Programs products pp are designed for. What is meant by computer software? Methods for protecting software products

The capabilities of a computer as the technical basis of a data processing system are related to the software (programs) used.

Program - an ordered sequence of computer commands (instructions) for solving a problem.

Software - a set of data processing programs and documents necessary for their operation.

Programs are designed for machine implementation of tasks. Terms a task and Appendix are very widely used in the context of computer science and software (SW).

A task - problem to be solved.

Application - software implementation on a computer for solving a problem.

There are many different classifications of tasks. From the standpoint of the specifics of development and the type of software, we will distinguish between two classes of tasks - technological and functional.

Technological challenges are put and solved when organizing the technological process of processing information on a computer. Technological challenges are the basis for the development service tools software in the form of utilities, service programs, libraries of procedures, etc., used to ensure the operability of a computer, develop other programs or process these functional tasks.

Functional tasks require solutions in the implementation of management functions within the information systems of subject areas. For example, managing the activities of a commercial enterprise, planning the release of products, managing the transportation of goods, etc. Functional tasks together form a subject area and completely determine its specificity.

Subject (applied) area - a set of interconnected functions, management tasks, with the help of which the fulfillment of the set goals is achieved.

All programs according to the nature of use and categories of users can be divided into two classes - utility programs and software products (products).

Utility Programs("Software for Yourself") are designed to meet the needs of their developers. Most often, utility programs play the role of a service in data processing technology or are programs for solving functional problems that are not intended for wide distribution.

Software Products(products) are designed to meet the needs of users, wide distribution and sale.

Software- a set of interrelated programs for solving a specific problem (task) of mass demand, prepared for implementation as any type of industrial product.

As a rule, software products require maintenance, which is carried out by specialized firms - distributors of programs (distributors), less often - development firms. Maintenance of programs of mass application is associated with large labor costs - correction of detected errors, creation of new versions of programs, etc.

Maintenance of the software product- support of the software product performance, transition to its new versions, making changes, correcting detected errors, etc.

All programs according to the nature of use and categories of users can be divided into 2 classes: utility programs and software products (products).

Utility Programs (utilities) intended for use by the developers themselves. Most often, these are software solutions for functional tasks that are not intended for wide distribution.

Software - a set of interrelated programs for solving a specific problem (task) of mass demand, prepared for implementation as any type of industrial product.

The software product must be properly prepared for operation, have the necessary technical documentation, provide a service and guarantee the reliable operation of the program, have a manufacturer's trademark, and it is also desirable to have a state registration code.

Software products are intended for wide distribution and sale.

The process of creating software products is quite long, it is associated with changes in the technical and software environment for the development and operation of programs, with the emergence and development of an independent industry - the information business, which is characterized by the division of labor of software development firms, their further specialization, the formation of a market for software and information technologies. services.

The software product is developed on the basis of industrial technology for performing design work using modern programming tools. The specificity lies in the uniqueness of the process of developing algorithms and programs, depending on the nature of information processing and the tools used.

As a rule, software products require maintenance, which is carried out by specialized software distribution companies (distributors), less often by software developers. Maintenance of programs of mass application is associated with large labor costs - fixing errors, creating new versions of programs, etc.

Main characteristics of programs

    algorithmic complexity.

    Composition and depth of elaboration of implemented functions.

    Completeness and consistency of functions.

    Size of program files.

    Requirements for the OS and hardware from the side of the program.

    The amount of disk space.

    Operating memory size.

    Processor type.

    OS version.

    Availability of a computer network, etc.

Software product quality indicators (pp)

    Mobility – independence of software from technical means of information processing, OS, network technology. Mobile PP is suitable for mass use without any changes.

    Reliability - uninterrupted and stable operation, the ability to diagnose errors that occur.

    Efficiency - the minimum possible consumption of computing resources and the maximum possible speed.

    Modifiability - Ease of making changes.

    Communication - the property of integration with other programs, ensuring the exchange of data in common presentation formats.

    Accounting for the human factor - providing a friendly interface, the presence of a context-sensitive tooltip or training system, good documentation.

Question 1. Characteristics of the software product. Software engineering, its goals..

PP- a complex of interconnections. programs for solving defined. samples (tasks) mass. demand, prepared for implementation as any other type of industrial. products.

PP must be properly prepared for operation, have the necessary technical. documentation, provide service and guarantee reliability. work pr-we, have a trademark of the manufacturer, and it is also desirable to have a state code. registration. Only then prog. the complex can be called PP.

All programs according to the nature of use and categories of users can be divided into two classes:

• utility programs("programs for themselves") - designed to perform the tasks of their developers. Most often, utility programs play the role of a service in data processing technology or are programs for solving functional problems that are not intended for wide distribution;

• software products(products) - designed to fulfill the tasks of users, wide distribution and sale.

PP can be created as:

• individual. R elaboration under the order (the specifics of data processing for specific users are taken into account);

development for massdissemination among users (it is necessary to ensure the universality of the data processing functions performed, the flexibility and customization of the software for the conditions of a particular application).

PPs have a variety quality indicators(fig), which reflect the following aspects:

how well (simple, reliable, efficient) PP can be used;

how easy it is to operate the PC;

is it possible to use PP when changing the conditions for its use, etc.

Mobility PP means their independence from technical. complex with data processing, operations. environment, network technology of data processing, the specifics of the subject. region, etc. Mobile (multi-platform) software can be installed on various models of computers and operating systems, without restrictions on its operation in computing conditions. with children. The processing functions of such PP are suitable for the masses. use without any changes.

Reliability the work of the software is determined by the stability and uninterrupted operation of the programs, the accuracy of the fulfillment of the prescribed processing functions, the possibility of diagnosing errors that occur during the operation of the pr-m.

effect PP is evaluated both from the standpoint of the requirements of the user, and from the point of view. flow calculated resources needed for its exploitation. The expense will be calculated. R resources is estimated through the volume of external. memory to accommodate th pr-m and the amount of operas. memory to run them.

Accounting for the human factor means providing friendship. interface for end user operation,

1. The concept and classes of a software product.

2. Life cycle of a software product.

3. Basic concepts about the protection of software products.

4. Software systems for protection against unauthorized copying.

5. Legal methods of protection of software products and databases.

6. Characteristics of classes of software products depending on the scope of their use.

7. Classification of application software packages.

Question number 1. The concept and classes of a software product.

Application packages (APPs) are the most dynamically developing part of the information software market. Improving the PPP contributes to the introduction of computers in all areas of activity.

All programs according to the nature of use and user categories can be divided into two classes:

1. Utility programs (“programs for themselves”) are designed to meet the needs of their developers. Most often, they play the role of a service in data processing technology or are programs for solving functional problems that are not intended for wide distribution.

2. Software products (products) are designed to meet the needs of users, wide distribution and sales.

Currently, there are other options for the legal distribution of software products that have appeared using global or regional telecommunications:

1. freeware - free programs, freely distributed, are maintained by the user himself, who is authorized to make the necessary changes to them.

2. shareware - non-commercial (shareware) programs that can be used, as a rule, for free. Subject to the regular use of such products, it makes a contribution of a certain amount.

The software product must be properly prepared for operation, have the necessary documentation, provide a service and guarantee the reliable operation of the program, have a manufacturer's trademark, and it is also desirable to have a state registration code. Only under such conditions can the created software complex be called a software product.

Software product (PP) is a set of interrelated programs for solving a specific problem (task) of mass demand, prepared for implementation like any type of industrial product.

Software products can be created as an individual development under the order, and as a development for mass distribution among users.

Question number 2. The life cycle of a software product.

Programs of any kind are characterized life cycle, consisting of separate stages:

1) marketing of the software market, specification of requirements for the software product;

Marketing and software product specification are designed to study the requirements for the software product being created, namely:

· Determination of the composition and purpose of the data processing functions of the software.

· Establishing user requirements for the nature of interaction with the software product, the type of user interface (menu system, use of the mouse, etc.).

· Requirements for a set of hardware and software for the operation of software, etc.

At this stage, it is necessary to perform a formalized statement of the problem.

2) designing the structure of the software product;

It is connected with the algorithmization of the data processing process, the specification of processing functions, the development of the structure of the software and the information base (database) of the task, the choice of methods and tools for creating programs (programming technology).

3) programming (creating program code), testing, autonomous and complex debugging of programs;

They are a technical implementation of design solutions and are performed using the selected developer tools.

4) documentation of the software product, preparation of operational and technological documentation;

Software documentation is a mandatory type of work performed, as a rule, not by the developer himself, but by a person associated with the distribution and implementation of the software product. The documentation must contain the necessary information for installing and ensuring the reliable operation of the software product, support users in performing processing functions, determine the procedure for integrating the software product with other programs. The success of software distribution and operation largely depends on the quality of its documentation.

5) entry into the software market, distribution of the software product (associated with the organization of sales to the mass user);

This stage should be as short as possible, standard marketing techniques are used to promote the PP: advertising, increasing the number of sales channels, pricing policy, etc.

6) operation of the software product by users;

Goes parallel with escort, while the operation of programs can begin even in the absence of maintenance or continue if maintenance is completed for some more time. After the software is removed from sale, it can also be supported for a certain time. During the operation of the software, the detected errors are eliminated.

7) maintenance of the software product;

8) withdrawal of the software product from sale, refusal of maintenance.

Occur, as a rule, in the event of a change in the technical policy of the developer, inefficiency of the software, the presence of fatal errors in it, lack of demand.

The duration of the life cycle for different software is not the same. For most modern software products, the life cycle is measured in years (2-3 years). Although quite often found on computers and long-out of production software.

Question number 3. Basic concepts about the protection of software products (SP).

Software products and computer databases are the subject of intellectual work of highly qualified specialists. Software is also an object of protection due to the complexity and laboriousness of restoring its performance, the importance of software for the operation of an information system.

Software protection aims to:

1. restriction of unauthorized access to programs or their deliberate destruction and theft;

2. exclusion of unauthorized copying (replication) of programs.

The software product and databases must be protected in several ways from exposure:

1) human– theft of machine media and software documentation; violation of the functionality of the software product, etc.;

2) equipment– connection to a computer of hardware for reading programs and data or their physical destruction;

3) specialized programs- bringing a software product or database into an inoperable state (for example, virus infection), unauthorized copying of programs and databases, etc.

The easiest and most affordable way to protect the software and database is Access limitation. Access control to the software product and database is built by:

1. password protection of programs when they are launched;

2. using a key floppy to launch programs;

3. restrictions on programs or data, processing functions available to users, etc.

Can also be used and cryptographic methods protection of database information or head program modules.

Question number 4. Software systems of protection against unauthorized copying.

When using software protection systems, the program is executed only when some unique non-copyable key element.

Such key elements could be:

a floppy disk containing a non-copyable key;

certain characteristics of computer hardware;

· a special device (electronic key) connected to a computer and intended for issuing an identification code.

Software copy protection systems PP:

· identify the environment from which the program will be launched;

establish the appropriate environment from which the program is launched, the one for which authorized launch is allowed;

develop a reaction to launching from an unauthorized environment;

· register authorized copying;

· counteract the study of algorithms and programs of the system.

Question number 5. Legal methods of protection of software products and databases.

Legal remedies include:

· patent protection;

the law on trade secrets;

license agreements and contracts;

· economic rights that give their holders the right to receive economic benefits from the sale and use of software and databases;

moral rights that ensure the protection of the personality of the author in his work.

In many civilized countries, unauthorized copying of programs for sale or free distribution is considered a state crime, punishable by a fine or imprisonment. However, copyright itself does not provide protection for a new idea, concept, methodology and technology for software development.

Question number 6. Characteristics of classes of software products depending on the scope of their use.

Depending on the scope (area) of PP use, these are:

hardware of autonomous computers and computer networks;

functional tasks of various subject areas;

software development technology

To support information technology, three classes of software are distinguished:

· System software;

· Packages of applied programs;

· Toolkit of programming technology.

System software sent to:

1. to create an operating environment for the functioning of other programs;

2. to ensure the reliable and efficient operation of the computer itself and the computer network;

3. for diagnostics and prevention of computer equipment and computer networks;

4. to perform auxiliary technological processes (copying, archiving, etc.).

System Software - a set of programs and software systems to ensure the operation of a computer and computer networks.

Application packages serve as software tools for solving functional problems are the most numerous class of software. This class includes software programs that process information in various subject areas.

Software installation on a computer is carried out by qualified users, and their direct operation is carried out, as a rule, by end users - consumers of information, in many cases whose activities are very far from the computer field. This class of software can be very specific for individual subject areas.

Application package- a set of interrelated programs for solving problems of a certain class of a specific subject area.

provides the process of developing programs and includes specialized software, which are the developer's tools. PPs of this class support all technological stages of the process of designing, programming (coding), debugging and testing the programs being created.

Programming Technology Toolkit- a set of programs and software systems that provide technology for the development, debugging and implementation of the created software.

Question number 7. Classification of application packages (APP).

PPPs are the most represented, which is primarily due to the widespread use of computer technology in all areas of human activity, the creation of automated information systems in various subject areas, and they are classified into.

Utility Programs

Utility Programs

Utility programs are programs designed to meet the needs of their developers. Typically, such programs solve problems that are not intended for wide distribution.

See also: Application programs

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