. A flat capacitor was charged and disconnected from galvanic cell. How will the capacitance of the capacitor and the amount of charge on its plates change when the gap between the plates of the capacitor is reduced?

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. A flat air capacitor with a dielectric between the plates is connected to a battery. Without disconnecting the capacitor from the battery, the dielectric was removed from the capacitor. How will the capacitance of the capacitor and the potential difference between its plates change?

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. There is a diffraction grating in a transparent vessel filled with water. The grating is illuminated by a beam of light from a laser pointer falling perpendicular to its surface through the side wall of the vessel. How will the frequency of the light wave incident on the grating and the angle between the normal to the grating and the direction to the first diffraction maximum change when water is removed from the vessel?

For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. There is a diffraction grating in a transparent vessel filled with water. The grating is illuminated by a parallel beam of monochromatic light incident perpendicular to its surface through the side wall of the vessel. How will the length of the light wave incident on the grating and the angle between the normal to the grating and the direction to the first diffraction maximum change when water in the vessel is replaced by a transparent liquid with a high refractive index?

For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. An unbranched electrical circuit consists of a constant voltage source and a resistor. How will the current in the circuit and the voltage across the resistor change as the internal resistance of the source increases? For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. An unbranched electrical circuit consists of a constant voltage source and a resistor. How will the power released by the resistor and the electromotive force of the source change when the internal resistance of the source decreases?

For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. When setting up the oscillating circuit of a radio transmitter, its inductance was reduced. How will the frequency of the emitted waves and the wavelength of the radiation change?

For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. When setting up the oscillating circuit of a radio transmitter, its inductance was increased. How will the period of oscillation of the current in the circuit and the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation change?

For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. Current flows through a wire resistor. How will the thermal power released by the resistor and its electrical resistance change when the length of the wire is reduced by 4 times and the current is doubled?

For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. Current flows through a wire resistor. How will the thermal power released by the resistor and its electrical resistance change when the wire length is halved and the current is doubled?

For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. In the circuit shown in the figure, R1 > R2. What will happen to the readings of the ammeter and voltmeter after switching key K from position 1 to position 2? For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of its change:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. In the circuit shown in the figure, R1< R2. Что произойдёт с показаниями амперметра и вольтметра после переключения ключа К из положения 1 в положение 2? Для каждой величины определите соответствующий характер её изменения:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Assignment 17. The student conducted an experiment on the refraction of light, shown in the figure. How will the angle of refraction of light propagating in glass and the refractive index of glass change as the angle of incidence decreases?

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. The student conducted an experiment on the refraction of light, shown in the figure. How will the angle of refraction of light propagating in glass and the refractive index of glass change as the angle of incidence increases?

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. When setting up the oscillating circuit of a radio transmitter, its inductance was reduced. How did the period of current oscillations in the circuit and the wavelength of the radiation change?

For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) increased

2) decreased

3) has not changed

Task 17. When setting up the oscillatory circuit of the radio transmitter, the capacitance of the capacitor included in it was increased. How did the frequency of current oscillations in the circuit and the wavelength of the radiation change?

For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) increased

2) decreased

3) has not changed

Task 17. A proton in a uniform magnetic field moves in a circle. How will the radius of the circle and the period of revolution of the proton change if its speed increases?

For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. A proton in a uniform magnetic field moves in a circle. How will the radius of the circle and the period of revolution of the proton change if its speed decreases?

For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. The figure shows a direct current circuit containing a current source with emf E and two resistors: R1 and R2. If key K is closed, how will the current through the resistor and the total thermal power released in the external section of the circuit change? Neglect the internal resistance of the current source.

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

Task 17. The figure shows a direct current circuit containing a current source with emf E and two resistors R1 and R2. Initially, key K is closed. If key K is opened, how will the total resistance of the external section of the circuit and the voltage across resistor R1 change? Neglect the internal resistance of the current source. For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of the change:

1) will increase

2) will decrease

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