Software tools for determining the write/read speed of drives. How to find out the speed of a flash drive? Checking the read and write speed

We all use flash drives. Flash drive, it's convenient external storage with good memory. And it so happened that my friend visited the Mazda car exhibition, where there was a giveaway free flash drives, well, my friend picked them up :) He brought them and gave one to me. The flash drive is beautiful in appearance, everything glows. I used it carefree, mostly listening to music in the car. But it so happened that my work required me to upload about 1 GB of data, and I didn’t have any drives on hand, so I had to get this donated one out of the car. I pasted it in, started copying, and when I saw the end time was about 3 hours, I was very surprised. Of course, I had to note this because I couldn’t wait that long. I thought that there was a problem with the computer or with the port, I took another flash drive, 100% working, bought it in the store, there was still a book inside. I try to copy on it, after 3 minutes everything was copied. Here you go! So the problem is in my Mazda. And then I started thinking about how to actually test a flash drive for its speed capabilities, so that I could know in the future. Therefore, I decided to consider utilities that can check a flash drive for speed. I went through trackers and file sharing services and selected 3 of them. I will check on one computer, USB port 2.0. Let's get started.

And to understand the significance of the result obtained, we will take the following values ​​as the norm (for USB 2.0): 20 MB/s (read), 5 MB/s (write)

1. A program called Check Flash. The program does not require installation and is easy to find on the Internet. We launch from with the following settings. Let me warn you right away: if you have data on a flash drive, copy it first, as the data will be lost during testing.

- How logical drive(only for NT systems);

— Write and read (small set);

- One pass.

First I checked the branded flash drive. I got these results.

Got: Write - 4.63 MB/s and Read - 18.74 MB/s, which is pretty good. Just a slight difference from the norm.

Insert the flash drive from the free giveaway.

Write 4.11 MB/s and Read 14.91 MB/s. Here the lag, especially when reading, is great.

Let's sum up the intermediate results. The program is quite informative, the settings are clear even to an inexperienced user.

2. Program Flash Memory Toolkit. Looks multifunctional, a whole harvester compared to the previous one.

The program has two drive test options. Let's start with the first one, this low level test. The original flash drive will be sent first for testing. Let's look at its results.

We got very informative results with graphs. For the report, we will take the average values. Write - 4.9 MB/s and Read - 19.2 MB/s.

Now let's run the second test - "File test".

This test tries to write and read data of different sizes onto a flash drive, and then displays it all in the form of graphs.

We connect the second - “Chinese” flash drive.

— Low-level test.

Write - 4.3 MB/s, and read - 15.4 MB/s.

- File test.

Even though the results differ slightly in comparison with the first program, it is clearly visible that the second flash drive is noticeably inferior.

3.The final program called CrystalDiskMark. It is designed purely for testing flash drives for speed. Three built-in tests. The first, as in the previous ones, is at medium speed. The second, recording in 512 Byte blocks and the third in 4 KB blocks. I read it on the Internet, it turns out that the last two tests have a huge role. From the required settings, we set the number of runs - 1 time and the total size of the processed data is left at 100 MB.

Let's start with a branded flash drive. The following indicators were obtained.

It can be seen that the average indicators are quite high. However, when writing in 4 KB blocks, the speed starts to slow down.

Let's check the second flash drive, which is free from the distribution.

The same flash drive has very low performance when writing in blocks of 512 Bytes and 4 KB.

Results. Today I checked my two flash drives, with three different programs and the result was as expected. A flash drive purchased at a company store showed much top scores than free from distribution. But it is not necessary to check each of your flash drives for throughput, maybe someone has already done this before you, you can check it on the website

!!! In this article we’ll talk about how you can find out the speed of our flash drive. Why is this necessary, the whole point is that flash drives differ from each other not only in their appearance or memory capacity, but also in the speed of reading and writing any files to a given flash drive.

The simplest flash drives operating in USB 2.0 format, which are sold in any computer store or kiosk, have a write speed of approximately 4-5 MB/S, and a read speed of approximately 10-15 MB/S. As you understand, these are the most ordinary flash drives.

If we write some large file to such a flash drive, then we will have to wait a very, very long time for the file to be copied. This can take approximately an hour or more depending on the file size. If you want to create bootable USB flash drive, how to do it .

If we are talking about a higher quality flash drive that operates in USB 3.0 format, the speed of such a flash drive is therefore significantly different. The write speed will be approximately 140 MB/S, and the read speed approximately: 200 MB/S.

As you can see, the difference is significant and the operating speed of a normal flash drive is 20-30 times faster than a cheaper one. Accordingly, a large file will be written to such a flash drive faster than to a flash drive operating in USB 2.0 format.

I would like to warn you right away that you need to work with the program very carefully; if you have tested any partition of your logical drive on your computer, you will lose all the data on this drive, the same applies to the data on the flash drive.

If the flash drive was tested with any information important to you, all data will also be lost. Therefore, before launching the program and testing the flash drive, it is best to copy all important data to a computer, or test an empty flash drive.

We will find out the speed of the flash drive using a small utility called ChkFlsh; in principle, the program is designed to check flash drives. Download the program archive fromthis link, open the archive and run the file ChkFlsh.exe.

Using the program:

The program can do quite a lot, including checking a flash drive for errors, but in this post we will only consider testing a flash drive to measure the read-write speed.

A program window will open where we need to set the following parameters.

After clicking the start button, a window will open where the program warns us that all data on the flash drive will be destroyed. Once again, make sure that you have selected the desired flash drive and click the Yes button. The program also warns us that after testing it will be necessary to format the flash drive.

The testing process can take quite a long time, about an hour, it depends on the maximum theoretical speed of our flash drive, that is, the more modern our flash drive, the faster it will pass testing, also on the size of the flash drive.

After testing is completed, the window contains all necessary information about flash drives. Check time, read, write. As you can see in the screenshot, checking my flash drive took more than an hour. Flash drive size 8 GB. You can also see that the read speed is 17.67 MB/S, the write speed is 2.94 MB/S.

That’s basically all I wanted to say about this program, subscribe to blog updates, I hope that the article turned out to be useful and I think in the future it will be useful to you when working with your flash drives. BYE EVERYONE!!!


Good day, dear readers of my website and subscribers of my channel. Today it won't be big, but very interesting topic, regarding flash drives. Today I will teach you how to test its speed. Today you will find out whether the manufacturers write the truth on flash drive packaging regarding its speed. I’ll say right away that manufacturers are cunning and round up the speed of a flash drive. Naturally, they round it up for the better for them. So the description of the speed of any flash drive on the packaging will be slightly different from its actual speed. How exactly this difference is big or small, you will find out today.

There are several ways to check the speed of a flash drive. Today I will tell you about three main ones.

The first way to check the speed of a flash drive

In order to check the speed of a flash drive in the first way, you need to download the “Check Flash” program. This program It has a Russian interface, is easy to use and can be downloaded completely free of charge.

After you download the program, you need to unpack the archive and find the file “ChkFlsh.exe.” and run it.

Before you start checking the speed of a flash drive, you need everything on it. important files save to your computer or another flash drive. The fact is that checking the speed of a flash drive is accompanied by complete removal all files from it. There is no other way to determine the exact speed of a flash drive.

After the flash drive is clean, we proceed directly to testing its speed. We insert the flash drive into the connector on the computer and open the “Check Flash” program. In the program, we will need to configure several parameters. In the access type, you must check the “As logical drive” option. In the action menu, check “Write and read.” In the “Disk” field, you must select your flash drive.

After all the parameters have been set, click “Start”.

After you click on “start”, you will see this notification:

This is exactly what I told you, if there is any information on the flash drive, then when checking the speed it will be deleted.

After the check begins, you can safely go drink tea and watch the series. Checking the speed of a flash drive is not a quick procedure. When I last time I checked the speed of my flash drive, half an hour passed. You only have time to watch one episode of “The Big Bang Theory.”

After the test is completed, you will see a window with the test result.

After any flash drive speed check, do not forget about reformatting. This can be done in a simple way. Go to “my computer”, click right click mouse on the flash drive and select “format”.

Flash drive speed check - 2

But it’s not interesting to always do everything the same way. Let's move on to the second method of checking the speed of a flash drive. Moreover, the second method can show us completely different test results.
To check the speed of the flash drive, we will use the “USB Flash Speed” program. After downloading, unpack the archive and install the program.

Program for English language, but it doesn't matter. You won't have to click a lot in it.

Open the program and select your flash drive in the “Drive” window. After that, click “Benchmark...”.

I won't watch the series here anymore. The result will not be long in coming, and you will see it in a few minutes. When I checked my flash drive, the result was practically no different from the check with the previous program. But sometimes the difference in results is very serious.

This program can check not only the speed of a flash drive, but also other memory cards, for example, such as SD and microSD. Also, as in the previous option, do not forget to format the flash drive after checking its speed.

The third way to check the speed of a flash drive

The last way to check the speed of a flash drive today does not involve using additional programs. The only thing we need is a voluminous file of about 500 megabytes. As you upload this file to the flash drive, you will see the approximate transfer speed.

These are the most popular and most correct ones that can check the transfer speed of a flash drive. But besides them, there are also methods and programs that can be used to check the speed of a flash drive. So, for example, you can check the speed of a flash drive using the program, which I am sure is installed on most users.

That's all, actually. Look my channel and visit the site again to keep up to date with events computer equipment. Thank you for your attention.

We have many articles on our website about checking storage devices – flash drives and memory cards. For example, I highly recommend using the h2testw program. You can find instructions and a download link in our article. But first, let's figure out what memory map classes are, what they mean and how they are determined.

SD card classes

The class of a memory card directly depends on the write speed it can provide. Accordingly, the higher the possible write speed, the higher the class of the card, and the more expensive it is. The class number just shows the number of megabytes that the card should write per second. That is, a “Class 2” card must be able to write at least 2 megabytes per second, and a “Class 10” card must be capable of recording at least 10 megabytes per second.

You can check the writing speed (and at the same time, reading speed) using the h2testw program:

Also, at the end of testing, you will find out if there are any errors in the operation of your memory card.

  • Why did the phone start to slow down after inserting a 16GB micro SD card, although it supports up to 32
  • Now about spontaneous deletions. The memory card cannot delete anything from itself. This is done by the device in which it is installed. That is, first of all, you should check your phone. Ideally, you need to reset it to factory settings, we have detailed instructions about this theme . Don't forget from your phone, otherwise they will be lost.

    If you have any questions, write in the comments on this page, we are always happy to help you!

    If you are interested in buying a flash drive, but when you come to the store, you find that their selection is quite large, then the question immediately arises: how to choose the right USB flash drive? Here you need to pay attention not only to the manufacturer, memory capacity and price, but also about color and appearance, I think it’s not worth talking about, but also on such a parameter as writing and reading speed.

    This is what we will talk about in this article. Let's figure out how to use various programs You can determine the speed of writing files to a flash drive and the speed of reading from a USB drive.

    Why do you need to pay attention to such parameters? First of all, in order to save your nerves and time. After all, the higher these indicators are, the faster the process of copying files to and from the flash drive will be.

    These indicators are affected by the file USB system drive: FAT 32 or NTFS, and flash drive interface type: USB 2.0 or USB 3.0.

    On this moment flash drives with USB interface 2.0 the most popular, connectors for them can be found in all models of laptops and computers. The average write speed on them is 5-10 MB/s, reading speed is 20-30 MB/s.

    Connectors with USB 3.0 interface can also be found in many latest models laptops and computers. Looking into it, you can see that it is blue. This type interface is becoming more and more popular, and will soon completely displace its predecessor: USB2.0. When connecting a USB storage device to this connector, average speed writes: 50-150 MB/s, reads: 100-250 MB/s.

    Note! When checking a flash drive, insert it into the appropriate slot. If your USB flash drive interface is 2.0, then the connector should be 2.0. If 3.0, then we are looking for a USB connector with a blue stripe inside. If you have a computer, then this connector may be located on the rear panel of the system unit.

    You can read information about file systems in the article: which file system is better FAT 32 or NTFS.

    Checking the writing and reading speed using Windows Explorer

    To determine the speed of writing and reading files from a removable drive, you can use standard Explorer, which is in every operating room Windows system. Insert the device into the USB connector of a computer or laptop with a suitable interface. Then go to the flash drive through Explorer.

    We determine the write speed to a flash drive as follows: take a file big size and copy it from the computer to the flash drive. You can drag it with the mouse into the Explorer window with open flash drive, or you can use the combination Ctrl+C - copy and Ctrl+V - paste.

    In the window that appears "Copy element", click on the arrow "More information". At the very bottom you will see the “Speed” item - this is the speed at which files are written to the flash drive. This value may vary, so observe it and roughly determine the average.

    As you can see, at the beginning of the recording, the speed is 41.7 MB/s.

    Then the value decreases: 30.2 MB/s.

    To determine the speed of reading files from a USB drive, open the flash drive in Explorer and copy the file from it to your computer or laptop.

    In the “Copying” window, click on “More information”, and below we see the approximate reading speed. It will also change as files are copied. At first I got 22.3 MB/s.

    And in the end it became 17.8 MB/s.

    Checking the write and read speed with Check Flash

    You can also check the speed of removable storage using various programs. Let's start with free software Check Flash. Its interface is in Russian, there is no need to install it on your computer, just download the archive, extract the files from it and run the program. The only drawback is that there have been no updates for it for a long time: latest version 2013.

    The main window looks like the screenshot below. We mark the item in it with a marker "Use temporary file". In the “Disk” line, select your flash drive. In the “Actions” block, mark with a marker “Write and read” – “Small set”. When choosing a small set, the check will pass faster. In the block "Duration" select “One pass”. Then click Start.

    Because on my flash drive there were recorded various files, a window appeared with the following message: “The disk is not empty! Full check surface is impossible". Click “OK” in it and the check will begin.

    Even if you select a small set for writing and reading, checking takes a lot of time. I took a 16 GB flash drive, and 1/3 of the verification process took 15 minutes. This can be seen in the screenshot below.

    The values ​​we need are in the “Information” block. In my case, the read speed is 17.08 MB/s and the write speed is 4.77 MB/s.

    In the program window on the right, in the “Disk Map” tab, the sectors of the flash drive are shown, which means a certain color, you can see on the “Legend” tab.

    We perform a flash drive speed test with the USB-Flash-Banchmark program

    Let's look at another program - USB-Flash-Banchmark. Installation is also not required, free, with clear interface, albeit in English.

    Let's launch the program. In the “Drive” field, select the desired USB device. To make sure that you have chosen correctly, you can look at the block below. In the “Product” field there will be the name of the manufacturer: Silicon-Power, and the device capacity is 16G.

    You can leave a tick in the “Send Report” field. Then, at the end of the check, the data on your flash drive will be sent to the program developers, and on their basis a rating is made, with real values ​​of write and read speeds, for all tested by users USB drives. And you can follow the link provided and get acquainted with the results of the verification.

    To start testing, click the “Benchmark” button.

    The program will alternately write and read files from the flash drive different sizes. File certain size written and read three times.

    After that, below, under three lines like: “2k:2560 Read Speed:0.88MB/s”, it will be indicated: “2k:2560 Average Read Speed:0.88MB/s” - this means the average speed of reading a file of size 2k is 0.88 MB/s And if the line says “Average Write Speed”, this is the average write speed.

    Below, all this information can be seen in the form of graphs. The green line is reading, the red line is writing.

    When the program finishes checking, a window like this will appear with a link. Copy it and paste it into address bar browser.

    After this, a page on the Internet will open where you can visually see the result of the program. In the “Device information” block – information about the device, the speed of reading files – “Read Speed”, and the speed of writing to a flash drive – “Write speed” will be indicated. As you can see, I have 16.88 MB/s and 8.09 MB/s, respectively.

    Below in the report you will see a graph showing the size of the files and at what speed they were written and read from the flash drive.

    Find out the speed of a flash drive using the Parkdale program

    Parkdale is free and does not require installation.

    Launch executable file, then select the “QuickAccess” tab at the top. In the block on the left, select the drive letter that corresponds to your flash drive, I have “F:”. In the “File Size” field, you need to select from the drop-down list what size the test file will be written to and read from the flash drive. The larger the file size you select, the longer the scan will take. To start the test, click "Start".

    The results are displayed as follows. In the “Seq. Write Speed” – you can see the average speed USB recording media, and in the “Seq. Read Speed” – the average reading speed is indicated.

    Determine the speed of a flash drive using CrystalDiskMark

    I’ll tell you about another program – CrystalDiskMark. There is no need to install it on your computer. Moreover, the archive has 2 versions, for 32-bit and for 64-bit operating systems. Launch the one that suits you.

    In the main program window, at the top, you need to set several parameters: “1” – how many times the file will be written/read, “100MiB” – the size of the test file, and in the last field, you need to select the drive letter that corresponds to the flash drive, I have “F” :".

    To start checking, click the “All” button.

    Of all the results, we need the field "Seq Q32T1". Here “Read” is the read speed, 17.96 MB/s, and “Write” is the write speed, 3.72 MB/s.

