Production of bread and bakery products. Mini-bakery: types, equipment used, technological process

2. Bread production can be divided into the following main stages:

Preparing the dough and kneading the dough

Dividing and shaping dough


Preparing the dough and kneading the dough.

Opara is a liquid leaven for dough, consisting of yeast and flour. The more water the flour absorbs, the more tender the bread will be and the longer it will retain its freshness. Dairying is a classic way to improve the quality of bread. This process is quite long and expensive and significantly increases the production cycle, but the end result is a completely natural product.

Such equipment makes it possible to prepare the dough in a closed way, which is very rare for Russian bakeries. This stage is fully automated and lasts at least 14 hours.

3. The finished dough is poured into a bowl - a large mobile bowl.

4. According to the recipe and according to the program specified by the computer, specialists add the necessary ingredients to the dough.

5. The weight of the added components is checked on electronic scales with an accuracy of one gram.

6. To bake each type of product, it is necessary to mix a number of components accurately and in the correct sequence.

9. Next, the bowl is rolled under the dough mixer. Its lid does not completely cover the bowl, and through the resulting hole you can add components directly while mixing. Proper mixing and processing of components is the key to a beautiful appearance of the product after baking. Only with a certain content of sugars and starch inside the dough does the crust turn out crispy and uneven in color. The more shades of color in the crust, the more beautiful the product looks.

With the growing influence of chemistry on our modern world, special components (improvers) are being created in order to reduce labor costs and the cost of bread production. To reduce the time from the moment raw materials enter to the finished product, a substance is often used that absorbs water better and faster than flour. By adding such a substance to the batch, you can eliminate the stage of making dough. Bread baked using this technology also turns out soft and fluffy, but it becomes stale much faster and loses its taste.

10. The resulting dough, depending on the variety, rests for another 14 to 28 hours. At a low temperature, a natural fermentation process occurs in it, the dough ripens and becomes enriched in taste and smell.

If we shorten this stage in time, then the bread needs to be enriched with taste and aroma in a different way - using a variety of flavorings, improvers and additives with a taste identical to the natural one. The use of these additives results in bread becoming moldy after several days of storage. Real bread, produced in the classic way with dough, will never become moldy.

11. The filling for future buns is prepared in this combi oven.

12. High-speed mixer for beating fillings and light dough.


14. We look in Arabic from right to left: equipment for maintaining the dough, weighing and adding components to the dough, devices for mixing and whipping. On the left side of the frame are machines for dividing dough.

Dividing and shaping the dough.

15. This bakery uses three lines, each of which is designed for specific actions. The first line is a Japanese machine, one of a kind.


17. Its main advantage is the ability to work with liquid dough up to 85% humidity, which is almost impossible to handle.

18. Operators are ready to work.

19. Start of operation of the conveyor. The required length of the workpiece is monitored using a laser.

20. All cutting parameters are adjusted via the control unit.

21 The line is used for dividing dough for Ciabatta and some types of baguette. The machine ensures a constant shape (square or rectangular) and accurate weight of the piece.

22. It’s better not to put your fingers in it.

23. The second line is called the “divider-rounder”.

24. It is designed to work with denser dough.

25. The bowl with the dough is placed on a special lift.

26. He lifts and overturns the bowl, the dough is loaded into the machine.

28. ...and checks the workpieces on electronic scales. It is at this stage that the weight of the future product is determined. Due to the fact that part of the water evaporates during baking, the dough pieces weigh about 10% more than the finished product.

29. After setting the division, the conveyor is ready for operation. Depending on the type of product, the dough can either be simply divided into pieces, or additionally rounded or rolled into a cylinder. For these operations, additional conveyor belts are connected.

30. Due to the different speeds of movement of the upper conveyor belts, the workpiece slowly rolls upward and, twisting, takes on a round shape.

31. The output is a round piece of dough. If you connect the lower conveyor, the dough will be rolled into a cylindrical shape.

32. Depending on the type of product, the dough can be dipped in various types of toppings, for example, sunflower seeds.

33. The third line is baguette.

34. She does not perform division operations and uses pre-cut pieces of dough.

35. By rolling these pieces through special rollers, blanks for baguette are obtained.

36. The length of the workpiece is checked using a tape measure.

37. In the case of making a batch of baguette, the resulting “sausages” are laid out on a baking sheet.

38. Also, chopped dough can be placed in special forms for resting...


40. ...or simply transfer the dough to the riser.

41. The planter is a special frame with the help of which the workpieces are laid out in the oven.

42. After the dough has been divided, it must be allowed to rest, otherwise the crumb of the bread will turn out to be “glued together.” Resting can take place both in a regular room and in a special “proofing room”.

43. Due to the high humidity and temperature inside the proofer, the dough becomes saturated with moisture and puffs up due to the growth of yeast.

44. Before baking, final preparation of the dough is carried out. It is laid out from the molds onto a planter or baking sheet...

45. ...make cuts...


47. ...or lubricated.

48. And after that they bake.


49. The first option is a rotary oven.

50. The bread is blown with hot air and, thanks to the rotation of the trolley, is baked evenly on all sides. Wheat loaves and various buns are prepared in such ovens.

51. Some types of bread are baked directly in pans...

52. ...and are taken out after baking.

53. The second option is deck ovens (the name comes from the structural element of the oven - the “hearth”, on which baked goods are placed). These ovens are used for baking large-sized rye-wheat and wheat products.

54. Natural stone is used as a hearth, inside of which there are air channels with heated air.

55. With the help of a clever planter design, the products end up in the oven in a couple of seconds.


57. Such stoves transfer heat not by convection, but by radiant heat (can be compared with the example of an air heater, which circulates air around the room, and a cast-iron battery, which radiates heat).

58. This method is more gentle and does not dry out the air.

59. In such an oven, bread takes longer to bake, but it puffs up well, it produces a thick, dense crust and a more tender crumb.

60. The finished bread is taken out using a special wide shovel.


62. After each baking, vacuum thoroughly.

63. Finished products are sent for packaging.



66. Shake off excess flour from bread...

67. ...and placed in boxes for transportation to stores. Such bread is never sealed in a plastic bag.

Storing bread in a plastic bag extends its shelf life, but at the same time, the bread “suffocates.” Its crispy crust becomes moist and soft, and the crumb becomes flabby. This is due to the fact that the moisture contained inside the bread, gradually evaporating, is retained inside the bag and is absorbed into the crust of the bread, causing it to become soggy. It is better to use paper to store bread - this will help preserve its taste and the ratio of crispy crust to tender crumb.


69. Then empty boxes are returned from the stores. They are washed...

70. ...and stored in anticipation of fresh bread.

71. With such production, the output is an absolutely natural product with a unique appearance and exceptional taste. The downside of this bread is its high cost compared to regular bread.










Many thanks to everyone who took part in organizing this photo shoot!

The production of bread and bakery products is an excellent business idea for those who have decided. This niche is not yet occupied enough, and the emergence of a new format on the market - small bakeries and confectioneries - has opened up good opportunities to earn high profits for such a sought-after product.

How to open a bakery: choose a format and register a business

Entrepreneurs interested in how to open a bakery should know that the concept of such catering establishments involves having their own bakery and a store that will sell baked goods.

There are two main formats of bakeries:

  • bakery and store;
  • bakery, shop and cafeteria.

For a small bakery, in the first stages it will be enough to register as an individual entrepreneur - this will save time and money on registering a business.

To start producing bread and bakery products, you need to obtain a number of permits. An entrepreneur will need:

  • coordinate production premises with the local administration, Rospotrebnadzor, and fire service;
  • provide recipes to Rospotrebnadzor and obtain their permission if non-standard raw materials are used for production;
  • inform Rospotrebnadzor about the start of production activities;
  • issue health certificates for all personnel.

There is no need to undergo mandatory certification; it will be enough to obtain a declaration of conformity according to the CU TR “On the safety of food products.” It is issued for 1, 3 or 5 years.

Advice: to increase your competitiveness and create a favorable image in the eyes of buyers, you can obtain a voluntary certificate of conformity.

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What kind of premises do you need to open a bakery?

Before you open a bakery business, you will need to choose the right premises for it. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the location. It is best to place a bakery in places with good traffic, preferably in the city center - near shopping and entertainment centers, office buildings, and transport interchanges. Sleeping areas and small settlements will not be the best place for such enterprises.

When choosing a room, you should take into account the requirements of the SES: the presence of a working sewerage system, water supply (cold and hot), a modern ventilation system, the walls should be tiled, and the ceilings of the main workshop should be whitewashed. In addition, the bakery cannot be located in the basement.

The size of the enterprise must be planned depending on the selected production cycle - for a full cycle it should be 100 - 150 square meters. m, for incomplete students – 70 – 100 sq. m. m. It is advisable to allocate the following premises:

  • main production workshop;
  • packaging workshop;
  • raw materials warehouse;
  • finished goods warehouse;
  • shopping room;
  • production waste storage;
  • utility rooms.

It is also necessary to take care of the recognition of the enterprise by hanging appropriate signs and signs outside. As for interior decoration, you can take advantage of the experience of the founders of modern bakeries and pastry shops - the French Boulangerie. In their interiors you can most often see warm shades - chocolate or beige, as well as an abundance of wooden products and textiles, creating a cozy atmosphere in the room.

We form an assortment

In parallel with deciding the question of how to choose a premises to open a bakery, you should start choosing the assortment of the future enterprise. As a rule, the list of products from such establishments is represented by the following products:

  • European bread;
  • bread with additives;
  • croissants;
  • sandwiches;
  • confectionery products – cakes, sweets, pastries;
  • baked goods - pies, buns;
  • related products – drinks, marmalades, snacks.

Financial plan for a business for the production of bread and bakery products

The main part of the cost of starting a business is the purchase of equipment - 1,005,000 rubles. (for a full cycle enterprise). In addition, you will need funds for registration and renovation of the premises - 100,000 rubles.

Fixed and variable expenses in the first month of operation of the enterprise will amount to 400,000 rubles. This amount includes staff salaries, rental and utility payments, other expenses - 350,000 rubles, as well as basic raw materials (flour, margarine, yeast, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, fillings) and packaging materials - 50,000 rubles.

Thus, in order to open a bakery you will need 1,405,000 rubles. With average revenue of 600,000 rubles. per month, the enterprise will pay for itself in less than a year.

Despite the fashion trend for a healthy lifestyle, giving up all flour and sweets, we still love and buy bread. It comes in different types and forms - each person can choose an option according to their taste preferences.

Bread production– this is an excellent start in business, because general consumption products will never lose demand among people.

Marketing strategies in bread production

Before proceeding directly to the production part of the bread business, purchasing all the necessary equipment, you need to create a marketing plan. And the first step is to analyze the existing market.

What points should be present in your marketing research:

  1. Analyze the activities of competitors, their strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Find out which varieties and types of bread are the most popular.
  3. What is more important for the buyer – quality or price?
  4. Calculate how much product is usually sold at sales points in your city/region.
  5. What is important for retail outlet owners when concluding an agreement with a bakery?
  6. Does it make sense to open your own bakery store?
  7. Do seasonality affect product demand?
  8. During what time period is bread bought the most?

Having found the answers to these questions, you will understand what type and quality of bread should be produced, in what volumes, and where it is best to sell the products.

Think about what name your bakery will have. When choosing, it is important not to repeat existing bakery brands in Russia.

Hire a designer to create a company logo. Your trademark will be placed on packaging, in various places in the factory, on the machine for delivering bread to stores, etc.

Promotion of bread production business.

It is advisable to sell the first batch of bread at cost so that buyers try your product and can understand whether to buy your product or your competitors.

In this business, almost everything really depends on the quality of the product. If the bread is tasty and affordable (this is the second top factor), then, thanks to word of mouth, you will be successful.

We collect the necessary package of documents

Next, you need to start preparing documentation and registering the legal form of production. The easiest way is to be an individual entrepreneur and work under a simplified taxation system (6% of net profit).

What documents need to be provided to the tax inspector when registering an individual entrepreneur:

  1. Passport and TIN.
  2. Application on form No. 21001 indicating the activity code - OKVED 10.71.1 “Production of bread and non-durable bakery products.”
  3. Application for transition to a simplified taxation regime.
  4. Payment of the state fee (800 rubles), the receipt must be given along with the documents.

After receiving the individual entrepreneur registration certificate, order a stamp, and also buy a cash register if you sell bread in your store.

To start producing bread, you must also obtain permission from a number of inspection bodies:

  1. The fire inspection must check the fire protection system, ventilation, appoint a person responsible for fire safety, obtain a copy of the evacuation plan, and review the technical passport of the workshop.
  2. The SES inspects the production itself (premises and equipment). The workshop must have a sewerage system, working water supply, electricity, and gas. The premises for bread production cannot be located in the basement. According to the standards, 1.75 meters of the wall must be tiled or painted.

    The workshop must have a warehouse, a production area where equipment will be located, a bathroom, a closet for household chemicals, and a place for personnel to rest.

  3. Rospotrebnadzor controls product quality, checks raw materials and delivery documents, including from equipment suppliers. If everything is normal and meets GOST, then you will be given a quality certificate.
  4. You still need to contact the Federal Agency for Metrology and Technical Regulation. They must issue a quality certificate.

In addition, each employee must have a medical record with a completed medical examination. It will take about 50,000 rubles to prepare all the papers and pay state duties.

Be prepared for the fact that you will receive work permits for a long time. As a rule, the entire process takes 2-3 months.

Workshop rental

As you already understand, a workshop for bread production must meet certain requirements and standards.

Helpful advice: look for a room where bread was already produced before you, if there is one in your locality. This will save time and money on refurbishing the work area.

If you have not found a suitable option, you will also have to do repairs, tiling the walls. Depending on the area of ​​the hall and the complexity of the work, the work will cost approximately 50,000 rubles.

What can you say about choosing a location? If you will only produce bread and sell exclusively to wholesalers, then you can look for a hall outside the city. This will save on rental costs. The approximate fee for a workshop of 60 m2 is 60,000 rubles per month.

The bakery should consist of the following rooms:

  1. Production workshop with equipment.
  2. Warehouse for storing finished products.
  3. Storage for raw materials (flour, sugar, yeast, etc.)
  4. Locker room and rest area for staff.
  5. Office of a technologist, accountant and manager.
  6. Bathroom.
  7. Closet for household purposes (storing mops, detergents, rags, etc.)

Don’t forget that you need to pay utility bills every month. Depending on the power of the machines, gas and water consumption, you will have to pay from 30 thousand rubles every month.

Equipment for bread production

The bakery should be equipped with new equipment or equipment that has been in use for a short time and has not yet deteriorated.

Look, maybe someone is selling a used bread production line. You will be able to save a lot, which is very important when starting your own business.

Below you will see the current average price for new equipment for:

№. Name of equipmentQuantityPrice, rub.)
TOTAL: 377,500 rubles
1. Bakery oven
2 70 000
2. Dough mixer
1 52 000
3. Proofing cabinet
1 21 000
4. Hearth sheet
30 18 000
5. Flour sifter
1 18 000
6. Two-section washing bath
2 12 000
7. Exhaust hood
2 12 500
8. cooling chamber
1 24 000
9. Table
2 27 000
10. Wall table
2 8 000
11. Portion scales
3 7 500
12. Trolley hairpin
2 38 000
13. Rack
2 13 500
14. Baker's uniform (robe and cap)
40 16 000
15. Bread Packing Machine
1 40 000

Don't forget to take care of the comfort of the staff. Buy wardrobes where they can store their belongings. Make a small lounge with a sofa, buy a kettle and a microwave. These are additional costs of about RUB 15,000.

You will have to arrange 1-2 offices for an accountant, technologist, manager and marketer. To do this, purchase computers, tables and chairs, install the Internet, telephone, order a scanner, copier, and office supplies.

With the expectation that you will have 4 administrative department employees, you need to spend another 120 thousand rubles. to create jobs for them.

Product range and purchase of raw materials for bread production

While you are registering a business and purchasing equipment, think about what kind of bread you will produce. You may want to stick to the classics and bake regular white and gray bread.

Expense itemAmount (rub.)
TOTAL: 1,598,000 rubles
1. Purchase of equipment512 500
2. Workshop rental60 000
3. Payment of utility bills30 000
4. Cosmetic repair50 000
5. Employee salaries321 000
6. Contributions to the payroll (30% of employees’ salaries)96 300
7. Preparation of all documentation50 000
8. Advertising (logo and name development for a bakery)15 000
9. Additional expenses (gasoline, equipment repairs)50 000

Now let’s calculate how much profit bread production will bring us for 1 month of work:

  1. We will produce wheat bread (500 grams) and sliced ​​loaves (500 grams).
  2. One shift will be able to produce up to 400 kilograms of products. The plant operates in 2 shifts, i.e. per day of operation we will be able to offer the buyer 800 kilograms of two types of bread.
  3. The cost of 1 loaf weighing 500 grams (in the calculation only the purchase of raw materials was taken into account) will be approximately 15 rubles.
  4. The selling price of white bread starts from 30 rubles. The cost of sliced ​​bread is higher – 35 rubles.
  5. If you sell 400 kilograms of each type per day, the profit will be 52 thousand rubles. You will have approximately 200 kilograms of product return. Such bread can be processed into crackers and sold at a reduced price to recoup at least part of the costs.
  6. In 1 month of operation, the company can earn 1.5 million rubles.
  7. Net profit will be approximately 170,000 rubles. From this amount you pay tax at the rate of 6%.
  8. As a result, every month you can count on a net income of around 160 thousand rubles.
  9. With ideal business performance, payback can occur within 12 months.

All calculations are approximate. A business plan based on the selected equipment, list of raw materials, number of employees, and workshop rental price will help you obtain more accurate data.

Bread production can fully pay for itself only after a year of successful operation. But it is important to understand: although bakery products are constantly purchased, due to great competition, the demand for the products of new bakeries is unlikely to be high. Therefore, try not to inflate the final cost of bread in order to attract people at least with prices.

A good option is to produce a special “Economy” variety. This bread is made from third-grade flour, which is why it is not of such quality. But it is affordable and in demand among the population.

Bakery products are made in the form of piece products, which are baked from flour dough that undergoes a fermentation process. The technological line for bread production improves the quality of product output and assortment. The surface of the product is covered with a hard crust. Inside there is a porous, soft crumb in the form of rubber.

Wheat flour is the main ingredient of bread

Main raw materials for bread production:

  • Rye flour;
  • drinking water.

Additional raw materials for bread production:

  • salt;
  • fats;
  • yeast;
  • sugar;
  • nutritional supplements.

Flour for bakery products is made from mealy grains, soft wheat. The composition of this flour is powdery and free-flowing. Auxiliary raw materials are converted into liquid, intermediate semi-finished products: emulsions; solutions and suspensions.

Baking dough, upon completion of kneading and fermentation, takes on certain physical properties, such as gas-retaining and shape-retaining abilities, as well as elasticity and acidity, necessary for this type of bread. These properties guarantee the maximum number of dough pieces that go into baking.

Production recipe

The bread dough should rise in a warm place

Nowadays, in the baking industry, you can find a description of the technological line for bread production, or rather, two types of them, which differ in the stages of mechanization.

  • Mechanized line.

Allows the production of bread for an assortment that allows you to switch from the production of one subtype of product to the production of another, which are within the boundaries of assortment groups. Mass subtypes of products, namely round and shaped hearth bread; loaf - produced on special complex mechanized lines.

The main process in the production of a bakery product is fermentation and kneading of the recipe mixture, that is, dough. When kneading, all the necessary components are mixed, the mixture undergoes mechanical processing and is saturated with air bubbles. Next comes the hydrolytic effect of moisture on the dry components of the resulting mixture. Later the dough frame will be formed in a sponge form.

Dough kneading machine

Dough fermentation occurs due to the action of yeast and various bacteria in fermented milk products. Fermentation causes enzymatic and microbiological processes, which subsequently change all physicochemical properties. A porous-capillary structure is formed, which is held by a plastic-elastic skeleton, its pores are completely filled with gas, which consists of carbon dioxide, alcohol, water and pores, auxiliary results of fermentation. Next, flavoring and aromatic substances accumulate, and the consumer properties of the bakery product are determined.

A bakery product can only be produced in a commercial, finished, consumer form. The storage period for bread products without specialized packaging should not exceed 1-2 days, because of this, production is organized at points of direct consumption. For proper transportation, the product is laid out on trays made of wood. These trays are placed on carts or racks and transported by special machines.

Technological process

The production of bakery products has stages necessary for production. Several can be highlighted:

  • aeration;
  • storage;
  • mixing;
  • flour dosing;
  • sifting flour.
  1. Tempering salt and sugar solutions, yeast suspensions and fat emulsions.
  2. Measuring the recipe component, fermenting the dough and dough, kneading.
  3. Dosing the “ripened” dough into parts of equal weight.
  4. Formation. The dough piece undergoes mechanical shaping, which gives the product the required shape: cylindrical, spherical, cigar-shaped, etc.
  5. The formed dough pieces undergo a fermentation or proofing process. After this, cuts can be made on the dough.
  6. Dough pieces and baked bread undergo hydrothermal treatment.
  7. The final stage is rejection, cooling, packaging, and storage of products.

Equipment complexes

Speaking about the characteristics of equipment lines, we can distinguish several stages of the technological process. The initial stage is carried out using a whole complex of devices for transportation, storage, preparation for the production of water, flour, sugar, salt, yeast, fat and other types of raw materials.

Fabric bags, reinforced concrete bins and metal containers are used to store the material. Small businesses most often use mechanical transportation of flour bags using forklifts. Flour is transported by elevators, screw and chain conveyors. Larger organizations will use a pneumatic flour transportation system. And thin semi-finished products are pumped using pumps.

To prepare raw materials, sifters, magnetic devices, mixers, filters, and other additional equipment are used.

The main line complex includes:

Bread dough forming line
  • tempering equipment;
  • dosing components;
  • mixing equipment;
  • fermentation of dough and dough;
  • section of the finished dough into portions;
  • dough formation;
  • dispensers;
  • dough mixers;
  • dough making equipment.

Additional line complex includes:

  • proofing machine;
  • styling equipment;
  • baking mechanism;

It contains – transplants, cabinets, styling equipment, cutting, ovens.

The final complex of the machine for lines:

  • proofing machine;
  • cooling;
  • package;
  • transportation;
  • storage.

It has a cooling compartment, equipment for expeditions and a finished product warehouse.

Line diagram

Machine-hardware bread production line Machine-hardware bread production line, the diagram of which is shown in the figure above, is one of the main mass subtypes of bread production.

Flour is delivered to the enterprise in flour trucks, which accept up to 8 tons of flour. The car is hung on truck scales and then transferred for unloading. To unload the car pneumatically, it is necessary to equip the flour truck with a special air compressor and a flexible hose to connect to the receiver panel (8). Using pressure, flour is loaded from the vehicle container through pipes (10) to silos (9) for storage.

In a special structure, solutions of sugar and salt, melted fat, and yeast mixture are created (21). These semi-finished products are stored in consumption tanks (20). From these, with the help of dispensers, the raw materials are mixed. When operating the line, flour from silos (9) is unloaded into a hopper (12) using an aerosol transport system. It includes not only pipes, but also a compressor (4), an air filter (3) and a receiver (5). The flow of flour from all silos is regulated using a switch (11) and a rotary feeder (7). In order for the compressed air to be evenly distributed near each of the operating modes, an ultrasonic nozzle (6) is installed in front of the rotary feeders themselves.

The program for the consumption of flour from silo (9) is carried out using a production laboratory at a bakery, on the basis of various baked goods, using a mixture of flour from different batches. If batches of flour are mixed, the baking quality of the flour mixture for the recipe is equalized. Then, the recipe mixture is cleared of additional impurities and fed to sifters (13), which are equipped with a magnet-based catcher. Next, the raw materials are loaded into production silos (16), through automatic scales (75) and an intermediate bunker (14).

To obtain high-quality bread, this line uses a two-phase production method.

  • First phase:

making dough, kneading it using a dough mixer (77). Flour, pre-dosed, is put into the dough mixing machine and comes out of the production silo (16). Water that has been pre-tempered is also poured into it. Then, the yeast mixture enters there, which is passed through a dosing station (18). To knead the dough you need 45-75% flour. From the equipment (77) it is unloaded into a six-section dough-preparing mechanism (19).

  • Second phase:

After the fermentation process is completed, within 4-5 hours, the resulting dough from the machine (19) is transferred to the second dough mixing equipment, while simultaneously feeding the remaining portions of water, flour, sugar and salt solution, and melted margarine (fat). The second phase of preparing the dough consists of fermenting the finished dough using container (22) for 2-3 hours. The concentration of millet dough after the completion of kneading forms 1300 kg/m3, at the end of kneading it is only 600 kg/m3.

Dough divider

The prepared dough will flow from the tank (22) into the receiving funnel of the dough dividing equipment (23), which is designed to receive a dose of dough in the same mass. After processing the dough portions, ball-shaped dough pieces are created in the rounding container (24). Using a pendulum stacker (7), they form into the cells of the proofing tank cradles (2).

Proofing of the dough piece takes 40-60 minutes. At average air humidity, namely 85-90% and a temperature of 40-45 degrees Celsius, the dough piece becomes porous. This happens as a result of fermentation. The breadth increases approximately 1.6 times, the density decreases by 45%. The workpiece acquires a smooth, even and elastic structure. To protect the dough pieces from creating cracks and tears during baking, which most often occur on the top crust, at the moment when the dough piece is transferred under the oven (25), they are cut and pricked.

Industrial bread oven

The entrance section of the baking chamber carries out hygrothermal treatment, lasting 2 minutes, using a humidifying mechanism with a temperature of 110-150 degrees Celsius. If the humidity is relative, namely 75-80%, then baking is carried out for 15-50 minutes, at a temperature of 160-260 degrees Celsius. Everything, of course, depends on the weight of the portion and the recipe of the planned bakery product.

Using a stacker (26), the finished product is loaded into a container (27), and then sent to the expedition through the cooling compartment.

The total preparation time for bakery products, including all stages and phases, from the moment the flour is added until the finished product comes out, averages 9.5 hours.

Video: Automatic bread production line

Bread and bakery products are everyday products. Currently, the baking business has great opportunities to increase the number of enterprises, create a developed competitive environment, and new jobs. Bakery production is a socially important sector of the economy. Most bakeries that produce basic types of bread solve the important strategic task of providing cheap bread to as many people as possible.
Now on the Russian bread market there is both the legacy of the USSR - traditional types of bread - black, white, round, loaf and loaf, and the premium category that has been emerging in recent years - bakery products with a limited shelf life, content of minerals and organic elements, low-calorie varieties, etc. .P. The consumption of bread and bakery products is primarily related to the well-being of the population, with the growth of which the Russian consumer is moving from cheap and high-calorie food to more expensive products.
The market for bread and bakery products is characterized by seasonal fluctuations in production volumes. This is due to the fact that the demand for bread is very uneven; it has seasonal, weekly and holiday fluctuations. The peculiarity of bread production and consumption is that short sales times do not allow stockpiling of bread. In recent years, the market for bread and bakery products has seen a decline in production throughout Russia: in 2009 it decreased by 1.9 % and amounted to 7,815.3 thousand tons compared to the level of 2008 (7,966 thousand tons).
The largest share (70 %) of bakery products is produced by factories, 17 % are produced by private bakeries, and 13 % are baked in supermarkets. Today in Russia there are more than 10 thousand bakeries (including 1.2 thousand large ones) and bakeries. Their capacity allows them to produce about 25 million tons of bread and bakery products per year, the assortment is more than 700 items, the daily output is 70 thousand tons (500 grams per person).
The most common segmentation in the bakery products market is segmentation by category: bread, loaves, non-traditional varieties with healthy additives, small-pieces and butters (Table 1.11). This principle divides the market into two niches:
- bakery products of mass demand, the so-called “social” bread, which makes up the bulk of the range of bakery product manufacturers;
-non-traditional baked goods - low-calorie bread, various types of bread with additives and puff pastry pastries.

Source: .

Today, the development of the bakery products market is mainly due to non-traditional varieties, the demand for new types of bread with more complex recipes and baked goods is growing, while the consumption of “social” bread has been quite stable for several years. Consumer demand for bakery products varies significantly: bread is in greatest demand among consumers (45 %), loaves are in second place (23 %), buns are in third (17 %), and only 15 % of consumers prefer all types of bakery products. Children's preferences regarding baked goods vary significantly. Only 10% of those surveyed prefer bread, 14% of children prefer baked goods, 16% prefer loaves, 21% love all bakery products, buns are the most preferred (39%).
There are both domestic and foreign products on the Russian bread and bakery products market. Market shares of domestic and imported bakery products are distributed unevenly. If domestic crackers, dryers, and gingerbreads have almost 100% market coverage, then cookies and waffles share the market with foreign analogues. The volume of imports of bread and bakery products in 2009 amounted to $20.1 million in monetary terms. The largest share of bread imported into our country in monetary terms belongs to Finland, which in 2009 imported bread worth $6.9 million, which amounted to 34.5 % of the total import volume; Lithuania is in second place - $3.3 million. or 16.3 %. The shares of Germany, France and Ukraine in 2009 were 9.6; 9.4 and 9.3 %, respectively.
Selling prices for producers of wheat and rye bread and bakery products in most regions remained stable. The exceptions were the Vologda, Magadan, and Tyumen regions, where there was a slight increase in bread prices, which ranged from 6-14 % for certain types of bread from individual producers. Manufacturer selling prices for wheat bread and rye bread increased by an average of 3 %. Trade markups in stores are set at no more than 25 %. Bread is delivered to the retail chain by road, which is reflected in the retail price of bread. Delivery costs are included in the retail price up to 20% .
According to forecasts, the Russian market of bakery products will increase by more than 20% by 2013 in value terms. Development is also expected in the baked goods segment: by 2013 it will grow by 40% in value terms. As for bakery and flour confectionery products, a decrease in volume sales of these products is expected in the period from 2010 to 2013. Despite this, market growth is predicted due to increased demand for high-quality premium products.
So, the modern market for bread and bakery products dictates strict requirements to the manufacturer. Today it is not enough to produce only mass varieties of bread and bakery products in order to survive and be successful, but it is also necessary to produce a wide range of products. Representatives of the baking and confectionery industries should pay special attention to the quality of their products, the internal culture of market participants, and also take into account the specifics and habits of consumers. Among the latest trends in the development of the bread market, one can also note the growing interest in the production of fortified and therapeutic and prophylactic products, attention to
which increases every year with a general decrease in bread consumption. Unfortunately, the production of bread and bakery products with healthy additives, including “elite” varieties, is currently underdeveloped. However, the potential of the “premium” segment is confirmed both by the results of consumer research and by successful experience in various product markets.
Regional analysis. A difficult situation is developing in the baking industry of the Primorsky Territory. Production costs are rising, consumer demand is stagnating, and enterprises do not have the funds to update production capacity. In addition, the industry faces an acute problem of production modernization. Due to the low profitability of bakery production, enterprises do not have their own funds to purchase new equipment. Few people can take out a bank loan, even with existing opportunities to subsidize the interest rate from the budget, and as a result, many enterprises curtail their business.
In general, the food production index in 2009 decreased by 11.8 % compared to 2008. The production of bread and bakery products in 2008 decreased sharply compared to 2007 and amounted to 74,846 tons (Table 1.12).