Firmware for the official tricolor access card. Tricolor TV and all freebie options

Now it is possible to watch part of the Tricolor package for free from the EUTELSAT 36A/B satellite, 36° East. and "Tricolor Siberia" from the Express AT1 satellite, 56° east. using the MCAS plugin. Satellite channels opens from all transponders DVB-S standard MPEG 2 and MPEG 4.

This plugin can be used on satellite receivers with open Linux. This applies to receivers: GI8120, Amiko 8900, OPENBOX S-series HD, SKYWAY HD and others.

For receivers with a closed operating system, the ability to watch some of the Tricolor channels for free can only be implemented in firmware or dumps.

To view Tricolor channels using the MCAS plugin, you do not need an Internet connection. The receiver takes keys from the satellite stream and decodes them using this plugin and its own internal emulator.

List of channels that can be watched using the MCAS plugin

List available channels package "Tricolor Siberia" Express AT1, 56° E, verified to work.
Transponder parameters
Film screening Promo, TV-TV, TV2-TV
3 Angela, Agro TV, OTS 12207 R DVB-S/MPEG-4 20000 3/4
Brazzers TV, Homemade +4, Temptation +3, Mom, MATCH! FIGHTER, WORLD +4, Muz TV, Nano TV, Olala1, Friday +4, Russian Night, TV3 +3, TVC Siberia, Star +3 12149 L DVB-S/MPEG-4 27500 3/4
Channel 5 +3, House of Cinema, Carousel +0, Match TV, Our Football, NTV +3, OTR, Channel One +4, REN +4, Russia K +4, Russia-1 +4, Russia-24, STS + 4, TNT +4 12226 L DVB-S/MPEG-4 27500 3/4

We will demonstrate the use of the "MCAS" plugin on the GI8120, Amiko 8900 receivers. To install the "MCAS" plugin, download it from our website and copy it to USB flash drive to its root. Then insert the USB flash drive into the receiver. When asked “Update the plugin”, you must select “Yes”. Then satellite receiver will reboot.

Then in Menu->Plugins you need to enable the plugin "plugin_mcas.s", after which you need to turn on the "House of Cinema" channel and wait up to 20 minutes. After this, the channels indicated in the table above satellite television, they will start showing immediately.

It should be noted that the keys for the "MCAS" plugin are taken from the key file "keydata.bin", which is located in the var -> keys folder. The "keydata.bin" file can be edited independently using the "KeyEditor" editor.

To access the operator's services you need an access card. And the operators on satellite 36 are no exception. Since this is what an access card for DRE encoding looks like, let’s see what cards are currently in the hands of subscribers.

During the time that the satellite TV operator on satellite 36 has been providing its services, there have been many modifications of access cards, and it is quite possible that we may miss some cards, but we will try to add them as they arrive to us (we repeat, access cards are posted as they become available to us, the date of issue of access cards by the operator and the chronology of placement of access cards on our resource may differ).

What is a smart card?

Let's start our review by showing what a smart card is and what's inside it. A smart card is a complex technical product that contains a plastic card, a microcircuit (chip) with information contained in it, and a contact pad.

access card DRE encoding, view No. 1

As you can see, the size of the chip itself is very small; it is filled with a special non-aggressive compound for connection with contact pad special conductors are used - they are clearly visible in the photograph.

access card encoded DRE, type No. 2

In order for the contacts to be in stable contact with the smart card, special materials are used, the size of the contact points is regulated by approved international standards.

access card encoded DRE, type No. 3

In order not to damage the chip, in addition to the compound in the access card, a special niche is made in the plastic. The contact group is glued to the plastic card using special glue. There are no batteries or accumulators in the chip; the voltage is supplied from the receiver; stable operation requires constant and reliable contact.

Access card encoded DRE series 24 (No. 1)

Let's start with a smart card (or, if it is more convenient for you, access cards) of the 24 series. Why was it called - series 24, it’s simple because the 5th and 6th digits on all cards have and had the same number - 24

Operator on satellite 36, installed guarantee period for this card - one year from the date of activation and a service life of three years. It may or may not show TV channels of HD packages, it depends on what it will be installed in and how it was activated.

This access card could (may still) be used with receivers various types: GS 8300, GS 8302, GS 8304, GS 8305, GS 8306, DRS 8308, GS 8307, GS 8308, GS 9300, GS 930, GS 9305, CAM module, GS 6301 at the time of their launch did not have a hard binding of this access cards to one type of equipment, therefore, if in your subscription agreement one receiver is written, but you have another - don’t be upset.

Access card encoded DRE series 23 (No. 2)

The next access card that we came across is a 23 series access card. Why this card was called that - series 23, everything is just as simple, because the 5th and 6th digits on all cards have and had the same number - 23.

To this access card Operator pay television, established a warranty period of one year from the date of activation and a three-year service life. Activation takes place using individual number, printed on the map itself. This number is original and is used once at the time of registration.

This access card can still be found today either new or with already used receivers of various types of equipment: GS 8300, Gs 8302, GS 8304, Gs 8305, GS 8306, DRS 8308, GS 8307, GS 8308, GS 9300, GS 9303, GS 9305, Cam module, GS 6301. At the time of the launch of this series, like the 24 series, the operator did not strictly link the smart card to a specific type of equipment, therefore, just like with the 24 smart card, there may be slight differences. The main difference is established by the operator programmatic method, the operator may skip or block the activation of the HD channel subscription.

Access card encoded DRE series 24 (No. 3)

24 series access card, but slightly different appearance, from copy No. 1 in our review.

The service life is the same - three years, warranty - one year. Could be used both for sale and for exchange and credit shares on receivers: GS 8300, Gs 8302, GS 8304, Gs 8305, GS 8306, DRS 8308, GS 8307, GS 8308, GS 9300, GS 9303, GS 9305, Cam module, GS 6301, but there were more of them on Gs 8302 and GS 8304.

The main difference is the front side of the smart card, as you can see, unlike copy No. 1, there is a slightly different pattern in the form of buttons.

Access card encoded DRE series 13 (No. 4)

Now we will look at a smart card with a series that helped the operator rise to the heights that the operator on satellite 36 now occupies.

The symbolic design on the front of the card and the operator’s recognizable brand font for DRE encoding are qualitatively applied to the surface of the front of the smart card. There is no information about the service life and warranty period on the smart card.

This smart card used twelve-digit numeric numbering. Today, these access cards and this series are no longer produced; it was discontinued due to the impossibility of using it, in the opinion of the pay television operator, for use with HD content television channels. The name 13 comes from the fact that the third and fourth digits of the numbering are 13. This smart card could be purchased with receivers - GS 8300, Gs 8302, GS 8304 and CAM modules. This card was activated using an additional starting card - start.

Access card encoded DRE series 13 (No. 5)

Here is another variation of smart cards, this copy is the same as No. 4 - 13 series and twenty-digit digital numbering.

The main difference from copy No. 4 is not only the design on the front part, but also the presence on this card additional code activation. This smart card could mainly be bought with receivers: GS 8300, DRS 8300, Gs 8302, GS 8304 and CAM modules

On this card the manufacturer did not include information about the license, warranty period and service life of the access card. Minimum payment for use paid channels today is 600 rubles.

Access card encoded DRE series 245 (No. 6)

This access card is one of the innovations of the pay television operator; this smart card uses a fourteen-digit digital count. And here, on the one hand, this card could also be attributed to the 24 series, but this series is not like that and is a separate segment of access cards.

As you can see on this map, everything is according to the rules: license number, service life, who is the owner of the brand, warranty. Activation of this card is carried out by entering special code printed on the smart card.

This access card can be identified by the SC symbols printed on the front. This map access is still produced today, you can see or buy it with receivers, or more precisely, if we speak today as a system of receivers / . This access card allows users to connect to the multiroom service and watch on two receivers using one smart card. Use in other receivers is not currently envisaged, minimal subscription fee today it is 1500 rubles for this access card.

Access card encoded DRE series 255 (No. 7)

Let's continue to get acquainted with access cards for the pay television operator, the card that is now in front of you is 255 series, this access card has a limitation on the type of use of receivers.

This access card has not only a limitation on the type of receivers, it also has a limitation on the activation date; if you do not activate it before the specified date, the individual code will not be valid. The smart card carries all necessary information about the operator’s license, card warranty (one year), service life (three years).

This access card can be used in receivers: , u 210 ci, u 212 and can also work in b 210, b 211. Distinctive feature This access card is an activation for one year of subscription to super extra channels - an extended package of a pay television operator with a minimum payment today of 1,200 rubles per year (the cost is approximate and it may differ from the seller due to various factors, for example, the taxation system), go on the other more cheap tariff no possibility today.

Access card encoded DRE series 245 (No. 8)

Here is another variation of the 245 series access cards with primary activation for one year. This smart card is capable of working like copy No. 7 with a limited type of receivers: u 210, u 210 ci, u 510, today b 210 can work, b 211 . .

The peculiarity of this access card is that the initial activation occurs for one year and the minimum subscription card for this type of card today is 1200 per year. (the cost is approximate and it may differ from the seller due to various factors, for example the tax system)

The access card has an activation time limit. The card has a warranty period of one year and a service life of three years. The card contains telephone information where to call the subscriber if necessary.

Access card encoded DRE series 55 (No. 9)

Check out another discontinued access card. This 55 series access card, this smart card has serious restrictions imposed by the operator.

The most important limitation is the inability to watch TV channels MP4. This smart card has the ability to broadcast about 60 channels today and can work relatively normally only in CAM modules. This was not always the case, initially this access card worked fully in the receivers: GS 8300, GS 8302, GS 8304 and CAM modules, but after a number of updates were carried out by the pay television operator on satellite 36, normal viewing of TV channels became impossible, while the operator neither how he did not comment on the changes in the stream and in every possible way denied the problems with access to TV channels on this smart card.

The main feature of this access card is: 1-year warranty, 3-year service life, minimum subscription fee per year 600 rubles, 12-digit ID number. Today, these access cards are not produced new and it is becoming more and more difficult to buy this card.

Access card encoded DRE series 12 (No. 10)

The smart card that left an unforgettable stain on the image of the pay TV operator from St. Petersburg is the 12 series access card.

The Series 12 smart access card had the following features: no warranty period, no service life, subscription fee for a paid package of 600 rubles, prohibition of broadcasting MP4 TV channels.

What do sellers and subscribers remember about this series? This happened suddenly, the operator, without warning, disconnected all respectable owners from the operator’s services, and like the pay television operator (unfortunately), he decided not to comment on this decision and remained silent for a long time, not even commenting on his partners.

But a bunch of problems arose and only after citizens who regularly paid for services began to complain and write statements to all possible authorities, the operator brought to the attention of the public that the card was allegedly “attacked by pirates” and as a result of this the system was overloaded and everything collapsed .

The worst thing about this story is that neither the public relations department nor the operator’s managers first apologized to people and did not open access to even the five main channels; smart cards turned into glass scrapers. But the story did not end there - the subscribers argued and cursed and expressed all their negativity to the sellers (dealers) satellite equipment. The dealers tried to reach out to the operator's management, but the pay TV operator pretended that he had no problems.

The intensity of passions was very high and here is the general director of the operator of the Closed Joint Stock Company - Mordachev V.V. decided to speak to his dealers, the conversation was difficult, he again voiced the version that pirates attacked, but this was no longer interesting to anyone.

Dealers demanded free exchange access cards, as another operator has already done - NTV PLUS. To smooth out the intensity of passions CEO CJSC NSK promised to somehow resolve this issue. A little time passed and the operator announced the replacement of access cards with new cards, but not for free, but for money.

Speaking about the fact that it is not they who take the money, but the “dealers,” although this was not the case - the dealers deposited money for smart cards at the cash desk of the operator’s partner and then returned their own money from the owners of the 12 series smart cards.

Time passed - the pirates were never found (were they even looked for?), the pay TV operator never won the pirate viewing. But undoubtedly, such a disgusting attitude towards subscribers and dealers remains in the memory of many.

Access card encoded DRE series 255 (No. 11)

Pay TV operator smart card series 255, which provides the ability to view an extended package for 180 days.

The main difference between this card: limited type of application equipment, limited period activation, warranty period 1 year, service life 3 years, minimum payment for a paid package 1200. The term of funds on the card is 180 days.

This access card is used today in receivers: u 210, u 210 ci, u 510, e 212 and today it can also work in b 210, b 211.

Access card encoded DRE series 245 (No. 12)

Another variation of the operator’s smart card for working with DRE 245 series encoding, this access card provides the ability to view an extended package for 180 days.

Visually, the front side of this access card does not differ from copy No. 11

The main difference between this card and other operator access cards with DRE encoding: limited type of application equipment, limited activation period, warranty period 1 year, service life 3 years, minimum payment paid package today is 1200 rubles (the cost may differ on days of promotions and different percentages for transferring money and taxation systems from the seller). The term of funds on the card is 180 days. This access card is used today in receivers: u 210, u 210 ci, u 510, and today it can also work in b 210, b 211.

Access card encoded DRE series 245 (No. 13)

A distinctive feature of this access card is the presence of the letters “SC” and arrows on the front side of the card.

For the buyer fundamental difference this card is: the inability to register this card yourself due to the fact that this card may be listed as an exchange card, but this is not a problem, the only difference is in the method of registering the card in the pay television operator’s system. The initial activation period for this card is 1 year. You can use it at the time of inclusion in our list, only in the IP system. The basic subscription on this card is multiroom.

Access card encoded DRE series 245 (No. 14)

This is another variation of the 245 series smart cards; on the front we can see the operator’s logo and arrows.

This card is used in equipment that supports the encryption protocol for these cards, such as: u 210, u 210 ci, u 510, e 212, b 210, b 211. The initial activation on such cards was 1 year. The peculiarity of these cards is that they have more complicated registration in the operator’s system than for cards that do not have a circle with arrows on the front. For the subscriber to whom it is given activated, this is no longer a problem.

Access card encoded DRE series 255 (No. 15)

After the satellite television operator began to minimize its costs, it introduced smart cards with a primary activation period of 31 days, the paradox is that this card cannot immediately be loaded with additional packages until the subscriber pays for the year.

This card can be used in many receivers, such as u 210, u 210 ci, u 510, e 212, b 210, b 211. The main thing that subscribers with these cards need to remember is that this series has a specific algorithm for activating subscriptions, even if the card states that there are subscriptions, sometimes you need to wait until the keys “fly from the sky”, sometimes you have to wait about 8 hours, sometimes more.

Access card encoded DRE series 245 (No. 16)

This access card is not particularly different from copy No. 15, everything works according to the same principle and the same receivers - u 210, u 210 ci, u 510, e 212, b 210, b 211.

The only thing is it's a little different serial number, but here it is possible that after a certain amount of time the operator will change something and something else will appear (or appear) on this card.

We are adding a short video clip on this topic.

Let's look at the access card under a microscope and try to break it.

To be continued …..

Every TV viewer would like to use only the most the best equipment and watch your favorite shows on best quality. But the quality of the broadcast depends not only on the work of the provider and the operation of the equipment. Equipment owners need to ensure that the installed software. It is worth remembering that timely firmware for Tricolor gs 8306 and other receivers can support maximum performance installed equipment and maintain it in working order.

But updating is an extremely important and rather difficult process, which you should not start without confidence in the correctness of your actions. Fans of freebies need to remember that a mistake made will damage the receiver. And then the only way To restore it, you will need to contact a service center. At the same time, count on warranty service it will be pointless.

Flashing Tricolor TV for free all channels on the receiver

Those who want to install a program for unlimited viewing of TV channels should immediately abandon this idea, since it will not lead to good results.

The real purpose of flashing receivers is to:

  • keeping the software up to date;
  • getting the opportunity to watch TV in high quality;
  • adding additional options;
  • updating the main interface with a more convenient and functional option;
  • combating failures and errors in the operation of equipment.

It must be emphasized that users have the right to independently choose their preferred flashing method between:

  • manual option using a flash card;
  • receiving updated data in automatic mode.

Both approaches, if you approach the task at hand calmly and thoroughly, will bring positive results.

Firmware for free viewing of Tricolor for GS

Those subscribers who do not want to wait for automatic Tricolor firmware from the official website and prefer to do this process on their own should start by searching the desired program. It is advisable to download files only from the portals of equipment manufacturers or trusted sites, so as not to receive low-quality software.

After downloading the required file, you will need:

  1. prepare the flash drive by formatting it and installing it on the card file system FAT32;
  2. write the downloaded program to the prepared memory card;
  3. insert the flash card into the USB port of the receiver;
  4. turn off and turn on the receiver again;
  5. wait for the software installation to begin;
  6. Without interrupting the process, wait for the update to download;
  7. implement initial setup device by selecting basic parameters;
  8. reboot the console.

If everything is done correctly, the changes will be noticeable the first time you turn on the equipment.

GS 7300 firmware for free viewing Tricolor

A little simpler than the approach described above will be flashing the equipment in automatic mode. This approach will eliminate the need to search for software yourself.

To update the receiver, you will need to make sure that a new version software and:

  1. turn off and turn on the receiver again;
  2. switch to information channel Tricolor;
  3. wait for a message to appear prompting you to update your equipment;
  4. agree with the proposal received;
  5. wait until the process completes and a message about successful installation of the software;
  6. configure the equipment and prepare it for work.

That is, to obtain the desired result, the user will only need to agree to the download and indicate the basic parameters.

Preparing for a software update

Subscribers should know that tidying up the gi hg mini set-top box and updating the firmware for Tricolor without a card in 2019 does not require any special preparation. The main thing is to know that there is a new version of the software.

It is much more important to maintain equipment in working order. correct installation BY. It is extremely important to wait until the process is completed completely. Interrupting the installation will damage the set-top box, and the program will roll back to previous state will be impossible. The only way out in such situations there will be a visit service center and equipment repair by professionals who know how to restore a broken device.

GI s8120 firmware for Tricolor freebie for 2019

Most convenient and the simplest way maintaining up-to-date equipment for satellite television in 2019 – automatic download satellite updates. For start this process Just switch to the provider’s information channel and wait for a message about installing the desired program. After that, all you have to do is follow the prompts and make sure that the download is not interrupted.

If you don’t want to wait for automatic flashing, you can download necessary files on one's own. But then only the subscriber himself is responsible for the result.

In this section you will find required firmware and add-ons for AirKit to work with the Tricolor TV HD provider (Including Tricolor Siberia).

Set of firmware v4.0 from 07/06/2015 for 3, 5, 7 receivers. This set The firmware contains an update that improves the overall stability of the system. ATTENTION! The archive contains shared files firmware for the server (in root directory) and probe firmware in the appropriate folder depending on the type of your equipment in which the probe will be used. For example, if you use 2 CI+ modules and one U-510 receiver, then you should flash 2 probes that will be used with the CI+ modules from the "CI+" folder with the 1st and 2nd numbers, and flash the 3rd probe with 3 -their number from folder U-510.

Firmware v4.0FS dated 07/06/2015 with shifted frequency.This is useful when another splitter is operating within the range of one splitter.

Firmware v.3.1 from 08/18/2014. Use this firmware if you only have modules installed conditional access CAM CI+.

Instructions for updating AirKit software for Tricolor TV HD.

1. Download the required firmware to your computer and extract the files from the archive.

The firmware archive contains several separate files. The serverDRE.bin file is intended for server programming. The files Zond1_DRE_H02.UPD, Zond2_DRE_H02.UPD, Zond3_DRE_H02.UPD, etc. are intended for programming probe cards of the system, and each probe card must be programmed with its own file, i.e. with your number.

2. Disconnect the server from the power supply, remove the card paid subscription(if installed) and connect it to a computer running Windows system using the adapter or cable that comes with the kit.

3. Wait for it to install automatically necessary drivers for your operating system.

5 . Launch the configurator. The message "Device connected" should appear at the bottom left

6 . Click the "Run Boot" button.

7 . Everything on AirKit will light up at once indicator lights and after 30 seconds you will see in the system new section(disk) with volume label FIRM UPDATE. This is usually the "i" drive. On this disk there is a firmware.bin file. First, delete it and copy the serverDRE.bin file in its place new firmware, which you downloaded.

8 . Disconnect the system server from your computer and turn it back on. That's it - server programming is complete. Let's start programming probe cards.

9 . Install any probe into the server's card reader.

10 . Click the "Card Update" button. 2 indicator lights will light up on the probe at once.

11 first probe card, for example, Zond1_DER_H02.UPD and click "Open". The indicator lights on the probe will begin to blink and the probe will begin programming. Wait until the configurator display bar reaches 100%.

12 . From the firmware archive that you downloaded, select the file for second probe card, for example, Zond2_DRE_H02.UPD and click "Open". The indicator lights on the probe will begin to blink and the probe will begin programming. Wait until the configurator display bar reaches 100%.

13 . From the firmware archive that you downloaded, select the file for third probe card, for example, Zond3_DRE_H02.UPD and click "Open". The indicator lights on the probe will begin to blink and the probe will begin programming. Wait until the configurator display bar reaches 100%.

Keep in mind that if you program with one firmware file, i.e. one number, 2 probes, then the system will not work correctly with these probes.

Continue programming all remaining probes in the same way.

This completes the system programming. The system is ready for use. We disconnect it from the computer, install the original card in the card reader, and plug it into the power supply. We install probe cards in the receivers. When starting the system for the first time, you may need to restart the receiver's power 2 times.


I think that everyone already knows that Tricolor TV is a place for freebies... free opportunity watch almost all channels.

And so... the topic is relevant and therefore I have collected all the possibilities about this topic. Let's start with a plugin that solves many issues...

First option…


WE INSTALL AS A REGULAR PLUGIN VIA A FLASH DRIVE. Before installation, you need to stop all plugins.
Post the attached file keydata to the keys folder and run the plugin.



Path for keys \plugin\var\tuxbox\config
e36.bin or e56.bin

However... Tricolor TV now works on Oscam and Vicard, but you need to change the keys for them every day...

Second option...

Tricolor and without an access card? Does this happen?

Yes, sometimes …
First you need to install the emulator oscam(if it has not been installed previously). To emulate DRE (Tricolor) encoding, it has been developed special version oscam emulator.

Here is the Oscam assembly, It updates the keys itself.…. we take away:
Install from a flash drive. After the reboot, install DRE, then run AU off AU again, and only then oscamdre on.... the keys are fresh.

Specifically about this topic...

Third option

Gold Wafer cards...(very suitable for Dreambox)

The card contains a peak controller chip, for example PIC16F84, and an EEPROM memory chip, for example 24C16.
In fact, these are absolutely identical cards.

Firmware for this card has appeared in the public, which emulates the official tricolor card of the 13th series.

It opens in the same way as the oscam_dre emulator, but the card has AU (auto-update), i.e. no need to update the ee.bin key file every week.

In addition, the card can be used in those tuners that do not have an emulator.

Already specifically...

Yes! Remains eternal question... and how long will Tricolor TV be free?