Examples of conversion landing pages. Examples of high-converting landing pages

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Landing page conversion is the ratio of targeted actions performed by visitors to your website to the total number of visits. This figure is calculated as a percentage, so we multiply by 100%.

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The literal translation of the word conversion means “transformation.” In relation to commercial ones, we can talk about turning site visitors into money, the main goal is to sell goods and make a profit. That is, if 1000 visitors came to the page per month, and 20 of them bought something, the conversion for the goal “purchase of goods” will be 2% (2/1000x100).

Another example. An advertisement for an expensive salon hair care procedure. The extremely high price of the complex is probably justified by the fact that the silkworms themselves weave threads of natural Chinese silk into the hair of clients. On the page they posted a quite reasonable price offer to try one stage at a discount. The goal of the salon, in addition to making quick money, is to increase the customer base to whom you can then sell additional services.

How to calculate landing page conversion rate

The most common goal options for tracking conversions

  • Add item to cart.
  • Make a purchase. Depending on the settings, this may include receiving an application number, the fact of payment, etc.
  • Visit a page with a specific URL.
  • Submit your application via .
  • Get a lead - conversion with those who switched to the landing page from advertising.

For each of these target actions, the satisfactory conversion percentage under equal input conditions (budget, number of visitors, time interval) will be different.

How to calculate conversion

For example, if visitors to a wholesale website requested a price list only 9 times out of 300, we get 9/300*100%=3%. This is an extremely low indicator; you should analyze whether there are any failures when filling out forms, whether the request form or button is clearly visible, look in services like topvisor at what stage visitors leave the site.

If 30% of visitors asked for a price list, and then 3% came back and ordered products, it may well be that this is .

Here you need to figure out what the average percentage of sales is for this organization and its competitors in the industry. If the landing page brings below average conversions, work on the content and promotion methods. Perhaps the advertising campaign has incorrect settings, by eliminating which you will receive a greater influx of customers and the likelihood of a higher conversion.

Why do you need to count?

Another indicator that should be taken into account is the funds spent on this channel promotion. Without going into depth, you need to compare two figures: all expenses for maintaining the landing page, advertising campaigns, the work of a dedicated manager, if any, and the income received from these transactions.

In total, the evaluation criteria can be money, orders, and the flow of visitors.

Accounting systems

There is no need to carry out calculations in a column for a long time; all statistical systems are Yandex.Metrica, Google Analytics, as well as accounts contextual advertising with appropriate settings, they allow you to track the percentage of conversions for different goals.

How to increase landing page conversion

There is no clear answer to what landing page conversion is considered good. Conversion, in essence, is the visitor’s reaction to your landing page. If you want to be liked, at least make a list of parameters that can positively influence the site and put them into practice.

  • At the page design stage, determine for what purposes it is important for you to count conversions. The structure, blocks, design and other components depend on this.
  • Business goals and objectives. Put this item first on the list. Many people often forget to build a chain of Goal - Methods of achievement - Result. And then they ask: “Where?”

Doing it just to be there because it’s fashionable or because it’s fast and inexpensive makes virtually no sense. This format should work with your potential buyer: talk, appeal, convince, prove and lead to measurable results.

Landing page structure with high conversion

Is there an ideal landing page template? Probably not. Just like there is no one correct answer to different questions. Everyone has different goals, target audience, product.

There are general rules:

  1. A one-page website should solve some problem for the client and offer answers to questions. The target audience may differ significantly: wholesale and retail, income level, values. To increase landing page conversion, it is correct to develop a separate one for each segment of the target audience. landing page.
  2. It is difficult to fit all product categories on one page without damage. We'll have to prioritize. The ideal case is a separate landing page for one product category.

Set of blocks:

  • On the first screen: the name of your product or service, contact information, navigation elements.
  • Information on how your proposal solves all the customer’s problems. Why you should buy from you: 90% discounts, delivery to your apartment, test period, 3 Michelin stars.
  • Contact information collection form. Can be duplicated on the page in the required contact areas.
  • Product Description.
  • Price offer.
  • Work examples. Significantly increases confidence in a video showing the process and result of the work. Relevant for the construction industry, beauty and health, sports.
  • Reviews, certificates, diplomas, logos of famous partners.

Examples of high-converting landing page content

The task is to create a positive image and offer customers Commercial offer. Here it is resolved in full: the company declares its many years of experience in the market and lists the advantages of its work. Requesting a price list is easy.

Factors influencing landing page conversion

What best resources What do the Internet do with their home pages? What design, marketing and functional elements allow you to effectively convert new visitors into subscribers or loyal customers? Does a beautiful landing page necessarily work well?

The interesting thing is that, in fact, ugly websites often convert better than resources with more advanced and trendy designs. Of course, this cannot be taken as a rule, but from time to time such precedents happen and can present you with a lot of interesting marketing insights.

A typical example of a popular resource with terrible design is Graigslist. As you can see, these are just a bunch of blue links grouped together, but this approach pays off, because Graigslist has been considered one of the most successful services on the Internet for quite some time.

Below we will touch on this delicate balance between ugly and beautiful design in more detail. For now, just try to remember that you don’t have to create a cool, modern landing page to make it effective.

Beautiful Landing Pages We'll Learn Today

This list contains cute landing pages that can teach us some important marketing lessons.

"3 Steps I Used to Build 4 Multi-Million Dollar Businesses"

Neil Patel ( Neil Patel) - a well-known entrepreneur, private venture investor and analytical expert - constantly changes the appearance of his blog and landing page to increase conversion or provide readers with access to diverse offers.

The current version is one of the most effective he has ever used. This design shows incredible high level conversions even though the lead form requires visitors to provide a phone number.

"Get instant free access to the learning platform"

Just recently, Chris Ducker—a successful serial entrepreneur, speaker, and blogger—transitioned to another platform and, in doing so, implemented a brilliant new design. His landing page converts very well, and a lot of that was achieved thanks to the photo of Chris looking (literally) at the header of his opt-in form. We will look at this example in more detail later.

"Exclusive: The multi-billion dollar future of online marketing"

This side project of business manager and entrepreneur Glen Allsop is one case in which improvement appearance landing page leads to a drop in results. Glen claims that his landing page conversion rates range from 45-64% depending on how it is structured.

So, an offer converts much better if only White background with one single lead form and no scrolling option.

“Be your best self. Free fitness plans for any fitness level"

The current version of this popular site's landing page is so well optimized that it serves as a great example of how social proof should be used.

The company conducts split tests very often and constantly changes offers.

"We're here to make you look your best"

WPMU DEV develops its own WordPress plugins and topics and does it very effectively. The landing page is carefully optimized to promote the offer, and below we'll talk about what the team was able to do to push readers to more detailed study site.

“Everything you need to send the right emails”

AWeber recently redesigned their landing page and, thanks to this, significantly increased their conversion rate. The team managed to create a page with beautiful design, which really brings impressive results.

10 Lessons These Landing Pages Teach Us

1. A clear call to action

One of the most important takeaways from their examples above is that your landing page should include a very clear call to action. If you can make it your only CTA element, even better. The main thing is that the visitor goes to the site and immediately understands what is required of him. Don't confuse people with unnecessary sentences. Take a cue from Marketing Inc and AWeber's landing pages, which expect users to take one action.

2. Photos (eye contact)

Availability good pictures very important for a landing page. Almost all of the landing pages reviewed use very clever images to engage the audience. Chris Ducker outdoes the other examples in this regard, as the image keeps his eyes focused on the area he wants to draw visitors' attention to. In many cases, such a visual reference can significantly increase resource conversion.

3. Mobile responsive differentiation

You probably don't need to be reminded of this, but in 2016, adapting your landing page to mobile devices is of enormous importance. The number of people reading blogs on portable devices is growing rapidly, so you need to make sure they don't leave your site because of illegible text or poorly structured pages.

A mobile responsive landing page often differs from the desktop version, because different devices people tend to do various actions. Take a look at the sites listed above from both your smartphone and PC and you will see how interesting solutions these companies use.

4. Well-planned branding

One of characteristic features All of these pages are clearly branded. Colors, fonts, styles and images are consistent and appropriate for purpose and audience. Thanks to this approach, websites appear more professional to visitors, which leads to increased conversions. Trust plays a very important role when you ask readers to leave an email, phone number or credit card. At the very least, you should test your landing pages and check them for errors.

5. Benefits (not just features)

One of the classic marketing adages is that you should focus on the benefits, not the features of the offer. Don't tell people every detail of your proposal - rather, try to tell them how they will feel and what they will achieve in the end. Notice how the headline on Bodybuilding.com talks about “transforming yourself” instead of showing the selected exercise plan. This is an extremely stimulating call.

6. Quality baits

Almost all good landing pages offer visitors some kind of bait to encourage them to sign up or take a closer look at the offer. Chris Ducker uses this method very effectively, celebrating each achievement that will be available to his subscribers. It's hard to ignore such clear and compelling arguments.

7. Sense of time

Go to the Marketing Inc website and you will see that in the middle of the page there is a clock counting down to next webinar. This is a proven marketing technique that creates some sense of anxiety in visitors - they know time is running out, and they act. If you can turn on the truthful and useful timer in your offer, this will most likely significantly increase your subscriber base.

8. Scarcity

Neil Patel provides limited quantity places to participate in his live webiner. Like time pressure, scarcity motivates people to act because they fear missing out on something valuable. This feature of the psyche is literally built into our consciousness from the time when we fought for survival - sensing the possibility of losing something, the brain sends signals that force us to act quickly.

9. Social proof

The fitness industry quite often uses social proof in the form of before and after photos - it's simple and effective method. Bodybuilding.com has based almost all of its content above the fold on this concept, making you immediately want to click the button and change your body like the people shown on the right.

Remember that all images must be truthful, because in many countries the law prohibits the falsification of such information. Even if only a few people subscribe to your blog, try to get a few real reviews from readers and other bloggers and place them in the most relevant places on your page.

10. Signs of trust

Place a block with brand logos under your lead form to gain the trust of new visitors. They will see that other reputable companies and clients support you and will provide you with their contact information without any worries. Keep in mind, many are still afraid to leave their personal information in the Internet.

If you plan to use any of these methods on your landing page, be sure to test all implemented changes to ensure their positive effect. Remember, what works for one landing page may be disastrous for another.

How can I create a beautiful landing page?

You have three options for the development of events:

1. Redesign your landing page yourself

If you are good at design, you can create a new landing page yourself, and then hire a competent layout designer and programmer to write out the entire required code(or use ). However, we don't recommend this option if you don't understand what elements you should place on your landing page to get the best results.

2. Hire a professional designer

Today there are thousands of web designers at your service on the Internet who can create a very impressive landing page. A full-fledged individual project will cost you a couple of thousand dollars, but even simple development landing page design will bring noticeable results - especially if you contact our specialists.

3. Buy a ready-made template

The last option is the simplest and cheapest, and will most likely get you good results. Ours features a variety of quality topics, which will help you save time and money on creating the most attractive landing page.

We have already discussed what a landing page is, why they are good and for what purpose. basic principles lean. But despite the fact that there are a number of rules and techniques that will ensure the success of your website, it is wrong to think that developing a landing page is a template job, and a well-functioning page can be made in 5 minutes, just know, insert pictures and change texts. Of course it is creative process, and imagination, supported by an understanding of the behavior of your target audience, is only encouraged. Below we will present ten examples of non-trivial landing pages, as well as pages that ensure high conversion.

1. Nest Thermostat

A very interestingly designed landing page dedicated to the sale of a room thermostat. Despite the presence of all kinds of technical data and descriptions of convenient functionality, the landing page is focused on the visual component - several photographs of the interior, as well as a brilliantly conceived and executed animation in the middle of the page evoke the feeling that after purchasing this device, your home will be no worse, than in the pictures on the Internet. Thus, Land sells not a thermostat, but comfort in the home, which is the client’s ultimate need.

2. Boy-Coy

The website of a design studio, after which you are unlikely to even want to look for offers from competitors. A four-screen landing page can convince you to contact these guys, even if you don’t read any reviews or a list of companies with which the studio has collaborated. Most likely, you will just scroll through, admiring the parallax effect, and before you know it, you will start entering your data into a nice feedback form.

3. Vodka “Valenki”

One more example beautiful landing page with parallax effect. A purely image page that does not force you to immediately make a purchase, but creates a positive image among the target audience. Please note that information about the quality of the product is presented in sufficient volume, but you can miss it while watching how beautifully the ice cubes float. However, the desired effect has already been achieved. This site is too beautiful to offer something of poor quality - this is the subconscious conclusion that every visitor to any tasteful site will have.

4. Online store of teddy bears

Truly interesting landing pages can attract the attention of even people far from the target audience. See the example of a store selling huge teddy bears. The site is literally filled with interesting ideas and seems to be conducting a dialogue with the visitor, which ultimately, with a high probability, means a purchase.

5. Smart Progress

Beautiful landing page popular service setting and achieving goals. First, go in and see how it works, and second, appreciate the design that represents movement towards the goal. Combined with the very competent filling of the blocks, it really motivates you to do everything that was planned, but put off on the back burner.

Examples of selling landing pages with high conversion

1. Production and installation of wooden windows

As you know, a landing page should not overload the visitor, but immediately give him something to grab hold of and fill out an application. We won’t argue, but some products require careful selection, and you can’t get away with just one or two blocks. The landing page for this window manufacturer followed the program to the maximum and touched on details that we don’t even think about when choosing windows. And although it seems to us that there was an information overload in a couple of blocks, this page is still good example big landing page.

2. CASCO insurance

Another landing page with high conversion. The principle of converting a visitor into a lead is used here similar to the previous example - a calculator. We propose to evaluate how many parameters can be entered to select a policy, and how tirelessly this is done. The same can be said about the rest of the content of the landing page - it is extremely simple and clear, and all the benefits that a car owner wants to receive by insuring his car are described.


3. Franchise of amusement aquarium machines

A good example of a selling landing page that ensures high conversion due to the fact that it clearly explains the benefits to a potential client, but also leaves intrigue and a desire to find out the details of the business plan that promises passive income. Our special praise goes to the designer.

4. Laptop repair

A good example of a landing page where relatively a large number of text (including the space it occupies on the main screen) does not create any difficulties for the visitor, but on the contrary, it looks organic and successfully describes all the advantages of the repair organization. Laptop repair services are urgent, so don't potential clients give out information beyond measure: a few blocks are enough, but worked out as beautifully and informatively as possible, which inspires trust.

From the author: I salute you. In previous articles you could read a lot useful information about what a landing page is, selling text, conversion, etc. In this article, I would like to summarize and collect as many tips as possible on increasing conversion on a landing page or in an online store.

As you know, conversion is measured as a percentage. The higher the better. IN in this case It will not be possible to go deeper and say exactly what conversion value is optimal.

Because if you sell apartments, then 0.3% can be a good conversion, but if you sell flowers, even 5% can be a bad result. And the product/service category is not the only thing that affects the optimal conversion rate.

It is very important to understand the point that it is impossible to get a good conversion by optimizing just one thing. But it is obvious that by improving a number of factors, you will increase your conversion 100%.

Spend some money on good design. And yet without good design it's much harder to sell anything. If you expect a big profit, it is better to give 10-30 thousand to the designer and get an excellent unique design.

Develop a website/landing page, optimizing it as much as possible for the required purposes. This is actually quite a broad point and there is a lot that can be discussed here. There are also a lot of technical nuances that you don’t have to delve into if you pay a specialist to develop the project. But still have at least the slightest idea about these. requirements you need, so you can check the quality of the development. Actually, I won’t tell you about all the parameters, but only about those that can most influence the conversion:

Development for the required purposes also means that libraries and plugins that are not needed will not be connected to the site. Again, this will improve speed.

Optimize website usability. Work on this begins already at the design creation stage. Remember that your goal is to simplify the client’s path to order as much as possible and create as few barriers to conversion as possible. For example, simplify the order form as much as possible, provide convenient menu, place several forms on the landing page, etc.

Clearly formulate your USP so that you can later use it in your sales text. USP is a unique selling proposition. The fact of the matter is that for many entrepreneurs it is not unique and looks something like this: “buy our product, it’s good.” And you need to think carefully about your USP and make it as attractive as possible.

Create high-quality selling text based on the USP. First of all, today we are talking about conversion on a landing page, and selling text is always used there. You can write it yourself if you already have some experience in this matter, or you can order it from a copywriter.

Selling text should always be based on the USP and revolve around it.

Create a feeling of reliability in the user. To do this, you can use different techniques: place your company’s phone number and address on the landing page, provide customer reviews, social media pages. networks, show partner sites.

Don't lie. It’s better to let everything you post on the landing page be truthful. Why? To be honest, many buyers before your landing page saw a lot of others, where there were also laudatory reviews and a lot of other noodles that they tried to unnoticed to hang on their ears.

Believe me, neutral feedback can often have a better impact on a person than overly laudatory feedback.

Several examples from real landing page advertising that reduce conversions

It's time to look at a few examples of how flaws in a landing page can reduce conversions. I will take these examples from my practice, because I have seen thousands of landing pages.

1. You go to the landing page and for a few seconds you only see the browser trying to load it. On the first screen there is a full-screen image (not optimized), which takes 5-6 seconds, or even more, to load. It is worth understanding that many people still do not have access to a fast Internet channel and downloading even a few megabytes can take them much longer.

I once analyzed landing pages by downloading a couple from the CPA network. So, the pictures alone sometimes weighed more than 10 megabytes. Not only were they not optimized for the web, but they were often larger than necessary.

For example, a 3800 by 1900 image that was used for the background could actually be reduced to 1500 by 750, and then optimized. The output is an image that is about 10 times smaller than the original one.

2. The product is advertised for delivery within Russia only. In the reviews block you can find reviews from people living in Kazakhstan and Ukraine. This defect is very easy to notice and can arouse suspicion among the visitor.

3. When entering the landing page, some element of the site does not work. For example, the countdown timer has reset, the slider does not switch, the video you uploaded from YouTube is no longer available. There can be a lot of such problems, all of them affect conversion.

4. The text is not formatted properly. Sometimes, when you log in, you can see selling text on the site, but it is just a solid canvas, even without any special formatting. Few people want to read this.

5. Wrong colors. When one block is poisonous green, and the next one is bright orange, the visitor may close the page, since his eyes are more valuable to him than any of your products.

6. Defects in layout. When, when entering a landing page, you can see that one block collides with the second, and somewhere the order form has crawled halfway off the screen, there can be no talk of any good conversion.

7. Errors and typos. Many people don’t attach any importance to this, but it’s worth re-reading at least the headlines, because there’s a typo in meaningful title will not give your landing page credibility or your product credibility.

If the text has many errors, the user may think something like this: “Some illiterate schoolchild wrote this text and I should believe it? Well, I do not". It's one thing to make a couple of mistakes information article, which does not affect sales, but it’s another thing to write an illiterate sales text, putting an end to the business idea.

8. The order form is too complex. IN Lately This is happening less and less, but still. You need to remember that on a landing page, a visitor is unlikely to agree to fill out more than 2-3 fields; it is better to ask him to enter his name and phone number, and agree on the remaining details over the phone.

9. Order form not working. Well, this is without comments, in this case the information simply will not reach you. That is, there may be orders, but you won’t know about it. Conclusion: always test the form yourself and check whether the data is received correctly.

10. Landing page is too big. Here, of course, everything is ambiguous. A large landing page is not always a bad thing. For example, if you advertise your information product or service on it, then you can describe it for a long time.

Still, it's better to know some measures because most people don't want to read a book about why they need to buy what you're offering. If your landing page consists of many blocks, it is better to make a fixed menu at the top with the main blocks so that a person can quickly go to them, rather than scrolling the page for 15 seconds in search the desired section.

In other cases, when the essence of the offer is already extremely clear, it is better to limit yourself to a small landing page.

An Implicit Way to Improve Conversion

Essentially, a conversion can be considered when a user fills out an order form. But does this action directly bring money? No, because after this he still has a conversation with a call center employee, and in the end he may well refuse the product. It turns out that there was a conversion, but it didn’t bring any money. And you need conversions followed by confirmed customer orders.

So, you need to improve your customer calling as much as possible. Whether you do this personally, your employees or employees, on your part you need to take care of at least two things:

So that a call to a person occurs almost instantly after he fills out the form. If you call even after a couple of hours, the desire to purchase the product may by this time decrease significantly.

So that those who make the calls more or less understand the features of the product/service, can list the advantages and generally conduct an adequate dialogue with the client.

What else affects conversion or not everything depends on the landing page

Landing page will always be just one of the factors that shape conversion. You always need to keep some other factors in mind:

How to increase the envelope when everything is already optimized?

Everything will never be fully optimized. There will always be things that can be improved. If you've done everything you can but want to continue improving your CR, it's time to start split testing.

A split test is when you take the current landing page (copy it) and change one detail on it. After that, you pour approximately the same amount of traffic on both pages and see which of them converted better.

Next, you take the best of the two options, change some detail again (this time another), again pour traffic and look at new results. Split tests are worth doing, of course, when you already have enough money to test your ideas.

For example, you can create a landing page for a narrower target audience. For example, only for male motorists. Accordingly, you must rework it significantly - replace pictures, slightly change the text, perhaps even colors, reviews, etc. That is, adapt the entire one-page website specifically for a narrow audience.

And this is just one idea for improving conversion, you can come up with your own.

Where can I see examples of high-converting landing pages?

You can look at many, many such examples in CPA networks. In particular, some of the largest are KMA.biz and m1-shop.ru. Just register with these aggregators and you will be able to freely view all offers and landing pages for them, respectively.

There are hundreds of offers in these networks; each one usually has several landing pages. I can give advice to look first of all at the landing pages of top offers, usually they are already maximally optimized and on them good conversion.


Well, I think I've said everything I wanted to say about improving conversions. Of course, all the tricks and secrets of increasing the envelope have not been revealed, but by optimizing even everything that was discussed in the article, you can raise the envelope significantly. And then, perhaps, you will come up with something of your own.

We continue our review of landing pages with high conversion rates. Some companies turn to non-standard solutions when developing landing pages, as we could see in the previous article “Best Practices.” Landing Page with high conversion. Non-standard examples"(and), others resort to more traditional methods, which we will talk about today.

21. Test regularly

We have already mentioned the blink test, but you shouldn’t limit yourself to it. Whether you're split testing or using , you should always try to take your landing page to the next level by experimenting with specific elements.

Test everything and make the process systematic. The list to study includes: headline, subheader, colors, main image, call to action button text and its placement, main message, acquired benefits, USP, offer text, thank you page, inclusion places... We can go on forever.

It is important to remember: most split tests end in a negative result. This is not bad if you started with a hypothesis that can teach you something if it fails.

So don’t be afraid to fail—take it and test it again.

Speak the language of your audience to make your offer more understandable and convey your unique message as clearly as possible. trade offer to clients. Marketers often think that the headline they choose speaks for itself, but the subheading often provides more specific details. Avoid this by keeping your header super simple, even if that means swapping out your landing page title and subheading.

Additional tip: To add clarity, test variations of headlines that include a question, a list of customer benefits, and Loss Aversion elements.

Here are the results of the study on the wording of the title:

Question (control): “Do you love betting on sports? We, too"
First control option (benefits): “Do more money on your bets - get free advice."
Second control option (fear of loss): “Stop losing money on your bets - get free advice”

What result? The clearer the better. The first option brought an increase in conversion by 41.14%, and the second - only by 11.03%.

23. Nothing superfluous in the message and design of the CTA button

Be specific and refrain from using generic words in your button text such as “Continue”, “Next”, etc. Eliminate any ambiguity, any potential ambiguity and unnecessary options, making users think.

Here's an example of a button on Netflix's website where they've proactively answered any worrying questions about what's going to happen next, how to cancel, and how obligated you are to accept the offer. The CTA even includes a time frame:

The most an important part your one-pager should stand out due to contrasting colors, position of elements, clear calls to action and prominent buttons. Even if the lead form is at the end of a long landing page, it can still attract attention.

Tip: Choose a specific color for your CTA button and barely use it on the rest of the page. If you still want to include this color somewhere else, use the text of the call to action itself, thus extending the “color influence” of the button:

The only blue elements here are the CTA text and the background of the button itself.

When creating landing page ads, make them similar: keywords, images, colors, headings, font size and type, brand presentation and the internal feeling it gives. This way you will adhere to the principle of consistency. Otherwise, when visiting the landing page, your visitor will be confused and lost - it will seem to him that he clicked on the wrong thing advertising window.

... and the landing page - every part of them matches up to the comma.

25. Build trust

Here you will be helped by reviews and logos of client companies, recommendations, guarantees, phone numbers and other types social proof. The main thing is not to exaggerate or distract too much. In previous articles, we talked about how some information can cause negative thinking.

If your content appears realistic and trustworthy, people will consider you to be a relatable company, which will help visitors decide to connect with you.

A worthy example of how you can build trusting relationships:

Well presented here famous brands, and it’s hard not to trust such a presentation.

Money back guarantees work quite well, as in this example:

100% guarantee. Satisfied customers are our #1 priority. If you're not completely happy with your purchase, simply return the socks to us and we'll issue a full refund or exchange them for a different style/color. No questions asked, no hassle

Thus, you will not lose the attention of visitors and they will not leave the page. without waiting for it to fully load.

Walmart.com conducted a test proving the importance of this factor:

If the page loading speed increases from 1 second to 4, there is a sharp drop in conversion rates. But for every second of acceleration of this process there is a 2% increase in conversion

Brad Smith, a marketing specialist and regular contributor to the Unbounce blog, succinctly describes 11 ways to speed up loading times:

  1. Clean up the code.
  2. Minify HTML & CSS.
  3. Use .
  4. Use fewer redirects.
  5. Change the location of the scripts.
  6. Don't use too many WordPress plugins.
  7. Update your hosting.
  8. Resize your images.
  9. Compress images.
  10. Use CDN (Content Delivery Network) for images.
  11. Use external hosting where possible.

27. Use KISS

No, not these guys :)

This is the well-known marketing principle of simplification, code-named “Keep-It-Simple-Stupid,” or KISS. Use on landing page minimal amount content and keep it as simple as possible. We have already said that you need to take into account a certain degree of inertia of visitors and reduce the amount of effort required from them when viewing your landing page. Everything should be easy and obvious.

28. Be mindful of readability

The content should not only be simple, but also easy to read. The right approach involves breaking up the text into numbered subparagraphs or bullets, segmenting it with visual inserts, and using a fairly large and readable font. It's also important to use images wisely and not make people read too much or for too long. The ideal length of paragraphs is 60-75 characters.

People read in a specific order, moving their eyes across the page in a sequence that resembles the letter F, so you'll want to build your information hierarchy around this feature. Check out these heat maps:

29. Keep the design clean

Remember the rules of use white space: Remove all the unnecessary stuff to help visitors see the main thing - your offer.

Here's an example of a clean, crisp design that walks the client through the entire potential process:

30. Be selective when it comes to images.

Ideal (Hero Shot/Image) can do wonders for your conversion rate.

  • Always include a caption below the image, as text around the image traditionally has a high readability rate;
  • Use images that are relevant to the topic and not too attention-grabbing;
  • Compress images to improve loading times;
  • Use photos real people related to the intended geographic region;
  • Use a simple design - one product and one USP per page.

Wonderful sample from MailChimp:

The logo was turned into an active mascot - a very smart decision!

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