Programming in Google Sheets. Google Apps script: getting data from Flurry

Good day, dear readers, miscreants, villains, well-wishers and other personalities. Today we're talking about Google Scripts, or rather scripts in tables as such.

I think that many of you know how to use Excel"I eat or, and some, maybe even .

Those who use the disk Google (Google Drive), probably already used Tables (Spreadsheets) and noticed that they are slightly inferior in functionality to Excel, but nevertheless it is still a powerful tool.

So, there were macros in Excel (sort of commands that simplify and automate calculations), written in a notorious language VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). In Tables Google There are also macros, which are called scripts and are written in the language Javascript. We will get to know them today.

I warn you in advance about possible complexity further example, because it is not so much educational as.. Um.. So to speak, the final fact that you can use and.. And develop if this is familiar to you.

Gather yourself into a ball of brain... And let's get started :)

Creating a Google Drive / Scripts table and filling it with content

Let's consider this simple problem:
We have two columns, in the first we write the names of the fruits, and in the second the color that corresponds to this fruit. And we want that when you enter a color in the color column, the color of the fruit name will automatically change.

If you have forgotten how to use documents at all Google, then you are welcome to read the corresponding one and already mentioned above. If you don’t need this at all, then there’s probably no point in reading further. Although, of course, who cares what :)

So, let's create new table Google, we call it, for example, " Fruits". Well, for example.. Considering that the example is about fruits, then.. Well, you understand :)

Now we add our fruits and colors to the first sheet:

Note! To count fruits, enter in the cell A1 formula:

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Now let's create a macro. To do this, go to the menu " Tools"and select" Script management". A pop-up menu will appear where we click on the button " Create".

In the window that appears, select " Empty project".

An editor will open, which at first glance (and even on the second) may cause stupor.

Actually, what's next? And then we start writing our own macros by hand (yes, all on your own). What will our macro look like? You need to draw up a diagram of this process (otherwise this process will take you a lot of time).

We need:

  1. Get the color values ​​from the second column;
  2. In accordance with these values, set colors for the first column.

So.. Everything seems simple.. If you know how to do it, of course :)


Let's move on to the code itself:

Function onOpen() ( var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var entries = [(name: "Color",functionName: "MakeMeHappy")]; sheet.addMenu("Scripts", entries); ); function MakeMeHappy())( var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var range = sheet.getActiveRange(); var data = range.getValues(); if(range.getColumn() == 2)( for (var i=0 ;i< data.length;i++){ range.offset(i,-1,1,1).clearFormat(); range.offset(i,-1,1,1).setHorizontalAlignment("center"); range.offset(i,-1,1,1).setVerticalAlignment("center"); switch (data[i]){ case "зеленый": case "Зеленый": range.offset(i,-1,1,1).setFontColor("#00dd00"); break; case "салатовый": case "Салатовый": range.offset(i,-1,1,1).setBackgroundColor("#87dd47"); break; case "желтый": case "Желтый": range.offset(i,-1,1,1).setBackgroundColor("#ffff00"); break; case "оранжевый": case "Оранжевый": range.offset(i,-1,1,1).setFontColor("#dd7711"); break; case "красный": case "Красный": range.offset(i,-1,1,1).setFontColor("#dd0000"); break; case "фиолетовый": case "Фиолетовый": range.offset(i,-1,1,1).setFontColor("#800080"); break; default: break; } } } };

Now I will try to explain it to you. Function onOpen adds menu " Scripts" to the table when opening it. And it looks like this:

Now for the code:

Var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();

This line adds to the variable sheet identifier of the document we opened, so that we can then use it to access the document.

Var entries = [(name: "Paint",functionName: "MakeMeHappy")]);

This array variable contains a list of menu names and functions that are executed when these menus are clicked.

Sheet.addMenu("Scripts", entries);

This method adds a menu to our document " Scripts".

Function MakeMeHappy, in fact, it will be ours main function, which colors fruits.
First I declare the variables:

Var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var range = sheet.getActiveRange(); var data = range.getValues();

Accordingly, in the variable sheet is the identifier of our document. In variable range the area we have selected is located (for example, cells B2:B6), in the variable data The values ​​of these cells are found in the form of an array.

If(range.getColumn() == 2)(...)

In this condition, we check that the selected range of cells matches the second column (which contains the colors of the fruits).

For (var i=0;i< data.length;i++){...}

In this loop we go through each cell in the range B2:B

Range.offset(i,-1,1,1).clearFormat(); range.offset(i,-1,1,1).setHorizontalAlignment("center"); range.offset(i,-1,1,1).setVerticalAlignment("center");

These three properties remove cell formatting A[i](For example, A1, A2, A3 etc., because we are inside the loop), and also center the values ​​in the cell vertically and horizontally.

Here it should be borne in mind that since our range matches second column ( B2:B), and we need to remove the formatting and center first column, then the method is used for this offset(range row number, column number, number of rows, number of columns). For example, the method range.offset(0,1,4,3) for cell B2(those. range corresponds B2:B2) will mean that we will not act on the cell B2:B2, and for the range [ B+ 1][ 2 + 0]:[ IN+ 3][ 2 + (4 -1)] = C2:E5. For more details, see.

Switch (data[i])( case "green": case "Green": range.offset(i,-1,1,1).setFontColor("#00dd00"); break; case "light green": case "Light green ": range.offset(i,-1,1,1).setBackgroundColor("#87dd47"); break; ... )

Function switch is the so-called switch. It looks at the value of a variable and, in accordance with what is stored in it, fulfills a certain condition" case". You can rewrite it in standard form if else. But it will be very inconvenient. For example:

Switch (c)( case 1: condition_1; break; case 2: condition_2; break; case 3: condition_3; break; default: condition_4; break; )

Will be equivalent to the function:

If (c == 1) condition_1; else if (c == 2) condition_2; else if (c == 3) condition_3; else condition_4;

Because you can enter a color with both a capital and a small letter, then we need two conditions each, which corresponds to the entry case "green": case "Green": action; break; (I have this written in a block structure). You need to keep in mind that after each action you need to write a function break; because otherwise we will fulfill all the conditions in order, and not the one we need. Condition default used when there is no suitable condition for our variable.


Methods setFontColor And setBackgroundColor set the text and background colors in the form #rrggbb (r-red, g-green, b-blue, color ranges) respectively.

Now let's check the function. Selecting a range B2:B9, go to the menu " Scripts" and select the option " Paint". Let's see how our fruits have acquired a life of color :)

In general, that's all. But not really.

Google Sheets Scripts and Macros, Add-on

But you can make a small addition so that you don’t have to run the functions manually every time.

To do this, go to the menu in the script editor " Resources" and select there " Current Project Triggers". A menu will open in which our function will already be onLoad. Add new feature (1 ) and set the name of the function (2 ) and the type of activation thereof (3 ). You can also click on " Notifications" and add/remove your mailing address from the notification list.

They will come if the script was executed with errors.

The final result of the action:

Continuations - -we are preparing three. Well, the comments certainly contain a lot of tasty things.

P.S. For the existence of this article, special thanks to a friend of the project and a member of our team under the nickname “barn4k“.

Google Apps Script is a language for automating work with online applications, which appeared in 2009. Its basis is classic JavaScript, enriched with extensions for working with Google services. After reading this article, you will master the basics of using this language, learn a couple of techniques for manipulating mail and documents, and also get an idea of ​​the vast Google capabilities Apps Script.

Basics of use

It's very easy to start writing Google Apps scripts. The first step is to open the script editor in any application with which we will automate interaction. In Google Docs it is located in the menu "Tools -> Script Editor". Next, you need to select the project within which the script will be located (see Fig. 1). In the window that opens, write the code:

Function FirstExampleFunc() ( Browser.msgBox("This is JS!"); )

The declared function can be launched from “Tools -> Script Management” or done for it separate button. To do this, you need to write one more function:

Function menu() ( var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var entries = [ (name: "My only function", functionName: "FirstExampleFunc"), ss.addMenu("My functions", entries); )

Now in our menu there is an item called ExampleFunc, when clicked on it, a one-line submenu “My only function” opens.

Declared functions can be used in formulas that are entered inside spreadsheet cells (see Fig. 3). Now let's move on to more practically useful examples.


Before running the script, do not forget to do backup copy important information. Actions performed by GS cannot be undone by pressing .

Working with Google Docs

When the task of automating work with office documents arises, the first thing that comes to mind is VBA, the mere mention of which has a total anti-ecstatic effect on many, evoking painful memories from the school and university past. Google Script is definitely more convenient and easier to understand. Especially for web developers, because this is native, familiar and beloved JS! Let's look at a couple of example scripts for Google Docs. The following code fills the top left cell of the first sheet of the active table:

Var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var sheet = ss.getSheets(); sheet.getRange("A1").setValue("Cell Contents");

And this code creates a copy of the text document and puts it in a specific place:

Var source = DocsList.getFileById("SOURCE_ID"); var newFile = source.makeCopy("new filename"); var targetFolder = DocsList.getFolderById("ID of the folder in which the newly created file will be placed"); newFile.addToFolder(targetFolder);

And this is how you can replace lines in a text document:

Var doc = DocumentApp.openById("ID of the document being edited"); doc.editAsText().replaceText("old text", "new text"); Logger.log(doc.getText())

The following code example highlights specific words in text:

Var doc = DocumentApp.openById("document id"); var textToHighlight = "text to highlight"; var highlightStyle = (); highlightStyle = "#FF0000"; var paras = doc.getParagraphs(); var textLocation = (); for (i=0; i


  • Google Apps Script References for Google Document
  • Google Apps Script References for Google Spreadsheet


If you are writing a script that includes text search/replace functions, remember that GS supports regular expressions.

Working with mail

The letter is sent in one short line: MailApp.sendEmail(" [email protected]", "subject of the letter", "text of the letter") If you add a little more code to it, you can organize a mailing to a list of addresses from a spreadsheet (look for the source in the application):

Var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); var numRows = sheet.getLastRow(); var dataRange = sheet.getRange(1, 1, numRows, 2) var data = dataRange.getValues(); for (var i = 0; i< data.length; ++i) { var row = data[i]; var name = row; var email = row; var subject = "Тема письма"; var message = "Здравствуйте, " + name + "!"; MailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, message); }

In addition to mailings, using GS you can perform automated processing of mailbox contents. An example is deleting all letters from the addressee with whom you are offended:

Var threads =" [email protected]"); for(var i = 0; i< threads.length; i++) { var messages = threads[i].getMessages(); for(var j = 0; j < messages.length; j++) { messages[j].moveToTrash(); } }


Keep in mind that Gmail not only protects against incoming spam, but also limits outgoing spam. More than 500 letters per day from using Google Apps Script will not work.

Working with Google Translate

Using Google Apps Script, you can translate text strings from one language to another. Example:

Var word = LanguageApp.translate("cuckoo", "ru", "es"); Logger.log(word); // The script will output to the console "cuco" - cuckoo in Spanish

Codes for languages ​​can be viewed in the address bar of the Google Translate service.


If you highlight the code and press , then all the indentations for conditions, loops, declared functions and all other places where they should be will magically be placed.

Working with Google Drive

Google Apps Script can work with user files hosted on Google Drive. This script displays the names of all user files to the console:

Var files = DriveApp.getFiles(); while (files.hasNext()) ( var file =; Logger.log(file.getName()); )

Several dozen different methods can be applied to files. Here are some of them:

  • addEditor("user email") - gives the user rights to edit the file;
  • getOwner() - find out the owner of the file;
  • makeCopy("name", "path") - create a copy of the file;
  • getLastUpdated() - Returns the user who made the last change.

Working with Google Contacts

The address book can also be subject to automated processing. The code below copies all contacts from the Editorial group to a Google Spread Sheet:

Var group = ContactsApp.getContactGroup("Editorial"); var contacts = group.getContacts(); var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Editorial contacts"); for (var i in contacts) ( // Save contact data in cells: first name, last name, phone number sheet.getRange(i, 1, 1, 1).setValue(contacts[i].getGivenName()); sheet. getRange(i, 2, 1, 1).setValue(contacts[i].getFamilyName()); sheet.getRange(i, 3, 1, 1).setValue(contacts[i].getPhones()); // And there is also a method for getting the pager number (!) of a contact sheet.getRange(i, 4, 1, 1).setValue(contacts[i].getPager()); )

Working with Google Tasks

Using Google Apps Scripts, you can work with the Google Task service - create new tasks and parse existing ones.

This code creates a new case in the list:

// You can find the tasklist ID inside the address bar in the Google Task service var taskListId="tasklist id,"; var newTask = ( title: "Throw away the date pits", notes: "Don't forget the date pits under the bed" ); newTask = Tasks.Tasks.insert(newTask , taskListId); Logger.log("Task with ID "%s" created",;

And this way you can display a list of numbered tasks in the console:

// Put all the tasks of the list into an array var tasks = Tasks.Tasks.list(taskListId); for (var i = 0; i< tasks.items.length; i++) { var task = tasks.items[i]; Logger.log(i. ". ",%s, task.title,; }

Tasks can be moved from one list to another using the move method, added to using the update method, and deleted using the delete method.

Working with the calendar

You can also create events in the calendar automatically (and, just as in the case of mailing, generate information about them from table rows). Code to create the event:

Var timeZone = CalendarApp.getTimeZone(); var description = Utilities.formatString("%s from %s to %s", "event title", dateString_("event start date", "time zone"), dateString_("event end date", "time zone") ); CalendarApp.createEventFromDescription(description);

Script exchange forms

A gadget is a container application that is placed on a web page and performs certain functions. Examples: a mini-block in the corner of a page with a weather forecast or calendar. To place Google Script inside the gadget, you need to select “Publish -> Deploy as web app” in the script editor menu.


And if you press , then the auto-completion mode will turn on, that is, the editor will complete the code for you.


You can configure a script to run after a specific event. For example, after opening/editing a spreadsheet or submitting form data.

Working with databases

There is a service for working with databases for this purpose. Google Cloud SQL. Essentially - classic MySQL in the cloud. Can interact with Google Apps Script using the Java Database Connectivity standard. Here is an example of code that reads records from a table:

Var conn = Jdbc.getConnection(dbUrl, user, userPwd); var start = new Date(); var stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.setMaxRows(1000); var results = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM entries"); var numCols = results.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); while ( ( var rowString = ""; for (var col = 0; col< numCols; col++) { rowString += results.getString(col + 1) + "\t"; } Logger.log(rowString) } results.close(); stmt.close();

The cost of using the service is $88 per year for 10 GB free space. Unfortunately, Google Apps Script cannot work with other databases. If you plan to write a script that needs to interact with data, you shouldn’t immediately get upset or deplete your budget with donations to purchase ATVs for residents of Silicon Valley. There are two ways to get out of this situation:

  • the first is to store data in the form of tables on Google Drive;
  • the second is to place the base on third party server, place on it (php)(hode.js)(python)(etc.) a script that will execute a request to it and return the response to JSON format or XML, and it, in turn, is parsed inside GS.

Applications that Google Apps Script can interact with

I think that not every one of our readers has had time to try all of Google’s online services. In order to broaden your horizons and stimulate your creative imagination, we present short review application capabilities that can be automated using Google Apps Script.

  • Google Mail - mail client. The most interesting thing about it is the ability to send letters to people whose addresses are unknown. To do this, you need to enable the “Send emails” setting Google users+" and enter the recipient's first and last name in the "To" field.
  • Google Calendar - organizer. The most convenient thing about it is the ability to send SMS notifications about events to numbers of Russian operators.
  • Google Contacts is an application for storing contacts. The cool thing about it is that if you accidentally synchronize your contact list with a new smartphone and all the names are erased, you can ask Google backup copy previous version, which is forever preserved in his archives.
  • Google Drive - cloud storage data. 15 GB, which also contains data from all other applications, is available for free.
  • Google Maps— online maps. Residents of the CIS are lucky; they have an alternative tool for building routes and viewing street panoramas - Yandex.Maps. For residents of most other territories there are no alternatives. Google Maps is the only worldwide mapping system that allows you to search settlements, entering names in the language of the state in which they are located. Let's say, not Kotlas, but Kotlas, not Vagharshapat, but Վաղարշապատ.
  • Google Docs - online editor office documents. At the time of writing this article, this service made a mega-breakthrough - it became possible to edit documents created in Microsoft Office. This happened after integrating the service with the functionality of the Quickoffice application. Just for fun, I tried to edit an explanatory note for a diploma in Google Docs (as an example of a document with simple formatting). It took about a minute to convert the docx to Google format, and appearance The text was clearly different from the original.
  • Google Forms allows you to create forms to collect various data (online survey, event registration page, feedback for the site, etc.), which can be linked to tables in various formats(HTML, CVS, TXT, PDF, RSS, XLS, ODF). The collected data is stored on Google Drive.
  • Google Sites - free hosting(100 MB) with extremely limited functionality and its own wiki markup. Fully functional HTML, CSS and JS are not available.


According to the good old tradition, which is almost three months old, we have posted several sources on GitHub:

  • - deletes emails that have passed n number of days since they were received;
  • - script for resend letters read to yourself after a certain period of time;
  • - configures sending SMS in case of receiving letters that meet certain criteria. Before using it, you must indicate your number Google phone Calendar;
  • - saves the contents of the letter in files on Google Drive;
  • - writes information from the calendar to a spreadsheet;
  • - sends letters to a list of addresses from a spreadsheet;
  • - generates text documents from spreadsheet data.

Advanced Google Services

Google has many APIs for developers to implement in programs written in Google Apps Script. To do this, you need to enable this feature in the script editor (in the Resources menu, then Advanced Google services). After this, you can use the capabilities of the following services:

  • Google AdSense is a service for working with contextual advertising.
  • Google Analytics - analyzes traffic to websites and mobile applications.
  • Google BigQuery - allows you to perform various manipulations (writing, reading, moving, etc.) on large volumes data and analyze them.
  • Google Fusion Tables is an experimental service that allows you to host data in the cloud, send queries to it, and receive execution results in JSON and CSV format. From which, in turn, one can form spreadsheets, maps, graphs and other types of visual representation of data.
  • Google Domains is a service for registering domains ( new project, opened at the end of June 2014).
  • Google Mirror - API for interacting with Google Glass.
  • Google Prediction is a data analysis service (based on technology machine learning). Allows you to implement the following features in applications: document and letter classifier, churn rate calculation (user churn rate), spam detector, message routing optimizer and many other interesting things worthy of a separate article.
  • Google Tasks - Built in Gmail service for making to-do lists.
  • Google URL Shortener is our magazine’s favorite service for shortening long links.
  • YouTube Analytics is a service for analyzing statistics of video views on YotTube. Notable for its ability to find out the demographic and geographic characteristics of users watching a specific video. After all, it’s interesting to post another copy of the video for the song “Goodbye, Buddy” and analyze what gender, age and place of residence its listeners are.

I'm a little confused about how new libraries should be published.

I'm creating what I think is a very cool and useful library for Google Apps scripts.

But I don't know where I can post this so others can enjoy and provide some feedback. I notice that I can publish my script as a template, but I believe this will allow others to import my script and edit as they wish, but if there are updates they will need to import my code again.

the new library feature, on the other hand, requires users to know about your app ID in order to import it into their projects.

To date, the only place where libraries are listed is "Notable Script Libraries" on the website Google developers. But this is only for hand-selected libraries from Google.

So my questions are here:

When should I publish my script as a template rather than publishing it as a library? They seem a bit overlapping to me.

How do other people share their libraries? Is Google planning some kind of directory?