Check the page for the Yandex filter. The fastest way to check a domain for search engine sanctions

Search engine algorithms are constantly changing, new factors and filters appear. In approximately half of the cases, sharp jumps in traffic occur precisely on the date of the release update, the introduction of a new filter, or the next wave of search sanctions.

To help webmasters diagnose the reasons for traffic changes, we have developed a free search diagnostic tool - .

The tool takes data on site traffic from Yandex and Google using the Y.Metrica API or Google Analytics. The data is displayed in a graph, where sharp jumps in traffic can be compared with the dates of changes in algorithms and the introduction of new filters.

For example, the graph shows that a cargo transportation patient’s traffic from Google dropped sharply immediately after the release of Panda 4.1 at the end of September:

For an online electronics store, traffic from Yandex began to gradually decline in March, when the cancellation of the link was officially announced:

The astronomical portal lost 2/3 of visitors from Yandex in September, and the date of its drawdown coincides with the next wave of pessimism for boosting the PF:

Here is another portal - a construction one. The graph shows that after changing the AGS algorithm in mid-April, traffic from Yandex increased sharply - obviously, the filter was removed:

But after the first wave of the June release, traffic began to decrease again - probably the site could not cope with the new ranking formula and again lost visibility in the search:

It happens that the moment of traffic drop does not coincide with the dates of algorithmic updates. In this case, the reason must be sought in manual sanctions or some other problems:

The tool also shows changes by visits for the most visited pages and for 50 popular queries. This helps to understand which landing pages caused the traffic to drop and for which queries the site’s visibility decreased:

The tool is absolutely free, as it does not require many resources to process the data. Enjoy it for your health.

Step-by-step instructions for diagnosing the causes of traffic drops can be found.

12:00 -- 01.01.2018

Today, the topic of imposing sanctions and search engine filters is the hottest. Thousands of sites have sunk and web masters are massively changing the algorithms and principles of SEO optimization because their sites fell under these filters. To find out exactly which filter is applied to your website, use the Website Penalty Indicator and Pessimization-checker services. This will be enough to understand what to fight and what measures to take to get out from under the filters.

  1. Site indexing analysis The last 10 documents added by the Yandex search engine to its database, participating in ranking and visible in search results.
  2. Affiliate and identical snippets A tool that will help you quickly check the filter for identical snippets and site affiliation.
  3. Yandex XML limits At the moment, Yandex allows website owners to receive a certain limit of requests per day through the service.
  4. Filter check Re-optimization A tool that will help you quickly check a document for the text filter Reoptimization.
  5. Google filters
    Timeline of Google algorithms. Search engine filters Panda, Phantom, Penguin.
  6. Yandex filters
    Chronology of Yandex algorithms. Search engine filters Kaliningrad, AGS-40, Antifraud, Minusinsk
  7. Pessimization-checker Diagnostics of sanctions of Google and Yandex search engines.
  8. Free Penguin Penalty Checker Tool Diagnosis of Google search engine sanctions
  9. Website Penalty Indicator Checking the overlay of the Panda and Penguin filters from Google.

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It’s cool when you know exactly why traffic on the site has dropped and positions are dangling far from the top. But there are situations in which the lack of growth in indicators becomes a real mystery. Sometimes SEOs become real detectives. Let's look at how to check whether a site is under Yandex. Let's learn how to recognize the Yandex filter by symptoms. At the end, I will add an algorithm of actions on how to accurately find out that a site has fallen under the Yandex filter.

Check the site for Yandex filter: overspam

One of the most common filters. The problem is that sometimes a working page that has been in the top for some time can unexpectedly go under the spam filter. When positions drop sharply by 10-15 points, you should immediately check the document for oversaturation with keywords.


  • A sharp drop in positions for one request by 10-20 points;
  • When modifying a search query, positions increase significantly;
  • For other queries leading to the page, the document is ranked as expected.

We check this way: take the request of interest, for example, “legal support”. We type it into the Yandex search bar and find our page. For example, we are in 19th place. Then we slightly change the word form of the query or change the order of words, for example, “legal support,” and see how the position of our page for this query has changed. If the difference is 10-15 points and the remaining conditions are met, we can diagnose overspam with a high degree of probability.


We simply reduce the number of occurrences of this query or change its word form. We wait, if it doesn’t help, we remove another entry and again wait for the update. Ideally, analyze your competitors and count the number of occurrences of a given key on their pages and do the same on your own.

It makes sense to check the anchor sheet of the document. Perhaps the spam occurred due to an excessive number of keywords in the link anchors

Define Yandex filter: re-optimization

Also common. Mainly punished are pages with excessive bold/italics, inconsistent sentences, and a huge number of characters.


  • A sharp drop in the page in search across the entire group of queries leading to the page;
  • The decline is 20-30 positions (the site is in the TOP-30 or TOP-40);
  • Significant loss of traffic.

We check:

It is necessary to compare our document with a competitor who is 5-10 positions higher. We do this using the designrequest ( | site: . Let's see if every time we substitute a competitor in a request, we see that our site is locatedbelowand other conditions are met, there is a high probability that this is over-optimization. For example, request“buy a bouquet of flowers”, and the entire group leading to the relevant page sank. We find our document in the search, for example, in the 40th position. We look at 5 documents that are above us in the 35th...30th positions. One by one, we substitute them into the comparison request and see which site ranks higher.


We completely change the text of the page, remove bold and italics. When rewriting the text, we try to make it useful and human. We are trying to get into the thematic cluster, well, that’s a separate story about content writing.

A great example of re-optimized text:

Check the site for Yandex filters: “untitled”

This filter is also called “new filter” or “ranking restriction”. Very similar to over-optimization, but there is one significant difference that makes this filter much nastier. It punishes a group of pages with similar topics at once, throwing out pages beyond the TOP 100.


  • One to one similarity with over-optimization;
  • Sagging of an entire cluster of pages by 50-100+ points.


Based on the principle of checking over-optimization, using the same search query we compare our site with a competitor from the TOP-50. That is, 49th... 40th place. If in most cases our resource turns out to behighercompetitor being analyzed, there is a high probability that a “ranking limitation” has been imposed.


We remove unnecessary occurrences of queries from different areas of the document, including attributes of images and links: alt, title. We are rewriting the text of all pages subject to sanctions. We remove some of the direct entries and excessive highlighting in bold, italics, etc.

Before diagnosing this limitation, it is necessary to exclude all other options for losing positions: server response errors, affiliation, and others.


Checking a site for Yandex filters: link explosion

A harmless filter that can only be accessed by doing black-and-gray SEO. The disadvantage of a reference explosion is that some time before and some time after the fact of the explosion, reference factors cease to influence positions.


  • A one-time increase in a large number of links from different domains.
  • No influence on the ranking of link factors.

We check:

Using services like or, we look at the dynamics of the growth of backlinks. Well, in general, you are probably aware of the procurement. It is impossible to accurately diagnose the fact of the explosion; it can only be assumed.


Time will heal. Just wait a couple of updates without purchasing links.

If you buy a bunch of links from a single domain, there will be no link explosion. It's easier not to get caught by the filter. Just buy links smoothly from different sources and show constant positive dynamics.

Yandex filters: how to check a site in Minusinsk

A sensational filter for purchasing SEO links. There is a lot of information on it, we won’t go too deep.

What they are punished for:

  • High percentage of SEO links compared to natural links (approximately 40%+ SEO links of the total);
  • Total number of SEO links (no more than 500 SEO links);
  • Anchor list parameters (too many commercial keywords in anchors).

Release date:

The best result is 1 month. The average exit from Minusinsk is 3 months.


  • The vast majority of queries (except for micro-NPs) fall by approximately 15-20 positions;
  • Metrica shows a sharp decline in traffic from Yandex;
  • It is felt on all subdomains.


We completely refuse to buy SEO links. We remove links and write in those. support that we understood and admitted our mistakes and promise not to be naughty like that again. If possible, speed up page indexing.

You can analyze your link profile, find obvious SEO links and remove only them. Then write to Yandex and report that everything has been fixed. If it doesn’t help, remove another portion of backlinks and repeat the action. Additionally, you can increase the number of natural links.

How to check a site for Yandex filters: PF cheating

Everything here is extremely simple and very tough. If you cheat behavioral factors, be prepared, you will definitely be punished.

What they are punished for:

  • Artificial improvement of PF within the site.
  • Increasing conversions on SEO links.
  • Artificially increasing search traffic.


  • The site sags sharply for all queries except vital ones;
  • Traffic disappears from search;
  • Yandex technical support gives a clear answer.

A very long period of release from sanctions, sometimes exceeding 9 months. Sometimes it’s easier to start a new website than to get out from under the filter.

Yandex filters: how to check affiliation

They are imposed on the sites of one owner in order to prevent a monopoly in the search results.


  • Regular jumps in positions for queries that intersect between two sites;
  • For one request, only one of two affiliate sites is shown.

We check:

Using a search query lang:ru ~~ domain: ua<< ( | url: If you enter this query and only one of the analyzed sites appears, you are affiliated. If both, there is no filter.


  • We are moving to different hosting sites.
  • We change the contact information (so that it is different on affiliated sites).
  • We make a different directory structure (if the sites were made using the same template).
  • We make different landing page structures (again, if the sites were made using a template).
  • We change the domain registration data (so that there is not one owner for two domains).
  • We promote using different strategies (for example, so that there is no identical link profile).

Websites thrive in affiliation if they are promoted through a different semantic core.

Check Yandex sanctions: aggressive advertising


  • Search traffic decreases by 30−50%
  • The site actually has psychedelic advertising


Yandex search filter: adult content

If your site contains profanity or videos containing “adult” content, you will not be shown in Yandex using the family filter. I see no point in describing the symptoms and treatment.

It’s rare, but it happens that sites that have links with “adult” anchor text can fall under this filter.

How to check:

We look for our site in the family search, if we don’t find it, uncheck the box and look at the adult search results. If you find your page there, this is it.

Check the site for Yandex sanctions: identical snippets

Sites with non-unique or uninformative snippets are hidden.


  • Loss of positions for one/several requests;
  • Product cards suffer most often.

How to check:

We go to the search, enter a query and add symbols to the URL&rd=0.Similar to the old “show all” button, we see all, even hidden, results. If there really are identical snippets, this is probably the reason for the drop in positions.


Rewrite the contents of the description meta tag. If a snippet on a website is pulled from some area of ​​the page content, you need to rewrite this part of the text. Including the company name in the snippet helps a lot.

Make sure your snippets are unique within your site!

Yandex search filters: deception of the search engine

Using cloaking, that is, showing different content to the search engine and the user, is bad. Well, in order to mess up like that, you have to really want it. Black Hat SEO experts already know what happens. Therefore, we will not dwell on this.

Checking for Yandex filters: AGS

It mainly affects non-commercial sites aimed at selling links. If you trade links, then this is for you.


  • The site is more than six months old and TCI = 0;
  • Drop in search traffic.


Very painful. It is necessary to rewrite all the content, remove selling links and other disgrace. In general, if a site is designed to make money through sales links and terrible advertising, then it’s easier to create a new one.

For dessert: algorithm for checking Yandex filters

If there are problems, then we look to see if the site fell under Yandex filters using this algorithm:

  1. We check whether the document is indexed, the server response code, whether there is a ban on indexing, look at the robots meta tag and the robots file, and whether link rel="cannonical" (if any) is configured correctly. If everything is in order, go to point 2.
  2. We look at whether the document passed quorum and look at the link to the promoted region. We simply add the url to the document address: and see if the document is found - everything is in order and go to point 3. If it is not found, then the problem is not with sanctions.
  3. If there is a suspicion of an adult filter, set it to “no restrictions” in the Yandex settings. Let's see if your site is searched. If the filter is not detected, move on.
  4. Site age. We look at the date of the first indexation of the site and understand that if the site is young (less than 3 months), this may be the problem with positions and traffic. You can check this way: enter a request into Yandex, find our site and add &how=tm to the URL line and see the indexation date in the snippet. If it is older than 3 months, we move on.
  5. We check the page for identical snippets. If we find a filter, we stop and work with snippets.
  6. We are looking for an affiliate site using the method of sequentially eliminating suspects.
  7. We look for duplicates on the site to eliminate the possibility of interruption of a relevant page. We check using the title search operator:our titlein order to find the same ones. If we don’t find identical pages, go to step 8.
  8. We look for spam according to the instructions above, modifying search queries. We found overspam - we stop. If you haven't found it, move on.
  9. Let's diagnose over-optimization using the instructions described in this article.
  10. If all points have been passed, but the problem of subsidence of positions and traffic has not been identified, we will write a letter to technical support. support and we are waiting for sad news.

By analyzing the problematic pages of the site using this checklist, you will be able to find the reason with a high degree of probability. Thanks to the instructions above, you will be able to diagnose and find out the sanctions applied, confirm your assumption and solve the problem.

I sincerely hope that the article will help you on the difficult path of website promotion.

There is not a single website that is immune from search engine filters (with some exceptions like Wikipedia). Even a large, white and fluffy site can fall under filters; this may be a consequence of algorithm errors or for other reasons (hacking, viruses), but no one is immune. For a good site, the likelihood of falling under the filter is extremely small, and if they are subject to erroneous sanctions, they are usually removed quite quickly upon a request to the support service.

Filters were invented for a reason; they perform a number of tasks that can be divided into two groups:

  • Punishment of sites for non-compliance with search engine recommendations and attempts to manipulate search results;
  • Freeing up search engine computing resources. This happens when the site is so bad that it is not even worth indexing.

The vast majority of filters belong to the first group, the second group includes the Yandex AGS filter, Google has additional search results (details below), and it may also not index sites or individual pages that it considers too bad.

Signs and consequences of filters

The symptoms of search engine filters are as follows:

  • Reducing search traffic;
  • Reduction of all or a large group of positions in search results (one-time);
  • Removal of the site from the index or individual pages;
  • New pages are no longer indexed;
  • The site is not in first place in search results for vital queries;
  • A number of other signs, which I will talk about in the description of the filters.

Accordingly, for any reason, you will experience a partial or complete loss of natural search traffic. This is a major consequence for commercial sites. Any negative changes may be a sign of a search engine filter and should be cause to check for possible penalties.

Should you be afraid of search engine filters?

If you are making a good website where everything is correct, then in this case you should not be afraid. You won't be subject to filters for minor mistakes, and if you do get sanctioned, it can usually be easily corrected, although in some cases it can take a long time. If the algorithms made a mistake and you were punished incorrectly, then here everything can be corrected much faster.

Also think about the fact that filters protect you from those who are not ready for a fair and competitive fight for positions in search engines, but are trying to get away with trying to manipulate factors that affect positions in search results. By the way, search engines have their own logic here. They are completely satisfied with the situation when website promotion becomes more and more difficult and expensive, because they are waiting for you in Yandex Direct or Google AdWords.

Yandex filters

The most famous and one of the oldest filters of the domestic search engine. The first version was called AGS-17, the latest - AGS-2015 (an unofficial name; Yandex itself did not assign a number to it).

The main task of this filter is to remove bad sites from the search results. A sign of the first versions of the AGS was the complete loss of the site from the index; sometimes only a few pages could remain. AGS is imposed for:

  • Non-unique and low-quality content;
  • A large number of outgoing SEO links;
  • Technical problems (duplicates, cloaking);
  • Lots of advertising, poor design.

The result is an almost complete loss of traffic from Yandex search. For some factors individually, Yandex may not impose AGS, but if there are several of them, then the risk is very high. For example, a site has a lot of SEO links, but it has good behavioral factors, the content is good, and there are no technical or other problems. In this case, the site may not fall under the filter. This was the case until 2015.

In 2015, Yandex updated the AGS and now it can punish even a very good site for trading SEO links. Here, a sign will be the TIC being reset, the pages will remain in the search results, but the site may lose some traffic. That is, this is an alternative version of the AGS, softer. Here is an example of traffic on a site that briefly fell under the AGS in the fall of 2015:

The dip in the number of visitors is very clearly visible. After some of the links were taken down, traffic returned, although to a slightly lesser extent.

If your site fell under the AGS-2015 and your TIC was reset, then the only solution is to remove SEO links (at least some of them). A site must accumulate a certain critical mass of links, after which it is punished. The calculation algorithm is unknown, but it is obvious that for each site the number of SEO links is determined individually.

When pages on your site fall out of the index, you can no longer limit yourself to just links. Pay attention to all the factors that could lead to AHS. Eliminate all problems; if you cannot find them, contact specialists to conduct an audit. To speed up the exit from the AGS, you can write to the Yandex support service, but you need to write when you are absolutely sure that everything is fine with the site.


Introduced in 2015, it penalizes sites for external SEO links. The signs are as follows:

  • A sharp decrease in rankings in search results and a drop in traffic;
  • The site is not on the first page of search results for vital queries.

The main reason for getting caught in Minusinsk are links from bad sites and spam anchors. No one knows exactly how many such links are needed; there are known cases when sites with tens of thousands fell under this filter, and there were also those who were punished for several hundred.

The only way to remove Minusinsk is to reduce the number or completely remove external links. At a minimum, you need to remove the worst ones, from sites under AGS and with spam anchors. Unfortunately, Yandex does not provide any tools (as Google does), so if you bought permanent links, you will have to negotiate with the site owners to remove them. After the release of Minusinsk, the GoGetLinks and Miralinks exchanges made it possible to send requests to remove links.

Cheating behavioral

As soon as optimizers reliably learned that behavioral factors can greatly influence positions, services appeared that provided their promotion. Yandex did not look at such manipulations, improved the filter that already existed, and also tightened the punishment. The signs are:

  • A sharp drop in positions and traffic;
  • New pages are slowly entering the index.

You can get out of the filter for cheating behavioral factors in Yandex only by completely stopping these manipulations. Yandex itself will release you from under this filter, but you can wait several months. I recommend giving up attempts to cheat behavioral factors, otherwise punishment from Yandex will be inevitable.


The filter was created to combat companies that create several websites and try to grab all the first places in search results. There is only one sign of this filter and it is very clear: only one site will remain in the search results. Yandex identifies affiliates by the same contact information, similar topics (content) and data in WHOIS (if they are not hidden). It also takes into account the structure of sites, the IP on which they are located, CMS and other little things that may indicate the same owner of different sites.

You can get out of this filter only if you change all the data by which Yandex can identify affiliates and write to the support service.

Adult content

If Yandex decides that your site contains adult content, it will completely exclude it from search results for queries that are not related to this topic. Most often, the reason is a banal hack of the site, after which pages with similar content are uploaded to it. As soon as you see that your site is being visited by 18+ queries, you need to urgently find and eliminate the reason, without waiting for the filter.

Nepot filter

Yandex never recognized the existence of this filter, but almost all optimizers are inclined to believe that it exists. It is imposed on sites that trade links too actively. After applying a nepot filter, links from such sites are no longer taken into account. It is quite possible that today it was replaced by AGS-2015, which resets the TIC, which clearly signals that the site is punished specifically for link trading.

Filter for over-optimization

Yandex will punish you for trying to manipulate search results with too many keywords. Unlike the AGS, this filter will leave the site’s pages in the index, but they will not receive high positions, and therefore there will be no traffic. It is impossible to name the exact percentage of keywords in the text for which Yandex can punish you; this is determined individually, but you should avoid too many keywords, especially unnatural ones. Don't overuse keywords in titles.

Filter for shock advertising

Sites that use teaser networks for monetization, which often contain ads with so-called shock content, are at risk. Such sites are lowered in search results; you can get rid of this filter if you remove bad advertising.

In the beta version of Yandex Webmaster, a section has appeared where you can view the imposed sanctions:

Google filters


Penguin from Google is a filter for manipulating external link mass, Minusinsk from Yandex is just an analogue of Penguin. Punishment follows a large number of links from low-quality resources, invisible links and spammy structures in anchors. The signs are as follows:

  • Decrease in positions and traffic;
  • New pages are indexed slowly;
  • Some pages may be included in an additional index;
  • Information about manual actions taken in Google Search Console.

Google announces the release of the next version of Penguin, usually writes about it on Twitter this employee companies, information can also be found on SEO forums. If traffic to your site began to sharply decrease just during the Penguin update, then you can be one hundred percent sure that you fell under this filter.

The principle of getting out of this filter is exactly the same as in the case of Yandex Minusinsk, you need to remove bad links. But Google has a handy tool that allows you to disavow unwanted links, you can find it at this link. In some cases, this tool will not be enough and you will still have to remove unwanted links. You will be informed about this in the response to your request to review the site.


This filter penalizes on-page optimization, that is, it evaluates the site as a whole. The reasons may be as follows:

  • The content is of very low quality or stolen;
  • Presence of duplicate pages;
  • Poor behavioral factors;
  • A large amount of advertising;
  • Problems with design, usability.

There may be several signs:

  • Drop in traffic from Google search;
  • A drop in positions, it is important to know that this filter can be applied to part of the site, or to the entire site;
  • New pages are indexed slowly.

By analogy with Penguin, Google employees announce the release of each new version of Panda.

There is only one recommendation for getting out of Panda. It is necessary to conduct a serious review of the site and eliminate all problems that could cause the filter. Pay attention to the quality of the content, make sure there is no spam with key phrases, grammatical errors, analyze behavioral factors. Bad PFs usually signal the poor quality of the resource.

Additional results

Google has supplementaly results - additional results, which in optimizer jargon are called “snot”. This includes pages that Google doesn't consider valuable, but indexed them anyway. Additional results will be available to the user only if he clicks on “Show hidden results” at the very bottom of the page. Of course, you shouldn’t wait for traffic to pages that are included in supplementaly results.

To avoid pages getting included in additional results, post only good and interesting content, do not overuse keyword density and avoid spammy structures.

Young sites can be automatically submitted to additional results and will eventually appear in Google's main results. If the content on them is of interest to users.

-5, -30 and -950

Google hasn’t officially said anything about this filter, but it exists. A characteristic sign is a drop in positions in the search results by an equal number of positions (5, 30 or 950). They are punished for non-compliance with Google’s recommendations for creating and promoting websites, for using cloaking and doorways, JavaScript redirects and abusing non-recommended SEO methods, which include spamming articles with keywords, link spam, etc.

Obviously, the severity of the punishment depends on the degree of violation. If they are insignificant, then the site will receive -5, if everything is very bad, then it will be -950. In fact, this filter is an analogue of Panda, the only difference is that Panda can omit only part of the pages, and the drop in queries in the search results will be by a different number of positions.

The method of escaping from under this filter is similar. Find and fix the problem, after which you can write a request to Google to revise the site. If all violations are corrected, the positions will be returned.

In fact, this is not a filter, but only a component of the search algorithm that underestimates in mobile search results resources that do not have a mobile version or adaptive layout. The corresponding warning can be seen in Google Search Console:

If you don’t need mobile traffic, Google’s recommendations can be ignored, but in fact, the share of mobile device users is very large and it is growing steadily, so today any website needs to at least have adaptive layout.

What else can Google punish for?

There are factors that are difficult to attribute to any filter, but there is a penalty for them. For example, it is known that there may be a penalty for having too many pages or too many incoming links. If a site with only 500 pages has 10,000 pages, Google will find it very suspicious. The situation is similar with links, although now it is part of Penguin. Growth should be natural and gradual.

A resource can be punished for a large number of broken links; positions in search results can be lowered or pages can be removed from the index. Check for broken links using services, do this regularly. You can use the Link Checker service or its analogues.

About Sandboxes

A sandbox is a filter (or part of an algorithm) that operates on young sites. There is no official data, but there is no doubt that young sites cannot outrun older competitors right away.

Google can give a young site high rankings, but then take them away by placing it in a sandbox. Next, he will look at the dynamics of development; if everything is good, the site will begin to grow in search results.

In Yandex, a young site almost never can immediately get high positions for competitive queries. With low-frequency queries, for which there is little competition, the time frame is shorter, but even here it may take several months until the positions reach the top. The sandbox in Yandex lasts from 2-3 months to a year; the situation when, after the next update of the search database, traffic to the site increases significantly is typical for Yandex.

Nothing can be done about search engine sandboxes; you can only speed up the time it takes to get out of this conditional filter. The progressive development of the site, the regular addition of new and good content, and the natural increase in the link mass can significantly reduce the time it takes to leave the sandbox.

Our greetings to you, gentlemen, readers of my blog. If your site’s score has dropped to zero, traffic has decreased, and pages have dropped out of the index, then it is very likely that the search engine has punished your creation. In this case, you must definitely check the site on Yandex AGS. And start correcting the mistakes that led to this situation.

AGS is a Yandex search engine filter that is applied to the site. It stands for “anti-shit site” on the Internet. Its task is to clear the search results of low-quality sites. Today the fifth version is already working. Before it there were Yandex AGS 17, Yandex AGS 30, Yandex AGS 40, Yandex Minusinsk. Now the filter is simply called AGS. Without any numbers.
Here are just some of the reasons why a site might receive a filter:

  • low-quality (stolen, automated) content
  • a large number of takes
  • link trading
  • a large number of external links from the site with a small number of incoming ones
  • links to the site from resources under AGS

If you purchased links on exchanges, I highly recommend checking all your donors. This can be done, for example, in the CheckTrust service. And in general, I would not buy links through exchanges like sape and the like. Just look at the screenshot from this service and think – do you need it?

How to check a site on Yandex AGS

You can check your suspicions that your site has fallen under the AGS in several simple ways. The site is checked for Yandex filters online using both the search engine itself and third-party services.

Checking the site for AGS in Yandex

Since when applying a filter, Yandex resets the TIC resource, checking the site for AGS is carried out through the Yandex catalog. Open your favorite browser and enter in the address bar

Replace with the name of your site. For example, in my case this would be the request

If you receive a message in response

then with a high degree of probability your site is under the filter.


A more accurate method of checking is provided by the service. Enter your website address in the field and click the “Check” button. If in the line " Sanctions in Yandex:
(AGS, Minusinsk etc.)" see this picture

then comments are unnecessary.


Another service where you can check the presence of a filter on your website is Pr-cy. Just like in xtool, enter the address of your resource in the field and get a response. If you see a picture like this

then your site is under the filter.

Rds bar

It's also a convenient way. Rds bar is a browser plugin. There are versions for firefox, chrome and opera for sure. I haven't checked for the others.

If the site is under a filter, rds will notify you about it.

The site fell under AGS

If your site is under a filter, then this is not a reason to abandon it. AGS is not a sentence, but just a small spanking. A reason to find and correct errors. Last year this Yandex. The filter was removed. Titz has doubled in size. Nothing is impossible. The main thing is to first check the site on Yandex AGS. Conduct an analysis and begin to eliminate the causes of the filter. You will succeed.