Program for updating drivers for Windows 10. The best programs for updating drivers

All the best to everyone!

No matter how good Windows 10 is, which finds and installs drivers for most equipment automatically, you still have to tinker with the drivers anyway. Judge for yourself: in most cases, the universal drivers that the system installs cannot be customized (and some of the functions are lost, try, for example, optimizing 3D graphics without video card settings...).

That is why I always recommend that after installing Windows 10 (or another OS), update and install all drivers in the system. Fortunately, there is now more than enough software for this task (and there is no need to look for anything anywhere, even if you have not had a “native” disk with drivers for a long time) ...

In this article, I just want to focus on the 5 best (in my opinion) programs in Russian for auto-updating drivers (all programs are compatible with Windows 10, personally tested!).

One of the best programs for working with drivers: searching for new drivers, updating, creating backups, resolving conflicts, etc. - Driver Booster does it all!

After the first launch of the program, it will scan your system and provide a report on which drivers can be updated. For example, on my PC it was asked to update 12 old drivers and 5 outdated game components (by the way, if your games are slow or lagging, I definitely recommend trying to update the game components in Driver Booster) .

Driver Booster - offers to update 12 drivers and 5 game components

To start updating drivers, you only need to press one button "Update all"(see screenshot above). By the way, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Driver Booster makes a backup copy of your old drivers (just in case), and if suddenly something goes wrong with the new drivers, you can always roll back the system.

The update process is completely automatic; the current update status will be shown at the top of the window (example below).

Update process // audio driver installation

After the update, the program will provide you with a full report on the updated drivers and prompt you to restart your PC.

By the way, I also want to add that the program has an error correction wizard, some of the errors are quite common:

  1. Troubleshooting audio related errors;
  2. fixing network errors;
  3. fixing incorrect permission;
  4. Cleaning disabled devices.

In general, the program is rightfully considered the leader of its niche. It’s probably impossible to update a driver faster and easier than in Driver Booster. The program is completely translated into Russian, compatible with Windows 10 100%!

Perhaps there is one minus: Internet connection required to operate. Those. You cannot update drivers offline (when there is no network).

DriverPack Solution

A huge driver package distributed in a single ISO image, approximately 11 GB in size. The beauty is that this image can work without the Internet, i.e. it can be written to any flash drive/disk and opened on any PC/laptop (note: I also want to note that the program has a second option: download a small EXE file, which, after analyzing your system, will update all the necessary drivers) .

Using the program is very simple: just launch it and wait 20-30 seconds while it analyzes your system. Next, you will be asked to update all drivers, which I recommend not agreeing to, and enable expert mode!

Minus The problem is that DPS, when installed by default, along with drivers, will install a dozen or two (depending on the software version) programs, many of which are simply not needed!

In expert mode, select the drivers you want to update, agree to the operation and wait until it is completed. There are no complaints about the update process - everything goes quickly (at least for me).

Regarding the software...

To install additional popular programs, you can open the tab with the - icon and manually check the boxes next to everything you need (don’t trust the automation in this software!).

By the way, DriverPack Solution has another interesting feature: the program provides help for your antivirus. It can analyze your software and recommend which programs are not used and which ones you can get rid of (example below).

DriverPack Protect - add. protection

Despite the “imposition” of often unnecessary software, the program is one of the best of its kind. Still, automatic offline driver updates for most equipment is a big deal! I recommend having this ISO image on a separate emergency flash drive...

Snappy Driver Installer

But this set of drivers is even much more attractive than the previous one. It is also distributed in two versions:

  1. compact: when you download a small EXE file, install it, and then it will analyze the state of your system and offer to download everything you need automatically (important: Internet access is required!);
  2. stand-alone complete collection: it is an executable EXE file with a large folder (about 10 GB) containing the drivers. When you run this EXE file, it will also analyze the system and then install the necessary drivers. Internet connection - no need!

I would like to note that, unlike DriverPackSolution, Snappy Driver Installer does not offer to install additional software (which is good news). By the way, in Snappy Driver Installer, even opposite the drivers that the program recommends updating, you will have to check the boxes and agree with the installation (i.e., a minimum of actions without your consent - this is good news!).

There is also an additional options:

  1. switching skins (changing design);
  2. creating a restore point (to be able to return the system to its original state);
  3. obtaining information about the system.

3DP Net / 3DP Chip

But this utility is radically different from the programs presented by you. Despite its small size (only 100 MB), it allows you to perform extremely important things, and in some cases it is simply irreplaceable! In general, the developer is positioning the program as 2 separate utilities, I will not deviate from this, and I...

3DP Net

A utility specializing in network drivers. It works autonomously (no Internet connection required for operation), quietly and quickly. It will help you update the driver for almost any network adapter.

Most often, the utility is needed after reinstalling Windows, when there is no Internet, and other programs for updating drivers cannot help. By the way, it will have more network drivers than in the same DriverPack Solution, and in “difficult” cases, it can install a “universal” driver.

3DP Chip

In principle, in my opinion, without the first utility, this one is inferior to many other similar programs. Judge for yourself: there is no autonomous operation and no automatic mode either. How does it work: you just launch it, it analyzes your system, and provides links to download drivers for this or that equipment. Download the drivers you need from the links and install them.

3DP Chip also supports creating backup copies of drivers and restoring them from it. It does this quite well (it works quickly and efficiently).

3DP Chip - search for drivers

Driver Genius

One of the best utilities for finding drivers for rare equipment (and not for rare ones). The program works completely automatically, is simple and understandable to any user (even someone who just sat down at a PC yesterday).

After starting the program, all you need to do is click one button “Start scanning”. After analyzing your system, you will be prompted to update some of the outdated/missing drivers.

There are a total of 7 sections (functions) in the program:

  1. Home. Basic information about the program, system, the ability to start checking and updating drivers;
  2. Reservation. You can save a copy of the drivers into a separate EXE file, and then use it without Driver Genius!
  3. Recovery. Options to restart the computer during recovery and alert notifications;
  4. Delete. You can remove those drivers that you no longer need;
  5. Update. Selecting folders in which downloaded drivers will be saved;
  6. Loading. Setting up the Internet for downloading files. In most cases, nothing needs to be changed;
  7. Safety. If you do not have an antivirus, Driver Genius will check your downloaded files (drivers), if you have an antivirus, then nothing will be checked (everything is left to your security software).

Note : Some menu items may differ depending on the program version and translation version.

Main differences:

  1. driver update: the program supports more than 40,000 drivers for a wide variety of hardware;
  2. the ability to disable and remove conflicting/unnecessary drivers;
  3. command line support;
  4. the ability to create a backup copy of drivers (including in one executable EXE file);
  5. restoring drivers from a backup.


For a more complete overview of programs for working with drivers (search, update, removal), see this article -

Thus, using the programs given above in the article, in my experience I have never (at least I don’t remember) been left without drivers with non-working equipment...

In general, I recommend recording all the programs presented above onto your emergency flash drive IN ADVANCE. DriverPack Solution and Snappy Driver Installer must be recorded as standalone applications (for example, DriverPack Solution comes in an ISO image of ~11 GB, and Snappy Driver Installer ~10 GB is just an installer with several folders with archives) , as this will allow you to be independent from the Internet. By the way, it would also be a good idea to write a program on a flash drive that opens and mounts ISO images (for example, UltraISO or Daemon tools).

Note: it just often happens that after reinstalling Windows, there is no driver for the network card, and the Internet does not work. By running DriverPack Solution or Snappy Driver Installer, you will install drivers for most equipment (including network cards) offline, and then, with the Internet available, you will be able to update everything you need.

3D Net useful in cases where you cannot open a large ISO image (for example, from Driver Pack Solution), or the ISO image does not contain a rare driver for your network adapter. 3D Net specializes in network drivers, and even if there is no driver for your specific hardware, the program will try to install a “universal” driver in order for your adapter to work. In general, an irreplaceable thing in a difficult situation...

Regarding Driver Booster - I usually install it when the PC already has Internet. Thanks to this program, you can quickly install various game components, libraries, make a backup copy of drivers and the system, and update some old drivers. Overall, one of the most convenient tools for working with drivers. In general, it’s a pity that the program does not have an offline mode...

Driver Genius, I hardly use it lately, but the program has just a huge collection of drivers. Once there was a case where I needed a driver for a Korean-made printer, and this piece of hardware was clearly not standard. Neither in the "manual" search, nor in the automatic one (having tried a bunch of utilities) - I could not find the driver. Driver Genius did it in a few minutes. That is why I presented this program in the review, perhaps it will also be useful to someone...

I'll call it a day, all the best!

A faulty driver can cause many problems for your computer. The most common sign that drivers need updating is the Blue Screen of Death. Fortunately, this blue screen is shown to us by error codes and memory dumps, which allows us to identify the cause in a particular driver or device and update it or remove it. It becomes difficult when memory dumps and error codes do not help or the computer does not even show error codes but simply locks up the system. What to do in these cases?

Built into Windows system Driver Verifier designed to test drivers by placing additional stress on system drivers and stress tests to trigger a crash. This will help you identify bad drivers in Windows.

Preparing the system for checking Windows 10 drivers

Before turning on Driver Verifier, please note that drivers can lock you out of your own computer if you're not careful. When Driver Verifier detects a bad driver, it will give you a blue screen; if there are several of them, then a load>boot>crash cycle will form and you will not be able to boot back into the Windows system to disable the crash test of system drivers. Therefore, we will be prepared for every firefighter, otherwise in our time the Russian “maybe it’ll give you a ride” is no longer working well. Before enabling driver verification, do one of the following:.

  • Check that you can easily boot into Safe Mode without BIOS required. In ordinary words, entering safe mode must be done using the windows desktop. Hold Shift+reboot, press and hold the Shift button and click on reboot. Try another way, install the option through Windows.
  • Create a system restore point while disabling antivirus products. Open Windows search and type Creating a restore point, select from what is offered and follow the instructions given to you.
  • Create for your computer to have command line access through options when using the recovery disk.
  • You can or any other data that you are worried about.
  • Be sure to read my crash test at the end of the article. He will help you in case of failure, which happened to me.

Activating the Windows Driver Verifier function

Before activating the drivers, make sure you read the section above on how to protect yourself from endless loading.

  • Press Windows+R and type cmd to open Command Prompt.

Enter the following code into the command line:

  • verifier

Specify the item (for program code).

Select all options except "DDI compliance check" and "Random resource shortage emulation".

Click on the supplier column to sort. It is not necessary to select all drivers, only from other suppliers where there is no Microsoft Corporation inscription. If you are sure that the error is in any driver, then check all the boxes.

After all the settings, click Finish and you will be told that the check will be performed after the system reboots. If the checker gives you a blue screen, make a note of the error code, a memory dump, and restart your computer.

Once back in Windows, you can disable driver verification in one of the following ways:

  • Log back in as you did through the command line and select remove existing settings.

Open a command prompt and enter the following code:

How to Fix Boot Loops with Blue Screen of Death

  1. I would like to note that I experienced a cyclic boot with a faulty driver. There was no error or memory dump code listed, which is surprising to me.
  2. After 2-4 cyclic blue screen loading, the “system restore” option was automatically launched. In which I clicked "troubleshooting" > "advanced options" > "boot options" > "restart". Once booted, select 4 or 5 to boot into Safe Mode. Disable Driver Verifier Manager as mentioned above.
  3. To avoid booting into Safe Mode, go to Troubleshooting > Advanced Options and COMMAND LINE. In which just enter the command verifier /bootmode resetonbootfail.
  4. Copy or take a photo to your mobile phone, before starting the driver check, all 3 above points. Don't forget to copy the link to the article just in case.

How to open a DMP file to view error analysis

  • The test files are on the path C:\Windows\Minidump.
  • You can open the DMP file format using

Just a couple of days ago I wrote about how to use it on a PC or laptop. The article discussed mainly manual installation methods, since everyone should know this. Including inexperienced users (everyone was once a beginner).

However, it is not at all necessary to install them manually. After all, today there are special programs for installing and updating drivers that will do everything for you. A couple of mouse clicks, 15-30 minutes of time - and everything will be configured on your computer or laptop: Internet, sound, video card.

Programs for automatically updating drivers are suitable for all computers and laptops - Acer, Asus, Samsung, Lenovo, HP, etc. There are no exceptions here. They also work on all operating systems – Windows XP, 7, 8, 10.

But there is one caveat: over time, online installers are gradually updated. And perhaps new versions will not support Windows 7 or XP. Therefore, before installing the driver manager, read the system requirements (in particular, the “Supported operating systems” section).

The first excellent program (in Russian) is. There are several versions of this utility, including a free one. Its capabilities are more than enough for ordinary users.

Advantages of the Driver Booster program:

  • quick scanning of a PC (or laptop);
  • displaying device update priority (shows which ones you want to update immediately);
  • installation is carried out in the background: press one button and you can go about your business.

This free driver manager also automatically creates a system restore point. And if any failure occurs, you can easily roll back to the previous working version.

Another free driver search program is . Considered one of the best. Users are offered 2 installers to choose from – online and offline. And you can choose any one (based on the situation).

For example, if you need a free program to install drivers without the Internet, then you need to download an offline installer. It is an ISO file over 11GB in size (can be opened via Daemon Tools). This may be quite a lot, but you will have a program with all the drivers in your hands. And it will last for at least a year. You just need to write it to a flash drive and you can use it if necessary.

If you do not want to download such a large file, and you have Internet on your laptop, then you can use the online installer. It weighs about 300 KB.

Using this utility is quite simple. Launch Driver Pack Solution (any version), wait for it to scan the system and issue a report. Uncheck unnecessary items and click “Update”. In 15-20 minutes everything will be ready.

Driver Pack Solution also installs additional software: browsers, archivers, etc. If this is unnecessary, do not forget to uncheck the appropriate boxes.

Try it. However, this utility also works on Windows 7, 8 and 10.

One of its main advantages is that it is able to find drivers for unknown devices that Windows cannot recognize. This option has helped out PC and laptop owners more than once.

Its other advantages:

  • quick scan – about 2 minutes;
  • automatic search and update of drivers;
  • simple interface in Russian;
  • The installer takes up only 21 MB.

3DP Net

Another program is 3DP Net. Recommended for use if there are problems with network controllers. That is, if after reinstalling the OS they are detected as an unknown device, try this installer.

3DP Net takes up very little space, so you can download it from your phone. Yes, and this program functions for installing drivers without the Internet. And most importantly: it supports many network cards. Even if you have a rare model installed, the utility will still install a universal driver, and the Internet will appear.

The main feature: it can make backups, i.e. save all previously installed Windows drivers.

This feature is very useful when reinstalling the operating system. You save your drivers using Driver Checker, install a new Windows, and then restore all data from this program. And you don’t even have to look for anything.

Main advantage: it scans the system very quickly. Literally in 10-20 seconds! The only negative is that this driver manager is in English (although it is quite easy to use).

After scanning Windows, this utility displays a visual report of exactly what needs to be updated. Driver installation is performed one by one.

There are 2 versions of the installer - Free and PRO. The free program has enough capabilities, so you can install it if necessary.

Best suited for those who do not trust various installers and want to control the entire process themselves. It copes with this task perfectly.

The utility will scan the system and then give you links from where you can download the drivers yourself. As a result, you won’t have to look for them on the manufacturer’s website: you just need to click “Download” and install.

By the way, if you need a program to update video card drivers, it is best to use a native utility. For Nvidia models this is GeForce Experience (installed automatically when installing a new driver), and for Radeon models it is AMD Gaming Evolved. In this case, it is recommended to update the drivers for the video card through them (without using third-party installers).

Users often encounter problems related not to “bugs” in programs or the operating system, but to drivers. For example, if there is no driver for the network card, you will not be able to set up an Internet connection, and an incorrectly installed video card driver means that not a single game will run.
Specialists who often set up computers and laptops know this problem firsthand. This article will introduce you to the most effective driver update applications. So, let's start setting up your computer.

Driver Pack Solution

Driver Pack Solution(Driver Pack Solution) is one of the best utilities for updating drivers. The program is implemented in ISO image format. This is a virtual disk that is opened through a special program (for example, Daemon Tools or Alcohol 120%). The ISO image is large (about 11 GB). But there is also a version that takes up much less space and requires the Internet to work.

An important feature of the application is that it can be used on computers without an Internet connection. Many other driver update programs must go to the Internet to download the required driver from there. And this is the key advantage: you download the image only once and use it.

Open the downloaded file and the program will automatically scan your computer. Based on the scanning results, a report similar to this is issued (in the screenshot below):

The user needs to check the boxes of those drivers that need to be installed and click the button to begin the operation. Some users prefer to click " Update all" This operation takes no more than 10-15 minutes, after which the computer or laptop receives all the required drivers. In some cases, you have to look for rare drivers yourself, since they may not be in the program database. However, this does not happen often - after all, the assembly is quite large.

Driver Booster

Convenient Russian-language program with a free version. It will quickly scan your computer and identify old drivers.

The utility will not only show outdated drivers, but will also mark the criticality of the update, that is, those drivers that are strongly recommended to be updated as soon as possible.

A special feature of the application is the ability to update drivers in the background. You press one button and the program starts the installation. A checkpoint is automatically created to roll back the system to a working state if the installation of new drivers fails.

If you often deal with drivers (you professionally configure computers, update programs), this utility will be very popular in your software package.

Driver Checker

It is impossible not to mention this useful utility. Imagine the situation: you are about to reinstall the Windows operating system, but you have not saved a single working driver for your devices. This application allows you to create backup copies of all active drivers in use, and then restore them on a new OS. In such situations, the program turns out to be indispensable!

The utility is very easy to use. Launch it, and it will prompt you to scan the system. Example in the screenshot:

After the scan is completed, the program will provide a report indicating which drivers need updating.

Slim Drivers

A simple and free program for checking drivers and updating them.

It is not capable of installing drivers in the background, but will quickly scan your hard drive and provide a list of direct links to new drivers. Naturally, this saves a lot of time.

The program has found 5 outdated drivers and offers to update them.


Another simple and fast program for searching and updating drivers. It only takes 10-20 seconds to scan your computer. There are two versions of the utility: free and professional. For home use, the free version is sufficient.

The interface is made in English, but there are no difficulties - everything is intuitive. During the first launch, the program offers to scan the system. Click the button to start the scanning process.

Once the scan is complete, DriverMax generates a recommendation report, indicating which drivers need to be updated. The report is very detailed and understandable.


Some readers will argue that it is better to download drivers from the website of the manufacturer of a particular device. We can agree with this if the user knows the manufacturer, and the drivers for the device in your series are posted on the official website. It often happens that components (video card, network card, etc.) become outdated, and the manufacturer stops supporting its product for the new operating system. Moreover, manually installing ten or more drivers is not a pleasant task.

Many problems in Windows 10 arise not only due to “crooked” programs, but also due to incompatible or damaged drivers. For example, the lack of software for a sound card can deprive your computer of sound, while the lack of a driver for a video card will not allow you to install and run a single game or application. Therefore, automatically installing drivers is an important task that can be performed using programs.

The best programs to find and update drivers for Windows 10

Each component manufacturer posts drivers on its website, and in some cases, programs for installing and uninstalling them. However, if there is no program from an official developer, you should use third-party software. Let's highlight the top programs for searching and updating drivers for Windows 10.

  • DriverPack Solution– the best program for searching and updating software, which is an ISO image. You can open it using Daemon Tools or other software for working with images and disks. There is also a simpler version of the program - DriverPack Solution Lite.

The software image is quite large - 8 GB. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage is that updating and installing drivers on Windows 10 does not require a network connection. It is enough to launch a program that will analyze the presence and status of the software, and then select and install the necessary drivers.

  • Driver Booster is a shareware program with a Russian-language interface that scans your PC for outdated drivers.

The advantage of the program is that drivers can be updated by pressing one button. The software will create a system restore point so that if the update fails, Windows 10 can be rolled back to its original state.

  • Driver Genius– a program for searching for drivers with an English-language interface. The software can search for unused drivers on your PC, download new software and make a backup copy of it. The interface is quite simple. To download the software, just click on the “Start Scan” button, then mark the driver and click “Install”.

  • Driver Checker is a useful program that, in addition to searching for drivers, makes a backup of current software. This function is necessary in cases where you need to reinstall Windows 10, but there are no “spare” drivers. When launched, the program scans the system, creates a backup copy, which can then be launched on the reinstalled OS.

  • Slim Drivers– free driver installer. Compatible with Windows 10. When the program starts, it starts checking the system for outdated and damaged drivers. Updating and installation occurs at the touch of a button.

  • DriverMax– an easy-to-use program for updating and searching for drivers. The computer scans in a few seconds. The interface is in English. After scanning the PC, the user is provided with a report in the form of a list. Having selected the desired driver, you need to click the “Download” button.

In addition to the above programs, you can download other utilities for analyzing and updating software on our website.