Project "creating a plasticine cartoon "purple kitten". Presentation "project "plasticine cartoon" Competition design work plasticine cartoon

Uchaeva Olga Igorevna 11 months ago

Project work "Creating a plasticine cartoon"

Municipal autonomous educational institution

"Likino-Dulevsky Lyceum"

Orekhovo-Zuevsky municipal district, Moscow region


on the topic of:

« Making a plasticine cartoon»

Completed by a 1st grade student

Obraztsov Alexander

Head: O.I. Uchaeva,

primary school teacher

  1. Introduction
  2. Theoretical part
  3. History of animation
  4. Types of animation
  5. What is plasticine
  6. Practical part
  7. conclusions
  8. Conclusion
  9. Bibliography

Appendix 1. Dictionary of cartoon terms

Appendix 2. Interesting facts about cartoons.


Two years ago, my brother Ilyusha was born into my family, and the older he gets, the more his parents worry about what he watches, what cartoons are shown on TV. And so I had the idea to make a cartoon for him myself, and my parents and teacher helped me with this!

The most interesting thing for us was how can you make a cartoon out of plasticine?! Many questions immediately arose. What is plasticine? Who came up with the first idea to make a plasticine cartoon? Who invented cartoons in this world? What other cartoons are there made from plasticine? Is it possible to make a plasticine cartoon yourself? We tried to answer these questions in our work “Creating a Plasticine Cartoon” and how we created our own plasticine cartoon “Russian Folk Games” as a product.

We decided to find out from the guys in the class whether they like cartoons, which cartoons they like best.

Having put forward the goal of our work: creating a plasticine cartoon, we moved on to the following tasks:

1. Find out whether the children in my class like plasticine cartoons and would like to learn how to create their own cartoons. Conduct a survey.

2. Find out what animation is, how and when it appeared..

3. Find out what plasticine is, who was the first to make a plasticine cartoon, what cartoons are made from plasticine.

4.Study the technology of creating plasticine cartoons.

5. Experimentally create your own plasticine cartoon.

6.Learn how to use MovieMarker and FreeSoundRecorder.

7.Present the results of your work.

Hypothesis: We assumed that if we revealed the secrets of creating cartoons, we could create our own cartoon.

Research methods:

1. Studying sources of information on this topic.

3. Study in Internet resources the technology of creating plasticine

cartoons (watch video instructions).

4. An experiment in creating a cartoon.

After conducting a survey, we found that

1. All students love cartoons and are interested in them.

2. Many guys know how cartoons are created, but would like to learn how to create them.

3. Plasticine cartoons are interesting to children

We can conclude that The topic of our research work is relevant. In the modern world, children are so passionate about gadgets and computers that we decided to show that there is still a lot of exciting things. If children are so passionate about the computer, then the computer will help them! We came up with the idea of ​​creating a cartoon with our own hands.

Practical significance of the study The idea is that the results of the study can help schoolchildren create their own cartoons. After all, by getting involved with animation, we gain incomparable experience of self-realization in activities that are meaningful to us, and we develop creative potential.

Object of research: animation.

Subject of research: the process of creating a cartoon.

Theoretical part

History of animation

The term “animation” is used exclusively in Russian cinema as a synonym for the term “animation”. Translated from Latin, “anima” means “soul”, “animation”. Each frame of a future animated film is created separately, filmed, and to create a moving image, it is necessary to change the captured frames at a speed of at least 18 pictures per minute.

It is not known exactly when the first cartoons appeared. Since ancient times, people have tried to “revive” drawings. Scientists have found rock paintings of animals. The first mentions of animation (animation) date back to the 1st century BC. uh

In the Middle Ages, there were also craftsmen who entertained the public with sessions of moving pictures using optical devices like filmoscopes (Appendix 2), into which transparent plates with drawings were inserted. Such devices were called a magic lantern or in Latin “laterna magica”.

Belgian physicist Joseph Plateau, Austrian geometrician professor Simon von Stampfer and other scientists and inventors used a rotating disk or tape with pictures, a system of mirrors and a light source (flashlight) - a phenakistiscope and a strobe - to reproduce moving images on the screen.

A “strobe” was the name given to a cardboard drum mounted on an axle. On the inside of this drum, on a paper strip, there was a series of drawings (usually there were from eight to twelve), illustrating the successive phases of the movement of a person or animal performing a certain action.

The first real animator is considered to be the Frenchman Emile Reynaud. He created a praxinoscope apparatus, which consisted of a rotating drum, a system of mirrors and a lantern. In 1892, Reynaud launched a unique attraction - an optical theater. There he showed the audience comic stories lasting 15-20 minutes.

In 1868, the English artist John Barnes Lynnett patented a filmograph - a special book where each page is a separate frame, and when quickly flipped through, the illusion of movement is created.

Based on early discoveries, the cinematograph was invented by Léon Bouley in 1892. However, due to non-payment of the annual patent fee, the name was transferred to the Lumiere brothers. Their device is considered the world's first professional film camera.

The main animator of our country was Vladislav Aleksandrovich Starevich– biologist. He invented three-dimensional animation, becoming the founder of puppet cartoons. V.A. Starevich created an educational film about insects. The premiere took place in November 1913. The five-minute film did not leave the screens until the end of the 20s of the last century.

The creator of the first sound, musical and full-length animated film in 1928 was the American animator, film director, actor, screenwriter and producer Walt Disney. Disney is considered to be the father of animation; his work deserves a separate story, because he received the Oscar alone 30 times. His experience is still used as a basis today.

The largest cartoon studio, Soyuzmultfilm (originally Soyuzdetmultfilm), began its work in Moscow and created the cartoon “It’s Hot in Africa” in 1936.

Some interesting facts about cartoons are presented in Appendix 2

Types of animation.

Graphic animation (hand-drawn) – the film features cartoon characters.

Each character's movement is broken down into moments and drawn separately, then all the pictures are shot frame by frame on film. When watching a movie, frames change quickly and “movement” occurs.

Volumetric animation- shoot any three-dimensional objects “brought to life” by the artist.

At the same time, dolls are created from a wide variety of materials: fabric, wood, glass, stone, plasticine (“Plasticine Crow” by Alexander Tatarsky), paper, thread, cotton wool, straw, metal, plastic.

Computer animation, the most common today.

It makes the work process easier and faster. Computer technology, the use of lasers, holography and other technical means expand the horizons of animation, making it possible, for example, to make a flat drawing three-dimensional, a still drawing to come alive and moving.

What is plasticine

Plasticine is a material for modeling. Previously, it was made from purified and crushed clay powder with the addition of wax, animal fats and other substances that prevent drying. Currently, high molecular weight polyethylene, rubbers and other high-tech materials are also used in the production of plasticine. Painted in various colors. Serves for making sketch figures for sculptural works, small models, works of small forms.

The first plasticine cartoon

"Plasticine Crow"- 1981 animated film by Alexander Tatarsky - the founder of plasticine animation.

The cartoon tells the story of storytellers who have forgotten the plot of Krylov’s fable “The Crow and the Fox” and are trying to remember it as the story progresses.

In a collection of plasticine cartoons

  • 1. Rubik's Cube (1985)
  • 2. Aviators (1990)
  • 3. Miracles (1990)
  • 4. Formula 1 (1991)
  • 5. Last year's snow fell (1983)
  • 6. Plasticine Crow (1981
  • 7. Santa Claus's New Year's song (1983)
  • 8. Elevator 1 (1989)
  • 9. The Far Side of the Moon (1984)
  • 10. Alarm Clock (1984)

Practical part

I developed the following plan for creating a cartoon:

1. Write a script.

It is important to think through the scenario clearly. What will the characters do in the cartoon? It is necessary to develop a clear storyline..

2. Distribute roles.

The guys from the class and the teacher helped me in our work. It is important to clearly distribute responsibilities in order to achieve productive and coordinated work.

3. Sculpt the characters and background.

You need to decide what the characters will look like, where the cartoon will take place, and create the appropriate scenery. At this stage, the teacher offered to help us during the technology lesson. All the kids in the class sculpted scenery and characters out of plasticine.

4. Make a cartoon.

You can “revive” the hero using time-lapse photography..

5. Voice the characters.

I add a soundtrack and titles. In my cartoon I used the following audio tracks:

Official World Disney Screensaver

Russian folk music - glade, Russian folk tune

How I made a cartoon.

1. Set the background.

2. Put the characters in the right pose.

3. Set up the camera so that the main characters were clearly visible.

4. I photographed the characters, moved them, lowering or raising any part of their body by a millimeter.

5. Then, using the Windows Live Film Studio program, we combined all the frames into one whole and added sound. All our photographs are frames and transferred to a computer for editing. The editing was done using the Windows Movie Maker program, which comes standard with the Windows operating system. It's very simple, we launched the program, imported our images and dragged them into each corresponding frame with the mouse. In the “Tools” – “Options” menu, the image duration was set to 0.125 seconds.

The cartoon is ready!


1. When creating a plasticine cartoon, I used special programs and techniques.

2. I learned a new technology for creating a cartoon, namely, making a character completely ready for filming on a wire frame.

3. I learned how animators and sound engineers work; I have become better at sculpting with plasticine.

4. I learned the secrets of making cartoons and was able to make my first cartoon myself.

Target my project was achieved, I created a plasticine cartoon.

Confirmed hypothesis that working with plasticine is a creative quest, and everyone can learn how to create plasticine cartoons and achieve ever more perfect results.

The result of my work we present the cartoon “Russian folk dances”. The first person to watch the cartoon was my little brother. And then we showed our cartoon to our class.

My work will be useful to everyone who is interested in plasticine animation, and I will be happy to show and teach.


1.The “birth” of a cartoon is a long and complex process. Our first experimental film was just over a minute long. We tried to learn the basics, understand the principles of shooting, sculpting, etc. This is how the secrets of animation mastery are gradually learned. And the main thing is not to be lazy and work together, because the result is worth it.

2. My own cartoon is my little New Year’s gift for my brother. In the future, I plan to create more cartoons with social significance. The experience, knowledge and skills gained will help me when creating new cartoons.

List of used literature

1. Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia.

2. Roni Oren “Secrets of Plasticine” Publisher: Makhaon, 2010.







    Main part

History of the development of animation

Making a plasticine cartoon




Who doesn't love cartoons?

Cartoons are bright colors and fairy tales, funny characters and exciting adventures, a whole world of exciting stories, new friends, incredible secrets and stunning discoveries.

While working on the “Plasticine Cartoon” project, the guys studied information on the Internet about the development of animation and the technique of plasticine animation. We studied and tried the technology of creating a plasticine cartoon.It was with great pleasure that we sculpted the characters, moved and filmed frames, voiced the tale and edited the video. This work helped expand knowledge in the field of animation, so I consider this project not only creative, but also scientific research. PThe project covers the following educational areas: knowledge of the world, literature, labor training, music, information technology. Children master the first skills of search, research and experimental work. Working together brings children and parents together.

The value of this work lies in the authors’ interest in studying the basics of animation and creating a plasticine cartoon for the purpose of the creative development of children. The guys made conclusions in their work and tried to attract the attention of their classmates to this type of work as a means of creative self-expression.


Everyone has been familiar with plasticine since childhood. Surely every child sculpts various little animals and people. And if you start moving these little animals and people and film them frame by frame, you can make a whole plasticine cartoon. Any cartoon is made in compliance with the principles of animation. The word "animation" means "animation."

You all watched the cartoon about the plasticine crow, and other plasticine masterpieces of film animation, and envied their creators. After all, if not everyone can make a regular cartoon, then making a plasticine one is easy.

We decided to try to create such a cartoon. We started working on a creative project called “Plasticine Cartoon”.

Objective of the project: creating a plasticine cartoon.


    Study the history of the development of animation.

    Study the main stages of creating a plasticine cartoon.

    Create characters and scenery for a fairy tale.

    Create a plasticine cartoon.

Location: school

Research methods: study of literature, Internet resources, experiment in creating a plasticine cartoon, questioning.

To create our creative project “Plasticine Cartoon” we chose the well-known and beloved folk tale “Kolobok”.

Main part

History of the development of animation.

Before starting the project, we familiarized ourselves with the history of the development of animation.

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of the possibility of conveying movement in their works.

So in ancient Egypt and ancient Greece, an attempt to convey movement can be seen in sculptural reliefs, in the paintings of tombs and temples of the pharaohs, in drawings decorating vases (Fig. 1).


In the X-XI centuries. – the first mentions of Chinese shadow theater have been found.

In the 15th century - books appeared with drawings that reproduced various moments of the movement of the human figure. Rolled up and then immediately unfolded, these books created the illusion of animated drawings (Fig. 2).


In the Middle Ages, devices appeared that were called “magic lanterns” (Fig. 3).


In the 19th century, various devices that were predecessors of animation increasingly appeared.

Fig.4. Phenakistiscope

Fig.5. Strobe

Fig.6. Praxinoscope

Fig.7. Mutoscope

rice. 8. Raynaud's Optical Theater

The birth of cinema supplanted animation. In 1905, ten years after the invention of cinema, Americans Blackton and McKay first shot drawings on film and created the prototype of animated films. What is the secret of “making drawings come to life”?

The projector runs 24 frames per second, and for the eye they all merge into one moving image. This means that to “revive” it, you need to make many drawings of the same object, in each of which it is depicted slightly differently. That is why this type of cinematography is called "animation". Translated from Latin, this word means “multiply.”

Later, when not only hand-drawn, but also puppet cartoons appeared, they came up with another name for them - “animation”. But many people are closer to the old and familiar concept of animation.

Making a plasticine cartoon.

Plasticine animation is one of the most popular and unusual types of animation. Plasticine cartoons are created using time-lapse photography of plasticine objects, followed by their modification.

Plasticine animation is very diverse. It consists of three main techniques:


    Volumetric animation

    Combined animation.

In our work we used volumetric animation.

The point of the first cartoon is to learn the basics, understand what is good and what is bad, which clay is more suitable for animation, the principles of shooting and lighting.

We needed: plasticine, cardboard, white paper and paints for decorations, a camera and a computer.

Step 1 - script. We chose the folk tale “Kolobok”, found a book with pictures and began to sculpt the characters. Mom helped draw and cut out the decorations.

Step 2 - shooting. Knowing the fairy tale well, we rearranged the figures, changed their poses and took frame-by-frame photographs.

Step 3 – voice-over. A fairy tale was recorded on the computer in our voices.

Step 4 – creating a cartoon. In the “Film Studio” program, under the guidance of a teacher, we collected all the frames; depending on the voice acting, each frame changes in seconds. Next, they added music and credits to the fairy tale.

The cartoon is ready.

We presented our work at a school scientific and practical conference, which resulted in 1st place in the “Creativity” category. Afterwards, they showed their cartoon to their classmates and conducted a survey.

Survey results.




Don't know

Do you like watching cartoons?


Did you like our cartoon?


Do you think it is difficult to create such a cartoon?




Would you like to know how plasticine cartoons are created?


Would you like to create a plasticine cartoon yourself?


After analyzing the results of the survey, we came to the conclusion that the guys were interested in this work and were ready to try to create a plasticine cartoon themselves. We conducted a master class, after which a group of classmates created their own cartoon “Why do the leaves fall?”


Why should we make a cartoon, you ask? After all, there are a lot of cartoons on disks and on the Internet. But maybe you, like us, would like to try yourself as an animator, so as not to look for the right video or cartoon, but to directly make it - that is, to express yourself independently in this wonderful universal language - the language of the cartoon. And create a cartoon - for a literature lesson based on the plot of a work, or for a mathematics lesson about movement problems, or for a world knowledge lesson about the properties of air, or just to make a cartoon card for a friend’s birthday. We hope that our work will help you create your own plasticine cartoon. 5.

ICT project “Creating plasticine cartoons”

Objective of the project:using the capabilities of information technology, create plasticine cartoons

Form: group project. Group 3-4 people

Subject areas: philology, technology, art

ICT competence:

· Initial experience working with simple information objects, including audio and video fragments;

· Saving the results of your work;

· Creation of full-scale animation using ICT tools: computer, microphone, camera.

Planned results:

Schoolchildren will learn to sculpt animals, birds, and

create scenery;

dramatize a fairy tale;

shoot with a digital camera;

work in the Movie Maker program;

add a recording of your own voice to the video sequence;

add musical accompaniment to the video sequence;

Convert to video format.

Since the project is a group project, students will receive:

Experience in social and intercultural communication;

Moral and ethical experience of interaction with peers, older and younger children, adults in accordance with generally accepted moral standards;

Initial skills in labor creative cooperation with peers and adults;

Motivation for self-realization in social creativity, cognitive and practical, socially useful activities;

Initial experience of self-realization in various types of creative activities; formation of the need and ability to express oneself in accessible types of creativity.

Technology for creating cartoons from plasticine

The technique of creating cartoons from plasticine is called Stop Motion animation. Stop Motion is video material obtained from sequences of frames captured in photographs or selected from videos.

1. Read a fairy tale and choose one that is suitable for embodiment in a cartoon. Fairy tales about animals are best suited for creating plasticine cartoons, since they are small in volume and have few active characters.

2. Fashion plasticine characters (for people or animals, you can first make a wire frame). Prepare the decorations. - cover the top with a thin layer of plasticine of the appropriate color. When shooting from multiple angles, you can prepare two or three different backgrounds.

3. Install a light source, it can be a table lamp. Secure the camera so as to completely eliminate the possibility of movement - using a tripod or other means.

4. Set objects and characters to their original position and manually adjust focus, contrast and other shooting parameters (manually - so that the automatic settings do not change from frame to frame). Take the first shot.

5. Move the hero a little and photograph him again. One second of video should contain 5-24 frames; the accuracy and smoothness of movement will depend on the number.

MKOU "Novousmanskaya Secondary School No. 4"

II regional scientific and practical conference of primary school students “WISE OWLS”



Pupils of 3rd grade completed:

Bulatova Ksenia

Symvolokov Arseniy

Bashlykova Anastasia

Project leaders:

Pavlova M.V.

Khripkova N.I.


Objective of the project: creating a plasticine cartoon.


Study the history of the development of animation.

Study the main stages of creating a plasticine cartoon.

Create characters and scenery for a fairy tale.

Create a plasticine cartoon.

Location: school

Research methods: study of literature, Internet resources, experiment in creating a plasticine cartoon, questioning.



  • Translation
  • Volumetric animation
  • Combined animation.

In our work we used volumetric animation.

Step 1 - script

  • We chose the fable “The Crow and the Fox,” found a picture book and began to sculpt the characters.

Step 2 - shooting

  • Knowing the fable well, we rearranged the figures, changed their poses and took frame-by-frame photographs.

Step 3 – voiceover

  • The fable was recorded on the computer in our voices.

Step 4 – creating a cartoon

  • In the “Film Studio” program, under the guidance of a teacher, we collected all the frames; depending on the voice acting, each frame changes in seconds. Next, they added music and credits to the cartoon.


A Crow and a fox

Survey results.


Do you like watching cartoons?

Did you like our cartoon?

Don't know

Do you think it is difficult to create such a cartoon?

Would you like to know how plasticine cartoons are created?

Would you like to create a plasticine cartoon yourself?



Municipal government agency

"Khudoelanskaya basic secondary school"


pupil4 class

Head of work:

Rachkova TatyanaNikolaevna

teacherprimary classes

With. Khudoelanskoe


I sculpt from plasticine -
Plasticine is softer than clay -
I sculpt from plasticine
Dolls, clowns, dogs...

Why did I choose this topic?

I started sculpting from plasticine when I went to kindergarten. There, during modeling classes, we invented different figures and created them. I started to get more beautiful and neat shapes when I went to school. My plasticine work took part in a municipal competition children's decorative art “Red, Yellow, Green” and took 1st place. There is a gallery of my crafts on our school website.Most of all I like to sculpt animal figures. I have a lot of crafts at home, I play with them, take care of them. Plasticine is a very plastic and soft material, so it is, unfortunately, very difficult to preserve crafts made from it. I began to think about how to extend the life of my creativity.

And then one day I once again watched the cartoons “Last Year’s Snow Was Falling” and “Plasticine Crow”. They made me think that I could try to revive and immortalize my plasticine friends by creating a plasticine cartoon with my own hands.

I decided to bring this global idea to life.

Target: researchworkcreate a plasticine cartoon


    Find out the history of the creation of plasticine, find out its properties and capabilities.

    Collect information on the topic of the project from books and the Internet.

    To find out the attitude of primary school students towards cartoons.

    Learn how to create plasticine cartoons.

    Get acquainted with and master the technique of editing a cartoon using the Windows Movie Maker program.

    Choose a cartoon theme.

    Create characters and scenery.

    Create a cartoon from plasticine with your own hands.

Object of study: plasticine cartoon

Subject of study: plasticine

Research methods:

    work with literature,

    searching for information on the Internet,




You can make your own cartoon from plasticine at home.


I conducted a survey among primary school students. For this purpose, I compiled a questionnaire (Appendix 1). 38 people were interviewed.

After analyzing the survey, I found out that:

    almost all the guys (34 people) like to watch cartoons, 4 people don’t;

    love domestic cartoons - 29 people, foreign ones - 9 people;

    watch cartoons according to the norm (up to one and a half hours a day) – 28 people, above the norm – 10 people

What did I learn about plasticine?


A little history for those who are interested. It is known that in Germany in 1880, plasticine was patented by Franz Kolba.

In England in 1897, William Harbutt, who worked as a teacher at the School of Art, did the same. Before this, only clay was used for modeling. The first plasticine was gray. But after a few years it became so popular that they began to produce it at the factory and even add coloring pigments to it - at first, however, only four colors. We have access to plasticine of all colors of the rainbow and even more.


Plasticine contains many ingredients. The modeling material sold today is significantly different from what was on store shelves during the Soviet era. At that time, animal lard was mainly used for its production, which was supplemented with chemicals. Today, there are many types of plasticine for children, differing in composition from each other. However, in most cases it is:

    crushed clay powder;


    animal fat;


    color dyes – pigments;


The latter helps prevent the plasticine from drying out, so it remains soft and pliable for a long time.

Recently, the so-called . It is made from the same material as plasticine, with the only difference being that more lubricants (petroleum jelly and glycerin derivatives) are used for its production, which prevent rapid drying. That is why, after working with such material, children’s hands are always greasy. Another type that is just gaining popularity is . It consists of lightweight foam balls that are connected to each other with an adhesive substance. This substance is made on the basis of glycerin, or a special hardening gel (hardening plasticine).


The first thing you need to do when you pick up a package of plasticine is to pay attention to what it is made of. If any information about the composition is missing, or is available, but not in Russian, then it is better not to purchase it.

Any plasticine should have a neutral odor. Its presence once again indicates that it is made from poor raw materials.

To make sure of the quality, you need to take a piece of plasticine and hold it in your hand. Normally, it should not melt, but only soften slightly, becoming plastic.


Many parents, fearing for the child’s health, do not allow him to play with plasticine, worrying that he will accidentally bite off a piece. These worries are in vain, because plasticine is a fairly safe material. Moreover, today there are also types of plasticine that a child can eat without health consequences. As a rule, this is indicated on the packaging.


Modeling is an extremely useful form of children's creativity: in addition to the development of artistic taste and spatial imagination, it affects fine motor skills, i.e. When working with plasticine, certain points on the palms are massaged, which in turn activate the brain. In addition, modeling (and not necessarily from plasticine) has a beneficial effect on the nervous system as a whole. Thus, the benefits of modeling are enormous.

Children must express their feelings, emotions and fantasies, their attitude towards the world around them. Plasticine is an amazing material. It not only gives you the opportunity to realize your creative potential, helps to develop aesthetic taste, but also teaches you to live in harmony with nature.

Experts who study children's speech have long established that fine motor centers are closely related to speech function. Scientists recommend stimulating speech skills by training the fingers, which in turn prepares the hand and fingers for writing. Modeling provides an excellent opportunity to develop creativity, fantasy, imagination, abstract and logical thinking and, most importantly, to improve fine motor skills of the fingers and hands.

In addition to developing motor skills, thinking and speech, modeling classes help to express oneself in the creative process and lay the foundation for a creative and independent personality.

Modeling is one of the types of fine arts in which three-dimensional (sometimes relief) images and entire compositions are created from plastic materials. Modeling techniques are rich and varied, accessible to children of any age in all the richness and variety of methods and techniques. Modeling provides an amazing opportunity to model the world and your idea of ​​it in spatially plastic images. Everyone can create their own little plasticine world, but just like the real one! That's why it's so good to play with plasticine toys and put on little performances.

Modeling is the most tangible form of artistic creativity. The child not only sees what he created, but also touches it, picks it up and changes it as necessary. The main tool in sculpting is the hand (or rather, both hands), therefore, the level of skill depends on using your own hands, and not a brush, pencil or scissors. From this point of view, the modeling technique can be assessed as the most unartificial and most accessible for self-mastery. From one lump of plasticine you can create an infinite number of images, each time finding new options and methods, even without the participation of teachers and parents. And if there is enough material, and there is a skillful and at the same time delicate adult nearby who will help and support in time, modeling becomes a favorite pastime for many years.

But the most important and valuable thing is that modeling, along with other types of fine art, develops aesthetically. The child learns to see, feel, evaluate and create according to the laws of beauty.

What did I learn about cartoons?

I took out an encyclopedic dictionary from the shelf and read that a cartoon, a cartoon, an animated film, an animation are all the same thing, this is what animation is called in our cinema, translated from Latin it means “soul”, “animation” or “revival”.

Cartoon , cartoon (from the merger of Lat.mult iplicatio - multiplication and Englishfilm - film) - this , made using frame-by-frame rendering tools and intended for display in a cinema, broadcast on television, viewing on a computer screen and other electronic devices.

I looked for information about cartoons from various sources: books, the Internet, educational television programs.

Here's what I learned about the history of animation. In 1892, a man named Charles-Emile Renault showed the first “luminous pantomime” in the optical theater he invented, in which pictures, replacing each other, made a smooth movement. Reno's work was continued by Emile Kohl, an artist and student of the most famous caricaturist of the 19th century, Andre Gilles. In 1908, the premiere of the first fully animated film in history took place - the two-minute “Phantasmagoria”, which looked like an animated chalk drawing on the asphalt. This year 1908 is considered the year of the birth of animation.The animation genre developed along with cinema. So, first sound came into him, and then color.


One of the most famous foreign cartoon studios is the Walt Disney Studio. Zand Walt Disney made 111 cartoons throughout his life. Everyone knows such cartoons as: Tom and Jerry, Mickey Mouse.

The largest in the former Studio - this is Soyuzmultfilm, founded in u. The most famous cartoons are - Well, wait a minute, Winnie the Pooh, Crocodile Gena.


Cartoons can be divided into several categories:

    by method of creation : e, e, plasticine;

    P about the duration : can be divided intocartoons are usually over 70 minutes longand short filmsabout 10 minutes;

    by goals and objectives : there are educational cartoons, and there are entertaining ones;

    according to age criteria and interests: for children and adults.

Plasticine animation ( clay animation ) - view . Termclaymation patented by the Association in the state. Films are made by shooting objects frame-by-frame with modifications (of those objects) in the intervals between frames.

They worked in the genre of plasticine animation: The studio played a major role in the history of clay animation.

There are several techniques in plasticine animation:

    : the composition consists of several layers of characters and scenery, which are located on several glasses located on top of each other, the camera is located vertically above the glasses. Characters and scenery for this type of animation are made in a special, flat shape. Currently, the layers are removed separately and combined during computer editing. This type of animation is used to make it easier to animate characters. An animated film was shot using this technique. ».

    : classic plasticine animation, similar in principle to - three-dimensional, “real” characters are located in three-dimensional decoration. Working with this technique is much more difficult, since you have to animate the characters in space; they need to be specially strengthened in the decoration, sometimes using additional supports and pendants.

    : Characters are animated individually and filmed in front of a background , after which they are “implanted” into separately removed plasticine . In this type of plasticine animation, the bulk of the work is not working with plasticine, but working with a computer.


Under the age of 7 years, no more than 30 minutes a day. And the maximum viewing time for a child should be around 40 – 50 minutes a day with breaks.After 7 years, you can be allowed to sit in front of the TV for about an hour and a half a day, but also with breaks. Keep in mind that this is a maximum and it is not advisable to reach it every day.

    The TV should be at a distance of 2 - 6 m from you.

    it should also be at eye level, that is, somewhere 1 - 1.1 m above floor level.

    You cannot view it in complete darkness.

    do not watch if the image is unclear or blurry.

    if in everyday life you wear glasses or contacts, then viewing should be in them

    If you begin to feel unpleasant sensations or fatigue in your eyes, then you need to stop watching.

    It should be remembered that the normal viewing time for an adult is 2-3 hours, but this time should be reduced if your eyes are subject to stress at work. For example, programmers should not watch TV for more than an hour a day.

How I made plasticine cartoons.

To create a cartoon I needed the followingmaterials: plasticine, cardboard, paper.

Andtools and accessories: a knife for plasticine, a table, a camera, a lamp, a computer and a program for processing the captured footage.

Made upwork plan:

    Preparing the scenery

On the bottom of the box I glued a sheet of paper with a design that matches the plot. I attached the box with plasticine to the table so that it would not move.

    Making Heroes

    Filming and editing cartoons

I installed the lamp so that the light fell on the prepared scenery.

I attached the camera to a tripod and placed it in front of a table with a prepared background.

I secured the tripod and pressed the button. The first frame is ready!

I moved the figures about half a centimeter, changed poses a little and took photographs. The less you move the figure, the more natural its movements will be in the finished cartoon.

When I took all the frames, I copied the photos to my computer.

I opened the Movie Maker program and laid out the downloaded photos sequentially on the video track. Set the desired speed. It's best if part
frames will change quickly, and some will remain on the screen a little longer. Then the heroes look as if they were alive. I added music to the audio track.Hooray! My cartoons are ready!

Research results:

Created my own cartoons! As a result of the work done, I learned a lot and read a lot of literature.I was a screenwriter, director, animator, sound engineer and photographer.

Conclusion. You can make plasticine cartoons at home. And now I know for sure that cartooning is talent and creativity, painstaking work of people and a very interesting activity! I suggest you see what I came up with.


Annex 1


Questions and answers

Do you like cartoons?



Favorite cartoons



No favorites

How much time a day do you watch cartoons?

Up to 30 minutes

Up to 1 hour

Up to 2 hours

Up to 3 hours

Up to 4 hours

Over 4 hours

What types of cartoons do you know?

Painted and plasticine

Difficult to answer


Working on cartoons.

Made cartoon characters and decorations.

I move the figures for the next shot.

Editing a cartoon on a computer.