Checking the operation of Skype. Checking the microphone in Skype

Hello, dear readers! In our article today we will learn how to do something very useful in the era of digital communications. Namely, setting up the microphone in Skype to work perfectly. Agree, it’s unpleasant if the Internet is fast, the computer is powerful, but your friends still can’t hear you well on Skype - the sound is too quiet, or the sound hisses, makes noise, and sometimes the microphone does not work at all. To ensure that such a situation never arises, read our article!

Let's go to Skype settings

So, let's go. To get started, launch Skype. And just a small correction - within the framework of this article we will configure the microphone in the most current version of Skype. Therefore, if you have old Skype installed, then first download the update from the official website of the program If it is not possible to update - for example, you are setting up a microphone on a computer in an Internet cafe or at a work place - then, we hope, you will still be able to figure out the settings, thanks to our instructions.

So, launch Skype and carefully look at the menu at the top of the main program window. We are interested in the item called “Tools”.

Click on "Tools". A small menu will open in which select “Settings”.

As soon as you click, a window will open with a very large set of program settings. We are interested in the “Sound Settings” submenu.

“Playing” with microphone settings

And what do we see in the “Sound Settings” submenu? Several drop-down lists and interesting sliders. But what interests us most is the microphone settings. Pay attention to the “Allow automatic microphone setup” checkbox. If you don't have it installed, try clicking it. Because Skype is a pretty smart program. And he has been able - for quite some time - to set up the microphone for you. In general, if the checkbox is not checked, check it and go straight to the section of our article “Checking the microphone with a test call.”

If, after checking the box, you made a test call and still can’t hear you, then on the contrary, now uncheck the box. And drag the slider that appears to the “Loud” position. Then make a test call again.

If it doesn’t help again, then return the automatic settings checkbox to its place.

Typically, automatic audio settings in Skype are better than manual ones. In most cases, you don’t even need to configure anything, and if there are any problems, they may well be related to a malfunction of the microphone or poor quality of the Internet connection.

Now let's try something different. In the Microphone drop-down list, set different options. And after choosing each new one, make a test call.

If it doesn’t help again, then most likely your microphone is faulty. Or there is a problem in the operating system. For example, the driver may not be installed correctly if you are using the microphone built into the webcam. And there could be a lot more. But such complicated situations are a topic for a separate article. In a nutshell, if all else fails, call a computer technician or a computer technician you know at home.

Checking the microphone with a test call

Skype provides a special test number to test your microphone. To use it, call a contact named “Echo/Sound Test Service” who should be in your contacts list.

After the beep, talk a little into the microphone. Next, if the microphone is configured correctly, you will hear your voice. But if for some reason this “number” is not there - maybe you deleted it once - just call someone you know:

The main thing is that your friends are online. Try to communicate with them and thereby check the functionality of the microphone.

During Skype installation, many users skip the hardware setup step and try to finish it quickly. This is the main reason why your interlocutor listens to silence during a call: the necessary parameters are not configured. Therefore, let’s look at how to set up a microphone on Skype if they can’t hear you.

Microphone check

First, check if the recording device is connected to your computer. In laptops, the microphone is built into the case, but on desktop PCs it is connected to an external connector (either a separate device or together with a web camera).

Now check if your microphone is muted in Skype itself. Call Sound Test Service and look for the appropriate button. If the icon is crossed out with a line, click on it.

Next, check the functionality of the device. To do this, connect the microphone to another device and try to use it for its intended purpose. If everything is fine, then the problem lies in the Skype or Windows settings.

Setting up Skype

In most cases, the microphone does not work precisely because of incorrect settings in Skype. To change them you need to do the following:

Setting up on Windows

Now let's look at the sound settings in Windows. Perhaps the problem lies with them. For this:

If sound appears, but you are hard to hear, follow these recommendations:

This is where all the recommendations come to an end. Now we know how to set up a microphone on Skype if the other person can’t hear you. If none of the methods helped you, update the sound card driver and repeat all the instructions described above in chronological order. Good luck!

It is quite easy to check the functionality of a microphone connected to a computer; this does not require any special equipment or deep knowledge. Even a beginner can cope with such a simple task of checking the microphone on Skype following the simplest instructions.

To do this, just have Skype installed and follow a few simple steps:

  • Launch Skype and select “Echo/Sound Test Service” from your contacts list.
  • Make a test call (it's completely free) and you will be asked to read a short message and then listen to it.
  • If the microphone is working, you will listen to the message you recorded. If the recording does not start playing, then the microphone needs testing and adjustment.

First of all, check whether the microphone is connected correctly and whether you have connected it to the correct jack.

If everything is correct, let's start setting up:

  • In the menu on the top panel of Skype, click “tools”, select the “settings” tab, in which we click on the line “sound settings”
  • Say a few words into the microphone, the “volume” bar should turn green and show the sound level.
  • If this does not happen, try sequentially selecting the drop-down lines in the line opposite the “microphone” icon and checking each one until the microphone works.

If the desired result does not appear, it means either your microphone is faulty, or there are no drivers for it (which is rare), or the operating system of your computer does not want to work with the microphone. To fix this problem, go to the Control Panel from the Start menu and select Sounds and Audio Devices. Then, in the “Audio” tab, find “Audio Recording” and check the microphone volume by raising the volume lever to maximum and click “OK”.

Try setting up Skype again. If the microphone is OK, there is only one step left: make a test call and make sure that the microphone is working. You can make as many of these calls as you like, they are completely free. When you click the line “Make a follow-up call on Skype” a window will open.

The test was successful, and now you know how to check and configure the microphone in Skype yourself.

The functionality of the microphone on a personal computer or laptop is very easy to check. To do this, there is no need to acquire special technical means or study thick books.

By following basic instructions and performing a simple sequence of actions, even a beginner will be able to correctly set up a sound recording device on Skype without much difficulty.

How to check your microphone on Skype

To perform this simple procedure, you will need the following:

  • Open the Skype application itself and in the list of available accounts, click on the line “Echo/Sound Test Service”.
  • Make a test call (this feature is available at no cost). The user will have the opportunity to speak a short message and then play it back.
  • If the audio recording device is functioning properly, you will be able to listen to the spoken message. If the created recording could not be played back, then the microphone device requires additional testing and subsequent adjustment.

To begin with, of course, you need to make sure that the audio recording device is connected to the appropriate connector.

How to setup?

If the audio recording device is installed correctly, you can begin setting up.

To do this you need to follow these simple steps:

If the desired result was not achieved after this, then the sound recording device is not working properly. There may also be a problem related to the quality of the installed drivers. However, such difficulties arise extremely rarely.

To solve this problem, you need to activate the Control Panel using the Start menu and open the Sounds and Audio Devices application. After this, in the “audio” menu you need to find the “Sound recording” item and check the sound recording device by raising the sound level switch as high as possible. Next you need to press the “OK” key.

The next step is to repeat the initial procedure for setting up the audio recording device. If the device is working normally, all that remains is to complete the last step.

This is the same control call. By doing this, you can make sure that the audio recording device is working properly. Such calls can be made in unlimited quantities.

The check requires absolutely no financial costs.

After a successful operation, everyone can know how to check microphone on skype. In order for the program to work normally, it is enough to connect any audio recording device suitable for personal computers or laptops.

In most situations, if the microphone is connected correctly, there will be no operational difficulties.

The sound card works fine on almost every computer. However, there are cases when such components fail. In such situations, it is recommended to contact special service centers, since neither reinstalling drivers, nor consistently following the above instructions, nor the quality of the sound recording device will play any role in the process of normal communication using Skype.

To make calls on Skype and communicate normally with your interlocutor, you first need to have a working microphone. Often new users ask the question “How to check the microphone on Skype?” This question usually arises when problems arise during communication or during the Skype installation process.

Checking sound in the program

As soon as you have installed Skype on your computer or downloaded it to your Android, iPhone, or tablet, the first thing you should do is check whether all the equipment is working properly. The sound in the Skype program is a fundamental factor, so you need to check it just like how the video camera works.

How to check using Skype

To understand whether your sound device is working, the first thing you should do is check the settings of the program itself. This is where you should check whether the webcam, microphone, and speakers are working. You can also adjust the sound in it.

Make a call

To not only find out whether the microphone is working or not, but also to hear the sound that your subscriber will then hear, you should find Echo / Sound Test Service (Fig. 1) in your contacts list, which is online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This subscriber automatically appears in your contact list when you install Skype.

The user must click on it and select the “Call” option in the form of a blue tube (Fig. 2). Next, you need to follow the robot’s instructions and say a few words after the sound signal. This is a kind of test that will show you whether everything is normal with the equipment. If you then hear yourself, the microphone is working normally and there is nothing to worry about.

If you have any difficulties

It's worse if you can't hear your voice when you call the Echo/Sound Test Service. Then there may be a hitch in the program settings themselves.

The following steps should be taken:

  • go to the “Tools” menu and select the “Settings” option (Fig. 3);
  • in the window that opens, select “Sound settings” (Fig. 4);
  • make sure that the program contains exactly the device that is connected or built into your computer (Fig. 5);
  • check whether the slider in the “Volume” column is set to “Loud” (Fig. 6).

If suddenly the interlocutor begins to hear you poorly, your voice is too quiet, the interlocutor has to use headphones, then we do all these manipulations again and check if the slider is on the “Quiet” mark.

Check your connection

One should not lose sight of the fact that the user could simply connect the microphone incorrectly on a laptop or desktop computer if it was not originally built into the system.

The microphone should be plugged into the small pink connector. If the camera and microphone are together, then often an inexperienced user makes the mistake of connecting only the camera, forgetting that the plug from the microphone must also be inserted into the socket.

The microphone jack is located on the back of the system unit if it is a desktop computer, or on the right front side of the laptop. Phones, Androids, and iPhones already have a built-in sound device.

What could be the reason

If no actions lead to the interlocutor beginning to hear you, then there may be several options why this is happening.