Application of modern educational technologies in tourism. IT technologies in tourism Information technologies in tourism article

In recent years, the modern tourism industry has undergone very significant changes, this has led to the development and implementation of new information systems and technologies in the field of tourism. The successful functioning of any company in the tourism business market is almost unthinkable without the use of modern information technologies. The specifics of the formation and implementation of a tourism product require such information systems that, in the shortest possible time, would provide information about the availability of vehicles, the possibilities of accommodating tourists, ensure quick reservations and reservations, issuing tickets, invoices, settlement and reference information, etc. In addition, information technologies are a necessary attribute to ensure the quality of services provided to tourists, since end users have fairly high demands on the information support of the service received, in particular, constant and reliable access to the Internet, the availability of a variety of mobile applications for tourism, etc. This is achievable provided that modern computer technologies for processing and transmitting information are widely used in tourism.

The tourism industry is so diverse and multifaceted that it requires the use of a wide variety of information technologies - from the development of specialized software that automates the work of an individual travel company or hotel, to the use of global computer networks.

Information technologies in the tourism industry can be classified according to various criteria.

A traditional feature of the classification of information technologies is their purpose. By purpose, supporting and functional information technologies are distinguished.

Supporting (basic) information technologies - These are technologies that provide ways to organize individual technological operations of information processes and are associated with the presentation, transformation, storage, processing and transmission of information. They can be used in various subject areas and are not specialized. These include technologies for processing text information, technologies for working with spreadsheets, databases, multimedia technologies, character recognition technologies, telecommunication technologies, information security technologies, etc. These information technologies are implemented using traditional Microsoft Office software products Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, etc.

Functional (specialized) information technologies - These are technologies that implement specific procedures for collecting, transmitting and processing information in a certain subject area, in particular in tourism. They are built on the basis of supporting information technologies and are aimed at automated solution of problems in a given subject area.

Functional (specialized) information technologies in tourism can be classified as follows.

  • 1. Booking systems in tourism.
  • 1.1. Global booking systems (GDS).
  • 1.2. Booking systems for certain types of services (accommodation facilities, air tickets, car rental, etc.).
  • 2. Automation systems for the activities of tourism enterprises


  • 2.1. Automation systems for travel agencies.
  • 2.2. Automation systems for tour operator companies.
  • 2.3. Automation systems for hotel enterprises.
  • 2.4. Automation systems for public catering establishments.
  • 2.5. Automation systems for transport enterprises.
  • 2.6. Automation systems for excursion bureaus and museums.
  • 3. Internet technologies, including e-commerce.
  • 4. Multimedia technologies.
  • 5. Geoinformation technologies.
  • 6. Mobile applications.

Currently, the formation of a tourism product involves the use of global distribution systems (Global Distribution System, GDS), which provide quick and convenient booking of transport tickets, hotel reservations, car rental, currency exchange, ordering tickets for entertainment and sports programs, etc.

The tourism business, being one of the most dynamic areas of economic activity, is a highly saturated information sphere of activity. In other words, the collection, storage, processing and transmission of up-to-date information is the most important and necessary condition for the functioning of any tourism enterprise. There are not many areas of the economy in which business success directly depends on the speed of transmission and exchange of information, on its relevance and timeliness of receipt, on its adequacy and completeness. In this regard, the successful development of the tourism business involves the widespread use of the latest technologies both in the field of creating tourism products and their promotion.

Modern computer technologies are actively being introduced into the tourism business, and their use is becoming an integral condition for increasing the competitiveness of any tourism enterprise. The tourism industry allows the use of a wide variety of computer technologies, from specialized software products for managing an individual tourism company to the use of global computer networks. Today, tourism uses quite a lot of the latest computer technologies, for example GDS, integrated communication networks, multimedia systems, Smart Cards, management information systems, etc. The information technologies listed above are used with varying degrees of activity and have unequal distribution. The degree of their influence on the development of the tourism industry also varies.

The influence of information technology on tourism is felt at different stages of the creation and promotion of tourism products. The main directions of influence of modern computer technologies on the tourism industry are presented in Fig. 1.2 (the thicker the line, the greater the degree of influence of information technology in this area).

As can be seen from the diagram, modern computer technologies have the greatest impact on the promotion of a tourism product (distribution and sales). First of all, this concerns the possibility of creating new marketing channels for the promotion and sale of a tourism product. Thus, in the field of advertising, direct distribution of tourist information by e-mail has become widespread ( direct mail). In addition, most tourism enterprises in recent years have created their own websites on the Internet and also use banner advertising. Although at present the effectiveness of these channels for distributing tourism products in Russia is not very high, this direction should be considered as very promising.

Currently, there is an electronic offensive on the traditional tourism business. Electronic travel offices allow any credit card holder to purchase a tour, book a seat on an airplane or hotel, purchase tickets to entertainment events and book a rental car anywhere in the world. Thus, computer technologies have provoked the creation and use of fundamentally new electronic marketing channels for the promotion and sale of tourism products.

Rice. 1.2.

Computer reservation systems CRS (Computer Reservation System), which appeared in the mid-1960s, made it possible to speed up the process of reserving air tickets and carry it out in real time. The consequence of this was an increase in the quality of tourism services by reducing customer service time, increasing the volume and variety of services offered, etc. It became possible to optimize the loading of airliners, implement a flexible pricing strategy, apply new management methods, etc. The high reliability and convenience of these reservation systems contributed to their rapid and widespread distribution - most foreign enterprises in the tourism industry use reservation systems. The Russian market mainly presents global reservation systems such as Amadeus and Galileo Worldspan. The Amadeus computer reservation system has been operating on the Russian market since 1993, and currently there are hundreds of system users in Russia.

One of the main areas of application of information technology in tourism is the introduction of multimedia technologies, in particular directories and catalogues. Currently, tourist guides and catalogs are published in books, on video cassettes, on disks, and on the Internet. Electronic catalogs allow you to virtually travel along the proposed routes, view these routes in active mode, view information about the country and objects along the route in video mode, obtain information about hotels, campsites, motels and other accommodation facilities, get acquainted with the system of benefits and discounts, as well as legislation in the field of tourism. In addition, information is usually provided on the rules for issuing tourist documents, tourist formalities, tourist behavior patterns in extreme situations, etc. The client can plan a tour program, select it according to specified optimal parameters (price, system of benefits, transport system, season, etc.).

In the field of management in the tourism business, dramatic changes have also occurred. The current level of development of the tourism business and fierce competition in this area give particular importance to the information systems of travel agencies. The functionality of these systems should provide input, editing and storage of information about tours, hotels, clients, the status of applications, provide for the output of information in the form of various documents: questionnaires, vouchers, lists of tourists, descriptions of tours, hotels, calculate the cost of tours taking into account exchange rates , discounts, control payment for tours, generation of financial statements, export-import of data into other software products (Word, Excel, accounting programs) and other opportunities. These systems not only speed up the settlement process and the generation of documents, but can also reduce the cost of services (tour packages) by choosing the best-priced option for customer delivery, accommodation, etc. An order for the development of a unique information system for automation of a tourist office is quite expensive, and at present there is no particular need for this, since there are a number of well-proven software products. Many IT companies are currently developing specialized software products for the tourism business, including Megatek, Samo, Recsoft.

The software market offers computer systems that allow you to automate the internal activities of a travel company. As a rule, these systems provide maintenance of reference databases for clients, partners, hotels, transport, embassies, as well as maintaining tours and accounting for payments, accepting orders and working with clients, generating output documents, etc. Almost all software systems provide the generation of accounting reports and often the import-export of data into specialized accounting programs, such as 1C, etc. Along with the automation of travel companies, a similar development of automation programs for the activities of hotels, restaurants and other tourism enterprises is underway. The use of information systems in this area leads to significant changes in management and also improves the quality of service.

The use of multimedia technologies is increasingly used in the tourism sector. With the help of multimedia technologies, it is possible to provide a potential client with complete and comprehensive information about any tourism product or individual tourism service that interests him, thereby allowing him to quickly and accurately select the appropriate tourism product.

The main features of multimedia technologies are:

  • the ability to combine diverse information (text, sound, graphics, photos, video) in a homogeneous digital representation;
  • ensuring reliable and durable storage of large volumes of semi-permanent information.

Test questions and assignments

  • 1. What information levels can be identified from the point of view of the functioning of the tourism system?
  • 2. What is the role of information in making management decisions in the tourism industry?
  • 3. How is the information richness of tourism expressed?
  • 4. How does information affect the quality of tourist services provided?
  • 5. How are the processes of globalization and informatization related in tourism?
  • 6. Name the main stages in the development of information technology.
  • 7. How are information technologies classified by degree of automation?
  • 8. Name the main supporting subsystems and give their characteristics.
  • 9. What information technologies are used in the tourism industry?
  • 10. What is the impact of information technology on the tourism sector?
  • 11. How do information technologies affect the competitiveness of the tourism industry?
  • 12. Justify the thesis that information technologies largely determine the future directions of development of the tourism industry.

Information technology is a term used to refer to the latest improvements in the methods and mechanisms that are used to collect, process, analyze, store, disseminate and apply information. Information technologies are spoken of as the technologies of the century, which can have a serious impact on production activities, the service sector, employment and the life of humanity as a whole, thanks to advances in the field of microelectronics. It was microelectronics that created the basis for developments in the field of design and production using a computer; flexible production systems; robots; personal computers; automated control systems (ACS); video text; teleconferences, etc.

The very concept of “information technology” arose in the last decade of the twentieth century in the process of the formation of computer science. The main feature of information technologies is that in them both the subject and the product of labor is information, and the tools of labor are computers and communications. Moreover, today information has begun to be considered as a very real production resource along with other material resources. The production of information and its upper level - knowledge - has a decisive influence on the modification of existing and the creation of new technologies. Just ten years ago, information technology and tourism seemed incompatible partners. And today these two concepts are so closely interconnected that even a new type of tourism has emerged - “alternative tourism” or “electronic tourism”.

As you know, tourism is a trade in services. Moreover, firstly, this is a complex and diverse service, both from the point of view of the manufacturer and the consumer. Secondly, it is an invisible, changeable and integrated service.

And finally, thirdly, this is an information-rich service. It is these characteristics of tourism that make it an industry ideal for the use of information technology. The structure of the tourism industry is very similar to the structure of any other economic sphere of activity.

Producers of tourism services operate within a well-defined managed structure consisting of government and commercial organizations, trade associations (for example, hotel, air transport, travel agents, etc.). Producers of tourism services are classified into very specific categories of suppliers (airlines, hotels, car rentals, services in a tourist destination), wholesale companies (tour operators) and retail companies (travel agents). Consumers (tourists) are the last step in the entire tourism system..

As for regulating the activities of industry enterprises, advertising, promotion and taxation, here information plays an important role in the process of connecting tourism service providers into a single socio-economic system. It is information that is the connecting link that links various suppliers into a single whole within the framework of a single tourism industry.

Moreover, the most important feature of tourism is that the relationship between producers and suppliers is carried out not by goods, but by information flows.

These information flows represent not only flows of specific data, but also services and payments. Services such as hotel accommodations and airline seats are not physically displayed or inspected when sold at the destination. The only guide to the availability and quality of a product is information. Therefore, it can be concluded that the provision of reliable information and the speed of its dissemination is as important for the survival of the tourism industry as the actual provision of its services to consumers.

It should be noted that the introduction of information technology into the tourism industry included several stages. The first stage is “Data Creation”. Its main goal was to improve the operational efficiency of enterprises through information-based process automation.

This period began in the 1960s. and it was characterized by the use of minicomputers. The second stage is “Management Information Systems”.

It represented the stage of development of such information technologies that contributed to increasing managerial efficiency through improving the requirements for the direct organization of information transfer. They were introduced in the 70s. and already used industry-specific methods of enterprise management related to information resources. During this time, information technology was typically applied to the needs of internal marketing and administrative functions.

In the early 80s. The stage of the “Strategic Information System” came, the goal of which was to improve the competitiveness of the company by changing either the very nature or behavior in the tourism business. Various types of integrated networks were introduced, taking into account increased competitiveness: to improve direct activities, to coordinate activities across functional and business lines, as well as to establish communications with external organizations. And finally, in the early 90s. The fourth stage has arrived - the “Networks Stage”. At this stage, networks of all levels were connected: enterprise, regional and global.

The main characteristics of this stage are increasing the capabilities of information technology, reducing the size of equipment, reducing the costs of its acquisition while increasing reliability, and the interconnection of terminals located in different parts of the planet. All this has contributed to the fact that information technology has become an important tool in the activities of all tourism organizations. As a result, in the mid-90s, all enterprises, regardless of size, product offering and geography, experienced a serious process of business reorganization.

In general, by analyzing the role and importance of information technologies for the current stage of development of society, we can draw well-founded conclusions that this role is strategically important, and the importance of these technologies will increase rapidly in the near future. It is these technologies that today play a decisive role in the field of technological development of the state.

The arguments for these conclusions are a number of unique properties of information technologies (efficiency, accessibility) that push them to a priority place in relation to production and social technologies. Among the distinctive properties of information technologies that are of strategic importance for the development of society, it seems appropriate to highlight the following, the most important.

Firstly, information technologies make it possible to activate and effectively use the information resources of society, which today are the most important strategic factor in its development. Experience shows that the increased dissemination and effective use of information resources (scientific knowledge, discoveries, inventions, technologies, best practices) allows for significant savings in other types of resources: raw materials, energy, minerals, materials and equipment, human resources, social time.

Secondly, information technologies make it possible to optimize and, in many cases, automate information processes, which in recent years have occupied an increasingly important place in the life of human society.

It is well known that the development of civilization is moving towards the formation of an information society, in which the objects and results of the labor of the majority of the employed population are no longer material values, but mainly information and scientific knowledge. Currently, in most developed countries, the majority of the employed population in their activities is in one way or another connected with the processes of preparation, storage, processing and transmission of information and therefore is forced to master and practically use information technologies corresponding to these processes.

It should be said that information technologies play an extremely important role in ensuring information interaction between people, as well as in systems for the preparation and dissemination of mass information. These means are quickly assimilated by the culture of society, since they not only create great convenience, but also eliminate many production, social and everyday problems caused by the processes of globalization and integration of the world community, the expansion of domestic and international economic and cultural relations, migration of the population and its increasingly dynamic moving around the planet. In addition to the already traditional means of communication (telephone, telegraph, radio and television), electronic telecommunications systems, e-mail, fax transmission of information and other types of communication are increasingly being used.

In turn, network information technologies represent a current and promising direction in the development of information technologies. Their goal is not only to ensure the exchange of information between individual users of information and computing systems, but also to create for them the possibility of cooperative use of distributed information resources of society, obtaining reference, documentary and other information from various kinds of specialized information funds. Recently, the Internet has become the central topic of publications not only in the computer press, but also in mass media, attracting the attention of information technology specialists, businessmen, ordinary users and the entire civilized world.

The real boom of the Internet occurred in the early 90s, when the first navigation programs like Mosaic appeared, allowing owners of ordinary computers to surf the Internet. At the same time, the Internet is not one computer network, but tens of thousands of local and global national networks connected to each other. Among Russian computer networks, Relcom, Glasnet, and many others are connected to the Internet. Currently, the World Wide Web has over 40 million subscribers in more than 100 countries on all seven continents.

The popularity of the Internet is evidenced by the fact that the number of network subscribers doubles every 10 months. The exchange of information via the network increases almost 10 times every year. Every second, over 4,000 electronic messages are transmitted over the network.

The Worldwide Computer Network is developing so rapidly that every year the number of its subscribers and the volume of information resources practically doubles.

Obviously, the tourism business is not left out of this boom.

Only in 2000, thousands of independent sections of travel agencies, hotels, airlines, and dozens of reservation systems appeared on the Internet.

tourist services. According to experts, by 2013, with the help of the Internet

Around $200 billion worth of tours and related services will be sold.

Therefore, agencies should hardly ignore the Internet in their work. At the time we are considering, the Internet cannot be considered as a competitor in business, since the World Wide Web provides invaluable information assistance and adds to the traditional one a new channel for the sale of tourism services - electronic.

Already, half of all revenue generated via the Internet comes from the travel and tourism industry. 62% of Internet users search for hotel and airline rates and availability. What are the benefits of a global network? Firstly, the widest audience coverage. It allows 35,000 customers to visit the most popular travel server TravelWeb, which features more than 17,000 hotels. Secondly, relatively low overhead costs and effort for sellers and buyers. The cost of booking via the Internet is on average $1.7, while through GDS it is $3.5. The traditional fax method drains the buyer's wallet by $10. The third convenience is round-the-clock access to the network for private users. These advantages of the Internet, as well as the ability to update information in a matter of time, are also used by travel companies, for whom the network opens up significant opportunities for selling tourism products online and advertising them, as well as stimulating sales.

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Types of Internet commerce

Hosting– services for posting information on the Internet. Hosting includes the provision of disk space for hosting websites on a web server, providing access to them via a communication channel with a certain bandwidth, as well as site administration.

Information and advertising activities Many companies post on their websites important information for consumers: descriptions of goods and services, their cost, company address, phone number and e-mail where you can place an order. There are specialized servers that provide systematized information about a specific group of products.

Electronic commerce There are a large number of stores on the Internet where you can buy everything: computers, programs, books, food, etc. The buyer of an online store has the opportunity to get acquainted with the product, its technical characteristics, appearance, price, and so on. Having selected a product, the buyer can order the product directly from the Internet. Form of payment - credit cards, cash (after delivery) and electronic money.

Virtual flea market(bulletin boards) are websites where sellers and buyers exchange information about the product on offer.

Internet auctions A variety of goods are offered at such auctions: works of art, computer equipment, cars, etc.

22. global systems GS and EYDS for whom and why?

Internet Reservation Systems (IDS), also known as Alternative Reservation Systems (ADS), appeared in the early 90s of the 20th century and acted as an alternative to the already existing GDS system. Unlike GDS, which only agents of travel companies have access to, ADS makes it possible to use booking services not only for travel agents, but also for individuals. By logging into any of the ADS system portals, each client can independently select the hotel he needs and the type of room for clearly defined dates, book his request in real time and instantly receive confirmation to his email address. Today there are a large number of similar sites in the world, among which are,,,,

GDS (Global Booking Systems). Today there are 4 global booking systems: Amadeus, Galileo, Worldspan, Saber. They are used by more than 800 thousand travel agencies around the world to book travel services, including hotel accommodation. The first GDS was created back in the early 60s of the 20th century and was widely used in the airline industry. She tracked information about flight schedules, the number of available seats on a flight, and prices. In the 1970s, travel agencies that spent a huge amount of time manually processing reservations realized the convenience of GDS systems and began installing internal air travel reservation systems (among the first developers was the now existing company Saber). Using GDS, agencies significantly reduced time costs, increased productivity and naturally decided to apply this work scheme in other segments of the tourism market. Today, GDS is widely used to book not only air tickets, but also cruises, cars, and hotels. Hundreds of thousands of travel agencies connected to the terminals of global distribution systems Amadeus, Galileo, Worldspan, Saber are able to provide their clients with a full range of booking services in real time. Thus, using a certain set of commands, the agent can find the hotel the client needs, view prices, availability and make a reservation.

basic information technologies in tourism

The specifics of the technology for the development and sale of tourism products require systems that, in the shortest possible time, would provide information about the availability of vehicles and the possibilities of accommodating tourists, ensure quick reservations and reservations, as well as automation of solving auxiliary tasks in the provision of tourism services (parallel registration of such documents, such as tickets, invoices and guidebooks, provision of settlement and reference information, etc.).

This is achievable provided that modern computer technologies for processing and transmitting information are widely used in tourism.

Any management information processes include procedures for registration, collection, transmission, storage, processing, issuing information and making management decisions.

Information technologies represent the means and methods by which these procedures are implemented in various information systems.

The tourism industry allows the use of a wide variety of computer technologies, ranging from specialized software products for managing an individual tourism company to the use of global computer networks.

Today, tourism uses quite a lot of the latest computer technologies, for example, global computer reservation systems, integrated communication networks, multimedia systems, Smart Cards, management information systems, etc.

Modern computer technologies have the greatest impact on the promotion of tourism products (distribution and sales). First of all, this concerns the possibility of creating new marketing channels for the promotion and sale of a tourism product.

Modern information technologies in the activities of a tourism enterprise can be divided into the following groups:

1) management information systems;

2) global reservation systems;

3) Internet;

4) multimedia systems.

Management Information Systems

They provide input, editing and storage of information about tours, hotels, clients, the status of applications, provide for the output of information in the form of various documents (questionnaires, lists of tourists, tour descriptions), allow you to calculate the cost of tours taking into account exchange rates and control payment for tours, generate financial reporting.

Lecture 5

The specifics of the technology for the development and sale of tourism products require systems that, in the shortest possible time, would provide information about the availability of vehicles and the possibilities of accommodating tourists, ensure quick reservations and reservations, as well as automation of solving auxiliary tasks in the provision of tourism services (parallel registration of such documents, such as tickets, invoices and guidebooks, provision of settlement and reference information, etc.).

This is achievable provided that modern computer technologies for processing and transmitting information are widely used in tourism.

Any management information processes include procedures for registration, collection, transmission, storage, processing, issuing information and making management decisions.

Information technologies represent the means and methods by which these procedures are implemented in various information systems.

The tourism industry allows the use of a wide variety of computer technologies, ranging from specialized software products for managing an individual tourism company to the use of global computer networks.

Today, tourism uses quite a lot of the latest computer technologies, for example, global computer reservation systems, integrated communication networks, multimedia systems, Smart Cards, management information systems, etc.

Modern computer technologies have the greatest impact on the promotion of tourism products (distribution and sales). First of all, this concerns the possibility of creating new marketing channels for the promotion and sale of a tourism product.

Modern information technologies in the activities of a tourism enterprise can be divided into the following groups:

management information systems;

global reservation systems;


multimedia systems.

Management Information Systems

They provide input, editing and storage of information about tours, hotels, clients, the status of applications, provide for the output of information in the form of various documents (questionnaires, lists of tourists, tour descriptions), allow you to calculate the cost of tours taking into account exchange rates and control payment for tours, generate financial reporting.

Software package "Master Tour" developed by Megatek and is intended for complete automation of the activities of both travel agency and tour operator firms that create and implement individual and group tours.

"Master Tour" carries out almost all functions characteristic of the activities of tour operator and travel agent offices:

maintaining directories of countries, cities, hotels, types of accommodation and meals, excursions, air travel, types of aircraft, airlines, transport, partners, types of services, control actions, etc.;

formation and calculation of group and individual tours;

changing the parameters of already issued vouchers (dates of arrival, hotel, etc.) and automatically maintaining the history of the voucher, which is necessary when resolving controversial situations, as well as to track the progress of the tour;

calculation of the expected profit on the tour, as well as the amount of commission received by partners;

creating a travel calendar for different tours, as well as determining the number of registered tourists for each date;

quotas for any services included in the tour, indicating the number of reserved, occupied and free seats, which excludes their resale;

monitoring for each tour and service using a directory of controlled actions;

maintaining a warning system for any service, for example, displaying a message to the manager about the need to purchase tickets a certain period before the start of the tour;

monitoring of payment for the tour;

monitoring the work of managers over a certain period of time, in particular tracking vouchers issued by a specific manager; assessment of the current financial condition of the company;

printing a package of necessary documents (tourist vouchers, lists of tourists, vouchers, application forms for embassies, air tickets, letters, applications, confirmations, financial reporting forms, etc.).

The program has a user-friendly graphical interface, similar to the interface of standard Microsoft products. In addition, an interface is provided with the 1C accounting program and with the Delrina WinFax Pro fax distribution program.


Program "Tourist office", created by Tour Technology in 1995, automates the activities of both travel agencies and tour operators.

The software package includes three main modules: tourism; financial; document management and external relations. Tourist and financial modules allow you to automate technological processes from a small company to a large company with a network of branches.

The software package includes three main modules: tourism; financial; document management and external relations.

Tourist module implements the following functions: maintaining directories; entering prices received from the partner into the source directories; planning: preparation of individual and group tours; sale of tours; setting a task for the operator to purchase or sell tourism services; control over sales volumes; registration (preparation and printing) of contracts, vouchers, questionnaires for the embassy, ​​generation of all kinds of lists according to certain templates.

Financial module carries out: adjustment to the features of accounting; input of primary accounting documents with further transfer of information accumulated in the task into a specific accounting program in order to prepare a report for the quarter or year; control of mutual settlements; control over preliminary and actual estimates; analysis and control over the financial condition of the company.

Document management and external communications module provides two modes: the first mode - storage, transmission, editing of the document; the second is the preparation of a document for sending to the consumer by fax or modem, as well as service functions that ensure continuous operation, including the transfer of information between agencies, between the central office and the sales department.

Program TurWin (“Travel Agent”). The program developed by the Arim-Soft company appeared in 1995. This program is intended for companies involved in outbound tourism.

The main logical elements of the program are the concepts of “tour”, “check-in”, “order”, “client”.

The program provides basic functional blocks for creating and maintaining directories, packaging and booking tours.

The program provides maintenance of various directories, including those on countries, hotels, partners, flights, services, visas, etc. A specific tour is associated with basic services from the directory and arrival dates. Each arrival is correlated with orders that combine customers according to the criterion of joint payment.

The set of services can be formed based on the basic set determined when creating the tour, or based on templates. The latter are created for each tour and include the cost of hotel accommodation, airfare, insurance, visas and additional services.

Other travel company management information systems:

Jack software package

Tour program

Software package “Samo-Tour”

Travel Agent-2000 system

Continent-ANT software package