Program for creating magazines. Open programs for layout and design

Scribus is a program for layout of printed materials: books, magazines and booklets, brochures, business cards, etc. Scrybus was created as free alternative expensive paid editors, so the application has many professional features. Thus, the program supports the CMYK color separation system and ICC color management. You can download Scribus for free on this website.

The standard interface of the application is simple: users familiar with similar software can work with it without any problems. The program works with many modern image formats, has support for texts and fonts in Unicode, as well as support for hot keys. If necessary, it is possible to set your own hot keys, work with layers, embed fonts and manual kerning.

The application can be easily mastered by inexperienced users, thanks to help system in Russian and other languages, the user will be able to find answers to questions that arise while mastering the program. Scribus allows you to create layouts from scratch, as well as using templates available in the database. In addition, it is possible to change the templates prepared by the developers at your own discretion.

Before creating a new project, you need to set operating parameters - sheet format, font and many other parameters. After setting the parameters and confirming them, a program window appears, which contains a work area, a panel with a set of tools, and context menu. The tool icons are well made and intuitive, and they are conveniently located. According to their own functionality Scribus is not much different from expensive paid programs, so mastering this application will take some time.

Key benefits of Scribus

  • Wide functionality.
  • CMYK format support.
  • Convenient help system.
  • Availability of built-in templates.
  • Hotkey support.

The functionality of the application allows you to create documents in PDF format. It is also possible to import and export documentation from SVG format, PDF and EPS. The created layouts are ready for printing on professional equipment.

It will not be difficult for an experienced layout designer or web programmer to layout a simple web page using a regular text editor. But to perform complex tasks in this area of ​​activity, it is recommended to use specialized software. These can be advanced text editors, multifunctional complex applications called integrated development tools, image editors, etc. In this article we will just look at software, intended for website layout.

First of all, let's start with a description of advanced text editors designed to make the work of a layout designer easier. By far the most famous program of this type is Notepad++. This software solution supports the syntax of many programming languages, as well as text encodings. Code highlighting and line numbering greatly facilitate the work of programmers in various fields. Application regular expressions does easier search and changing structurally similar sections of code. For fast execution actions of the same type are suggested to be recorded as macros. You can significantly expand the already rich functionality using built-in plugins.

Among the shortcomings, one can name only such a dubious “minus” as the presence large quantity functions that are incomprehensible to the average user.


Another advanced text editor for web programming workers is SublimeText. It can also work with many languages, including Java, HTML, CSS, C++. When working with code, highlighting, autocompletion and numbering are used. Very convenient function is support for snippets, with which you can use templates. Using regular expressions and macros can also provide significant time savings when solving a given problem. SublimeText allows you to work on four panels simultaneously. The functionality of the program is expanded by installing plugins.

The main disadvantage of the application, when compared with Notepad++, is the lack of a Russian-language interface, which causes some inconvenience, especially for inexperienced users. Also, not all users like the notification that appears in the window asking them to purchase a license. free version product.


Let's complete the description of text editors designed for laying out web pages with a review of the Brackets application. This tool, like its previous analogues, supports all major markup and programming languages ​​with highlighting of corresponding expressions and line numbering. The highlight of the application is the presence of the function "Live Preview", with which you can view all changes made to a document in real time through a browser, as well as integration into the context menu "Conductor". The Brackets toolkit allows you to view web pages in debug mode. Through the program window you can manipulate several files at the same time. The ability to install third-party extensions further pushes the boundaries of functionality.

The only disappointment is the presence of some non-Russian sections in the program, as well as the ability to use the function "Live Preview" exclusively in the browser.


One of the most popular among advanced image editors, which can be successfully used for creating web content, is GIMP. The program is especially convenient to use for drawing website designs. By using of this product It is possible to draw and edit finished images using a variety of tools (brushes, filters, blurring, selection and much more). GIMP supports working with layers and saving templates in own format, with which you can resume work at the same place where it was finished, even after restarting. The change history helps you track all the actions that were applied to the picture and, if necessary, cancel them. In addition, the program can work with text applied to an image. This is the only thing free application among analogues that can offer such rich functionality.

Disadvantages include the occasional slowdown effect due to the program's high resource consumption, as well as significant difficulties in understanding the operating algorithm for beginners.

Adobe Photoshop

A paid analogue of GIMP is the program Adobe Photoshop. It is even more famous because it was released much earlier and has more advanced functionality. Photoshop is used in many areas of web development. With it you can create, edit and transform images. The program can work with layers and 3D models. In this case, the user has the opportunity to use more larger set tools and filters than in GIMP.

Among the main disadvantages is the difficulty in mastering all the functionality of Adobe Photoshop. Also, unlike GIMP, this tool paid with trial period in just 30 days.

Aptana Studio

The next group of programs for web page layout are integrated development tools. One of its most popular representatives is Aptana Studio. This software solution is comprehensive tool for creating websites, including text editor, a debugger, compiler, and build automation tool. Using the application you can work with program code in many programming languages. Aptana Studio supports manipulation of several projects simultaneously, integration with other systems (in particular, with the Aptana Cloud service), as well as remote editing of site content.

The main disadvantages of Aptana Studio are its difficulty in learning and the lack of a Russian-language interface.


An analogue of the Aptana Studio program is WebStorm, which also belongs to the class of integrated development systems. This software product has built-in convenient editor code that supports an impressive list of different programming languages. For greater user comfort, the developers have provided the ability to choose the design of the work area. Among the “advantages” of WebStorm we can highlight the presence of a Node.js debugging tool and fine tuning libraries. Function "Live Edit" provides the ability to view through a browser all changes made. A tool for interacting with a web server allows you to remotely edit and configure the site.

In addition to the lack of a Russian-language interface, WebStorm has one more “minus”, which, by the way, Aptana Studio does not have, namely the need to pay for using the program.

Front Page

Now let's look at a block of applications called visual HTML editors. Let's start with a product review Microsoft called Front Page. This program was quite popular, since at one time it was part of the package Microsoft Office. It offers the ability to layout web pages in a visual editor that works on the WYSIWYG principle (“what you see is what you get”), as in word processor. If desired, the user can open a standard html editor to work with the code or combine both modes to separate page. The application interface has many text formatting tools built into it. There is a spell checking function. IN separate window You can preview what the web page will look like through your browser.

With so many advantages, the program has even more disadvantages. The most important thing is that the developers have not supported it since 2003, which means that the product is hopelessly behind the development of web technologies. But even at their most better times Front Page did not support a large list of standards, which, in turn, led to the fact that web pages created in this application, were displayed only in the browser.


Next visual editor HTML code - KompoZer has also not been supported by developers for a long time. But unlike Front Page, the project was stopped only in 2010, which means that this program is still capable of supporting newer standards and technologies than the above-mentioned competitor. It can also work in WYSIWYG mode and code editing mode. It is possible to combine both options, work simultaneously with several documents in different tabs And preview results. In addition, Composer has a built-in FTP client.

The main disadvantage, like Front Page, is that KompoZer is no longer supported by developers. In addition, this program only has an English-language interface.

Adobe Dreamweaver

Let's finish this article a brief overview visual HTML editor Adobe Dreamweaver. Unlike previous analogues, this software product is still supported by its developers, which ensures its relevance in terms of compliance modern standards and technologies, as well as more powerful functionality. Dreamviewer provides the ability to work in WYSIWYG, regular code editor (with backlight) and split modes. In addition, you can view all changes in real time. The program also includes a whole range of additional functions, making it easier to work with the code.

And magazines. But professionals prefer well-known products that are the most powerful on the market. What programs are these? Adobe InDesign and Quark Xpress. They will be discussed further.

Quark Xpress newspaper and magazine layout program

This development is the perfect tool necessary for preparing publications for any media projects. It is used by millions of people all over the world. These include designers from small companies and layout designers who work in major publishing houses. They all speak highly of the program's many functions and capabilities.

The latest version has received an excellent innovation - the ability to work with tablets and other popular mobile devices from the most different manufacturers. This feature has turned the program into the only multi-platform layout tool in the publishing industry.

Key Features

U new version This layout program has the following features:

  • Conditional styles support. These are styles with the help of which certain pieces of text are designed based on the rules specified by the layout designer. And all this happens in automatic mode. Thus, you can get finished layout in a couple of minutes.
  • Setting automatically changing numbering when adding or deleting items. Layouts can be imported into Word without losing bullets or numbering.
  • Using callouts. This function makes it possible to bind any element or group to a page or a specific place in the text. If previously it was necessary to manually make any changes with notes and quotations, now this is possible using automatic settings.
  • Ability to select font and size, set line breaks in additional window. All changes made will be saved in the original layout.

Adobe InDesign program

The fame of this layout program extends throughout the world. After all, the developer on the market is simply a giant. This is the most best program of a kind. It has built-in support for the Russian language, unlike Quark. This universal application. It provides the most precise control over typography and design. With its help you can create expressive layouts for the most different screens. When adapting to different formats high image quality is maintained.

List of program features

There are a lot of them:

  • A feature called Fluid Layout allows you to easily design and create layout versions for different devices, as well as printed materials. Moreover, all this is done in one file.
  • Content can be linked even if it is contained in multiple documents. This makes it possible to apply changes to the parent text or object to all child elements associated with it.
  • Text can be extracted from an existing layout using special content collection tools.
  • The ability to add interactive HTML content to layouts is very interesting feature magazine layout programs InDesign.
  • Projects can be composed while retaining features such as overlays.
  • Support for integration with other company products. You can easily sell a wide variety of products.
  • Improved features for exporting PDF documents.

As can be seen from the review, despite the possibility of choice, layout programs are in different weight categories. Most choose a product from Adobe. But there is no need to discount Quark, since the program becomes more convenient with each update. Although other analogues are striving to take their place in the market, it is still difficult for them to reach the giants.

Layout programs

There are several computer programs, intended for electronic layout. Which one to choose in a particular case is decided by the publisher and (or) layout designer depending on the type of layout (type of publication), as well as on the basis of experience, guided by considerations of convenience.

Many programs have been developed to create multi-page layouts. Among them are Adobe products (PageMaker, Frame Maker, InDesign), as well as QuarkXPress, Corel Ventura Publisher, TeX. They all have their own characteristics and may be optimal in different cases.

If the source text has a heterogeneous structure, it often contains formulas, tables and other complicating elements, then it is better to type it up using Ventura Publisher, TeX or FrameMaker. They help automate text formatting.

If the text is more uniform, but you have to insert pictures, then XPress, PageMaker, and InDesign programs are suitable for its layout. They are successfully used in book, newspaper, magazine and advertising layouts.

What is the best program to use to make layouts for publishing a book? Opinions may vary, but first of all you should pay attention to InDesign and Xpress programs. Each of them has its own advantages, but experienced layout designers often prefer InDesign for book layout.

Layout of business, technical and scientific magazines is done in FrameMaker. For layout of illustrated magazines and catalogs, it is advisable to use InDesign.

In principle and text program Microsoft Word can be used for layout. Once you install the necessary add-ons, many special functions will become available in Word. software products- PageMaker, XPress or InDesign. Some publications are systematically laid out in this way, but still this is not the best way and not the most professional solution. A program originally designed for layout will always be more convenient. But in the end, the main thing is how the reader perceives the book, and we must focus primarily on readability, no matter what program is used.

Adobe InDesign

Adobe InDesign is one of the largest software products from Adobe Systems. Its direct purpose is publishing, which includes the design and layout of documents itself. for various purposes. Manufacturers called InDesign the successor and direct successor of the functions of the Adobe PageMaker program. First of all, the program is intended for designers and layout designers - both those working in professional studios and individual creative people. Using Adobe InDesign you can design any periodical or book publication.

In addition to printing, it allows you to export finished documents to today’s current PDF format and other formats, preserving all the variety of designs and unique design solutions. InDesign was the first of its kind to combine so many publishing functions into one. In addition to integration with other Adobe products: Photoshop, Illustrator and Acrobat, it allows you to use Unicode fonts for design, that is, thousands of character options.

Also in the Indesign arsenal are the most modern transparency functions and visual special effects, styling and the use of OpenType fonts, as well as optical layout alignment and cross-platform scripts for electronic documents.

IN latest version Adobe InDesign includes features such as access to Adobe servers for publishing content designed for tablets; an article palette for managing a document without changing the layout; ability to add to electronic documents sound and video recordings, and much more.

Software for desktop systems Adobe InDesign is an all-in-one content publishing application that gives you precise, pixel-level control over your design and typography. Create stylish, expressive pages for print, tablets, and other displays. Convenient adaptation of layouts to various formats pages, orientations and devices with saving High Quality Images.

Create layouts in Adobe InDesign that automatically adapt to screens and pages different sizes, using the Liquid Layout feature for .folio files. Use the " Alternative Layout" for more effective control over the work process. Increase your productivity with features like related content, content collection tools, recently used fonts list, grayscale viewing, and more.

"Liquid" layout

Easily design and create multiple versions of a layout for different devices and print materials in a single InDesign file.

Related Content

Link content contained in one or more InDesign documents; this will apply changes to parent text or objects (including interactive elements) to all associated child objects.

Content Collection Tools

Extract text and objects from your existing layout using content collection tools. In your new layout, use the Content Placer function to add and organize elements.

Interactive HTML Documents

Add interactive HTML content -- e.g. Google Maps and animation developed in Adobe program Edge™ -- to InDesign layouts. Interactive elements are preserved when exported to HTML, EPUB3, or .folio formats in the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite.

Improved layout support

Compose InDesign projects for submission to the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite while maintaining features such as overlays. You can also include an IDML file in the package.

Integration with other Adobe solutions

Easily bring your creativity to life across a wide range of projects with seamless integration of Adobe's industry-leading solutions, including Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, and Flash Professional.

Improved PDF export functionality

Export PDF documents compliant with PDF/X-4:2010, PDF/X-5:2010 and PDF/VT-1 standards to ensure tight integration with Adobe Acrobat X and Adobe PDF Print Engine 2.5.

From books and brochures to digital magazines and iPad apps, InDesign CC lets you create page layouts and typography with pixel-level precision. Easily adapt the design to any page or screen size and orientation. The application is included in the package Creative Cloud, so you can sync settings like keyboard shortcuts, styles, and workspaces across all your devices.

Description: Layout of Text with a Book - a package of macros for Microsoft Word (any version starting from 97), which allows you to layout your document in a book format the size of a half sheet of paper for its subsequent printing - that is, to perform what is usually called “creating a brochure,” brochure printing" or "imposition".

Additional Information:
A document prepared using this program can be freely edited, drawings and tables can be inserted into it, and the distribution of text on the pages will change accordingly (that is, compliance with the WYSIWYG standard is ensured). This program differs from other similar developments and from the “book printing” module built into WordXP precisely in that it does not directly “print”, but prepares a “book” layout, which can then be edited and printed regular means Word, including on another computer.
The program does not change the original document during its operation, but creates a new one in which it places the layout. The text is inserted into the layout via the clipboard.
Information about the actions of the program, its settings and features is presented, firstly, in its dialog boxes, and, secondly, in the Readme.txt file supplied with the macro - before starting work, it is recommended to carefully study at least the first ones.
You can set the layout parameters so that the page of the resulting book will have two columns of text (much like in modern editions of the Bible). If you wish, you can use the program to create a blank document layout for later filling it with text.
Also included in the package is the MS-DOS Text Converter program. It transforms into a more or less readable format texts in which there is an end-of-paragraph symbol at the end of each line, and tabulation and centering are indicated by spaces (many books downloaded from Internet libraries have this appearance).
Another program from the kit is “File Consolidator” (only in the version for Microsoft Word 97/XP/2000/2003). It will automatically combine the contents of a large number of similar Rtf, Doc, Htm, Txt files into one document.
The program is completely free in all versions, the program code is not closed for study, you can freely use it in your developments, subject to license agreement(in the Readme.txt file included with the program).
The software package also has an abbreviated name - "VerTeKnizhka".
Currently, two versions of the VerTeKnizhka program are distributed - for Word 97/2000/XP/2003 and for Word 2007/2010. Use the version that matches the one installed on your computer Microsoft package Office. If you have several versions of the package installed, then VerTeKnizhka will need to be installed in each of them separately.

The method for installing the program depends on what Microsoft version You have Word installed.
If you are using Word 97, then

If you are using Word 2000, Word XP or Word 2003, then to install the program:
launch Word,
open the "Tools" - "Macro" - "Security" dialog box,
on the "Security Level" tab, select "Medium"
On the "Trusted Publishers" tab, check the "Trust access to Visual Basic Project",
open the document setverteknizhka.doc from the distribution, agree to run macros and answer the installer’s question.

If you use Word 2007, then to install the program:
launch Word,
Open the "Trust Center" dialog box by clicking on the Office Button (the Microsoft flag button in the upper left corner of the Word window) and selecting " Word Options" ("Word Options"), and in it - the item "Security Center" ("Trust Center"),
in this window, find the macro launch settings section and set it to “Allow all macros to run”,
in the tabs of the same window, find and enable the option "Allow access to Visual Basic Project"
open the document setverteknizhka.doc from the distribution, agree to run macros and answer the installer’s question.

If you use Word 2010, then to install the program:
launch Word,
click "File" on the menu bar,
in the list that opens, select "Options"
in the window that opens - select "Trust Center",
On the tab that opens, click the "Trust Center Settings" button,
in the window that opens, select the "Macro Settings" tab,
check the boxes "Enable all macros" and "Trust access to object model VBA projects"
open the document setverteknizhka.doc from the distribution, agree to run macros and answer the installer’s question.
After preparing Word in the above way and opening the document setverteknizhka.doc, you will see a dialog box in which you will be asked to install the program by clicking on a button.
Subsequently, by opening the same document again in the same way, you can remove or reinstall the program.
The installer copies the program components into the template, so the first time you exit Word after installing the program, you may be asked about saving the template. Answer this question in the affirmative, otherwise the program components will not be saved and you will have to install it again.

A toolbar with buttons for launching program components in Word 97/XP/2000/2003 will appear in the main Word window, and in Word 2007/2010 - on the Word Add-ins tab.
You can always view the source code of the program by opening the VBA Editor (using the Alt+F11 key combination in running Word).