Check Tits Yandex. How often does the TIC change? Classic PageRank presentation model

One of the most favorite topics on SEO forums is the TCI: “How to increase the TCI?”, “Increasing the TCI with payment upon delivery,” “How much does it cost to raise the TCI?” etc. and so on.

If the issue of increasing the TCI worries people so much, then it’s probably mega-important? Maybe the traffic on the site depends on the TCI? Or the more TIC, the higher the sales? Not at all. The Yandex Thematic Citation Index (TCI) is one of the most ancient and confusing SEO myths. Let's figure out who needs a TCI and why, and does your site need it?

What is TIC?

What does TCI depend on?

Yandex, as usual, is secretive, so the formula for calculating the TIC remains a mystery to everyone. But from the official definition itself it is clear that the TCI is formed from an assessment of the quality and quantity of links to the site. And also, very important (!): links should come from sites that belong to the same topic as your site. That is why the index is called “thematic”.

Affect TCI DO NOT affect TIC
  • Links from sites where TCI > 0
  • Links from sites of similar topics
  • Links only from indexed sites
  • Links from moderated directories (very good if the site is registered in directories such as).
  • Links from trust sites
  • Links from message boards, forums, blogs, network conferences, social networks, unmoderated directories and other resources to which anyone can add links without control by the resource owner (source Yandex.Help)
  • Links from sites located on free hosting, if they are not described in the Yandex.Catalog (source Yandex.Help)
  • Links blocked from indexing by tags And
  • Links from sites dropped from the index (as a result of Yandex sanctions or erroneous actions of the webmaster)
  • Links from mirror sites (they are merged with the main mirror and counted as 1 link)
  • Links from duplicate content (if the same article with outgoing links is placed in different sources, the search engine will count these links as 1)
  • Links from sites that have their own TCI = 0

And a couple more notes:

  1. Regarding the degree of influence: the more links leaving the donor site, the less weight each link has. And, accordingly, vice versa: the fewer links on the donor site, the more significant the link that you received, and the greater the likelihood that it will affect the TCI.
  2. Regarding outgoing links: links from your own site, on the contrary, “waste” the TCI, because in this case, you share your “authority” with those you link to.

NB! Please do not take this last point as a call to destroy all links originating from your site. If the site is created for users, then the presence on it useful recommendations- a natural phenomenon. When you recommend good sites on your same topic, this increases the level of trust search engines have in you.

How and when does the TIC change?

The minimum value of TCI = 0, the maximum is absent. TIC with a value from 10 to 200 has a scale step of 10, up to 500 - step 25, up to TIC 1000 - 50 and further - 100.

For example, one of the most cited RuNet resources, Wikipedia, today has a TCI = 88,000. Interestingly, history shows that its TCI fell to zero twice and rose again.

Changes in TCI values ​​occur at the time of Yandex updates (2-3 times a month). Yandex never warns about updates and does not do them as planned. So for site owners it’s a surprise every time (but everyone is used to these surprises).

After the next update, you may notice that the TCI has fallen/risen/remained unchanged.

How to find out the TCI of a site?

You can check the value of the website's TCI for today and see the history of its changes using Yandex.Webmaster (site indexing → History → TIC):

True, in Yandex Webmaster the history is stored for only 3 months.

There is also a good analytical service -, which stores history since September 2011 (enter the name of your site in the search bar, click the “Check” button and you will see the history at the bottom of the page).

Why did the TCI drop to zero?

It also happens that one fine day the owner of the site discovers that his (with such difficulty “grown”) TIC has suddenly been reset to zero. This could happen for the following reasons:

Why is TCI needed?

But this is perhaps the most main question. It is possible to increase the TCI, but is it necessary? TCI does not affect positions in search results in any way, much less traffic and conversion.

The TIC was needed by those who sell links from their website. The higher their TCI, the more expensive they could sell links, since they were considered “weighty”. But the latest AGS, which we discussed above, was introduced against these sites. So now the TCI of sites selling links is under great threat.

If you have a commercial website that sells goods, or informational portal, created primarily for users, then you DO NOT NEED a TIC. You need good search rankings and content that will attract users.

Some argue that as the TCI grows, so do the positions. This is possible, but NOT because of the TIC. Just one of the factors influencing ranking is the link profile. By improving it, you simultaneously improve your position and TCI. But there is no direct relationship between these two concepts.

You can have a zero TCI and be in the TOP. For example, the regional website of a furniture center, which we have been promoting for a year, still has a TCI = 0, but at the same time it reached the TOP 10 for 100+ requests, and traffic increased from 250 to 3000 users per month.

Instead of a conclusion

Despite the fact that only a lazy SEO doesn’t talk about TCI, no one has 100% reliable information about this indicator. When Yandex reveals its “secret materials”, then we will find out whether our guesses and observations are correct or not. In the meantime, let’s summarize the facts that we are sure of:

Fact No. 1. TIC does not affect Yandex search results.

Fact No. 2. The TIC serves to determine the site’s place in the corresponding category of the Yandex.Catalogue.

Fact No. 3. TIC depends on the quantity and quality of THEMATIC donors linking to the site.

P.S. If you are still interested in the TCI, then we are unlikely to be able to help you, but if you need good positions in the search results of Yandex and Google, then for you and your site:

  • comprehensive search engine promotion (3 tariffs for different budgets);
  • special program for young sites (3 tariffs for different levels of site preparation).

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site. In my articles, I quite often mentioned indicators such as Titz and PR (). IN general outline, it is probably clear to everyone that the higher these indicators (quite often they are called bellies) for your resource, the better.

This is undoubtedly true, but you still need to know and understand how to check TIC and PR for your own or someone else’s site, how to raise (increase) them, what a citation index update is and how often they occur.

In addition to these indicators, there is also Vits (weighted citation index), which cannot be found in Yandex, and there is also Alexa Rank(), which indirectly reflects the level of attendance of your resource (traffic).

Unlike citation index and PR indicators, for Alexa Rank it is important to know not how to raise it, but, on the contrary, how to lower it. The fact is that it reflects the position of a website in the ranking depending on its traffic.

Consequently, the most visited resource will be in first place, and its Alexa score will be equal to 1. You need to strive for this, well, at the beginning of its journey, your project may well have a Rank equal to twenty million (or so). It can be checked both on the service itself and using the methods described below.

For RuNet, Alexa is not such a serious indicator of website promotion as Titz or PageRank, but nevertheless, in this article we will look in detail at issues related to all three website promotion indicators () and find out how and where you can view them, as well as Let's talk about how you can raise them and track their updates.

What are Vits and Titz (Yandex citation indexes)

The very name of the thematic citation index (TIC) is close to the concept of citation index (CI) used in the scientific world, which actually determines how often other authors of scientific articles refer to your materials.

This is still far from Pr and Titz, but this is exactly how it all began. But in this case, it turned out to be enough to create a resource of several thousand pages and link from all of them to the promoted document, and now you already have an IC higher than that of recognized meters.

To avoid such an incident, the principle of a weighted citation index was developed, which was also called PageRank or, in relation to Yandex, Vits (weighted citation index).

VIC takes into account not only the number of links included in this page, but also takes into account the weight that is transferred through each of these links. Vits or Pr (its equivalent in the search engine Google system) allow you to take into account the fact that the link comes from a very trusted and authoritative Internet resource, or it is placed from a newly created page that does not have any static weight.

Thanks to their introduction, Yandex and Google () now have the opportunity to take into account the quality of links leading to the page and based on this calculate static weight every page (document) on the Internet.

Unfortunately, in Yandex there is no way to check or find out the value of Vits, but Google allows you to check only the toolbar value of Pr, which is very approximate, and besides, its update occurs only once every few months. In addition, the toolbar value, unlike the real PR, changes according to a logarithmic law, which somewhat complicates the analysis of the results of its verification:

However, the impossibility of checking the real values ​​of Vits and Pr does not change the principle of their accounting. All pages on the Internet that have been indexed by ) and Google () have a certain VIC and PageRank value (static weight).

If this document links to other documents on the Internet, then these links transfer part of the statistical weight. This weight is evenly distributed among all links originating from the document. Thus, the higher the status weight of the document and the less it will have external links, the more weight (real values ​​of Pr and Vic) will be transferred to the page of your site (via the hyperlink leading from that document).

Why increase and increase the citation index

But besides Witz, there is also Titz ( thematic index citations), which can be found out and checked for any million sites different ways. This indicator is fundamentally different from the weighted index in that it is calculated for the entire resource and takes into account not only the quality of incoming links, but also the coincidence of the topics of your resource (acceptor) and the resource from which the link was placed to you (donor).

In order to raise Tiz, it will not be enough to receive bold link from a trust resource, you will also need to have the same topics. Otherwise, you will not be able to raise the thematic index using such a hyperlink, because the contribution of this non-thematic link will be greatly underestimated.

Yandex took this principle of formation as a basis and the result was a belly measurement, which is calculated for the entire resource(by analogy with the scientific world - this is your personal rating as an author, and not a rating of some of your individual scientific works).

The TIC value for a site can vary from zero to its own maximum value, which is not limited from above. This promotion indicator depends mainly on the qualitative and quantitative indicators of hyperlinks that are placed on it from other resources.

By quality here we mean the authority of the resource from which a link to your project is provided, as well as the proximity of their subject matter. The higher the citation index of the donor’s website and the closer its topic is to yours, the more value you can get in the next update.

Yandex updates the citation index value approximately once a month and the update time is called ap. Due to the fact that Tiz is calculated for the entire site, it is important to have a large number of links from different resources thematically close to you, and not from different pages one or more websites (similar to the scientific world - it is important that as many different scientists as possible link to you, and not one or several pundits citing you in each of their works).

Very good for a blog in a productive way One way to significantly increase Tic is to exchange posts with other blogs that are similar in topic. Moreover, I prefer to exchange links in posts not to the main pages, but to some specific articles. In this case, you can always try to achieve greater thematic content, which will allow you to significantly increase this significant indicator.

Sometimes novice webmasters have a question: why, in fact, increase Tic and where can you find out or check it? After all, as Yandex itself claims, this indicator of promotion does not affect the position of your website in search results (i.e., with its increase, resource traffic will not increase). But still, if you are trying to increase this size, then these same actions of yours can lead to an increase in traffic. But, of course, there is no direct connection here.

The most important factor, which may motivate you to increase the citation index, is that its value affects the position of the resource in the Yandex Catalog. The higher you were able to raise this indicator, the closer to the first position your web project will be in its category of this directory. But, unfortunately, adding a website to the Yandex catalog () is not at all easy for an ordinary ordinary webmaster.

Although, as a rule, after adding a project to the YAC, the thematic index begins to increase much faster, but the truth is that you will have to pay a tidy sum for this. Therefore, first of all, the desire to increase Tiz is inherent in serious projects that have spent a lot of effort to get into the catalog and now it is important for them to attract the maximum number of visitors from it.

Well, if we don’t have such a prospect in the foreseeable future, then it turns out that we don’t necessarily need to know and check the value of this little belly, nor do we need to think about how it can be increased. But this, of course, is not true, especially if you are interested in making money on the site. One of them is paid placement of links on it.

This is usually done through exchanges (for example, SAPE or), or through exchanges advertising reviews and postal (for example, GoGetLinks, RotaPost, GetGoodLinks). Moreover, the second method is much safer, because... For posting links with SAPE on your web project, you can easily get banned by Google or Yandex, and posting posts and reviews is almost harmless for your web project.

So, the more you can increase this size of the website, the higher the price you can ask for placing links on the pages of your project. This is precisely the driving incentive for increasing TIC among webmasters whose web projects are not in YK.

How to check (find out) Tits and Pr site

The question of how to determine the TIC and PR of a site arises for almost all novice webmasters immediately after they find out what it is and what they are needed for. As a rule, at first you will be disappointed in the form of a zero value, or, as the RuNet mirror itself writes: “The resource citation index is less than 10.”

In general, the simplest and reliable way check out Titz - it's ask Yandex itself. To do this you will need to add to address bar your browser with the following URL:


Just don't forget to replace Domain name"site" to yours. The citation index is updated approximately once every month or two. There is no exact schedule as such. As a rule, up comes unexpectedly when you are not expecting it at all (just like winter for our public utilities).

You can study the schedule of previous APs, for example. You can find out the bellies of any site on a variety of online services, and you can also use special SEO plugins for browsers ( , and , which allow you to check these bellies by simply opening desired page in the browser.

Here list of online services, where you can find out and check Pr and Titz:

I'm surfing the internet via Opera browser and I use it for it is simply wonderful. It allows you to see indicators of resources opened in the browser, determine whether backlinks on the page and much more in the field of assessing the success of website promotion and promotion.

In the FireFox browser I use a plugin called SEOBar (quite simple and without unnecessary bells and whistles):

You can also install the so-called Yandex.Bar () for any browser, which, among other features, can check Titz for open in this moment in the browser browser.

If you need indicators for several resources at once, then services for mass check. And also, in my opinion, the service of Alexander Gogolev is very convenient.

You can also identify belly fat using various SEO programs, of which I would highlight Site-Auditor() separately.

Counters, informers and buttons displaying Tits and PR of your site

And, of course, in order for visitors to find out the belly fat you have accumulated, you can install a special counter or informer on your website. The most obvious way is the “Yandex button,” which looks like a banknote with a denomination equal to the citation index value of your resource. For example, for my blog such a button looks like:

You can get the code for such a button on this page, simply entering the address of your web project in the field of the same name and clicking on the “Get code” button. It will look something like this:

You can paste this button (counter) code into the desired place in your web project template. And by enclosing it in DIV tags and with the name of the parameter, you can then position it using CSS properties relative to adjacent template elements.

For example:

and in CSS file For your design template, you can insert properties for this class:

Tic ( float:right; margin: 5px 40px 5px 0px; )

The result will be something like this counter code:

Let me explain CSS properties for class tic:

  1. float:right; () - forces this block with the button press against the adjacent design element located on the right.
  2. margin: 5px 40px 5px 0px; () - sets the indentation in pixels of this block with the button relative to neighboring blocks. Indents are listed in this order: top, right, bottom, left

In addition to the standard counter in the form of a button, you can install any other Titz and PR informer on your website. For example, on this service you can get individual counters to display them.

True, you will have to register first.

You can also use the services of the Wtools service, where you can set up and receive a code for the Titz and PR counter. On the page of the informer creation wizard you will need to specify the URL home page, choose color scheme for the background, its frame and font colors:

and then copy the resulting code and paste it into your resource template:

What is an update and how to check whether there was an update by Tiz

First, let's define what it is. The citation index update is a regular recalculation of this parameter for all resources indexed by Yandex. Moreover, as they say, the total index value before and after the update remains unchanged. Those. It turns out that there is simply a redistribution of Tits between all resources on the Internet during the next up.

As for the Pr update, it occurs less frequently, but this applies specifically to the toolbar value, which we can find out and check using the methods described above. But the actual PageRank value is updated almost constantly (perhaps once or several times a day). Google still has much more computing power than a RuNet mirror.

In Yandex there is also such a thing as up search results, which is a recalculation of website rankings for all search queries. This takes into account the changes that were made in the documents ( text update) and changes in the link mass (link up) that have occurred since last change bases. This usually happens at intervals of several days.

How to find out if there was an update from Tits, Pr or search results? In principle, the most popular optimizer forum can serve as a pretty good indicator - Searchengines. There are separate threads on this forum in which the latest update will certainly be discussed. As soon as it happens, relevant topics will immediately appear in these threads.

You can find out the history of the latest ups on this resource. There are a lot of more sophisticated resources that not only show the history of the latest updates, but also try to predict the next update, but I think that this will be more than enough.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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The Yandex Thematic Citation Index (TCI) determines the “authority” of Internet resources, taking into account the qualitative characteristics of links to them from other sites. This qualitative characteristic is called the “weight” of the link. It is calculated using a specially developed algorithm. The thematic proximity of the resource and the sites linking to it plays an important role. The number of links to a resource itself also affects the value of its TCI, but the TCI is determined not by the number of links, but by the sum of their weights.

TCI can be measured for all resources that are referenced by any of the resources indexed by Yandex at least once.

When calculating a site's TCI, links from message boards, forums, blogs, online conferences, unmoderated directories and other resources to which anyone can add links without control by the resource owner are not taken into account. Also, when calculating TCI, links from sites located on free hosting sites are not taken into account if they are not described in the Yandex.Catalog. In other words, all such links have zero weight.

Citation indices of so-called mirrors (aliases) are combined, that is, the weights of all non-repeating links to mirror addresses are summed up to calculate the TCI of the main address. Main address is determined automatically and matches the address that the search engine indexes. You can change it using the Host directive.

Yandex TCI updates

Google PageRank

PageRank is a numerical value that characterizes the “importance” of a web page. The more links to a page, the more “important” it is. In addition, the "weight" of page A is determined by the weight of the link transmitted by page B. Thus, PageRank is a method of calculating the weight of a page by calculating the importance of links to it.

Classic PageRank presentation model

The basic formula describing PR is as follows:

Where ddamping coefficient, reflecting how much weight the donor page can transfer to the acceptor page. It is usually set to 0.85, which means that the page can transfer 85% of the weight (shared among all acceptors referred to by the donor). In other sources d is the probability with which the user will go to one of the acceptors rather than close the browser, which is basically the same thing. Which numeric value Google knows this parameter only there, others accept it as equal to 0.85 (apparently from experimental data);
nnumber of pages, linking to the acceptor page (which do not have a filter applied);
T i— i-th referring page;
Cnumber of external links on the donor page.

PageRank toolbar view

Since there can be many referring pages, and the total number of pages in the Google search engine is quite large (about ten billion pieces) and their number is constantly growing, then represent the weight of the page in absolute values for webmasters it would be very wrong. For this purpose the concept was introduced TLPRToolBar PageRank, which has a value from 0 to 10 (green scale in Google Toolbar).

In order to place all page weights between values ​​from 0 to 10, use logarithmic scale:

TLPR = Log base (PR) * a

Where base— the base of the logarithm, which depends on the number of pages in search engine(possibly from a number of other factors). Some take it to be 7;
a— a certain reduction coefficient that satisfies the inequality 0< a ≤ 1. Оптимизаторам его можно принять equal to one to simplify calculations.

From the above, it is incorrect to conclude that zero TLPR means zero real PageRank. From the first formula it is clear that even with n=0, we get the minimum PR min = (1-d) = 0.15. This value corresponds to TLPR ≈ -1. With such (negative) values ​​of the toolbar PR, it is considered that PR = N/A (or not yet defined), but it also affects the distribution of weight between acceptor links. It should also be noted that the toolbar value is intended only for display to webmasters in the Google Toolbar and does not in any way affect the results in the sickle. The search results in the sickle are influenced by the real PR of the page!

“Project manager of the Business Motor team, webmaster, copywriter.
TIC - index search engine Yandex, which does not affect rankings, then why monitor the growth of this index? We tell you what TIC means for webmasters"

The main quality of most sites is the ability to attract users and offer the product or information that they need. However, these characteristics are not the only thing that may interest webmasters. Equally important for many of them are quantitative search engine indexes, which increase the significance of sites in the eyes of competitors, specialists, and sometimes even the clients themselves. AND highest value in this matter traditionally has a TIC implemented by the Yandex search system.

What is TIC?

Thematic citation index (TIC) is an indicator of the authority of an Internet resource, which is determined by external links to the site (its citation). In this case, both the volume of the link mass and its quality and relevance of links are important. It is for this reason that the index is called “thematic”.

The TIC is assigned to the domain as a whole (unlike, for example, Google PR, which can differ from page to page) and can range from 0 to tens of thousands of units. The measurement step is equal to:

  • from 0 to 200 – 10 units;
  • from 200 to 500 – 25 units;
  • from 500 to 1000 – 50 units;
  • from 1000 and more – 100 units.

How is TIC calculated?

Like many other algorithms related to the operation of search engines, the exact methodology for calculating the TIC is known only to individual Yandex employees. For SEO specialists and webmasters, calculation mechanisms are available only at the level of theories and guesses.

On the other hand, today only the relative weight of individual factors in the calculation of TIC is causing controversy in the professional community. The factors themselves have long been known. These include:

  • Number of external links from third-party sites.
  • TIC of the donor site (the higher the index, the more perspective growth of TIC in the recipient).
  • Thematic proximity of the pages and sites on which the links are placed.
  • Link environment, the number of internal and external links on the page, which also contribute search weight.

Thus, in order to increase the TIC, it is necessary to get as many links as possible from sites on similar topics with a high citation index. And vice versa: when the volume of reference mass decreases, the TIC is likely to decrease.

This algorithm also has its exceptions. So, in accordance withYandex's explanations , to calculate the TIC, links from forums, blogs, bulletin boards, sites on free hosting (except for sites presented in the Yandex.catalog) and some other sites that do not provide proper control over the placement of links are not taken into account.

There are also sanctions associated with the calculation of TIC. Thus, from April 21, 2014, when the AGS filter is applied to the site, the thematic citation index is reset to zero, regardless of the volume of the reference mass and other factors.

How often does the TIC change?

The indicator is not updated in real time. Its change is carried out within the framework of special updates (so-called “ups”) of Yandex. These shifts should not be confused with Yandex test or reference updates, which are usually carried out on different days and with a different frequency. TIC updates occur independently of other updates with an interval of 2 weeks to 2 months. You can also view the update history .

How to find out the website's TIC?

There are many web services that, among other website indicators, allow you to get the current TIC. Among them we can note, for example, this . The only problem with such sources is the lag in updating information during index updates. In order to find out the TIC in real time, you can use the so-called Yandex “money”. Using this tool is easy: just enter the address in the browser address bar , where instead of you should substitute the domain name of your site.

What does the TIC affect and why is it needed?

Contrary to popular misconception, the TIC does not affect the ranking of the site and its display in search engine results. Technically, the index is used to sort sites in the Yandex catalogue, but this does not have a significant impact on incoming traffic. Thus, for most commercial sites, the TIC is only a reflection of the reference mass and efforts to promote the project. For this reason, such indexes are often called “bellies” among webmasters.

In some cases, the TIC may have a very specific practical significance. For example, it determines access to individual Yandex services for webmasters and optimizers. During the testing period of Yandex.Islands, only resources with a TIC of more than 300 had the opportunity to use the technology. Similar restrictions may arise when operating some other services for webmasters.

The TIC is much more important for sites that sell links. In this case, the thematic citation index is a key factor determining the price of placing external links on the donor.


Thematic Citation Index (TIC) is an indicator that reflects the quantity and quality of incoming links in relation to a specific domain.

The TIC changes as part of special updates at intervals from two weeks to two months or more.

TIC does not affect ranking and display in search results, but is the main criterion for sorting sites in the Yandex.Catalogue.

The TIC can determine the ability to connect to individual Yandex services for webmasters.

TIC is a key factor that determines the cost of sales links in RuNet.

And in this article we will look at all the ways to check the TCI of any website.

I would like to note the fact that no matter how we check the TIC, in any case the data will be taken from Yandex, since it is he who sets this value. Therefore, the resulting index value must be the same for all methods.

I have identified the 7 most popular ways to determine TCI.

7 ways to find out TIC

1. Check the TCI through the Yandex buttons

Yandex provides the ability to install special button with TCI for the site. It is also called CY money. It looks something like this:

You can get this button in Yandex help: Its code will be something like this:

Without a button, the value can be viewed via the link:

URL without http:// protocol.

2. Checking the TCI Yandex Catalog

I use this method most often, because if you click on the TCI in the Yandex Bar, the page links to the address from YAK:

YOUR_SAYT.RU - here you need to specify the site URL without the http:// protocol.

It also indicates whether the specified site was found in the Yandex Catalog.

If you see the inscription " Resource citation index less than 10", this means that the TCI of the site is zero. This is normal. But if you see the inscription “Not defined", this means that the site fell under the AGS and its TCI was artificially reset to zero.

3. Check the TCI via Yandex Webmaster

This the method will work to check the TCI on your websites. Add your site to Yandex Webmaster. Next, on the panel of your sites in Java, you can immediately see the TCI and the number of pages in the index for all added sites. Here you can also find many useful information about your site. For example, see all incoming links, see popular queries, find errors on the site, etc.

4. Check the TCI via Yandex Bar (Yandex Elements)

Can be installed in any browser special extension- Yandex Elements. It used to be called Yandex Bar (many people still call it that). For example, I put them on Firefox browser. Here's what it roughly looks like.

To configure the display of the TCI of the site, you need to go to the settings and make it appear. By default, the TCI of the site is not shown. Here brief instructions on adding TCI output in Yandex Elements:

5. Check the TCI through a plugin in the browser

As I already said, there are other popular plugins: SeoQuake, Page Promoter and others.

6. Check the TCI through third-party services

Third-party services for site analysis provide detailed information about the site, including the TCI. They are all free and there are a lot of them. I will list the most common ones.