Check windows xp updates. Receiving Windows XP updates after support ends

Many users still have this legendary system installed. However, its support ended in 2014, which means that no one can receive any updates for Windows XP anymore, and many of them are related to system security. It's clear why Microsoft did this; it prompted many users to switch to more modern versions systems

Nevertheless, this OS is still popular because it does not require many resources and is ideal for devices with not the most powerful hardware. But, if used, I would like to receive updates. This can be done, because in 1414 support was stopped only regular versionsXP, and many equipment continues to run on Windows POS and Embedded systems, which are based on this OS, and their support will continue until 2019.

Windows XP x32 update

As is clear from the previous section, in order to continue receiving updates for Windows XP, it is enough to correct something in the OS so that it is perceived as one of these versions. To do this, you will need to make several changes to the registry. First, you should open the registry editor; to do this, you can press win+r and write in the window that opens regedit. Next you will need to follow the route HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\WPA, after that you need to click right click mouse over the last directory in the address, select create and specify the section, its name should be PosReady.

Now you should go to the newly created directory and right-click on empty space on the right side of the screen, here you also need to create a new variabledword named Installed.

Double click on it and set as value unit. Now the system believes that you have the same version that is installed on the terminals, so it remains possible to receive important updates.

You can also not edit the registry, but simply createreg file and run it. To do this you will need to open notepad and paste text into it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

How to update Windows XP x64

For a 64-bit system, there are slight differences during the system update procedure. The user will have to download updates For Windows Server 2003 (because the 64 bit version is based on it) from the Microsoft website. After downloading, unpack all data into folder C:\xpupdate(if you unpack to another directory, you should change all the paths in following files). After this you will need to go to the directory c:\xpupdate\update and find there a file named update_SP2QFE.inf and make a copy of it and give it a name new_update_SP2QFE.inf.





Now you should open notepad and paste into it following lines:

cd "C:\xpupdate\update"

echo Replace update.inf with

copy update_SP2QFE.inf org_update_SP2QFE.inf /y

copy new_update_SP2QFE.inf update_SP2QFE.inf /y

echo Apply Update

start update.exe /passive /norestart /log:c:\xpupdate\install.log

ping -n 1 -w 5>nul

copy org_update_SP2QFE.inf update_SP2QFE.inf /y

Any product manufactured on modern market software, one way or another, contains unprotected areas called holes. Over time, these “holes” are improved and to eliminate them, the manufacturer releases “patches” that are combined into updates called service packs. Then the developers recommend that users install the latest service packs so that the user receives the most secure and modified version of the purchased product. This article will tell you how to XP and become the owner of the most advanced version of this operating system.

Every advanced user is inclined to believe that it is much easier to update already installed program rather than completely removing it and reinstalling it again. Developers most often agree with this, trying to make life as easy as possible for owners of existing software. Nowadays, almost every PC owner knows how to update Windows XP while maintaining all the programs and files installed on the computer. But this information is worth repeating for novice users and those who have previously interacted with a computer firsthand.

How to update Windows XP while maintaining the usual OS settings, programs, games and other files installed on the computer? To do this, it will be enough to enable the system function. For this purpose, Microsoft, which is the creator of the Windows family of operating systems, has created a whole series of programs called Update Center. This service available to owners of all computers running Windows OS different versions. The only one prerequisite To receive updates through this service, you need to connect your computer to the Internet. If the PC has constant access to the Internet, then the user just needs to enable it in the update settings. This is done using the “Start” menu, from which the “System” section is launched from the “Properties” item, in which you need to select the option to download the latest packages from “Windows Update”.

If your computer does not have constant access to the Internet or downloading the latest updates is impossible for a number of other reasons (slow or unstable Internet channel, high traffic costs, etc.), then install the latest updates, or, more simply put, install all Windows XP updates, you can V manual mode. There are two ways to do this.

For the first, you need to look at its version in the properties of the installed operating system and download all the missing ones from the official website ( software products. For example, if your PC has Windows XP with a second service pack, then you need to download the third update package and start installing it by running the setup.exe file. Next, the operating system will be updated without the user’s help, but we should not forget that all data saved on the desktop and drive C may be lost. Therefore, before upgrading Windows XP, you need to save all the necessary user data from the desktop to removable media or any other hard drive.

The second installation method is to purchase a boot CD with the latest version of the operating system and place it in Computer CD-rom. After this, you should restart the PC or run the installation manually from the disk. How to update Windows XP from a specific one is usually described in detail in the instructions supplied with it. If you don’t have such instructions in printed form at hand, most likely it can be found in electronic form on the media itself - most often the file describing the installation is called “readme”.

It should not be forgotten that at the moment latest versions Windows XP updates are contained in a package called Service Pack 3. If technical specifications computers allow you to do this, you can update this operating system to newer Windows Vista, but PC performance may noticeably decrease.

After April 8, 2014 ended official support Windows XP There is a solution to this problem! Our website will introduce you to it.

For users, this means both good and bad news. Good news is that Windows XP will continue to work. The bad news is that the free Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus will no longer work on Windows XP, and operating system updates that eliminate security threats, i.e., will no longer be released. the computer will become more vulnerable. A solution has been found to extend the life of Windows XP and it saves money.

What's surprising is Windows share XP is growing gradually for the second month in a row, although its support ended more than a year ago. According to NetMarketShare, Windows XP's market share was 29.53% in February and 29.30% in January. In December its share was 28.98% , which means that she chopped off a little more for herself.

What to do?

First, check the box “Don’t show this message again” in the warning window that constantly appears.

You can see perfectly well that the operating room Windows system XP works for us!

And the most interesting thing is that there are updates, they continue to come out! Everything turns out to be simple, it exists special version Windows XP, which was developed for terminals, ATMs, and cash registers, support for which ends only in 2019! (this is when you can think about changing the operating system; in most cases this means changing the entire hardware). Of course, these updates will not arrive on your computer. You need to follow certain steps so that Windows Update XP sees that you have the right to do this:

  • Create a text file in Notepad
  • You need to enter the following information:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

  • You must save it with the .reg extension under any name
  • Now let's run these files and agree and make changes to the registry
  • Run the file and agree that information will be entered into the registry

  • After the window appears this information added you need to restart your computer
  • Now you can safely receive updates

So what's the catch?

2. A Microsoft representative stated: "We recently became aware of a method that is supposed to allow Windows XP users to receive security updates. These security updates are intended for Windows Embedded and Windows Server 2003 and do not fully protect Windows XP users. Windows users XP expose their machines to significant risk by installing these updates because they have not been tested for Windows XP. The best way protect your systems for Windows XP users is to upgrade to more new version, for example, up to Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 or wWindows 10".

A Windows Service Pack is a large collection of patches and tools to improve the reliability of the operating system. In the case of Windows, there are 3 versions: sp1, sp2 and sp3. It is strongly recommended to use the latest one - it is the most stable and secure, supporting many even modern applications. If you still have sp2 or sp1, you can download everything necessary updates for Windows XP to get the sp3 version.

How to find out the current version

First, users need to find out what version of the operating system Windows systems XP is currently installed. This can be done using the computer properties panel:

If sp2 or sp1 is installed, follow the further instructions.

Windows XP Update

The easiest way is automatic updating. The computer will download everything on its own. required packages and install them in background without interfering with your work. If auto-update were active, Windows XP would have already installed sp3. Since this did not happen, it is necessary this function enable (at least temporarily):

Now you just have to wait until all the necessary packages are downloaded from the Microsoft server and installed on your PC. In case you encounter any problems and nothing works, try alternative option described below.

Download the update package from Microsoft

You can also download everything necessary files from Microsoft servers and install them manually. Despite the fact that support for Windows XP has already ended, all the necessary packages are freely available on the official website:

After these steps, the sp3 package will be downloaded to your personal computer.

On April 8, 2014, Microsoft officially ended support for Windows XP. This means that computers running this OS no longer receive automatic updates, because of this, the system becomes vulnerable to attacks if critical vulnerabilities are discovered. Microsoft's only recommendation is to update to modern versions Windows, but in practice this is not always possible. Some people still use old hardware, some don’t want or can’t spend money on new licenses, some don’t recognize new systems on principle. In the end, I myself was recently convinced that it is too early to write off Windows XP. Be that as it may, there is tricky way, which Windows XP users can still receive updates despite the end of official support.

There is a special version of Windows XP - Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, which is based on the most common Windows XP Service Pack 3. Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 runs numerous terminals, ATMs, information stands, self-service systems, payment kiosks and others similar devices. But the main beauty is that support for Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 will last until April 9, 2019, that is, updates will also be released before this date. I myself have encountered Windows Embedded POSReady many times at work, moreover as a software developer, and in all that time there have been no fundamental differences I couldn't find it from Windows XP. Therefore, if you install updates designed for POSReady on Windows XP, there will be no problems. Of course, updates will not be installed on your computer just like that; to do this, you will have to disguise your Windows XP as a terminal operating system.

Cunning Germans on one of the forums found a very simple way through which the system will be identified not as Windows XP, but as Windows Embedded POSReady 2009. It all comes down to the fact that you only need to add one key to the registry:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Save the above code in a file with any name and extension.reg, then double-click on it and add changes to the registry. You can download the finished reg file from the link below: (245 bytes)

After making changes, you need to restart your computer. Now you can run Windows service Update, and if everything is done correctly, then with the first check several dozen updates will become available. They are marked as updates for WEPOS and POSReady 2009, so they should be.

This way, XP users will be able to receive updates over the coming years, unless, of course, Microsoft somehow blocks this feature. The official reaction of Microsoft representatives to the possibility of updating Windows XP after the end of support is interesting:

We recently became aware of a hack that will supposedly allow Windows XP users to receive security updates. These security updates that may be installed are for Windows Embedded and Windows Server 2003 and do not fully protect Windows XP. Windows XP users are still putting their machines at serious risk by installing these updates, which have not been tested for Windows XP. The best way to protect your systems is to upgrade to a newer version, such as Windows 7 or Windows 8.1

I repeat, I am familiar with Windows Embedded POSReady first-hand and have no idea what other “testing” is required for updates on Windows XP. This statement is nothing more than a veiled disclaimer of responsibility.

What could be the consequences of such a change in the system? WITH technical side- nothing. As a last resort, you can delete the key from the registry, restart the computer and the system will again turn into the most regular Windows XP. But from the legal side, you are flagrantly violating the license. If on home computers such nonsense can be ignored, then on work machines, if checked, unnecessary questions may arise.