Presentation on the topic "John von Neumann". Presentation on the topic "von Neumann architecture" John von Neumann download presentation

In 1946, D. von Neumann, G. Goldstein and A. Berks
their joint article outlined new
principles of construction and operation of computers.
Subsequently, based on these principles
were produced
computers. In later generations
there have been some changes, although the principles
Neumann are still relevant today.

1. Use of the binary number system in computers.

Advantage over the decimal number system
is that devices can be made
quite simple, arithmetic and logical
operations in the binary number system also
are performed quite simply.

2. Computer software control

The operation of the computer is controlled by a program consisting of
set of commands. Commands are executed sequentially
one after another. By creating a machine with stored memory
program laid the foundation for what we are today
we call it programming.

3. Computer memory is used not only to store data, but also programs.

In this case, both program commands and data are encoded
in the binary number system, i.e. their way of writing
is the same. Therefore, in certain situations over
commands can perform the same actions as with

4. Computer memory cells have addresses that are numbered sequentially

You can access any cell at any time
memory at its address. This principle opened
ability to use variables in

5. Possibility of conditional transition during program execution.

Even though the commands are being executed
sequentially, in programs can be implemented
the ability to jump to any part of the code.

Von Neumann architecture


Generations of computers - the history of the development of computing technology


Zero generation. Mechanical computers

Blaise Pascal's calculating machine
1642 this car could
perform only operations
addition and subtraction.

First generation. Vacuum tube computers (194x-1955)

Performance: several tens of thousands
operations per second.
Since the lamps are of significant size and
There are thousands of them, then the machines were enormous in size.
Since there are many lamps and they have the property
burn out, then the computer was often idle due to
Finding and replacing a faulty lamp.
The lamps produce a large amount of heat,
therefore, computing machines require
special powerful cooling systems.

Second generation. Transistor computers (1955-1965)

TRANSISTORS (1955-1965)
Performance: hundreds of thousands of operations per
give me a sec
The first computer on
transistors TX became the prototype for
computers of the PDP branch from DEC,
which can be considered
the founders of computer
industry, because a phenomenon has appeared
mass sale of cars. DEC releases
the first minicomputer (about the size of
closet). Appearance recorded

Third generation. Integrated circuit computers (1965-1980)

Performance: millions of operations per second.
The integrated circuit is
electronic circuit etched onto silicon
crystal. This diagram fits thousands
There is a problem with the compatibility of released
models (software for them).
For the first time, great emphasis on compatibility
given by IBM.

Fourth generation. Computers on large-scale (and ultra-large-scale) integrated circuits (1980-...)

SCHEME (1980-…)
Performance: hundreds of millions of operations per second.
It became possible to place more than one
one integrated circuit, but thousands. Performance
computers have increased significantly.
In the late 70s - early 80s it was popular
Apple computer designed by Steve Jobs and
Steve Wozniak. Later it was mass produced
launched a personal computer IBM PC on a processor

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The first computer The first computer was built in 1943-1946 at the Moore School of Electrical Engineers at the University of Pennsylvania and was called ENIAC (after the first letters of the English name - electronic digital integrator and computer). Von Neumann suggested to its developers how to modify ENIAC to simplify its programming. But in the creation of the next machine - EDVAK (electronic automatic computer with discrete variables), von Neumann took a more active part. He developed a detailed logic diagram of the machine, in which the structural units were not physical circuit elements, but idealized computational elements. The use of idealized computational elements was an important step forward, as it made it possible to separate the creation of a fundamental logical circuit from its technical implementation. Von Neumann also proposed a number of engineering solutions. Von Neumann proposed using cathode ray tubes (an electrostatic memory system) rather than delay lines as memory elements, which should greatly increase performance. In this case, it was possible to process all bits of the machine word in parallel. This machine was named JONIAC ​​- in honor of von Neumann. With the help of JONIAK, important calculations were carried out when creating the hydrogen bomb.

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Von Neumann proposed a data correction system to increase the reliability of systems - the use of duplicate devices with the selection of a binary result based on the largest number. Von Neumann worked a lot on self-reproduction of automata and was able to prove the possibility of self-reproduction of a finite state machine that had 29 internal states. Of Neumann's 150 papers, only 20 deal with problems in physics, while the rest are equally distributed between pure mathematics and its practical applications, including game theory and computer theory.

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Pioneering work in computer theory

Neumann owns innovative works on computer theory related to the logical organization of computers, problems of the functioning of machine memory, imitation of randomness, and problems of self-reproducing systems. In 1944, Neumann joined Mauchly and Eckert's ENIAC team as a mathematical consultant. Meanwhile, the group began developing a new model, the EDVAC, which, unlike the previous one, could store programs in its internal memory. In 1945, Neumann published a “Preliminary Report on the EDVAC Machine,” which described the machine itself and its logical properties. The computer architecture Neumann described was called "von Neumann", and thus he was credited with the authorship of the entire project. This subsequently resulted in patent litigation and led to Eckert and Mauchly leaving the laboratory and starting their own company. Nevertheless, the “von Neumann architecture” was the basis for all subsequent computer models. In 1952, Neumann developed the first computer to use programs written on a flexible medium, the MANIAC I.

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One of Neumann’s utopian ideas, for the development of which he proposed using computer calculations, was artificial warming of the climate on Earth, for which it was supposed to cover the polar ice with dark paint to reduce their reflection of solar energy. At one time, this proposal was seriously discussed in many countries. Many of von Neumann’s ideas have not yet received proper development, for example, the idea of ​​​​the relationship between the level of complexity and the system’s ability to reproduce itself, the existence of a critical level of complexity, below which the system degenerates, and above which it acquires the ability to reproduce itself . In 1949, the work “On Operator Rings. Theory of Decomposition” was published.

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In 1956, the Atomic Energy Commission awarded Neumann the Enrico Fermi Prize for outstanding contributions to computer theory and practice. John von Neumann was awarded the highest academic honors. He was elected a member of the Academy of Exact Sciences (Lima, Peru), the Accademia dei Lincei (Rome, Italy), the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, the Lombard Institute of Sciences and Letters, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and Arts, the National Academy of the United States, and an honorary doctorate many universities in the USA and other countries.

"John von Neumann" - John von Neumann came up with a scheme for building a computer. The cycle runs unchanged. CPU commands. Von Neumann architecture. John von Neumann. Hungarian-American mathematician. The forefather of modern computer architecture. Stages of the cycle execution. CPU. Transition speed.

“Stages of computer development” - Computer science in person. Electronic computing stage. Stage. Colossus machine. Howard Aiken. Route. Period. He's faster than a human. Electronic computing stage. Years of use. The first electronic computer. A computer was created. Fascist regime. Progress of sciences and machines. Mechanical period. Computer technology and people.

"The first mechanical machines" - In 1948, the Curta appeared, a small mechanical calculator that could be held in one hand. In 1977, the first mass-produced personal computer, the Apple II, appeared, which was a harbinger of the boom in general computerization of the population. In the 1950s and 1960s, several brands of similar devices appeared on the Western market.

“First Computers” - The first prototype of an electronic tube computer, J. Athlon XP (Pentium 4) 2003. Salamis board. IBM computers. O. Salamis in the Aegean Sea (300 BC). Magic mouse (apple company). ILLIAC-IV (USA) 20 million op/c multiprocessor system 1976. Intel 4004 4-bit data 2250 transistors 60 thousand.

"Counting Machines" - The brainchild of James. Employees. Cash machine. The origin of the account. All generations of humanity needed counting. Working programmable computer. Working with punched paper tape. Colossus. Serial electronic computers. Pascal. Russian abacus. Whole corn cobs. The history of the origin of calculating machines. For the Chinese, counting was based not on ten, but on five.

“The history of the development of generations of computer technology” - Arab scientist. Key dates. Developments of domestic computer technology. Rods. Sergei Alexandrovich Lebedev. Indian scientists. American entrepreneur. Gil Amdahl. Bulgarian. Shares. The first representatives of computers of the third generation. High-speed computer. Generations of computers. Automatic computing device.

John von Neumann(1903 - 1957) - Hungarian-American mathematician of Jewish origin who made important contributions to quantum physics, quantum logic, functional analysis, set theory, computer science, economics and other branches of science.

Computer architecture- this is the internal structure of the machine, its logical organization, which determines the processing process and data encoding methods, composition, purpose, principles of interaction of hardware and software.


In 1945, John von Neumann created computer architecture.

A von Neumann machine consists of a storage device (memory) - a memory, an arithmetic-logical unit - ALU, a control device - CU, as well as input and output devices.

Input device

Output device

In 1946, D. von Neumann, G. Goldstein and A. Berks, in their joint article, outlined new principles for the construction and operation of computers. Subsequently, the first two generations of computers were produced on the basis of these principles. There have been some changes in later generations, although Neumann's principles are still relevant today.

Herman Goldstein

Arthur Burks

John von Neumann

The binary number system uses only two digits, 0 and 1. In other words, two is the base of the binary number system.

The advantage over the decimal number system is that devices can be made quite simple, and arithmetic and logical operations in the binary number system are also performed quite simply.

Number systems





The operation of the computer is controlled by a program consisting of a set of commands. Commands are executed sequentially one after another. The creation of a machine with a stored program was the beginning of what we call programming today.

In this case, both program commands and data are encoded in the binary number system, i.e. their recording method is the same. Therefore, in certain situations, you can perform the same actions on commands as on data.

At any time, you can access any memory cell by its address. This principle opened up the possibility of using variables in programming.

Despite the fact that commands are executed sequentially, programs can implement the ability to jump to any section of code.

Achievements of John von Neumann.

John von Neumann was awarded the highest academic honors. He was elected a member of the Academy of Exact Sciences (Lima, Peru), the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, the Lombard Institute of Sciences and Letters, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and Arts, the US National Academy, and honorary doctorates from many universities in the USA and other countries.

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Von Neumann architecture is a well-known principle of storing programs and data together in computer memory. When people talk about von Neumann architecture, they mean the physical separation of the processor module from the program and data storage devices. The construction of the vast majority of computers is based on the following general principles, formulated in 1945 by the American scientist John von Neumann. 1. The principle of program control. It follows from it that the program consists of a set of commands that are executed by the processor automatically one after another in a certain sequence. * A program is retrieved from memory using a program counter. This processor register sequentially increases the address of the next instruction stored in it by the instruction length. 2. The principle of memory homogeneity. Programs and data are stored in the same memory. Therefore, the computer does not distinguish between what is stored in a given memory cell - a number, text or command. You can perform the same actions on commands as on data. This opens up a whole range of possibilities. ** Commands from one program can be obtained as results from the execution of another program. Translation methods are based on this principle - translating program text from a high-level programming language into the language of a specific machine. 3. The principle of targeting. Structurally, main memory consists of renumbered cells; Any cell is available to the processor at any time. This implies the ability to name memory areas so that the values ​​stored in them can later be accessed or changed during program execution using the assigned names. Computers built on these principles are of the von Neumann type.

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Processor Memory The execution of commands can be traced according to the following scheme: INPUT OUTPUT PROGRAM DATA COMMAND COUNTER COMMAND REGISTER CU OPERAND REGISTERS SUMMER ALU A von Neumann machine consists of a storage device (memory) - memory, an arithmetic-logical device - ALU, a control device - CU, as well as devices input and output. Programs and data are entered into memory from the input device through an arithmetic logic unit. All program commands are written to adjacent memory cells, and data for processing can be contained in arbitrary cells. For any program, the last command must be the shutdown command. The next instruction is selected from the memory cell, the address of which is stored in the program counter; the contents of the program counter are increased by the length of the command. The selected command is transferred to the control device to the command register. Next, the control unit decrypts the address field of the command. Based on signals from the control unit, the operands are read from memory and written to the ALU in special operand registers. The arithmetic logic unit performs the operations specified by the instructions on the specified data. From the arithmetic logic unit, the results are output to memory or an output device. The difference between a memory and an output device is that in a memory, data is stored in a form convenient for processing by a computer, and it is sent to output devices in a way that is convenient for a person. As a result of the execution of any command, the program counter changes by one and, therefore, points to the next command of the program. all previous steps are repeated until the “stop” command is reached. But data can also remain in the processor if the result address was not specified.