When registering apple id. Creating and changing Apple ID on iPhone

Greetings! Today’s article is from the series “Every owner of an Apple smartphone should know this.” I would even say, I simply have to. Why? Because knowing how to correctly change your Apple ID or iCloud account on your iPhone can be useful to you almost always. And even if you don’t need it now, you will need it someday... Believe me, my little personal experience. Believe me, believe me, it won’t hurt! :)

In general, as a rule, for the time being the user does not even think about this operation. After all, the smartphone works? Works! Are there any problems? Apparently not! Then why bother with any settings at all? But nothing lasts forever and a variety of things can happen. Which? There are plenty of examples.

  • Selling the device.
  • Buying a new or not new gadget.
  • Someone found out your Apple ID, password, iCloud - a sure way to protect yourself, completely change your account.
  • Just start your iPhone life from scratch :)

In general, it is clear that this is the right thing to do. So let's learn how to completely log out of the Apple ID and iCloud accounts linked to the iPhone, and log in with new data. Forward!:)

Important! It is necessary to understand that for those people who for some reason do not know (do not remember) the password and login of the identifier, this method will not work, they should do so.

How to change iCloud on iPhone

Since iCloud is a more important account (here is the Find My iPhone function, etc.), let's start with it. Briefly point by point:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. We look for the iCloud menu item and go into it.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and see the “Exit” line.
  4. Click and see the first warning: “If you sign out of your account, all Photo Stream and iCloud Drive photos stored in iCloud will be deleted from this iPhone.” What does it mean? This means that when you change your iCloud account, the above data associated with it will be deleted from your iPhone. No need to worry, they will remain in the “cloud” itself and can be accessed from the website www.icloud.com. We agree with this.
  5. The second warning pops up: “All iCloud notes will be deleted from the iPhone.” Relevant for those who have used the notes application with cloud storage, computer, etc. Again, you need to understand that they are not deleted entirely; access to them will remain through the site.
  6. Another question is “What do you want to do with calendars, Safari data, contacts and reminders?” I choose to leave the iPhone on this one. If something happens, you can delete them yourself later.
  7. We are asked to enter the iCloud password - we do it. That's it, we're signed out of this iPhone.
  8. We enter new data - iCloud is changed.

2 ways to change Apple ID

Now you can change the second identifier on your iPhone – Apple ID. There are two ways here:

  • In the case when you have already logged out of iCloud (how to do this is written above), then you can simply and then it will be completely new and clean “like from the factory.” Naturally, there will be no information left on it! Next, simply enter your Apple ID account and indicate it directly.
  • Or change Apple ID through the menu. What’s convenient is that in this case all games, applications, music, ringtones, etc. will remain on the device. downloaded using a previous account.

How to do it?

As you can see, all manipulations occur exclusively in the settings and do not take much time.

Despite the fact that I tried to describe in as much detail as possible the process of replacing accounts on an iPhone, it may well be that something remains unclear. Maybe? Certainly! Therefore, don’t be shy and write your questions in the comments - I will try to answer everyone.

P.S.S. Okay, you can do without “likes” - I’m just kidding :) Although, frankly speaking, I would be very pleased to see such activity from you. Thank you!

Sometimes the user feels that his computer is starting to behave strangely. So, games or videos become dull, some strange sound signals appear and it becomes more and more difficult to work on the computer. A user with a fairly powerful device is immediately susceptible to viruses, because the components are capable of carrying such a load, but viruses can simply interfere with them. But if after checking it turns out that everything is fine with the computer and no malware threatens its security, you can turn to the video card. Most often, lags and freezes on a computer occur due to the fact that this component overheats greatly and cannot work normally, which greatly disturbs the owner of a PC or laptop.

In this article, we will look in detail at how to find out the temperature of a video card yourself, and also tell you about the main intricacies of working with this component.

Why know the temperature of the video card?

There are certain temperature ranges within which the video card operates without failures. Since many modern graphics processors have a protective system, when it heats up to the maximum temperature, the protective system turns on and the video card simply stops working. But sometimes the automation fails, the protection does not turn on, and when the video card gets very hot, it simply burns out. That is why you need to periodically check whether the cooling system is working properly in order to be sure that the video card is not in danger.

What is the normal temperature for a video card?

Different video cards have different normal operating temperatures. If you want to know more precisely, then you should Google your specific model and find out what the optimal temperature is during idle mode and under heavy loads. On average, we can say that for many video cards, a range of 30-60 degrees in idle mode is normal. But the highest point may differ, for example, for some cards, operating in load mode at 80 degrees is already a lot, and for some, even 90 is still acceptable.

So, if you have a graphics processor from NVIDIA, then a modern model can function normally at very high temperatures - up to 105 degrees Celsius, maybe a little more or less, depending on the model itself. If the NVIDIA GPU reaches its maximum declared temperature, the driver will begin throttling. With this function, the GPU starts skipping clock cycles, and the work also slows down artificially. If this does not help to cool the system, then the video card turns off itself in order not to burn out.

However, if you see that the value above 90-95 degrees persists for a long time, then this is a reason to worry - heating is close to maximum or already maximum for a long time - this is a signal that there is a problem in the cooling system or in the video card itself and its service life may be significantly reduced due to such heating.

What affects the temperature of a video card?

There are many factors that affect the temperature of a video card. We will list the main ones:

  1. The processor that powers the GPU.
  2. Type of cooling system. There are passive ones, in which only a radiator is used for cooling, and active, in which the video card has one or more fans.
  3. Cooling system inside the case. The looser the case and the better the cooling is, the lower the temperature of the video card and the lower the likelihood of failure

How to find out the temperature of a video card through the program?

There are many methods by which you can find out what the current temperature of a video card is. To do this, they usually use general programs that diagnose the operation of the computer and provide the user with a report on the operation of the system. We will talk in more detail about some popular programs that will be useful to you not only if you want to check your video card, but also in some other cases if you need to diagnose the condition of your computer.


One of the most popular and convenient platforms is Piriform Speccy. This program is distributed completely free of charge, you can download it as an installer or portable version from the official website of the program. Immediately after you install and launch the program, windows for the main components of your computer will appear in the main window. In the windows you can see the model of the video card, as well as the temperature at which it is currently operating. In order to find out more detailed information about the video card, you need to open the “Graphics” section and read everything that interests you about the card.

In order to make sure that the graphics processor maintains a normal temperature, search the Internet for exact information about what indicators it should operate at, and also run the program several times in order to track the dynamics. Change the load and turn it on, if even while running a heavy game, the temperature does not reach the maximum values ​​for this video card model, then you don’t have to worry about your cooling system.

GPU Temp

There is another simple program that will help you determine the current temperature of the GPU. The GPU Temp program has only one function - to show to what temperature the video card is currently heated. Interestingly, the program does not take up much space and does not load the processor heavily, so it can easily be turned on and show in the Windows notification area how hot your video card is now if you hover your mouse over the program. It is very convenient if you want to check the operation of the video card and its heating over time and test it under different loads.

In addition, if you leave the program turned on and run a heavy game or graphics editor, it will create a graph for the heating of the video card during operation. This way you can see to what temperature the graphics processor generally heats up and what programs it has the hardest time working with.

You can download the program from their official website.


A very convenient free program that allows the user not only to find out the temperature of the video card, but also to look at all the main indicators at which the graphics processor operates - the frequencies of the memory and GPU cores, how the memory is used, at what speed the cooler rotates, which is supposed to cool the video card. It is also very convenient that in this program you can easily see what functions your GPU supports.

So if you want to fully diagnose the operation of your video card and you are interested in learning about all the indicators at which it functions as a whole, feel free to download and install a free and quite convenient program from the official website.

What to do if the GPU is overheating?

Now that you have learned how to view the temperature of a video card, you can talk about what to do if the temperature is still higher than normal for your specific model. If the video card gets very hot, and programs and games begin to slow down, or some problems occur with the picture on the screen, then you should pay attention to the following things:

  • Is the case well ventilated - if it is too close to a table or wall with the back and sides, the fans may be blocked.
  • Is there dust in the case and on the GPU cooler?
  • Is there room in the case for cold air to circulate well? The ideal situation is when the case is free, there is no very large number of wires and circuit boards.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the video card cooler may not rotate at normal speed due to a malfunction or due to dirt clogged there. In addition, you may need to replace the thermal paste or make some repairs to the case. If you understand that you are unlikely to be able to fix something yourself, it is better to take the case with all its contents to a service center. They will not only carry out diagnostics, find out the real causes of the malfunction and fix everything that is needed, but will also help prevent future breakdowns of other systems and components.


We hope that after reading the article you understand perfectly how to check the temperature of a video card, you know why it is needed and what to do if the video card overheats. If you are not sure that you can download and install the program correctly, as well as work in it, it is better to entrust this component to specialists. A service center check won't cost very much, but it will give you an idea of ​​whether your graphics card needs to be repaired or cleaned, and how to resolve problems with it.

If you decide to check it yourself using programs and you don’t have much experience working with such programs, then just do everything according to the instructions - and then everything will be fine and you can easily figure out the temperature of the video card and understand what problems there are.

If you still have any questions about how to check your video card and why you need to do it, leave them in the comments. Also, if there are additions to the article, leave them there so that it will be easier for other users to solve their problem. Share testing programs and useful tips for beginners.

What is an Apple ID, why is it needed and how to get it.

The first thing you should do after activating your iPhone is to register an Apple ID, which will later be your identifier when visiting the iPhone application store - App Store.

An Apple ID is required not only to purchase applications, but also to download free programs from the App Store, such as iBooks, Skype and others. Without an Apple ID, you won’t be able to install a single program from the App Store, and if you don’t do this, why bother spending money on a smartphone?

The iPhone activation process suggests registering an Apple ID as one of the steps, but the reality is that this step is usually skipped. As a rule, the device is activated by the seller, thus demonstrating the functionality of the device, and registering an Apple ID requires entering personal information, including the owner’s credit card number, and the seller skips this step, leaving the pleasure to the buyer.

A buyer, especially one encountering the procedure for the first time, cannot always complete the registration procedure the first time. One of the common difficulties is the password format: the password must contain Latin letters and numbers, and at least one of the letters must be capitalized. Another common mistake is that when registering an Apple ID, people indicate an email address, go through the entire registration procedure and cannot complete it because they do not have access to the email address specified in the registration data in order to activate their Apple ID by following the link from the letter sent to this address.

If you don’t have an Apple ID yet and want to register it, you can start registering in the following way.

Sign in Settings(on the main screen, click the “Settings” icon).

Select an item from the list "Shop"(or "App Store" in English).

Select "To come in" and select the item from the pop-up menu "Create a new Apple ID".

You are logged in to begin the registration process. Next, fill out the required fields of the registration form. Some tips for filling it out.

All fields must be filled out. If you are satisfied with the automatically supplied information, click the “Next” button, after which the next form screen will open. It is not necessary to read all 49 pages of the “Terms of Service”; you can immediately click the “Agree” button. If you don’t click it, the registration will still not proceed any further - there are no options. Your agreement to the terms of service will need to be confirmed again in the pop-up window; to do this, click “Agree” again.

Email- indicate your email address available to you;

Password- set a password consisting of Latin letters (at least one capital letter) and numbers, at least 8 characters long. It is prohibited to use spaces or more than 2 identical characters in a row.

Verify- enter the password again (password confirmation).

Question- you need to enter a question, for example, the question: “What is the name?” (What is the name?)

Answer- enter the answer to this question that you will definitely remember. This question and answer will help you recover your password if you suddenly forget it.

Switch "Subscribe" By default, it is set to on, which means you agree to receive mailings from Apple with news and offers to buy some programs. Leaving “Subscribe” enabled or disabling it is your personal choice; it does not affect the further registration procedure.

If you entered everything correctly, the system will skip you to the next registration step; if not, it will highlight your objections in red above the incorrectly filled in fields. Correct the errors and click “Next” again. Don’t be upset if the system gets to the bottom of something the second time around - correct the information in the fields marked in red and win!

The next step concerns payment information. You are required to enter your bank card information, from which the App Store will subsequently debit payment for the programs and media content you purchase. You will have to enter your bank card information to register an Apple ID, even if you are basically going to use only free programs. Apple is deservedly proud of the fact that among its registered users there is a very high percentage of solvent people - information about the means of payment () when registering an Apple ID gives reason to believe so.

Any bank card is suitable for registration - credit or debit, with a CVV verification code (three separate digits on the back of the card in the case of VISA and Mastercard, or four digits on the front of the card in the case of American Express).

For ideological supporters of cash and opponents of transmitting your card data via the Internet, we can recommend using Russian Standard Bank gift cards for the purpose of registering an Apple ID and subsequent payment for purchases in the App Store - nameless cards, of a fixed denomination - 1000, 3000, 5000, 10000, 15000 rubles , have all the necessary details, including a CVV code, to pay for purchases in the App Store.

The card can be purchased at Russian Standard Bank branches.

After you successfully fill out all the fields of the registration form, your application for registering an Apple ID will be sent to the Apple server, which will automatically send you a letter with a link to the activation page for your Apple ID to the email address specified during registration. All that is required of you next is to receive the letter and follow the link indicated in it. From the moment you click on the link from the activation letter, your new Apple ID will become active and an amount equivalent to 1 US dollar will be debited from your card (a test transaction confirming the functionality of the card), after some time the money will be returned back.

I hope you wrote down or remembered the password, as you will need it later. It's hard to forget your login because it's your email address.

Congratulations! Now you are a registered user of the App Store and can download paid and free programs from the application store.

More about registering and using Apple ID for iPhone, iPad and Mac users.

If you are a user of at least one Apple product, then in any case you are required to have a registered Apple ID account, which is your personal account and a repository for all your purchases. How this account is created in various ways will be discussed in the article.

Apple ID is a single account that allows you to store information about your existing devices, purchase and access media content, work with services such as iCloud, iMessage, FaceTime, etc. In a word, no account means no ability to use Apple products.

You can register an Apple ID account in three ways: using an Apple device (phone, tablet or player), through the iTunes program and, of course, through the website.

Method 1: Create an Apple ID through the website

So, you want to create an Apple ID through your browser.

Method 2: Create an Apple ID through iTunes

Any user who interacts with Apple products knows about, which is an effective means for interacting your gadgets with a computer. But besides this, it is also an excellent media player.

Naturally, an account can be created using this program. Previously, our website has already covered in detail the issue of registering an account through this program, so we will not dwell on it.

Method 3: Registration via Apple device

If you own an iPhone, iPad or, then you can easily register an Apple ID directly from your device.

How to register an Apple ID without linking a bank card

The user does not always want or can indicate his credit card during registration, however, if, for example, you decide to register from your device, then the screenshot above shows that it is impossible to refuse to indicate the payment method. Fortunately, there are secrets that will still allow you to create an account without a credit card.

Method 1: registration through the website

Method 2: Register via iTunes

Registration can easily be done through the iTunes program installed on your computer, and, if necessary, you can avoid linking a bank card.

This process has also already been discussed in detail on our website in the same article on registration through iTunes (look at the second part of the article).

Method 3: Register via Apple device

For example, you have an iPhone and you want to register an account without specifying a payment method from it.

How to register an account in another country

Sometimes users may encounter the fact that some applications are more expensive in their native store than in the Store of another country, or are not available at all. It is in such situations that you may need to register an Apple ID of another country.

  • Street- Street;
  • City- city;
  • State- state;
  • ZIP Code– index;
  • Area Code- city code;
  • Phone– telephone number (the last 7 digits must be entered).

For example, we opened Google maps through a browser and made a request for hotels in New York. We open any hotel we like and see its address.

So, in our case, the filled address will look like this:

  • Street – 27 Barclay St;
  • City – New York;
  • State - NY;
  • ZIP Code – 10007;
  • Area Code – 646;
  • Phone – 8801999.

  • After filling in all the data, click on the button in the lower right corner "Create Apple ID".
  • The system will notify you that a confirmation email has been sent to the specified email address.

  • The email will contain a button "Verify now", clicking on which will complete the creation of an American account. This completes the registration process.

  • This is all I would like to tell you about the nuances of creating a new Apple ID account.

    Your Apple ID is the account you use to access Apple services, such as the App Store, Apple Music, iCloud, iMessage, FaceTime, and more. Plus, you can sign in to all your Apple services with one Apple ID and password.

    Already have an Apple ID?

    All you need is one Apple ID to access all Apple services. Before creating a new Apple ID, consider whether it's best to continue using your existing one. Keep in mind that you won't be able to transfer data and purchases from your old Apple ID to your new one.

    If you're not sure whether an Apple ID was created, . If your email address has changed, you can continue to use it.

    Sign in with your Apple ID

    Manage your Apple ID

    Because your Apple ID is used across all your devices and services, it's important to keep your account information up to date. To do this, sign in to your Apple ID account page at any time to manage your account:

    • to ensure it is an address you frequently use;

    Hello everyone! We have already become acquainted with the identifier in the apple company system (). At the end of the article, we came to the conclusion that we need to register an Apple ID to create our own unique account. And if it’s necessary, we’ll do it! Moreover, if you follow these instructions exactly, it will not take much time, and the effort will be minimal.

    By the way, the article will discuss registering an Apple ID without a card (credit card). Why without it? There are several reasons:

    1. The simplest one - not everyone has it.
    2. Many people are afraid to enter their card details (although it is completely safe).
    3. Some people only need free apps on the App Store.

    If all these three points are not relevant to you, then at a certain stage (at which stage? all the details are below in the text), you will need to enter the “plastic” data.

    In general, you can register an Apple ID absolutely at any time, both when you first turn on the device and after it. The scheme is almost the same everywhere. Here we will consider the second option, namely creating an account on an iPhone or iPad that we have already used for some time.

    That is, we need:

    • Activated iPhone, iPod, iPad - the instructions here are universal, regardless of the gadget.
    • Wi-Fi connection or inserted SIM card (nothing will work without the Internet).

    All is ready? Begin!

    Take your device, unlock it and find the App Store icon in the menu, click.

    Select any free game or application and install it. Attention! A free application is required.

    Then we need a menu item to create an Apple ID.

    A window to create a new account will appear. We see the choice of country or region, leaving Russia.

    “Terms and conditions...” - we simply accept. It’s hard for me to imagine a person who will read this - it’s 60 pages after all :) Although perhaps I don’t have a rich enough imagination :)

    A data entry window opens.

    A few important clarifications:

    • Be sure to enter a real email.
    • The password must be composed of at least 8 characters: numbers, letters of the English alphabet, and at least one capital letter. Write down or remember the password!
    • Age - you must indicate that you are at least 18 years old. If you have not yet reached adulthood, lie blatantly.

    Very important! The specified e-mail and password will be your Apple ID! Save them, write them down on a piece of paper, and never show them to anyone.

    Remember, this data is your account and the only proof that the device belongs to you. To understand the seriousness of the situation, I advise you to read (especially pay attention to the last paragraph). Is everything done? Go ahead...

    Payment information - select no (if you do not intend to use a credit card). Or (if you want to use the App Store to its full potential), we indicate the payment system, then enter all the necessary information. The item “iTunes gift cards...” is optional. Fill in the rest of the information.

    A letter was sent to the mailbox indicated above - open it, and of course follow the link to complete the process.

    Congratulations, Apple ID registration (and completely free) is completed! And now you can use the App Store by installing freely distributed (or paid for) applications and games. In my opinion, the instructions turned out to be quite detailed, but if you are tormented and haunted by various questions, I’m waiting for them in the comments. I will help, as they say, in any way I can :)

    Updated! An article has appeared that summarizes all the errors that may interfere with the creation of an Apple ID. Therefore, if something doesn’t work out, .

    If you are the proud owner of Apple technology, then it is definitely worth getting acquainted with the Apple ID. Almost every self-respecting company in the IT field has a number of services, to work with which you need to create a separate, branded account. Apple cannot do without a similar one, whose services are completely tied to an online account.

    Apple ID - what is it?

    Simply put, an Apple ID is a single account that gives you access to Apple's online services, software and communications technologies, unlocking the full potential of California electronics. Before you register an account, you should familiarize yourself with its capabilities. With your Apple ID you will have access to:

    • iCloud is a cloud storage where you can store documents, photos and other materials. This service is also used to synchronize data between applications.
    • iMessage and FaceTime are technologies that provide text communication (the ability to exchange messages, images, music and files) and video communication (video chats in the style of Skype).
    • iTunes Store is a huge collection of media content, movies, music and applications for your devices.
    • Apple Music is an iTunes music library paid for in the form of a subscription (monthly payment). Money will be debited from your credit card or mobile phone balance every 30 days.
    • Find my iPhone is a service for finding and locking a lost or stolen device.
    • iCloud Keychain is a mechanism for saving and synchronizing your passwords and credit cards.

    Users often wonder how to register an Apple ID without and with a credit card. Both options can be implemented both on a mobile device (iPhone or iPad) and on a computer using iTunes.

    How to register an Apple ID on an iPhone?

    In the Settings menu, select Account or iCloud and click Sign In. You will be asked to enter the details of an existing account or create a new one. As soon as you select the desired item, you will be taken to a welcome web page. The user will then be asked to review the account terms and conditions. The next page is registration, where you should enter the following data:

    • E-Mail - you must enter the email address that will be required to confirm registration.
    • Password - required to log in and protect your account.
    • Security is another point to prevent the theft of your data. You are asked to select three questions and enter the answers to them (make sure that only you and people you trust know the answers, since answering them can give you access to your Apple ID account).
    • Backup E-Mail is an optional item that can be used to restore an account when the main mailbox is unavailable.
    • Date of birth is a rather important point, since only users over 13 years of age can complete the registration process. There are also content restrictions if you are under 18 years of age.
    • Registering an Apple ID also requires entering payment information. You can enter your credit card number and CVV or mobile phone account to pay for purchases in iTunes and the AppStore.

    The final point is to check the specified email to confirm registration.

    That's it, now you are a full-fledged Apple ID user.

    How to register an Apple ID without a credit card?

    If you don't want to leave your payment information in iCloud and sync it online, you can create an account without entering payment information. But it is worth considering a number of points before registering an Apple ID. Without a credit card, you won't be able to buy content on iTunes, download paid games and apps, or use Apple Music. You will still have access to iCloud, iMessage and other free services. To create such an account, skip the registration step, go to the AppStore, find any free item and try to download it. Next, you will be asked to enter all the same data, except for the appearance of a new item. On the screen for entering payment information, the “Missing” option will appear - select it and complete registration.

    Now you can use your account absolutely free.

    iTunes Gift Cards

    If you do decide to purchase something, you can use an iTunes gift card, which can be purchased at retailers that sell Apple equipment.

    To activate this card, you need to open the AppStore or iTunes Store, scroll to the bottom of the store page and click the Reedem button and enter the code from the card (in Russia it is indicated on the receipt).

    How to delete an Apple ID account?

    If at any point in time you decide to get rid of your account or no longer plan to use Apple devices, then you have two options.

    Editing mail and payment information - you simply edit (replace) your data with non-existent or unnecessary ones and forget about the existence of your account.

    Contacting support is the easiest way: just call the toll-free support number and ask them to delete your account. Prepare in advance the answers to the security questions that were entered during registration in order to complete the procedure as quickly as possible.

    Good time! As I have repeatedly noted, every user of devices from the Cupertino company must have an Apple ID account. What is there to do - I simply have to! However, sometimes various errors occur during registration that prevent the creation of this identifier. What to do? Don’t register anything and use the device “as is,” thereby depriving yourself of the pleasure of using the gadget to its fullest?

    The correct answer is no, no and no again. Problems must be dealt with, and today’s article is dedicated to why an Apple ID may not be created and, most importantly, what to do in this case. Are you ready?

    Let's go, well! :)

    The most common mistakes when creating an Apple ID

    In fact, there are not many of them, because the process of registering an ID is quite simple, but the most common are these:

    As you can see, almost all errors are associated with ordinary inattention. Although there is one more and it is worth talking about in more detail.

    This iPhone has a free account limit enabled.

    A wonderful message that can be encountered already at the stage of account activation. That is, the creation is successful, but upon entry it still fails. Most often, a similar inscription can be seen if someone used the device before you ().

    Why is this even happening? Because the Apple company has set a limit on the number of accounts that can be activated from one iOS device. Why she did this is unclear, but the fact remains that more than three are impossible.

    But there is a way out and here’s what needs to be done:

    1. If you use a computer with a Mac operating system, you can fix this in the iCloud settings on the PC itself. Enter your account details - it is successfully activated, now you can use it on your iPhone or iPad.
    2. Look for another iOS device. When you find it, log out of your account (settings - iTunes Store, App Store - log out). Enter your data, the Apple ID is activated and you can use it on the gadget where you previously “reached the limit on the number of free accounts.”

    Perhaps these are the main points that may interfere with the creation of an Apple ID. And as a rule, if you take them into account, then everything will go “without a hitch” and will be registered without failures. However, if even after reading you still can’t do this, then write in the comments and we’ll figure it out!

    If you have just started using Apple products, bought yourself an iPhone, an iPad tablet, an iPod or a computer running Mac OS, then sooner or later the question arises - Where to get an Apple ID? Mostly, this question arises among novice users who do not know, or who are using another Apple device.

    In fact, an Apple ID account provides other opportunities, in addition to purchasing and downloading applications, music and videos; the Apple ID is used when contacting the company’s support service, ordering from an on-line store, when using iCloud and iChat services.

    Regular readers website already know where to get an Apple ID. In previous articles, we have already looked at how to register an Apple ID without a credit card. We performed the registration procedure in two different ways:

    • (without a computer, on iPhone/iPad)
    • (using a computer)

    You can create your own Apple ID for free. If you are asked to send an SMS or pay money to register an account, do not sign in, it is a scam. Today we will get acquainted with the third method of registering an Apple ID account, which is performed using any web browser.

    I warn you right away that this method has its drawbacks. After the Apple ID registration procedure, as soon as you want to use the created account, the system will display the following message:

    “This Apple ID name has not yet been used in the iTunes Store. Review your account information."

    Then you need to enter your payment card number. Therefore, if you have not yet acquired a payment card or do not yet want to link it to your Apple ID, then register an account without linking it to a credit card using the links above, otherwise you will not be able to download free applications from the AppStore.

    We will register an Apple ID using a computer, but in general you can open the Safari browser on the iPad or iPhone itself (of course), and with the same success go through the account creation procedure.

    1. Launch Safari, Opera, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer or Firefox and enter in the address bar: Appleid.apple.com/ru/, or simply follow the link

    2. A page will open entitled “ My Apple ID“If the page is in English, then in the lower right corner there is a round icon with a flag, by clicking which you can select your country or region. If you are registering a Russian account, select Russia; if you need an American account, select USA.

    3. Press the blue button – Create an Apple ID to start the registration procedure

    4. Creating an Apple ID begins by entering your email address, which will later be used as an Apple ID. Below we enter the password and confirm it again, enter the password in English, and follow the recommendations that we are talking about. Although the procedure for creating an Apple ID in the browser is made very convenient, so this time there should be no problems with the password. As soon as all the items in the tooltip turn green, the password has been entered correctly and meets the security requirements. Having figured out the password, select a security question and answer

    5. Next, fill in your first and last name; it is not necessary to enter your middle name.

    6. The country should already be set, all you have to do is enter your address, city and language

    7. After filling in all the data, you must enter the symbols (anti-spam), check the box and press the button – Create an Apple ID
    8. Upon completion, the registration system will ask you to check your mail and confirm your email address, to do this, log into your email, open the letter from Apple and click - Confirm now >

    9. In the page that opens, enter your Email, which is now your Apple ID, enter the password that we filled out in step No. 4 and press the button - Confirm address. After which your email address will be confirmed and linked to your Apple ID.

    That’s it, now you know another way, where to get a new Apple ID, or rather, how to create it. You can get a free Apple ID in other ways, links to which are provided at the beginning of the material. Using the ID, you can install applications and games on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, but you must first.


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