HTML5 player from youtube. How to watch movies and TV series in HTML5 video player for Yandex browser

HTML is a web page markup language, essentially it is responsible for the correct display of all elements on the page. New language specifications are gradually being released, the latest being the fifth version, which brought the abolition of old ones and the introduction of new tags and functions. C HTML5 Yandex browser began to support video playback through its own Video Player, which does not require the installation of other plugins, like Adobe Flash Player. The built-in functionality of the language allows you to play any movie on a website that supports HTML5.

In the absence of HTML5 for the Yandex browser, I had to use Flash Player. This resulted in a situation in which standard means browser it was impossible to listen to music. The greatest influx of users to Flash was provoked by the emergence of the largest video hosting site, YouTube. Over time, other large companies, such as Apple, began to use it for video processing.

The increase in users continued for a long time, immediately after the release of HTML 4.01 there was a large jump in popularity. The outflow occurred only after the release of the new HTML5 specification, which first appeared in 2012, but full launch happened in 2014.

The video player is prompted to switch to HTML5 by several main disadvantages of the Adobe plugin:

  • The need to additionally install into the system. Over time it was added to Google Chrome default;
  • Low speed and frequent loading interruptions;
  • Poor stability, often crashes and conflicts appeared, often had to reload the page.

Advantages of HTML5 over Adobe Flash Player

Technologies are inherently different, but are intended for the same tasks. For users and developers new standard HTML5 brought a lot of advantages:

  • Open source. The programmer can independently modify the code. Useful for improving the security of business resources and applications;
  • Fast development. The development is carried out by the advanced company W3C, which draws good ideas from users finalizing the standard;
  • Compatible with most platforms. Flash Player is not supported on Android versions up to 2.01 and 4.1x and later, and the plugin is not compatible with iPhone and iPod. To operate the new player you need to have a relatively new version Yandex browser;
  • Energy efficient technology. The HTML5 video player consumes significantly less processor resources and, accordingly, saves battery power, which is important for any mobile phone.

What is HTML5 Video Player for the Yandex browser?

HTML5 Video Player is a program designed to convert video files in HTML5 format. Additionally, you can watch videos through the application, but such a need does not arise with the modern capabilities of the Yandex browser. You can load any file of common video formats into the program: mp4, AVI, MKV.

After processing the file, it will be suitable for uploading to the server; the publishing function is already built into the program. Before uploading to the server, the video can be viewed in a browser. It is better to download the program from the official website.

Some users complain that the application does not work, closing immediately after loading a file into it. Reinstalling or disabling the antivirus helps resolve the problem. In order not to search for the causes of the malfunction, it is better to use a similar program - Free HTML5 Video Player.

The process of using both applications is similar:

To insert a video on the site, just copy JavaScript code from the page in the browser that opened after conversion, and paste it into the video block on the web resource.

How to watch HTML5 Video in Yandex browser

In fact, you don’t need any special techniques to watch videos on the Internet in HTML5 format. To start watching, just go to the video and the browser will do everything on its own. Playing videos on YouTube and many other services is not difficult; today this video hosting works exclusively with the HTML5 format, only for outdated browsers it happens automatic switching on old Flash Player.

Sometimes you can't view HTML5 videos if there are errors. The technology refers to a relatively stable way of viewing visual content and sound, but periodically provokes errors:

Sometimes updating the Yandex browser helps:

For the average user, viewing a video in HTML is not difficult, but it is important that the service supports the format. Famous social network Facebook does not work with HTML5, but there is a way to open this feature through the HTML5 Video Player extension, which can be downloaded from this link.

HTML 5 is a publicly available format that is supported by all modern browsers and does not need to be installed separately. Using the HTML5 Video Player program for Yandex browser, you can watch, download videos and convert various formats in HTML5, making them available for online viewing.

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    HTML5 Video Player is an application designed to convert video files to HTML5 format. The created videos can be posted on website pages. Any video format can be used as source material.

    The program is capable of not only converting video, but also editing it (flipping, cropping). Before saving the result, you can run finished video in preview mode. It should be noted that the application allows you to select the “skin” of the player, which will be integrated into the browser.

    Key Features

    • Convert multiple files;
    • Works with all popular video formats;
    • Turn off the PC after the conversion process is completed;
    • Ability to select a directory to save the result;
    • Preview of modified video;
    • Ability to customize the appearance of the player;
    • Quality settings convertible video file;
    • Possibility of cutting the video;
    • Compatible with all popular browsers.


    The html5 video player application appeared not so long ago, but has already gained popularity due to its advantages. The main advantage of the program is that it can work with all popular video formats. This means that you can “upload” any film (video) to your website.

    Another advantage is compatibility with Internet browser Explorer, Safari, Opera, Google Chrome, and Firefox. In this case, before saving the file, you can check how it will be played in a particular Internet browser.

    The html5 player is a cross-platform application. It can be installed not only on PCs running Windows OS, but also on mobile devices. Android devices and iOS. Thus, it is possible to publish videos directly from your phone.

    You can download html5 video player completely free of charge. At the same time, on the developer’s website there is Russian version player. Thanks to this, it will be easier for users to understand how the program works.

    Thanks to html5, videos uploaded to websites can be viewed without Flash installations Player. Therefore, the program can be found in the list of the most downloaded players. As an addition, the developers provide the ability for users to change appearance player on the website.


    As for the disadvantages of html5 video player, there is only one. Convertible files optimized only for the web standard. This means that html5 videos will be inconvenient to watch locally. Otherwise, no shortcomings were found in the program.

    It should be noted that this program will be of interest only to website owners and webmasters. For regular user, the video player is of no value.

    How to download the player

    To download the video player, you need to visit the developer's website. To do this, you need to go to the following URL: “”. To make it more convenient to use the site, it is recommended to change the language. This can be done by clicking on the checkbox located on the right top corner. After which you need to select Russian.

    When the Internet resource is Russified, you need to click on the “Download” link. Immediately after this, a page with all available products will open. To download the player, you should go down to the "Other programs" section.

    In the next step, you need to click on the name of the converter. The page that opens shows information about the player. To download the program, you need to go to the very bottom of the web page, and then click on the “Download” button. Now all that remains is to install the software product.

    Principle of operation

    When the program loads, you will see Russian-language, intuitive clear interface. With help navigation bar You can:

    • Add files;
    • Specify the output name;
    • Delete a file;
    • Set up the player.

    After the file to be converted is selected, it is recommended to specify the directory in which the finished result will be saved. You also need to set the format of the video to be converted.

    To view the result, you need to check the box next to “Show HTML...”. To convert files, you need to click on the “Convert” button.

    It should be noted that it is possible to change the settings of the program itself; to do this, click on the “Options...” button.


    Webmasters involved in website building must understand how html5 works. Since sites with Flash animation(video) fade into the background, so you can’t do without a video player-converter. Even a novice user can handle the player's controls. It is important to note that there are paid analogues, capable of converting html5 video. If necessary, you can use them.

    Video review of the HTML5 player

    IN Lately We can no longer imagine our life without mobile devices. And we all want maximum multitasking and fast work device But the problem is playing video and audio on mobile devices without the use of Flash and Silverlight has been urgently brewing for a long time. Therefore, these standards gradually began to be replaced by a new one - HTML5 player for audio and video. The efficiency of HTML5 video playback is related to native support media (to play a media file most efficiently, you need to play it natively, that is, there should be maximum integration between the browser and operating system, and the last one - with iron).

    Let's now move on to the practical part and figure out how to add video to an HTML site.

    Using the VIDEO tag

    To add a video to a web page from using HTML tag is used video. It is applied as follows:

    The video player will look something like this (each browser has its own style):

    But it is worth considering that:

    1. Not all browsers support the tag video;
    2. Not every browser supports the video codec used.

    If there are significantly fewer problems with the first point (most modern browsers, after all, work correctly with the specified tag), then you should pay close attention to the second point. Let's talk about this issue in a little more detail.

    Support for HTML5 video codecs in various browsers

    For completeness of information, it is worth giving the following table:

    BrowserGoogle ChromeMozilla FirefoxSafariOperaInternet Explorer
    WebM Eat Eat No Eat No
    H.264 Eat No Eat No Eat
    ogg/theora Eat Eat No Eat No

    As you can see, there is no universal format that would allow video playback in all browsers. This situation can be solved in the following way: a video file in several formats is uploaded to the server, and then in the tag video Several codecs are specified. It looks something like this:

    Thus, the video source will be loaded automatically by the browser if a suitable codec is available.

    VIDEO tag attributes

    To tag attributes video should include:

    • src- path to the video file;
    • autoplay- forced video playback after the page loads;
    • controls- the video control panel is displayed (play, pause, volume, etc.);
    • width/height- sets the width/height of the video player;
    • loop- indicates the video is repeated after completion (loop playback);
    • poster- defines the address of the image that will be displayed while the video is not playing or is unavailable;

    Note: The easiest way to add video to a site is to use YouTube service. The Nubex website builder has a detailed article on adding videos from YouTube:

    Every day we hear more and more about HTML5. According to experts, HTML5 is the future of the Internet. HTML5 has a lot interesting features, for example, playing audio-video clips. I present to your attention short review seven free HTML5 video players for developers.




    This jQuery plugin for playing audio and video. Supports formats: mp3, m4a (AAC), m4v (H.264), ogv, oga, wav, webm.


    Open free platform(GPLv3 license) to embed the player into a web page, uses all the new features of HTML5. Introduction of videos from YouTube, Vimeo. Themes are based on


    jme is an HTML5 audio/video component with Flash and VLC Fallback that focuses on flexible, intuitive DOM-API and semantic code.


    Flare - free HTML 5 video player. Themes are based on CSS/HTML/JS. Completely open source. Free for commercial use.


    Projekktor is a wrapper for new HTML5 audio and video elements. Easy to integrate (only one JavaScript file). Cross-browser (IE, Opera, Chrome, Safari, Firefox and others). Supports the introduction of advertising into the video being played. Uses the free Theora video codec. There are playlists. Showing videos from YouTube. Themes are based on HTML/CSS. Free for non-commercial and commercial use ( GNU license GPL)


    HTML5 video player. Uses modern browser capabilities. Free. Source open. Lightweight. Doesn't use pictures. Skins are set via CSS. Eat full screen mode. In older browsers, the player is automatically replaced with . MIT License.

    The main advantage of videos in HTML-5 format is the ability to play them in a browser, even without the Adobe Flash Player plugin. A wonderful tool for converting video files to this format is the Free HTML5 Video Player and Converter utility. You can fill your website with multimedia content, useful videos and not be afraid of incompatibility with visitors’ browsers. To do this, you just need to download a new one for free. Free version HTML5 Video Player and Converter and install it on your computer.


    • high-quality video conversion;
    • turning off the computer after completing file conversion;
    • batch conversion of video recordings;
    • selecting a directory to save records;
    • built-in preset editor for more precise adjustment of the quality of video files;
    • setting the output file name;
    • playback ready files in the built-in player

    Principle of operation:

    Now let's get acquainted with this program in more detail. First of all, it should be noted that there is a Russian-language menu, which will greatly facilitate the use of Free HTML5 Video Player and Converter. Its main function is to convert video files into HTML-5 format for correct playback on websites and blogs. You can choose required resolution video recordings, customize presets in detail and save ready-made recordings to the directory you need.
    You can install Free HTML5 Video Player and Converter for Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8.


    • support for many video formats;
    • the converted video is compatible with all modern browsers;
    • the ability to download Free HTML5 Video Player and Converter to your computer for free;
    • menu in Russian;
    • simple interface.


    • converting only to an optimized format for Internet sites.

    The presented program is ideal for website and blog owners. Thanks to video optimization, your Internet projects will be displayed correctly even in the absence of Adobe Flash Player in visitors’ browsers. To do this, we recommend that you download for free latest version Free HTML5 Video Player and Converter. However, if you are not a webmaster, this program may be of little use to you. In any case, the program is worth downloading and trying on your work system.

