A program for creating a multiboot flash drive. The basic capabilities of the WinToFlash program are


At the time of buying Windows 7 in the shop Microsoft (Microsoft Store), you will be able to download the ISO image of this product. allows you to create copies of Windows 7 ISO files on a disk, USB Flash or DVD. To create bootable dvd or USB Flash drive, download the ISO file and then launch Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool. After this, you can install Windows 7 directly from a USB flash drive or DVD.
If you are not sure how many digits Windows version 7 (32-bit ( x86) or 64-bit ( x64)) you will need for the upcoming installation, then you can learn more about the difference between Windows 7 x32 and Windows 7 x64. An ISO file contains all the Windows 7 installation files combined into one uncompressed file. When you download an ISO file, you must save it on your hard drive to install Windows 7. To install Windows 7 on a USB Flash or DVD, all you need to do is insert the USB Flash into a free USB port or insert the DVD into your DVD -drive and start Setup.exe Windows programs 7 USB/DVD Download Tool from the root folder on the disk.

Note: You will not be able to install Windows 7 with using Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool if the ISO file is saved on a USB disk or DVD.

A copy of an ISO file with Windows 7 created with via USB/DVD Download Tool is bootable. Boot disk allows you to install Windows 7 without first launching the existing one operating system on the computer. If you change the boot order of the disks in BIOS your computer, you will be able to run Windows 7 installation directly from a USB flash drive or DVD when you turn on your computer. Please refer to your computer's documentation for information on how to change the boot priority of drives through the BIOS.

Once you accept the Windows 7 license terms, you will only be allowed to make one copy of the ISO file onto a disk, USB flash drive, or other media as a backup for reinstallation on the licensed computer. If you don't delete the copy of the ISO file you made to install software on your computer then this copy The ISO file will be your backup.


For installation Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool You need:

Step 1. Click here to download the installer Windows file 7 USB/DVD Download Tool .

Step 2. When prompted to save the file to disk or run it, select Execute.

Step 3. Follow the installation instructions. You can determine where to install Windows tool 7 USB/DVD Download and whether to create shortcuts in the menu Start or at Desktop.

You must have administrator rights on the computer where you are installing Windows 7 USB / DVD Download Tool. This requires Microsoft NET Framework 2.0 or higher. If this tool is not on your computer, the program will install it for you. In this case, you may need to restart your computer to complete the installation.

System requirements

Burning an ISO Image

Before launch Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool make sure you have already purchased Windows 7 and downloaded the Windows 7 ISO file to your HDD. If you purchased Windows 7 but have not yet downloaded the ISO image, you can download the file from your account at Microsoft.

To record ISO-file with Windows 7 you need:

Step 1. Click the button Start and select Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool from the list "All programs".

Figure 1. Windows 7 USB / DVD Download Tool - program window

Step 2. Enter the name and path of your original Windows 7 ISO file or click the button "Review" and select the file in the dialog box "Open".

Figure 2. Window for selecting a file with a Windows 7 image

Step 3. Select « USB device» to create a copy on a USB flash drive or "DVD" to create a copy on DVD disc and then click the button "Further".

Figure 3. USB or DVD recording selection window

Step 4. If you are writing a file to USB flash drive, select a USB device from the drop-down list and click the button "Start copying".
If you are copying files to DVD, click the button "Begin" to start recording.

Figure 4. Selecting a USB flash drive

After your ISO- the file with Windows 7 will be recorded on the selected media, you can start installing Windows 7, to do this, go to the root directory of your DVD or USB flash drive and run Setup.exe.


Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about using Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool:
  • Which USB size Flash Drive required?
    You need a USB Flash Drive with at least 4 GB of free disk space.
  • Can I use my own disk or flash drive with an ISO file on it to install Windows 7 on someone else's computer?
    No. The disk or flash drive containing your burned ISO file is intended for installation of Windows 7 only on the licensed user's own computer.
  • Can I backup to CD-R?
    No. Windows 7 ISO file is too big to fit on regular CD.
  • Can I use a Blu-ray DVD for Reserve copy?
    Yes, as long as your DVD drive can write to Blu-Ray DVD.
  • If I have some files on USB Flash disk So, will Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool remove them?
    This program requires a completely empty USB Flash drive to copy files from Windows 7. This ensures that this device will be bootable after the copying is complete.
  • Is it possible to do backup copy With using iPod, camera or other device with sufficient free space on disk?
    Yes, but it's not recommended. The device must be formatted in order for the media on which recording will be made to become bootable. A USB Flash Drive specially dedicated for this purpose will be the best option.
  • Can I use Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool to backup other files?
    This tool intended for recording only ISO files with Windows 7 from the Microsoft Store.


The following tips may help you if you encounter any problem while using this tool.
  • my USB devices not in the list of available devices.
    If you don't see your USB Flash devices in the list of available devices, make sure the drive is inserted into the USB port, or click the Refresh button next to the list of available drives.
  • I inserted a blank DVD-R disc into my DVD drive, but Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool cannot recognize it.
    If there are several DVD drives in the system, then select the first one that can burn DVD. If you have several DVD-R discs, try inserting a blank DVD-R into another DVD drive. If this does not help, please verify that your disc is not damaged and that your DVD-R disc is usable, or contact product support.

Run the program Ultra ISO, now you need to open the operating room image Windows systems, which we will write to a flash drive. To do this in the menu File select an item Open. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O

Open the folder with the Windows image, select it and press the button Open

When the image file is open, in the menu, check the box next to the item Generate loading table and then select the item Burn a Hard Disk Image...

Select a flash drive to record to Windows image, recording method: USB-HDD+ Hide Boot Partition: No. When everything is selected, press the button Write down

In the dialog box that appears Clue, a warning will be issued stating that all information on the flash drive will be deleted. Confirm this and press the button Yes

The process of writing the image to the flash drive will begin, which will take a few minutes.

At the end, a message will appear indicating that the recording is complete. To close the window, click the button Back, then you can close the program.

The bootable USB flash drive has been successfully created.

Previously, before writing windows to a USB flash drive, every time I searched new program. There are millions of them, but no sense. Every time I managed to do it, every single one of them was an inconvenience. Some have too many settings, while others take a very long time to record. They also skipped often paid programs, but if I wanted to pay, I would have a disk with the original operating system.

The other day, I needed to burn Windows again and by chance I came across the “Rufus” program. Probably, as you already guessed, Rufus touched me and became my favorite program. Yes, this is exactly what I have been looking for for many years. Simpler than the program than Rufus doesn't exist. It has a minimum of functions, and, in comparison, they are no more than the flash drive formatting menu.

Everything you see in the screenshot is that, there is nothing else there. In addition, it is completely free, you can download it and use it without restrictions.

I was also surprised by one thing: when I started recording a bootable USB flash drive from the old OS image, the recording was completed indecently and unusually quickly. Is it true, this was the fastest recordingwindows to a flash drive! Previously, on the same flash drive, the same image was recorded for 30-50 minutes. and this time 10 minutes - Lightning fast.

What canRufus:

I’ve already said about quick recording of the system, let’s now look at all the capabilities of the program.

What can be recorded with the Rufus program:

  1. NT Password Registry Editor

  2. Ubuntu, Ultimate Boot CD

Download Rufus

https://yadi.sk/d/DUW30yh93RLmZq - Version 2.18

Download torrent - Version 2.8

No installation required. Just launch the program and use it.

Supports many languages. By default the program is in Russian. Install on any version of Windows OS.

The program is completely free. You can also distribute it on your own behalf, subject to GPLv3.

How to burn windows to a flash drive

An amazing subtitle in which I have nothing to tell you due to the simplicity of this program. Just insert the flash drive into the USB, select all the options as above and click on the floppy disk icon to select the image to burn. That's it, all you have to do is press start.

In this article I will tell you how to burn an image to a flash drive (in in this case Windows image) for subsequent installation of the system on a computer. Nowadays, many people have laptops and netbooks, where there is simply no optical drive, or there is no way to install windows from a disk, this is where creating a bootable one comes to the rescue windows flash drives 7. This article is primarily aimed at these tasks.

We will write the image to a flash drive in two ways. The first method will be implemented using a very good ultra iso program, and the second using WinSetup From USB. We will start by considering actions to work with ultra iso, since this method less labor-intensive creation process bootable flash drive Windows 7 will be pretty fast. The second method will remain for those who, for some reason, “didn’t work out” with the first option.

Method No. 1

So, let's go. First, download the program Ultra ISO. After the program has been downloaded, installed and launched (click trial period, if you don’t want to buy), you can start a fairly simple process of writing Windows to a flash drive:

1. You must specify the path to the image that should be placed on your hard drive:
Click “File” => Open (Fig. 1)


Rice. 2

Rice. 3

Method No. 2

This method will also tell you how to write windows to a flash drive. What you will need for this option:

1. A little free time;

2. Computer (with iron, which supports booting from a flash drive);

3. Program for preparing a flash drive ( download);

4. Actually the flash drive itself (even an SD card will do);

5. An image of the operating system that we want to install.

As an example, I will show how we will write an operating system image to a 4GB SD cardMicrosoft Windows 7Home Premium 64-bit. I would like to immediately draw your attention to the choice of operating system. If your computer has less than 4GB random access memory(RAM), then you should install a 32-bit (x86) version of the operating system, since the 64-bit version will simply clutter up the RAM with unnecessary processes.

Insert the flash drive into USB port and format it to FAT32 or NTFS using Windows. To do this, you need to go to My Computer, find the flash drive there and click right click mouse over its icon. In the context menu, select “Format...”. In the formatting window, select file system FAT32 or NTFS (The latter will be better if the flash drive has a capacity of more than 4GB), and also select the cluster size " Standard size cluster" and click the "Start" button. Everything is shown in the picture:

Next, we download a small program in which we will do all the operations we need. There are several programs of this type, but I chose WinSetupFromUSB because it does not require installation and takes up almost no space on disk and easy to use.

Let's launch the program. First, we need to select the device on which we will burn the image. This is done in the drop-down menu at the top (if the flash drive is not displayed in this menu, click on the Refresh button). Next, we need to prepare the flash drive for recording the image, because if we simply copy the image, it will be impossible to enter the system installer, because there is no boot sector. To create it, click on the Bootice button.

In the Bootice utility window that opens, click the Process MBR button, then see if the Grub4Dos checkbox is checked (if not, check it) and click the Install/Config button. In the Config Grub for DOS window, click on the “Save to disk” button, the program will display a window that boot record successfully written to the drive.

We return again to the Bootice utility window, where we click the “Process PBR” button and do everything the same, without changing anything in the last window, click OK.

That's it, now all we have to do is write the image to a flash drive, this is done in the main program window, which we saw immediately upon launch. You need to check the required box - if you are going to install Windows XP, then this is the first checkbox, but if Vista or Seven - the second. Next, click on the “…” button on the other side of the checkbox and set the path where our unpacked image is stored on the hard drive, or simply mounted in virtual drive using DaemonTools or Alcohol. Click on the “GO” button and wait until the process finishes.

Upon completion, the program will display the message “Job Done!” That's it, dear friends, you can reboot and start installing the operating system.

Also, I advise you to read the article regarding

A program for installing Windows 7 from a flash drive eliminates the need to use a CD drive.

You only need to prepare the distribution kit in advance and set the Bios settings.

Important: The program to install should be selected as carefully as possible - you can accidentally download a virus or Trojan. The situation is similar with the Windows distribution. If possible, you should use the licensed version. Otherwise, scan all files with an antivirus.

UltraISO program

UltraISO program needs to be installed. There are no difficulties; all you need to do is run executable file and keep pressing the next button.

Important: During installation, the program should not ask for a phone number or other data - it is provided free of charge.

If something like this occurs, then you should remove it immediately. Most likely, the utility is infected with a virus.

Creating a bootable USB flash drive is as follows:

  • after launch, a window immediately opens in which you need to click on “trial period” (Fig. No. 1);
  • then the program will open the main working window, you need to click on context menu“open” - you should select one previously prepared for installation Windows distribution;

  • then the flash drive connector is inserted into the USB port;
  • click on the menu under “boot” - select “burn hard disk image”;

  • after installation, click on “format”;
  • after formatting the flash drive is completed, you need to click on “write” (Fig. No. 4);

Advice: It is not necessary to use utilities from a third-party manufacturer to install - you can use standard means OS.

It is possible to use official app to create a bootable USB flash drive.

For creating boot device again, you will need a distribution kit - preferably in ISO format. The operation itself looks like this:

  • launch is in progress;
  • by clicking on “Browse” we open the file with the distribution kit;

  • We indicate “USB device”;

  • To record to a USB drive, you must insert the media in advance;

  • Click “Start over”.

After this, you need to wait 5-15 minutes until the creation of the bootable flash drive is completed.

WinToFlash program

You can also use the WinToFlash utility. You can download it for free on the official website - http://wintoflash.com/.

You only need to do two steps:

  • run installed utility;
  • select the appropriate menu - “transfer the Windows installation program to a drive”;
  • Click start (Fig. No. 6).

WinSetupFromUSB program

A convenient utility for performing the task in question is WinSetupFromUSB. Required ISO image and a USB drive. After launch you need to do the following:

  • format memory;
  • run MasterBootRecord (MBR) in Bootice (Fig. No. 7);

Bios settings

To install Windows 7 using this method, you will need to configure the BIOS accordingly.

If possible, you should read the manual; it can be downloaded for free on the manufacturer’s official website.

Bios settings may have their own characteristics, some specifics. It is purely individual for each model - even from the same manufacturer.

To go to settings, you usually just need to click Delete key even at the initial stage of loading the PC. As a result, a window with a tabular menu will appear (Fig. No. 9).

After successful turning on Bios you need to find an option responsible for the boot order from devices various types.

In all Bios this menu is called differently. This is where the difficulty lies.

But, as a rule, all such items contain the word boot in their name.

Boot settings are made as follows:

  • open the boot priority selection menu (Boot);
  • select USB-HDD.

Important: You must first insert the USB drive into the connector - only after that it will appear in the list of devices from which you can launch.

Installing the operating system

All programs can be downloaded completely free of charge from the Internet.

But it’s worth familiarizing yourself with all the requirements in advance - the amount of free space on your hard drive, RAM and other characteristics.

When all preparatory work finished - you can start installing Windows. This operation carried out as follows:

  • after Bios settings and installing the drive into the port, you need to reboot, a window will appear asking you to press any key (Fig. No. 10);

  • The OS installation window will open - you need to click on “next” (Fig. No. 11);

  • then a window will open - you need to click on the “install” button (Fig. No. 12);

  • you need to select the version of the operating system to be installed - almost all pirated distributions allow you to do this (Fig. No. 13);

  • the system requires read license agreement, check the box next to “I accept the license terms” and click “next”;
  • In the next window that opens, select “ full installation"(Fig. No. 14);

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