Walkthrough of the game martian gothic unification. Gothic of Mars: The Bloody Side of the Planet

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TO when I heard the theme of Kanobquest - and this is Sci-Fi. I was upset because I don’t really like this genre, especially in its pure form, due to the fact that I overplayed it... by the way, that’s why I was tired of Halo and Girzy... with the repetition of millions of topics about aliens and space.

I I spent a long time choosing what would become my topic. As you know, I mostly write about old games because I love nostalgia, and everyone who has grown up to sit at the keyboard writes about new games. That's why I promised to write about a retro TPS Horror game - I chose a game that was released in 2000 on PC, and I only played it in 2001. On your favorite PS one. Shall we get started?

Awareness of his loneliness and isolation, his helplessness before the forces of nature and society turns his isolated, split existence into an unbearable prison

Martian Gothic: Unification

T The theme of loneliness is touched upon in many Horror games, and indeed, what could be scarier than being left alone with the unknown. Bloody Gothic of Mars beautifully told us about this fear. In this game I will highlight three pillars on which it rests, despite some criticism - it can make you play and play - Bloody and tough action, great puzzles and of course an excellent plot (of course it is not spared from cliches, but he carries the story to the end without any inconsistencies.

IN not far away (for us already a long time ago) 2009 - People finally deigned to land on Mars. To establish a Base there for the search for life called Vita (life in Latin!-), which did not live up to the name (like Psp vita J) in the future.

On August 8 (that is, tomorrow would be the anniversary), 2018, communication with the station is interrupted and the last radiogram to Earth reads

"If you send a manned ship, warn the crew - only by remaining alone will you survive."

On June 17, 2019, a team of brave Marines, oddly enough ordinary scientists, numbering three, arrives at the base. They are all people of different specialties (which hints at team play).

Kenzo Uj i – Specialist in the field of computer systems analysis. Hacker. Romantic. Lover of conversation. Fan of Techno Hippie.

Martin Karne- The most charismatic character. Security officer. Strongman. Humorist. Leader

AND these three, having listened to the advice of the radiogram, enter the base from three different ends, finding themselves in such a story and situation that if I were in their place, I would simply shoot myself in the head and not worry. Not all the base employees are still dead, but our heroes, having breathed in the air, are already infected with an insanely dangerous virus, looking for a way out, without the opportunity to see each other.. Oh, a wonderful setting - what is needed for the Genre.

ABOUT The main feature of the game is that you control three characters at once, who are not allowed to see each other. Because the meeting of the infected causes their symbiosis and they turn into Trimorph (yes, this is not the only thing that Dead Space borrowed, there are a lot of repeated moments and other little things). Coincidence? No I do not think so!

AND The game is entirely based on interaction. It looks like this - one character is surrounded by zombies and he finds himself locked in a room, he communicates via radio and together they find a solution. One character is looking for a weapon, and the second is activating the pneumatic mail. Bang and the surrounded character receives a shotgun. Interesting? I will say more - each hero, as I said, has a specialty. For example, a microbiologist can prepare medicines in the laboratory and chemicals and give them to other characters. Hacker hacks. Well, the brave warrior knocks out locks, drags heavy things and carries heavy guns! Any hero has his own opinion on any subject in the game, for example - for example, a Hacker is delighted with computers, and a Warrior covers everything with obscenities and throws monitors at the wall.

IN The game has a lot of situations when you need to act quickly - for example, glass breaks and the room is filled with a harmful atmosphere and you need to find a way out for a while and it was cool!

I won’t spoil it, but if you don’t give a damn about the graphics, the plot will surprise you, and the ending will surprise you even more!

X I’ll notice that you started the game without a weapon, but later the amount of blood increased and the massacre began, however, in terms of the number of enemies, this game is far from even Alone in the Dark. In many ways, this game is a symbiosis between Alone and Resident Evil. But the battles and encounters with zombies were no less terrifying! And theromorphs were no worse than namesis

IN In terms of graphics, everything was at an average level. That is, the station itself, in terms of game design, was done with a bang! This is such a neo horror style. But the character models were striking in their lack of detail, and the splashes of blood were impossible to look at without surprise. By the way, how do you like the detailing? Phahaha! However, this is not what inspired the project....

Z The Wookiees in the PC version and the PS version were different. For the PC version it was techno, which in no way corresponded to what was happening on the screen. But on PS everything was amazingly gorgeous.

Attached is the OST

I love when games have a plot in addition to graphics. The plot is like the soul of a person, and the graphics are the body. Yes, the second one is beautiful, but can the body hold it for a long time? - No. Tested in my own life and in the lives of many people I know. Bloody Gothic of Mars has it. Game with soul.

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You are on the page of the game Martian Gothic: Unification, created in the Action/Adventure genre, where you can find a lot of useful information. The game was released by Creative Reality studio. The walkthrough for the game Martian Gothic: Unification that we found will help you quickly solve in-game problems and get tips on difficult moments. Also, codes and cheats for the game Martian Gothic: Unification are simply necessary for everyone who likes to receive free bonuses.

The game Martian Gothic: Unification was localized in Russia by Buka Entertainment, but this does not eliminate the need for a localization, because sometimes errors appear during the game, and the original version is always better than the remade one. And playing in your native language is more enjoyable. You will play alone, going through each stage without anyone's help.

Reviews and feedback from readers will help you decide if a game is worth your time. Considering that the game was released on 2000-05-01, we can say that it belongs to the category of classics.

In addition to general information, you may need a variety of files. Use add-ons when you are tired of the main plot - they will significantly expand the standard features. Mods and patches will help diversify and improve the gameplay. You can download them in our file storage.

Game description

2018, to investigate the long-term silence of the Vita base, the 3rd members of the rescue reconnaissance team arrive on Mars.

The last message we received on earth read: “Be alone and alive.”
Mars greets them very unfriendly. The first failure occurred during the landing, and so 3 people entered 3 different airlocks at the base.

And it is they who will have to solve the mystery of the silence of the Vita base, which involves an ancient Martian artifact and a terrible viral infection. And although there are three of them, only two will survive.

« This is Garoway, listen… it’s too late to evacuate, I don’t know if you’re getting it…. The connection is broken... we opened... by your order... it was a “Pandora’s box”! All the evil of old Mars has flown out! But Pandora found a lonely gift in the box: hope. I doubt there is hope on Mars. People grow together! Time in the rock! It is necessary to declare Mars a quarantine zone, but I know this will not happen... if you send people, then warn them, be alive alone and for the sake of …»

Judith Garoway, last message received by land management.

About the game


  1. Control 3 characters in turn, changing characters is possible at any time.
  2. The need to transfer items and distribute all items among characters depending on the situation and skills.
  3. Until the end of the game, the characters should not be in the same room or closer than 5 meters.
  4. Zombies never die, they only stop temporarily.
  5. Very difficult to pass areas that require you to quickly operate two characters at once.

Get the rocket launcher and gloves.
Go to the Kremlin.
Open the escape hatch (code 0756).
Take the rocket launcher ammo.
Open another hatch (code 3471).
Take 3 pairs of lenses.
Send each hero 1 pair.
Go to the corridor leading to the shuttle dock.
Open the doors and
Use the gloves and take the trimorph piece.
Send this piece to Matlock.
Go to green door #3.
Shoot the trimorph.
Exit through the other door.
Go to Longley Street.
Shoot the zombie with the pistol (and others too) and take the key to the storage room.
Go to 41st Street and open the storage room with the key.
Take the lever.
Open the box by entering the code from the watch (3172) and take the priorar and its battery.
Return to Longley Street and use the lever on the hole next to the door.
Use the lever and go through the opened door.
Send the Matlock rocket launcher.

Open the microscope in the bio lab and place the trimorph piece there.
Go to the medical laboratory and take 3 empty syringes from the table.
Use one on yourself (you'll get a blood sample).
Send the rest to Kenzo and Karna.

Take an empty syringe and use it on yourself.
Send a sample of your blood to Matlock.

Obtain blood samples from Kenzo and Karn.
Go to the bio lab and put all 3 samples into the centrifuge.
Go to the Kremlin and use the spectrometer on the painting.
Stand behind your computer near a large window. (it's safe there)

Go to the Kremlin and stand almost at the very door. (you need to see 2 red computer control buttons)
Aim the toy gun with suction cups at the left button.

Stand in front of the right button.

Shoot the left button with the pistol. (Matlock presses right)
The Kremlin computer is now working.
Move to a safe place.

Leave the Kremlin and go to the entrance to the mine.
Shoot the trimorph with a rocket launcher.
Use the belt (taken out of the exercise bike) on the elevator.
Move to a safe place.
Send the rocket launcher and ammo to Karn.

Go to the Kremlin and work with the computer.
Take and read the printout that appears after this. (this is the code for the elevator to the mine)
Go to the mine entrance.
Take the explosives and detonator from the box.
Use them on each other. (you will receive loaded explosives)
Get into the elevator and go down into the mine.
Apply lenses. (now you can see in the dark)
Take the rocket launcher and ammo from the vacuum tube.
Go to container No. 1, following the map.
Take the adjustable wrench.
Go to the Arena (landmark - container No. 2).
Use an adjustable wrench on the generator cable.
Take the pocket computer from the house.
Take the artifact (chorus) from container No. 2, next to the house.
Go to the Obelisk area (landmark - container No. 3)
Take the dead battery from the container.
It must be charged from a generator to turn on the pocket computer.
Carefully move forward until you see the trimorph.
Lure him away from the column he's hitting against.
Quickly run to the place where the trimorph stood and use the artifact (chorus) on the column.
The trimorph will change color - it can now be killed.
Shoot him with a rocket launcher.
Return to the pillar and pick up the charged chorus.
Go to the Altar. (landmark on the map - container No. 4)
Having discovered the Altar (a circle with spiral lines), use a charged chorus on it.
Get out of the circle quickly. (otherwise the energy waves will kill you)
Use green key #4 on the altar (it will change the color to gray)
Pick up the key using the toy car.
Go to the nearby vacuum tube and send the Arkham Key (formerly green #4) to Kenzo.
Go to the Sarcophagus and climb into the crane.
Use the control panel and stay in the cockpit.

Get green key #4 (it's now grey)
Go to green room #4 and open it.
Use the keyboard and enter the color code: black, dark grey, grey, light grey, white, dark grey.
Dial code 5637 on the second keypad.
Take and read the note with the code (9689)
This is the code for the Lonely Street gateway.
Go there and shoot the transparent zombie blocking the passage using psionara.
Enter the airlock and exit to the surface of Mars.


Take all the things from the corpse, as well as the hourglass that lies nearby.
Approach the grave to wake up Whittaker.

As soon as he finishes speaking, we quickly run into the airlock.
In the airlock, pick up a weapon (preferably a dillinger).
Come to the surface again.
Shoot Whittaker until he falls to the ground.
When he finishes talking again, quickly go into your inventory and change your weapon to Psionara.
Shoot Whittaker. (2-3 shots will be enough)
Search the body and take the red sand.
Apply sand with an hourglass.
Go to green room #4.
Use an hourglass. (colors will return)
Pick up the stone heart that appears and send it to Matlock.

Get a heart of stone.
Go to the cafeteria and take Ben Gan's head.
Go to the bio laboratory.
Use Ben Gan's head on the corpse.
Use a needle and thread on the corpse.
Use the stone heart on the corpse.
Listen to the living dead.
Take the stone heart back.
Go to the medical center. laboratory and take the empty syringe from the table.
Go to the elevator in the mine and go down.
Use lenses to see in the dark.
Go to the Sarcophagus and use the stone heart on the niche (this will make it possible to get to the stranger).
Climb onto the crane platform.
Go down the rope into the sarcophagus (carefully).
Use the laser scalpel on the alien's chest.
Use the empty syringe to obtain a milk sample.
Return to the bio laboratory.
Place the milk in a thermolizer.
At this point you should have the following components:

Blood samples in a centrifuge.
A piece of trimorph under a microscope.
Milk in a thermolysis machine.

Use your computer and run John Farr's program.
Complete all tests.


Exit the program, but not the computer.
When you exit your computer, the game will freeze and you will have to reboot.
After restoring the game, take the serum from the centrifuge.
Use one on yourself.
Send the rest to Karn and Kenzo.

Receive and use the vaccine on yourself.

Do the same with the vaccine.
Go to the volcano crater. (on the mine map there is a ring in the lower left corner)
Shoot the trimorph with a rocket launcher.
Use loaded explosives on the crack.
Run to the elevator!
You have 5 minutes to get to the shuttle dock.

As soon as Karn gets to the dock, Kenzo and Matlock will be waiting for him there. The shuttle is ready to launch, the countdown is on # But suddenly NRAV takes control and reports that someone will have to manually open the hatch doors so that the shuttle can take off. To do this, you need to pull the lever (they will show it to you)


The walkthrough was written by Dmitryfun: http://www.gothics.narod.ru

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