An example of creating an html page in notepad. Creating an html page in a notepad: explanations for dummies Download a ready-made html web page on computer science

Hello everyone!

Once we start studying, we need to know the basics of HTML and CSS, which will help make our sites better and more attractive to search engines. All this week I will tell you about working with the website code and this is what awaits you:

  • . We will learn how to edit website code using these editors;
  • . We will help the search robot understand the structure of the page;
  • . We will find out how correctly the site code is compiled and find errors;

As you can see, we will have a lot of work this week, so subscribe to Context-UP blog updates and receive all the lessons in your email if you have not already subscribed.

HTML Basics

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a markup language for documents on the Internet. That is, any page of your website is a document, and the browser is a means of viewing such documents.

The purpose of HTML is to show the browser where this or that document element is located. Using this language, elements are marked on the page and occupy a certain place, which are then displayed on the monitor of the site visitor.

The markup language consists of special tags that help the browser determine:

  • Document structure;
  • The location of a particular element;
  • Purpose of the element;
  • Included third-party files;
  • And much, much more.

Search robots also understand this, so you need to pay special attention to how well the document is compiled from an SEO point of view and what structure it has.

HTML structure

Any HTML document has an initial structure that must be strictly followed. It looks like this:

Page title Page content