Check apple service eligibility. How to check the warranty on an iPhone and how long it lasts

You may need to check the iPhone warranty when purchasing the device, where you can find out the period warranty service and in cases where the phone seller claims a warranty for the purchased device. It will also be possible to find out the activation (blocking) time in order to determine the age of the purchased device.

To check the activation date, guarantee period device, two important things are required - the presence of a series number (including, preferably, an IMEI), as well as a special service.

Options for determining the warranty period:

1 using serial numbers, so you can determine the activation time and warranty conditions. A simple option, is the use iTunes programs. For these purposes, it is enough to provide a connection to a computer, with launch iTunes(main tab - information about the device). If this does not help, you should visit “settings” - “basic” and “about this device”, where in the “serial number” column we find out it. If you have an iPhone 6, 5, 5c and other models, it is possible to use IMEI instead of the series number. It is located on the surface at the back of the device. In modifications of iPhones 3G, 3GS, 4s, 4, the series numbers are located on the SIM card tray; 2 using a special website where you enter all your phone data, so you have a chance to get all the information, as well as the serial number. To do this, you will need to visit the special website of the manufacturer, where you will need to enter the serial number received earlier (input fields), then activate the “continue” function. After this, information about your phone will appear on the monitor. The activation process and service warranty period can be found in two sections - “validity of the activation period” (determination of the period and compliance), “right to maintenance and repair” (availability of repairs under warranty service). Should be lit near a certain section green tick to determine whether the information data corresponds to reality; 3 Carrying out an IMEI check. You will need to go to the manufacturer’s resource and enter your IMEI, and then activate the “Check” function. Later certain time, this service will provide all the necessary information.

Thus, it is possible to check the iPhone warranty period by serial number.

Right to warranty service

If you need to make sure that there is a warranty when purchasing a device, you need to check its status data in the column on the manufacturer’s website. To do this, you will need to enter the serial number of the device, where you can find out the warranty number of the purchased device and find out the warranty period during operation, as well as important information regarding technical support apparatus.

After the owner finds out the series number (this was mentioned earlier), they use a resource on the Internet to check the status data of the iPhone warranty. You should visit the website of the manufacturer and find out your account information. After this, you need to enter the serial number of your phone and the code from the image that appears, then click “continue”. You need to know that if your device was previously activated and the warranty time has expired, the following entry will appear on the monitor - “phone technical support - expired”, and orange will also appear Exclamation point. In this case, it will be necessary to contact the service center or make a request for repair of your phone in a certain technical center manufacturer company.

There are times when a person purchases a used iPhone and the owner is faced with the question of how to find out the capabilities and availability of technical support on this device. When purchasing a used iPhone, you must pay Special attention on important factors:

1 Pay special attention to the presence and integrity of the films. They must be carefully applied to the device and free of bubbles. 2 Registration information corresponding to the phone. Should be carried out full check correspondence of the purchased phone to the serial number. To do this, you will need to compare the series number on the device and the surface of the box (the information must be identical). When the number does not match or begins with the letters “SK”, the device has been subjected to a recovery process. To check the device data with the information on the box body, you will need to go to the device settings (menu), “basic”, then “about this device”. These important points may arise due to the fact that many owners sell old phones under the guise of new devices, replacing only certain parts (they can be opened during certain actions). 3 Determining the country where the phone came from. There are iPhone numbers Green colour(unlocked) and red (locked devices). For example, TA means Taiwan, X means New Zealand, T - Italy. Alas, not all phones with green numbers can work with Russian ones mobile operators. But it is possible to determine the country from which the phone was delivered using the device model number, which only needs to be decrypted. For example, MC131TA/A is an iPhone 3G16Gb Black purchased in Taiwan. U Russian operators the following numbers are MB496RS/A, MC133RS/A and others (RS means that the device operates in networks Russian Federation). 4 Carrying out a check on the iCloud resource. This check carried out if there is suspicion of purchasing an unlocked device. In such cases, if a check on the website reveals that the phone has the function enabled - “ Activation Lock", you need to contact the owner for information on the Apple ID and password for it. Otherwise, you will not be able to use your supported iPhone.

It is necessary to check the device for performance, especially Wi-Fi and various applications- video, photo, music.

Every device user made by Apple knows that he is entitled to free warranty service for one year after purchase. However, taking into account the cost of the Apple company’s products, it would not be a bad idea to become more familiar with your rights regarding the return, exchange and repair of goods. It turns out that Russian user has the right to free second one official year Apple warranty, but with some nuances.

In contact with

IN Russia Apple can have three different ones at once, Not mutually exclusive warranty obligations but relative to one device. The first is guaranteed by the Russian Federation Law on Consumer Rights, the second (Apple Limited Warranty) is voluntarily assumed by the company, and the third (AppleCare Protection Plan) can be additionally purchased by users. Now let's take a closer look at each of the obligations.

Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”

Let's figure out how to find out the warranty status (duration) on an iPhone or any iPad. Simple steps.

This article is suitable for everyone iPhone models Xs/Xr/X/8/7/6/5 and Plus on iOS 12. Older versions may have different or missing menu items and hardware support listed in this article.

When purchasing an iPhone or other Apple mobile gadget, users want to find out as much information as possible about it. The most interesting point is the warranty status of the purchased device, about which many careless sellers often like to lie.

By indicating in the ad that the iPad or iPhone for sale is still under warranty, some sellers try to increase the cost of the device. Sad practice indicates that in most cases the warranty has already expired, so there is no need to rely on assistance from Apple or its authorized partners. That is why at the time of purchase Apple gadget It’s worth being on the safe side and checking the warranty status of the product in person.

Standard Warranties

When a user purchases any Apple technology, he automatically receives immediately 2 product guarantees:

  • Annual limited, provided by the manufacturer.
  • Two-year (guaranteed by the Russian law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”).

They calculate deadlines differently. In accordance with the law, the guarantee begins at the time of purchase or receipt of the selected product. Limited Warranty Provided by Apple, begins to operate from the moment the device is activated.

For example, an iPhone purchased in advance sat in a box for several months. The product will receive a guarantee the moment it is turned on and registered under its ID. By law, the warranty period is calculated from the date indicated on the sales receipt.

The user of any Apple device from the moment of activation receives 90 days of technical free support by phone. You can check the device warranty and the expiration time for calling for advice by phone at the same time on the company’s website on the corresponding page.

Service status

The following information about the gadget's service status will be displayed:

  • Right to warranty repair.
  • Status of technical support by phone, end date.
  • Valid date of purchase of the device.
  • AppleCare warranty status, if purchased.

These items are additionally accompanied by color indicators. Checkmarks on a green field indicate that the items are valid, while exclamation marks on an orange field indicate that they have expired.

There are cases when, when checking a warranty in Russia, you can see an exclamation mark in the blue field. This means for the user that his device is not eligible for warranty repairs. The reason will be indicated, but often it is that the product was purchased abroad.

Check for iPad, iPhone

To check the warranty status, you must enter the device serial number. In addition to the above option, you can use the following methods:

  • Go to management page Apple feature ID and see the serial number for the linked device.
  • When the gadget synchronizes with iTunes via Wi-Fi, look in the information field.
  • Look at the device box.

On home page Apple in top menu You must select the “Support” section and scroll to the “AppleCare and Warranty” menu. To enter the serial number for verification, select the interactive link titled “Is my product still under warranty?”

Special programs

On the technical resource Apple support there is information about the expanded repair and replacement programs that the company conducts for all users of products of a certain type where a manufacturing defect has been identified. If the device you are using has an identified defect, you can take it to an authorized service center for repair or free replacement.

There is a common misconception that American technology does not break down. Practice proves the opposite: foreign devices, like Russian ones, are not protected from failures and manufacturing defects. Every now and then the owners of an iPhone 6s that does not catch focus, an iPhone 5s that does not have a network, etc. turn to the specialists. If the device does not work normally, it is time to remember that you have an Apple warranty, and you have the right to seek free service from official service centers.

The warranty for iPhone 7 and other models is valid in the only case - when the device was purchased in Russia and certified by Rostest. If you brought equipment from the United States, domestic service centers will refuse you free help. The device was purchased in the European Union - the probability of receiving services is 50:50. If you don't get service at one place, try your luck at the next.

All Apple gadgets purchased in Russia are covered by a one-year limited warranty. This means that the device will be repaired or replaced with a new one if the owner used it in accordance with the instructions, and the cause of the breakdown was a manufacturing defect.

The official guarantee does not apply in the following cases:

  • moisture got inside the case;
  • the gadget has been subjected to mechanical stress, fell from a height;
  • The phone's glass was cracked;
  • Uncertified programs were installed on the device;
  • it was used with uncertified accessories (for example, the power controller was damaged due to the use of inappropriate charging);
  • They tried to repair the gadget in any workshop except the official service center.

The listed cases lead to invalidity iphone warranty 7: The owner will have to fix the problem at his own expense.

Important! Some users sincerely believe that the technology sold in the USA is better than the “Russian” one. There is an opinion that the “domestic” model A1723 or A1778 is slower than the “foreign” one. This is a myth: for different Apple countries uses the same production lines and components of the same quality. Devices may differ only in charging and instructions. To avoid unnecessary expenses on repairs, it is better to purchase iPhones within the country for use in the Russian Federation.

Warranty for iPhone 5s and other models

Conducting an iPhone warranty check (or iPhone checks by imei) is necessary in order to clarify whether you have the right to free repair on Russian territory. To obtain this information use unique number devices. To find it out in iPhone 5s and other device modifications, go to settings, select “General”. On the iPad, go to the “Apple” menu item, then “About this device,” then “Browse.”

The numbers that you learned after checking the iPhone by serial number need to be compared with the value on the box. If they do not match, there is reason to be wary. You have either stolen or counterfeit equipment in your hands. Return it to the seller as soon as possible.

Knowing unique iphone number 5s, check if you are eligible for free service in the Russian Federation. To do this, enter the numbers in the appropriate section of the manufacturer’s official website - The system will show you how much time is left until the manufacturer's warranty expires. If the period is over, you will have to repair the breakdown at your own expense.

When, during an Apple warranty check, it is discovered that the device was purchased in the European Union (Eurotest), you can try your luck and contact several centers. If it turns out that the gadget was purchased in the USA, you will have to pay 100% for repairs out of your own pocket.

Do I need proof of purchase receipts?

The international warranty for Apple equipment suggests that in order to return the device to service center The owner does not need a receipt or a warranty card. All you need to repair your iPhone or iPad for free is a unique device number.

The guarantee in Russia differs from world practice. Gadget users are advised not to throw away the receipt and documentation that came with the device. It may be required in the following cases:

  • Confirmation of purchase from a specific store. The retailer may refuse Apple warranty service if you do not provide conclusive evidence that the low-quality iPhone 7 128Gb, ​​iPhone 6s or other model was sold by them.
  • Unlocking the device. If the user took the registration process lightly account and forgot my password, ID, answers to security questions, Apple's security service will require him to confirm that a particular gadget belongs to him. A scan of a cash receipt will do for this.

The Apple warranty for iPhone 7 Plus and other models is valid from the moment the device is activated. The one-year free service applies not only to the device itself, but also to accessories: charger, headphones, etc. If any of them fail within the first 12 months of operation, you have the right to request a replacement from the manufacturer.

What is a paid device replacement?

The manufacturer lists a number of situations in which the warranty Repair iPhone 7 is not implemented. If your gadget fell from a height, was drowned in water, or fell under the wheels of a car, it can be replaced with a new one for an additional fee.

The global warranty applies to cases where repairing the device is very expensive and impractical. To save and get new gadget, just take advantage of the paid replacement option.

Important! Do not attempt to repair iPhone 5s or other models yourself. For example, a harmless attempt to repair a power controller can result in the device being damaged beyond repair.

If you damage your iPhone 5s and your case is not covered by the warranty, do not take the device to workshops that are not certified by Apple. If it is discovered that an “underground” craftsman worked on the device, the manufacturer will refuse to replace it.

What to look for when purchasing?

To avoid being denied Apple warranty service, take precautions at the time of purchase. Read reviews, compare prices, ask experienced people for advice.

No matter which model you are interested in: iPhone 7 A1660, A1661, A1784, A1688, A1778 or others, contact those sellers that Apple knows about. They must be an authorized or premium reseller. This way you can be sure that in the event of a breakdown you will be provided with free service.

When purchasing components, for example, for an iPhone 7 128Gb, ​​read in advance the list of manufacturers whose equipment can be used. Using low-quality devices will damage your iPhone.

Important! Do not use for iPhone 7 128Gb and other devices Charger from a car or a low-quality fake. This way, your power controller will quickly break down, the repair of which will have to be paid for out of your own pocket.

The popularity of the iPhone in Russia is steadily growing, and along with it, the principles of Apple warranty service are also improving. If you purchased a device in the country and used it in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, you can count on free and high-quality repairs at an official service center.