About the Reflect API in accessible language.

Macrium Reflect user manual


Macrium Reflect - free program to create images hard drives and sections. The program allows you to both create and restore partitions; the option to view created backups and edit them is also available. Thanks to a precise image creation algorithm, Macrium Reflect creates a backup of almost any partition in a matter of minutes, compressing the data several times. So the C:/ drive of 30 gigabytes in size, with occupied space of 11 gigabytes, was compressed into an image of 3.88 gigabytes in size.


One of the main reasons to use Macrium Reflect is to save time. For clarity, I will give a simple example. After installing the Windows operating system, the user begins to gradually fill it with software, over time, a selection software on a computer comes down to using the same programs. For office work, LibreOffice is used, for listening to music Winyl, or WinAmp, the same Aimp is worthy of attention, for watching videos - VLC. To perform highly specialized tasks - other software.

So, now let’s imagine that at one fine moment it is simply necessary to reinstall the system, there are plenty of reasons why it will work intermittently - be it the effect of viruses, hardware failure, or simply - “the time has come.” Herself reinstalling Windows does not involve anything troublesome, the main part of the work consists of installing the necessary software, and this may not take a single day. What is the way out of this situation? That's right, using programs that can create a copy of the partition hard drive. It is the Macrium Reflect program that can satisfy our need, and it is also free.

Step-by-step instruction.

And so, first of all, in order for working with the program to be enjoyable, you should initially work hard. To do this, it is worth taking time and reinstalling the system from scratch. That is, format the partition on which you plan to place the operating system, install it, and then install all the drivers and that set of programs that are vital in everyday work. If on this moment The OS works like clockwork, previous advice You can omit it, decide for yourself.

And so, the OS is installed, the drivers are in place, the programs are there :). We install Macrium Reflect, the installation of the program itself does not differ from the standard procedure for installing programs, I hope it will not cause any difficulties.

After launch, we are presented with the main program window, despite the lack of Russian language, working with the program is intuitive and should not cause problems:

To start creating an image, call the “Image Creation Wizard”:

This is what the greeting from the “Master of Image Creation” looks like:

At the next stage, it is necessary to indicate the image of which particular partition we plan to create, since the operating system is usually installed on drive C, then we select it:

The next step will require us to point to the storage location for the partition image itself:

The following items are available for operation:

  • Local disk - a hard disk partition (different from the one we are creating an image of), this can be drive D:
  • Network resource - if you have access to network drives, folders, the image can be saved there.
  • CD/DVD disc - if you have a burner drive, the image can be written directly to the disc itself.

By the way, I recommend saving the image, initially, on another partition local disk, this option implies a lower percentage of errors during image creation. Then it can be copied to as many flash drives, cd-r's and other media as desired to prevent image loss.

At the bottom of the current window you can specify the name of the future image; if this is not done, Macrium Reflect will automatically write the name of the image. By the way. This option is recommended by the developers themselves.

The final window of the wizard allows us to specify the compression level of the future image (Adnavced button), but the default settings work fine, and there is simply no point in changing anything.

Click Finish, OK in the window that appears, and go get some coffee. Creating the image can take from 5 to 10 minutes, it all depends on the size of the partition whose image we are creating.

At the end of the backup, the program will display the following information:

Everything is ready, the image has been successfully created.

Now, if the system begins to act up and simply needs to be reinstalled, there is no need to spend half a day at the computer, you just need to restore the image we created back to the C:/ drive and continue working.


Create a boot disk.

To start creating a boot disk, run the wizard:

The main window of the wizard offers us two options for creating a boot disk, based on Linux OS or Bart PE.

Moreover, creating an image based on BartPe is not available under Windows Vista/7. Creating a boot disk can be done directly on a cd-r, or in an iso file. The second option is preferable, since in the future the image can be copied to a flash drive and booted from it. This can be done with the program.

Below are screenshots that clearly show the process of unpacking the image onto a hard drive partition. There is nothing special here, so after carefully viewing the screenshots, I hope you will understand what's what.

The main point is: select our image file -> indicate which partition we will restore -> indicate which partition we will unpack it to -> and go ahead :) ...

If something is unclear, I ask everyone to comment on the article, but, better yet, in a forum thread -

Views: 54963

The Google search engine (www.google.com) provides many search options. All these features are an invaluable search tool for a user new to the Internet and at the same time an even more powerful weapon of invasion and destruction in the hands of people with evil intentions, including not only hackers, but also non-computer criminals and even terrorists.
(9475 views in 1 week)

Denis Barankov

Attention:This article is not a guide to action. This article was written for you, WEB server administrators, so that you will lose the false feeling that you are safe, and you will finally understand the insidiousness of this method of obtaining information and take up the task of protecting your site.


For example, I found 1670 pages in 0.14 seconds!

2. Let's enter another line, for example:


a little less, but this is already enough for free downloading and password guessing (using the same John The Ripper). Below I will give a number of more examples.

So, you need to realize that the Google search engine has visited most of the Internet sites and cached the information contained on them. This cached information allows you to obtain information about the site and the content of the site without direct connection to the site, only delving into the information that is stored inside Google. Moreover, if the information on the site is no longer available, then the information in the cache may still be preserved. All you need for this method: know some key Google words. This technique is called Google Hacking.

Information about Google Hacking first appeared on the Bugtruck mailing list 3 years ago. In 2001, this topic was raised by a French student. Here is a link to this letter http://www.cotse.com/mailing-lists/bugtraq/2001/Nov/0129.html. It provides the first examples of such queries:

1) Index of /admin
2) Index of /password
3) Index of /mail
4) Index of / +banques +filetype:xls (for france...)
5) Index of / +passwd
6) Index of / password.txt

This topic made waves in the English-reading part of the Internet quite recently: after the article by Johnny Long, published on May 7, 2004. For a more complete study of Google Hacking, I advise you to go to this author’s website http://johnny.ihackstuff.com. In this article I just want to bring you up to date.

Who can use this:
- Journalists, spies and all those people who like to poke their nose into other people's business can use this to search for incriminating evidence.
- Hackers looking for suitable targets for hacking.

How Google works.

To continue the conversation, let me remind you of some of the keywords used in Google queries.

Search using the + sign

Google excludes words it considers unimportant from searches. For example, question words, prepositions and articles in English language: for example are, of, where. In Russian, Google seems to consider all words important. If a word is excluded from the search, Google writes about it. In order for Google to start searching for pages with these words, you need to add a + sign without a space before the word. For example:

ace +of base

Search using the sign –

If Google finds a large number of pages from which it needs to exclude pages with a certain topic, then you can force Google to search only for pages that do not contain certain words. To do this, you need to indicate these words by placing a sign in front of each - without a space before the word. For example:

fishing - vodka

Search using ~

You may want to search not only the specified word, but also its synonyms. To do this, precede the word with the ~ symbol.

Finding an exact phrase using double quotes

Google searches every page for all occurrences of the words you wrote in the query string, and it doesn’t care mutual arrangement words, the main thing is that all the specified words are on the page at the same time (this is the default action). To find the exact phrase, you need to put it in quotes. For example:


In order for at least one of the specified words to appear, you must specify logical operation explicit: OR. For example:

book safety OR protection

In addition, you can use the * sign in the search bar to indicate any word and. to represent any character.

Search for words using additional operators

There are search operators that are specified in the search string in the format:


Spaces next to the colon are not needed. If you insert a space after the colon, you will see an error message, and before it, Google will use them as a normal search string.
There are groups of additional search operators: languages ​​- indicate in which language you want to see the result, date - limit the results for the past three, six or 12 months, occurrences - indicate where in the document you need to search for the line: everywhere, in the title, in the URL, domains - search on the specified site or, conversely, exclude it from the search; safe search - blocks sites containing the specified type of information and removes them from the search results pages.
However, some operators do not require an additional parameter, for example the request " cache:www.google.com" can be called like full string to search, and some keywords, on the contrary, require a search word, for example " site:www.google.com help". In light of our topic, let's look at the following operators:



Requires an additional parameter?

search only on the site specified in search_term

search only in documents with type search_term

find pages containing search_term in the title

find pages containing all search_term words in the title

find pages containing the word search_term in their address

find pages containing all search_term words in their address

Operator site: limits the search only to the specified site, and you can specify not only the domain name, but also the IP address. For example, enter:

Operator filetype: Limits the search to a specific file type. For example:

As of the date of publication of the article, Google can search within 13 various formats files:

  • Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf)
  • Adobe PostScript (ps)
  • Lotus 1-2-3 (wk1, wk2, wk3, wk4, wk5, wki, wks, wku)
  • Lotus WordPro (lwp)
  • MacWrite (mw)
  • Microsoft Excel(xls)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint(ppt)
  • Microsoft Word(doc)
  • Microsoft Works (wks, wps, wdb)
  • Microsoft Write (wri)
  • Rich Text Format (rtf)
  • Shockwave Flash(swf)
  • Text (ans, txt)

Operator link: shows all pages that point to the specified page.
It's probably always interesting to see how many places on the Internet know about you. Let's try:

Operator cache: shows the version of the site in Google's cache as it looked when Google last time visited this page. Let’s take any frequently changing site and look:

Operator intitle: searches for the specified word in the page title. Operator allintitle: is an extension - it searches for all specified few words in the page title. Compare:

intitle:flight to Mars
intitle:flight intitle:on intitle:mars
allintitle:flight to mars

Operator inurl: forces Google to show all pages containing the specified string in the URL. allinurl operator: searches for all words in a URL. For example:

allinurl:acid acid_stat_alerts.php

This command is especially useful for those who don't have SNORT - at least they can see how it works on a real system.

Hacking Methods Using Google

So, we found out that using a combination of the above operators and keywords, anyone can start collecting necessary information and searching for vulnerabilities. These techniques are often called Google Hacking.

Site Map

You can use the site: operator to list all the links that Google has found on a site. Typically, pages that are dynamically created by scripts are not indexed using parameters, so some sites use ISAPI filters so that links are not in the form /article.asp?num=10&dst=5, and with slashes /article/abc/num/10/dst/5. This is done so that the site is generally indexed by search engines.

Let's try:

site:www.whitehouse.gov whitehouse

Google thinks that every page on a website contains the word whitehouse. This is what we use to get all the pages.
There is also a simplified version:


And the best part is that the comrades from whitehouse.gov didn’t even know that we looked at the structure of their site and even looked at the cached pages that Google downloaded. This can be used to study the structure of sites and view content, remaining undetected for the time being.

View a list of files in directories

WEB servers can show lists of server directories instead of the usual ones HTML pages. This is usually done to encourage users to select and download certain files. However, in many cases, administrators have no intention of showing the contents of a directory. This occurs due to incorrect server configuration or the absence of the main page in the directory. As a result, the hacker has a chance to find something interesting in the directory and use it for his own purposes. To find all such pages, it is enough to note that they all contain the words: index of. But since the words index of contain not only such pages, we need to refine the query and take into account the keywords on the page itself, so queries like:

intitle:index.of parent directory
intitle:index.of name size

Since most directory listings are intentional, you may have a hard time finding misplaced listings the first time. But on at least, you can already use listings to determine the WEB server version, as described below.

Obtaining the WEB server version.

Knowing the WEB server version is always useful before launching any hacker attack. Again, thanks to Google, you can get this information without connecting to a server. If you look closely at the directory listing, you can see that the name of the WEB server and its version are displayed there.

Apache1.3.29 - ProXad Server at trf296.free.fr Port 80

An experienced administrator can change this information, but, as a rule, it is true. Thus, to obtain this information it is enough to send a request:

intitle:index.of server.at

To get information for a specific server, we clarify the request:

intitle:index.of server.at site:ibm.com

Or vice versa, we are looking for servers running on specific version servers:

intitle:index.of Apache/2.0.40 Server at

This technique can be used by a hacker to find a victim. If, for example, he has an exploit for a certain version of the WEB server, then he can find it and try the existing exploit.

You can also get the server version by viewing the pages that are installed by default when installing the latest version of the WEB server. For example, to see the Apache 1.2.6 test page, just type

intitle:Test.Page.for.Apache it.worked!

Moreover, some operating systems immediately install and launch the WEB server during installation. However, some users are not even aware of this. Naturally, if you see that someone has not removed the default page, then it is logical to assume that the computer has not undergone any customization at all and is likely vulnerable to attack.

Try searching for IIS 5.0 pages

allintitle:Welcome to Windows 2000 Internet Services

In the case of IIS, you can determine not only the server version, but also Windows version and Service Pack.

Another way to determine the WEB server version is to search for manuals (help pages) and examples that may be installed on the site by default. Hackers have found quite a few ways to use these components to gain privileged access to a site. That is why you need to remove these components on the production site. Not to mention the fact that the presence of these components can be used to obtain information about the type of server and its version. For example, let's find the apache manual:

inurl:manual apache directives modules

Using Google as a CGI scanner.

CGI scanner or WEB scanner is a utility for searching for vulnerable scripts and programs on the victim’s server. These utilities must know what to look for, for this they have a whole list of vulnerable files, for example:



We can find each of these files with using Google, using additionally with the file name in the search line the words index of or inurl: we can find sites with vulnerable scripts, for example:


Using additional knowledge, a hacker can exploit a script's vulnerability and use this vulnerability to force the script to emit any file stored on the server. For example, a password file.

How to protect yourself from Google hacking.

1. Do not post important data on the WEB server.

Even if you posted the data temporarily, you may forget about it or someone will have time to find and take this data before you erase it. Don't do that. There are many other ways to transfer data that protect it from theft.

2. Check your site.

Use the methods described to research your site. Check your site periodically for new methods that appear on the site http://johnny.ihackstuff.com. Remember that if you want to automate your actions, you need to get special permission from Google. If you read carefully http://www.google.com/terms_of_service.html, then you will see the phrase: You may not send automated queries of any sort to Google's system without express permission in advance from Google.

3. You may not need Google to index your site or part of it.

Google allows you to remove a link to your site or part of it from its database, as well as remove pages from the cache. In addition, you can prohibit the search for images on your site, prohibit short fragments of pages from being shown in search results. All possibilities for deleting a site are described on the page http://www.google.com/remove.html. To do this, you must confirm that you are really the owner of this site or insert tags into the page or

4. Use robots.txt

It is known that search engines look at the robots.txt file located at the root of the site and do not index those parts that are marked with the word Disallow. You can use this to prevent part of the site from being indexed. For example, to prevent the entire site from being indexed, create a robots.txt file containing two lines:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

What else happens

So that life doesn’t seem like honey to you, I’ll say finally that there are sites that monitor those people who, using the methods outlined above, look for holes in scripts and WEB servers. An example of such a page is


A little sweet. Try some of the following for yourself:

1. #mysql dump filetype:sql - search for mySQL database dumps
2. Host Vulnerability Summary Report - will show you what vulnerabilities other people have found
3. phpMyAdmin running on inurl:main.php - this will force control to be closed through the phpmyadmin panel
4. not for distribution confidential
5. Request Details Control Tree Server Variables
6. Running in Child mode
7. This report was generated by WebLog
8. intitle:index.of cgiirc.config
9. filetype:conf inurl:firewall -intitle:cvs – maybe someone needs firewall configuration files? :)
10. intitle:index.of finances.xls – hmm....
11. intitle:Index of dbconvert.exe chats – logs icq chat
12.intext:Tobias Oetiker traffic analysis
13. intitle:Usage Statistics for Generated by Webalizer
14. intitle:statistics of advanced web statistics
15. intitle:index.of ws_ftp.ini – ws ftp config
16. inurl:ipsec.secrets holds shared secrets – The secret key– good find
17. inurl:main.php Welcome to phpMyAdmin
18. inurl:server-info Apache Server Information
19. site:edu admin grades
20. ORA-00921: unexpected end of SQL command – getting paths
21. intitle:index.of trillian.ini
22. intitle:Index of pwd.db
23.intitle:index.of people.lst
24. intitle:index.of master.passwd
26. intitle:Index of .mysql_history
27. intitle:index of intext:globals.inc
28. intitle:index.of administrators.pwd
29. intitle:Index.of etc shadow
31. inurl:config.php dbuname dbpass
32. inurl:perform filetype:ini

  • "Hacking mit Google"
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    Reflection(from Late Latin reflexio - turning back) is a mechanism for examining data about a program during its execution. Reflection allows you to examine information about fields, methods, and class constructors. You can also perform operations on the fields and methods that are being examined. Reflection in Java is done with using Java Reflection API. This API interface consists of classes from the java.lang and java.lang.reflect packages. You can do the following using the Java Reflection API:

    • Define the class of the object.
    • Get information about class modifiers, fields, methods, constructors and superclasses.
    • Find out which constants and methods belong to the interface.
    • Create an instance of a class whose name is unknown until the program is executed.
    • Get and set the value of an object property.
    • Call a method on an object.
    • Create new array, the size and type of components of which are unknown until the programs are executed.

    Getting an object of type Class

    MyClass a = new MyClass(); Class aclass = a.getClass(); The simplest thing that is usually done in dynamic programming is to get an object of type java.lang.Class. If we have an instance of a Class object, we can get all kinds of information about this class and even perform operations on it. The above getClass() method is often useful when there is an instance of an object, but it is not known what class this instance is. If we have a class for which the type is known at compile time, then getting an instance of the class is even easier. Class aclass = MyClass.class; Class iclass = Integer.class; If the class name is not known at compile time, but becomes known during program execution, you can use the forName() method to obtain the Class object. Class c = Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");

    Getting the class name

    Class c = myObject.getClass(); String s = c.getName(); The String returned by getName() will contain the fully qualified name of the class, i.e. if the type of myObject is Integer, then the result will be of the form java.lang.Integer .

    Researching Class Modifiers

    Class c = obj.getClass(); int mods = c.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isPublic(mods)) ( System.out.println("public"); ) if (Modifier.isAbstract(mods)) ( System.out.println("abstract"); ) if (Modifier.isFinal( mods)) ( System.out.println("final"); ) To find out what modifiers have been applied to a given class, you first need to use the getClass method to obtain an object of type Class that represents that class. You then need to call the getModifiers() method on an object of type Class to determine the int value whose bits represent the class modifiers. You can then use the static methods of the java.lang.reflect.Modifier class to determine which modifiers have been applied to the class.

    Finding superclasses

    Class c = myObj.getClass(); Class superclass = c.getSuperclass(); You can also use the getSuperclass() method on a Class object to get an object of type Class that represents the superclass of the reflected class. We must remember that in Java there is no multiple inheritance and the java.lang.Object class is the base class for all classes, as a result of which if the class does not have a parent, the getSuperclass method will return null. To get all parent superclasses, you need to call the getSuperclass() method recursively.

    Defining the Interfaces Implemented by a Class

    Class c = LinkedList.class; Class interfaces = c.getInterfaces(); for(Class cInterface: interfaces) ( System.out.println(cInterface.getName()); ) You can also use reflection to determine which interfaces are implemented in a given class. The getInterfaces() method will return an array of Class objects. Each object in the array represents one interface implemented in a given class.

    Exploring, getting, and setting class field values.

    Class c = obj.getClass(); Field publicFields = c.getFields(); for (Field field: publicFields) ( Class fieldType = field.getType(); System.out.println("Name: " + field.getName()); System.out.println("Type: " + fieldType.getName( )); ) To examine the fields that belong to a class, you can use the getFields() method on an object of type Class. The getFields() method returns an array of objects of type java.lang.reflect.Field corresponding to all the public fields of the object. These public fields do not have to be contained directly within the class you are working with; they can also be contained in a superclass, interface, or interface that is an extension of an interface implemented by the class. Using the Field class, you can get the field name, type, and modifiers. If you know the field name, you can get information about it using the getField() method Class c = obj.getClass(); Field nameField = c.getField("name"); The getField() and getFields() methods return only the public data members of the class. If you need to get all the fields of a certain class, you need to use the getDeclaredField() and getDeclaredFields() methods. These methods work exactly like their getField() and getFields() counterparts, except that they return all fields, including private and protected ones. To get the value of a field, you must first get an object of type Field for that field, then use the get() method. The method takes as an input parameter a reference to a class object. Class c = obj.getClass(); Field field = c.getField("name"); String nameValue = (String) field.get(obj) The Field class also has specialized methods for obtaining values ​​of primitive types: getInt(), getFloat(), getByte(), etc. To set the field value, the set() method is used. Class c = obj.getClass(); Field field = c.getField("name"); field.set(obj, "New name"); For primitive types there are methods setInt(), setFloat(), setByte(), etc. Question for the reader: is it possible to change the value of a private field? What about private final? We'll find out the answer a little later.

    Exploring Class Constructors

    Class c = obj.getClass(); Constructor constructors = c.getConstructors(); for (Constructor constructor: constructors) ( Class paramTypes = constructor.getParameterTypes(); for (Class paramType: paramTypes) ( System.out.print(paramType.getName() + " "); ) System.out.println(); ) To get information about the public constructors of a class, you need to call the getConstructors() method on the Class object. This method returns an array of objects of type java.lang.reflect.Constructor. Using the Constructor object, you can then get the constructor's name, modifiers, parameter types, and exceptions thrown. It is also possible to obtain a separate public constructor if the types of its parameters are known. Class paramTypes = new Class ( String.class, int.class ); Constructor aConstrct = c.getConstructor(paramTypes); The getConstructor() and getConstructors() methods return only public constructors. If you need to get all the constructors of a class, including private ones, you can use the getDeclaredConstructor() and getDeclaredConstructors() methods; these methods work exactly the same as their getConstructor() and getConstructors() counterparts.

    Researching information about a method, calling a method.

    Class c = obj.getClass(); Method methods = c.getMethods(); for (Method method: methods) ( System.out.println("Name: " + method.getName()); System.out.println("Return Type: " + method.getReturnType().getName()); Class paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); System.out.print("Parameter types: "); for (Class paramType: paramTypes) ( System.out.print(" " + paramType.getName()); ) System.out. println(); ) To get information about the public methods of a class, you need to call the getMethods() method on the Class object. This method returns an array of objects of type java.lang.reflect.Method. You can then use the Method object to get the name of the method, its return type, parameter types, modifiers, and exceptions thrown. You can also get information about a separate method if you know the method name and parameter types. Class c = obj.getClass(); Class paramTypes = new Class(int.class, String.class); Method m = c.getMethod("methodA", paramTypes); The getMethod() and getMethods() methods return only public methods; in order to get all methods of a class, regardless of the access type, you need to use the getDeclaredMethod() and getDeclaredMethods() methods, which work exactly the same as their analogues (getMethod() and getMethods()). The Java Reflection Api allows you to dynamically call a method even if the method name is unknown at compile time (Class method names can be obtained using getMethods() or getDeclaredMethods()). In the following example, consider calling a method knowing its name. For example, the getCalculateRating method: Class c = obj.getClass(); Class paramTypes = new Class ( String.class, int.class ); Method method = c.getMethod("getCalculateRating", paramTypes); Object args = new Object ( new String("First Calculate"), new Integer(10) ); Double d = (Double) method.invoke(obj, args); IN in this example First we get a Method object by the method name getCalculateRating, then we call the invoke() method of the Method object, and we get the result of the method. The invoke method takes two parameters, the first is the object whose class declares or inherits this method, and the second is an array of parameter values ​​that are passed to the called method. If the method has the access modifier private, then the above code needs to be modified so that for the Method object, instead of the getMethod() method, call getDeclaredMethod(), then call setAccessible(true) to gain access..

    Method method = c.getDeclaredMethod("getCalculateRating", paramTypes); method.setAccessible(true);

    Loading and dynamically instantiating a class

    Class c = Class.forName("Test"); Object obj = c.newInstance(); Test test = (Test) obj; Using the Class.forName() and newInstance() methods of the Class object, you can dynamically load and create instances of a class in the case where the class name is not known until the program is executed. In the above code, we load a class using the Class.forName() method, passing the name of that class. The result is an object of type Class. We then call the newInstance() method on an object of type Class to create instances of the original class object. The newInstance() method returns an object of the generic type Object, so in last line we cast the returned object to the type we need.

    And finally, an example of modifying private fields.

    import java.lang.reflect.Field; class WithPrivateFinalField ( private int i = 1; private final String s = "String S"; private String s2 = "String S2"; public String toString() ( return "i = " + i + ", " + s + ", " + s2; ) ) public class ModifyngPrivateFields ( public static void main(String args) throws Exception ( WithPrivateFinalField pf = new WithPrivateFinalField(); Field f = pf.getClass().getDeclaredField("i"); f.setAccessible(true ); f.setInt(pf, 47); System.out.println(pf); f = pf.getClass().getDeclaredField("s"); f.setAccessible(true); f.set(pf, "MODIFY S"); System.out.println(pf); f = pf.getClass().getDeclaredField("s2"); f.setAccessible(true); f.set(pf, "MODIFY S2"); System.out .println(pf); ) ) From the above code it is clear that private fields can be changed. To do this, you need to get an object of type java.lang.reflect.Field using the getDeclaredField() method, call the setAccessible(true) method and set the value of the field using the set() method. Please note that the final field does not generate warnings when performing this procedure, and the field value remains the same, i.e. final fields remain unchanged.

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  • JavaScript
  • Hi all! I recently heard some young frontenders trying to explain to other young frontenders what Reflect is in JavaScript. As a result, someone said that this is the same thing as a proxy. The situation reminded me of a joke:

    There are two miners:
    - Do you understand anything about this?
    - Well, I can explain.
    - This is understandable, but do you understand anything about this?

    For some people the same situation happened with Reflect in JS. They seem to be saying something, but for what purpose is unclear. As a result, I thought it was worth talking about this again in simple language with examples.

    First, let's define what reflection in programming is:
    Reflection/Reflect API — is an API that provides the ability to reverse engineer classes, interfaces, functions, methods, and modules.

    From here it becomes a little clearer what this API should be used for. Reflection API exists in different languages programming and, at times, is used to bypass the restrictions imposed by the language. It is also used to develop various auxiliary utilities and for implementing various patterns (such as Injection) and much more.

    For example, there is a Reflection API in Java. It is used to view information about classes, interfaces, methods, fields, constructors and annotations at runtime java programs. For example, with Reflection in Java you can use the OOP pattern  -  .

    PHP also has a Reflection API, which allows you not only to do reverse engineering, but even allows you to receive doc comment blocks, which is used in various systems auto-documentation.

    In JavaScript, Reflect is a built-in object that provides methods for intercepting JavaScript operations. Essentially, this is a namespace (like Math). Reflect contains a set of functions that are named exactly the same as the Proxy methods.

    Some of these methods are the same as their corresponding methods in the Object or Function class. JavaScript is growing and becoming a large and complex language. Various things come into language from other languages. Today, the Reflect API does not do as much as in other languages. However, there are extension proposals that have not yet become standard but are already in use. For example, Reflection Metadata.

    We can say that the Reflect namespace in JS is the result of code refactoring. We have already used the capabilities of the Reflect API before, it’s just that all these capabilities were built into the base class  Object.

    Reflect Metadata / Metadata Reflection

    This API is designed to obtain information about objects at runtime. This is a proposal, which is not yet a standard. Polyfill is now actively used. Today it is actively used in Angular. Using this API, Inject and decorators (annotators) are implemented.

    Actually, for the sake of Angular, an extended decorator syntax was added to TypeScript. One of interesting features Decorators are able to obtain information about the type of the property or parameter being decorated. For this to work, you need to include the reflect-metadata library, which extends standard object Reflect and enable the emitDecoratorMetadata option in the TS config. After this, for properties that have at least one decorator, you can call Reflect.getMetadata with the key "design:type".

    What is the difference between Reflect and Proxy?

    Reflect-  this is a set of useful methods for working with objects, half of which  -  are rewritten existing ones from Object. This was done in order to improve semantics and restore order, since Object is a base class, but at the same time it contains a lot of methods that should not be in it. Also, if you create an object with an empty prototype, then your reflection methods disappear (I’ll show you with an example what this means below).

    Proxy is a class that always creates a new object with handlers installed to intercept access. It allows you to catch any actions with an object and modify them. Reflect is often used to implement various logic. This will be clearly seen in the examples below.

    Use Cases

    Well, let's look at ways to use the Reflect API. Some examples have been known for a long time, we are just used to using methods from the Object class for these purposes. But it would be more correct, logically, to use them from the Reflect package (packages - terminology from Java).

    Auto-generated object fields

    We can create an object in which the fields of the object will be created automatically while accessing them

    Const emptyObj = () => new Proxy((), ( get: (target, key, receiver) => (Reflect.has(target, key) || Reflect.set(target, key, emptyObj()), Reflect .get(target, key, receiver)) )); const path = emptyObj(); path.to.virtual.node.in.empty.object = 123; console.log(path.to.virtual.node.in.empty.object); // 123
    Everything is cool, but such an object cannot be serialized in JSON, we will get an error. Let's add a magical serialization method -  toJSON

    Console.clear(); const emptyObj = () => new Proxy((), ( get: (target, key, receiver) => (key == "toJSON" ? () => target: (Reflect.has(target, key) || Reflect.set(target, key, emptyObj()), Reflect.get(target, key, receiver))) )) ; const path = emptyObj(); path.to.virtual.node.in.empty.object = 123; console.log(JSON.stringify(path)); // ("to":("virtual":("node":("in":("empty":("object":123))))))

    Dynamic constructor call

    We have:

    Var obj = new F(...args)
    But we want to be able to dynamically call the constructor and create an object. There is Reflect.construct for this:

    Var obj = Reflect.construct(F, args)
    May be needed for use in factories (OOP guys will understand). Example:

    // Old method function Greeting(name) ( this.name = name ) Greeting.prototype.greet = function() ( return `Hello $(this.name)` ) function greetingFactory(name) ( var instance = Object.create( Greeting.prototype); Greeting.call(instance, name); return instance; ) var obj = greetingFactory("Tuturu"); obj.greet();
    How this is written in 2017:

    Class Greeting ( constructor(name) ( this.name = name ) greet() ( return `Hello $(this.name)` ) ) const greetingFactory = name => Reflect.construct(Greeting, ); const obj = greetingFactory("Tuturu"); obj.greet();

    Replicating jQuery behavior

    The following line shows how you can make jQuery in 2 lines:

    Const $ = document.querySelector.bind(document); Element.prototype.on = Element.prototype.addEventListener;
    Convenient if you need to quickly create something without dependencies, but are too lazy to write long native constructions. But this implementation has a minus - it throws an exception when working with null:

    Console.log($("some").innerHTML); error TypeError: Cannot read property "innerHTML" of null
    Using Proxy and Reflect we can rewrite this example:

    Const $ = selector => new Proxy(document.querySelector(selector)||Element, ( get: (target, key) => Reflect.get(target, key) )) ;
    Now, when we try to access null properties, we will simply receive undefined:

    Console.log($("some").innerHTML); // undefined

    So why use Reflect?

    The Reflect API is more convenient when handling errors. For example, everyone is familiar with the instructions:
    Object.defineProperty(obj, name, desc)

    If it fails, an exception will be thrown. But Reflect does not throw exceptions for everything, but can return a Boolean result:

    Try ( Object.defineProperty(obj, name, desc); // property defined successfully ) catch (e) ( // possible failure (and might accidentally catch the wrong exception) ) /* --- OR --- */ if (Reflect.defineProperty(obj, name, desc)) ( // success ) else ( // failure )
    This allows errors to be handled through conditions rather than try-catch. An example of using the Reflect API with error handling:

    Try ( var foo = Object.freeze((bar: 1)); delete foo.bar; ) catch (e) ()
    And now you can write like this:

    Var foo = Object.freeze((bar: 1)); if (Reflect.deleteProperty(foo, "bar")) ( console.log("ok"); ) else ( console.log("error"); )
    But it must be said that there are cases where Reflect also throws exceptions.

    Some posts are shorter

    Without many words:

    Function.prototype.apply.call(func, obj, args) /* --- OR --- */ Reflect.apply.call(func, obj, args)

    Difference in behavior

    Example without words:

    Object.getPrototypeOf(1); // undefined Reflect.getPrototypeOf(1); //TypeError
    Everything seems to be clear. We draw conclusions which is better. Reflect API is more logical.

    Working with objects with an empty prototype


    Const myObject = Object.create(null); myObject.foo = 123; myObject.hasOwnProperty === undefined; // true // Therefore you have to write it like this: Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(myObject, "foo"); // true
    As you can see, we no longer have reflection methods, for example, hasOwnProperty. Therefore, we either use the old way, accessing the base class prototype, or we access the Reflect API:

    Reflect.ownKeys(myObject).includes("foo") // true


    The Reflect API is the result of a refactoring. This namespace contains reflection functions that were previously built into the base classes Object, Function... The behavior and error handling have been changed. In the future, this namespace will be expanded with other reflective tools. The Reflect API can also be considered an integral part when working with Proxy (as can be seen from the examples above).


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