Programs for the rosa system. Installing the Russian system ROSA Desktop Fresh

OS ROSA is a great option Russian production. Since my work is computer related, I am constantly in search of the ideal operating system. What does this concept include? Security, speed, and operation without any system freezes. Last thing windows time does not please users, so I turned my attention to the Russian OS ROSA.

It was created from Mandriva in 2011. However, a really working version of the system came out a year later. Rosa Desktop Fresh 2012 became new page domestic analogues of windows.

A tremendous amount of work was done by specialists on it. different countries, about 1 million lines of code were changed and added, almost 16 thousand packages were updated in their repositories. This line of systems also includes a server version - Rosa Server and a more popular desktop version - Rosa Desktop, which in turn comes in three editions. Such as Free (free components), EE (extended) and LTS (characterized by 5 years of support). Unlike, and the ROSA operating system has a number of advantages.

Russian operating system for PC Rosa advantages

In my opinion it is best for personal use Desktop is suitable, since it contains everything best developments. Due to this, it, like other versions, has a number of advantages:

It combines elegant design and excellent functionality due to the selection of programs collected in it;

Having installed such a system, you do not need to look for drivers; they come with the OS. Thus, it represents full set. Installed and rejoice;

If you doubt the need to change the system, you can use the so-called “guest mode”. To do this you need to create bootable USB flash drive and test this OS without demolishing the previous one;

Due to the fact that ROSA is certified by FSTEC, it is perfect for organizations for which safety comes first;

In this system, the interface is very well thought out and everything necessary tools easy to find, although they are a little different from what we are used to. So, for example, after pressing the “Start” button, you find yourself in some semblance of a menu for androids and (or) smartphones;

ROSA allows you to experiment with installed programs in “freeze mode”, and after a reboot, return the system to its original state.

Download OS ROSA-

A very wise decision by the developers was that they made ROSA OS free. This step leads to her rapid spread without any imposition on users.
The ROSA operating system, due to its security and ease of use, became an ideal option for me. And its ability to distribute WiFi in two clicks was a rather pleasant surprise for me.

On the Internet, patriots are trolled in the following style: “Here you are reading this message on Chinese computer with American programs, it’s not Orthodox”. Now, if only we had everything completely domestic... Moreover, now “for this bench” you can easily win a large government contract: for the sake of such a thing, many equipment manufacturers have already begun to produce it at contract factories among the birches dear to our hearts.

We do not count charlatans like the schoolboy who drew the screensaver and announced the creation of the BolgenOS operating system, but as an expense - but, it turns out, Russia is full of serious developments.

Not very Russian ROSA Linux

Here, for example, is ROSA Linux (read not as “rose”, but as “dew”, which is on the grass in the morning). It can hardly be considered completely Russian, because these are actually further branches of the development of foreign assemblies of Mandriva and Red Hat. The version for home users is called Rosa Fresh; The latest build was released in August 2016.

The advantage of this free assembly compared to the same Ubuntu is the possibility of choice GUI(KDE or Gnome), availability of out-of-the-box drivers for large quantity devices, including proprietary ones (say, NVIDIA video cards), and pre-installed software - like Skype, Java, Flash, Steam, your own omnivorous media player, etc., as well as convenient means to create restore points.

Desktop of the ROSA 2012LTS operating system.

Astra Linux

Astra Linux is another one Russian assembly Linux (originally based on Debian), developed for security forces and intelligence agencies. She's different the highest level protection and is certified to work with information containing state secrets. To heighten patriotism, all releases are named after the hero cities of Russia.

Now relevant are “Eagle” - a version for everyday office, excuse me, clerical tasks, and “Smolensk” for working with information in the “Top Secret” category. “Novorossiysk” is preparing for release - mobile version OS for smartphones and tablets with ARM processors.

From a technical point of view, Astra differs from all other Linux systems by its own patented access control system, and also has a number of other data protection functions - for example, when a file is deleted, it is completely deleted and the space it occupied is filled with random masking data sequences (in On other OSes, by default, only the FAT entry is changed, and in order to deleted file could not be read by sector-by-sector reading of the drive, special utilities are used).

General-purpose operating system Astra Linux Common Edition.

Software for intelligence agencies

"Zarya" is another special-purpose build of Linux (based on Red Hat), it is used exclusively in Russian army and exists in the form of several assemblies - for workstations, for data centers, for specialized computerized complexes, etc.

There is also WSWS - “ Mobile system Armed Forces" and GosLinux - OS for Federal service bailiffs (also based on Red Hat). There are statistics on the latter: it was installed on 660 servers and 16 thousand workstations, while the cost of a copy per computer turned out to be 1,500 rubles. As it is installed on more PCs by the end of 2016 (then it will be installed on half of FSSP computers), the average cost will drop to 800 rubles. In any case, this is several times cheaper than licenses for Windows and MS Office.


"Elbrus" is an operating system for computers with Russian processors with the same name. Since these processors, although compatible with x86, have their own unique architecture, we decided to develop a special OS - again, on Linux kernel- which takes into account the characteristics of the CPU and uses their advantages as efficiently as possible.

VK Monokube-PC – Personal Computer based on the Elbrus-2C+ microprocessor with the Elbrus / MCST operating system.

Software from scratch

All of the above operating systems, unfortunately, are not completely Russian developments, since they are various variations on the theme of foreign Linux. However, we also have our own OS called “Phantom”, developed from scratch.

One of key features“Phantom” is persistence, which means that applications work without stopping and do not even “know” that the computer was turned off or rebooted - work continues exactly from the same moment. This is somewhat similar to the "hibernation" mode in other systems (where the contents of memory are written to disk as files and then loaded), but is guaranteed to work without driver and program failures, and everything happens automatically. Even if you suddenly turn off the computer, the data will not be lost even after restart everything will be the same as a few seconds before turning off.

There is only one problem with Phantom: application software needs to be written for it (or ported from Unix systems), but here the chicken and egg problem arises: until there is at least some penetration of the OS, no one will want to write programs for it, but for now no programs - no penetration.

To make both an OS and programs at the same time requires huge investments, which the small company Digital Zone, the author of Phantom, does not have. Therefore, the system exists in the form of an alpha version for 32-bit x86 processors and its future further development very vague.

Actually, programs do not need to be able to write their state to a file, and in general, Phantom operates not with “files”, but with “objects”. According to the creators of the OS, writing programs for it is much easier and 30% cheaper.

Masking as Russian software

We should also remember the noise that arose around Sailfish OS after our minister Nikolai Nikiforov met with the leaders of the Finnish Jolla. A year ago, Jolla was purchased by Russian businessman Grigory Berezkin and even won the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications competition for import substitution in the OS segment for mobile devices.

Since then, nothing has happened, and there is nothing Russian, except for the buyer, in Sailfish yet. However, there is talk that a new mobile OS will be developed in Russia at Innopolis, aimed at export.

Many media outlets came out with headlines that this was the creation of a domestic mobile operating system. But on the Internet there are a priori no borders; all products must be global. On the contrary, we would like Russian developers participated in the creation of a product that will be export-oriented, and ideally will become a platform for the BRICS countries.

Nikolay Nikiforov

Minister of Communications and mass communications Russian Federation

And here there is a certain logical trick: Nikiforov considers the open operating system Sailfish is one of the possible candidates to become a platform for further import substitution in the IT field. However, nothing is said about the fact that Sailfish will be developed in Innopolis. But it is said that the Open Mobile Platform company, suddenly owned by Berezkin, will only take the foreign Sailfish as a basis and modify it for simple Russian users. That is, this is not another “Linux for the public sector,” but an OS for the mass market.

Let's discard all these streamlined formulations: it is clear that under the guise of a Russian mobile OS they will show us exactly the remade Sailfish. It, in turn, is a Linux-like heir to the MeeGo and Maemo platforms, which were developed at Nokia and were “killed” by Stephen Elop, a Cossack sent by Microsoft, because they were Windows competitors Phone. However, they managed to release one device, Nokia N9.

An error occurred while loading.What does it look like Sailfish system OS 2.0 for Jolla device users.

Sailfish can run Android applications, so there will be no problems with the software, however, it is difficult to explain to the user why he should run Android applications not on Android, but on a smartphone with a different operating system.

The main advantage of Sailfish is the absence of dependence on Google and its services (it is for this reason that, for example, Samsung developed Bada and Tizen). The user is promised a little magic, like Apple, and programmers are promised ease of creating applications without problems with fragmentation. According to rumors, Yotaphone 3 will be released on Sailfish.

What's the result?

The bottom line is this: all “live” Russian operating systems are actually redesigned for specific tasks Linux builds. They fulfill their tasks of saving the state budget and ensuring the safety of data. The degree of patriotism is increasing. They give jobs to system administrators and software developers. That is, everything is fine.

Good day, Soldiers! This is an article about my small experiment regarding working in another operating system like Rosa. Although the step is risky, it is really long overdue, like a callus, which can easily be understood as Windows OS.

To put it in one word, I was practically disappointed in her and I think everyone can guess why this is so. Everyone knows how much maintenance trouble Windows OS causes. These include various glitches, freezes, and incomprehensible errors such as “The instructions have reached the address...”

And if the system understands that you are in a hurry, then, as if alive, it immediately begins to glitch, freeze and become stupid)))

I don’t understand the policy of this company... Why not focus on polishing and optimization program code, developing a friendly control panel, intuitive interface and other things that will ultimately merge into a superOS? After all, the result would be stability, reliability, convenience and speed of work! But instead, the “line of versions” is only lengthening: ... XP, 7, 8. I especially liked “Eight”, having launched which I really couldn’t get into “Documents” for about forty minutes! I remember that my eyes were bloodshot with anger - there was a lot of work, and here I was figuring out “where and what”)

What made this phenomenon a little easier was the fact that I was not the only one who had the same problems. They say that old Bill Gates himself swore terribly when, rubbing his hands in anticipation, he launched the Eight for the first time.))))

As we all know, things don't get better over time. Remember the seven and how well it worked. Literally flew! Now, having gorged itself on various updates like a pig of slop, this version is incredibly consuming resources and has become clumsy like a hippopotamus. Then 8, a year later 8.1. I heard that there will be 10. But the problems remain. I'm not saying that the G8 was created exclusively for touch monitors, which didn’t even exist then! I’m surprised how the company didn’t close at all after such tricks, due to a drop in the level of general trust, and therefore lost profits.

It is more than obvious that ordinary users The company is simply sneezing. And where should we go - after all, Windows is installed on almost all computers and a great many games, programs and applications are “written” for it.

The situation reminds me of large companies on the market computer games, who also do not want to look for any new ideas, approaches, etc., but simply rework an existing game, creating some kind of remake, and convince the end user that “... This game is definitely a game for everyone! This is what you all dream about and see in your dreams.”

And as soon as the game goes on sale, it immediately becomes clear that this whole thing is just another piece of crap.

Well, you must agree that it is stupid to create a certain “product” and not take into account the interests of those who will shell out cash for it. Capitalists must understand this: the pursuit of profit and the like. But since the company has been returning the “Start” button to its place for almost two years, then... then we’ll have to wait a long time perfect Windows. Well, or at least fast and stable)

Apple has the correct policy in this regard. They created their own OS and now with some kind of perverted pleasure they are polishing its code. I heard that the latest version (or update? What do they have there?) has lost as much as one and a half gigs! This is real work! And hence, the stability of the system as a whole, and it requires reinstallation so rarely that such a thing almost turns into an event of world significance”))).

Of course, Windows has plenty of advantages, for example, simplicity, but currently I work in Rosa most of the time.

ROSA Desktop Fresh. Probably the only truly high-quality domestic multi-variant Operating System, which is united by an elegant design and a carefully selected set of applications software. Here's a great demo video.

This is a freely distributed Russian operating system developed by the Rosa company, based on Linux based and aimed at users of various levels who can appreciate the speed, stability, ease of use and ease of learning the OS. In addition, it is worth noting a wide range of compatible equipment...

1. The very first and very important thing, that is, “everything is included.” That is, the system is absolutely ready to work and there is no need to look for drivers. Install and use.

To be honest, I didn’t even understand it at first. And only a few hours later, I noticed that the Internet was there, music was playing, the ports were working, the peripherals were functioning! That's it, yes! The driver problem is gone!

2. Guest mode. Convenient item and primarily for those who are afraid to immediately demolish the familiar system and switch to a new one. That is, we first create installation flash drive and boot through it. The system is not installed, but functions as if from a flash drive in an evaluation version as many times as desired.

3. Convenience . Everyone understands that working with a program in which the devil breaks his leg is not only inconvenient, but simply “infuriatingly terrible”! Read, for example, reviews about the iTunes program, which everyone is very familiar with iPhone user. The number of swear words per square centimeter of comment is simply amazing, and there are several hundred of them! And I understand these authors perfectly. A terrible and wildly inconvenient program that you can really figure out! I remember the last comment at that time, something like: “Guys, can you imagine? I bought “Android” and just took and dragged the file from the “Desktop” to the phone!” And everyone was like, “Uh-oh, lucky guy!”

True, after Windows in “Rosa” it’s a little unusual to work with “rooms” and “tables”, but you get used to it quite quickly)

4. Friendly interface. Very convenient and thoughtful, by the way. It is very important. Everything is where it should be and is easy to find without any digging additional instructions. And by the way, there is also a “Start” button, although it’s a little different, when you click on it you get into some kind of desktop, reminiscent of the menus of “Androids” and “iPhones”.

5. Virus resistant. The risk of infecting your computer with some kind of Internet infection is minimal, which means you can view any website without significant fear. And who would even think of writing “malware” to infect one computer out of ten thousand? Although, please note, I still installed an antivirus - I developed the habit of security)

6. Completely free . A very wise move on the part of the developers. Apple, too, now doesn’t charge anything for its operating system. And rightly so, since freebies help spread the word. Of course, you can do it another way, just impose it, as Windows did. Remember: about seven years ago, any computer was not initially equipped with an OS, and the user could stop any version. Now everything is exactly the opposite, and this is a clever marketing ploy by Microsoft, which, having collected statistics, found out that the percentage of Russian users installing alternative operating systems is growing all the time. Now Russian computers have begun to be “replenished,” but you won’t find a normal working seven during the day. The same installation disks with 7, which users have, they are valued by the users themselves almost worth their weight in gold, since it turned out to be a very successful modification of Vista. It would be better to optimize it, otherwise it would be five million lines of program code!

7. And finally, “ROSA” is RUSSIAN! Which is good news) I admit, the fact that Russia is lagging behind IT technologies bothers me somewhat. But back in the early 60s of the last century, we created computers based on TRINITY CODE! can you imagine this?

No, to create an appropriate institution similar to Stalin’s “sharashka”, to bring in specialists, to isolate them from outside world and develop operating system with package necessary programs. In China, as far as I know, they are very concerned about such a project and spend hundreds of millions on this matter every year.

Yes, as a matter of fact, there was no need to even develop programs, since I am sure that companies like Adobe and the like would immediately release modifications of their products under new System. And it’s impossible to do otherwise - the Russian market is large and transfers a lot of money to companies for purchasing software. So, we would strain ourselves and modify it. Wouldn't go anywhere, hehe)))

Okay, now some cons.

“Rosa” is based on some abandoned version of Linux, the rights to polish which were transferred to our company. I foresee that many will immediately “take a stand” and begin to ask: “... If this is so, then what kind of Rosa is it, Russian?” But we won’t listen to such “trolls in sailor suits.” They just want to lick their tongues, but those who want to try “Dew” in action after this article should understand one point well.

She is different and you should not look for the complete Windows analog. Each system is good in its own way and has its own advantages and disadvantages. There is no ideal system yet and one will not be created anytime soon.

Well, if we talk about the shortcomings, then, of course, the system is still somewhat damp, but no more than Windows, which releases modification after modification, but “things are still there.”

So, first: the installer is rather weak. Second: the KDE desktop is quite power-hungry. Next: It seems impossible to install it in parallel with another, as is sometimes done.

Well, the main disadvantage. IN Lately the development of Rosa has slowed down significantly, which means that new functions have stopped appearing, and the enterprise itself clearly has a shortage of human resources. True, I heard that they are now working for the defense industry,” since the work there is paid, and this version of the Rosa Desktop system exists exclusively on a charitable basis.

Users are usually interested in two things: “Is it possible to run Photoshop on Rosa?” and “Is it possible to launch the World of Tanks client.” Regarding “World of Tanks”, I’ll say right away: in the demo video posted at the beginning of the article, at the fifteenth second, the label of this client is visible. So, installation is possible, but I don’t know how, since I haven’t played for a long time. Next, regarding the question about Photoshop, since there are a couple of ways to launch it.

First way. Through Win installations, and then through the winetricks script, configure Wine to launch Photoshop .

Second way. Use PlayOnLinux, which allows you to run applications under Windows. In theory, so does the aforementioned client.

Google for more details.

Articles a short summary:

The Russian operating system “Rosa Desktop Fresh” is an excellent option for both base user, and for demonstration to friends and acquaintances. Of course, there are several other very good developments, for example, based on Elbrus or ReactOS, created almost from scratch by a loner in his apartment, but consider this the first, suitable for you and me, because:

The Rosa operating system is efficient, stable, fast and does not glitch. When I tested it, I installed it on virtual machine and drove there. Interesting observation. The laptop itself (I have an HP processor with an intel(R) Core™ i7-3630 2.4 GHz RAM 8 GB) starts to work quieter, although in theory it should scream like a steam locomotive, because the main system is running, plus VirtualBox, and there is another OS in it spinning. But it's the other way around. The matter is unclear, but good).

It is well suited for the average user for ordinary purposes. Surf the Internet, type letters, read books and texts, sit on Odnoklassniki, watch films, and in high quality. That is, the user for whom basic package a set of necessary programs such as a torrent client or “online radio” is already included, this will be more than enough.

For serious, highly specialized work, it is not suitable, but not because “Rosa” is defective, but because of the lack of software necessary for a specialist, for example, “Photoshop” or a full-fledged 3D editor. For example, I myself sometimes like to model something futuristic in the 3D editor Cinema 4D - - and not Blender, which although you can run it on Rosa, is inconvenient for me! This means that sometimes you will have to use Windows.

Despite the bugs discovered, I still did not give up hope of making friends with Rosa. I wanted to set up a stable release of R8. (Still, consuming only 1.5 GB of memory looks tempting). But suddenly I realized this fact:

The system has 2 pre-installed browsers and none of them work correctly!

Firefox turned out to be too old and does not support some changes, and in Chromium it is impossible to log into your account:

It was also discovered that the “View Folder” widget does not work correctly. We can say that it does not work at all, and without it it is very inconvenient. Surely other bugs would have been found along the way. In general, why should I fuck with this system?

I continue my acquaintance with the Rosa Linux family. IN stable version R8 did not suit me with very old versions of programs (Firefox does not support some add-ons I need), and I decided to play around with the more modern R10. I played with the KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment (version 5.12.5 in Rosa).

I'll start with the good points. And the best thing about this system is that she is very fast. You only have to wait for the first launch of the browser and mail client. The file manager and picture viewer load almost immediately.

And even with heavy load the system does not slow down. For example, I had a peak memory consumption of 3 GB (out of 3.6 available), while the computer worked almost as fast as usual (and usually it is about 2 GB - see table). For example, Mint and Ubuntu 2.5 GB have noticeable slight stuttering.

This may be due to the fact that Rosa Linux practically does not use swap when operating. Even after loading the physical memory almost completely, it did not touch SWAP.

Another small plus is that you do not need to enter a password when updating the system. You just need to click “yes, let’s install these latest packages” and that’s it. It's a small thing, but I like it.

Probably, you can remember some other pluses, but they are from the category of pleasant little things. And I want to write a lot of letters about unpleasant little things.

The fight for user rights

The first problem I encountered during setup was access rights. For some reason I did not have write rights to folders on automatically mounted external drives. But this can be easily resolved by running Dolphina under sudo and rewriting the permissions to the necessary folders.

By the way, Dolphin runs here under sudo without any problems or additional patches. That's a plus.

Byaka with coding

This is what I did not expect from the Russian distribution - these are the problems of krakozyabr instead of the Cyrillic alphabet. But they exist. In Shutter, desktop names and Cyrillic characters window titles are displayed in the wrong encoding. It's a surprise.

Although I don’t even know how I managed to notice this bug. I use Shutter exclusively as graphic editor. And here Rosa has a nice little detail - I didn’t have to install a special library for editing - it’s there out of the box.

Other jambs

I didn’t find KDE-Connect in the settings (I’m used to it being there by default). I had to install it manually. But after installation it appeared not only in the settings interface, but also separate application in the Internet section of the menu (although why it is needed there is unclear).

Those who are accustomed to Chromium browser, at first you will be happy - it is installed here along with firefox. But having launched it, they will immediately get confused when they want to log into their profile. Instead of logging in and synchronizing everything, there will be error messages:

Repeating the attempt gives the same result.

The problem can be solved by downloading and installing Chrome from the official website. You need to download the rpm package for Fedora/Opensuse.

By the way, if you decide to use Rosa, take note:

The fedora/opensuse rpm packages are suitable for Rosa Linux.

But these are all little things that you can ignore (moreover, you may not even encounter them). But there is more global problems, which add non-triviality when working with this distribution. In one word they can be described as

File Manager Oddities

KDE-plasma has a great Desktop Folder widget. When using it file manager needed only to restore order - delete and move files from folder to folder. And for everyday work this widget is quite enough.

Therefore, I immediately installed it on the panel and calmly used it to get to the files I needed until I came across a bug.

One day I needed to open a fresh file from my downloads, I went into them through the widget and didn’t find it there. But there was a file. The widget just hasn't updated. In short, here's a picture:

The widget displays only 2 of 3 files.

Pay attention to how many files are shown in the widget and how many are actually in the folder. But this little thing doesn’t really interfere with the work.

I noticed another strange thing when saving files in Libre Office. The dialog box displays home folder, but for some reason calls it downloads.

But this is also a small thing. Doesn't interfere with work at all. The critical thing for me was the inability to use the “Save As” button in the same Libre Office. When I needed to save the file under a different name and in a different folder, I got this error:

I had to get creative with copying and renaming the file in Dolphin.

Another file management bug has been discovered in Firefox. In order for downloaded files to be included in Downloads, you need to specify the folder in the settings like this:

But after rebooting the system it is listed like this:

In this case, the files are saved directly in Home. I didn't notice this right away. And now with everyone starting firefox you need to go into the settings and change the download folder. Or accept the fact that the downloads will be the root home directory(in principle, you can live with this).

And other bugs of varying degrees of lousiness

I'm not sure that I described all the annoying little things that I encountered. For example, Rosa has its own utility Reserve copy(located in settings). So, you shouldn't use it. Maybe later I’ll write in detail why, because the topic of backup requires a separate note.

But the system also has its pleasant moments. I didn’t remember or write all of them. Perhaps because I take it for granted.


With so many small bugs, a couple of which make life a little more difficult, we can conclude that this distribution is not worth using. Which is what I eventually came to. But it should be noted that I worked in this system for almost 2 weeks and I can say that “the flight is normal.” The performance is pleasing. Therefore, I will try to roll back to an older, but stable Rosa Fresh R8.

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Old ROSA and the sly fox

It seems to me that to Russian distributions Russian users treat it with some disdain. But in vain. For example, I really liked Rosa Linux. Good, fast, convenient system.

I decided to start my acquaintance with the R8 version. The developers promise increased stability of this system. But this stability is ensured by older versions of programs. But this is already a problem.

For example, Firefox 52.9 is installed here, while the latest version is 62.

More recent Firefox versions Rosa Fresh R8 is not in the repository.

I'm not chasing the latest software, but here the lag turned out to be critical. Outdated version does not support all the extensions I need, namely Yandex Wordstat Assistant.

But not all extensions work in the existing one.

This is the only drawback that I was able to find. Of course, this does not mean that there are no others - I simply did not dig further, deciding to switch to the latest release of the distribution - ROSA FRESH R10. I will tell you about it in the next entry.

As for the R8, if not old firefox, I would try to work with her. Because the system behaves very decently - during workload it consumes only 1.4 GB random access memory, without encroaching on SWAP (details in the table).

Perhaps I’ll return to it soon, because the discovered problem can be easily solved by downloading a fresh rpm package from the mozilla website. But first I’ll play around with ROSA Linux R10, which I’ll talk about in the next post.

Posted in Rosa Linux

To install the ROSA Linux operating system, you need to prepare your computer, select and download an image, write it to a USB drive (flash drive) or DVD disc and finally install the system. All this is not so difficult and, if your computer turns out to be well compatible with ROSA Linux, even a novice user can cope with the installation.

Preparing your computer

The easiest way is to install ROSA Linux on an empty disk or with all information on the disk deleted. But this option is not very convenient - most likely you have important documents or photographs, or maybe you want to keep Windows or another system next to ROSA Linux in order to be able to work both there.

If you already have another system installed and want to keep it, you may need to clear free place for our Linux. We recommend using the tools that are already built into your installed system to change partitions on the disk so that there remains free, unallocated space of at least 20 GiB. The ROSA Linux installer can do this itself, but usually any system processes its partitions most correctly. Also if you use latest versions Windows, it is recommended to disable the " quick start" team

Powercfg -h off

It is recommended to install on a computer connected to the Internet via a cable. This will allow the installer to automatically determine the answers to most questions and make possible installation drivers for wifi (if they are not detected immediately)

Choosing a desktop image and environment

Current images of ROSA

  • ROSA Desktop Fresh R9 is the first release of the 2016.1 platform, which will be supported for 4 years, in accordance with the release policy, until development is completed new platform 2018.1. R9 features new software versions and is recommended primarily for enthusiasts.
  • ROSA Desktop Fresh R8.1 - For users who prefer stability.

Desktop environments

Unlike Windows, in ROSA Linux you can select various desktop shells to your liking and download an image with them.

Available desktop environments:

  • ROSA R8 distribution
~ KDE4 R8.1 ~:::~GNOME_R8 ~:::~ PLASMA_R8 ~:::~MATE_R8 ~
  • ROSA R9 distribution
~ KDE4 R9 ~:::~GNOME R9 ~:::~ PLASMA R9 ~:::~LXQt_R9 ~

Two architectures are also available - i586 and x64, respectively - 32-bit and 64-bit. 64-bit uses significantly more RAM but runs slightly faster; 32-bit programs, such as skype or steam, work fine on a 64-bit system. You should also take into account that some programs, for example viber or WarThunder are only available in 64-bit versions and therefore require 64 bit system. Modern computers also use UEFI technology.

In short, if you have modern computer with more than 2 GB of memory, then choose an image x64UEFI, if there is 1 or 2 GB of memory - 32-bit architecture i586.

You can evaluate how the ROSA Linux image you have chosen will work on your computer without installation; to do this, you need to boot into Live-mode by selecting from the boot menu Start ROSA Desktop

Burning an image to a USB drive and booting from it

Most often, ROSA Linux is installed on a computer using a USB drive. To install, you will need a flash drive with a capacity of 4GiB or more and the ROSA ImageWriter program. Select your flash drive and your chosen image in this program and click "Burn"

Now you need to reboot from the flash drive. This usually involves selecting a reboot order in your computer's BIOS. How to do this depends on specific model computer and described in its documentation, this is often done by pressing the F12 or F2 keys at the very beginning of boot.

Free space installation

If you cleared space for ROSA Linux before installation, select installation on the free space in the installer.

Installation problems

Most installation issues can be resolved using Errata

Other installation methods

Installation in VirtualBox

Recording an image in the console

To record an image in console text mode (this is only possible on Linux operating systems):

  1. Install the "dd_rescue" package.
  2. Insert the flash drive into the USB connector.
  3. Give the command from Root (we assume that your flash drive is visible to the system as /dev/sdb, this can be checked with the command blkid)

Carefully! If you incorrectly specify the drive to write to in the commands ddrescue or dd, then its contents will be destroyed!

dd_rescue -A ROSA.iso /dev/sdb

You can also write the image using the command dd with parameter bs=8M For example:

dd if=ROSA.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=8M;sync

Installation from DVD

Some old computers cannot boot from USB drives, so you have to install ROSA Fresh from DVDs. Burn the image to DVD and boot from it, the installation is completely similar to the installation from USB flash drive. Use good wheels and not too much high speed entries, otherwise the installation process may fail.