Prefetch form does not allow me to complete the work. Prefetch directory: what is this folder and why is it needed?

Subject Windows optimization seems to most users to be very important and, probably, that is why so many myths are associated with it. One of these myths claims that you can increase disk space, as well as speed up the system and applications, by performing certain manipulations with the folder Prefetch. Let's figure out whether this is really so and why the folder is needed at all Prefetch.

IN Windows directory Prefetch plays the same role as cache in browsers. To help your system or applications start faster, Windows automatically saves some of their code in special trace files. When a user launches, for example, a resource-intensive application, the system first accesses the contents of the folder Prefetch, reads the saved and "Part" programs into memory, causing the latter to start faster.

IN Windows folder Prefetch closely related to the work of the service SuperFetch and component ReadyBoost, so any actions with it can affect their work, and not for the better. Yes, disabling the service SuperFetch may lead to a decrease in system performance on most PCs, with the exception of either older machines with RAM of 1 GB or less, or, on the contrary, very powerful ones - with RAM more than 16 GB. Also SuperFetch can be disabled if as system disk used SSD .

What does deleting content do? Prefetch folders for optimization? Nothing, it will only get worse. Firstly, the time required to load the system and some programs will increase, and secondly, files PF will be created anew, for which the system will again have to allocate part of the memory resources. In addition, deleting a directory Prefetch will not add any disk space, since this folder usually weighs little, and the number of files in it is always limited 128th.

If you already want to manage content Prefetch, this needs to be done correctly, namely through the registry.

Open with command regedit Registry Editor and expand this branch:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters

IN right column editor window, find the parameter and see its current value.

Most likely it will be 3 . It is this value that includes acceleration of application and system launch. If you want to disable them completely, change the value to 0 . To speed up only applications, install 1 , to speed up loading of the system only, install 2 . For the changes to take effect, restart your computer.

A slightly less common myth is that programs can be speeded up by adding the key to their shortcut /prefetch:1. This action supposedly adds the selected program to the folder Prefetch. In reality, adding a key /prefetch:1 to a reference to an object does not affect the operation of the application in any way; the service decides whether to create or not create trace files Prefetcher , which knows better which applications need launch optimization and which do not.


IN Temp folder Temporary files are stored. You can safely delete it from there. In the Prefetch folder - I don’t remember exactly what is stored there, but you can also delete files from there, there will be no problems.

The Prefetch folder contains programs that are loaded when starting Windows, with the aim of quick launch these same programs. It is not only possible to delete, but also necessary, otherwise too many of them accumulate and this slows down the startup and operation of Windows itself. Look at what you really use often, and put the rest in the trash!

Regarding Prefetch, here's what I found. The prefetch folder (.pf extension) contains information. about frequently opened programs. and services for faster subsequent loading. You can remove everything from it, the system will boot faster, and the programs (for the first time) will load slower. Then the files are created again. You can clean it, you even need it sometimes.

The prefetch folder also contains information about downloaded viruses. Therefore, when manual cleaning not surprising reinfection. Therefore, it is necessary to clean it, or even better, set the mode not to write anything to the folder.

I no longer have such a folder. I made a function \"don\"t prefetch\". Use special programs to remove \"garbage\" from \"temp\"s\" and prefetch. For example Ace Utilites or WinXP Manager.

Windows XP creates the %systemroot%\\prefetch folder by default. It is used to speed up the launch of recently used programs, which greatly slows down the system boot. If system boot speed is more important, follow the steps below. To disable this feature: HKEY_LOCAL_MASHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Memory Management\\PrefetchParameters set the EnablePrefetcher parameter to 0.

In progress learning Windows 7, 8, 10, or troubleshooting problems that have arisen, you will be faced with the need to become familiar with the components and purpose of the OS folders. In this material we will examine the following questions: Prefetch - what is this folder, can it be deleted, and where is it located.

Prefetch folder location and functions

Every time you turn on your computer, Windows tracks how your PC starts and what programs you open frequently. Windows stores this information as small files in the Prefetch folder. At next switch on The computer's OS references these files to speed up the startup process.

The Prefetch folder is located in the OS directory, the full location looks like this:

C:\Windows\Prefetch. In your specific case, the volume label may be different.

By going to the folder, you will see the ReadyBoot directory and files mainly with the pf extension. For example, OS loading is traced to a file called All other elements are traces of the launch of programs and service components. The files have a name in the name executable file, its hexadecimal hash path and extension, for example

The job of generating trace files is performed by the Prefetcher component, but without a functioning task scheduler, Prefetcher will not work correctly. Data received from Prefetcher is processed by the task scheduler and then written to the Prefetch folder.

It is also worth paying attention to the Layout.ini file. It is created every 3 days and stores data (a list of files and folders) that is used when starting the system and programs. Data from Layout.ini is used by the disk defragmentation utility to rationally arrange files on the hard drive.

Myths about deleting the contents of the Prefetch folder

It is often claimed that deleting the Prefetch folder results in faster loading times and more free memory. Some experts believe that Windows loads information from the Prefetch folder for all programs that have ever been run on the PC into , thereby filling it with unused data (this is false). These experts recommend deleting the contents of the Prefetch folder on a regular basis to save memory from unused data.

The Prefetch folder is self-maintaining; there is no need to delete or clear its contents. Windows supports certain number entries in Prefetch and automatically clears unnecessary data, preventing the folder from increasing in size. If you empty the contents of the folder manually, then Windows and programs will take longer to start the next time you turn on the computer. Deleted data will be recreated, resulting in long loading times. Deleting the Prefetch folder or its contents from the point of view of freeing up memory on the hard drive is pointless, since it weighs little. In our case it is about 40 MB.

Managing SuperFetch and Prefetch Components

By Windows default 7, 8, 10 automatically disables SuperFetch and Prefetch when it detects a system boot from an SSD. For SSD data technologies are of no value and completely slow down the launch processes with unnecessary operations. If the OS has not automatically disabled these components for the SSD, then read the instructions below.

SuperFetch is a service that predicts what applications you'll run next and preloads that data into memory. Windows allows the user to change settings or disable SuperFetch and Prefetch through the registry and OS services. If you are using a traditional HDD, then it is not recommended to disable these functions.

Important! To avoid mistakes, do backup copy registry or system restore point.

8.10. In the registry, go to the PrefetchParameters section (path at the bottom of the screenshot). Pay attention to the 2 parameters EnablePrefetcher, EnableSuperfetch.

Values ​​for EnablePrefetcher:

  • 0 – shutdown;
  • 1 - Enable to launch applications;
  • 2 - Power on to start the system;
  • 3 - Power on to launch applications and the system.

The default value is 3, change it to 0 or 1, 2. After changes, click OK.

Values ​​for EnableSuperfetch:

  • 0 – shutdown;
  • 1 - Enable for boot files;
  • 2 - Enable for applications;
  • 3 - Enable for boot files and applications.

Now you know what the Prefetch folder is, whether it can be deleted and which OS components manage it. It is better not to touch the contents of the folder, it maintains itself, there is no need for user participation. On HDD is better do not disable the SuperFetch and Prefetch functions, this will slow down the system as a whole.

It’s difficult to follow developments without being an expert operating system Windows. But there are basic concepts that every user must understand. Knowing which folders are responsible for what in Windows will make it easier to navigate the system. An example of files unknown to us is the contents of C:/Windows/Prefetch.

Purpose of the folder

Let's answer the question: why do we need the Prefetch folder? When Windows starts, it analyzes programs that we often use (we open them ourselves or using startup). The system then creates information about these programs, which it stores in special temporary files in the Prefetch folder. Subsequently turning on Windows these files speed up loading of the OS.

The OS component is responsible for performing this work. If you remove them, no changes will occur. The next time you start it, Windows will again collect current data about programs and place it in the Prefetch folder. However, loading the OS may take a little longer than usual.

Prefetch was first used in Windows XP. With the advent Windows Vista the folder was supplemented with SuperFetch technologies (responsible for analyzing frequently launched applications) and ReadyBoost (responsible for increasing performance). You can find it in this path: C:/Windows/Prefetch.

Managing the Prefetcher Service

You can control the operation of the Prefetcher service in the registry editor:

This parameter operates with values ​​from 0 to 3, which mean:

  • 0x00000000 - disabling the component;
  • 0x00000001 - acceleration of application loading;
  • 0x00000002 - Windows startup acceleration;
  • 0x00000003 - acceleration of OS and application loading.

The default value is 3. To disable the service, enter the value 0 and restart the PC.

Important! The developers made sure that the Prefetch folder did not accumulate files (and gigabytes of disk space), creating a limit of 128 trace files.

Answers on questions

Is it possible to delete the Prefetch folder and the data it stores?

No. This doesn't make sense for three reasons:

It is difficult, without being a specialist, to follow the development of the operating room Windows systems. But there are basic concepts that every user must understand. Knowing which folders are responsible for what in Windows will make it easier to navigate the system. An example of files unknown to us is the contents of C:/Windows/Prefetch.

Purpose of the folder

Let's answer the question: why do we need the Prefetch folder? When Windows starts, it analyzes programs that we often use (we open them ourselves or using startup). The system then creates information about these programs, which it stores in special temporary files in the Prefetch folder. The next time you turn on Windows, these files speed up the loading of the OS.

The OS component is responsible for performing this work. If you remove them, no changes will occur. The next time you start it, Windows will again collect current data about programs and place it in the Prefetch folder. However, loading the OS may take a little longer than usual.

Prefetch was first used in Windows XP. WITH the advent of Windows The Vista folder was supplemented with SuperFetch technologies (responsible for analyzing frequently launched applications) and ReadyBoost (responsible for increasing performance). You can find it in this path: C:/Windows/Prefetch.

Managing the Prefetcher Service

You can control the operation of the Prefetcher service in the registry editor:

This parameter operates with values ​​from 0 to 3, which mean:

  • 0x00000000 - disabling the component;
  • 0x00000001 - acceleration of application loading;
  • 0x00000002 - Windows startup acceleration;
  • 0x00000003 - acceleration of OS and application loading.

The default value is 3. To disable the service, enter the value 0 and restart the PC.

Important! The developers made sure that the Prefetch folder did not accumulate files (and gigabytes of disk space), creating a limit of 128 trace files.

Answers on questions

Is it possible to delete the Prefetch folder and the data it stores?

No. This doesn't make sense for three reasons: