Selling requests. Do you know all the features of compiling a list of requests for placing contextual advertising? Misuse of Statistics

Tell me, dear readers, does the word mean anything to you? sales requests? Well, for sure, this word has so much meaning that it’s just wow.

After all, in fact, selling requests are one of the foundations of the future site. And if, when creating a website, you make a mistake when choosing queries that will sell, then in the future you will only waste money, and there will be no profit.

In general, this is just a preface. In general, today I don’t want to lecture anyone. I just want to show my logic how to identify sales requests. After all, you will agree that this is not so easy to do. Even though I have been working on the Internet for several days, still when I started writing this post, I suffered a little while I was building a logical chain of all how it should be done.

By the way, the idea for this post arose after I was simply tired of being terrorized by some readers, after they read an article about paid archives - How to make money on paid archives. Mega manual for future advertisers. Creation of a website for paid archives. That is, do you understand what the salt is? The fact is that, in essence, there’s no point in even creating a website for paid archives if you don’t know the queries you’ll be targeting. Or rather, if you don’t know the queries that will convert.

Or, for example, if you are going to create a website for Mixmarket, or for any other affiliate program (here you go), then never mind, consider the most important thing to be selling queries.

That is, the importance of identifying selling requests is primary. Website creation and promotion is secondary. Can you object?

The first thing you need to know when you want to find quality queries that will later sell is the types of queries.

There are three types:

1. Navigational. The user's goal is to find a site

2. Information. The user's goal is to find the information he needs.

3. Transactional. From the word "transaction". Here the word itself implies that users perform some actions based on such requests

From here we draw a conclusion, from which we will proceed further when moving along the logical chain. Namely: we need transactional requests - this is it.

Examples of transactional requests:

— buy a house in the Moscow region
- order a T-shirt
- car repair
- download Skype
— subscribe to Murzilka magazine

That is, I logically think like this. If I’m creating a website for some kind of affiliate program, to which I plan to send traffic in the future, then I need a list of queries for which users want to take some action. If I’m making a website for paid archives, then, of course, I will be primarily interested in keywords with the word “download”. It is clear that if you buy traffic through Google Adwords, then such words will not be missed by the moderators. However, this is not what we are talking about here, so as for AdWords traffic, it is better to read the article. I explained everything there in popular language.

Second– I need commercial inquiries.

Third– I need to carefully study the topic in which I plan to advance, see what kind of competition there is, and whether it is possible to squeeze out the current market leaders. And the best thing is to identify the keywords for which competitors are advertising in AdWords. Well, or where you plan to drain traffic from. In order to spy on competitors’ keywords in AdWords, you can use SemRush (see). If you plan to send traffic from VKontakte, then you can use AdsDock (see Are you doing arbitrage on VKontakte? Simplify the process using That is, spy on how competitors advertise – this is a step-by-step correct result.

Quadruple - logic

Whatever you say here, logic in the matter of selecting selling requests is a very, very responsible matter. I used to focus on logic, and didn’t really think about all these psychological problems. That is, he walked like a sheep: he looked for a more or less suitable request, and moved it. At the beginning of my SEO training, I even once bought blog posts with the anchor “site analyzer” for one of my old blogs. I bought them for a page with a description of some service. And, I remember, I spent all my money on this request. It’s good that later, through my head and wallet, I also realized that there was practically no point in such promotion.

When I select queries today, I do not fanatically dig into the logical component of the queries. But I do a superficial analysis and figure out what might happen in the end.

Example. Let’s take the most popular request – “ plastic windows" It would not be entirely correct to promote this request right away. You need to think about how a buyer thinks when he wants to buy plastic windows. Here I would say that a good sales query would be “ plastic windows reviews" Why? Because here a person has already been on the sites enough, and now he wants to weed out the shitty companies that offer shitty windows. They need good performance.

It is necessary to take into account the psychology of this type of people. And here is the most interesting thing. Here you can’t seem to say that this is a transactional request, because the verb in the phrase seems to be invisible. But if you try to understand how these people think, it turns out that they learned everything about plastic windows: they read what it is, found out the price, modifications. That is, this type of buyer reads information about windows on one site, finds out prices on another, and buys the windows themselves on a third.

Ultimately, I bring all this to the fact that it is the low-frequency drivers that drive best. They are the ones who make it possible to get the maximum return. This is the reason why the request “ plastic windows Krauss"will be more selling than the request" plastic windows».


Personally, in my practice I don’t go too far into the weeds when determining sales requests. The three methods I use most often are:

    I track the chain of transitions on the site, and subsequent transitions to the affiliate program. To do this, in affiliate programs (where possible) I look at the IP from which buyers come to the site, and then using LI (if possible and I know roughly where to dig) I find these IPs and see what requests the buyers came from

    It often happens that you have to communicate with customers directly. In this case, I simply ask them how they found me and my site.

Today for dessert: Filigree precision of football players

A correctly formed list of search queries is one of the most important points for website promotion. Errors at this stage will lead to the fact that potential customers or site visitors simply will not find it by turning to a search engine. Each resource is promoted using certain words, which together make up a list of queries, or in other words, the semantic core of the site. All words that a user might enter into a search box on a given topic must be included in this list.

In general, the selection of key queries is the very first stage of website promotion and the implementation of this stage should be treated as responsibly as possible. In general, SEO and search engine promotion is painstaking work. It doesn’t happen that you can spend a certain amount of money on links and get top results for a specific request. To get to the Top you need to complete a number of steps, and each step must be approached with maximum responsibility and diligence.

Compiling a semantic core is an important basic stage that precedes internal website optimization. It consists of several steps that are not complicated since auxiliary services are involved in the process.

First, you need to assess the popularity of the requested words. Each major search engine has its own statistics on the number of most frequent user queries. To view the demand for all the words you are interested in or to select the most suitable ones, you should look at the following services: Yandex -, Google - and others. These services will show the total number of people who entered a particular word into the search bar. In reality, these are potential site visitors, future buyers and customers. In addition to this data, the services provide data by region and data characterizing “seasonal” requests: by time of year, months, holidays.

If doubts arise or the words themselves are not enough, search tips will help. Many users eagerly use hints, as they perfectly reflect all possible combinations of words. For those who are professionally involved in website promotion, search suggestions are a very useful tool that allows you to assess interest in various topics or select new words for the semantic core.

There is a good video on selecting key queries, I recommend watching it.

When promoting a website, it is customary to divide all requests into high-frequency (HF), mid-frequency (MF) and low-frequency (LF). Regarding the promotion of low frequency queries, I recommend it. There is no clear gradation of which request is considered high-frequency or low-frequency, since there is a concept of competition. You can understand which request belongs to a particular group using the following examples: “news”, “construction”, “windows” - high-frequency, “documentation”, “vouchers for children”, “house projects” - mid-frequency, and “Japanese umbrellas” ", "choice of apartment", "visas" - low-frequency.
In order to better understand the topic of assessing the competitiveness of key queries, I recommend watching the following video.

Competitiveness depends on the demand for the query of interest, the quantity and quality of resources in search results and is directly related to the commercial component. For comparison: “tours to Turkey” is a commercial request with high demand, and “autumn mood” is a non-commercial request, but their demand is approximately the same.

In most cases, to promote a website, a combination of all types of requests is used, and in proportions calculated by the SEO specialist. The proportions, in turn, depend on the goal that is set when promoting this site: increasing the number of visitors or purchases, increasing the memorability of the resource, and so on.

Having selected key phrases for all types of queries, taking into account their competitiveness and having calculated the proportions for all groups of queries, you can begin to compile. An adequately compiled list of frequent requests for a given topic and purpose is the key to successful website promotion and promotion, since even a small word or phrase is of key importance for search results, and therefore for the commercial success of the project.

Regarding compiling a semantic core, I advise you to watch the following video lesson.

Selling additives are words that distinguish among potential buyers a group of people ready to buy a product or service. So, why are they needed anyway? As practice shows, of all the collected keywords, targeted applications bring only a small percentage. And what to do in a situation with a limited budget? Supplement sales people come to the rescue. They show the buyer's maximum interest in your product or service.

For example, if a person enters the request “Characteristics of an instantaneous water heater,” then most likely he is not ready to purchase the product. But if instead of “characteristics” we substitute any selling additive, then the meaning of the search query will completely change. The phrase “Buy an instantaneous water heater” indicates the buyer’s readiness to make a purchase.

It is important to understand your target audience. The list of selling additives that you can use depends on it. Selling additives can significantly increase the click-through rate of your ads. However, if used incorrectly, lovers of “freebies” will come to you along with target buyers.

Let's say you sell luxury wines. And when writing an ad, you use such selling additives as “Cheap” and “Budget”. Of course they are, but most users will not be interested in purchasing your product. Most likely, such ads will simply drain the advertising campaign budget and will not bring in applications.

So, why are they needed anyway? Let's imagine a situation where we have a very limited budget. And there is simply no money for testing a large number of words. What to do in this case? After all, even if you collect a large semantic core from it, not all words will work.

List of selling supplements

1. Words showing the buyer's readiness to make a purchase. These words have maximum priority. The buyer has already made his choice and most likely wants to purchase the product. Statistics show that these words will have the highest conversion rate.

Let's look at an example of how an ad with the request “buy flowers” ​​is composed.


Selling additive "Buy"

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the search query is also present in the displayed link.
Below is a list of words that indicates the buyer’s readiness to take the target action.

  • Buy
  • I will buy
  • Purchase
  • Purchase
  • Sale
  • Sell
  • Selling
  • Order
  • Order
  • Buy
  • Pay
  • Payment
  • Rent
  • Rent
  • Delivery
  • Deliver
  • Rental
  • On credit
  • Booking
  • Design
  • Hire

2. By price category. Among the selling additives, one can distinguish a group of words that indicate people who have decided on the choice of product. Most likely they are looking for the best place to buy. Moreover, the decisive factor may be not only the price, but also the proximity of the store.

Selling additive "Buy TV"

An example of an ad for the search query “Buy a TV.”

Below are words that can be used:

  • Price
  • What is the price
  • Expensive
  • Inexpensive
  • Cheap
  • Premium
  • Sale
  • Discount
  • Price
  • Rate
  • Wholesale
  • In stock
  • Budget

3. By the name of the city or region.

There are niches in which adding the name of a city or region is a selling addition. For example, if we compare the queries “Caesar salad” and “Caesar salad in Dolgoprudny”, then in the first option they are most likely interested in the recipe, and in the second – delivery. Consider an ad for the search query “Internet in Degunino”. The user is most likely looking for an Internet provider that provides its services in this territory.

4. You can also highlight a number of selling additives that indicate an urgent need for goods or services. When a potential buyer wants to purchase a product or service “Here and Now”. Such sales additives are often used in delivery-related topics.

Example ad:

Selling additive "need"

List of words:

  • Fast
  • In an hour
  • Now
  • Urgently
  • Today

5. A selling addition can be the addition of a place of sale or provision of services. For example, a potential buyer is interested in buying pens. Let's look at an example ad:

An example of a selling additive "shop"

From the request “pen store” it is clear that a person is interested in purchasing and is looking for a place to purchase the product. Below is a list of words you can use:

  • Salon
  • Online store
  • Agency
  • Shop
  • Hotel

6. Providing a free first step can be a strong incentive to purchase a product. This selling addition can be implemented using a calculator or consultation. The main point is to interest the user in using a service or product from you, and not from your competitors.

Let's look at an example ad:

Selling additive "first step"

Below are words that can help attract buyers:

  • Calculator
  • Test
  • Consultation
  • Metering
  • Miscalculation
  • Calculation
  • Grade
  • Sample
  • Trial

7. Depending on the topic, there are keywords that are suitable only in a certain direction. For example, you are providing services for transporting people. In this case, the keyword “Taxi” will be a selling additive. Let's consider advertisements related to tourism.

As we can see, in almost all other topics the phrases “Tour and Bali” would be “ ”. However, in a specific case, they will bring target users to the site.

Below is a list of words that can be used to display a specific topic.

  • Ticket
  • Taxi
  • Contribution
  • Catch up

This completes the list of selling additives. It is important to understand that no one knows the nuances of your business better than you. Therefore, try to select selling supplements that are right for you.