Causes of the screen of death in windows 7. “Blue Screen of Death” error codes

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 358 Published 12/05/2016

Many of you have probably already heard more than once from friends and acquaintances about such a thing as the Windows 7 blue screen of death that appeared on their computer, also called BSOD ( Blue Screen of Death).

With the appearance of a blue screen, Windows warns us that, and it is advisable to eliminate them in a timely manner. The death screen displays error codes by which you can understand why it is happening, and from this you can conclude which component of the computer is malfunctioning or a software problem.

If your computer with Windows 7 begins to issue a BSOD, then you and I need to understand why it appears, and to do this you need to write down the error code in your notepad or take a photo of the monitor screen, and then fill in the error data in the search bar or, we look for what it means or read the entire article, in it you will find codes for the most common errors due to which the blue screen of death appears. But first, we will do the preparatory work.

Setting up Windows 7 for BSOD diagnostics

In order for you and me to have time to record or photograph the blue screen error code, we need to do some system settings.

You need to disable rebooting the PC when an error occurs, and also enable recording of debugging information in a memory dump.

  • Memory dump- the contents of RAM at a certain point in time, let’s say a special image.
  • Small memory dump - part of the memory that is written to the hard drive during failures, only the most important information remains there.

In order to go to the system settings, open “Start”, select “Computer”, right-click on it and select “Properties”

A new window will open in which we select the “Advanced” tab and click the “Options” button in the “Boot and Recovery” item

Next, look at the “Recording debugging information” section, where you need to select “Small memory dump 256 KB”

Now your computer is set up, the next time it fails it will not reboot, and you can safely write down the error code or take a photo of it.

Blue screen of death, Windows 7 error codes

Let's now look at the most common error codes.

  • KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED - the computer generates this error if there is a problem with the hardware (for example, some computer component has failed) or a problem with the drivers.
  • NTFS FILE SYSTEM – problems with the file system of the hard drive; this problem can occur in several cases:

* presence of viruses in the boot area of ​​the hard drive

* damage to the file system structure.

  • INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE - when this error appears, the Windows operating system says that it could not access the boot partition of the disk. There can be many problems that caused this error. For example, a problem in the PC hardware: a damaged hard drive, a faulty controller, faulty individual computer components, or a software problem: viruses or file system errors.
  • IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL – this error may appear if there is a problem with drivers or some Windows system service
  • PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA - a blue screen of death with this code means that the data that the system is looking for is not in memory; accordingly, when the operating system accesses, for example, data in the paging file, but there is nothing there, such an error will appear. The error often appears due to problems with RAM, errors in Windows system services, or due to a damaged file system.
  • KERNEL DATA INPAGE ERROR – the operating system is unable to read data from memory. This error can be caused by faulty RAM, problems with the hard drive due to unreadable sectors, or problems with the HDD controller.
  • KERNEL STACK INPAGE ERROR – The OS was unable to read the paging file and write data to the hard drive. The main reasons for this error: a problem with the RAM or hard drive.
  • UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP is an error that appears at the system kernel level. The reasons that caused it can be both hardware and software.
  • STATUS SYSTEM PROCESS TERMINATED - an error caused by a software failure, problems with system services, drivers or applications
  • DATA BUS ERROR - a blue screen appears when there is a failure in the RAM or when the video adapter malfunctions.

Blue screen of death Windows 7, what to do?

After you and I have determined what error we are getting, we need to establish the reason why our computer began to malfunction. To do this, you need to remember what recent changes occurred on your computer. You may have installed a new program or updated drivers for some device. To eliminate the human factor, you need to remove the latest installed programs, as well as roll back the drivers to previous versions. If errors began to appear after installing new hardware in the system unit, then you need to turn it off and observe the operation of the computer.

In order to resolve the error caused by a software glitch, you need to try the following steps.

  • Roll back installed new drivers to the previous version;
  • Start Windows with Last Known Good Configuration;
  • Perform a system restore using the standard Windows function.

I advise you to check the amount of remaining free space on the system partition of the hard drive, since a small amount of memory can cause system malfunctions. Don’t forget to check your computer for viruses; to do this, you can use the free Dr.Web Cureit utility or the Kaspersky Lab utility KVRT. If the blue screen of death continues to appear, I recommend installing the latest Windows 7 update package.

Reset the BIOS settings to default, it is possible that the computer components were overclocked incorrectly, which is why the hardware is running at incorrect settings that differ from the factory settings, thereby causing malfunctions. To reset the settings, you need to go into the BIOS, press the F5 key and press F10 to save the settings. The computer should restart and apply the new settings.

If you recently climbed into the inside of the system unit to clean dust, then perhaps you connected a connector somewhere incorrectly or not tightly. To eliminate this kind of problem, remove the RAM from the connectors and insert it back until it clicks. Also check the connections of all cables, remove other components installed in the system unit and reconnect.

In order to exclude failures of RAM and hard drive, perform a stress test for them, for example, with the Aida program. If the components do not pass this test, you need to replace them with known good ones and check the operation of the computer.

That's all for me, now you know what to do with the blue screen of death in Windows 7.

Users of modern computers encounter the Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) quite often. The resulting error code 0x00000124 indicates that this is a critical system failure detected by Windows hardware (WHEA). This means that the problem is caused by one of the computer devices.

Why does error code 0x00000124 occur in different versions of Windows?

Error code 0x00000124 indicates system problems with the computer hardware and can occur in any version of Windows.

Possible reasons

  • Software or physical damage to RAM.
  • The RAM timings set in the BIOS (basic input/output system) have failed.
  • Problems with drivers or programs.
  • Incorrect settings when overclocking equipment - video card, processor, RAM.
  • Violation of the established temperature conditions of the equipment. This could be overheating of the power supply, video card or motherboard, or other components and parts of the computer.
  • The BIOS version does not match the requirements of the newly installed hardware and software.
  • Malfunction of the motherboard due to malfunctions.
  • Failure when connecting new equipment due to insufficient power from the power supply.
  • Problems with the hard drive caused by software failures or physical damage to the internal surface of the hard drive.

When error 0x00000124 occurs, the computer immediately shuts down in emergency mode. A blue screen appears, the appearance of which depends on the Windows system you are using, with a message about a problem.

What does the screen look like?

In Windows 2000, the error message and its code are displayed at the top of the screen.

Error message in Windows 2000

In Windows XP and Windows 7, the screens are identical. The error name is displayed at the top: WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR, and the error code is displayed at the bottom. After the code there is an explanation of where exactly the failure occurred and what should be done.

Windows XP and Windows 7

In Windows Vista, only the error code message is displayed.

Error message in Windows Vista

In Windows 8 and Windows 10, the screens are the same. Detailed technical information about the error is not displayed, it is only reported that a failure has occurred and you need to restart the computer.

Blue Screen of Death in Windows 8 and Windows 10

Error 0x00000124 is a kind of fuse against further computer breakdowns. The user has to, willy-nilly, solve the problem that has arisen, until which is resolved the system will not be able to operate stably.

It should be noted that the blue screen of death may not be seen at all if automatic system reboot is enabled when a failure occurs. To disable this option, uncheck the “Perform automatic restart” checkbox on the “Options” tab in the “Startup and Recovery” section of the “Advanced” menu of the system properties window. To open it in the main computer “Start” menu, right-click on the “My Computer” tab and select “Properties” from the drop-down list, located at the very bottom. Now you can find out about errors in your computer in a timely manner.

What to do: can I fix everything myself?

If an error occurs with code 0x00000124, you can try to fix it yourself, which is successful in some cases, or contact a service organization for help.

If you have never previously troubleshooted problems associated with various computer malfunctions, then do not do anything yourself without first consulting a professional.

Step-by-step instructions for resolving the error

Video: how to resolve error code 0x00000124?

Video: how to remove the blue screen of death in Windows?

From the description we can conclude that the appearance of error code 0x00000124 indicates serious problems in the computer’s operation that should not be ignored. If you do not take timely measures to troubleshoot the blue screen of death, the system may stop booting altogether.

In case of critical errors in the operation of the operating system, as a result of which the PC is rebooted without saving data, and further work with information becomes impossible, a blue background with white letters is displayed on the screen, which is called. The name is a literal translation of the English term Blue Screen of Death (abbreviation BSoD).

Causes and consequences of BSoD

You should not be afraid of a blue screen, since any mechanism can fail sooner or later, but determining its cause can be quite difficult. BSoD is a kind of protective reaction of the operating system and appears when code is detected that does not work correctly.

Operation on PC is not possible because the system is shutting down. The user remains to carefully study the information received and then reboot the system.

Thus, the blue screen provides information about the type of error by encrypting it using hexadecimal code. Identification of the cause of the failure (deciphering the code) can be found in a search engine.

Some breakdowns in the system are very frequent, others are quite rare. For example, 0x00000001 corresponds to the APC_INDEX_MISMATCH error. When entering the code, we learn that the problem occurs as a result of the first installation or reinstallation of a third-party application for MTP and WPD devices. This error can be fixed by downloading and reinstalling the latest update to the OS.

Delaying the error on the screen

If the user, having seen what is happening on the screen, does not take any action, Windows will automatically begin to reboot. In this mode, in the absence of technical knowledge and experience, it is difficult to understand the source of the failure. As a result, there is a need to delay the error on the PC screen.

To make it possible to decipher the sources of failures that have occurred, you can go in several ways:

  • photograph the indicators;
  • view memory dump entries;
  • use the diagnostic utility.

Recording the contents of working memory is enabled after rebooting is disabled in automatic mode. To do this, activate the “Properties” tab in the “Computer” menu (using the mouse button on the right or using the quick combination “Win+Pause”). In the “Advanced system settings” position, located on the left side of the screen, open the “Advanced” window.

In the selected tab we find the “Download and Recovery” item with a number of checkboxes. Next, you need to remove the parameter that performs auto-reboot and check the box that is responsible for recording the event in the system log (“Record event in system log”). Now, when a blue screen appears, the OS will not automatically reboot, and the necessary information about the dysfunction of the working system will be stored in memory.

Using a special application is relevant for high-speed diagnosing blue screen of death. For example, the Blue Screen View utility examines individual dumps, organizing them into a list.

The program carefully analyzes and collects information about the details of critical failures that occur and displays products in decrypted form, indicating the version and bit depth. Events are viewed in separate windows of the resulting report, which can be saved in text format or an .html file.

How to Analyze BSoD Information

On the blue screen of death, information in English is located in a certain sequence, specifying the failure and how to resolve it. In particular, we are talking about displaying:

  • fault names;
  • recommendations for its elimination;
  • hexadecimal error code;
  • failure parameters;
  • driver name;
  • fault addresses.

Failures that occur due to a breakdown of a PC hardware element (hard drive, RAM, video card or power supply) are common. It is not uncommon for conflicts to arise between devices on a computer or due to incompatibility of connected equipment with.

Inappropriate or incompatible drivers, lack of free working space on the disk, poor functioning of coolers leading to overheating, the action of malware are no less common circumstances that lead to the appearance of the screen of death.

The main reasons that cause OS failures

The appearance of a Windows 7 blue screen of death when loading is a fairly serious reason to analyze the operation of the PC as a whole.

First, you can check how much disk space is left for system data. If there is no space, you should delete unnecessary information in the usual way or using cleaning utilities.

Periodically, it is necessary to scan the OS with antiviruses in order to destroy viruses, Trojans and other software that disrupt the operation of the PC.

If the activation of the blue screen is caused by errors in Windows 7 codes, you can install the update package in the latest version and periodically update the system in the future. For this purpose, in the “System Properties” menu, select the “Automatic update” item, in which the corresponding “Automatic (recommended)” button is activated.

If the failure occurs when downloading a program or driver again, the error can be resolved by rolling back the driver to a previous version or uninstalling the program. You can use "Run Last Known Good Configuration".

The activation of a blue screen is sometimes associated with connecting a new incompatible device to the PC. Then one of the components is replaced - either the device (with a compatible one) or the operating system that supports it.

If the device is initially compatible, but the OS still gives an error, new versions of drivers obtained from the manufacturer’s website are installed.

If you have the appropriate knowledge, you can set the settings in the BIOS. It is better for a non-professional not to use this technique, since the result can be an even bigger problem than a blue screen.

The screen of death may be a consequence of problems with RAM. A broken ruler is detected using one of the testing programs. Thus, the MemTest86 utility allows you to test memory without an OS or connecting other drivers. To connect it, a bootable flash drive (disk) is created. The program writes the entire memory in blocks of data, and then reads and checks what was written.

BSoD can be caused by bad sectors or errors on the hard drive. The problem is solved through standard operations: the volume is checked in the “Service” menu.

It would be a good idea to keep your PC clean, which will eliminate the problem of overheating, which causes the blue screen of death to appear. It is necessary to lubricate the cooling components of the processor, chipset, and power supply with a special product. If necessary, additional coolers are installed to ensure normalization of air flow.

To resolve BSoD, you can reinstall the operating system using its licensed version.

General algorithm of actions for solving the BSoD problem without decryption

If there is a problem in the form of a blue screen, you can do without deciphering the error code. First, let’s analyze our recent actions with the computer. If their list includes updating a driver, installing a program, changing the registry, replacing equipment, or visiting a site with a dubious reputation, you can do things differently.

First, the OS boots when using the “Last Known Good Configuration” mode. To do this, all disks are removed and the computer is restarted. While rebooting, holding down the F8 key causes the Windows symbol to appear. Then the PC should be restarted again and, having received the message “Additional boot options” on the screen, select the “Last Known Good Configuration” item.

If this attempt was unsuccessful and did not lead to the elimination of errors, the computer is booted in “Safe Mode” (alternatively, “...with loading network drivers”).

After this, you can check the disk, the integrity of its system components and the presence of viruses.

So, the blue screen helps to identify failures that occur during code execution in the kernel operating mode. To do this, it is enough to keep your PC clean, use drivers and proven programs downloaded from the official resources of reliable manufacturers. By following simple rules, you can reduce the possibility of system interruption by several times.

If BSoD begins to periodically disrupt the usual rhythm of PC operation, you can easily decipher the error code and then eliminate its cause.

The seventh version of the Windows operating system from Microsoft, although considered one of the most stable, is nevertheless not immune to critical failures. One of the most unpleasant phenomena is the “blue screen of death” in Windows 7. Not every user knows what to do when it appears. Some people believe that the problem will disappear on its own after a reboot (and for good reason). Others believe that a complete reinstallation of Windows 7 will be required. But before you decide to fix the problem, you need to know what it is.

BSoD Death Screen: What is it?

So, let's assume that the user experiences a Blue Screen of Death. What to do? Windows 7, as well as any other system in this family, can offer several options for solving the problem, depending on what was the root cause.

But in some cases, in order to get rid of this scourge in the future, you cannot do without special utilities. We will dwell on them a little later, but for now let’s see what it is from the point of view of the system itself.

Roughly speaking, BSoD is a kind of protective reaction of Windows to a critical failure in the system when a memory dump occurs. In other words, the system cannot neutralize an error in operation using its own means and because of this it reports that such and such has happened. In each specific case, deciphering the Windows 7 “blue screens of death” can tell a lot. Typically, the message on the monitor begins with the word “STOP” followed by an error code. What does this mean? Yes, only that at the moment some important process was stopped, vital for the functioning of the system as a whole. We’ll look at how to remove the “blue screen of death” in Windows 7 a little later, but for now let’s look at the reasons for its appearance.

Reasons for failures

When examining possible problems, you need to clearly divide them into two large categories: software failures (including the system itself) and physical problems with the equipment (for example, when replacing a hard drive, video card, RAM, etc.).

In addition, in Windows 7, solving problems with such problems may also involve the fact that there is simply not enough space on the hard drive, which is especially noticeable when automatic system updates are turned on.

Classification of groups

Today, there are two main groups of failures. Group “A” includes problems with updating or replacing hardware, updating drivers or the system itself, and damage to system components. Group “B” includes incompatible versions of the primary BIOS input/output system, driver mismatch for a specific device, driver conflicts, lack of space on the hard drive, breakdowns of hardware components of the computer system, overheating of the processor or power supply, power outages, malfunctions of the boards RAM, problems with video cards, overlocking (overclocking) results, etc.

Windows 7 Blue Screen of Death Codes

As you can see, there can be many reasons for errors and failures. In any case, when such a screen appears, you should first pay attention to the description that is present at the bottom of the message. Separately, we can highlight the most common codes that occur most often:

  • 0x0000006B;
  • 0x00000000 (0022);
  • 0x0000007E;
  • 0xC0000005;
  • 0x80000003;
  • 0x80000002;
  • 0x804E518E;
  • 0xFC938104;
  • 0xFC937E04 and others.

Of course, the list is not limited to just these codes (you never know what situation may arise). However, the most common one that appears is the Blue Screen of Death (0x0000007E), in which case Windows 7 displays a description indicating that some exception was not handled.

But this is just a brief information. To view a full description of the error or failure, it is better to use a small utility called Blue Screen View. It is this program that can give the key to understanding how to treat the “blue screen of death” of Windows 7. This can be done using the system’s own tools, which will be discussed further.

Blue Screen of Death: what to do (Windows 7)? The first and simplest solution

In the case when the failure is short-term, for example, due to a sudden power outage and a switch to an uninterruptible power supply, you can use a regular reboot with a forced shutdown by long pressing the power button.

But if the “blue screen of death” appears again when loading Windows 7, this will already indicate serious damage. To begin with, you can try to simply disable the recording of dumps and mini-dumps. This is done through the properties section, called up from the right-click menu on the computer icon, where you need to go through the additional settings tab to the boot and recovery item. In the settings window, you need to disable automatic reboot and recording of small dumps, and then perform a complete restart of the system.

If even after this the problem is not resolved, it is very likely that this is not a software failure, but physical damage to the hardware (most often the problem is the hard drive and RAM).


One of the reasons for failures may be viruses and malicious codes that deliberately affect the system. They cause a lot of trouble by overwriting system components and replacing them with their own files, and can also cause a “blue screen of death.” What to do? Windows 7 has no tools in this case, apart from its own primitive tools in the form of a defender and a firewall.

In the simplest case, you should check the system with a standard anti-virus scanner, but most likely you will have to use more powerful programs. The best option would be the free disk utility Kaspersky Rescue Disk, which can boot itself before the system starts and detect viruses that have embedded themselves deep into the RAM.

System component failures

If it is the system that is damaged, recovery may not work. In this case, it is best to boot into Safe Made mode using the F8 key at startup, and then, if you have constant access to the Internet, perform an online recovery using the command shown in the image below in the command line running as administrator.

The process will take 5-10 minutes, after which you should enter the sfc /scannow command and wait for the scan verdict. If the integrity of Windows 7 is compromised, system files will be restored automatically.

Lack of space on the hard drive

Lack of space in the system partition can also lead to the “blue screen of death” in Windows 7. How to fix the situation? To do this, the system has its own disk cleaning tool. It is advisable to use it, and not modules of optimization programs, since the latter do not interfere with the system part.

In Explorer, right-clicking on the disk or partition being checked brings up the properties menu, where you can see a cleanup button on the general settings tab. After clicking it, in the window you should select all components to be deleted and confirm your actions.

Incorrect installation of updates

Quite often, the cause of BSoD is incorrectly installed or underloaded updates. It makes no difference whether automatic updating is enabled or whether the search for updates was done manually.

How to remove the Windows 7 Blue Screen of Death in this case? You need to go to the appropriate section of the “Control Panel” and view the latest installed updates. They will have to be removed one by one, rebooting the system each time after uninstallation. Perhaps they are the reason. As a last resort, if you don’t want to do such things manually, you can try to roll back the system to its previous state. But it’s worth considering that if automatic installation is enabled, the updates will be integrated into the system again.

But in the first case, having found out which update failed, it can be excluded from the list when searching again manually.

Hard drive errors and damage

The most problematic situation is when the cause of the failure is the hard drive. In the simplest case, you will have to check it for errors.

To do this, use the checker from the properties menu, but in the settings the lines for automatic error correction and correction of failed clusters are activated. The same procedure can be performed from the command console, where you need to enter the line chkdsk /x /f /r.

If the damage to the hard drive is physical, nothing can be done, although some experts recommend using a special hard drive magnetization reversal program called HDD Regenerator. True, there are legitimate doubts about the fact that it is possible to restore a disk this way (in the sense of using software). Nevertheless…

BIOS incompatibility

Another problem is outdated or incompatible BIOS firmware. The screen will appear directly at startup. In this situation, there is nothing left but to contact the manufacturer’s resource on the Internet. As is already clear, you need to download the firmware and install it.

Information about the BIOS version can be obtained in the system information section, which is called by the msinfo32 command from the Run console (Win + R).

Incorrectly installed drivers

But most often, the appearance of the deadly screen is influenced by drivers or conflicts between them (the most common problems arise with video cards). At the same time, if you access the “Device Manager” (command devmgmt.msc in the “Run” console or the section of the same name in the “Control Panel”), it is not recommended to update drivers.

It is best to remove the problematic driver and then install it from scratch. In some cases, this may not give a positive result. Therefore, you will have to completely remove the device. When restarting the system, it is advisable not to use the installation of the most suitable driver from its own database, but to install it, for example, from the Driver Pack Solution catalog or pre-download the required driver from the equipment manufacturer’s website.

But to search for the driver itself, first in the same “Device Manager” for the problematic component you need to find the VEN and DEV identifiers in the properties and go to the details tab, where you select the hardware ID display from the drop-down list. To be safe, it is best to use the longest line in the description.

Damaged RAM

But let's assume that the Blue Screen of Death appears again. What to do? Windows 7 seems to have exhausted its capabilities. Apparently the problem is in the RAM.

The cause of the failure can be determined by using the appropriate testing program. The most powerful utility is Memtest86+. But there is also the other side of the coin. On desktop PCs, you can simply remove the memory sticks from the slots on the motherboard one by one, reboot the system and look at its behavior. You can’t do this with laptops, so you’ll have to contact a service center.

Problems with the remote control program

Finally, although not often, there is a problem with remote access programs. Specifically, this is an error in the Win32k.sys file. A way out of this situation may be to simply remove the faulty application. Only it is better to uninstall not using system tools, but use programs like iObit Uninstaller for this, which can not only delete the main program files, but also completely clean the system of residual files, folders and even system registry entries.

Instead of an afterword

As can be seen from all of the above, there can be quite a lot of reasons for failures in the form of BSoD. And it is not always appropriate to reinstall Windows 7. Finally, it remains to give advice to the majority of users who believe that such a screen means a “crash” of the system. There is nothing too critical about this. In most cases, a simple reboot or reinstallation of drivers helps, of course, provided that there is no physical damage to the hardware.

Blue Screen of Death (aka BSOD - Blue Screen of Death) is a message on the screen on a blue background about a fatal error in Windows. This message usually contains this stop error code. BSOD stops all running processes and informs the user about some critical fault. This failure can be caused by a variety of factors, for example, damage to drivers, hardware, incorrect file processing (file system corruption), etc.

What to do if a BSOD appears

There is no general solution here and each error has its own individual approach. However, we will give general recommendations on what to do in such a situation.

Usually, the first thing the user tries to do is restart the system in the hope that the problem is not serious and that they can continue working in the Windows environment. We do not recommend do this until you find out the cause of the error that caused the blue screen.

In some cases the system reboots itself when BSOD is triggered. In this case, you need to disable automatic reboot so that you can see the error.

IN properties of the system(Win+PauseBreak) go to the advanced settings section.

In this window, you are interested in the “Advanced” tab, the “” item. Click on the Settings button.

In field " System failure» remove the checkbox from the “Perform automatic reboot” item and confirm by clicking “Ok”.

Now you will have time to read and write down the error code and the file during which the error occurred while loading.

Each BSOD contains a hexadecimal code of a critical error, most often there are several codes, as shown in the picture. There are over 300 known such codes. Let's consider the most common actions that the user must take to eliminate them.

  • check are there resources on the system partition of the computer;
  • scan system with anti-virus programs for the presence of malware;
  • install the latest system updates(they must be done automatically);
  • if recently there was driver installed, after which a blue screen began to appear - roll it back to the previous version.
  • if BSOD began to appear after connecting new device, check its compatibility with the OS;
  • BIOS settings should be by default
  • test RAM, for example, the memtest86 program; replace the damaged module if it turns out to be one;
  • test and reassign bad sectors hard drive;
  • check whether all components are connected correctly;
  • reinstall OS.

Common Blue Screen of Death Codes


APC status index discrepancy. Most likely the BSOD is caused by a failure of one or more of the drivers: ndis.sys; raspppoe.sys; win32k.sys; psi.sys, or there are simply not enough resources on the HDD or RAM. The failure may occur after installing a third-party application. A likely solution is to install the latest system updates.


Diskdump.sys is using the wrong memory address or it is not compatible with the OS. If this failure occurs during system installation, then the problem is in the PC hardware. Check that the hardware resources used meet the system requirements. Try reinstalling the OS again. Disable Plug and Play. Disable all functions responsible for BIOS antivirus protection.

If the error remains, test the RAM. If you have several planks, try working with one of them at a time. If the BSOD no longer occurs, then the problem clearly lies in one of them.

If it doesn’t work, remove all devices that are not urgently needed when installing the OS (network and sound cards, expansion cards, video card, DVD drive, additional hard drives and drives, etc.).


The error handler did not detect a kernel-thrown exception. To solve the problem, you need to unambiguously determine which exception was generated. First of all, try using a different video adapter, updating the BIOS, and disabling the caching function. Check the compatibility of the hardware with the software being installed. If you can identify the driver causing the crash, disable it and uninstall it. You may need to start in safe mode for these purposes.


The APC was in idle mode while the thread was finishing executing.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the drivers installed before the error occurred. The BSOD occurs because Win32k.sys does not handle font parameters correctly, which prevents the APC process from calling asynchronously. Install the latest OS updates and the Symevent.sys driver.

x00000023 - FAT_FILE_SYSTEM

Damage to the FAT file system.

Possibly damaged sectors of the drive or IDE driver. To find and fix bad sectors, try using the Chkdsk /f/r function in the console, or use a third-party program such as Victoria HDD.

0x00000024- NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM

Damage to the NTFS file system.

A malfunction in the ntfs.sys driver prevents the system from reading and writing data from NTFS media. Possible damage to the hard drive file system structure. Perform the actions described in the previous error.


The kernel stack is full. To resolve, you should follow the general recommendations for solving BSOD.

0x0000002E— DATA_BUS_ERROR

Incorrect operation of the data bus, the cause of which is a possible parity failure of the system memory. The problem is probably in the PC hardware resources - incorrect configuration, mismatch of the installed OS, or hardware failure. Often this code is triggered due to defective RAM modules. Replace faulty hardware. Otherwise, follow the standard instructions described in the previous paragraph.


A very common mistake. Occurs during OS startup. The bootloader cannot detect access to the system partition. Boot device failure. The solution is to change the bootstrap options.

Restart the system and press F8. A window for selecting a download method will open. Run Last Known Good Configuration. Check hardware and software compatibility.


An attempt was made to access invalid system memory. Most often it is associated with the installation of faulty hardware, namely RAM and video cards. Check these devices for defects. In rare cases, the problem could be caused by the installation of a faulty system service.


A required processor core data page cannot be loaded into memory. Most likely there is a lack of RAM resources or bad sectors of the hard drive. There may also be a problem with the cable connections. Test the RAM and HDD for errors, correct them if possible. Check and clean the connecting cable plugs.