The digital TV set-top box is not working. The set-top box says "No services" auto search found nothing

Probably, every person has encountered the failure of one or another equipment, and in Lately The actual situation is when digital television does not work. A person turns on the TV to watch a long-awaited continuation of a series or a favorite show, but only gets a blank screen. But digital television does not work every time for some reason that no one understands. Either there is no broadcast, or the signal is not passing through, or prevention is in progress separate channels. Digital television also does not work if the antenna or even the TV itself breaks down, or maybe the cable comes loose somewhere. There are many, many reasons why there is no television broadcasting. This article will help you understand some of them.

Main reasons

If digital television does not work due to lack of signal, it will be immediately clear, because not a single channel will respond. This means something happened to the antenna. Prevention cannot take place on all channels at once, most often on just one or, in extreme cases, on several. The rest will work, and why digital television does not work is not a question for such a situation. If a cable has come loose somewhere, then the question is legitimate, because silence and dark screen will be everywhere.

The first thing you can check is that everyone knows, even people far from technology. You need to disconnect and reconnect the cable. If it doesn’t help, then contact specialists and ask them why digital television doesn’t work today. If the user suspects the reason is that the TV is broken, there is no point in independent actions No. It will only help service center or private master, who definitely knows how to repair TVs.

Much, much if

Users cable television have the opportunity to immediately contact the company that provides broadcasting services as soon as they discover the absence of sound and video. There are usually experts there, they will always help in all cases. If there is no cable television, then first you need to get to know your neighbors and ask if everything is okay with them.

If their digital television has not stopped working, then all problems should be sought from specific user. If a regular indoor antenna is used, problems usually arise frequently, so many people now purchase special amplifiers, then there is no answer to why digital television does not work. An antenna amplifier is a very effective aid, and it is not difficult to purchase - it is not too expensive and is sold everywhere, in every household appliance store.

Common problems

Satellite television antennas are very powerful, but even they sometimes refuse to transmit a signal, and a frustrated user spends a lot of time with the phone in his hands, asking the broadcasting company why digital television is not working today. This problem is considered common. The satellite is moving, and it was to it that the antenna was tuned, and it was from it that it caught the signal.

It exists, but is not available. The problem can be solved quite simply, but not every user can independently reconfigure the antenna to another satellite, so it is better to immediately contact specialists. Moreover, it is not a fact that the satellite has moved. The antenna may also change its position due to the wind or because an object, such as a tree branch, falls on it.

About the benefits and harms of curiosity

There are many reasons, and users have even more solutions, unless, of course, they cannot correctly determine the reason why digital television is not working well. If the cause is unclear or the user made a mistake in the diagnosis, additional problems may arise when acting independently. Therefore, it is better to resort to the help of real professionals. They will determine why 20 channels are not working digital television, or, for example, out of twenty only ten work.

A user who is not very well versed in modern technology is unlikely to be able to do this. But there are (and quite large quantities) people are inquisitive, and it is their choice: to establish a signal or to break something else. You can only eliminate some minor defects on your own, and those that are visible, for example, placing the cable correctly in the socket or choosing an amplifier for the antenna in a store. The rest needs to be left to specialists.

Far and near

In the city it is much easier to get answers to the following questions: why digital television channels do not work, why bad reception sound and image, why not all channels work well and many more questions regarding broadcasting and reception. But very often there are situations when it is difficult to solve such problems even in a metropolis. It is impossible to even list all the cases in which even a master cannot immediately cope if digital television does not work.

Kaluga, for example, is a very modern city, but for some reason there are a lot of reviews on the Internet about signal problems from there. City residents generally have much less problems calling technical support, but how much more difficult it is to resolve issues of this nature far from civilization! In the outback, time does not flow so quickly; modern technologies arrive there very late or never arrive at all. Therefore, fans of digital television need to find out what options exist for them today.

Three options

Firstly, this is cable television, when the signal will be distributed directly through tv cable, and it connects to a separate TV. This is a very high-quality transmission, but it is not available in every outback, mainly in cities. And the subscription fee is quite high.

Secondly, this is satellite television, when the signal comes from low-Earth orbit and is received by an individual antenna (“dish”). This can be done everywhere, and the sound and picture will be of high quality. The subscription fee is quite high, and the equipment is also expensive. And from time to time, the user still asks the question: why did digital television stop working?

Thirdly, terrestrial, when the signal is distributed by ground-based repeater stations and is received by an individual antenna. There are few costs here, but the signal level is much lower, the quality of reception depends on everything in the world - here is the weather, and the distance from the relay tower, and the height of the antenna mast, and much, much more. And every user will be in a bad mood from time to time due to the fact that terrestrial digital television does not work.

Of course, nowadays the Internet helps everyone everywhere, where you can always watch whatever you want. However, this article is not about these cases.


All these methods are quite good. But when choosing one of them, it is necessary to present at least general outline, What is the difference. For example, terrestrial television and digital television are completely different. The latter is that digital coding is used to transmit image and sound - both the audio signal and the video signal. And digital channels are used for transmission. Such encoding ensures minimal losses during signal delivery, since there is no danger of any interference with the encoded information. And if digital television channels do not work, then they do not work completely, at all. And if they work, then only in excellent quality. There is no borderline state or interference here. An exception is only what happens poor quality communications. Then the TV seems to slow down, turn off and turn on again. And this can only be corrected in one way - you need another antenna or the existing one needs to be raised higher and turned towards the TV tower.

It should also be noted that many users do not know that digital television is always limited in quantity available channels. Depending on the region there may be ten, twenty, the number varies. The principle does not work here: raise the antenna higher and catch absolutely everything. No, only what is available can be configured. For have a nice watching First of all, you need to purchase TV antenna, TV or television with support for signal compression standards and a tuner (you need to find out which one is on this moment not yet outdated). Many of the most modern TVs do not require a set-top box; an antenna is enough. But not everyone has these, and therefore users often look for the reason why the digital television set-top box does not work, although the problem may be in the TV itself.


Let's say you have chosen terrestrial digital television for use. You can use the most regular antenna, which catches two or three channels well in fairly good quality, a couple more in poor quality, but even those in very good weather. This antenna requires an attachment. For example, DVB-T2. Any one is possible, they are technically almost identical. Most often, set-top boxes have two outputs - SCART or “tulip” and HDMI output, as well as a USB connector to view the contents of electronic media. The boxes for all consoles are different, but they seem to be made at the same factory in China. Therefore, when purchasing, you need to carefully inspect the control panel, as the most frequently used item, to see if everything is in order with it. Otherwise, there will be problems in switching channels, adjusting the volume, and the like. If all is well, you can connect the antenna to the set-top box, and the set-top box using a “tulip” (usually sold in one set with the set-top box) needs to be connected directly to the TV.

Here you need to know that the RCA connectors for stereo sound and video signals are the same “tulip”. Yellow is for video, white is for left stereo or mono, and red is for right stereo. If the TV picture tube is obsolete, the “tulip” will help out. If the TV is plasma or LCD, it has an HDMI output, and you need an appropriate cable, another will not work. You need to purchase it separately. Otherwise, the user will not like the image too much. The TV needs to be switched to AV mode, then the set-top box interface will appear. Setting up the console is not too complicated. Even if you just do everything by default, the quality will completely satisfy even connoisseurs. The main thing here is to configure the channels themselves. The menu has a channel search. You can also select auto search. In a few minutes everything will be ready. For almost anyone settlement it would be enough.

From electronic media

As already mentioned, it is needed in order to play back what was recorded on a flash drive. To do this, you need to insert USB device into the set-top box, go to the menu, select “USB”, “Multimedia”, respectively, then select the desired format - video, pictures or music. The contents of the flash drive will open on the screen. Now you need to choose the desired folder and open the file. Everything is even simpler than doing this with a laptop or computer. However, many people still cannot figure out these operations on their own. Especially the elderly, who cannot keep up with the rapid movement of technological progress, need help. Young people cope best with this. And even small children are much more adaptable.

But that is not all. A user who has such an antenna attachment for digital television should know that it is possible to perform the reverse operation. For example, record your favorite program directly from the TV onto a flash drive. And the steps for this purpose are just as simple. Just press the “Rec” button on the control panel of the set-top box, and the recording will obediently go to the USB device. In a word, digital television today, even for a remote locality, is not a myth or a dream, but a completely feasible thing. And if it is digital terrestrial, then a resident of the outback or temporarily settling in a dacha or village does not necessarily have to spend about ten thousand rubles on installing satellite television, and then pay a considerable subscription fee. You can still achieve comfort today with small means.

Trust the provider

Almost everyone enters into an agreement with a provider in order to receive digital television services. Long-running and fairly powerful companies supply a set of equipment to the user, such as, for example, Rostelecom. However, almost all providers do not satisfy the client on the day of contact. You have to wait a day or two, and if this is the outback, then a week, not even one. In order not to waste time, and digital television to work immediately, you can make initial setup on one's own. This knowledge and skill can be needed by literally everyone, even if you have to move the TV to another room or exchange it for a new one you just bought. Therefore, everyone should understand connection diagrams and configuration technologies.

The same Rostelecom offers this service in two versions - together with the Internet (“Interactive 2.0”) and separate digital television (“Interactive TV”). The latter can only work on a router that belongs to the company; others will not work. And Rostelecom’s routers are disgusting, that’s what all the reviews say. Therefore, it is better to choose 2.0, and if there is no other provider nearby, you will have to call technical support almost every day with the question: why does digital television not work during the day? You won’t be able to connect version 2.0 yourself; you’ll still have to wait for technicians. Rostelecom's settings do not match with other people's equipment. The user is lucky if another provider is nearby and can connect him to their network.


1. The set-top box leaves the normal mode. This can happen if it is turned off for a long time. You just need to plug it into the network and not be afraid of the inscription that says that the channel is DRE encrypted. If you wait a couple of hours, the operation of the receiver will be fully restored and all encrypted channels will open.

2. It may happen that the set-top box (receiver) is not registered. To eliminate this situation, you need to look at the identification number on the back panel and enter it on the provider’s website.

3. Sometimes the antenna settings get lost. Such cases are described above. Here you will need the help of a specialist who will reactivate them.

4. If a sign suddenly appears on the screen paid channel, you just need to pay for a subscription to the provider’s services, apparently the user forgot to do it on time.

5. Sometimes there are difficulties with software compatibility. This will require some dexterity. If the receiver is GS-HD, you need to restore the channel list in the menu (there is such a key there). And if that doesn’t work, you need to press two buttons on the remote control and on the receiver panel at the same time (this is the most important thing) - CHANNEL and TV/RADIO. Exactly at the same time - with four fingers. And then press STANDBY on the remote control. And everything has to fit together in the software.

6. If “No Signal” appears on the screen, you should look for a solution to the problem with the antenna. This has been discussed a lot above.

7. Check the cable. If it doesn't help, call a specialist.

Everyone who lives in the age of high technology is sure that these technologies are designed to make life easier. This is true, although there are situations that can contribute to nervous tension rather than relaxation. For example, when some of your favorite TV channels disappear. Naturally, this is far from the most best experience, especially when you want to watch TV, and it throws up similar, not very pleasant surprises.

If you also encounter a similar problem, then there is no need to rush to a television repairman, especially since this may take some time. If you wish, you can try to restore digital channels on the TV yourself. Of course, a 100% return of their broadcast cannot be guaranteed, but, as a rule, independent manipulations help.

Reasons for missing channels

As a rule, the TV shows two dozen standard digital channels. But sometimes even they disappear, if not completely, then partially. Considering that they are free, problems with broadcasting can be associated with many reasons, but the main ones can still be identified:

    Problems with the program;

    Problems with the signal receiving equipment.

Both the first and second situations can be solved, but they require completely different manipulations. If it's a hardware issue, then attempts regular user They don’t always help, and can even cause harm. If there is a problem with the TV channel itself, then this happens with one, maximum, two programs, but not with half of the broadcast channels at once.

Let's figure out what the number represents before doing any manipulations related to recovery processes. So, the advantages of digital television channels are improved signal reception, cooler sound, picture and other characteristics compared to other free systems. But only 20 channels are free, which are periodically switched off and changed, so in a situation where some TV channels have disappeared, there is nothing surprising.

    A paid channel symbol appeared on the screen. This is a sign that the subscription to services is ending. If you didn’t pay for your digital subscription on time, the answer to the question of why the channels on your digital set-top box disappeared is obvious. You need to top up your account and then they will start working again, of course, if this message does not pop up on. In this case, it is better to contact your provider for clarification;

    There may also be difficulties with the software, or more precisely, its compatibility. If this is a GS-HD receiver, then you need to go to the menu and press the “Restore channel list” button. If the new software does not work, then on the same receiver you need to: find the TV/RADIO and CHANNEL buttons on the remote control, and also press the same buttons on the receiver panel in parallel. But it is very important to do this at the same time. Then press the STANDBY button on the remote control;

    The inscription “No signal”. This is already a standard sign of problems with the antenna. If the antenna does not work as it should, it is not surprising that dozens of channels began to disappear. If the device is new, then it may not have configured programs, so this fact should be clarified. But if the programs worked before, but disappeared in an instant, you should still go outside and see if the antenna has moved due to strong wind or something like that;

    Sometimes the connection between the antenna and the cable, or the cable and the set-top box, is disrupted. If such suspicions arise, you need to make sure that the cable is connected to the LNB IN socket.

When none of the above list helps, there is only one way out - call for help. The master will definitely figure out what’s wrong and return your favorite programs.

Why are only 10 out of 20 digital channels shown?

Over the past two or three years, digital television users have often complained that after updating channels, half of the programs that were shown before disappear. Since then, people have a logical question: why did 10 channels disappear if they used to work and were free?

They are trying to find out the answer to this question on many forums, which is why different versions are put forward. For some, the channels of the first multiplex do not work, for others, the second. This suggests that the reasons for these troubles lie in various signal reception difficulties associated with technical work or features of the functioning of digital television.

Perhaps after some time the channels will restore their broadcasting, so don’t worry in advance about where ten disappeared at once popular channels. RTRS clarifies that for now the work is being carried out in test mode, so for some regions such difficulties will become the norm. Sometimes searching for channels again or reflashing the set-top box helps, but if this is not your case, you can use analog or satellite television, where the signal works without such significant interruptions.

The modern world can no longer be imagined without digital TV. This signal transmission has been used for quite some time to broadcast television and radio channels in many countries in Europe, America and Asia. In Russia, the process of transition from analogue to digital TV has been delayed.

The digital signal arriving through the receiver antenna allows you to watch more TV channels throughout the country without loss of quality or interference. In this case, the signal itself can arrive either to an antenna that is attached to set-top box, and directly to the TV. It all depends on how modern the model of this device you have.

With devices that support DVB-T2, everything is simple. In order to connect to digital TV, just insert the cable into the appropriate connector and perform a simple channel setup. If your TV is outdated and does not support receiving this type of signal, then in order to view digital channels you should purchase a special set-top box....

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Connecting a digital set-top box to a TV

The rapid development of technical progress in the field of television broadcasting provides great opportunities for digital television for better reception of television programs in comparison with outdated analogue. But in order to be able to watch digital TV broadcasts, you need to connect a receiver (special set-top box) to the TV. Before you connect a digital set-top box to your TV, you will need to decide on the choice of receiving device - antenna. So, in order to watch digital terrestrial television (DTTV) without any problems, you will need:

Antenna; receiver (set-top box); setting up channels.


The type of antenna is selected depending on the distance to the transmitting TV tower. Therefore, you should install an indoor or outdoor antenna. But, regardless of the type of location, it must work in decimeter range, namely, to accept frequencies from 470 to 860 MHz. Indoor antenna will work well within the city, where...

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Government program gradual transition to digital standard DVB T2 television broadcasting is approaching the final stage - a gradual reduction in the number of analogue repeaters. This suggests that the time has come to join new technologies and switch to digital. We will talk about the equipment necessary to receive a television signal in the new format, as well as how to properly connect a digital set-top box (receiver) to a TV or monitor.

Necessary equipment

To watch digital broadcasting, as opposed to analogue, you will need a receiver that decodes the signal. Many modern models TVs (Philips, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba, LG, Panasonic, etc.) are equipped with such a unit. To ensure this, please refer to the user manual, this brief instructions included with each product. At the same time, check whether the built-in tuner supports the DVB-T2 format; if not, you will need to purchase a receiver.

Receiver Supra

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Connecting an Android set-top box to a TV

Very often our clients have a problem connecting an Android set-top box to a TV. Actually, this article should show options for connecting your TV box to a TV. Looking ahead, I will say that we have not touched on all connection options, but the 3 most basic ones.

3 ways to connect the set-top box to the TV

Through HDMI cable; Via AV cable (RCA tulips); HDMI converter adapter;

Let's look at each of them in detail.

Connect via HDMI cable

The first point is the simplest and most common. All you need is to connect with a cable HDMI set-top box with TV. After this, do not forget to change the signal source on the TV (look for the Input or Source button on the remote control). Although everything here is really very simple, sometimes there are situations when your TV does not see the set-top box at all. In this case, we recommend trying to connect the set-top box to another...

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Many digital set-top boxes for TVs are made for only 20 channels. Present on the market various manufacturers, and the models are quite different in parameters. The main indicators of devices include the input stream, sampling frequency, and memory.

It is also important to consider processor parameters and supported formats. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a good digital set-top box for your TV, you should know the main manufacturers and read reviews from real customers.

Reviews of MXQ S805

This set-top box for a 20-channel TV receives good reviews from customers. Many owners praise her for convenient menu. Symbol rate The model is quite high. Thus, sampling problems rarely occur. According to buyers, a high-quality remote control is included in the standard package of the device. Linear connectors are provided on the rear panel of the set-top box. Owners also praise the devices for...

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I assume that you have read the previous articles and followed the algorithm I described, but nothing worked for you. If this is not the case, then I recommend that you read all this, perhaps your problem is solved in the early steps. For example, you are simply not in the digital TV reception area or you have an old receiver.

Now let’s try to figure out what’s wrong and why your digital television is not showing. I’ll say right away that this article will focus specifically on setting up the set-top box and antenna. That is, we do not consider repairing the devices themselves, and assume that they are working properly.

Not all channels caught

So, if you tried to do an auto search, but you didn’t get all the channels, let’s try manual search(read about the second method). Chances are you haven't picked up the second multiplex, and you'll need the frequency of the nearest tower that transmits it.

There are duplicate channels

If you catch duplicates, then read the same article, only from the beginning.

But if you didn't catch it...

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Faq: Choosing a smart set-top box for an old one CRT TV

Smart set-top boxes for Android are suitable for all types of TVs, including those that use cathode ray tube(elt), in other words - kinescope.

Choosing an Android console for a CRT TV is not a difficult task. The point is, in order to register smart on an old TV, you need to do a number of things: simple actions by selection smart device, which will assist your TV.

Formally, the main criterion for selecting a set-top box for a CRT TV should be the AV connector. This jack looks like a hole for connecting headphones. Technically, the AV connector is just that, but the difference from the 3.5mm Jack lies in additional contact, responsible for the video.

Thus, in order to connect a smart set-top box to an old TV, you need:

a) AV connector on the set-top box

b) tulip cord or as it is also called - RCA

In what quality is the image displayed from...

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For changing analogue television a better quality is coming – digital. Connecting it is no more difficult than the usual analog one that we are all accustomed to. To do this, first of all you will need to purchase a special digital set-top box in DVB-T2 format or a TV with a built-in digital tuner. In addition to the receiver (set-top box), you may need an additional cable and a CAM module. The latter is needed if you plan to view an expanded list of broadcast channels. You can connect the set-top box to the TV yourself without involving a specialist (although when purchasing additional equipment employees of the selling company will most likely insist that you invite a specialist). To save on calling a specialist, let’s take a closer look at what equipment is needed to install the receiver.


As already mentioned, to watch broadcast television programs in digital quality you will need a special DVB-T2 set-top box, also called...

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Connection diagram, setting up a TV set-top box

How to connect the set-top box

Together with the prefix in included switch (switch) and cables - from the switch to the set-top box and from the switch to the computer/router (router). The attachment must be connected in accordance with the picture.

Setting the time

If TV program does not correspond to the broadcast on the channel, perhaps your time settings are wrong. To do this, you need to go to the set-top box interface (the "Menu" button on the remote control), scroll with the arrows to the right to the "Portal" menu and press the "OK" button. Next, on the remote control you need to press the “Setup” button, in the “Advanced Settings” section that appears, change the “Time Zone” to “GMT +03:00 Moscow” and apply the settings. If after all the above settings the discrepancy persists, contact Technical Support.

How to choose the resolution for your TV (for advanced users)

The video output resolution affects the image quality.


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The article presents detailed instructions, how to connect a digital set-top box to a TV. More and more users give preference to digital television, since today it is one of the most modern methods signal transmission. Therefore, the quality of the broadcast picture and sound is several times better than analogue broadcasting.

To have access to digital TV, the user must purchase digital receiver, and then connect it and configure it.

Connecting and setting up a digital tuner

The receiver can be connected not only to a television screen, but also to a PC or video player. But in this case, the user needs to additionally purchase a special adapter; it is necessary to connect the coaxial wire. You can buy such an adapter at most electrical stores.

To watch digital channels you will need the following equipment:

TV; console; television or satellite antenna; consumables;


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If you have become the proud owner of a smart TV set-top box, you probably have a lot of questions regarding the operation of the TV Box. Using these instructions will make it much easier to use. We will try to consider in as much detail as possible from the most basic steps with connecting to the Internet to more complex issues. In order for the guide to be supplemented and expanded, ask us questions in the comments, we will be happy to answer.

Before using the set-top box, it is best to reset it to factory settings; this will help get rid of glitches that may have arisen after the factory firmware. This happens in 10% of cases and, as a rule, the user notices something is wrong only after full customization, installing programs, accounts, etc. What a disappointment it will be if everything has to be deleted and done again. If the TV box was purchased in our store, there is no need to reset it, since we check all devices before selling them.

1. Connection

Use only the original block...

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Many buyers of DVB-T2 digital tuners were incredibly happy with the fact that these devices are equipped with a USB port and allow you to play music, photos and videos from a flash drive. In fact, if you decide to buy a DVB-T2 tuner, you will also get a media player!

As always, there was a fair fly in the ointment in the barrel of honey (not so sweet, by the way). New owners of DVB-T2 tuners notice that in many cases they play video without sound. Since the days of silent films have already passed, this state of affairs causes a certain misunderstanding among people.

Why is there no sound when the T2 tuner plays video from USB?

In fact, the problems with sound (or rather, the lack of it) can be explained very simply: our digital tuners of the DVB-T2 standard support encoding the audio track in MP3 format, while many films contain sound encoded in AC3. The problem lies precisely in this and now can be solved by several...

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Most countries in Europe, and indeed the whole world, have long switched to digital broadcasting television. However, in our country the transition process has been delayed. This may be due to the fact that many families still have televisions that do not have a digital receiver. But for watching digital channels this is not a problem. After all, there are special set-top boxes for sale for watching digital television, which are very inexpensive, and you can connect them to almost any old or new TV.

What you need to watch digital TV channels

When purchasing a set-top box for digital television, many people have no idea how to use it, how to connect it correctly and how to set up TV channels. After all, this type of transmission TV signal is just entering our lives. Meanwhile, there is nothing complicated about it. All you need to watch these channels is:

TV; console; antenna or other signal source.

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DVB-T2 tuner does not turn on World Vision T34 set-top box

Digital television set-top boxes have recently entered our lives, but apart from positive points cause many complaints regarding quality. It’s still too early to talk about any statistics and how many failures they have, but there are already quite a few cases of failure of these TV set-top boxes.

I will list a few of the most common malfunctions in which the set-top box refuses to work:

The red indicator is on; red indicator flashes; the set-top box reboots and does not turn on; it says “ON” and does not turn on (the green light is on); the tuner does not turn on after the firmware; does not turn on from a long distance.

The reasons why the tuner does not turn on can be divided into several groups:

Malfunction electrical diagram; Firmware failure; Remote control malfunction.

If there is any breakdown in the circuit, it can manifest itself in different ways, but the worst thing is that even with the same manifestations, the reasons may be...

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Broadcasting of digital terrestrial television of the DVB-T2 standard covers almost the entire territory Russian Federation. As we already know, you can check the availability of airwaves on the rtrs.rf map. If broadcasting is carried out in a given region, then for reception you only need subscriber equipment of the required standard, in our case - DVB-T2.

But the following may happen. You bought reception equipment (or already had it), and set up digital broadcast channels does not work. What could be the problem? The most common are:

The antenna is not intended for receiving digital terrestrial television (does not receive the UHF range);
Software your equipment is not relevant;
The equipment does not support the DVB-T2 standard.

Not all antennas are capable of receiving digital terrestrial television signals. Most often, people who connect their equipment to their home antenna encounter a lack of signal. You'll never guess here...

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Free digital television became generally available in early 2015, but many users continue to watch television in analogue format.

The transition to digital broadcasting is difficult disabilities TVs that do not support DVB-T2 technology. Modern models with a built-in DVB-T2 tuner can receive a signal of this format. Other TVs will be able to switch to digital only with the help of additional equipment - external tuner T2.

Operator Zenobund decoded 32 channels at the request of the government, which plans to turn off analogue broadcasting by the end of June 2017. Today, 95% of the territory of Ukraine is covered by digital broadcasting.

Popular questions about the DVB-T2 digital set-top box

Experts from the Foxtrot online store answered the most common questions about DVB-T2 receivers presented on the website

1. Why doesn't my digital TV receive a signal?

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There is no sound when viewing .mkv in the media player, how to fix it?

According to my statistics, this is the most frequently asked question among those present on the topic of using digital set-top boxes DVB-T2, what to do and how to get out of this situation at the lowest cost, and for what reason there is no sound, now we will consider it step by step.

Why is there no sound?
At the moment, out of the entire line of DVB-T2 set-top boxes World Vision, there is only one model, T55D, which has support for digital multi-channel audio Dolby Digital, AC-3 and it is present in technical specification device, the rest of the range of models can only play audio audio tracks standard STEREO or MONO, which is actually the problem of missing sound on most modern films being played, since they all come with soundtrack AC3 or DTS. And only for this reason there is support for video series, but no audio. This question is not programmatically...

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Connecting a digital receiver

All of Europe, America and Japan have switched to digital television. Russia is also rapidly developing the progress of terrestrial digital TV. Many people purchased this receiver, some hired specialists to connect and configure it, and some connected and configured it themselves, so in this article we will tell you how to connect a digital set-top box to a TV. And how to choose the right digital set-top box, we wrote about this earlier.

With the advent of digital television, even in the most distant corners of our country, digital channels are broadcast, which are also broadcast in central Russia. That is, the channels that are broadcast in Moscow, the same channels will be broadcast in Chukotka. The quality has certainly changed for the better compared to analogue broadcasting. There are TVs that support digital DVB broadcasting-T2. It’s very convenient, we connected the television cable to the TV and that’s it, no more wires, and the digital TV set-top box shows in perfect quality. But if you...

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In this regard, I set a goal to configure as many as possible television channels in the village. To begin with, I propose to consider what options there are today to obtain quality signal and pictures on TV:

1 Cable television - television, in which the signal is distributed through a television cable that is directly connected to each television

Pros: high-quality TV.

Minuses: Subscription fee, available only in major cities.

2 Satellite television. Satellite television broadcasts using a satellite suspended in low-Earth orbit. The signal is received by TV viewers on an individual dish antenna.

Pros: high-quality TV.

Cons: Cost of equipment, subscription fee.

3 Terrestrial television. Terrestrial television distributes the signal using terrestrial repeater stations; in order to receive this signal, you must use an antenna.

Pros: minimum...

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The situation is as follows. The first time I connected the set-top box to the LCD Philips TV 32PFL9604 via complete scart-tulips. All OK. There is picture and sound.

Then various experiments began. The blue light (hd) lives its life, it turns on and off periodically. Moreover, I noticed that if I wait for some time with the set-top box turned on (10-15 minutes), the image still turns on and the set-top box starts to work normally. If you turn off the set-top box, it goes into standby, a picture appears on the screen with the inscription press ok, when you click on ok, the set-top box loads again and displays correctly. But if you turn it off for a long time, for example at night. When I turn it on, there is no signal on the TV again. Then, when you finally manage to display the channels, there is no sound at all (mute mode is turned off, the volume is half, in the settings...

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The whole world has long switched to digital television. Our country is in the process of transition from analog transmission the signal began relatively recently. Digital television has contributed to the emergence of digital channels broadcasting throughout the country. TVs that support DVB - T 2 digital broadcasting have gone on sale.

This is very convenient, you just need to connect the television cable to the TV, and no other wires are required. However, if the TV does not support digital broadcasting, then a digital set-top box comes to the rescue. Many people, having purchased this device, do not know how to properly connect it to the TV. Therefore, it is necessary to fill this information gap.

Required equipment

To broadcast digital television in your apartment, you need the following equipment:

TV; receiver; antenna or satellite dish.

The TV must be such that it has an input for an antenna, connectors for “tulips”, scart - an input with a video input. Modern...

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Several years ago, the old analogue television was replaced by a more modern digital one. It provides not only good welcome signal, but also better image and sound transmission.

To connect it, you need to purchase a special TV set-top box with a supported DVB-T2 standard. But not every person knows how to connect a digital set-top box to a TV. Today we will tell you more about this.

How to connect a dvb t2 set-top box to a TV?

Are you wondering how to connect a digital TV set-top box to your TV? In addition to the receiver itself, this requires:

HDMI cable; CAM module; Antenna.

Any person can make the connection independently, without turning to the help of professionals, which will save a significant amount. Before installing the receiver, it is important to make sure that you have an antenna, which can be either indoor or outdoor. The choice of its type is made based on the distance of the TV tower:


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This article is for those who want to buy this newfangled gadget for themselves, but have no idea what “Alfacore smart TV box Android 6.0” or “ gaming consoles on Android 5.1 for TV." Visually, the Android TV box is a small flat box small sizes with many entrances. But inside this very functional box - the whole world online information and entertainment.

The secret of creating Android smart TV set-top boxes - who needed it?

They say that Android TV set-top boxes were invented by someone who was sorry to throw away the old one. Everything is possible! Android TV boxes provide regular " blue screens» abilities that are available to new, “sophisticated” Smart TVs. And even a little more!

There is another version about the creation of a smart TV box. Rumor has it that in the age of the Internet, most users have stopped buying televisions. Companies producing this equipment were confused - it was not clear how to return consumer demand. IN...

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New format broadcasting is supported by everyone modern TVs, but the digital standard is not available to owners of older models. To get it without buying a new TV, you need a TV set-top box for watching digital television. The function will improve the quality of broadcasting, pictures, and sound.

What is a digital TV receiver

It is a small-sized device that is designed to fix digital signal, then transmitting it to any TV. The standard has the abbreviation DVB-T2. Digital receiver for TV - an inexpensive device that turns your analog cable signal into a digital one. The device has wide functionality, which may vary depending on the manufacturer and cost of the tuner.

The most simple models can't offer much additional features, but expensive options not only receive a TV signal, but...

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What is a SMART-TV set-top box

Modern PCs, tablets, and smartphones allow you to use Internet resources. But not only the listed devices are capable of providing access to network media files.

TVs produced today are also endowed with SMART TV capability - a function that opens the Internet to the viewer and allows you to watch TV channels, films, videos, photos, as well as conduct active communication in selected social networks, Skype, Viber.

Abilities of the SMART-TV set-top box

To enable the TV to connect to the network, designers have developed special set-top boxes - devices that connect to the TV via a cable or adapter and are designed to provide uninterrupted access to the Internet.

When buying a set-top box, you should consider:

· Brand, type of TV;

· Type of connection (connector type);

· File formats that can be read by this equipment;

· Set-top box processor type;

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A very common question. From practice, every tenth client buys a smart TV set-top box specifically for an old TV. Here we should make a reservation in what context we understand “ old TV" It is understood that such TVs include models using ELT technology. That is, if you are the owner of a “plasma” purchased in 2008, for example, then the article does not apply to your TV.

Sometimes, people's choice falls on premium set-top boxes with the hope that the old TV will not be inferior in picture quality to modern ones AMOLED matrices. This approach is fundamentally wrong. The whole problem of displaying a picture on a TV screen lies in the connection method. Let us remind you that at the moment there are two traditionally standard methods of image output: tulip and HDMI.

The difference is that in the first case the signal goes through a converter to a resolution of 640x480 without the possibility of adjustment, when through HDMI signal goes in...

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If your DVB-T2 digital set-top box for receiving terrestrial digital TV has stopped working, then in some cases you can solve the problem yourself. In this article we will describe the most common problems that arise when using digital set-top boxes. You will also be able to determine whether viewing problems are a defect in the set-top box itself or whether it is an issue with the antenna or TV.

The set-top box does not turn on

This is one of the most common digital failures. broadcast consoles. It manifests itself, as a rule, in two variants: the receiver shows no signs of life at all, or the red standby indicator is on, but the set-top box does not go into operating mode. Most receivers start working immediately after being plugged in and do not require turning on from the remote control. If this does not happen, then it is most likely that your power supply is faulty.

Power unit - weakness in any technology and digital set-top boxes are no exception. The power supply may fail completely - in this case, not a single indicator on the set-top box lights up at all and the device does not react in any way to being connected to a 220V network. But it often happens that the power supply produces too low voltage or current. In this case, the tuner “tries to turn on” by showing some signs of life, but does not go into operating mode.

Solution to the problem: If the power supply is external (as in the picture), then solve this problem easy and on your own. Power supplies for set-top boxes are usually standard and interchangeable even different models and manufacturers. You just need to make sure that the new power supply produces a voltage of 5V and has the same plug at the end of the wire as the old one. You can buy one in specialized stores that sell antenna equipment. In most cases, you can ask the seller to connect the power supply to your receiver and make sure that the problem is resolved.

It is more difficult if the power supply is built into the console. A characteristic feature indoor unit The power supply is a regular plug at the end of the wire. In this case, the power cord is not disconnected from the set-top box itself, as is the case with the external version. In this case, it is best to contact a service center for repairs.

The image freezes shortly after turning on the console

This defect is quite rare, but if it is detected, repairing the receiver is most often impractical. A clear sign of such a malfunction: the appearance of image distortion and “freezing” of the picture, which appears 5-20 minutes after switching on digital tuner , after which the problem does not disappear. Similar symptoms occur with weak signal from the antenna, but in the latter case, image distortion does not have a clear connection with the operating time of the DVB-T2 receiver.

The problem could be the same power supply or overheating of the processor. If the power supply is external, you can try connecting another power supply. If not, then the problem is in the processor itself and repairing the product in this case is impractical.


Most frequent malfunction digital television set-top boxes is the failure of the power supply. In such an unpleasant case, it is very good if the model of the console had an external adapter, buy a new one and look further! And if not! And was the power supply built into the console itself? Then you will have to repair or purchase a new one. But perhaps there is an easy way out!

Hello, dear readers! In this article I want to share one simple repair method that anyone who knows how to hold a screwdriver and a soldering iron can do! Moreover, it is not necessary to master these instruments masterfully.

I’m also not going to tell you anything overly complicated in the field of electronics repair; this is the domain of professionals. On the contrary, I will try to describe everything in such a way that even a non-specialist could cope and eliminate this malfunction.

I’ll immediately make a reservation that this method is not suitable for all models of consoles, but for many, since they are often made according to a very similar scheme for this case. Everything will be on specific example set-top boxes from the D-Color company, namely the DC1401HD model. So, having understood this “high technology”, you can repair your digital television set-top box yourself.

Quick navigation through the article

DIY console repair

What is a sign that the power supply in the set-top box has failed, and not something else? If the set-top box connected to the outlet does not show any signs of life, neither digital indicator, neither the LED on the front panel lights up, then with a 99% probability the reason is in it, in the power supply.

If at the same time guarantee period has already expired, then you can safely start disassembling it. As experienced craftsmen say, “An autopsy will show.” I think you can figure out this part of the work without detailed description, just be careful, usually there are two screws on the back wall, sometimes on the sides they allow you to release and open top cover. Plastic latches on the sides and bottom hold the front panel, and the board itself is also secured with screws to the bottom of the case and in the area of ​​the connectors on the rear wall of the case.

So, the set-top box is disassembled, the power cord is also removed from the connector, it will no longer be needed. On the bottom of the case there are traces of a “fire” left behind by a burnt-out power supply.

P.S. The power supply here is not a separate unit, as you might think from the name, but a section of the board on which radio elements are located that provide the required supply voltage to the set-top box.

What is the modification?

I’ll outline the general picture, and for those who already know a little about radio engineering, this will already be enough to grasp the basis of the idea and repeat it. So, the power circuits of this set-top box produce only one voltage - 5 Volts. Since this circuit has burned out and repairs may not be practical (given the total cost of radio components and repairs), there is a simple solution. Replace the internal power supply with an external one. It's not very difficult!

In the photo above, a yellow frame highlights the area of ​​the power supply that has failed. The board has already been washed so no traces of burning are visible. By the way - Among repairmen, the expression “Burned out” does not always mean literal combustion with charring and other similar manifestations, it only means that the radio components have failed.

For our repair, you will need to purchase an external power supply with an output voltage of 5 Volts and capable of delivering a current of 1.5 or better 2 Amperes. Nowadays there are a lot of similar ones that can be purchased inexpensively, or maybe you have something similar, for example, an unused charger from a tablet or smartphone.

When a suitable adapter is available, all you have to do is find it desired point on the set-top box board and, observing the polarity, apply voltage to it from an external power supply. All! All that remains is to lay and secure the wire, or you can organize a detachable connection, as you like. I think the basics are clear, let's move on to the details.

A short introduction to the power supply circuit of the set-top box

Just a little background for those who are not in the know so that you can figure it out. Pay attention to the photo. Click to enlarge.

In short, the power supply consists of:

  • The primary “Hot” part - It is called Hot because it is dangerous, connected to the mains voltage of 220 volts. Please note that even after unplugging from the outlet, for some time, there is still a charge there that can bring brr.. 😯 discomfort if you get there. But in our case, there is no need to go there and we won’t plug it into the outlet either.
  • Secondary part - It’s safe there, there is galvanic isolation with power supply. In the above example, at the points indicated in the photo, a voltage of only 5 Volts comes out of the rectifier diode.

Let's get down to business

In the purchased external power supply (at least 1.5 amperes, 5 Volts), we bite off the plug, strip the ends of the wires and, having determined the polarity, solder them: The positive one to the diode terminal, on the side where the stripe is drawn on it, and the negative one to the common bus - frame USB port will be a convenient place for this. If you don’t know how to determine polarity, even without a device, see additional materials at the end of the article.

Connecting new block power supply to the network, take it out of standby mode, check what happened.

All OK! All that remains is to lay and secure the wire so as not to accidentally tear it out, collect everything in a pile and use it. In the end it will look like this.

If you need ideas on how to secure the wire to the console body? How to determine polarity without a device? Or how to solder a wire from the bottom side of the board? — These additional materials are located further in the text.