A program to find a person with a photo. Find out how to find a person by photo

Hello, dear friends and guests of the blog site! Lots of people, including myself, receive messages from users all over the world with more or less the same question: I have a photo of someone I'm looking for, can you help me find this person on the Internet? (This is usually called "reverse image search", or "person photo search", or "similar image search").

Unfortunately I can not. I need to have access to all the images of all the people in this world in order to use facial recognition to find photos. Some intelligence services may have such a database. Me not.

But I can advise you something - How to make it easier to find a person by photo on the Internet!

You need access to a huge collection of images, and you need very powerful computing capabilities. Only companies with huge resources can do this. So for a while it was the only Google with this capability. Their image search doesn't use facial recognition (afaik - "as far as I know"), but their feature-invariant scaling technology works well with face images too.

But now Google is not the only one offering such a service! So, here is a list of search engines that can compare images in a fairly large database ( please leave a review or comment if you know more about how to improve search for a person by photo in the Internet):

Google Image Search

Just upload a photo to Google Image Search and it will find similar images. Since Google has probably the largest image database on the Internet, there's a good chance you'll find this (or at least a similar) photo.

Bing Image Search

Bing now also offers image search (using photo uploads or URLs), but it's harder to find than Google's feature. Just use the link given above then click camera icon, and then " review».

Searching for a person by photo - Reverse image search in Yandex

The Russian search engine Yandex also offers reverse image matching, including image uploading. You can also do this in this search engine people search not just from the photo. Look, I already wrote about this.

Baidu Reverse Image Search

Chinese search engine Baidu also offers reverse photo lookup with image uploading.


Especially for photographers. It also helps to find brand images. (Click on the camera symbol in the search field)

PimEyes - What do you look like?

Uses real-life facial recognition algorithms to compare a submitted photo with images of about 10 million people. The database apparently contains many freely available images from the Internet, including Wikipedia. The results are quite good even for rotated faces with low resolution.

Search for images of karma decay on Reddit

Image search engine beta on Reddit.com.

TinEye Reverse Image Search

Claims to have indexed over 12 billion images. Allows you to enter images either via upload or with a given URL.

PicTriev - Find faces on the Internet

This app uses real face recognition to find a similar face. Unfortunately, he only searches within a limited circle of “celebrities.”

Berify - Find stolen images

Last but not least: I'd like to bring your attention to this new reverse image search engine (which appears to be a spin-off of socialcatfish). Officially made for finding "stolen" images, it is quite powerful and different from all the others above. In my opinion, their image matching algorithm uses more shape and color information than other search engines.

What I mean is that if you go back to searching for a photo of a blonde with green eyes and a blue shirt, you will get photos like this with this query. Other queries above may give you completely different results for a red-haired guy in a green shirt. So whatever these Berify guys do. I think it's worth trying this image search engine (use the free trial).

Very often, people send photos from someone who has contacted them through some kind of chat community or affiliate platform. They want to know if this person is real or if he is a so-called “scammer” using photos of someone else. Looks like there's a big problem called " romance scam».

Several sites are trying to help users find images of known scammers:

Scam Digger Pic - Search for a person by photo on the Internet

Beta version using images from Romancescam forums.

Other interesting demos using face/facial recognition technology.


Now any person can be found on social networks just by photographing their face.

A new Russian application compares pictures with profile photos on the social network VKontakte and establishes his identity with an accuracy of 70 percent.

A new facial recognition app could end anonymity in public spaces.

Thus, a person can take a photo of a stranger on the street, upload it to the app and find your profile on the social network, while stores, advertisers and the police will be able to recognize your face in the crowd and follow you through social networks.

After its launch, the app quickly attracted more than 500,000 users and processed more than 3 million searches.

Russian facial recognition program from photos

The creators of the application are 26-year-old Artem Kukharenko and 29-year-old Alexander Kabakov.

Unlike other facial recognition programs, their algorithm allows for quick searches in large amounts of data.

The app gives you the best match for the face in the photo, along with 10 people it might resemble.

Artem Kabakov believes that this application can make a breakthrough in the dating industry: " If you see someone you like, you can take a photo of them, find their identity, and send a friend request".

Moreover, it also helps to find similar people. For example, you can upload a photo of a celebrity you like or your ex-lover and find 10 similar people by messaging them.

Photographer from St. Petersburg Evgeny Tsvetkov recently conducted a photo project " Your Face Is Big Data" ("Your face is a large database"), photographing 100 random people who were sitting next to him on the subway. Then, using the Findface application, he tried to find them on the VKontakte social network.

It turned out that it was quite easy to detect 60-70 percent of people aged 18 to 35, a little more difficult with older people. Thus, even though he took low-quality photographs, he was able to find out personal details of their lives, including hobbies, professions, relationship status and habits.

The creators of FindFace believe that such a program, among other things, will help in investigating crimes by identifying criminals on the street.

FindFace - Internet facial recognition program

FindFace is a service that helps you can find a VKontakte profile by photo. There are mobile applications for Android and iOS, as well as a web version.

The application allows you to do 30 free searches, and after that the service is paid.

The web version has a little more functions, and you can immediately see a person’s profile.

The program works best at recognizing photos taken in daylight on an average smartphone, but is 2-3 times less accurate if you're photographing strangers from afar. But by enlarging the image, efficiency increases again.

The development of technology leads to the fact that less and less information remains hidden, and end of anonymity.


· Experts advise putting something on your face, such as a hood, mask or goggles, to fool the camera, or come to terms with the fact that in our society there is less and less room for personal space.

If you don't want any stranger to find out about you, it is best to delete all old photos from your account and leave a photo that will make it difficult for you to be recognized.

Sometimes it happens that you only have a photograph of a person and you don’t know anything else about him. Let's say you need to identify him to check whether he actually witnessed the events or worked in a certain place. on the Internet will allow you to find a person if you know at least something about him. What if you only have a photograph? In this case, photo recognition and people search services will come to the rescue. Such online tools can “find out” who is shown in photographs. In some cases, the service will directly answer your question, indicating the first and last name of the person in the photo. But such an answer is not always possible to obtain. But modern recognition tools are quite capable of finding similar pictures or even an exact profile on a social network.

In some cases, facial recognition helps to identify people in a group photo and compare two faces.

Some of the search engines allow you to find similar faces, and some allow you to recognize the celebrities depicted in the photo.

Pictriev is a search service with facial recognition functionality that will provide you with basic information about the person in the photo by scanning the face in the photo. In addition, the service will show which celebrities are similar to the person depicted in the search query.

Here, as in the Google service, you can upload a photo for analysis or provide a link to a photo published on the Internet.

However, in our test examples, the service’s performance was strange - the service did not recognize Petra Kvitova, and among celebrities similar to her, it named another tennis player, Anna Ivanovich.

At the same time, in another example of a photograph of Anna Ivanovich, the tennis player was recognized immediately with an accuracy of 52%, which is quite a lot for this service.


Betaface is a professional facial recognition software aimed at media companies, allowing them to automatically recognize faces and find information about them. To learn how this paid product works, you can use its demo version.

Users are asked to upload a photo to the site, after which the service provides a large list of data about the person depicted on it. These details include age, race, facial expression, presence of a beard and glasses, hair and beard color, presence of a mustache, chin size, eye color and position, eyebrow position, color and thickness, hair length, head shape, mouth and nose shape and size , teeth and other smaller parts.

In this material I will tell you how to search by photo on social networks, and what we need for this. Imagine a situation: you have a photo of a person about whom you need to find all the available information. Social networks, which often contain accounts of the people we need, can provide invaluable assistance in the process of such a search. They may contain a variety of information about a person, including his photos and videos, interests, hobbies, favorite books and films, and other data useful to us. But how can you find such a page with just a photo?

What methods of searching for a person are available on the Internet?

You can search for the right person on social networks in various ways (by first and last name, place of residence, geotags, age, and other relevant descriptors). If you already have a photograph of him, then you can turn to the capabilities of special network tools that can provide significant assistance in our search.

Some of these resources (for example, the popular “FindFace”) are specially “tailored” to search for people in a specific network (in the case of “FindFace” this is the Russian “VK”). Others, at the level of Google and Yandex search engines, allow you to search for identical and similar images on many sites (including social networks), displaying on the screen all the richness of the results obtained.

In some cases, it is necessary to prepare the desired photo to search for it (for example, using the template graphic editor “”). It is necessary to get rid of the presence of other people in the photo (if any), as well as remove other unnecessary details that could interfere with the search service in its work.

Let's look at ways to search for a person by their face image on social networks.

“FindFace” - effective photo search using neural networks

In November 2015, the University of Washington organized the “The MegaFace Benchmark” competition, in which more than a hundred teams took part, including from Google and Facebook. The goal of the competition is to create the most effective face recognition algorithm, allowing you to accurately select a similar face among many analogues.

Despite strong competition, the competition was won by the Russian company N-Tech.Lab. Its algorithm, built on the work of neural networks, provided the highest recognition accuracy among analogues - about 75% of all results obtained.

  • Later, this algorithm was embodied in the findface.ru service, which allows you to find the right person (or people similar to him) on the Vkontakte social network.
  • At the same time, a mobile application of the same name is also available to Android OS users.

The “findface” service will allow you to quickly find the right person on VK

How to use Fifindface search

How does this service work? To work with it, first of all you need to have a page on VK (if you don’t have one, create one). Then do the following:

  1. Go to findface.ru;
  2. Click on the red “Find identical” button;
  3. Allow the service to access your account by clicking on “Allow”;
  4. Upload the photo you need to search and wait for the search procedure to complete;
  5. Review your results.

The free capabilities of the service are limited to a certain number of searches on the social network (usually several dozen). For unlimited possibilities, you will have to pay the developers.


“Google Images” – with the ability to find a person by photo

The capabilities of the popular international search engine “Google” allow you to search by image online, including searching by photo of a person on social networks. In this case, the search engine displays both identical and similar results, with information on the found image (including the probable first and last name of the person in the photo).

To work with the service from Google, do the following:

"Yandex.Pictures" - will find anyone on a social network based on a face picture

Image search on social networks from the Yandex service is organized in a manner similar to Google. To search, go to “Yandex.Pictures” or use to launch the service, click on the camera image on the right, upload the desired picture to the resource (or provide a link to it on the Internet). Review your results.

You can also use a special Yandex tool that searches for people on social networks. Follow this link https://yandex.ru/people, enter the first and last name of the desired person in the search bar, click on “Find”, and view the result (usually a photo, a link to a social profile, short information).

To search, go to “Yandex.Images” and click on the camera icon on the right

Alternative resources for searching people by image

Among other services that search for images on social media. networks, I would also note the following resources:


Search by photo on social media networks will help you perform the services I listed above. Among the services mentioned, I recommend paying special attention to the findface.ru service - its recognition efficiency is at a fairly high level, allowing you to quickly find the pages of the people you need on VK.

There are situations when we need to find out information about a person who was present in a certain place or worked somewhere. You can search for information about it on the Internet; there are many services for this. But, if, apart from his photograph, there is nothing available, then there is also a way out - working with programs that recognize a person online from a photo and are able to find either similar people or a user account on social networks. You can also use search engines - they will find a person’s profile on social networks or indicate celebrities with whom similarities are noticed. And, if you need a program for recognizing people’s faces from photos online, then today I will talk about several services. And among them you will choose the one that can most fully satisfy the request for the available photo.

How to recognize a person's face from a photograph

Photo search is performed using services such as the recently popular Russian application PicTriev, Blippar, Betaface, as well as search engines. Images must be quite high quality to ensure a high degree of recognition and the face is open and clear. If the service was unable to perform a search due to some blurriness of the photo, we process the image in a photo editor and achieve the best parameters. After that, re-load it into the window and turn on the search.

Now let's look at each of the programs in order.

Google and Yandex search engines for facial recognition


  1. Let's go to Google image search.
  2. In the search bar there is a camera icon, after clicking on which you can perform actions with the picture.
  3. You can drag an image (including directly from the Internet), upload it as a file from your computer, and also specify its URL.
  4. The search starts and in the results we see the found image (can be viewed in different sizes) and similar ones, as well as the sites on which the desired image is posted.
What Google responded
FindFace home page

The main page is very simple - nothing superfluous, just a form in which there is already a checkmark in the box, indicating that the user agrees with the user agreement (the link to it is clickable and you can immediately familiarize yourself with it). Without this consent, you will not be able to use FindFace search.. The application is available both in the web version and on devices with Android OS. You can also choose a language – Russian or English. Click “ Find the same ones! ” and allow the site to access our VKontakte profile (which will be the account on FindFace).

The latter is presented in three versions:

It is possible to get a Premium account for free for a month – To do this you need to invite 10 friends to use the service by sharing the VKontakte link or sending it by email to selected recipients.

Further procedure:

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