Set-top box for improving TV signal. Why does the signal quality fluctuate?

Today it is difficult to imagine our life without television. We watch our favorite programs, films, news on TV. But the quality of the television signal does not always satisfy our desires. What can be done to improve it?

First of all, of course you can install satellite or digital television, but if this is not possible, then you can use the following tips.

What you will need

In order to improve picture quality, if you watch TV using a regular common antenna, you may need a soldering iron and alcohol-based cleaner. You will also most likely need a new cable. If you watch television on a computer, you may also need programs to improve the signal quality.

What to do

Today, there are many opportunities for those who want to watch television in high quality. This could include installing a satellite dish or connecting digital television. You can also watch TV online here. But if you are not ready to spend money on an antenna and pay a monthly subscription fee, but prefer to watch programs on TV,
and not on a computer, then there is still a way out.

First of all, you need to examine the cable through which the TV is connected to the antenna. You must make sure that there is not the slightest damage to protective layer cable, and, of course, breaks. If damage is found, or if the cable is already quite old, it must be replaced, because over time it loses its properties. If the cable was already damaged earlier and was not replaced with a new one, and an additional connection was made at the damage site, then it is better to replace it completely, because any additional connection degrades the signal quality. A soldering iron will come in handy if the cable is too short and needs to be extended. Of course, it’s better not to do this, but simply buy and stretch a cable of the required length.

To improve signal quality, you can also purchase and install antenna amplifier. It is better to connect it via network filter to avoid the influence of power surges. The image quality will be better if the amplifier has a separate power supply.

If you haven't installed additional antenna in the house, but you receive the signal only using a common external antenna, then buy and install it. To do this, you need to find out where the television tower closest to your house is located and install the antenna on the side of the house that is closer to the tower.

Of course, if you live in a multi-story building, the signal quality will be better on the upper floors. Therefore, the higher you can mount your antenna, the better. This may require asking your neighbors to help you. If the antenna is already installed, you can change its direction. Of course, image quality largely depends on the TV.

If you prefer to watch TV online, the image quality can also be improved using various programs. Of course, no matter what antenna you install, it will only allow you to watch limited quantity channels. So if you want watch Trk Ukraine online television would be the best choice.

Good transmission quality makes watching TV a pleasant pastime. There are many ways to improve your viewing experience. The choice is yours!

It's hard to imagine life modern man no TV. At the same time, some take full advantage of the advanced smart functionality of receivers, while others choose to watch programs and movies using the old proven method - using broadcast signals digital or analogue broadcasting. At the same time, the pleasure of watching programs is often spoiled poor quality receiving TV signals. In our article we will try to talk in as much detail as possible about the methods of strengthening them.

What determines the quality of TV broadcasting?

There are several factors that influence the quality of the transmitted image:

  • The television receiver is located at a great distance from the signal repeater.
  • The presence of external obstacles, both natural and artificial. These can be the walls of high-rise buildings, hills, lowlands and a large number of trees.
  • Poor quality connecting cable.
  • The antenna is installed in the wrong location or is poorly oriented in space.
  • The presence of significant metal structures in the signal path or in the immediate vicinity of a television tower.

In almost each of the listed cases, the leading role is given to the TV antenna. If this attribute is correctly selected and configured accordingly, then there is a real chance of improving the quality of received signals and stabilizing the broadcast.

The industry produces both indoor and outdoor antennas. Where they are installed is clear from their name. Let's look at each type in more detail.

Antennas for indoor use

Portable antennas are quite affordable prices can perform their functions perfectly if the place of their use is close enough to the repeater. This means a distance not exceeding thirty kilometers. And the highest effect can be achieved when the TV tower, as they say, is visible from the window. In this case, the signals will not deteriorate due to multiple reflections from the walls of buildings.

For indoor antennas, it is customary to divide them into two categories, depending on the design features:

  1. Frame. This type of antenna has an open metal frame. Their operating range is UHF (decimeter). It includes frequencies from 300 MHz to 3 GHz, but, as a rule, frequencies above 900 MHz are not used for television broadcasting.
  2. Rod. “Horned” as they were popularly called. With their help, television signals are reliably received in the meter range (VHF), that is, at frequencies from 30 MHz to 300 MHz.

For effective use For an indoor antenna, you need to find a place where it will work most effectively. This means that it must encounter as many obstacles as possible on the path from the broadcaster to the receiver of television signals.

If all conditions are met, but a high-quality picture cannot be achieved, then you can try using an antenna that has active amplifier. In addition, there are also autonomous signal amplifiers, which we will discuss below.

If the user lives in close proximity to the translator, then he may have to purchase a device diametrically opposed to the amplifier, which is called an attenuator. But it serves to attenuate the signal, which helps prevent picture and sound distortion that appears as a result of a too strong TV signal.

Outdoor antennas

  • Half-wave vibrators.
  • Wave channels.
  • Log-periodic antennas.
  • Common-mode antenna arrays.

In order to cover the meter and decimeter ranges, it is recommended to use a combined solution, in which one design contains elements of several of the above types of antennas.

The quality of the received TV signal is directly dependent on the height at which the antenna is installed. A significant impact may be caused by nearby high-voltage power lines.

Depending on the type of signal amplification, there are several other types of outdoor antennas. Passive outdoor antennas belong to the class of the simplest passive devices, since their design does not contain components capable of amplifying the TV signal.

IN active antennas The signal is amplified due to the presence of a special microcircuit in them. Amplifiers can be either built into the antenna structure or independent of it.

Types of antenna amplifiers

When selecting a television signal amplifier, it is necessary to take into account its technical parameters:

  • Frequency range. The majority of antennas sold on the domestic market are designed to work with local frequencies. However, there are exceptions.
  • Gain. For the meter range this figure is 10 dB, and for the decimeter range - from 30 to 40 dB.
  • Noise figure. The recommended size is no more than three decibels.

The secondary parameters in the selection process are supply current (from 30 to 60 mA) and voltage (from 5 to 12 V). There are also differences in the place where the amplifier is located (directly on the receiver or near it).

However, even the use of components High Quality and reliably operating equipment does not always guarantee satisfactory quality of received television programs. This indicator may be negatively affected by low-quality coaxial cable, used for connection, and poor-quality elements for its connection. It is recommended to purchase a cable that has a thick central core and a standard characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms.

In addition, sources of interference in the picture may be Appliances And external sources. The latter are most often radio stations and cellular transmitters. There is only one protection against them - antennas with a narrow radiation pattern.

Antenna reception of signals digital television broadcasting or analog is not significantly different. Just need digital support UHF, provided that there is a DVB-T/T2 receiver in the TV itself. If it is not there, you will have to purchase an external TV tuner.

In conclusion, let's say a few words about satellite dishes. The diameter of their bowls can range from fifty centimeters to five meters. The sensitivity of the antenna is directly dependent on the size. Correctly install and configure satellite dish It’s not at all easy, and therefore to carry out this work it is necessary to attract highly specialized specialists.

Many of us have heard of active home antennas for TV, but not everyone knows how they differ from passive ones? The difference is that it has an amplifier inside, which requires electrical power from an adapter, power from 9 to 12 Volts. This device can be used to improve the quality of TV channel reception on the antenna. Most often, amplifiers are used in the UHF or meter ranges, but they can also be installed far from the receiver, which is located at a considerable distance.

To improve the quality of signal reception by an antenna, an amplifier is sometimes connected to it. This device is useful when the distance from the TV broadcaster to the receiver is large, or you have chosen the wrong model of satellite or cable antenna. Using the device, it is possible to significantly improve the quality of the picture reproduced by the TV. The location of this device next to the receiver is usually considered correct, because the signal coming from it along the cable is reduced.

An antenna amplifier is a device that can add power to the received signal. Its presence helps you view active broadcast channels in higher quality.

Antenna amplifiers for TV have the most various parameters, and may differ in appearance. In addition, some types of devices are designed for very distant reception, while others are designed for close reception. They are installed next to street or indoor receivers.

Types of amplifiers:

  1. Broadband. This type An analog amplifier is designed to improve picture quality on several devices simultaneously (such devices are often installed in apartment buildings and entrances). Such a model can work not only in UHF, but also in the HF range.
  2. Multi-band. They provide improved received images from receivers that are installed on high masts. They are used small systems collective reception.
  3. Range. Thanks to this species devices can receive a passive signal from particularly distant stations. These range models correct reception, eliminating strong noise.

All types of amplifiers are designed to improve the signal. Your task is to correctly determine which type of device is suitable for your antenna.

Smart device: TV antenna amplifier

Host TV antenna designed to receive from a television center electromagnetic radiation, pointing it at the conductive elements entering the coaxial cable. According to design outdoor antenna manages to obtain and enhance weak signal different power. Based on this, the concept of the direction coefficient of a television antenna is introduced, which shows how many times the output signal level exceeds the signal received from a half-wave vibrator.

An amplifier for a TV antenna helps to obtain a signal of the required strength, which helps proper operation television device. The quality of the image that the board displays on the screen depends on it.

The modern market for television devices presents us with many different models. Because of this, many people sometimes find it difficult to decide which device is best for them.

To make the right choice when purchasing, you need to consider several points:

  1. Gain. It is calculated based on the approximate distance between television device and the signal source (broadcasting tower). It cannot be more than 150 km. But at a distance of 10 km or less, there is no need to amplify the signal; you just need to determine a suitable antenna.
  2. Antenna type. SWA models are suitable for array receivers. They operate in frequencies from 49 to 791 MHz.
  3. Frequency range. An excellent solution for an ordinary outdoor receiver would be to install a broadband variety, only more good result will show the device operating only in certain range frequency

You need to know that the lower the noise figure of the device, the better the picture on the TV screen will be.

How to choose a TV signal amplifier: digital and conventional types

In order for the television antenna to better catch the signal, you can connect an amplifier to it. This device helps improve the quality of reception if the distance to the television center is particularly large, or if you have a weak, bad antenna. Especially often, devices that amplify television signals are installed by residents of the lower floors of high-rise buildings, for summer cottages, and in rural areas.

How to choose a digital TV signal amplifier so that it brings maximum benefit and does not have to be changed? To do this, you need to know the reception level of your antenna and the distance to the transmitting television center.

An amplifier for the TV antenna is installed so that the image stops snowing and the picture becomes clear. Depending on the distance to the transmitting center, it is necessary to select a device for the TV with appropriate gain factors. The longest distance cannot go beyond 150 km. If the distance to the transmitting installation is less than 10 km, then the antenna amplifier is not installed. All you need to do is choose the right antenna.

For correct selection devices you need to know:

  • Distance to the nearest transmitting station;
  • The frequency range you need;
  • The type of antenna you already have.

There is no need to chase maximum gain. Such devices may not operate properly and produce loud noise.

We create a television signal amplifier from improvised means

An indoor antenna equipped with an amplifier makes it possible to provide a high-quality and clear picture on the TV screen, remove noise and find more channels. To do this, you do not have to purchase the device in the store.

It is not at all difficult to make a television signal amplifier yourself. To do this, you can use a variety of available means.

Let's look at an example of manufacturing simple amplifier using beer cans. An amplifier for an antenna of this type can be made in 10-15 minutes. and it will function perfectly. In order to make it, you need to get: a power cable, a plug, two tin cans, a screwdriver, self-tapping screws, adhesive tape/duct tape, a stick like an old wooden trample.

Stages of creating a device for signal amplification:

  • We connect the beer cans and the stick using electrical tape. You need to ensure a distance between the cans of somewhere around 7-7.5 cm. If the cans have rings, it is easiest to attach the cable to them.
  • We screw self-tapping screws into the cans. To do this, we strip the ends of the cable and attach it with screws.
  • Using adhesive tape, we connect the stick and the wire to give the device stability.
  • Cover the jars with a large plastic flask with the bottom and neck cut off.
  • We make a hole in the middle of the container. It will be possible to pull the cable through it.
  • When you assemble the device, pour a little boiling water onto the nylon bottle. It will help change the shape of the plastic bottle and ensure a good seal of the hole.
  • We connect the device and configure it. This block you need to configure it so that it works flawlessly.

If desired, you can improve the design by adding several sections to it.

What is a TV signal amplifier (video)

Often, even in the city, when used regular TV there are problems with the signal Polish antenna. To avoid this problem, you can connect cable or satellite television. For those. Those who do not have the opportunity to install expensive equipment must connect an antenna amplifier. This device will be useful when the TV tower is too far away, or you have chosen the wrong antenna. This device can be purchased ready-made in a store, or made independently. The main thing is to correctly determine the power of the existing television antenna and the distance to the nearest populated area.


This is not a very common malfunction, and you can’t even call it a malfunction, meaning when the quality of the received signal fluctuates DVB signal T2. Most often this is due to the position of the cable from the antenna to the TV, reception conditions and a number of other reasons. Why this happens is simply incomprehensible to an inexperienced user in such matters, and he can explain this behavior of the tuner as a malfunction of the set-top box or antenna, but that is not the point. However, let's take things in order.


The intensity with which the dvb-t2 signal jumps depends on the height at which the cable has such a horizontal section and how long it is; if it is located close to the ground, then the influence of interference is minimal. It is clear that the longer such a section is, the more the useful signal will be suppressed. To avoid this, place the antenna close to the set-top box; using a high-quality cable also helps.

The digital TV signal also begins to jump when it is tilted, for example when it descends from the ridge of the roof to the wall. It is worth noting that there is a known case when, with an inclined cable, the receiver showed for quite a long time after tuning, and with the onset of summer and hot weather, the signal level began to change abruptly from 0 to 100, and the quality signal remained at 5%.

There have been cases in practice when, in urban conditions, with a nearby tower located, an active one was used to receive the first and second multiplex indoor antenna. The signal arriving at the tuner was very large, which led to the protection being triggered and, as a result, the signal began to jump on the digital tuner.

There were also opposite cases when the signal was artificially lowered. This refers to obstacles in the form of buildings or trees. Moreover, if there is a tree between the antenna and the tower, the reception is excellent in winter, but in summer the foliage dampens the signal and jumps in its level also occur. IN in this case It is enough to move the antenna. By the way, for this reason there is a signal failure on satellite TV, installed plate It was showing correctly for several years and suddenly glitches began to occur, the picture crumbled into squares. It turned out that the tree had grown over the years and began to block the dish from the satellite.

There are many nuances here and they can have an impact - weather, cable quality, tower location range (signal strength), so you need to understand each case when the signal starts to jump when receiving or setting up T2, individually, and no matter what set-top box you have World Vision, Rolsen, etc..

Avoid twisting the wire into a coil, as well as long sections with horizontal and inclined cable positions; use in these cases.

To avoid interference, the cable must be placed away from power electrical wires and avoid crossing the cable with power lines, and when crossing, make it at a right angle.

Wire the TV cable in one piece; if breaks cannot be avoided, then use special connectors with reliable wire contact and shielding, and not twisted with electrical tape.

Hello friends! In this post I will continue the topic of how to set up DVB-T2. Terrestrial digital TV, 20 channels for free, how to set up an antenna and enjoy a high-quality image.

If you are interested in what types of digital television there are and how to choose the right TV given this variety, then follow this link and

You can ask about how to choose the right antenna for digital television

Well, right now, about how to configure the antenna and equipment to digital channels.

A little general information for a better understanding of the matter.

Currently, terrestrial digital television offers 20 television programs, and to listening to 3 radio stations. Total 23 and these channels are included in two digital television packages.

But what’s interesting is that the user does not need to separately configure all 23 frequency channels on his TV or set-top box, but only two.

P.S. Residents of Moscow and the region can enjoy more; they are broadcasting a third package, which already includes 30 digital television programs and the need to tune in three frequency channels.

To make it clearer, let's remember how it works in analog signal? In this case, one TV channel is broadcast on one frequency channel, for example, in my region, Channel One was broadcast on frequency channel 6, the Rossiya TV channel was broadcast on channel 12, and NTV channel broadcasts were broadcast on channel 27 in the UHF range. And then further - One frequency channel = one television channel!

With coming digital broadcasting everything has changed!

And one of its advantages is that now not one TV channel is broadcast on one frequency channel, but ten or more at once, so to speak in a package. This is called “Package” or “Multiplex”. For example, from the television center in Belgorod on channel 43 of digital broadcasting 10 television channels and plus 3 radio stations is the first package, and on the 46 channel frequency another 10 TV channels are the second package. Thus, only two television frequencies are used, and not twenty-three. But keep in mind that if in Belgorod these are channels 43 and 46, then in another city these will be different frequencies.

There is only one thing that unites everyone, in any region these will be frequencies of the decimeter (UHF) range, and therefore an antenna is also needed for UHF. (ADDITION: Currently, some broadcasters are still broadcasting only one of the two packages, i.e. only ten channels.)

Find out on which channels Digital Terrestrial Television is broadcast in your region, where the transmitting towers are located and whether they operate in full mode, broadcasting two packets, This information can be extremely useful for the successful installation of the antenna.

So, if you decide to organize digital terrestrial TV channels You will need:

  1. A TV with a built-in DVB-T2 tuner or, if it does not have one, then you will need a set-top box for digital television, also in DVB-T2 format.
  2. And of course the antenna itself, UHF range. Indoor or outdoor, depends on the proximity to the translator and the quality of the signal in your area.
  3. Television cable, antenna plug.
  4. Sometimes it helps to have a helper, and it never hurts to have patience and persistence.

How to find out if my TV is capable of receiving Digital Terrestrial Television

First, let's find out whether your TV is capable of receiving DVB-T2 signals without a set-top box, the fact is that not all devices are able to do this, old, non-flat TVs don’t even need to be checked, but flat LCD TVs may or may not receive . But if you know exactly what your TV is capable of, feel free to skip this part.

There are several ways: 1) (Dreary) Get the technical passport from the TV and look in the “technical specifications” section to find the presence of DVB-T2 there. Why is it boring? Look at your passport!….. Although sometimes you get lucky.

2) (Simpler) There is a tag on the TV case, on its back, with the TV model written on it, write it down or take a photo. Next you need to enter the TV model into search bar browser and add the word “Characteristics”. See examples in the photo below.

The model has been determined, we type in the search engine…….

Upon entering the site, select “ Specifications» then “Advanced” And we get where we need to be.

As you can see, this model is capable of receiving DVB-T2; it does not need a set-top box. Further designations indicate: C - digital cable, S2 - digital satellite. But we are interested in DVB-T2 and it is present, otherwise we would have to purchase an additional set-top box for digital television.

How to set up your antenna and TV for digital TV under different signal conditions

Let's look at the simplest option first: You live in the good zone confident reception signal. We have decided on the antenna, an article about this will help you. We connected the antenna to the TV and turned on auto channel search; in some models, when we go to the settings menu, the TV may prompt you to select and configure analog channels or digital choose digital. If everything went well, the TV itself will save the caught channels. You can admire the excellent image quality.

Let's complicate the situation a little. On auto-search, the TV did not catch anything, or only a few channels that were snowing. If this is so, then these are not digital channels, but ordinary analogue ones; digital television cannot go with the snow. (the fact is that on auto search, the TV can scan the entire range, both digital and analog).

Your next steps: If the auto search did not help, then It will greatly simplify the situation by knowing which TV channels broadcast the first and second multiplexes in your area. And also where and in what direction the TV tower is located from you in order to correctly point the antenna. If you don’t know this, then you can also see the desired direction of the antenna by paying attention to where the neighbors’ antennas are “looking.” Just don’t take it as a guide satellite dishes, they are sent to the satellite.

If you know the channel number, then do the following - You need to find the mode in the TV menu manual settings, do not forget to select “Digital”; it may be designated as DTV. Next, your task is to dial from the remote control the channel number on which one of the multiplexes (packages) is broadcast. IN manual mode a scale will be displayed on the screen that visually shows the signal level received by the antenna. (Sometimes there may be two scales, for example “Level” and “Quality”, refer to the bottom one)

And now, on the scale, you can see whether there is a signal from the antenna, in some cases, if there is no signal, then the indicator on the scale may behave like this: It will jump, zero percent - one hundred percent - zero - one hundred ..... etc. d. This indicates there is no signal. By changing the position and direction of the antenna, visually determine the best signal level, and this level should be stable, and if it changes, it should be within small limits, not to zero.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the result from changing the antenna position will not be reflected immediately, after about 5 seconds. So look best position stages, each time taking a short pause, observing the signal level on the scale. If the antenna is located on the street, then it will be more convenient to work with an assistant.

When we managed to find the antenna position at which the signal is stable, we give the command to search and save channels. We repeat the search and save procedure for the second multiplex, indicating its channel number (if there is broadcasting of two multiplexes, it is not everywhere yet)

And now completely a difficult situation: You live in an area with difficult television reception. This may be due to the distance from the transmitting tower, the complexity of the terrain (mountains, lowlands, wooded areas). High-rise buildings located quite close to you and at the same time standing on the way to the transmitting tower, your antenna directed at the tower seems to “rest” against the high-rise.

In these cases, the principle of the adjustment itself is the same as described above; you need to visually determine the best position of the antenna using a scale. But the antennas used and some methods differ.

Antennas in difficult reception conditions must be used active ones, i.e. with an amplifier, also structurally having a higher gain. Typically, the longer the antenna arm, the greater its own gain.

Methods include the following: Determine if there are other transmission towers in a more favorable position for you. And try to catch a signal from them (fortunately they will be built quite tightly)

Using masts and other heights is the task of raising the antenna higher. (Effective in lowlands and wooded areas)

In built-up areas that are not very far from the tower, it is not necessary to use powerful antenna, try to catch the reflected signal, point the antenna not at the TV tower, but in the opposite direction, at the building behind you or on the side. If it is possible to install an antenna on the roof of a high-rise building, this will give excellent results.

Antenna setup via digital set-top box

When using a digital set-top box, everything is the same as described above; it is better to set it up manually in order to see the signal level. The only difference is that the TV plays the role of a monitor connected to the set-top box via hdmi cable or RCA (tulips). This means that all settings need to be made in the set-top box, and not in the TV. Just don’t forget to switch the TV to the appropriate VIDEO or HDMI mode (depending on what connectors you used for connection)

To do this, you need to find the corresponding button on the TV remote control, in different models it can be indicated in different ways, here are some examples, separated by an asterisk: AV* AV/TV*VIDEO* SOURSE * HDMI * RECTANGLE ICON WITH ARROW IN* INPUT* In some SONY TVs The order is as follows - HOME - Settings - External inputs.

All further actions settings are made using the remote control from the set-top box, through manual or automatic search.

Do not forget that in this case we connect the antenna to the set-top box, and not to the TV.

What you need to know when choosing digital set-top box read in

Well, I hope this article can help you in connecting digital broadcasting to your home.

P.S. I decided to add them below to this article as interesting cases related to tuning antennas become available. If you have any, write them in the comments and they will definitely appear in your feed.

  1. In my practice, very rarely, but there were cases when the antenna did not receive the signal at all, but as soon as I moved it literally a meter to the left or right, everything went fine, we returned it a meter back, again everything disappeared.
  2. Today I encountered another incident. I'll describe it in detail. The situation is this: An old TV is on the floor, it works great through the set-top box, the indoor antenna is on the windowsill nearby, the signal level is about 70-80%. In this case, there is the following task.

You need to set up the number on the new LG LCD. I put it on the windowsill, next to the antenna that I connect to it, so what? LG doesn't see a signal at all, not even an ounce. Maybe it doesn’t support DVB-T2, I thought! I checked the model, no, everything is supported in order. What's wrong with the antenna? No, the old TV works through a set-top box. I'm at a loss!

I connect a set-top box to the new LG (What if!)........ There is a signal through the set-top box, but below 10% - It’s some kind of mystery why everything is fine with the old TV, but with the new one, which, even when in monitor mode, is connected through the set-top box, - television signal falls completely. 😯

After a short “Dancing around and around” It turned out!

The power supply of this LG was external and it was connected to the socket there, on the windowsill (there was an extension cord tee there). So, the OH power supply emitted such radio interference that being next to the antenna completely jammed the signal.

It was worth smashing into different sides, a few meters, the antenna and the power supply of the LCD TV, and everything immediately returned to normal. Bringing it close to the antenna again, the signal disappeared!

3. If you use an indoor antenna and your window is covered with metal blinds, then they can also seriously interfere with the signal. Keep this in mind!