Check your account on your MTS mobile phone. Find out your balance through the Service number

Every person who uses the services of an MTS operator should know how to check the balance on MTS. Available for subscribers different ways checking the account status, among which the most convenient is sending a USSD code.

Find out your balance via USSD request

To use this option for obtaining information about your account status, you need to type the command:

and click on the call key. After this, the display will display the remaining balance and the expiration date of the SIM card.

For mobile devices that do not support the Russian language, the combination is #100# , after dialing which you should also click on the call. In this case, the information will be presented in English.

In order to check someone else's balance, you need to dial the combination *140*ХХ...ХХ# and click on the call, where XX...XX - phone number, where you need to find out the account status. But this is only possible if the number of the subscriber who wants to control someone else’s account is indicated in the list of “Favorites” on the phone of the person whose balance needs to be checked.

Find out your balance via autoinformer and SMS

Also, subscribers should have an idea of ​​how to find out the balance on MTS by calling the service number. To do this, you need to call back and listen carefully to the voice menu. The necessary information will be announced after clicking on the appropriate buttons.

You can also send a message to this phone, in the text of which you should write a number 11 . The requested data will be provided in the response SMS.

You should know that 111 is toll free number, so when making calls or sending messages, money will not be debited from your account.

Check your balance by calling the operator

When choosing this method, you need to remember that calling the operator sometimes takes a lot of time, but in any case, subscribers should know how to contact company representatives. The number is intended for these purposes. Checking the MTS balance using this method is relevant if the subscriber has other questions that require the help of a specialist.

Sometimes you have to wait 10-15 minutes to connect with a consultant, or even more. In order not to be stuck on the phone, you can use the autoinformer prompt by selecting the “Call me” service. In this case, the technical support center employee will call the subscriber back according to the queue.

Checking your account using the Internet

For account management special service“Personal Account” and the “MTS Service” application, upon entering which the account status will be displayed on the main page. That is, to obtain information about available balance, there is no need to go to any section.

If the subscriber logs into the account or application from his mobile device, the SIM card will be automatically recognized. In other cases, you will be asked to provide a login and password.

Checking your account using the “Live Balance” option

After activating this service, each time after any action (making a call, logging into the network, etc.) the remaining amount of money in the account will be displayed on the screen. The cost of this option is only 0.1 ruble/day. To activate the “Live Balance” service you need to dial a combination *152*3# , then click on the call.

How many are there, after all?! They breed like rabbits and crawl around the house like cockroaches. At the same time, they behave completely unpredictably: first they get lost, and then they find themselves in the most unexpected places. Horror!

What is he talking about? - you ask. Yes, everything is the same. About SIM cards, of which there are simply an incredible amount in my house.

No no. I do not suffer from pathological hoarding (or syllogomania, hoarding, Plyushkin syndrome, etc. :)). The reason for this is the traveling nature of my work. After all, on business trips it is often cheaper to buy a local SIM card than to use roaming services.

In general, it is not surprising that over time I begin to get confused about SIM cards. And with regular intervals we have to solve two problems. I already spoke about ways to solve the first one. When I talked in the article “” about almost a dozen ways to find out the number associated with this SIM card.

Well, today let's talk about how to find out the balance on MTS on your phone even if you don’t know the number itself. And even more so if you know.

Ready? You don’t have to stock up on popcorn; today’s article will be as detailed and informative as possible, but short.

How to find out the balance on MTS. For free!

MTS, as a very responsible and customer-oriented company, provides you and me with a number of different options to choose from on how to check your balance on MTS from your phone. I will present them all in order, starting with the simplest. However, they are all simple.

1. The easiest way to find out the MTS balance on your phone is by calling the service number " Mobile assistant MTS". Dial 111 , and further...follow the advice of the autoinformer. Just kidding. No need to wait for any advice. To find out your balance on MTS, immediately press the combination quick access- two more units. That is, like this: 111_1_1

2. Don't like pressing buttons on answering machine commands? Then " SMS assistant". Send to short service number 111 SMS message with text 11. In response, you will then receive an SMS message with information about your current balance.

3. You can find out the balance of your MTS account by using USSD commands. This is when, in response to the USSD request you sent, a text appears on the screen of your phone with information about the status of your balance on MTS

Sending USSD queries about account balance is free!!! Like in the territory home region, and when traveling around Russia or abroad.

4. . By number 0890 , specialists Hotline They will tell you not only about the status of your account balance, but also any information about your number, connected services, discounts and tariffs. True, he may ask you to answer questions about your personal data as an MTS subscriber. But this is only to make sure that you are you.

5 . Look into your Personal Area on the official site

By the way, since the phrase “My MTS” appears in the picture above, let’s now talk about this way to find out your balance.

6. If you are the happy owner of a smartphone (yes, yes, there is no need to smile skeptically. You may not believe it, but many still prefer to use push-button phones. By various reasons), then finding out your phone balance on MTS is not a problem at all! Just install a special mobile app.

In MTS it is called "My MTS." The application works via Mobile Internet and via Wi-Fi.

You can install it:

  • in the AppStore (for iOS 7.1 and higher);
  • on Google Play (for Android 2.3 and higher);
  • in Windows Store (for WP 8.1 and higher).

Install - and you will never have problems with controlling your MTS balance again!

In general, many such applications, applications that allow you to track your balance, have been developed today. For devices on any base, be it Android, IOS, or Windows Mobile.

By the way.

Such applications from third party developers They are also good because they allow you to track the balance of several SIM cards from different operators at once!

That is, you can enter information not only about your MTS phone, but also about the phones of your children or other relatives. And also about our bank cards, electronic wallets, etc.

An example of such an application is AnyBalance for Android. It looks like this:

A similar application for Windows Mobile is Balance Info. I think I can find them in official stores GooglePlay or iTunes will not be difficult for you.

Yes, I almost forgot! This article was not intended at all for the lucky owners tablet computers. Because there is a separate one for them detailed instructions About, . Very cool, by the way!

In order to always be in touch, you need to constantly monitor your balance Money on account. MTS subscribers can check their account balance completely free of charge using a mobile phone or via worldwide network Internet.

How to find out your mobile account balance from your phone?

Make a USSD request

To check your balance you need to dial mobile phone key combination *100# and press the “call” button. After such a request, the client will receive a response SMS, which will reflect information on the account balance.

In case if mobile device not Russified, you can find out about the balance in your account by dialing the combination #100# and then pressing the “call” button.

Please note that you can obtain information about your money balance using the methods listed above not only using a phone, but also a tablet (with the exception of models not equipped with a dialer).

Using the MTS Service application

Checking your balance on iPhone and iPad can be even simpler in a convenient way. The MTS operator has developed especially for their owners free application MTS Service, which allows:

  • control the account balance,
  • select the optimal tariff plan,
  • connect additional services and options,
  • control traffic consumption on mobile Internet,
  • use a range of other useful applications from MTS.

The program needs to be downloaded and installed once on your Apple device. When used on the MTS operator network, the application is authorized automatically (entering a login and password is not required).

Call the operator

Another simple way to check your account is to call the MTS operator. To do this, you need to call 0890, select voice menu number “0” and ask the operator your question.

send SMS

You can also find out the cash balance on MTS via SMS, in the text of which you need to indicate the number “11”. The message should be sent to 111. After a few seconds, account status data will become available on the phone screen.

You should pay attention to the fact that money will be debited from your account for sending information message if the subscriber is roaming.

Is it possible to find out the balance from another phone?

MTS clients can find out about the status of their current balance from the number of another subscriber. However, you can use this service if the number is connected to the “Mayak” tariff or the “Favorite number” service is activated on it.

To obtain information about the account balance, you must dial the combination *140*your phone number# on your phone and press the “call” button.

How to check your account status online?

It happens that it is not possible to find out the balance of funds in your account via telephone. In this case necessary information You can look it up very easily and quickly on the Internet.

To do this, just go to the MTS operator’s website, register in your personal account (or enter your login and password if the subscriber is registered) and find out the current balance in the “Account Status” tab.

This method is very convenient for checking the balance on MTS on a tablet, since not all models have a dialer, as well as 3G/4G modems. You can find out the balance on the modem by selecting information window personal account tab “Account Status” and clicking the “Get Data” button.

One of the largest operators mobile communications MTS LLC is very popular among Russian subscribers. Is different high quality communications in all regions of the country and availability advantageous offers for calls abroad.

Knowing the status of your account is very important for many subscribers, because unpleasant “surprises” such as a sudden interruption of a conversation can ruin not only your mood, but also cause harm work activity, personal life, etc.

You can find out the amount of funds on your balancein several wayseach of them is convenient and needed in a given situation.
1. USSD request- the easiest way to check your balance. From your device you need to dial *100# . This method can be used on mobile phones and tablets that support voice call functionality. Due to frequent network congestion, information on this request may not be available. Instead, you can use another combination, which will be discussed in the next paragraph.
2. Character combination#100# is an alternative to the method described above. The only difference is in the initial characters.

3. Checking your MTS account balance using an auto-informer - callfree short number . To do this, dial from your phone number 0890 and wait for the system to respond. Then follow the instructions from the answering machine. During a call, the phone must be in dialing mode so that you can press the number corresponding to the menu item. Select the desired section from the range of services presented.
4. A call to MTS customer support may take longer time than the methods described above. This is due to the large number of calls to the customer service department. Dial from mobile: 0890 , and after the system responds press 0 key. A consultant will answer your call within a few minutes.
5. Direct contact tois the most informative way to find out the balance on a number, but this will require your personal visit. You must take your passport or other identification document with you. Explain the problem verbally and they will explain to you in detail how to eliminate it.

6. You can find out the balance on MTS using an SMS message like this: enter the text *100# and send it to short number 111. You will receive balance information in a response message. The method is suitable for devices that do not support voice calls, but equipped with an SMS function.
7. You can find out the balance on your MTS number using the Internet. To do this, you need to go to the company’s website, register and monitor your account status online at any time.

How to check the balance of another MTS subscriber?
If you need to find out the balance of another MTS subscriber, activate a special service “other subscriber’s balance”. After connecting to the service, you will have access to several ways to check your account:
1. Service "Internet Assistant"allows you to manage expenses and services. With its help, you can see the balance of another MTS subscriber.

2. Service "Mobile portal" will help you change tariff parameters and connect services directly from your mobile phone. To activate it, dial *111*2137#
3. Send short message with text: 2137 to number 111.