The tricolor receiver does not search for channels. What to do if basic Tricolor channels are not shown? Setting up television receivers with a built-in receiver

When watching TV channels, one of the common errors may occur, numbered 0 to 9. In this case, the TV gives you the phrase “No access to view” and advises you to leave it alone for 8 hours. The situation is not pleasant, especially when you are already in the mood to spend quality time watching a movie or show. Also, you know that usually nothing is solved “on its own”, every error has its own reason, and waiting 8 hours to then still stumble upon the same problem is simply a waste of time.

Be sure to read the comments at the bottom of this page after reading the instructions. There you can find useful tips real users

Usually, error 0 appears when for some reason you are denied access to channels. The normal access signal is interrupted and the receiver is unable to display the image on the screen. In this case, it is logical that the cause of the malfunction is in the receiver itself. Something in it has malfunctioned and now you won’t see the last episode of the show or hear the news.

Reasons for failure

The most common The reasons for this error are:

  • receiver overload
  • end of subscription and no payment for the package
  • The receiver has been turned off for a long time and activation commands have failed
  • incorrect installation of the smart card
  • problems with the dish (antenna) or bad weather
  • update software
  • purchasing the “Unified” package.

Receiver overload This means that due to operation, the module simply “could not withstand” the intensity of passions. This may occur due to old equipment or excessive user enthusiasm, as well as due to a power failure.

End of subscription for a channel package means that you did not pay for access on time or the money has not yet been credited to the TricolorTV account. In this case, the TV will give you “Error 0” until you fulfill your obligations to the provider.

Receiver turned off for a long time(from three days or more) can lead to this error due to the fact that it no longer “recognizes the signal” from the satellite. In this case, the decoding key fails and the equipment can no longer distinguish between channels that you do or do not have access to. Accordingly, it begins to block the display of channels of any encoding.

Incorrect smart card installation does not allow you to adequately read it and, accordingly, configure the equipment to receive the signal available to you.

Antenna problems may include both weather conditions and physical obstacles in the path of the signal. These could be branches, leaves, tall buildings, or any foreign objects caught in the antenna. Also, the cause of error 0 may be the displacement of the dish antenna, as a result of which it is no longer able to receive a signal.

Often error 0 occurs after receiver software updates. If your receiver is outdated and you have updated the software on it, error 0 may indicate that the software is not supported by your receiver. Or you haven’t updated the software enough, and the receiver cannot give you access due to the lack of the entire update package.

For unknown reasons connection to the “Unified” package can also cause such an error due to the conditions (often promotional) of its connection.

How to fix if there is no access to view?

If the failure occurs due to tuner overload, You need:

  • wait five minutes, because there is a possibility that everything will correct itself
  • Reboot the receiver - unplug it and turn it back on after 3 minutes.

Most often, this helps if something wrong happened with the receiver, and not with the signals. In this case, it is completely unnecessary to wait 8 hours, but a short wait until the picture “appears” can help.

If the failure occurs because you did not pay for TricolorTV services, Error 0 can be eliminated only by topping up your account and debiting money for the service package. For this:

  1. Check your subscription to see if it is still valid or not. This can be done in ;
  2. If there are not enough funds in your account, replenish it in any way possible for you ( by bank card, electronic money, using online banking or telephone account);
  3. Wait for the funds to be debited for the service package.

If everything is paid, check the following:

  • Is the card installed correctly in the receiver?
  • is there any interference with your plate?

You can check the correct installation of the smart card by holding down the ID button on the receiver control panel. If the number is displayed on the screen, the card is installed and configured correctly. If not, check and insert the smart card according to the instructions.

When you leave the receiver turned off for a long time or purchase the “Single” package, be prepared that you will not be able to watch TV channels right away. In this case, it is necessary to leave the equipment turned on for the first 8 hours, during which the appropriate settings will be made and signal transmission from the satellite will be restored after access is activated.

Important! Leave the receiver on one of your pay-per-view channels so that reconfiguration occurs and the signal returns.

If you leave the receiver for a long time, you will need to transfer the activation keys to it again. To do this you need:

  • log in to your personal account
  • click “Send activation commands”
  • wait 8 hours or less.

The most radical way to restore access to television is to reset the receiver. It is important to remember that your data will not be saved - only latest firmware. All lists of favorite channels and all channels in general will be deleted, so that later you can return them and configure them correctly. For that, To perform a reset, you must:

  1. In the receiver menu, select “Settings”;
  2. Enter the four-digit code (0000);
  3. Select factory settings;
  4. Confirm that you are indeed going to “erase” the receiver.
  5. After the tuner reboots, turn it off for a while and then turn it on again.
  6. Produce new search TricolorTV channels.

All other causes of problems should be resolved with the help of technical support if you cannot resolve them yourself. For example, if you have ruled out all the reasons and tried all the methods described above, and the TV is still silent, like a guerrilla, and annoys you with error 0, the problem may be in the dish antenna. In this case, eliminate it yourself and without qualified assistance you can't because you risk damaging the equipment further.

In this case, it would be advisable for you to call and call a specialist for diagnosis and repair.

Video instructions on how to fix the error

Watching Tricolor TV channels is guaranteed only if up-to-date software is installed on your receiver. Please check that the software version installed on your receiver is up to date.

  • The inscription is displayed on all channels of one or more packages (for example, on all TV channels of the main package and the “Children’s” package).

You need to check whether the subscription to the television and radio channels of the packages you are interested in is active in the Personal Account of the Tricolor TV subscriber.

1. Subscription is active

To resume viewing the service, you must repeat the activation keys on your receiving equipment.

To do this, in the Personal Account of a Tricolor TV subscriber, on the “My Services” page, click the “Repeat activation commands” button.

After this, reboot your receiving equipment and leave it turned on on one of the encrypted channels. The image will appear within 8 hours at the latest. During this time, the receiver will receive an activation key, and you will again be able to watch paid TV channels.

Note! Watching Tricolor TV channels is only possible if up-to-date software is installed on your receiver.

2. Subscription is not active

To continue viewing you need to pay for the service you are interested in. Note! Watching Tricolor TV channels is only possible if up-to-date software is installed on your receiver.

3. I have never used my Personal Account and I don’t know the password

We have created a Personal Account for you when registering you as a Tricolor TV subscriber.

If you have not received or lost your password for your Personal Account, you can easily and simply get it again. Just click “Get Password”. Then enter your ID number and select convenient way receiving a password.
In your Personal Account, select “Service Management”. Is your subscription active for the service you are interested in?

  • On one/several channels (for example, on one TV channel of the main package or on the “Our Football” TV channel and on three TV channels of the “Children’s” package

​If the Info channel shows, but the image is missing only on some channels of the paid service, this may be due to a change in the channel broadcast parameters. In such situations, channels with old broadcast parameters may be stored in the channel list on your receiver. You need to update the channel list.

To update the channel list, press the “Menu” button on the receiver’s remote control and in the “Main Menu” select “Search for Tricolor TV channels”, start the search and wait until it finishes. After finishing the search, save the found channels.

1. Channels show

Thank you for your contact and enjoy watching Tricolor TV!

2. Channels are in the list, but not shown

Turn off the receiver from the power supply and turn it on again. After that, check whether the channels you are interested in are shown.

3. Channels are not in the list

From time to time, changes may occur in the composition of Tricolor TV packages, which, first of all, are justified by the decisions of the TV channels themselves - some channels stop broadcasting, others appear as part of the packages.

As you know, after the end of the paid period subscriber services the Tricolor provider must continue to supply the client with ten free TV channels. However, sometimes it happens that demons are not shown on Tricolor TV paid channels. What happened? Do I need to call immediately? technical support Or is there something I can fix myself?

Start diagnostics from the very beginning. By consistently and methodically checking each section of the circuit from the television studio to the TV screen, you can solve most problems with Tricolor without resorting to outside help. Which is not always fast and most often not free.

The procedure for checking the operability of system equipment

First, try rebooting the receiving device. Turn off and turn on the power again. Perhaps something went wrong during the connection process, automatic settings ended incorrectly.

Step two. The Tricolor information channel must work even if your access card is removed from the receiver. If it doesn't work, the screen should say "No Signal".

Most likely the settings have gone wrong. First of all, reset your equipment to factory settings. If there are violations in the channel settings, after returning to the default settings, the signal should appear.

How to restore factory settings

According to the instructions, resetting the settings to factory settings is recommended in all problematic situations with Tricolor. Open the menu, find Settings, enter your PIN. After that, select Factory settings and confirm your choice. A warning will appear indicating that all custom settings. Confirm your decision again. The receiver will reboot within ten or fifteen seconds.

Now you need to specify your region and re-produce automatic search channels. Once all working channels have been found, save the current settings.

Note. If by this time your paid service period has already expired, paid channels will no longer be shown, and free ones will be relegated to the very end of the list. Therefore, if you do not immediately find the usual free channels at the beginning of the list, most likely they were automatically moved to the end. Now look for them after channel one hundred and one.

If there is still no signal after resetting the settings, you need to check the path from the dish to the receiver to see if there is a break in cable connection? If the wires are in order, the installation and orientation of the plate itself could be disrupted. Try to reorient the plate yourself according to the instructions, or, if you don’t know how to do this, call a service technician.

Free channels are not shown, but the information channel is working

There are three possible options here.

  1. This situation may mean that the user has not yet verified their subscriber details.
  2. The receiver does not see the access card.
  3. The card is not installed correctly.

If user data is not confirmed, paid channels may also be disabled during the paid validity period of Tricolor TV. How can I confirm my user rights?

  • Call toll free phone 7.800.500.01.23, ask the operator to confirm your personal data.
  • Visit the official website of the service provider. Log in to your personal subscriber account at home page site. Confirm your details in your personal account.
  • To get the password from personal account, you need to enter the ID of your receiver or indicate the number subscription agreement, then order a password. You can receive the password either on the receiver or on the one specified in the contract cellular telephone text message, you can also ask to send your password by email.

Now it’s time to check whether the receiver sees the access card. To do this, open the Menu, go to Conditional Access, then DRE module. Look - in the ID access card menu item the number should be indicated, the same as written on the card installed in the receiver. If there is no number, it means that the receiver could not detect the card.

Sometimes the user inadvertently inserts a card reverse side. This also needs to be checked. If it is installed correctly, check it on another device. If there is such a possibility, of course.

If your card was detected normally on alternative equipment, everything worked - the receiver is faulty and must be taken to service center for diagnostics and repair.

Software is outdated

To update the software, you need to find the update item in the menu and start the process. Be careful: you cannot turn off the equipment during the update, because the program will overwrite files and if they are only partially overwritten, then they will only work partially - i.e. will not work at all and the equipment will be damaged due to your fault!

Other possible reasons for the lack of broadcasting of free channels

Transmissions were stopped for several hours for routine maintenance or repairs. In this case, you just need to wait a while. Try to contact other subscribers and find out if their TV is working. Go to the official Tricolor website and see if a technical break has been announced.
You old receiver, it is poorly compatible with updated technologies television broadcasting- It's time to update your equipment.

If none of the above helped solve your problem, all you have to do is write email customer service or try to call the operator.

Each Tricolor subscriber is required to receive high quality signal, providing high quality broadcasts. But sometimes clients satellite television They are faced with rather unpleasant situations when all existing channels suddenly disappear. This happens especially often after updates. It can be difficult to figure out why the Tricolor channels disappeared after an update; it is even more difficult to return broadcasting, but it can take a long time to wait for a visit from a technician who will restore the operation of the receiver. In addition, his services can be too expensive. Therefore, you should try to deal with the difficulties yourself, especially since solving most of the problems does not take a long time.

To understand what to do with a sudden problem, you should find out the reasons for the disappearance of TV channels. Usually similar problems connected with:

  • incorrect update;
  • failure in settings;
  • the need to re-configure channels;
  • problems with the antenna and poor signal reception;
  • improper use of the Smart card;
  • lack of payment.

Moreover, the last three points are not directly related to the update, so the likelihood of the broadcast disappearing due to them is in this case minimal. Additionally, it should be noted that the update and maintenance work may coincide. In such situations, users only need to wait for the completion of technical procedures and the resumption of broadcasting. You can learn about prevention on the official website of the satellite company.

Settings failed

To return the missing broadcast, the first step is to simply reboot the receiver. Often, such actions are enough to bring television back. If this does not help, you should reset the existing settings to the factory level.

To do this you will need:

  1. go to the receiver menu;
  2. select the “settings” item (it may be called a little differently);
  3. click on the inscription “factory”;
  4. confirm the actions taken;
  5. wait for the operation to complete;
  6. configure the set-top box by specifying the language, region and other primary parameters.

If after these steps the necessary channels are still missing, you should send the receiver for search. In some cases, you can install channels manually.

There are no tricolor channels: use the search - what to do

Most set-top boxes provide an automatic channel search that every user can launch. Therefore, if after the update the Tricolor channels are not shown, you will have to:

  • open the successor menu;
  • select the “applications” section;
  • click on the “setup wizard” item;
  • click “search”;
  • set search parameters by selecting one of the proposed time zone options;
  • wait for the search for TV channels to complete;
  • check the final result.

It is necessary to separately describe the order manual settings channels in 2019. To start the process you will need:

First of all, you need to go to the signal sources section and select a satellite dish;

  1. then you should switch to manual search;
  2. configure settings;
  3. follow instructions;
  4. save the result.

To avoid mistakes in the search settings, you must specify:

  • network search – on;
  • frequency – 12226;
  • speed 27500;
  • satellite – depends on the broadcasting region.

How to return channels to Tricolor TV after updating

The most difficult thing to deal with troubles in cases incorrect installation updates or sudden installation interruption. In such situations, it is almost impossible to cope with problems on your own, since the software on the receiver was hopelessly damaged and requires a complete replacement.

To restore the receiver after an update that was carried out incorrectly, you should contact a service center. You should look for the exact address on the provider’s official website.

The cost of possible repairs will be 500 rubles. However, you should not count on warranty service, since the equipment malfunction was not the fault of the manufacturer or seller.

Other ways to solve problems

As mentioned above, in order to cope with the problem, you need to figure out why the channels on Tricolor TV disappeared after the update. Sometimes installing new software or changing packages is not a problem. In such cases you can:

  1. check the correct position of the Smart card;
  2. make sure that you pay for connected channels on time and that there is money in your personal account;
  3. check the correct position of the satellite dish;
  4. remove ice from the plate, if any.

In cases where all of the above actions did not bring the desired result, all that remains is to call the provider’s support service. Telephone contact center– 88005000123. After waiting for an answer, you will need to describe the current situation to the operator and wait for his advice. In the most severe cases, the specialist will offer to order a visit from a telemaster. But it must be taken into account that this service will require payment.

What to do if channels are missing

Every subscriber would like to avoid situations where already connected and paid TV channels are not shown. But, if trouble has already happened, the easiest way is to report the incident to support operators and follow their advice. True, sometimes similar solution inconvenient and time-consuming. Therefore, you can start by simply rebooting the receiver. Next, you will need to reset the settings to factory defaults and re-enable channel search. If this does not help, all that remains is to check that the equipment is working correctly.

The article describes ways to solve problems associated with the lack of display of basic Tricolor channels.

The Tricolor company provides its customers with the opportunity to watch free TV channels if they have the appropriate equipment. They are called basic. The package contains 20 television channels general purpose, radio stations, information channels and a channel broadcasting in a teleshopping format.

TV channel Radio Info Teleshop
First channel Vesti FM INFO channel Shop 24
Russia 1 Lighthouse Promo TV
Match Radio Russia TV TV
Russia Culture TV instructor
Channel 5
Russia 24

Broadcasting free channels general purpose is approved at the legislative level. But sometimes the list may change.

It is worth considering that access to free channels is provided when connecting to paid packages.

Information channels are broadcast by the operator himself. They show information about Tricolor services, ongoing promotions, and troubleshooting methods.

Teleshopping allows Tricolor subscribers to make purchases without leaving home.

Reasons why basic channels are not shown

Subscribers may encounter the problem of lack of broadcasting on basic channels. The message “No signal” appears. The error is possible in different cases– bad weather, settings failure, equipment malfunction or malfunction, subscription has expired. The causes of equipment problems are divided into categories:

  • No power supply or incorrect termination automatic settings;
  • Reset recent settings;
  • Incorrect installation of the smart card;
  • Unconfirmed data;
  • The software update did not occur;
  • There is no fee for the package provided;
  • Broken cable from the dish to the receiver;
  • Preventative work.

Don't panic when a problem occurs. It can be solved in short time, if you approach the decision correctly. But sometimes the reason for the lack of signal may be due to other factors.

For example, television broadcasting may be interrupted due to the use of outdated equipment. Then you should consider replacing your existing receiver.

Ways to solve the problem

The solution to the problem of the lack of television broadcasting of free channels is to check that the cable is connected correctly. If everything is connected correctly, then other steps should be performed.

Checking the correct operation of the equipment

To check the functioning of the equipment, you must perform a reboot. Execution scheme:

After restarting, the equipment goes into normal mode work. If this does not happen, then you need to click on show the information channel (should be shown regularly). If there is no TV broadcast on the info channel, you can judge that the setup functions have failed. You should proceed to the step of resetting the settings to factory settings (installed by the developer).

Resetting the receiver to factory settings

The provider recommends using the reset operation in all difficult TV viewing situations. When you return to the original factory settings, the equipment starts working again in most cases. Scheme for resetting configuration functions:

It is worth considering that in the case of the end of the paid subscription period for the tariff, the basic list of TV channels is sent to the end of the entire list. That's why they are located after channel 100.

If the above steps do not help, it is necessary to check the cable run from the dish to the receiver. And also pay attention to the strength of the plate and its orientation. If a break or orientation violation is detected, adjust the dish and search for TV channels again.

Software Update

In order to improve display and protect against unauthorized access, the provider recommends regular update software. If not done on time this operation, then the TV channels may be stopped. Software updates should be carried out upon exit new version system support, so that further channel display is available.

Do not turn off the power while updating the software.

To update, use the “Updates” item in the receiver menu. The progress of the operation implies that the equipment is turned on to prevent partial overwriting of files. Accidental overwriting will result in equipment malfunction and loss of broadcasting.

Smart card reading error

If there is no number, the device cannot recognize the card being used. This is due to incorrect installation of the card in the card reader, a malfunction of the card reader itself, a discrepancy between the card inside and the software used, or a breakdown of the receiver.

Read more about the problem with the smart card - .

After checking that the card was inserted correctly, the ID number should appear. Otherwise, you need to check the functionality of the smart card (on other equipment) or rule out malfunctions in the receiver.

Data not confirmed

Confirmation of data is required if the user has not done so previously. To confirm them, the subscriber can use the services of a personal account on the Tricolor website or make a call to technical support, where the operator can confirm the ID number and contact information.

Basic channels do not work, information channels work

If information channel shows that the problem of the lack of television showing of basic channels arises due to non-confirmation of the subscriber’s data or the invisibility of the smart card. Data confirmation was described above. Visibility of the map is determined by correct installation it into a working card reader. Information on solving the problem that appears due to the inability to read the card was indicated above.

Change in price for the basic package

The company may change the prices for the packages provided, which will affect the lack of broadcasting of TV channels. Prices for new tariffs are provided for both newly connected subscribers and those who have been using the company’s services for a long time. The information channel warns about changes in tariff policy, so the subscriber must deposit the required amount into the account on time.

Tricolor trick (basic channels do not work due to the fault of the provider)

The Tricolor company offers subscribers to pay for the package provided in installments. If this payment method is chosen, the combined amounts are paid before a certain date. If there is insufficient funds in the subscriber's account, the company does not guarantee the television broadcast of basic channels.

Also, if the contract is unilaterally terminated, the user may lose access to viewing basic TV channels. After all, the contract states that the provider is not responsible for the correctness of broadcasting free channels.

If all methods have been tried and the problem is not solved, then you should contact support. The operator will explain what to do in such a situation.