Program to search for a person by photo. Search by picture, image or photo

There are times when you really need to search by image from your phone. Yes, most of us know how to perform such an operation on a computer.

Everything is simple there - each browser (, Google, and so on) has its own page for using photos as a request.

Actually, all that remains is indicate the original photo and start looking for relevant materials.

Contrary to the opinion of some users, this operation is no less easy.

The algorithm of actions is the same, and in some cases even simpler. You just need to know what services or applications to use for this and how to do it correctly.

But we will tell you the 5 best options that help you find something based on a photograph.


Google Chrome

This is the same browser that is available by default on all smartphones and tablets running .

By the way, Yandex has its own browser, just like Google, but it does not have the same window and functions as shown in the figure. Therefore, there is no point in downloading it.


And this is a specialized service created to enable users from all over the world to search for information using photos.

Many professionals know him.

Although it is also known among amateurs, since it is extremely easy to accomplish the task at hand, and the results it produces are quite informative and accurate.

To use it, do this:

  1. Visit the official website (link below). The resource page automatically adapts to your device, which is quite important.
  2. And then everything is very clear - there is a single button and field for entering a request. If you click on the button, a new window will appear in which you should specify the location of the source file. And the input field is intended for using links to photos. If the second approach is used, that is, a link is entered, you will need to additionally click on the icon in the form of a magnifying glass.
  3. After this the process will take place.

It is noteworthy that TinEye’s algorithm is completely different from that used by Yandex and Google.

In most cases, the results are more accurate and more consistent with user expectations. So you should definitely try using this service.

Google Googles

Here we are talking about a rather non-standard application that searches for information not just about some pictures, but about the places where you are and the things that you see.

This means that you can take a photo of the painting you are looking at in a gallery, or the food you see in a store.

After this, the program will find all available information on the photographed item.

It is also worth noting that the program has a translation mode with accompanying text recognition in the photo.

That is, you can take a picture of some inscription so that the program can use this inscription as a request and translate it, for example, from Russian into English.

To use Googles on your smartphone, do this:

  • launch the application (before that, of course, download and install it);
  • select the operating mode below;
  • take a photo in the same way as you usually do;
  • look at the results.


And our list closes with another application that works on the same principle as Google Googles, but mainly searches for all kinds of goods in stores.

For example, you can take a photo of some sunglasses or a jar of kefir and the application will immediately find all the information on this product.

If these are glasses, then you will see prices in different retail chains for them, varieties, brands, and so on.

In general, for those who are constantly shopping or just regularly buy something in stores.

On the other hand, it will be useful, for example, to parents who want to know the composition of the product they buy for their children. In general, this is a really good and useful thing.

Using this program is also very simple and consists of the following:

  • take a photo;
  • wait until identification occurs;
  • look at the results.

It is noteworthy that here you can transfer some images to your own special collection (section “Favorites”).

Sometimes it happens that you only have a photograph of a person and you don’t know anything else about him. Let's say you need to identify him to check whether he actually witnessed the events or worked in a certain place. on the Internet will allow you to find a person if you know at least something about him. What if you only have a photograph? In this case, photo recognition and people search services will come to the rescue. Such online tools can “find out” who is shown in photographs. In some cases, the service will directly answer your question, indicating the first and last name of the person in the photo. But such an answer is not always possible to obtain. But modern recognition tools are quite capable of finding similar pictures or even an exact profile on a social network.

In some cases, facial recognition helps to identify people in a group photo and compare two faces.

Some of the search engines allow you to find similar faces, and some allow you to recognize the celebrities depicted in the photo.

Pictriev is a search service with facial recognition functionality that will provide you with basic information about the person in the photo by scanning the face in the photo. In addition, the service will show which celebrities are similar to the person depicted in the search query.

Here, as in the Google service, you can upload a photo for analysis or provide a link to a photo published on the Internet.

True, in our test examples the service’s performance was strange - the service did not recognize Petra Kvitova, and among celebrities similar to her it named another tennis player, Anna Ivanovich.

At the same time, in another example of a photograph of Anna Ivanovich, the tennis player was recognized immediately with an accuracy of 52%, which is quite a lot for this service.


Betaface is a professional facial recognition software aimed at media companies, allowing them to automatically recognize faces and find information about them. To learn how this paid product works, you can use its demo version.

Users are asked to upload a photo to the site, after which the service provides a large list of data about the person depicted on it. These details include age, race, facial expression, presence of a beard and glasses, hair and beard color, presence of a mustache, chin size, eye color and position, eyebrow position, color and thickness, hair length, head shape, mouth and nose shape and size , teeth and other smaller parts.

Yandex and Google allow you to search by faces and also find similar images.

Why is this necessary?

For example, this will help find other photos of a person from an existing photo.

I think the simplest thing is to find copies of the image in various formats, with additional elements, etc.

Let's take a photo of the famous actress Monica Bellucci and use it to test Yandex and Google.

Search engines have special operators that allow you to search by person.

Now we take a photo of a person from social networks, the result:

Obviously, there are no other photos of this particular lady here, but there are plenty of relatively similar ones.

More nuances of Yandex image search are in the following video:


NEW: based on photos and other information.

Finding copies of images is not difficult for search engines. However, if we are talking about searching by face for other photos of this person, for now such a search is more relevant for people who have a lot of photos on the Internet in open access for indexing.

Explore the article— here you can also find information about photo storage services, which can also be used to search for similar faces or specific people.


Let's look for a higher resolution option. Open Google Images and click the inconspicuous button in the line:

We will have a choice - provide a link to the photo or upload it from your computer. I have a picture on my hard drive, so I click Upload file - Select file - Open. After some time (the image should be uploaded to Google’s servers), a page with search results will appear:

To filter pictures by quality, there are two links - “Small” and “Large”. Naturally, I will choose " Large" to see the best quality:

The picture resolution is very good - 1920 by 1080 pixels. So you can follow the link and download it for yourself.

So, to find a picture in better quality than it is, you need to specify its address or download it from disk, then click the “Large” link.

Searching for a person on the Internet by photo

A rather unobvious way to use the image search service. Let's say we have a photograph of a person. If the same photo or a very similar one is posted somewhere on social networks, there is a chance that a Google search engine will find it. For example, this is what will happen if you upload one of my photos:

Google decided that my photo was similar to photos of Japanese athletes. This is funny and not true, but the search was successful - we saw a link to my VKontakte page, where there is this photo, and also found out my first and last name.

Of course, such luck does not always occur. Google Images can't find photos from private albums. Otherwise, this is a great way to determine the authenticity of a photo and/or determine who is in it.

Find out the name of a thing or landscape from a photograph

There is a program called Google Goggles for iPhone and Android phones. It allows you to translate photographed text or determine the name, find information about a photographed object or landmark. Really great stuff, but there is no version for computers. This can be partially compensated for using the same Google image search.

Example: we have a photo of a landscape, but we don’t know what kind of beautiful place it is:

As in the previous options, click the button in the form of a camera in the search bar, upload a photo and get the result:

I warn you - this doesn't always work. For the correct result, this photo or a very similar one must already be in the Google image search database, i.e. be on the Internet, there should also be a description next to the picture on the page. If sights can be easily recognized (since a famous place is “known” on the Internet), then with objects the chance of finding a description is almost zero.

If there is no information about the place, we will see a page with similar photos, similar to the following example.

Previously, the TinEye search engine was strong in this, as I said earlier. But Google Images is also not perfect.

And click the link “ Similar images". Let me remind you: you can not upload a photo, but indicate its address on the Internet, or simply enter the query “red kitten” into the search, hover your mouse over the photo and click “ Similar«.

In any case, these actions will lead to a search for similar photos:

Pay attention to the inscription “Similar” above the pictures. This means that this mode is working now. Clicking the cross on the right will turn it off. Clicking on the picture will open, as it should, an enlarged copy in the background of the site where this picture is located.


Google Image Search always works the same way. Depending on what was found, the search page changes. If the result is very successful, when it is possible to accurately identify the name of the photo and find information on it, we are redirected to a text search page (as in the case of searching for a landmark).

In fact, the search site is trying to predict what we really need. Sometimes successful, sometimes not. There is virtually no difference between the examples above. The search always happens the same way, we just look in different search places and click the links we need. I only gave the most “contrasting” examples, so you should not look for the “Search for similar photos” or “Search for a person by photo” button. There is none of them. The search is always the same. It all depends on what we are looking for.

Google Image Search is a very powerful tool with many settings and features. Finding a similar picture or page on a social network from a person’s photo is possible. Of course, there are many “buts” here, because the search is carried out by complex but predictable algorithms, and not by real intelligence. In any case, the ability to use image search is a useful skill that everyone who uses the Internet should master.

If, as a user of the VKontakte website, the basic system of searching for people in the database is not enough for you, you can use search by photo. We will tell you about all the nuances of this process in this article.

Despite the fact that social The VK network is focused on user interaction with each other; the administration provides a rather modest search system. This is due to the fact that many people are registered on this resource, and even if you set the search parameters as accurately as possible, you will most likely be presented with many profiles, viewing which takes time.

To avoid the mentioned difficulties, you can use special methods of searching for people on VKontakte by photo. Please note that, regardless of the chosen method, the photo used must be uploaded to the user’s page and set as the main photo of the personal profile.

Please note that photo search can be an excellent alternative or addition to methods of searching for people without registration.

Method 1: Google

This VK method allows you to find a person's page through Google, which consists of analyzing the uploaded photo and searching for other images that are as similar as possible. In this case, the user's page must be visible at least to search engines.

  1. Using a web browser, go to the specified Google page.
  2. In the text field, find the camera icon "Search by image" and click on it.
  3. While on a tab "Specify link", you can paste a direct URL to the wanted person's photo using keyboard shortcuts "Ctrl+C" And "Ctrl+V".
  4. After you paste the link, click the button "Search by image".
  5. If you have the user image as a local file, you should switch to the tab "Upload file".
  6. Click on the button "Choose File", use System Explorer to navigate to the location of the image file and open it.
  7. In addition to the previous point, you can also drag the desired photo file into the context window area "Search by image".

After completing the described steps, you will be redirected to a list of search engine results.

As a conclusion, note that in the same way you can use the photo search system through other search engines, for example, Yandex. In this case, regardless of the search engine used, all steps from the second part of this method must be followed.

Method 2: Standard photo search

This method involves using the standard section with photographs on the VKontakte website using image descriptions. Despite its apparent simplicity, many users of this resource do not add a full description to the downloaded pictures, which makes the search process significantly more complicated.

This method should be regarded as a supplement, and not a full-fledged method.

Please note that you will definitely need basic information about the person you are looking for.

As you can see, this method has the lowest accuracy rates. However, sometimes this method is the only possible option for searching by photo.

We hope after reading this article you were able to find what you were looking for. All the best!