Friends have disappeared in contact, what should I do? Where is the VKontakte "possible friends" function located?

Thanks to social network VKontakte users have the opportunity to communicate with each other not only in groups and communities, but also directly using personal messages. The correspondence history is saved, just like in many communication programs (ICQ, QIP). You can always watch it if necessary.


You have a personal page on social media. VKontakte network. On the left side there is a menu. Next to “My Messages” is the number of unread messages your friends have sent you. Select this section and go to it. Open the conversation you are interested in to . In the “Dialogues” section only Last messages left by users. If you open each subsection, you will see the entire correspondence history.

On a social network, all unread messages are highlighted blue. During correspondence in “Dialogues” this rule applies to both the interlocutor’s messages and your letters. Until you read message, which the user sent you, it will be highlighted in blue on his correspondence page.

Read new message There is one simple way to prevent your interlocutor from finding out about this. Select the “My Messages” section, without opening the letter highlighted in blue, click on the name of the user who sent it. His personal page will open. On it, select “Send” message" Select the inscription “Go to dialogue with the user”, you will see full story correspondence and the last unread message. If you followed all these instructions, the color of the letter will not change.

Now we have to talk about the fact that one appeared additional function social network "VKontakte": "Possible friends". This service will serve as an assistant for finding possible comrades; everything here has already been thought out extremely better. In this section you will see a huge number of users with whom you are familiar.

"VKontakte": friends - location

There have been some changes. The usual VKontakte function “Possible Friends” has disappeared due to its uselessness - now acquaintances can be found using the “Search for People” button. After clicking on this button, you will immediately see a list of people who may be your friends. Essentially, this should make it easier for users to work with VKontakte. Behind brevity, as a rule, lies talent. We will look at this innovation later. Also in addition to this new feature In the "Friends" section, a kind of book with phone numbers has now been created, where you can see the contacts of people who interest you.

The principle of sorting "Possible friends"

Administrators and developers of this popular social network among young people, of course, do not receive their salaries in vain. They constantly want to improve VK and make it as convenient as possible for communication and information exchange, so new features and functions are constantly appearing. And now, as we just said, the “Possible Friends” feature has appeared.

But on what principle does this blue button work? Among users there are many versions with answers to this question, but the true one is probably known only to developers. Most likely, this list includes only those people who are already your friends.

That is, for example, if you studied with them in the same educational institution, and also graduated in the same year, then, of course, they will be shown to your possible friends if you click on the specified link. If a certain person is listed as a friend not only by one of your friends, but by several, then the likelihood that he will also be on this list is quite high.

The developers made sure that possible friends were presented to the maximum full list thanks to the "show others" button. However, many users, when they clicked on this button, received the same people they had already seen in the list earlier, just in a different order.

Of course, someone was luckier and found many friends and acquaintances on this list. Some users have reported 95% effectiveness of the feature. And for some, no matches were found at all. That is, the list included absolutely strangers. But this may happen because there are several people on your friends list that you don't know. Consequently, there cannot be anyone on their list who would be familiar to you.

"VKontakte": "Possible friends" have disappeared

IN Lately The Internet was literally blown up with messages that “Possible Friends” on VKontakte had disappeared. Everyone is interested in where exactly she disappeared this function? In the previous order, they are shown only to users who have just registered, but here’s the problem: as soon as their list of friends is replenished to at least one hundred, “Possible Friends” disappear.

If you don’t know how to look for possible friends on VKontakte, remember that now you can definitely find this one useful function by clicking on the “Friends” column in the left list, and then on “Search” on the right side of the screen. The search will show only those people with whom you have many mutual friends, since the VKontakte administration decided that this would be much more convenient and efficient to work with the site.

This feature is certainly useful, but it just needs a little improvement. There are users who have hidden their friends in their privacy settings. So how to deal with them then? They think that only they can see their hidden friends, but no, in fact, in Possible Friends a complete stranger can see that they are on your list. After all, the VKontakte function “Possible Friends” in any case takes into account those hidden from prying eyes users, and developers definitely need to think about this.

Criticism from users of the social network where the update was made

Many people perceive this update of the social network with hostility because, in their opinion, the developers understand the word “friends” too incorrectly, because we usually communicate with our friends live, and not on VKontakte, right? Perhaps they should call this feature "Possible Acquaintances", and sidelong glances, and negative reviews then it would be less. In the meantime, we figured out where possible VKontakte friends are now.

VKontakte is one of the most visited sites on the Russian-language Internet. Thanks to VKontakte, all your friends, colleagues, neighbors will always be with you. Today this service has 110686719 registered users, and this number is constantly growing.

Why use VKontakte:

- find your old friends with whom you have not seen for a long time, those with whom you once studied, worked, and rested;
- make new friends;
- always be in contact with everyone who is near and dear to you.

Why did my friends disappear when working on VKontakte?

VKontakte users sometimes encounter this problem. IN certain period time, VKontakte friends disappear. Let's try to figure out this problem. Why VKontakte friends have disappeared? There may be several reasons:
- in some cases, before friends disappeared, some of them received spam messages asking them to read someone else's SMS message. Maybe spam bots block such accounts;
- this can also happen due to a server failure;
— the reason may be that spam bots are hacking your page or simply sending spam;
- there is another reason why friends disappeared. This may be due to the fact that some hacker simply deleted them. If this is the case, then you need to urgently change your password. Make the password complex, not just “123456”, but use letters in addition to numbers. Just don’t forget it yourself;
— do not follow links of dubious content;
- maybe a scorched version vksaver programs;
— in these cases, it is customary to write to technical support. Be that as it may, eh technical support always has more information than you and I;
- if this happens, then most likely it is a virus that infected your computer when you clicked through spam links. In this case, you need to open hosts file, and remove from it everything that is related to VKontakte. This file look in the folder: \WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. To open it, you can use an ordinary notepad;
— and finally, check your Internet connection. Check other applications that use your internet connection.